genelmag · 4 years
The Division 2: Burning Wheel Bounty: Burnside Location
The Division 2 is mad fun. The addition of the Warlords of New York DLC only upped the fun-factor in our search for Aaron Keener. One of the best aspects of playing The Division 2 is hunting for bounties. And depending on difficulty, they pose an incredible challenge.
One thing that’s also poses a huge challenge however, is actually finding the bounty. I had a most difficult time trying to complete the Burning Wheel Bounty because I could not find the exact location. When I went to YouTube to find a video on where the Burning Wheel Bounty was located, they were all focused on one area that was nowhere near where my bounty was located.
This happens because bounties aren’t always in one location. They can appear in any number of locations on the map. None of the YouTube videos covered the area in Two Bridges that I needed. So, while finally finding the location, I created my first YouTube short guide. It’s rough, but I did what I could. If anyone finds this, I hope it helps.
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genelmag · 4 years
Health and Self Care During Covid-19 Quarantine
There is way too much misinformation floating around about Covid-19 or Coronavirus. Misinformation is incredibly dangerous because it mixes in with and can easily drown out facts that could save lives. So, I talked to my friend, a Navy Veteran and healthcare professional, Lauren DiPietro MSN, RN to help sift through the bullshit so that we can be armed with the facts to better protect ourselves, our family, friends, fellow human beings, and our family animals.
Interview with Lauren DiPietro
GNL Magazine: Hi Lauren. There’s a lot of misinformation floating out there among the facts. I'm hoping you can help us clear up some of the misconceptions by answering a few questions.
Lauren: I’m ready when you are.
GNL: There are people saying that Covid-19 is just like a seasonal flu or an upper respiratory infection. Can you tell us what Covid-19 is?
Lauren: COVID-19 at first, was deemed to be similar to the Flu by many healthcare professionals. However, it seemed to be quickly discovered that COVID-19 was more similar to when the Spanish flu hit in 1918. Our bodies weren't prepared for it so to speak, since it was such an unusual strain of influenza. COVID-19 is a type of strain from the Coronavirus. The corona viruses have been around for centuries though.
GNL: What are the symptoms of Covid-19 and how is it treated?
Lauren: Symptoms are many, but the main ones to look for are fever, shortness of breath, and cough. Sore throat, fatigue, general malaise, and difficulty breathing are also symptoms.
GNL: When should someone seek medical attention for it?
Lauren: You want to treat the symptoms and quarantine yourself from others for 14 days. You can be sick and show no signs of the illness from 1-14 days though. You want to seek medical attention if you know you were exposed, have trouble breathing, persistent pain or pressure in the chest, new confusion, or bluish lips or face-- these are the symptoms per the CDC to go seek medical attention for.
Remember if you think you should be tested or think you are displaying sign/symptoms call your PCP (Primary Care Provider) first. Don't just show up.
GNL: If you have to go outside, what type of PPE (personal protective equipment) gear would you recommend?
Lauren: The type of PPE you should use in public is a very hot topic and honestly the only thing that works per the CDC is an N95 mask. However, because those are in such low supply they are kind of grasping at straws to give best ideas (not necessarily best practice).
The new recommendation is a cloth mask (which needs to be kept in a paper bag for 24 hours before you wear it after it has been worn) and gloves. Best practice is to continue to wash your hands with soap and water. Use antibacterial soap. Only use hand sanitizer 3 times before you need to use soap and water again. Wash hands for 20-30 seconds, and remember to get your thumbs and nails too.
Learn how to properly put on and take off gloves if you are using them. If you are around people with Covid or out in the general public, when you return home strip at the door (including shoes) and put your clothes in the washer with hot water when you return home. Change gloves frequently!!! Don't touch your face. If you use a mask make sure you cover your nose and mouth.
GNL: How are you staying protected during Covid-19?
Lauren: I'm staying protected by staying home as we all should. I go out for groceries which I do curbside pick up at Kroger. If they don't have what i need [I run into] to the actual store and while there I don’t wear PPE, but I do use sanitzer as soon as I get back in the car and I wipe down my steering wheel, gear shift, turn signal, door handle, and phone down with a Clorox wipe. I then wash my hands when i get home.
I also don't keep the plastic bags currently. There is a great video put out by a physician on how to properly unload your groceries during this time and I follow that currently.
GNL: How do you practice self care adequately during this quarantine?
Lauren: Self care is going to be different for everyone. However, for me I am doing a gratitude journal daily, writing my goals down for the year daily, taking a few times a day (I have a reminder in my phone) to deep breathe, and I am doing positive affirmations.
I am also taking some time away from social media to get away from the negativity. I turned off the news app on my phone since they love to spread fear and panic. I also take more time to do my usual self care- quiet time and baths and my favorite show at night.
GNL: Is there anything else we should know or be doing? Any words of advice?
Lauren: We should all stop hoarding- it does nothing- literally nothing! We should buy for 2 weeks at a time for all things. Following hand washing, good hygiene, and following current CDC guidelines. STAY HOME!
The sooner we listen and abide by recommendations, the sooner this ends. I don't want people to get the idea that a cloth mask is going to work 100%. This isn't scientifically tested and is giving people a false sense of security. If you look on the CDC website it even says that the N95 mask is the only thing that is approved for this, but that anything at this point being used will be slightly better than nothing. So please don't take one pair of gloves and a mask as a sense of security that all is well and you can run amok outside again.
Doing your best to stay healthy during this time- so eating well and moving your body. Go for a walk or run, but keep 10 feet away from people on the trails/street. Be kind to others, we are all struggling right now. And if you can support local if they deliver, do it! This isn't a battle that can be fought by soldiers, this is a battle that WE have to fight as individuals. So we need to do our part, own it and be accountable for it!
When You Should Go to the ER
Before I could reach out to my friend, Dr. Jedidiah Ballard, D.O. Emergency Room Doctor and Men’s Health Magazine Adviser, he had already posted a video to his Instagram advising when you should visit the ER.
Where to Get an Covid-19 Assessment
Sometimes, in times of need, people will jump at the opportunity to take advantage of others. We saw that when people flocked to buy up all of the toilet paper and hand sanitizer from stores, not for their own need, but to resell at an inflated, ridiculous price. Luckily, companies like Amazon put an end to it quickly and stopped people from reselling items on their platform. Brick and mortar stores began to limit the purchase of certain supplies as well.
Now, there are organizations like Metro Atlanta mega church New Birth Missionary Baptist Church that are trying to sell Covid-19 assessments and tests. New Birth Missionary Baptist Church will charge $25 for an assessment and $150 for testing. The rationale behind the pricing is that the church’s congregation “they don't have access to free testing and private clinics are costly.”
There are free options for free self screenings online. Hims & Hers personal wellness brand offer free self-assessments via their For Hims and For Hers websites and mobile apps.
