finchelfanfics-blog · 10 years
Drabble: We Are Nothing Without You
Prompt: Future!Finchel celebrating Women's Day. A/N: I decided to make this because of all my feels and because I think Women's Day is something that should definetely be celebrated and reminded properly, so I hope you enjoy and happy (belated) Women's Day!
Exhausted doesn't cover how she feels right now - her feet hurt, she has blisters between her toes, her throat is burning up from all the rehearsing and her back is killing her; all she needs now is some rest, a hot cup of tea and the comfort of her bathtub. She knew Chicago would be a demanding production, she just didn't think it would make her want to rip her limbs off from all the muscular pain, and her director wasn't exactly the nicest man alive: "You call that tap dancing, Berry?" Yes, Mr. Louis, she most definetely did.
When she walked in her apartment, she expected to hear the daily sounds that filled her apartment: their cat meowing, Finn complaining at Olivia for leaving her stuff around while Caleb makes fun of his sister for being complained at, resulting in three different voices creating the perfect symphony of a mess. But instead, she is greeted by total peace and quiet, and the lack of sound makes her worry a little more than she should. She even calls for her family and when no one answers, her thoughts immediately go to natural disasters that have only happened at their neighbourhood and made everyone evacuate the building, the children did something bad and are grounded while Finn watches them in their room or simply an alien attack has forced her family into moving to another planet with them in order to become their pets. 
Caleb and Finn are watching the SciFi channel way too much.
Rachel enters the kitchen and frowns as the lights there are off - the lights in the kitchen are never off, what is going on? Just as she picks up her phone to start dialing her husband's number, she sees her children jumping from underneath the table and Finn comes out from behind the counter while turning the lights on, all of them shouting surprise in the process and making her drop her phone and shriek.
"AH!" She places a hand on her heart, which is beating incredibly fast, and looks between her family with a raised eyebrow, silently asking what's going on. Caleb, her five year old son, is the first one to speak up, running to her and wrapping his arms around her hip, pressing his cheek to her thigh as he hugs her.
"Happy Ladies Day, momma!" He gives her the sweetest grin he can manage, the lack of both front teeth making her giggle as she pets his unruly curls softly.
"We thought we should all celebrate this day, after all, you've been working so hard both at the theatre and here that we thought you deserved this." Her husband explains, sweeping Olivia, who is almost eight now, in his arms and walking over to her. Ollie kisses her cheek and Finn pecks her lips softly, pulling away with a grin.
She smiles so wide it hurts her cheeks, her family is too sweet. How Finn has managed to work on all of this after teaching six classes that exact day, she'll never know.  "We made you dinner - vegeterian lasagna, your favorite, I even called mom for the recipe, we got you some flowers and I have your favourite DVD on the living room coffee table, just watching to be watched. That, of course, will happen after you take the bubble bath we prepared for you."
She has tears in her eyes and hugs her family tightly, thanking them breathlessly. "You guys are the best family a woman could ever have! What did I do to deserve you?" She kisses both Caleb and Ollie's hair before Finn tells them to go change because it's actually past their bedtime. After the children leave the room, Finn wraps his strong arms around her waist and pulls her to him, kissing her lips once again, only more passionately this time.
"That wasn't all, I was just waiting for the little ones to go to bed - after you finish your bath and we share the lasagna for dinner, I'm going to give you an extra-special treatment in there." He nods towards their bedroom with a smirk on his lips.
She bites her lip and runs her nails on his chest. "Is that right?"
"Mmhm... Let's just say I've got some massage oils, some soft music and candles in there, all waiting for you." He nips at the olive skin on her neck playfully. 
"Finn Hudson, what did I ever do to deserve you?" She sighs in satisfaction as he makes his way up to her lips again and presses one final kiss on her mouth before pulling away and heading towards the children's bedroom to say goodnight. 
"You agreed to be loved by us for the rest of your life, that's what you did."
As she watches his figure disappearing in the kids' bedroom and squeals coming from them, she can't help but to think she was wrong - this is just what she needs.
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finchelfanfics-blog · 10 years
Sorry for replying so late, but I was the anon who prompted the drabble like The Claws Come Out and thank you for writing it. It was amazing in every single way! :)
You think you are replying late? Look at me replying to this message!
But thank you so much, I'm so happy you enjoyed it! I hope it looked up to your expectations.
