ghestie93 · 30 days
And imagine the Flash Fam’s reaction when they realized that they pushed Dan to the breaking point?
Like they doomed the timeline again and it was because of those damn kill on sight orders? If they had minded their own business, things would be great.
I like to think Constantine just senses the disturbance and the entire Infinite Realms shifting when it gets out that the Halfa King Phantom was assassinated and that their family seeks retribution.
I can imagine he’d be chain smoking from stress and tearing his hair out as he would tell the justice league. Plus I wonder how Batman would react to the whole Flash dooming the timeline again by killing a kid.
Kill on Sight Orders
The Flash fam has a secret. Okay so they have a lot of secrets, but there's one above all others.
A kill on sight order.
In the worst possible future (one of them there's a lot), a beast named Phantom decimated the world. He took out the entire Justice League, the entire Justice League Dark, any and all small-time heroes that stood in his way. All of it. Everyone.
If they see Phantom as a kid, to prevent the slightest possible chance of Phantom being a thing, it's kill on sight. They all have anti-ghost weapons that can destroy a ghost's core, locked away in a secure facility that they can just run to and grab real quick to get it done.
None of them like it. None of them can risk it.
Bart stumbles into a town that doesn't exist, almost gets got by a ghost that managed to possess him, and gets saved by...Phantom.
A scrawny, teenage Phantom.
He's funny, makes puns, worries about if Bart got hurt or not-he's nothing like the Bad Phantom!
He's not gonna kill his new friend! No way, no how.
But he's gotta keep it a secret from the other Speedsters now, because he doesn't know who came up with that rule but they probably won't understand, and then he'll have a speedster fight on his hands, and no one wants that.
But the government keeps sending letters of complaint to Max, and Max keeps asking why the government is mad at Bart now, and Bart can't tell him "oh it's because there's this town that is off the record and a secret and also where phantom is and i broke in" because that'd rat Phantom out, and even if he didn't mention Phantom Max would want to investigate.
The mailman doesn't understand why his letters keep disappearing but he thinks it might have something to do with the Flash, because there's always a red blur.
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ghestie93 · 1 month
I have a thought. How would the DC Talons be treated in the Marvel universe? More particularly the X-Men 97 universe?
Maybe they are hand picked mutants broken down till they are essentially walking corpses, at least that's what I assume, my perception of them is like they are mind controlled. Wouldn't be far off given the fact that Logan was Weapon-X and he has memory issues.
I like to think Magneto would show them mercy once he realizes his people were turned into these walking zombies.
I can see Talons either imprinting on Logan and Magneto.
You understand what I mean they imprint on Logan because he totally understands that at the point of broken down that they are just going off of these programmed instincts and probably don't want to hurt people. That they are having severe identity issues and not remembering who they were and if they have family.
But why do I think that Talons would imprint on Magneto? It's simple really. Because Magneto can relate to the Talons, since they have their entire lives reduced to a number etched in ink on their inner wrists. They underwent torture that was supposed to break their minds and they did what they did to survive cruel conditions. He doesn't fault them for that. He reminds them that they did things with the intentions of survival. They were forced into situations where it is dubbed "me or them".
And everyone knows that Magneto was a Holocaust survivor, he understands the trauma.
And maybe the Talons imprint on Charles Xavier because they can actually communicate with the man. He has never ending empathy rather than sympathy. The man is so understanding, he's a telepath after all, and he is like that other comforting parent that just gets it. It's the aura.
Maybe if this was a DC and X-Men 97 crossover then something can be figured out. Bruce probably doesn't want the Talons in Gotham, but that doesn't mean he doesn't care. It's just god knows what triggers are associated in Gotham. And I wonder what the interactions Talons have with the X-Men as they hide with them, this would be before the Metahuman Rights Acts and such.
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ghestie93 · 1 month
What if John Constantine moved to Derry, Maine to lay low for an extended period of time?
Hiding from creditors and debt collectors, not to mention whatever entity or new enemy he made, that small town that is perpetually in the 80s that just so happens to have a huge population of missing children.
He notices it, and he would poke and prod people about it, but the townspeople aren't exactly warm to an Englishman that drinks, smokes, and swears like John does. He knows that something is fishy when he sees how children act like there is no consequences for their actions and violence is startlingly high amongst teens, something is feeding off of the fear and trauma this tiny town just seems to pump out daily.
IT sees John as a threat. And IT makes sure to leave little signs that IT knows what John is.