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genelmag · 4 years
Mortal Kombat 11 Has No Female Guest Characters (Except Alien)
It’s women’ History Month, So we made a list of some amazing, badass and terrifying female characters that would make perfect guests on Mortal Kombat.
A Twitter user, innocently, asked Mortal Kombat fans which of the Mortal Kombat 11 guest characters were their favorite.
Though the fan favorite seems to be Jason Vorhees, some fans quickly noted that there are no female characters. Well, that’s a shame because there are so many great options to choose from. Twitter even shared who they thought would be great guest female characters on Mortal Kombat 11, including Sarah Connor, The Bride aka Beatrice Kiddo from Kill Bill, and Brittney Spears.
I can see those. Here’s 6 female characters from television and film we think will be awesome guests on Mortal Kombat.
Pamela Vorhees, Jason Vorhees’ Mother
X-Ray Move: Intense Slapping Fatality: Jason Vorhees’ telling her to kill her opponent, then she butchers them savagely with a machete.
2. Buffy the Vampire Slayer
X-Ray Move: Somersault into plunging multiple stakes into opponent’s heart. Fatality: After staking her opponent in the heart, she somersault’s behind them and chokes them with barbed wire until their head explodes.
3. Cardinal Witch of the East, Emerald City
X-Ray Move: Telekinetic bone-breaking. Fatality: Exploding each organ telekinetically, one by one.
4. Hela, Thor: Ragnaroc
X-Ray Move: Creates multiple daggers from thin air, and hurls them at her enemy. Fatality: Create’s multiple spears to pin opponent to a wall. Then, takes Thor’s hammer, Mjolnr and beats each body part off of their body, starting with their eyes.
5. Beatrice Kiddo aka The Bride, Kill Bill
X-Ray Move: “The Bride” plucks the eyeball from opponent, then pushes their head into a toilet to drown them. Fatality: She uses the ‘Five point palm-exploding heart’ technique. Instead of collapsing, her opponent’s heart literally explodes out of their chest cavity.
6. Akasha, The Queen of the Damned
X-Ray Move: Akasha will quickly teleport herself multiple times to feed on her opponent, draining them of their blood completely. Fatality: Akasha will dance seductively, hypnotizing her opponent and they float toward her. She then teleports behind them and rips their heart out.
Of course, this is all in fun, just imagining the possibilities. MKXI’s lineup of female fighters is great. Still, it’s quite sad that one of the most popular video game franchises has not included a female guest character for their DLCs. That could change in the future, but we won’t know until that happens.
Who do you think should be on this list? What would their fatalities be?
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genelmag · 4 years
Ubisoft's Child of Light is Free to Play on PC
In an effort to help gamers stay inside, Ubisoft’s Child of Light is free to download and keep on PC from March 24 to March 28.
Many gamers are used to staying in and self-isolating. But the option to go outside and have fun and do whatever you want has usually been there. With Covid-19, however, most people are doing their best to stay inside and practice social distancing to help prevent the spread of Covid-19. And we need entertainment.
Thanks to Ubisoft, we get to experience the colorful, exciting, vivid, watercolored world of Lemuria, playing as Princess Aurora. The sidescrolling RPG by Ubisoft Montreal is charming, but not very long. Though the game originally released in 2014, it has not aged at all. Ubisoft is offering the core game for free, but not any DLCs.
Still, Child of Light is masterfully designed and it’s such a joy to explore the eerie and whimsical little world. Sure, you can chalk this up to another free game download that is on your list to get to someday. But you’d be doing yourself a disservice by not adventuring through Lemuria. To download Child of Light, click here. Get it before it’s too late.
Ubisoft is also offering free play of Tom Clancy’s Ghost Recon Breakpoint from March 26-29th. Steam has plenty of free games to download to pass the time as does GoG.com, with 27 free games.
Have you played Child of Light already? What games are you playing now?
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genelmag · 4 years
Understanding and Caring for Our Gamer Friends Living With Depression
It’s never an easy thing to watch the people you love in pain. And too often, we don’t even realize they are in any type of pain. There are different types of depression and different people display and handle their unique symptoms different. And when the whole world is practicing social-distancing and to self-quarantine to protect themselves and others from contracting Covid-19, things can get real pretty quickly for people who are new to experiencing depression.
Understanding Depression
There is a huge difference between sadness and depression. Often times, sadness can become intense and morph into feelings of hopelessness, helplessness, and worthlessness. Better Help says having five or more of the following symptoms for at least two weeks is a sign of depression:
Feeling tired or lacking energy most days
Feeling sadness or grief most of the day, especially in the morning
Difficulty focusing, remembering details or making decisions
Feeling guilty or unworthy almost daily
Inability to sleep or sleeping too much most days
Feeling restless or slowed down
Persistent thoughts about death or suicide
Lack of desire to participate in activities that you used to enjoy
Frequent headaches or body aches and pain with no apparent cause
Depression can make working a normal 9 to 5 job incredibly challenging. And not being able to provide for yourself financially can add to the existing pain of depression—the feeling of worthlessness and helplessness and wondering “WTF is wrong with me. Why can’t I just be normal?” Add to it the stress of losing your job in the midst of a global pandemic and depression can be beyond the nightmarish plane it already exists in.
Types of Depression
There is no one cause for depression. In fact, there can be multiple variables contributing to depression. People can also have more than one type of depression, though symptoms of one type may be more pronounced than the other.
So, just what is depression? Depression is a medically diagnosed mood disorder that causes a persistent feeling of a depressed mood or sadness and the often profound loss of interest in things that usually bring you pleasure. Depression is diagnosed based on its symptoms.
Major Depressive Disorder (MDD)
Also known as Clinical Depression—it’s the most common form of depression and is characterized by a persistent, depressed mood, loss of interest in activities.
Persistent Depressive Disorder (PDD)
Formerly referred to as Dysthymia, PDD is a long-term, but mild form of depression characterized by poor concentration, loss of interest in normal activities, prone to anger, and low moods for at least two years. It’s often accompanied by at least two other forms of depression.
Bipolar Disorder
Formerly referred to as Manic Depression—Bipolar Disorder is characterized by extreme mood swings: emotional highs characterized by high energy and lows, characterized by the depressive state. There are four types of Bipolar Disorder: bipolar I disorder, bipolar II disorder, cyclothymic disorder, and bipolar disorder due to another medical or substance abuse disorder
Postpartum Depression (PPD)
Postpartum Depression effects 1 in 7 mothers after giving birth. After giving birth, mothers may experience a drop in progesterone and estrogen, causing extreme sadness, anxiety, and exhaustion and can result in an inability to connect with their baby.
Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD)
The dark, cold, limited-sun months of winter can have a very bleak effect on people—some moreso than others. Seasonal Affective Disorder or SAD is characterized by changes in mood during seasonal changes. SAD is more prevalent during the Autumn and Winter months. Medical specialists believe SAD “the body's natural schedule/rhythm or changes in the function of chemical messengers in the body, such as serotonin and melatonin. Also believed to be a factor is the lack of exposure to sunlight, reducing the body’s synthesis of Vitamin D.
Atypical Depression
Symptoms of Atypical Depression can vary from person to person. Despite having the name “atypical”, Atypical Depression is actually quite common. The Mayo Clinic identifies the key signs of Atypical Depression as:
Depression that temporarily lifts in response to good news or positive events
Increased appetite or weight gain
Sleeping too much but still feeling sleepy in the daytime
Heavy, leaden feeling in your arms or legs that lasts an hour or more in a day
Sensitivity to rejection or criticism, which affects your relationships, social life or job
I am not a medical professional and these explanations of the various types of depression are mere summaries. If you believe you or someone you care about has symptoms of depression, there are professionals who can help. With everything going on, many mental healthcare professionals are turning to tele-counseling or tele-healthcare to continue helping patients and people in need.
Combating Depression
Living with depression isn’t easy. Some people have learned to manage their depression with medication and some have learned to manage depression without it. Every day is an uphill battle and there is no cure for it. The best many of us can hope to do is learn to manage it and live with it.
So, how can you help care for someone with depression?
It all depends on that person and the type of depression they have. The most important thing you can do for someone with depression, however, is listen to them without trying to fix them or analyze them. Whether they tell you directly what they need,
“I just want want to sleep/be alone”
or indirectly
“I just feel so alone.” While some people really do need to be left alone to go through it, you still want to keep checking in on them. The most important question you can ask your friend or loved one is, “What can I do to help you?” Sometimes, people need a distraction and playing video games is an excellent distraction to help people escape negative feelings.
Do NOT attempt to use “tough-love” tactics here. Not everyone responds well to “tough-love” and someone with depression may take that as further validation of their perceived worthlessness. In fact, here are several things you do not want to say someone fighting through a depressive episode:
Snap out of it.
You don’t have anything to be depressed about.
You need to ‘man-up’.
Be grateful for what you have.
You’re not depressed/You don’t look depressed.
Everybody has problems. You’re not special.
You’re being dramatic.
You just need a (alcoholic) drink (this is actually very bad because alcohol is a depressant and can increase feelings of depression).
Instead, you want to reassure that person that they are valued, and loved. With most people being quarantined and unable to visit their loved ones, sending a thoughtful text, putting together a care package, make them a dope playlist, or watch a movie together, virtually. Don’t get upset with them if they cancel plans or decline plans. Depression is absolutely energy-draining. If you are social-distancing with them or near them, offer to cook for them and/or do some chores.
And if you suspect they are having thoughts of suicide, let them know that they are not weak for having depression. Offer to help them get professional help. Let them know that you want them in your life.
If you are living with depression, how do you cope/manage? How do you care for your loved ones living with depression?
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genelmag · 4 years
Gamers are Comparing Tom Clancy’s The Division 2 to Reality
While most looter shooters are based on fictional worlds and circumstances, Tom Clancy’s The Division and The Division 2 are steeped in reality and what’s possible.
The game looks real, with character movement that is more fluid than in the first game. The weapons library is based on real weapons. And the circumstances that led to the semi-post apocalyptic scenario is not entirely far-fetched. Some gamers even joke about Ubisoft releasing The Division 2 to prepare us for Covid-19 or the Coronavirus.
During the beta and throughout main gameplay, gamers couldn’t help but make side-by-side comparisons of the major Washington D.C. landmarks in-game versus reality. Together In Transit, a gaming and traveling couple blogged about their Washington D.C. comparisons and the likeness and changes in the game were incredible.
When The Division 2 expansion, Warlords of New York went live on March 3, players in New York were comparing the game to sites and neighborhoods around New York. And the results have been kind of eerie. Twitter user @Ammo1997 posted this side-by-side comparison of a building in Battery Park in NYC.
Here, Spanish YouTuber ElAnalistaDeBits does a direct, side-by-side comparison of some of the main spots in The Division 2: Warlords of New York. You can see the incredible hard work that designers put into creating the realism.
We’re still waiting for Tom Clancy’s The Division movie to really drive home the realism. Are you ready, Agents? Share your favorite screenshots with us on Facebook.
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genelmag · 4 years
Why Bethesda and Activision Blizzard Pulled Support From Their Games on GeForce Now
With Activision Blizzard and Bethesda becoming the latest publishers to pull support from Nvidia GeForce Now, disputes over commercial licensing could spell trouble for the cloud streaming platform.
Since its launch on February 4th, over a million users have signed up for Nvidia GeForce Now with a 90-day free trial. But as GeForce Now works toward paid subscriptions, its success has been coupled with content issues. Several major developers, most recently Activision Blizzard and Bethesda, have pulled their games. So why have publishers been leaving GeForce Now, and what does that mean for the future of the service?
Why are Publishers Pulling Support Now?
With GeForce Now’s launch early in February, it might seem odd that so many publishers are already pulling out. The reason, according to Nvidia chief Phil Eisler, is a “misunderstanding” between the company and publishers.
While GeForce Now officially launched in early 2020, it’s been in beta since 2013. Despite this time, it seems Nvidia failed to solidify launch plans. The original agreements only covered the beta period. Nvidia took this to include the three months after launch, when subscriptions are free under a trial period. But publishers maintain that Nvidia didn’t have permission to use their titles without a commercial agreement after the official launch date.
Activision Blizzard and Bethesda are just the latest publishers to leave GeForce Now. Rockstar, EA, Konami, Capcom, and Square Enix all participated in the beta but have yet to agree to commercial deals with the service. Even before these latest losses, games missing from GeForce Now included bestsellers like Red Dead Redemption 2, GTA, and Monster Hunter World.
Of course, many gamers are questioning whether contract issues are really the only reason for the pullout. After all, Nvidia and publishers had years to settle the issue of licensing while the service was in beta. Publishers have been accused by some fans of trying to increase their profits by charging PC gamers for multiple purchases of their products.
One of the biggest things that sets GeForce Now apart from Google Stadia, as well as Microsoft and Sony’s services, is ownership of the games. GeForce Now allows you to play games you have already purchased on other platforms. If you bought a game on Steam or Uplay you can stream it through Nvidia’s platform at no extra charge. You own the game, GeForce Now cloud networking just allows you to play your game on devices that might not otherwise support it. Stadia, however, requires you to purchase the game through Google even if you already own it elsewhere. Publishers could potentially make more money if gamers buy multiple copies of each game to play on different services.
What Does This Mean for Nvidia?
