gendreavus · 9 years
This is what Smash is for.  Smash 64, Melee, Brawl, all just warm-ups for Super Smash Burgers.
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Brought my Bob’s Burgers miis into Smash Bros for Wii U! Alriiiight!
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gendreavus · 10 years
A while ago I made my text message ringtone the "Found!" sound effect from Metal Gear Solid, and now one of my friends just texts me "!" whenever he sees me.  It's actually pretty awesome.
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gendreavus · 10 years
You probably think that's a girly necklace around my namesake's body.  It isn't.  It is a beard, made of the blood of its enemies.
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Gendreavus! Morty’s pokemon gym fusion of his misdreavus and Gengar. 
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gendreavus · 10 years
Metroid Marathon for Charity!
Hello friends!
This Wednesday, July 16th, at 2pm Central time the website I help run, Metroid HQ, will be celebrating its 10th anniversary by kicking off our fourth annual MHQthon!  The staff and I will be meeting up in Dallas, Texas and streaming ourselves as we play through the entire Metroid series, all while raising money for the Child's Play charity.  It'd be super cool to get to chat with you all during the marathon and I promise, Metroid knowledge is not required.  I can't wait to party with you!
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gendreavus · 10 years
Had a dream last night where I was in a race that was half Mario Kart, half Assassin's Creed footrace.  There were collectibles along the way, like eight red coins (why doesn't Mario Kart have eight red coins to collect?) and some kind of staves to use as weapons during the on-foot parts.  I ended up winning, though when I got to the end I noticed that there were people there who shouldn't have been, and suspected that someone rigged the race so I would win, even beating Kiefer Sutherland, who was way ahead of me most of the race. Anyway, some friends show up as I'm being given my prize and give me my backpack, which I left at a military Oculus Rift arcade cabinet in a different dream, but it's full of Tootsie Rolls and stuff, so that was cool.  It was nice of them to dream hop to get that back to me.
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gendreavus · 10 years
Waitwaitwaitwaitwait, you're telling me that we can get the guy behind the ASDF movies and tons of other brilliant Youtube content to be an executive producer on Don't Hug Me I'm Scared?  Let's make this happen, guys!
4 more amazing episodes that teach the puppets the most important subjects of life and complete the DHMIS story!
So I’m extremely passionate about making cool shit a reality and one of the ways to do that in media is to become an Executive Producer. An Executive Producer is essentially someone who provides the cash money dolla dolla to make a project happen. I’ve already done this with a handful of cool things and I don’t plan on stopping. Eventually it’d be nice if I can back something that actually makes me a return because… Bankruptcy. These days sites like Kickstarter and IndieGoGo have made it possible for everyone to become an exec producer but most of those campaigns still have a top perk with the honorary ‘executive producer’ credit. It’s more of a formality these days but… Fuck it I want it.
Currently I’m targeting in on the Don’t Hug Me I’m Scared series but before I back it I want to make sure we’re all on board. Your mission is this: If y’all can spread this shit like wildfire/donate and get the current total up to £90,000 then I’ll chip in £5,000 of my own money to round it up to the total.
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gendreavus · 10 years
My GM is currently incredibly perplexed at how react to one of our party members asking if he could vivisect a town leader who just helped us defeat a gang of motorbike-riding Minotaur by turning into a bear.  Though to be fair, with the over-enthusiastic life alchemist we have in our party, he really should have an answer to "What would you say to a vivisection" prepped for EVERY character he creates.
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gendreavus · 10 years
I've decided that for the next tabletop RPG I play, I'm going to play a character with a negative luck score.  That way, instead of rolling to see if the good thing happened, I'll roll to see just how badly the good thing didn't happen.  That'll keep my GM on his toes!
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gendreavus · 10 years
Last week in the Alchemy RPG I'm playing with some friends, we arrived in a new town and promptly split the party to investigate it.  While this went just as planned for those of us actually information gathering, things went a bit awry when our Adventure Archaeologist accidentally woke up the rock golem living in the ruins under the city.
She successfully GTFO'd, but another party member who was searching a different part of the ruins ended up wandering into the golem's lair while it was off chasing our archaeologist, discovered a large vault door, realized that in his exploration he accidentally found both the keys to said door, and called the rest of the party to him so we could raid the vault without ever killing the boss creature guarding it.  Which worked out well, because one of the items we found in it was what a knight in ye olde days used to control the golem we were supposed to fight.
TL;DR: We may have broken the campaign in the third session because we now have a big scary rock golem as a pet.
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gendreavus · 10 years
The opening to Captain America: The Winter Soldier was so obviously inspired by the Tanker chapter in Metal Gear Solid 2 that I was seriously expecting to see a cardboard box walking around in the back of a shot somewhere.  And I LOVED IT.
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gendreavus · 10 years
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gendreavus · 10 years
I wasn't even planning on going into New Game+ on Lightning Returns, but I noticed that there were only about four trophies between me and the Platinum, and there were a few mechanics that aren't even available until NG+, and the unlocked Hard Mode has exclusive equipment and item drops in it, so I'd give it a try.  Little did I know that one of the trophies I had to get was for beating a superboss that, on hard, has the third most HP of any enemy in the franchise (the enemy with the most HP in the franchise is an even tougher version of the same boss), and has an invisible three-minute time limit before it decides to eff off and regain all of its health.
So yeah, just a status update saying I beat it after a few hours of losing and reloading, I finally killed all 38 million HP of Aeronite and am done with the Final Fantasy XIII trilogy for a long time...
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gendreavus · 10 years
I'll take five
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gendreavus · 10 years
A friend of mine likes creating tabletop gaming systems for whatever is currently holding his interest, his current endeavor being Full Metal Alchemist.  I was told to make a character with some sort of knack, like Col. Mustang's fire, so I asked if I could use alchemy on light to play a sort of stealthy trickster character.  He says, "Sure!  And I guess if you're bending light, you could also shoot lasers!"
And that's how I went from playing Loki to Dr. Octagonapus.
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gendreavus · 10 years
"I encourage you to bring your laptops to class.  I encourage you to use your laptops in class.  I encourage you to play games in class.  If you're in a game you just can't tear yourself away from, I encourage you to post it to the class discussion board so we can play with you." Okay, I'm actually feeling guilty that I'll be getting five credits for this Interactive Media class.
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gendreavus · 10 years
I'm sitting here with Lightning Returns paused in the middle of a cutscene with the volume turned way down low because I'm watching something on Youtube, when I stop everything, because I hear this playing in the background. I'm on New Game+ after a playthrough where I completed all but one quest possible on the first run, and this is the first time I've noticed this.  I'm dying of laughter.
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gendreavus · 10 years
Man, losing in the first dungeon of The Answer and realizing you missed the only save point so far is a really harsh way to remind someone just how hard the Persona games were back when they were on the PS2...
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