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finchelfanfics-blog · 10 years
I agree with the rest of your anons! I'm just so happy to see your back and to enjoy your drabbles! Cannot wait for more! Thank you dear :)
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You guys never fail on getting a smile on my face, thank you!
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finchelfanfics-blog · 10 years
Yes, I am! I’m so happy you guys are excited about my return, makes me feel all giggly. I read these messages and be like:
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finchelfanfics-blog · 10 years
You totally still have readers here ;o)
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finchelfanfics-blog · 10 years
Hi.... I'm looking for a fic I read once where Finn and Rachel are successful in New York. Rachel finds out that Shelby is the new music director at her teenage kids private school forcing her to finally confront Shelby. I've been looking for it but I don't remember what it was called. Would you happen to know where what in talking about??.. Thank you :)
I am afraid the author’s account has been deactivated from FFnet (click here to see it) but I am aware of the fanfic you’re talking about. If anyone knows another website on which the fic has been uploaded, please tell me!
* UPDATE * aquiet-mess says: The fic you're looking for is here.
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finchelfanfics-blog · 10 years
I'll Keep You My Dirty Little Secret
make-a-memory-drink-it-up prompted: A fanfic where Rachel is Puck's little sister and Finn is his best friend. Finn and Rachel start going out it secret and Puck finds out after a while (high school setting), please and thank yous!
A/N: So glad and excited to be back! Also, I took your prompt and made a small fic out of it, hope it's okay! :p
When they first meet, she is eight and he is nine.
Noah Puckerman (who is trying to make everyone call him Puck know, though Finn thinks that is never catching) invites him over afterschool and since his mom knows Noah's mom, she allows him to go. He is a little nervous because he has never been with his friend outside of school, so he doesn't really know what he likes to play with or what he watches, since they mostly talk about football at school.
When he arrives at Noah's house, he grins as he spots some Hot Wheels laying around on his bedroom floor and looks up at his walls, filled with posters from rock bands he really likes and when he tells him that, his friend smiles and they begin talking. He finds out that Puck can actually play the guitar and they even agree on playing together one day (Finn plays the drums), but as soon as they enter a discussion about who's better, Van Halen or Journey, his friend's bedroom door slams loudly and a small girl with long, brown hair and skinny legs enters with a pout on her face.
"Noah!" She shrieks, crossing her arms in front of her chest. "Could you and your friend speak a little more quietly, please? You know this is my rehearsal time."
"It's Puck now." He spits, ignoring the little girl and turning back to Finn, who is watching the scene with curiosity in his eyes.
"If you don't stop being loud I'm telling mommy and then you'll be in trouble!" She sang the last word with an evil smirk crossing her cute features.
"Ugh, Rachel, go away - Finn and I are talking, okay? 'sides, didn't you read the sign on the door? It says no girls allowed. Are you a boy now?"
She frowns. "No!"
"Then you're not s'posed to be in here, stupid. Get out!" The girl slams the door behind her and calls for her mother with a loud shriek, making Puck roll his eyes. "That's my little sis, Rachel. She is really annoying."
Finn shrugs and continues to examine the posters on the wall - that is, until a voice floats through the walls and into Puck's bedroom like the wind.
"There is a castle on a cloud, I like to go there in my sleep, Aren't any floors for me to sweep, Not in my castle on a cloud."
And even though his friend mutters under his breath about his little sister being so annoying with her singing, the tip of Finn's ears turn red as he realizes that her voice is the prettiest he has ever heard like, ever.
Puck's dad leaves on a sunday morning, one week before his son's birthday, but Finn only finds out about it because he hears his mother trying to soothe Sarah, Puck's mom, over the phone with words of comfort while she cries loudly on the other side of the line.
"I know, honey, I know." Carole sighs as she sits by Finn on the couch while he does his homework, though his mind is set on his friend's family and how they must be feeling. "Well, I mean, Noah's old enough to understand - he is fourteen, Sarah. And Rachel... Oh my, how is Rachel doing?" Surprisingly enough, Rachel was closer to their father than Puck was, he used to call her his little princess and would always play the guitar with her and Puck while they "performed" on a family dinner.
Finn told his mom he was going to meet up with Puck and rode his bike to his buddy's house, knocking on the door a few times before he answered. Puck's eyes were a little red but he put on a proud face and didn't let his pain show - Finn didn't think he would. When he asked him if he wanted to go to the park, he nodded, but asked if Rachel could come along.