These latest losses are a definite blow to Nvidia’s service. Without Blizzard and Bethesda, GeForce Now can’t offer massively popular titles like the Call of Duty franchise, Overwatch, Skyrim, and the Fallout series. These represent some of the most popular franchises in gaming, including several major esports games.
While Nvidia has made statements that they are working with publishers to come to an agreement, it’s uncertain whether these games will return to the service. And with two months left in the free trial period for paid subscriptions, it’s possible that more publishers will pull their catalogues before then.
All this could have a huge impact on the GeForce Now price in the future. GeForce Now currently offers two subscription options - a limited free membership and a paid subscription at $4.99/month for one year. This Founders subscription is a limited time offer, though, and the GeForce Now price going forward has not been set. If publishers demand a higher rate from Nvidia, the company could be forced to charge their customers more for their memberships.
As more gamers turn to the cloud to handle the technical requirements of their favorite titles, GeForce Now and its competitors are offering two different versions of how game sales will work in the future. Can you buy games from a variety of markets, or will you be locked in to sales through the service itself? Ultimately, the answer might come down to which of the two cloud gaming services can offer the most games at the best price. If Nvidia can’t work with publishers their sales model might lose the cloud streaming wars by default.
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genelmag · 4 years
Tom Clancy's The Division 2 is Free to Play This Weekend
Tom Clancy’s The Division 2 is having a free weekend!
To celebrate the upcoming release of The Division 2: Warlords of New York, Ubisoft has been reducing the prices of The Division to as low as $2.99. And now, this weekend, gamers can enjoy the game for free.
If you’ve been holding off buying, now is a great opportunity to check the game out and see if you enjoy it. PC and PS4 play open February 27th at 8AM UTC and closes March 2nd at 8AM UTCwith a pre-load beginning February 25th at 8AM UTC. XBOX servers will also open February 27th at 8AM UTC and close March 2nd at 8AM UTC, but there will be not pre-load available.
PC users can find access to the game’s free weekend through Uplay or the Epic Store. PS4 and Xbox one users can access the game by visiting the product page on their respective stores, but Xbox players will need and Xbox Live Gold membership to play online. The whole game will be free to play during the free weekend, so you can grind as much as you’d like and your progress will carry over if you decide to purchase the full game.
Warlords of New York takes us back to ground zero, when Division agents were first activated to tackle the dangerous criminal elements after a devastating outbreak.
Will you become a Division agent or are you already an agent? Share your screenshots with us on Facebook.
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genelmag · 4 years
Are Esports Taking Over College Sports?
At this point, it’s pretty clear that Esports are here to stay. This year, for example, there are over two dozen major tournaments being held in locations as far flung as Canne, France, and Singapore. The question that comes to my mind, then, is what role Esports may have in our broader society going forward.
As a recent NPR piece highlights, some high schools and colleges are starting to treat Esports as sports or activities- they’re offering staff to guide students, spaces/times in which to organize practices and tournaments, and, in some cases, funding that even includes college scholarships for esports.
Does this mean that Esports are going to totally take over from other big spectator sports such as football, basketball, and soccer? In my estimation, probably not. At least, not yet. But there are still some interesting things to keep in mind. There are some really encouraging sighs from these early years of esports: professional leagues are forming, young people are staying interested, and schools are paying attention. All of those tournaments we mentioned are held by professional leagues. The formation and presence of those leagues serve as both a major public face for Esports, but also a goal towards which competitors can strive.
Gaming is still a major part of youth culture, one which I doubt is going anywhere as devices are getting both cheaper and higher performing every season. Also, the first generation of gamers are just now becoming the age at which we will have more decision-making power in organizations such as schools: we’ll be more willing to add Esports to a school program. At the very least, this means Esports in high school will continue.
The fact that any programs exist at all is a big stride. Esports in college will probably be the next arena for expansion. In an era where other non-physical programs such as chess clubs and Model UN teams are often cut, survival is a win.
From the perspective of gender equality, this might also be a space in which a lot of progress is possible. Since Esports do not usually depend on ray physical strength, there is no real need to divide leagues by gender, or by (dis)ability status for that matter. That means that everyone has a shot at competing on an equal footing, while getting around some of the trickier, body essentialist debates that plague a number of more traditional sports now.
Obviously, this is assuming a lot in terms of acceptance from the stereotypically white, straight, male, American gaming community, but at least the opportunity for progress is baked right into Esports as a competitive genre. I doubt that we’ll be seeing 100,000 plus drunk college kids packing a stadium in the snow to watch Fortnite tournaments next fall, but Esports might be a great way to talk about gender and body in sports in productive ways.
Ge’NeL hopes to see more women and girls in esports. What about you? Like us on Facebook and share your opinion.
About the Author:
Garrett is a Florida based teacher, scholar, and political thinker. His academic work focuses on technology and democracy, especially it relates to ways in which participation can be empowered. He is also an active gamer, a hobby that has become part of his academic work. When he isn’t gaming or writing, Garrett is teaching political theory, with a focus on contemporary feminist and post-colonial theory.
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genelmag · 4 years
10 Black Witches in TV and Film Who Put a Spell on Us
For way too long Black witches in film and television were relegated to sidekicks or very bad voodoo priestess stereotypes with over the top accents—witches that the main protagonists meet in passing on their journey. More often than not, Black witches in television and film have been subjected to very bad writing. As filmmaker and witch, Monika Estrella Negra said, it’s a “misuse of the erotic and demonization of [African diaspora] spiritual practice”.
Luckily, we are getting to see more and better representation of Black witches. From big budget shows like The Chilling Adventures of Sabrina and American Horror Story to independent shows, films, and web series like Juju Web Series, Black witches are beginning to feel seen.
Still, in a sea of thousands of White witches in film and television, we literally have but a mere handful of Black witches, warlocks, and brujas that present worthy representation. So, on our first day of Black History Month in 2020, here are some of our favorite Black witches gracing us with their magical presence.
Tati Gabrielle kills it as Prudence Blackwood. Prudence is the illigetimate daughter of Faustus Blackwood leads The Weird Sisters as they attend The Academy of Unseen Arts to learn and improve their magical powers.
In the beginning of Season 1, it seemed as if writers were portraying Prudence as, what Teen Vogue’s Taylor Crumpton said, “the angry Black woman who attacks the misunderstood, small, blonde, white girl”—a trope we see far too often. Luckily, this wasn’t the case as the show progressed.
Even so, Prudence devoted her life to the Church of Night and, though it’s not mentioned, it’s inferred that she was the best at the Academy.
In truth, Prudence is one of the best things about Sabrina. Her power is expressed in everything she does, from her flawless makeup, killer wardrobe, and finger waves for days!
One of the biggest icons of the 1990s was Rachel True’s performance as one of the lead witches in cult classic The Craft. She was the bubbly best friend that you just fell in love with.
