geekinggeek · 5 days
fuck these passive aggressive anons, they are literally getting fed free content and are biting the hand that feeds them
People have bigger responsibilities than writing fanfiction?!? This work is a hobby yall need to chill and just be happy whenever theres another update or anything and wait patiently
Are the edits going to take another 6 months?
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geekinggeek · 11 months
Hey everyone, I wanted to share this GoFundMe. Please reblog/retweet so we can help Yasmin. 💜
Yasmin's last wish: see Japan.
Hi everyone, I'm asking for your attention to help me raise the money to make my sister in law and friends Yasmin's last wish come true. She's the most special person I know, she's good and so many times naive. She is funny and she always has a smile on her face, even though her life has made it very difficult for her. 3 years ago she underwent a heart transplant. Contrary to what one might think, her life has not been going downhill since then. Still in the hospital for checkups and under anti-rejection therapy, her body weakened, opening the door to various metastases scattered throughout her body. Yasmin bought a piggy bank a few months ago and, with a thousand-toothed smile, said "I'll put my savings here and in a few years I'll go to Japaaaan", then a few days ago the doctor told her that tumors are outgrown and even chemo couldn't help her, so they'll start with palliative care. She won't be able to fill that piggy bank, but I want to. With your help. That heart of hers has seen a lot and deserves to get excited for something good at least once.
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geekinggeek · 1 year
Pineapple, Poultry, and Pens - by Epy
Word Count: 3,364
Ship: Blake Belladonna/Yang Xiao Long
Rating: General Audiences
Tags: Modern AU, Shopping Mall, Matchmaker Weiss, Smoothies, Fluff
Summary provided by author: Weiss notices something going on between Yang and the woman at the smoothie shop across the food court, and decides to do something about it.
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geekinggeek · 1 year
Night by the Ocean - by Wolfcreations21
Word Count: 8,723
Ship: Blake Belladonna/Yang Xiao Long
Rating: Teen and Up Audiences
Tags: Canon Divergence, Fluff, Deep conversations, Soft bees, Meeting the parents, Menagerie, hella cute
Summary provided by author:
(Late night convo, soft bees)
After the events of Atlas and their need to flee and find a place to hide, Menagerie (and her parents) had welcomed Blake and her team and friends with open arms. Spending more than a few days and weeks resting and recovering from such a horrible incident- such a horrible failure- it was now time for them to get back in gear and set out to save the world once more.
Tomorrow morning, at least. Because for tonight, Blake and everybody else could forget about all the terrible things they've had to face and would have to face in the future because of Salem...
But for now, they could relax.
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geekinggeek · 1 year
I'm Begging for Mercy on my Mind - By AYeti
Word Count: 18,323
Ship: Alcina Dimitrescu/Reader
Rating: Explicit (rated for canon-typical violence and smut in chapter 2)
Tags: Past Abuse, Protective Alcina Dimitrescu, Trauma and Healing, Blood Drinking, Hurt/Comfort, Smut (Grinding, a bit of pain play, fingering)
Author provided summary: After you sustain another awful attack from the man you live with in the village, you're determined to put an end to your suffering. You escape to the Castle and beg Lady Dimitrescu to kill you. She doesn't.
Reader is a victim of abuse and finds safety where she least expects it.
My personal review:
AYeti captures the essence that is hurt/comfort fics. No abuse is depicted, but is described. The author had added physical features to the reader, but since then removed to add more inclusivity and I like the touch.
I love the characterization AYeti has for Alcina where she acts soft for her lover and family, but is cruel towards anyone who does them wrong. This isn’t game-typical behavior from Alcina where she loves her daughters, but only see them as an extension of herself. Rather this is a more sweet and loving personality.
Overall, I love this fic and is one of my favorite Alcina/Readers out there. My only nitpick about this fic is that it is only 18k. I would want to read 50k of this set up between the characters, though I understand why the word count is what it is.
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geekinggeek · 1 year
Heartbeat - by arckee
Word Count: 27,423
Ship: Kara Danvers/Lena Luthor
Rating: Teen and Up Audiences
Tags: Metallo! Lena, Angst, Semi-Slow Burn, Slight mention of child angst, Lena needs a hug
Summary provided by author:
When she sees the green rock lodged inside her chest, she screams until she passes out.
Based on this post.
One of my favorite supercorp aus and the best it has been done. This fanfiction has my heart.
Also I just love the way arckee writes Lena and I am waiting patiently for their next work...please.
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geekinggeek · 1 year
mine when you're with me - By WaveGoodbye
Word Count: 25,154
Ship: Kara Danvers/Lena Luthor
Rating: Explicit (Smut)
Tags: Enemies to friends to lovers, gay yearning, Lena found out Kara is Supergirl, Smut (phone sex)
Summary provided by author:
“I’m sure.” Lena doesn’t mean to snap —it’s more of a mild annoyance if anything because if her once best friend doesn’t know that there is no way in hell she would be doing this if she didn’t want to, if she didn’t, however unwillingly, trust Kara with this, then did she ever know her at all? “As long as you’re amenable, Kara, I’m offering my complete consent. Is that okay, or would you like it in writing as well?”
For the first time, Lena’s snipe and the crystal clear memory of their last phone call just makes Kara smile. “I’m good,” she says softly.
“You know, a week ago, the morning after we— I’d convinced myself it was a dream. I was scared to check my call log.”