"She really needs some fresh air, she's been taking it all bad." As if in cue, Rachel appeared behind her brother - her hair was in a messy ponytail and it didn't look shiny and smooth like it alwqays did, her eyes and face were red and puffy and she was wearing jeans - Rachel never wore jeans, she was always in dresses or in colorful skirts. She didn't look up at him as she muttered a soft hello and followed her brother to his bicycle, sitting behind him and wrapping her arms around his torso as he and Finn made their way to the park.
While the three of them sat beneath a tree by the lake, Finn and Puck talked about everything but their parents while Rachel sat quietly, looking at the horizon through the whole time. At some point, Puck got up and announced that he was getting them all hot-dogs before leaving his best friend and his sister alone.
Finn was afraid of saying something wrong to Rachel because who knows what might be going through her head? But as he took upon her expression, he sighed. "Do you want to um... Talk about it?"
She simply shook her head and buried her face in her knees, which were pressed tightly to her chest. Finally, she spoke, so quietly that he almost didn't hear it. "Do you think he left because he doesn't love us anymore?"
When he turned to her, she had a big tear slipping from her eyes. He immediately shook his head. "No, Rach, course not. Maybe he was just - I don't know, just felt like he needed to get away for some time?" He sighed and ran his fingers through his hair, a nervous habit of his. "All I know is that your dad loves you guys a lot - how could he not?"
She mumbled something under her breath but he shook his head again. "No, listen - you are so talented, so smart and like, 'm pretty sure you're the coolest girl I've met, don't tell your brother I said that, though - and there is no way he could not love you, mkay?"
She stays silent for a moment and he thinks, well, this is it, Finn, now you've really screwed her up, but he is surprised to feel her lips touching his in a shy, quick peck. She pulls away and looks just as surprised as he does.
When Puck comes back with their hot-dogs he asked what he missed, and he doesn't see Finn's whole face turning red or how Rachel bites her lip nervously. And he doesn't even think anything of how when they're coming back home, Rachel decides to ride Finn's bike, making her wrap her arms around his torso and allowing him to feel her heart beating against his back.
It's beating really fast.
Things escalate quickly between them from then - she starts messaging him a little more and starts hanging out with him a lot more, and Finn starts noticing how her body has changed and she definetely can fill her favourite sweater now, but her smile is as pretty as it has always been.
On Finn's seventeeth birthday, sophomore year, Puck and Sam (their friend from the football team) throw him a kick-ass birthday party and even manage to sneak in some booze, but as he isn't the greatest drinker in the world and so isn't Rachel, they end up being the only two people who stay sober (or at least partially sober) till the end of the party.
They sneak in her bedroom while everyonee else is passed out downstairs because, according to her, she wants to give him his gift. He sits on the edge of her bed and she sits by his side, looking nervous as she hands him a CD. He looks up at her in confusion as the CD is titled Finn.
"I was watching this 90s movie the other day, and in it, a guy tries to tell a girl he likes her without being too obvious, so he makes her a mixtape with many romantic songs. I know you're not a fan of sappy pop music, so I made you a CD with all your favourite songs sang by me because I know how much you like them and I hope you um, like my voice also." She blushes and tucks a stray of her hair behind her ear.
"I do."
She smiles. "Happy birthday, Finn." Then, she kisses him full on the lips. It's not like the few kisses they shared when they were younger, this one is passionate and woah, that's her tongue and she smells like strawberries and her soft hair feels so good against his fingers and when they pull away to breath, he grins.
"This is almost the best birthday ever - it would be the best if you wanted to be my girlfriend."
She giggles and pecks his lips again, running her fingers through his brown hair. "Well then, this is your best birthday ever, Finn Hudson."
She tells him there's no one home and that she is feeling really lonely, and when she texts him a picture of her underwear (she is wearing the lacy ones, he likes the lacy ones), he manages to drive to her house in a matter of seconds and doesn't even have time to knock on the door before she drags him inside and up to her room, kissing the life out of him as she lies on top of him on her bed.
They've done this before a thousand times - they have been dating for six months now - but it always feels like they have something new and exciting to discover in each other. She has her lips on his neck and her hands in his pants and he is sliding down the zipper in her skirt when a loud slam of the door opening makes them pull apart looking like deers in the headlights.
