funarisjournal · 15 hours
Your unemployed friend posting about anime lesbians at 2am
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funarisjournal · 1 day
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funarisjournal · 2 days
The fact that Nomoto's two brief moments with her mom from early on in the story STILL crop up even in Vol. 4 really make me hope that we will see an actual arc about her parents - coming out to her parents, her parents deciding to pay a visit, etc.
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[Old photo here just for the sake of the post]
Some of this may sound familiar. I have talked about this before, but the thoughts have resurfaced because of our newly translated chapters.
Ngl I really want to see how it pans out. Hoping for supportive parents, even if they have a negative reaction at first. It WOULD be surprising to them with how sudden it happened from their pov, let's be honest. From their pov, Nomoto left for job opportunities, didn't want to come over for the winter holidays, and then...well, as far as I can tell, radio silence (worst case to them) or minor casual-chat texts (best case). Hard to tell since they're obviously not the focus of Nomoto's life right now.
Nomoto's mom definitely has that "normal life" mindset since she keeps nudging her daughter to find a man since she's not getting any younger. This will cause tension, even if treated gently. Nomoto can be pretty emotional. She may lash out. She may stiffen up, walk away from them then cry with so much force once she's out of sight. Kasuga needs to be there for her.
Kasuga...should talk to Nomoto's parents.
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funarisjournal · 2 days
takinge a muche-needed spa day
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havinge the world's most beautéfule chin is not as easy as it seem
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funarisjournal · 3 days
I don't wanna @ anyone because I understand how fast things seem to move in today's landscape of streaming shows dropping entire seasons in one day, and networks pumping out new series constantly to try to attract more subscribers with no intent to actually maintain those shows over time but I just saw someone self-deprecatingly lament that they are still thinking about a show that ended almost a year ago, making fan art and playlists for it, and I want to be very clear:
you can still create fanworks when it comes to old media!! PLEASE do!! there are always going to be new fans who will appreciate it, and veteran fans who are dying for new content and new perspectives. also, less than a year is NOTHING. the original Star Trek series was on TV six decades ago and there are still people losing their minds over it, writing stories and reblogging gifsets daily, and that's only one example.
a fandom lasts as long as there are people who love a thing, even if it's only a handful of people. love what you love and write and draw and make gifs and playlists about it!
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funarisjournal · 3 days
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we DO grow old and happy. btw.
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funarisjournal · 3 days
So, uh, yeah. It's been a few hot minutes, but terfs are NOT welcome in my little corner of the internet. Never have been. Unfollow me if you're mad, I dun care~
Don't let the door hit you on the way out~ 😘
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funarisjournal · 3 days
Ah, Dreams~
I woke up earlier only to fall back asleep for about half an hour longer. But it was during this half hour that I ended up having an interesting dream that COULD BE POSSIBLE to do if licensing rights are okayed. I've seen plenty of pop culture commercials that I think it'd be possible, anyway lol
So! Here's the dream, as I wrote it down on my notepad app. Just note that it was the drama versions of Nomoto and Kasuga, so a live action commercial. I'm pretty sure the actresses would be down for playing their roles again for stuff like this lol
Starts with Nomoto shopping. Something, something she loves to cook.
As she browses, she almost passes by a display of wine where someone's working on the display (obscured). Wine kinda looked like something I sell at my store but who cares lol. We get a shot of it for a moment. Nomoto decides to grab some. Simultaneously, the person working on the display was reaching over and their hands ALMOST touch and they stop.
"...Ah! Kasuga-san!"
"I was, um, thinking about our meal tonight."
"Ah. Well, maybe we could enjoy it with this?"
Shot of wine again for a moment, then cut to Nomoto leaving with her purchases. Kasuga tells he she can't wait to enjoy whatever she makes later. Blushy moment~
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funarisjournal · 5 days
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"Thank you very much."
I always loved this exchange in S2 Ep 13 lol. Sometimes I get the urge to redraw it, or at least use it for practice-sketching
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funarisjournal · 6 days
So, my brain was evil and decided to show me watching the first inside scoop/behind-the-scenes teasers for a Tsukutabe anime. Augh!
The background music used was basically the long version of the drama's opening theme (brain pulling from previous remarks I've made, huh), and they were showing clips of folks working on the character design and teasing a few scenes (but it wasn't at a point they could tease a proper trailer). The dream was gibberish but dream-me got the gist: staff making basic comments about the main ladies, how to translate their personalities into moving pictures, how to make them move, to emote, etc.
They also admitted they were taking some cues from the drama but didn't specify what aspects. Oh, and if you're curious, no, not even my dream could pick voices for them...though I dunno if my brain can conjure up anyone other than the drama actresses at this point lol
Buh...If only, huh?
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funarisjournal · 7 days
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Had to draw Kaorin today. Happy Pride Month!
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funarisjournal · 7 days
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"Something so tantalizing..."
"It's luring me in."
...the food? Or the woman?