Bonus points if John has some adopted kid that sees IT and doesn't know how to express what they see to John. Make it his biological kid or some apprentice, its fair game. Just like how IT sees the kid as fair game, smelling the trauma from the kid that makes the kid an absolute once in a life time delicacy for merely being associated with the Hellblazer.
Possible x-over:
if Danny Phantom just so happens to be a kid that is lying low there and IT uses the definite miscommunication and makes John think Danny is making children disappear.
Any fic recs? I may write this.
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ghestie93 · 1 month
I’ll admit it, I make c.ai bots and right now I wanna escape from finals. Any ideas of what bots and scenarios I could make?
My @ on c.ai is heavenly_heart
My current bots in creation are the following:
Adrian Pimento (B99) -
- platonic bots/ brother bots
Barney Ross (Expendables) -
- old friend calling
Bruce Wayne (Batman/DC) -
- experimental bot/trying to save child from saw trap. Will edit later
Erik Lehnsherr (Magneto/X-Men/Marvel) -
- Rogue user set at the end of X-Men 97 episode 2
- other bot is of Erik saving a mutant from a lab called project 66
Hanzo Hasashi (Scorpion/Mortal Kombat) -
-one bot is saving his daughter (user) from her cruel husband Bi-Han
- other bot is set in Scorpion’s Revenge animated movie where he saves his wife (user)
John Constantine (DC/Hellblazer) -
- he’s your uncle bot where you have the Sight like him
- second bot is he’s trying to figure out if your possessed or depressed.
John Wick (Wick universe) -
- he adopted you. A former child soldier
- he excommunicado and he abandons you
- you’re too young to be going after the bounty on his head
- the Marquis wants you, John’s kid, to settle John’s debts
Lee Christmas (Expendables) -
- he drunkenly calls his ex
Maleficent (Angelina Jolie) -
- your her biological daughter injured by fairy hunters
Spawn (Todd McFarlane comics/show)-
- he’s your guardian demon
- you’re a fallen angel he’s conflicted about
White Death (Bullet Train) -
- he’s interested in you on the bullet train. Didn’t account for you
- the world will burn in your name
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ghestie93 · 1 month
Hiya! Happened upon your '97 Erik Lehnsherr (Project 66) Character.ai bot, and I'm loving it so far! ^^
Can't wait to see what other bots you do! ^^
Aw I'm glad you like it! I've just been waiting for some inspiration on more X-Men bots.
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ghestie93 · 2 months
I’m devastated, I don’t think I’ll recover. Better bring both of my men back! *sighs and opens ao3*
Lot of heartache in this weeks episode of X Men 97. Jean and Scott are further driven apart and find themselves instead being drawn to others.... Logan and Madelyn. Can't say I'm surprised. I saw this coming a mile away.
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but truly today's episode was really all about the love triangle between Rogue, Gambit and Magneto. EVERYTHING was finally revealed about Rogue and Magneto's former relationship before Rogue joined the X-Men.
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I was waiting to hear this story, but I was not prepared for the consequences and heartache that would follow afterwards, especially for poor Gambit. I always hated when Rogue constantly turned him down before in X-Men, but this was the absolute worst thing she ever could've done to him.
Rogue did the unthinkable and completely broke Gambit's heart. "You light up everything you touch.... but never me." OUCH!!!
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My heart hasn't felt this broken in a long time and I just can't believe she said that. I'm so sorry for the poor guy. Rogue made a big mistake and by the time she realized it... it was too late.
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Remy died, believing Rogue never loved him and that her heart belonged to Magneto and now she has has to live with it. The pain and guilt of breaking Remy's heart and even worse, the regret she now feels of everything she said to him before he sacrificed himself to save them all.
Downright the most heartbreaking episode of X Men 97.
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ghestie93 · 2 months
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Y'all I am losing my mind, I need to say it. Do you know how amazingly written this scene is??? Do you understand? Rogue removes the glove and instinctively (out of raw desire and need for connection) tries to touch Magneto's face but stops herself because it's the kind of intimacy that creates tension. She realizes she doesn't want to step into muddy waters, instead she waits for his hand. And he gladly and respectfully accepts it. And not only that, he understands it's an exchange of safe, grounded intimacy that is extended to him and he proceeds not only to take her hand in his, but also to place his other hand on top of hers. And then the voice over says 'to feel another soul finally seeing yours'. Because they do. They've seen each other at their best, and they've seen each other at their worst (when one has failed the other or when they have been too quick to pass judgment on each other). And that gesture reads to me as "I see you, and I want to believe in you. And this situation in which we are now, how we got here - absolutely sucks, but I am glad you are here."