Puck is standing on her front door and looks redder than a tomato, though his knclues couldn't be whiter. He runs towards Finn, who tries to avoid Puck's fists as it tries to collide on his face multiple times while Rachel yells at her brother to stop, don't hurt him!
"My sister? My sister, you fucking douchebag!" Puck yells as he chases Finn through her bedroom and when Puck trips at one of Rachel's shoes, Finn manages to hold him down and try to talk to him.
"Puck, calm down!" He yells, holding his fists above his head. "Calm down, dude! Let me explain."
"Fine, Hudson, explain me this - why, with all the girls in Lima, Ohio, you had to choose my sister?! That's so against the bro code, you realize th-"
"I love her, okay?!" Finn yells.
Puck is breathing hard and his face is flushed deeply, but when he takes a look at Rachel, his shoulders slump. "It's true, Noah. I love him, too. Lots!" She comes to him and rubs his shoulder. "I'm sorry you had to find out this way, though - we had a whole thing planned, but... We hope you're okay, your opinion means so much to us."
Finn knows his friend is just as sucky for Rachel's pout as he is and when he smiles, he feels relief washing over him.
"Fine, fine. I'm really glad for you, Rach." He then hugs his sister and makes her smile, then moves over to hug Finn as well, but when he does, he whispers in Finn's ears. "You hurt her and remember that I know where you live, Hudson."
Finn gulps but shoots Rachel a nervous smile and squeezes her hand - they should've just locked the damn door after all.
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finchelfanfics-blog · 10 years
Since my mom forgot to pay our internet this month - thanks, mom - I will be writing the drabbles but will not be able to post them in a while, probably a week or so, but know this: I am back.
P.s: I'll reply to your messages as soon as I can, because I have so many!
P.s¹: WHERE DID ALL THESE NEW FOLLOWERS COME FROM, HEY GUYS, HI! Thank you so much for following and welcome to the blog. Feel free to submit/message me any drabbles or just talk, let's be friends. <3
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finchelfanfics-blog · 10 years
So, it's been a while - sorry about that. Ever since July, I haven't been in the fandom much, for obvious reasons - but I am prepared to be back with this blog and my drabbles.
I was wondering if there are still any readers here?
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finchelfanfics-blog · 11 years
Drabble: It's Finn and Rachel's Day of Fun!
Prompt: Finn winning Rachel a stuffed animal at the amusement park, just like they said on Big Brother.
A/N: This drabble is set in S03.
As soon as Finn sets foot on the amusement park, he takes his girl by the hand and drags her towards every ride he can find.
They get to the roller coasters and Rachel screams like there's no tomorrow while he just points down at Burt's shop, telling her he can see it from up there and laughs at his desperate girlfriend's little shrieks of terror.
They also get to the ferris wheel and hold hands the whole time because she is scared of heights (and holds onto him even tighter after she makes their car shake because he makes a comment about her height and she slaps his chest). 
When they share a bumper car, they pretend they are in a little war against Santana and Brittany, who seem to be out for blood - but with Finn's heavy foot and Rachel's speed, no one can beat them, and they end up winning their little war, making Santana leave throwing her hands in the air and cursing in spanish while Brittany comforts her and leads them towards the Tunel of Love.
Rachel tells him she's tired and wants to stop for a while, so he nods, taking her hand and buying them both some cotton candy - she gets the pink one, obviously. 
"Thank you, honey." She says with a big smile. She hasn't called him honey before, but she tells them it's important that couples renovate their petnames to each other as often as they can, so now Rachel's trying love, honey and big bear (needless to say, he isn't a fan of big bear).
"No problem... Hey, I know you said you were tired, but-"
"Finn." She whines, her little shoulders dropping slightly. 
"Just hear me out, 'kay!" He smiles. "Have you ever played those games where we try to throw these little balls at the objects and if we win, they give us these really cool prizes?"
She thinks for a moment and shakes her head. "No, not really - I've always wanted one of those giant teddybears, though." Rachel bites her lower lip and looks at him with her best puppy eyes.
"Well milady, maybe today is the day your dreams will come true. C'mon." He says, tugging on her hand and making her squeal as he hurriedly leads them to a guy that's holding small, heavy balls in his hands, daring people to shoot them in the colorful cans and win a prize.