While most films of 90s portrayed Black witches as voodoo priestesses doing root work, Rochelle practiced a more European, neopagan form of ritualism.
Yusuf Gatewood plays one of the most powerful witches in New Orleans in the hit show The Originals, Vincent Griffith. Vincent does what he can to keep the peace in a city run by vampires and owned by the original vampires, The Michelson family.
Because of his power and his relationship with the Michelson family and with werewolves, he became regent to the nine covens of New Orleans. But, like any normal person would in his situation, he grew tired of the supernatural community and all the pain and death it came with.
Intelligent, charismatic, positively devilish—that’s Ambrose Spellman, played by Chance Perdomo.
From the very first time he comes on screen, you can’t help but fall in love with the Spellman cousin, Ambrose, who has been on house arrest at the mortuary for 75 years.
That’s right, he’s more than 75 years old, but we don’t know his exact age. All we know is that the famous alchemist Alester Crowley was his father figure and mentor and that somehow led to Ambrose being a part of a plot to blow up the Vatican.
Though he has something witty to say for every situation, he also usually has a solution—or knows just where to find it.
Kat Graham brilliantly played the most powerful witch in Mystic Falls. Bonnie started off as that lovable best friend who thought she had a little bit of psychic in her because Grams always told her she had witches in her ancestry.
Season after season we watched Bonnie’s powers grow as she repeatedly sacrificed herself for her friends and their boyfriends. Meanwhile, it took 7 seasons to give Bonnie a love interest who was actually worthy of her. But, of course, it didn’t last long.
Juju is a brand spanking new YouTube web series about best friends who discover they are witches is the story about Black witches we’ve been waiting for.
Juju takes place in New York City and follows the lives of three best friends with Caribbean and Bayou ancestry.
Jhé "Moon" Ferguson, the creator of Juju said she wanted to create a world of Black supernaturals.
I’ll be honest, I had no interest in American Horror Story until I learned Marie Laveau would be in Coven. Even better, she would be portrayed by the goddess herself, Angela Bassett.
Marie Laveau is a power, immortal Voodoo Queen who runs a salon called Cornrow City. The strength of her power is on par with The Supreme.
Billie Porter can do no wrong. Porter masterfully plays Behold, one of the head instructors of warlocks at the Hawthorne School for Exceptional Young Men.
He’s a leader and a protector, doing what he must to bring better representation on the Witches’ Council. He’s snarky, sarcastic, and adds an animated, flashy element when he uses his telekinesis.
What stands out for me with Behold is that he’s noble, valiant, and not a zealot as we see in many witches and warlocks tend to be in film and television. He’s sensible. He doesn’t jump to conclusions; he investigates his gut feelings.
Fringilla is a baaaaad witch. Played by the talented Mimi Ndiweni, Fringilla is a Nilfgardian sorceress and adviser.
I’ve only read the first two books of The Witcher series and I’ve only ever watched others play the game, even though I have the games in my library.
That said, even though Fringilla Vigo turns out to be villainous, she’s extremely powerful and cunning.
Though this show is a bit problematic, there is no doubt that black girl magic is real when you watch Carmen escape slavery through a time spell and land in modern Columbia.
She quickly adapts to modern life and technology, making friends, going to school, and casting spells to try to help where she can.
Quite honestly, there is much to be desired in Always a Witch, but it is worth taking a gander to see where and how we can do better in portraying our stories while avoiding certain tropes and stereotypes.
A special shout out to Dean Thomas from Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone, the Witches of Eve’s Bayou. Wanting more and better representation of Black witches doesn’t mean we don’t have our favorite mainstream witchy films. From Witches of Eastwick and Practical Magic to Charmed, we’re here for it.
Like us on Facebook and tell us which Black witches we may have missed or what shows and films about witches we should check out.
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genelmag · 4 years
Free Games on Steam RIGHT NOW: Half-Life Series
Valve is getting ready for the March release of Half-Life: Alyx, their full-length VR game that’s not Half-Life 3.
To get ready for Half-Life: Alyx, all Half-Life games are free to play for Steam users until the launch of Alyx. Free games included in the series are:
Half-Life Half-Life 2 Half-Life 2: Episode One Half-Life 2: Episode Two
If you don’t already have Steam, you can download it here and journey into Dr. Gordon Freeman’s mission to stop the alien invasion that his lab enabled when they ruptured a portal to another world.
Half-Life is a sci-fi, action-adventure series that combines FPS combat, puzzle-solving, and excellent storytelling. For most of the series, you play as Freeman. But in Half-Life-Alyx, you will play as Freeman’s ally, Alyx, in events that take place just before Half-Life 2.
There’s still no official word on when or if there will be a Half-Life 3. But during Geoff Keighley’s talk with Half-Life developers, Half-Life 3 did not sound as if it were out of the question.
Will you be playing Half-Life? Share your screenshots with us on Facebook.
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genelmag · 4 years
Getting to Know Twitch Streamer CtrlAltQuin
"I’m a performer. I’m a comedian. I can make people laugh—in person. The live aspect is just best for me...So I always knew I, and I still feel this way, I always knew I'd be in entertainment in some way. I'm good at grabbing people's attention."  -- CtrlAltQuin
Some people are just amazing as hell. They have that je ne sais quoi that you just can’t put your finger on. Or maybe, you just don’t have enough fingers to count for the many things that make someone awesome. This is Twitch Affiliate streamer CtrlAltQuin. There just aren’t enough fingers to adequately express what makes this bizarre, Star Wars fanatic the woman she is.
When you watch Quin gaming and interacting with her viewers, it’s obvious she lives to make people smile. Her black girl magic just spills out of every orifice like glittery stardust and turns into vapor that seeps into her camera and mic, makes it way to your eyes and ears, and fills you with joy. From Red Dead Redemption 2 RP streams with friends, her hilariously bad but sometimes on point freestyle to her get real about mental illness and self love, there’s just something magnetic about her fun, honest personality.
I sat down with my friend, comedic and variety Twitch streamer, and video editing mad scientist, CtrlAltQuin to learn how she became a part-time streamer with a large and loyal community without losing herself.
GNL Magazine: You've been a streamer for just about a year now. Made affiliate within two weeks of deciding that it was something you wanted to do. What steps did you take to become an affiliate?
CtrlAltQuin: One of the first things I did was I knew that like I dunno, how do I describe this? Like I knew I wanted to be a streamer or content creator and I thought to build my audience all I had to do was mimicry--is mimicry a word?
Yeah, mimicry is a word.
Like to be a streamer I [thought I] had to mimic how other streamers were. Not necessarily their content but also I— in the first week I learned I need to
I can't just show up and play a game. It's actually hard to stream like to learn how to talk to yourself talk to about the game about or whatever you're doing is how you really grow an audience.