And that's always been Rogue and Magneto in a nutshell for me. I am in tears about how well handled this moment was. And if the rest of the season will descend into drama, jealous love, conflicts and it will all burn to the ground so be it (hope it won't be the case) - but you will always find me here. in this moment.
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ghestie93 · 2 months
I never liked magneto before until now
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finally bringing slutty men back to comic book media let’s gooooo
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ghestie93 · 2 months
God this is a romance I’ve been craving for a while. I need ao3 fic recs to add to my list ASAP.
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Y'all I am losing my mind, I need to say it. Do you know how amazingly written this scene is??? Do you understand? Rogue removes the glove and instinctively (out of raw desire and need for connection) tries to touch Magneto's face but stops herself because it's the kind of intimacy that creates tension. She realizes she doesn't want to step into muddy waters, instead she waits for his hand. And he gladly and respectfully accepts it. And not only that, he understands it's an exchange of safe, grounded intimacy that is extended to him and he proceeds not only to take her hand in his, but also to place his other hand on top of hers. And then the voice over says 'to feel another soul finally seeing yours'. Because they do. They've seen each other at their best, and they've seen each other at their worst (when one has failed the other or when they have been too quick to pass judgment on each other). And that gesture reads to me as "I see you, and I want to believe in you. And this situation in which we are now, how we got here - absolutely sucks, but I am glad you are here."
And that's always been Rogue and Magneto in a nutshell for me. I am in tears about how well handled this moment was. And if the rest of the season will descend into drama, jealous love, conflicts and it will all burn to the ground so be it (hope it won't be the case) - but you will always find me here. in this moment.
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ghestie93 · 2 months
Just watched x-men 97’s recent episodes and despite loving Gambit x Rogue I have an unpopular opinion……good for rogue for bagging a silver fox called Magneto who is incredibly powerful. You go girl.
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ghestie93 · 3 months
i always forget "fuck" is a bad word. it's like a brother to me
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ghestie93 · 4 months
Constantine makes a deal with the Spirit of Kronos.
In return for all contracts he has made regarding his soul being voided, and for Kronos himself to be John's Patron, he has to take a ghost core into himself and nurture it until it's independent.
Infinite Realms beings are fiercely independent, and he estimates that one year of hosting and three months of looking after is nothing compared to the headache that he was going to have to go through to get those contracts voided.
The Spirit of Kronos assures him that this task will be on par, and that the payment for doing this is actually equal. He'll have to be sober, not a single drop of liquor or booze, not a single cigarette, for the entire duration.
Which. Okay, yeah, that sounds a little difficult.
So John accepts, expecting this to be kinda hard. But it's not.
The Core he houses is barely noticeable. Barely there. It takes a lot of magic, and eats a lot of ecto, and he's starting to realize that this core may have been severely damaged. This may be more than a year of hosting.
Then it starts to effect him.
He gets cravings, he's a little more emotional due to Realms Spirits being based on emotions, he sleeps more because of the little core leeching off of his magic reserves.
Other heroes start to notice.
He starts getting left out of missions, JLD and JL both checking in on him periodically. They don't know, but they know something is up.
Then he feels it one and a half years after accepting the deal; the tiny core is finally ready to come into the world. Soon, so soon, he'll be able to drink and smoke again, worry free.
The tiny ghost materializes in front of him - and John lunges forward to catch it before it falls to the floor.
Because that's not a ghost.
That's a human baby.
A green sticky note pops onto the kids forehead, and John realizes he may have just been bamboozled.
'His name is Daniel, and the deal stands until he is legally able to be independent per American Law. I look forward to our partnership.
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ghestie93 · 4 months
god. hades saying, "ask me for sanctuary" after percy talks about kronos hits like a truck when you remember that he tried to do the same for maria, bianca, and nico.
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ghestie93 · 4 months
Me when I realized that common sense isn’t too common and that when wisdom is chasing people, they are usually running faster than wisdom.
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ghestie93 · 4 months
site that you can type in the definition of a word and get the word
site for when you can only remember part of a word/its definition 
site that gives you words that rhyme with a word
site that gives you synonyms and antonyms
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ghestie93 · 5 months
Whenever I look at my rough draft fics and think my writing is shit, I look up Colleen Hoover hate on TikTok and then remember I’m significantly better than her.
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ghestie93 · 5 months
Fighting the urge to start writing superbat fanfic and somehow fit Ghost into it. I keep seeing too many godtier superbat tumblr posts but I know I shouldn’t start another fic rec when I have two going.
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