Finn pays the guy and takes three of the balls in his hands, his eyes spotting the cans he's hoping to drop. He throws the first one and manages to drop two cans at the same time, making Rachel squeal and say go, Finn!
He drops another can and grins proudly, knowing that if he drops two more, he'll be able to get Rachel's teddybear, and before his girlfriend can even cheer for him again, he drops two cans at the same time, bringing them down with a loud noise. Rachel jumps up and down excitedly, clapping her small hands together as the guy boredly reaches for the giant teddy and hands it to Finn, congratulating him.
Finn hands the teddybear for Rachel and she takes it from him, hugging the bear tightly and repeating thank you, Finn, oh, thank you! before leaning in and throwing an arm around his neck, kissing his lips hotly until the guy clears his throat and shoots them a dirty look, making Rachel blush and making Finn laugh.
After she takes his hand, they walk through the park, Rachel spotting a proud smile on her face as everyone's eyes fall on her giant bear. She then looks up at Finn with a raised eyebrow and a naughty grin, saying:
"You know how I said I was completely tired?"
He nods. "Yeah?"
"Well, I think I could go for another ride." She says, nodding towards the Tunel of Love. "Perhaps you'd be interested in joining me?"
She doesn't have to tell him twice, he is already leading her towards the ride. 
Needless to say, Rachel is very thankful for her teddybear, and Finn is a very, very lucky guy.
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finchelfanfics-blog · 11 years
Drabble: She's Up All Night 'Til The Sun
Prompt: Finn meets Rachel at Santana's party. She's by far the hottest girl in the room, and she knows it. She's a huge, huge (HUGE) flirt, and tease.
She's the first thing he lays his eyes on when he walks into the room.
When Santana invited him and his friends to her party, he knew he'd have a good night - his friend's parties were known for having a lot of alcohol, loud music and half-naked chicks running around the place, which was never a bad thing, and even though he had hooked up with quite the few ladies in parties like these, he had never felt this way before - no one had ever gotten his attention so quickly before.
She is small, a petite figure swaying on her heels to the rhythm of the beat, swaying her brown curls side to side, her tanned, smooth legs moving freely as she dances, and though he can't see her face from afar, the small black dress she is spotting really steals the attention from the rest of her - how was she able to fit in such a small, tight dress, he'll never know, yet, he isn't complaining either.
Santana sees him standing on the front door and runs towards him, hugging him tightly - you can tell she's drunk when she starts to get affectionate, since his friend usually hates people in general (and yet, she wants to be a lawyer, he'll never understand her).
"Finnegan!" She yells, having to, really, since the music is so loud. "What a surprise, you usually arrive so much later than the guys." 
"Yeah, well, you know me," He smirks. "Didn't want to leave the ladies hanging."
She laughs, throwing her head back. "You're funny." Okay, she is really drunk. "Let's go dance, Funny Pants!" She proposes before she drags him down to the middle of the room, where he stands out from a sea of dancing, drunk teenagers.
Santana throws her hair all around the place and bends in ways he didn't even think were possible to bend, but he only pumps his fist to the beat and moves left and right on his feet, enjoying the feeling of the music washing through him. 
He feels someone's eyes on him and as he looks to the side, he finds the hot brunette that was caught his eye as soon as he walked in staring at him with hungry, dark eyes, bringing a cup of beer to her lips to hide her naughty smirk, and when she notices he catched her staring, she waves her small fingers at him before throwing her hair over her shoulder and walking away, purposely swaying her hips a little more then normal as she walks away and hides into the crowd of people, leaving his eyesight completely.
He waves Santana off and tells her he's going to get drinks before he follows the way she took and enters the next room of the apartment - it's a small office with a large plasma TV and a Xbox with two guys playing with it and a small group surronding them, cheering them on. He frowns as he doesn't spot her - she couldn't have just disappeared, right?
Suddenly, a small hand touches his shoulder, brushing the air off of it and squeezing his arm as the hand begins to drop off his body. "I'm glad you followed me." He hears a clear, pretty voice say behind him. He turns around and finds her standing there, her pretty eyes trapping him, making him speechless as she twirls a stray of her hair in her fingers.
"I wasn't sure you'd catch the hint." She smirks, trapping her lower lip between her teeth. "Rachel." She says, holding her tiny hand out at him.