Like I remember that first week. I literally thought I could just show up. Like I'm like "I'm just gonna turn on my PS4, I'mma play my game. If people come in I'm gonna talk to them." That's how easy I thought it was. And I was very, very wrong.
I'm in a lot of twitch streaming groups and so many people really think that it's really THAT easy.
Then, the second week, that's when I changed my structure. I remember wrote down on my notepad alright I'mma play this game that day and that game this day, I'm going to talk about the game, etcetera. I'm going to talk about the game while I'm playing it even if there's noone there to talk to me and that's like one of the hardest things. Like when no one's talking to you, you have to like really learn how to get over that hump of--like I have to bring that same energy--I have to be as entertaining as if I had 20 people or if I had like negative 20 people. I just--that's a really hard thing for streamers to learn. Some people can never get to that point. So I would like practice talking to myself in the car and stuff a lot.
That’s so true.
But umm, that first week--I think I talked to you! I was like "I don't think I can do it. That first week I was like "this is hard". But then once you let go of trying to mimic behavior and make your own content and like just be yourself, and like I know people say that all the time— "just be yourself" that's how easy it is. Streamers be like, "it really is that easy." If you are not a loud person then don't force yourself to be loud. If you're not a quiet person, don't bring it down. If you aren't a big chatter and just wanna play games like then do that as well. Like your people - your audience--they will find you.
But one thing that I feel like really sticks out, when you, like, look at people's streams, and I'm pretty sure we've had this conversation, you can tell when someone's not being genuine with themselves.
Yeah, I remember that convo!
Fucking audience—like when they're not being their real selves, it shows. All over their face, the way they talk and stuff. Like that's how my early streams were. I was too apprehensive to be myself because I was trying to be an idea of a streamer, not actually streaming what I wanted. I was trying to make streaming a personality trait. Not necessarily something that I want to do. Your personality--you bring THAT to streaming. You aren't a--streaming is not a personality. A streamer is not a personality trait. Does that make sense. That makes sense, right?
"And I'm good at improv and just coming up with stuff. Right on the fly."
Yeah. You can definitely tell when someone's being authentic and when someone's trying to be someone they're not. So what steps did you take to become a Twitch affiliate?
As far as the steps I took to become affiliate, I showed up and I talked to people. I didn't do like self-promotion or anything and I know a lot of people say "You gotta tell people you're going live" and that's still something that I don't do well. 'Cause I just don't--I dunno. I just always feel like an inconvenience when I'm like "Hey everyone! I'm going live" or I'd just tweet it. Like the only place I would promote it was my Discord. But when I was becoming affiliate, I would just tell my friends. Like I looked at my goals and I was like, "Hey, I need 5 people to just be here this week." You know, "Come to my stream. Just show up. You don't gotta watch. I mean it would be nice, but like
I'm trying to do this." And I stayed consistent. You have to be consistent.
Yeah, consistency is key.
And then--the 50 followers were the hardest part for me. And I've--now knowing what I know about followers and stuff, a lot of people always say, "Oh well women grow faster on Twitch" or whatever, as far as followers go and stuff like that, and I'm just like, Hmmm, it took me a while to get to 100 followers. Like you could see that in my panels. Like I didn't like 100 followers until like the end of August 2018 or something. I think. I didn't just pull out followers like crazy. And I know there are some dudes who've been streaming for longer than me who haven't even hit 500 or something like that. The followers is definitely the hardest part of the affiliate grind. And then people will unfollow and it's like trying to grow those numbers and it's hard.
What would you say has been the same from your first day of streaming to now?
I feel like the only thing that I've had since day one that is common on Twitch is perverts and trolls. People in my DMs. Since day one. No matter how many followers I had, like the first week I streamed I had DMs just full of creepy people. It's really, really bad on Twitch.
Oh yeah. The creepers, honestly, is one of the reasons I know I won't be able to be a full time streamer. The way my anxiety is set up--sheeeyit! Hahaha. What made you decide you wanted to stream? Like why was this the path for you?
Live streaming--well, I've been making YouTube videos and cutting and editing videos since I was in high school. Like I was always into content creation. EDITED content creation—like YouTube videos and such. That's just the way my brain works. I'm such a frantic, hyper person. It takes a lot for me to--like I have these ideas I wanted to create, but to get to the point where I was like editing regularly and planning out my creative vision, that way is really hard for my ADHD.
So, what worked for you is setting goals and following through, being consistent, and being authentic. The magic ingredients. But it took you a while to start actually start.
I’m a performer. I’m a comedian. I can make people laugh—in person. The live aspect is just best for me. So when streaming became accessible, like I used to stream gameplay on Ustream back in the day but it wasn’t successful at all. It was just trying to find my niche—not only as a streamer but as a comedian and trying to be an entertainer. I always knew I, and I still feel this way, I knew I would be in entertainment in some way. I’m good at grabbing people’s attention. And I always had it in the back of my head, “I’m gonna start streaming on Twitch one day. I’mma start.”
I've just always been putting it off--like taking it seriously--getting my schedule, you know, for so long, because of everything that happens in life and I was just like at the perfect place in my life to just to start it and stick with it consistently. But I've always been a funny person. And I'm good at improv and just coming up with stuff. Right on the fly, as you know.
You can catch Quin’s shenanigans live on Monday and Wednesday at 7PM EST and Friday at 8PM EST. Stop by, say hi, and tell her Flowerz sent you.
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genelmag · 4 years
BlackOakTV's New Web Series "The Closet Bitch"
BlackOakTV is a new YouTube streaming channel that puts Black characters and stories front and center through films, web series, and shorts. One of those shows is “The Closet Bitch”, a new web series from actress Shana Solomon (Cool Kidz, Shades of Blue, Power) and filmmaker William Alexander Runnels (Young N’ Reckless).
“The Closet Bitch” is a coming of age dramedy, loosely based on Shana Solomon’s life, about Shana’s struggle to please everyone around her, told through the eyes of Shana, with her family and friends in supporting roles. This raw, unfiltered, one-woman dark comedy series has Solomon playing all 8 characters.
“The Closet Bitch” takes place in Bronx, New York in what looks like the early 2000s. There are currently four episodes: “Are You Well Yet, Clara”, “Shana’s 10th Birthday", “Lucky to Have Each Other”, and “High Times.”
“Are You Well Yet, Clara”
“Are You Well Yet, Clara” introduces the audience to the main characters, a 9-year old Shana, her mother Clara, her father, and her father’s girlfriend. In this first episode, Clara has shown up to Shana’s home unexpectedly, desperately wanting to talk to her daughter. It briefly touches on how family members deal with the mental health issues of a loved one.
“Shana’s 10th Birthday”
In “Shana’s 10th Birthday,” an excited Shana is having a sleepover and wakes up early to rouse her friends to celebrate her birthday. She’s trying to have a conversation with them and get them excited about her special day, that is, until they walk in on something they should not have seen.
