followmetoknowhk · 4 years
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On 26 April, there was a singing activity about the HK protest convened by the HKers. Crowded people assembled in Cityplaza, a shopping centre in Tai Koo. Then the police started to disperse the crowds and conflicted with the people.
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followmetoknowhk · 4 years
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Chinese now is racial prejudicing black people. The govt now is organizing to send them home.
Yet, HK is different from China. HKers are very respectful of every kind of people, of course, except the people who support the CCP and HK govt, and who disagree with pursuing freedom, equality and justice.
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followmetoknowhk · 4 years
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Warning! Please do not use WeChat.
Do not believe anything from China, not only their speeches but also any products they made.
China had already output a coronavirus, and the govt. claimed that it was not very severe. Then everyone now knows the consequences.
Do not be fooled twice. Remember how much the entire world has paid.
I am serious.
Do not download WeChat.
Do not use WeChat to communicate with others.
If you don't know how cruel and how black-hearted China is, just look at how the Central and HK govt. treat HK protesters.
Believe me, please.
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followmetoknowhk · 4 years
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There are many countries in Asia, not only China.
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followmetoknowhk · 4 years
A reporter has revealed a shocking incident in Korea. In 2018, a Korean high school student alias "godgod", lured and threatened at least 74 females, including underage girls, to shoot pornographic videos. In the videos, victims are forced to be naked, masturbate, be raped, self-harmed, or do incest. 'Godgod' then used those videos for making profits in at least 8 Telegram groups by receiving admission fees. More than 260 thousand people (including overlapped counting) are inside those telegram groups.
The personal information of the victims were exposed by 'godgod' in telegram groups. Not only do victims bear psychological damage, but some of them also have been gangraped by the audience.
Most of the audience in the group defended for themselves that they accidentally entered the groups. However, this claim could be defeated easily. First they needed to pay fees to enter a group. Secondly they needed to expose personal information or photos of females around them inside the group. Thirdly, they have to do speech violence towards those victims so that they would not be kicked.
We need to defend human rights of the victims. Please pay attention to this shocking news in order to urge the government to take action seriously. Thank you.
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followmetoknowhk · 4 years
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Today (21/3), is the eighth month after the Yuen Long 721 incident. A lot of HK people went to Yuen Long to commemorate that dark night.
At night on 21/7 last year, more than 100 triads wearing white t-shirt, rushed into the Yuen Long MTR station. They have been beated the innocent passengers, even a pregnant woman, for more than 30 minutes. The shocked residents then called the police for 20000 times, because the police didn't come to protect them from the gangster. Instead, the police came after 39 minutes the incidence started, meanwhile they didn't arrest any triad but they were being friendly to them.
Therefore, HKers are angered because of the cooperation between police and gangster. Some of us went to Yuen Long today. However, as usual, the police shot tear gases towards them and arrested around 60 people.
No matter how the police treat us, we will never forget that darkest night in Yuen Long.
Photo credit: on.cc
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followmetoknowhk · 4 years
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I'm going to explain why we ask all of you to boycott it.
As you know, Disney is making a series of movie, which is the live-action remake version of Mulan. Actually, the problem is not the story (I love that story because somehow it represents filial piety and feminist). The reason we request for boycotting Mulan, is the actress, Liu Yifei.
Liu is a Chinese-American actress. She is responsible for the main character, Mulan. However, Liu's ideology is unacceptable to most of the HKers. She had said that she supports HK police in her social media account in August last year.
You may think that it is normal to express her feeling and standpoint. Yet, if you have noticed that what is happening in HK, you may understand our feeling. HK polices are using unnecessary forces to deal with the protests. They are working brutally. They are killing us.
While Liu is enjoying her freedoms and human rights in America, she supports what the CCP, HK govt and HK police do. HKers are angry of her cold-blooded standpoint and speech.
Please, boycott Mulan.
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followmetoknowhk · 4 years
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This is the news of the coronavirus epidemic in HK.
Until today (20 mar 2020) , there are 256 cases of Wuhan pneumonia.
Out of 48 cases confirmed in today, 36 patients had been to other countries.
Photo credit: Nows
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followmetoknowhk · 4 years
Hello everybody. This is my first time to use Tumblr.
I would like to share more news of HK. If you are interested, please feel free to follow me.
Thanks for being attention towards HK.
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