He takes her hand in his and shakes it slightly, taking in her beauty. "Finn, Finn Hudson."
"Well Finn Hudson, would you like to dance with me? I can tell you for sure that I'm a pretty decent dancer."
He laughs. "Well, I can assure you that I am a terrible dancer."
She looks at him through her thick lashes, smiling. "Well, maybe I could teach you?" 
He looks at her and feels that weird feeling in his stomach, the one you get before you're about to enter the field when an important game is about to start.
Taking her hand in his, he squeezes it and smiles. "That'd be cool."
Rachel may be just an okay dancer, but man, she is a freakin' awesome kisser.
After they finish dancing, she tells him to go get a beer for her and meet her at the balcony, where she'd be waiting for him. And as soon as he reaches the balcony, she takes the drink from his hand, places it on a bench and pushes him against the ledge, kissing the air out of his lungs.
Her fingers get tangled in his hair, her leg is wrapped between his own and their tongues are tangled as they kiss each other with passion, almost as if they're never going to see each other again (they probably won't, but still).
She pulls away, out of breath and smirks as she examines his face. "Your hair is all over the place."
He laughs as he looks at her as well. "What about you, though? I'm pretty sure I'm wearing way more lipstick than you are."
She giggles and leans in to kiss him again, but before her lips find his, her phone starts ringing loudly and she reaches into her bra to grab it, smirking at the way his eyebrows raise at her cellphone hiding place.
"What, it's safer this way." She answers the phone and apparently, her friend tells her it's time to go and says she'll meet her downstairs, hanging up the phone before she can even protest. She looks at him and pouts, leaning in and pressing her lips to his softly.
"I have to go, Finny." She takes his hand in hers and writes her phone number on his palm, smiling up at him. "Call me, okay?" She asks before she rushes out of the balcony.
Finn looks down at his hand and writes down the phone number before he washes his hand or something, not wanting to risk losing her number.
He calls her the morning after and they end up going out on that Saturday, and as they get to know each other a little better, they find out they have a lot in common and that they really like each other's company and a week later, he asks her to be his girlfriend - she says yes.
And now, whenever Santana does something wrong and they want to be mad at her, she rubs in their faces how she was responsible for them getting together in the first place and that always shuts them up.
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finchelfanfics-blog · 11 years
drabble: and baby makes three (pt 1)
Prompt: Finn's point of view of spending nine months with a very pregnant Rachel Berry.
He decides on doing the video diary from a movie he watches with Rachel in which the guy documented every month of his wife's pregnancy - from the day they found out about it until the birth of the baby -. So, as soon as they leave the doctor's and they find out about Rachel carrying his baby, Finn goes to the nearest eletronics shop and buys a small video camera, ready to film every detail of his baby's life.
As a start, he wakes up sooner than Rachel and reaches for the bedside table, sitting up and starting the camera, smiling at the small button of the camera begins to shine a red light.
"Morning, baby. I'm daddy, and this is the first month of your life." He zooms on Rachel's sleeping figure, her hair messy and all over their pillows while her mouth hangs open and she snores softly. "And that is a very sleepy mommy - she is sleeping way more now than she did when we were younger, and though she blames it on you, I'm pretty sure she's just turning lazier by the day." He laughs at the camera, holding it on his hand while the other hand caresses the skin of her waist, tickling her sides in order to make her wake up, his lips touching her forehead.
"Wha-what," She scrunches her nose and waves her head from side to side, pressing her hands on her face in order to hide from him. "Hm, no, five more minutes, Hudson, or else, I'll just get grumpy."
"Babe, wake up." He says, tickling her sides a little harder, making her squirm and giggle his name.
"Finn, stop it! You're meeeean!" She squeals, shoving her hands in his face now. She has a lazy smile playing on her lips and when she peaks through her eyelashes to take a good look at him, she realizes he has a camera on his hands, her eyes widening comically. "Finn Hudson, what is the meaning of this?"
He laughs. "Well, you remember how we watched that movie, the one with the guy filming his wife's pregnancy and stuff? Well, I decided we could make one of those, too. One of those pregnant journal things."
"Pregnancy diaries." She corrects with a smile, rubbing her face in her hands. 
"Right, and then, later on, when Baby is born and older, we'll show this to him or her."