“Lucky to Have Each Other”
In “Lucky to Have Each Other,” we see a teenage Shana doing neighborhood shit: trying stay neutral in a situation between one of her friends and a girl who wants to fight her. But of course, Shana wants the details.
“High Times”
“High Times” sees Shana and her friend smoking weed in the stairwell and just talking while Dad and his girlfriend are fighting over what to watch on TV. When they go inside, the lecture they get isn’t what audiences would expect, but it’s one many have had to learn on their own.
Each episode is just as entertaining as the next. However, as a girl who grew up in Philly, I really felt seen in “Lucky to Have Each Other” and “High Times.” Navigating life as a young Black girl in the ‘hood was most definitely challenging and these two episodes hit close to home. Especially “High Times.” There’s always that one friend who thinks they know everything and could possibly get you into more trouble than you bargained for.
My own “High Times” experience.
When I was in high school, a friend of mine, let’s call her Rocky, wanted to get some weed. I would usually get it from my uncle, tbh. Anyway, there was a dude around the corner from her house that she would normally get hers from. When we went to dude’s house, he handed us two bags and asked Rocky to give one of the bags to the guy in the car out front. Rocky agreed. But when we got into the hallway, Rocky examined the bags and was like, “Uhh uh. Why is his bag fatter than ours?” I didn’t say anything. Next thing I know, she switched the bags and gave the guy in the car the slightly slimmer bag.
We walked around the corner, sat on the step of one of the many abandoned houses, and rolled two blunts. Nothing unusual. After a few minutes, I felt numbness in my face. Rocky was feeling the same, except all over, and she panicked. “Keesh! I can’t feel myself! I can’t feel myself.” I just looked at her because I didn’t want to panic either. So, I said, “Let’s go to Chrissy’s house. We went to my best friend, Chrissy’s house and Rocky is still in a panic. Chrissy was on the phone with her then boyfriend who was laughing so loud, but said he could help. He told Rocky to drink some orange soda and eat some bread to absorb the high. I knew he was bullshitting and I couldn’t help but laugh. But Rocky took everything seriously and followed his instructions.
Then, Chrissy’s older brother came home and found us and noticed we were high. He gave us the very same lecture that Dad gave to Shana and her friend.
“The Closet Bitch” web series is excellently written, expertly performed by Shana and absolutely made this Black girl from Philly feel like I recognized those memories. I can’t wait to see what else Shana Solomon brings us. Shana Solomon is an up and coming television and film star with over 23 acting credits.
Like Ge’NeL Magazine on Facebook to join the conversation.
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genelmag · 4 years
Filmmaker Terry Gilliam's Comments on Black Panther are Loud, Wrong, and Racist
If Stan Lee were alive, he would probably call Terry Gilliam a “low IQ yo-yo.”
Imagine being a White, male director nearing the end of 2019 and telling everyone on the internet that the film, Black Panther, based on the Marvel comic, gives Black kids unrealistic expectations about Africa. That’s exactly what the Monty Python director, Terry Gilliam did.
There’s a difference between having genuine criticisms about a film and just being a racist twat. We all have opinions. And disliking Black Panther does not make someone racist. What makes Gilliam racist is his why.
I hated Black Panther. It makes me crazy. It gives young black kids the idea that this is something to believe in. Bullshit. It’s utter bullshit. I think the people who made it have never been to Africa. They went and got some stylist for some African pattern fabrics and things.
First, let’s dissect this drivel. Gilliam, who directed fantasy escapist films like Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas, Time Bandits, and The Adventures of Baron Munchausen doesn’t have a problem with fantasy. He has a problem with fantasy giving hope to Black kids. This dude works in fantasy but has a problem with Black Panther not being realistic for Black kids. I cannot stress enough how stupid he sounds.
Then, he comes for the director, Ryan Coogler and world-renowned, award-winning stylist, Ruth E. Carter saying they’ve probably never been to Africa. Coogler spent an insurmountable amount of time visiting Africa to research for the film.
Haper’s Bazaar rightfully describes Ruth Carter as being “synonymous with power, femininity, and unapologetic blackness.” To design the unique and gorgeous, afrofuturistic costumes, Carter researched various African tribes. Her more than 30 years as a highly-sought legend means she does the work everyone wants.
Gilliam’s dismissal of the hard work, research, and abilities of Black filmmakers is problematic and shouldn’t be ignored. His ignorance deserves to be called out. And he deserves to be recognized for the racist he is.
If you’ve been living under a rock and have no idea what Black Panther is about, here’s a quick breakdown of the comic and the film.
Black Panther first appeared in Marvel Comic’s Fantastic Four #52 back in 1966. Though some people were worried that calling King T’Challa Black Panther would be seen as being aligned with the Black Panther Party, Stan Lee fought for Black Panther to keep his name because it was vital for Black people to be seen at that time.
King T’Challa is the ruler of the fictional, African country, Wakanda. Wakanda is an advanced country, hidden from the rest of the world, having evaded European colonization. Their scientific marvels, intelligence, and society show what could have been without White colonization. This was incredibly huge, especially during that time when mainstream media were still trying to decide whether Black folk deserved equal rights in what was supposed to be the freest country in the world.
The 2018 film, Black Panther brought that fantastic world to life, not just for today’s Marvel fans, but for the kids of the 60s, 70s, and 80s who read Black Panther and dreamt about that world becoming a reality.
And for someone like Terry Gilliam to say, “It gives young black kids the idea that this is something to believe in” as if it were a bad thing, is reminiscent of the racists slaveowners warning to not let Black folk read because “You don’t want to give them any ideas, now.”
Some comic fans will try to say politics has no place in comics, and many tried to say Marvel was getting too political. They obviously hadn’t been paying attention. Stan Lee and Marvel Comics have always been activists and used comics to promote equality, to fight hate, and give young kids, especially young Black kids without representation, inspiration.
Comics create a whole other world full of possibilities and wonderment. For a Black girl growing up in Philly, Black Panther, Storm, and DC’s Wonder Woman were part of my escape to a place better than where I was. I was a lonely 80s kid whose mother joined the military, having to leave me behind, in order to provide a better life for me. I didn’t understand that at the time. All I knew as an 8-year-old was that my mom was gone. Comics helped to feel better, feel powerful.
Black Panther was the first time Hollywood brought Afrofuturism to light. For years, Hollywood steered clear of Black leads in comic-based films that incorporated anything to deal with Black culture. It’s often been echoed that Hollywood didn’t think a Black lead or an all-Black cast for a major franchise would do well overseas. Well, that was proven wrong.