(Y e s)
Keep in mind, this is implied to be Nomoto's thoughts in visual form. She is picturing that tall and handsome woman, in her cool black jacket, about to devour a big ol' chicken thigh (based on the shape) while she eats in front of a background composed of meat emojis and the word "MEAT"
The actual attraction hasn't actually clicked yet - this is only the 1st chapter - and the implication is that Nomoto is astounded someone lives so close to her that can eat her dream portion's worth of food... but this is a pretty hilarious panel anyway
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funarisjournal · 7 days
happy pride month, trainers!!
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funarisjournal · 8 days
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happy pride month from tsukutabe 🏳️‍🌈
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funarisjournal · 8 days
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funarisjournal · 8 days
Confession Talk! Manga Edition 2
It's been a bit, had work to deal with, but now I can sit down and write more about how Valentine's Day played out in Vol. 4. Again, if you haven't read it yet, I'll put my essay under a cut!
I talked about Kasuga's POV last time. Now it's time to look at it through Nomoto's!
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As we know, Nomoto has realized her feelings and put it into words sooner than Kasuga. She has been falling head over heels for the woman every time they hang out but trying really hard not to show it out of fear of weirding Kasuga out and possibly lose their friendship. As we have learned in Vol. 2, friendships are REALLY important to Nomoto. She's basically lost all of hers over time and has been alone for a long time!
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The fact that "But we're both girls!" is NOT a factor in her worries about confessing is an interesting one, but I get it. As a fellow demisexual, that never crossed into my mind when I had those crushes on my best friends growing up, or when I fell in love with my wife. My top worry was, if I were to say something about it, would I lose my friends? I already weirded out my bestie from high school by liking yuri, so I always kept it to myself. (I'm glad that Leigh confessed first, though, because by then I WAS too scared to reveal my intimate feelings)
Anyway, back to Nomoto. She was the one who initiated the Valentine's Day get-together back in Vol. 3, and she's both nervous but excited. She puts on a neat food idea with that hot plate fondue...
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I like to point this tiny bit out. Nomoto loves her booze, but she knows if she were to have some today, something weird will happen, or she'll fall asleep, and she doesn't want that to happen. All that within that simple response, huh?
Anyway, the meal is amazing. They have a moment of coincidence, sparking a little heart fluttering...and a wish that maybe, just maybe, there really could be something more.
But oh. Something weird DOES happen. Kasuga announces she plans to move out of her apartment soon.
Nomoto's world starts crashing down. As she hears WHY Kasuga is moving, it makes sense to her, logically. And, out of her love for Kasuga, forget romance, forget attraction, out of her love for this woman, she wants to help her.
...well, maybe.
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Nomoto is known to be a little selfish. She has a tendency to start enthusiastically taking over things or get chattery about her feelings. Things happened so suddenly, she was NOT expecting this outcome at all!
Kasuga moving away means she won't be nearby. She may not even be able to visit anymore. Just like that, she has lost her dearest friend, and it wasn't even due to her personal feelings. She's just...moving on, like all her previous friends did. Things are changing, for the worst, and she is scared.
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Her emotions are running wild. Her logical side takes a backseat. It's there, but it no longer has control. Nomoto has one last hope here. If she doesn't get it out, she will regret everything in the future.
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Nomoto is aware this was pretty much It. She was going to lose Kasuga with that move, anyway, but there was some hope that maybe, just maybe confessing may keep her here, close to her. If anything, her feelings are released, these feelings she had been bottling up for so long. If the worst-case scenario happened, she would be able to continue, maybe, but she'd be a much more somber woman afterward. At least she'd have Yako to talk to, right?
....Then we find out that Kasuga hadn't even finished her own comments from earlier. There was a part 2 to the whole thing! She wants Nomoto to room with her!
...OH! Nomoto, there you go yapping nervously and making mountains out of molehills! Hahaha, you can't even blame the alcohol on this one, this was all you! How their relationship will recover from this, she doesn't have a clue, but it SEEMS like it'll be okay, right??
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But then...a double whammy?!
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Kasuga says the feelings are mutual?! Can Nomoto's heart take all of this so fast?! She's been on an emotional roller coaster this whole time, I think she wants off now, to be honest!
What else is there to do, though?? Think, Nomoto, think!
Now, you would think, if this was a typical yuri, she would finally just get up and kiss Kasuga, huh? Well, this ISN'T your typical yuri. These ladies have grown up not really dealing with romantic relationships all their lives, not really caring about it, really. They are literal babies with 0 experience, so Nomoto does the one thing she can think of...
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And it's reciprocated.
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Congratulations, Nomoto. Your secret feelings no longer have to be secret. This journey you have gone through in the past few months has lead you to this. You not only have a girlfriend now, but the friendship is as strong as ever!
And omg, you actually held her HAND!! Pretty sure this was their first-ever moment of skinship!
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funarisjournal · 8 days
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Britain is already one-upping the Wonka scam by making the LEGO Dashcon ballpit real
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an extra hour in the brick pit
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