“Do you have many wet dreams about me, Kara?”
Kara laughs suddenly, though she can’t help but feel like she’s been missing out on an essential experience. “No.”
“You, uh, you hung up last time,” Kara ventures hesitantly. “Before I could…”
“If you’re worried I didn’t complete the mission, I’m happy to inform you that I did.”
“No, before I could tell you that you sounded beautiful.”  
Or, the one with phone sex and feelings and the complexity of forgiveness.
my personal review:
This fanfic exploded my ovaries
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geekinggeek · 2 years
Word Count: 41,607
Chapters: 1/1
Rating: Mature
Summary: Yang isn't the biggest fan of Christmas. Blake is determined to change that.
Meeting Blake's parents for the first time would be nerve-wracking even if Yang wasn't going home with her for the holidays. When Blake reveals that she hasn't actually told her parents about the relationship yet, things get a lot more complicated.
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geekinggeek · 2 years
Word Count: 1,961
Chapters: 1/1
Rating: Mature
Summary: “Do you want to stop?” Blake asks, and Yang is quick to shake her head.
“No, no, but I— I’ve never done this before, and I don’t want to be bad at it.”
“Yang,” Blake says calmly. “If I’m with you, I don’t see how it could possibly be bad.”
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geekinggeek · 2 years
Word Count: 71,381
Chapters: 19/19
Rating: Teen and Up Audiences
Summary: Lena Luthor doesn't plan to have any kids. Or to get married, even, really. After the revelation that she is actually of Luthor blood after all, she's quite set on ending the family line with her and not taking the risk of any more drama.
Then Lorelai L. Danvers crashes into her life, claiming to be her seventeen year old daughter from the future.
(picking up after 2x12)
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geekinggeek · 2 years
Word Count: 92,210
Chapters: 7/7
Rating: Teen and Up Audiences
Summary: “Okay, something is wrong.”
“Nothing’s wrong,” Catra declares with force, holding the two halves of Bow’s now shattered tracker pad, before standing to eye the trickle of fluid now staining her pants, “I just need one of you to find me another way to communicate with the Alliance and a change of clothes because I think my water just broke.”
Bow’s reaction as pure stress overcomes his entire being might’ve been hysterical if not for the growing stakes, “You’re what just broke? Are you telling me you’re in labor?”
“No Bow, I’ve just been having regular contractions for the last sixteen hours but I’m sure the midwife will think that’s completely normal- yes, I’m in labor, King Dumbass!”
When a surge of magical energy disrupting multiple Etherian kingdoms calls for She-Ra on the front lines and Catra in the command center, the two are separated when Catra goes into labor.
A baby fic/character study that explores Adora and Catra’s separate and intertwined paths from daughter to mother.
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geekinggeek · 2 years
Word Count: 11.691
Chapters: 1/1
Rating: Teen and Up Audiences
Summary: “No matter what I do, no matter how hard or long I fight, there will always be people like that. Those prison guards looked at me just like those officers did." Blake's ears pinned back against her head. "Like I was just a dumb animal. Like I wasn’t a person, who thinks and feels and speaks just like them. What makes us so different?"
When their arrival at Atlas isn't so welcoming, Yang and Blake must navigate the fallout.
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geekinggeek · 2 years
Word Count: 28,227
Chapters: 4/4
Rating: Mature
Summary: How did the saying go? The brighter the flame, the faster it'll burn out. When Blake obtains information she knows to be important to one who should be an enemy, she runs the risk of snuffing them out completely.
(note from geek: this is basically a blake stayed with white fang au and yang tries to catch her)
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geekinggeek · 2 years
Word Count: 42,501
Chapters: 17/17
Rating: Mature
Summary: For a journalism class assignment, Laura takes on a six-week vlog project going without the thing she loves the most: Sex.
Carmilla intends to make this the worst six weeks of Laura's life.
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geekinggeek · 2 years
Word Count: 69,388
Chapters: 11/11
Rating: Teen and Up Audiences (but there is a bit implied smut fyi (but nothing is written it just implies))
Summary: “I don’t want you do something stupid on international television when you could’ve just downloaded Tinder,” Weiss says. Blake smiles—there’s the Weiss she knows—and goes back to folding her shirt.
“I’m not going to do anything stupid,” she says. “I’m not looking to meet anyone, and if I was, I wouldn’t go after wannabe reality TV stars. But they’re going to fly me all over the world, Weiss, and pay me more than I made in four years of royalties off my last book.”
“When you put it like that, it sounds almost reasonable.”
“That’s because it is,” Blake says. “Now help me pack or get out of my apartment.”
“Just promise me you won’t actually marry someone you meet on reality television."
(Blake agrees to become Remnant's next bachelorette for a lot of reasons, but getting married is absolutely nowhere on that list. Then, of course, she meets Yang.)
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geekinggeek · 2 years
Word Count: 105,634
Chapters: 28/28
Rating: Explicit
Summary: Carmilla is one of the few vampires left to exist and decides to abandon her family, stumbling upon the school of good who take her in with a deal she must keep. But will she be able to keep her life threatening secret when she's in company with Laura?
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geekinggeek · 2 years
Word Count: 8,270
Chapters: 1/1
Rating: Teen and Up Audiences
Summary: Blake listens to a song she's heard before for the first time.
Blake runs a live music venue that Yang and her band are playing at. There's more history there than either of them realize.
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