Terry Gilliam’s comments are more than just a stupid opinion. They’re something far more disgusting and sinister. Stan Lee would probably call him a “low IQ yo-yo.” So, not only is this article a refutation of Gilliam’s disgusting but also to celebrate a man whose light will continue to outshine any darkness from the likes of Gilliam and others. Stan Lee. Lee would be 97 years old today. May his power live on and continue to inspire kids all over.
Happy Birthday, Stan Lee.
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genelmag · 4 years
Warlords of Draenor Was Almost a Great World of Warcraft Expansion. Almost.
Warlords of Draenor will go down as one of the worst World of Warcraft expansions out of the games seven expansions.
Some will even argue that it is the worst. Still, WoD gave players a lot to appreciate. From the super laggy launch (which was actually kind of fun), the dreaded garrisons and the rushed releases of end game content, what could have been a great expansion turned out to be pretty bad. Having released only two content patches during WoD, players were left feeling beyond disappointed.
Still, when you go back to level up alts, WoD is probably the only expansion where questing may be preferable to leveling up through dungeon runs. And with World of Warcraft: Shadowlands coming up, we ponder previous expansions, including the current expac, Battle for Azeroth.
Here are 6 reasons Warlords of Draenor wasn’t really that bad.
The beautiful artwork and breathtaking scenery.
Let’s face it, the artists and developers at Blizzard really do create stellar worlds that make players want to explore, wander, get lost—they move us. What they did with Warlords of Draenor was create a marvelous world.
The Alliance WoD starting area, Shadowmoon Valley in particular, is breathtaking. There was a running joke on Horde side, “I heard Alliance has a Starbucks in their garrison.”
We learn more about the Frostwolf Clan.
The Frostwolf Clan is one of the original Orc clans of Draenor. Before WoD, our only interaction with them was in Alterac Valley. The Frostwolves were one of very few clans to resist Gul’dan’s corruption. Durotan led the Frostwolves through the Dark Portal to escape Gul’dan. In WoD, we learn a lot more about the Frostwolf Clan through quests, our Horde garrison being in their ancestral home of Frostfire Ridge.
More interactions with new, fabled, and familiar characters.
We get to experience working with and battling characters from lore and in previous expansions were only talked about in lore or read about in the books. Playing through the world of the old Horde was beyond fun.
Some characters you may have recognized and some you may have not. One character, especially, is Exarch Maladaar. You’ll likely remember Maladaar from The Burning Crusade. He was the keeper of Auchenai Crypts, driven mad by the void remnants from the body of the ancient Naaru, D’ore. In WoD, however, we see and interact with Exarch Maladaar in a time before he was driven mad.
One of the new characters we met in Draenor was Yrel who turns out to be pretty badass. She comes from humble priest beginnings. But through constant battling for her life and freedom from the Iron Horde, she becomes a paladin (isn’t that how most paladins come into being nowadays?).
It’s very alt-friendly.
In TBC, Wrath, Cataclysm, and MoP, leveling was cool—the first time around. The second time, meh. thank goodness for heirlooms and leveling through dungeons. WoD changed that. In WoD there are so many ways to level up your alt toons. With world quests and Potion of Accelerated Learning combined with heirloom gear, leveling your 10th alt is so much easier.
Improved Undead (and other races) model.
My personal favorite addition to WoW during Warlords of Draenor has to be the updated Undead model. I know, I know, they weren’t the only race to get an upgrade. But, as an Undead priest main, this made my heart happy.
Tribute to the late, great Robin Williams.
In August of 2014, we lost a prolific soul in actor, comedian, and philanthropist, Robin Williams. He was known to be an avid gamer and fan of World of Warcraft. Almost immediately after his death was announced, there was a petition to memorialize Williams in WoW. Blizzard acted fast, giving fans and players a place to go to pay tribute to Robin Williams just off the coast of Nagrand.
There’s an unnamed island near the Talador-Nagrand border dedicated to Williams.
WoD was quite enjoyable until you ran out of content. Hence, leveling up multiple characters because the content was released too fast. It had so much potential to be one of the greatest expansions. Luckily, everything Blizz got wrong with WoD, they more than made up for with Legion.
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genelmag · 4 years
Product Review: Refiber Designs Fingerless Gloves for Gaming
Finding the right fingerless gloves for gaming isn’t always easy. There are a lot of gloves on the market. I was able to get a pair of Refiber Design Handwarmer/Fingerless Gloves to see how they’d fare with my use.
Product Review Summary: Refiber Design Fingerless Gloves
Product: Handmade Fingerless Gloves Black Heather Price: $29.95 Description: Handmade fingerless gloves that are lightweight and cozy, double lining with Zirotec fleece for superb insulation. Perfect for writers, gamers, coders, engineers, and more! Materials: Lining and edging - Zirotek Fleece 100% Polyester / Outer - Performance Wool Blend 89%, Polyester 11% Sizes: XS, S, M, L, XL (reviewing a size small) Fit: True to size First Look Impression: Super cute, very soft.
I based my review on four things: Quality, Comfort, Durability, and Pricing.
First Use Impression
Quality: They are super soft and breathable while keeping my hands warm. They are so lightweight that I had forgotten I was wearing them while working.
Comfort: After 6 hours of typing and my hands were warm and comfy. The gloves are easy to pull on because of the inner slit at the wrist. Then, I played 10 hours of The Division 2 on PC and my hands are still cozy. I’ve been wearing them daily for work and gaming, almost like a uniform.
Honestly, I thought the fleece top border would be distracting and impede my performance, but it didn’t. I didn’t feel as if they hindered my gaming at all. that’s because of the top border or edge is angled. My aim is trash with or without these ultra-lux gloves.
After First Wash
Durability: After washing the Refiber Design gloves, following the instructions on their website, the gloves look brand new still, feel uber soft, and they fit the same as the first wear. They were the same after the second wash as well.
Pricing: Though they were given to me as a gift, the price of $29.95 is reasonable for high-quality, handmade gloves.
All in all, I’m loving Refiber Design’s fingerless gloves for work and gaming. I’m wearing them as I write up this review. I’ve gotten so many compliments on these, too.
Refiber Designs handwarmers and fingerless gloves are made to order in your requested size. They also make custom patterns and branded gloves. Get your pair of Refiber Designs handwarmers and fingerless gloves here.
When you get your pair, share your pics with us on Instagram #genelmag.
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genelmag · 5 years
Quiz: How well do you know League of Legends music?
Music often sets the tone of games by inspiring players, evoking emotions, getting us hype, or scaring the crap out of us. The music of League of Legends does that and more, especially getting us hype and ready for battle. Whether in-game or at the League of Legends World Championship, the carefully composed pieces work in tandem with our adrenaline, almost like fuel to our fire, pushing us to be the best.
But do we recognize or appreciate the role music plays in our battle? How well do you know the music of League of Legends? League of Legends music is known to include a lot of symbolism, especially their latest theme, Phoenix. Take this League of Legends quiz to see just how much you know.
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