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The Hap Sídhe
Common pixie-like spirits. They're good-humoured and incredibly curious, despite being shy.
Travellers may see regular butterflies and ignore them, unaware that they're being observed by the Hap Sídhe. Especially lucky travellers might get to see them up-close, only once they've proven their good-nature to the fairies, after which they're extremely friendly.
Seeing the Hap Sídhe is a sign of good fortune and happiness.
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Been really struggling lately energy-wise, so I'm trying to push at least something out.
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Two more! Probably the last for now.
Anneslace (seamstress) and Clover (cutie).
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More of them!
Their names in order are Prickle (alchemist), Sage (healer), and Onion (fletcher).
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Little watercolour of this Konín girl! Decided to call her Birdie. c:
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Konín girl! I really love her. 🥰
There are a couple of designs I've done that I love a lot, so I'm thinking of giving them proper names. Might have a proper little gaggle of them soon!
Let me know if ye've any name ideas for this one! I'd love to hear.
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Atomos is a rogue fragment who broke away from Space. He wields gravity-magic, and he's an absolute idiot.
Usually he drifts aimlessly around in the eidolon realm, staring blankly at stuff. He has trouble remembering to keep his mouth closed or he'll accidentally vacuum an unfortunate passerby into nothingness. Thankfully, it's usually another eidolon, and with some help they'll usually find their way back.
He's stupidly done this to a couple of summoners, however.
Despite looking like a fish, he has to stay away from water or he gets stuck floating on the surface.
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Time's counterpart.
Space is perfectly happy to float about the universe between dimensions, never having to interact with humans ever. Though despite this, They do enjoy the reactions They get when Their gargantuan cosmic body drifts by the planet. The people have even bothered to give Them a name, which they didn't even do for Time: Valnavee.
Their existence is pretty simple. They are the manifestation of space, mass and direction.
They are unsummonable, though They're surprised at the wiles of humans, especially those with magical abilities. They've somehow managed to grasp the notion of gravity magic from Them.
Could have been Atomos, a lesser eidolon who broke off Space, but he's kind of stupid. Maybe it was Time. She's always liked humans a lot.
(Val - 'whale' from 'wal' in German.
Navee - 'celestial' from 'neamhaí' in Irish.)
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One of the big questions of Time is whether she existed before everything else (even before all other eidolons and deities), or if she came into her physical existence once humans became aware of time and how to measure it.
The answer is of course, both. Many eidolons are 'born' once specific conditions are met, and Time was given a physical form the moment she was perceived as a constant facet of existence. But time has always just... been.
When in her eidolon form, one would be able to hear her presence through an ominous, cosmic ticking clock, despite never actually seeing her. (I put together a really quick audio 'illustration' of this, and it's best listened to with earphones c: ) This happens rarely, but now the humans have this bizarre rumour that hearing her is a sign of impending doom. Which, she supposes, they're technically not wrong.
She moves in and out of her form, returning to her original abstract nature every now and again, but has also really taken to having a human body. Being constantly aware of the pasts, presents and futures of all things everywhere at all times can get quite boring, and the nice thing about being human is that they aren't physically or mentally capable of any of that. She finds it funny how, purely by the nature of their own existence, humans simply have no choice but to live in the present moment, focused on a single point in her time. It's limiting beyond belief, but also quite freeing. She finds it meditative.
Her human form, Thyme (she's not particularly creative) lives her life simply. In a hut by a beach, where she feeds her beloved chickens and admires the fruits of her own magic. Chickens hatch from eggs, become cute little chicks, they grow and become large and fat and develop personalities. And then they lay more eggs and more hatch from those.
She's heard humans mention their 'chicken and egg' dilemma, and finds it relatable to her own nature as the deity of time. Her favourite chicken was the first she ever raised as Thyme. True to her creativity, she thought it fitting to call it Chicken. But the local human children thought it was funny and stupid, and suggested the name Peep instead.
Being the pet of Time, death was pretty much out of the question. Now Peep lives as an immortal divine chicken.
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Design idea for another eidolon! Haven't figured out a name yet, but if I want to keep it simple, she'll just be Time. With her human form, Thyme.
I struggled a good bit with the design so I don't really feel like it's totally what I wanted, but it's a start anyway. The effects were harder than I thought they'd be, so she actually didn't even end up looking particularly impressive. I would have liked her to be bigger and more... magicky.
Maybe next time!
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Black Mage merchant!
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A couple of merchants!
Decided to call the rabbit-girl race the Konín.
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Little sketch that I liked.
I've decided I'm gonna give these girls my own name, rather than always calling them Viera. I feel like I can move on from that and just have them be my own little rabbit-girl race. Especially since it's not really an original concept anyway.
I need help picking a name though, cos there're a few I like!
1. Lapyx (from 'lapin' which means rabbit, and 'pyx' which I think means spirit)
2. Konín (ko-neen) (from 'ko' which means child, and 'coinín' [kwih-neen] which means rabbit)
3. Lapiko ('lapin' and 'ko')
I think I'm leaning towards Konín, but I'm not sure! What do ye think?
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Another Viera.
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Ifrit is (obviously) one of the eidolons of fire. He's believed to have originated the Feleshka race, and he's revered by them as their ultimate ancestor and deity.
Despite his large and intimidating appearance, he's more associated with vigour and courage than anything particularly violent. He's very passionate and no-nonsense, often butting heads with the more dreamy and carefree Shiva. Their opposing natures usually means they each try to get the other to 'chill out' or 'get fired up'.
Ifrit likes the go-getters, the ambitious, the determined and the enthusiastic. He's rejected many summoners purely because they were too meek or passive for his liking. Of course, he always embraces being called upon by a Feleshkan summoner, always imparting invaluable knowledge only to them.
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Diva Shiva.
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Siren redraw.
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