She starts to braid her messy hair, nodding along with his words and listening to him, finishing the braid and throwing it over her shoulder, before waving excitedly at the camera, a beam on her lips.
"Okay. Hi Baby! I'm Mommy, and this is your first month of life." She says softly, looking down at her stomach and rubbing it lovingly. "Daddy and I already love you so much and we can't wait to meet you! But please, take your time. We don't want you to hurry or anything - now, if you'll excuse me, you're pressing your little self onto my blatter, and I really, really need to pee. Mwuah, love you!" She says, throwing a kiss at the camera before jumping out of bed and rushing towards the bathroom.
Finn turns the camera to him again and grins. "Well, now that you've met us, I guess there's nothing left to say but bye! See ya on the next video." Before he stops recording, he says. "Oh, by the way, stop messing around with mommie's hormones. She's getting a little crazier than the usual, and Daddy doesn't really know how to handle a bipolar Mommy."
"I heard that!"
"Uh, gotta go now, baby." He says with a sheepish smile. "I think Daddy's in trouble."
ii) second month
She starts to gain weight on the second month of the pregnancy - suddenly, she wants more food, her breasts start to hurt and bother her (although they look awesomly bigger), her thighs and hips get a little bigger and she moans all the time about how she has suddenly turned into a wale.
One day, right after they shower and need to get dressed quickly for Kurt's party, she sits down on their bed, her hands on her stomach and starts to cry hysterically.
"My 'esses 'ont 'it anymowe." She sniffs, hiccuping as tears fall down her face. "I a-am hu-uh-ge." She throws her tiny self on the bed, laying on their huge pillow mountain and wetting all of them with her freshly-washed hair.
"Rach, c'mon, you know that's not true." He says calmly as he goes through his shirts, trying to find the ones that Kurt put on the "What You Can/Can't Wear To My Parties" list.
"I-It is true!" She wails and lies on her stomach, punching the pillow and kicking the sheets like a spoiled child. "Whe-en I get ev-en bigger, I-I'll b-be as b-big as a h-house!" She cries, sniffing quietly and burying her cute face in her favorite pillow - a pink one that says You're a Star (her parents gave it to her when she was a little girl and she was sure not to leave that one in Lima).
"Rachel, you're turning hysterical. You look great." He says tiredly, rubbing his face with one hand while the other pulls his shirt down and smoothes the fabric of it.
"You're j-just saying that b-because this is your fault." She sniffs.
He sits down by her side and starts to rub her back, knowing that always comforts her, and kisses her wet hair. "No, I'm saying  that because it's the truth." She lies on her back to stare at him and he brushes the hair off her eyes and smiles softly at her. "You may look in the mirror and see a, uh, bigger version of yourself... But when I see you, I see the love of my life carrying the most beautiful gift anyone could've ever given me." He says, laying his hand on her stomach and rubbing it softly, watching as a slow smile spreads on her beautiful face.
"Really?" She bites her lower lip, and she's just so cute. "You don't think I look ugly, do you?"
He snorts. "Are you kidding? You can't not look beautiful even when you try your hardest." He smiles, leaning in and pressing his lips to hers chastely. "You're the prettiest girl in the world, Rach." He rests his forehead on hers and looks into her eyes. "My pretty girl."
She leans in and kisses him hard on the lips, her arms lacing around his neck as she smiles into his mouth, her fingers tangling in his hair as she pulls him on top of her, lying down on the bed again.
It's safe to say they get to Kurt's party much later than the expected.
iii) third month
So, the third month of the pregnancy gets pretty eventful - by the end of the month, they'll be able to hear the baby's heartbeat, and Finn can't contain his excitement, so he spreads the word to everyone at the school he works in, like hearing your baby's heart beating is the most amazing thing in the world, and to him, it really is.
Rachel's breasts suddenly get bigger, really bigger too and even though his mother raised him to be a gentleman, he tries to cop a feel whenever they're spooning in bed and she thinks he's asleep - she isn't feeling very sexy at the moment, so no monkey business for Finn.
But also, on the third month, the hormones say hello to him, and that is his least favorite part - Rachel wakes up cranky, looks at him like he murdered Barbra Streisand and bangs on the bathroom door when he's singing in the shower and she's getting ready for work. He knows her mood swings are normal by this stage (he buys one thousand books when they find out about the baby, just because he wants to be informed, okay?) but he also knows that she is worried about leaving the stage: they've spoken to her direction - he's a close friend of hers now - and he assured her that as soon she felt like she was ready, she'd be back on stage, but Rachel isn't really fond to sharing (he thinks that being an only child along with being Daddies' little girl made her like this, but whenever he opens his mouth to speak, she looks at him like her eyes are going to set fire to his hair, so he chooses not to say anything), so she throws a hissy fit when she finds out who's going to replace her: Margot.
Margot and Rachel have tried out for at least five roles together, and Margot only got one while his wife got the other four, and ever since their first callback, they weren't able to hit it off - probably because the woman's a bitch (and, okay, maybe Rachel is a little competitive). But anyway, he shows up at rehearsal one day to pick her up (her car broke down and there's no way he's going to let his pregnant wife take the subway by her self, or worse, walk home alone), and as soon as he sets foot on her dressing room, he can hear shouting and cursing and sarcastic laughter everywhere, and when he turns to Fred - Rachel's co-worker and extremely gay (Rachel was sure to mention that when he found her with him on the couch of their living room one day when he got back from work) friend, he shrugs and says:
"Margot." And the leaves.
When Finn walks in, he finds Rachel fuming and walking around in her dressing room with her phone clutched to her ear like her life depends on it, her knuckles white from holding it so tightly.
"Are you kidding me?! No, I would not like that - well, I don't care how hot you think she is, Santana, she is the worst person in the world! I bet she's only trying to get to you so she can steal you from me! I won't allow that!" She screeches and he quietly sits down on the couch, playing Temple Run on his phone as he continues to hear her yelling. "Yeah, well, if you take her out, then don't even bother trying to contact me ever again! You hear- hello?" Santana hangs up on her and she throws the phone on the couch, letting out a shriek of anger as she sits on his lap.
"Santana is just so-"
"I know." He breathes, resting his chin on her shoulder and rubbing her belly softly, kissing her neck.
"She asked her out, can you believe it? Margot! The woman is a witch, Santana knows how I feel about her, yet she is going to go on with this craziness." She sighs like she's tired of life and leans against him, running her fingers through his hair. "She also told me I was exaggerating, me! I never do that! She's got some nerves." She huffs and grips onto his hair a little tighter, making him wince.
"Rach... Maybe Santana's got a point."
She looks at him like he just murdered a kitten. "What did you say?"
"I mean, it's her life, we can't really stop her from doing what she wants, and even though you don't like Margot, maybe Santana does and you want her to be happy, right?" She nods slowly. "Well, what if Margot is her chance of happiness, what then?"
"I'm just saying, maybe you should give her a chance." He tells her while softly running his fingers through her hair. "Besides, Santana loves you and if Margot does anything to hurt you, I want to see who is going to be able to hold Santana while she tries to rip the face off that bitch."
She laughs and kisses his cheek. "You're the best husband/baby daddy I could've asked for, you know that?"
He grins goofily. "I know that."
A/N: Sorry if I made any mistakes there - I just got this idea in my head and immediately wrote it down, and I've also never been pregnant, so all I put in there has been from searching in maternity websites, etc. Hope you enjoy this little serie of mine.
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finchelfanfics-blog · 11 years
Summary: Post 4x22. Finn goes to New York after Rachel’s audition and he finds out just how much the idea of him being a teacher turns Rachel on (Rated M)
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finchelfanfics-blog · 11 years
i have been on this for the last week for about 8 hours a day, now that your back i can continue. and yes, I did read every single drabble and fic. :)
You’ve read every drabble I wrote? Oh, I, I just…
I hope you continue reading them for a while!
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finchelfanfics-blog · 11 years
Your last drabble... I just died. It was perfect and exactly what I wanted... My my you're amazing.
Really? Aw, thank you! You’re so sweet, I’m blushing.
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finchelfanfics-blog · 11 years
very slow, sensual and intense lovemaking. The kind of lovemaking that makes your heart flutter and create that weird agreable pain in your chest when you read it
Here you go! Hope you enjoy it! :3
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finchelfanfics-blog · 11 years
*whines* please updaaaaaaate. Anythiiiing! I'm miserable! :'$
I just posted something! Sorry for not posting for so long, I’ve been really busy lately. Hope that the last drabble will help you forgive me, though!
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