goldenbananas98 · 3 years
New Video is up and it involves Owen Wilson :D
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goldenbananas98 · 4 years
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The Highlander
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goldenbananas98 · 5 years
Im so proud of you
My dear, no words can fathom just how proud I am for you.
Yes my love, this month has been rough and your journey long, but fear not for you have made it this long.
Despite everything you never backed down, no matter how physically tired you were or how mentally you beat yourself down. You still stood tall.
You did it! yes you had to fight against the waves but my love you were not alone in this battle, I happily stood with you and cheered you on, I believed in you, I supported you.
And I know so many others did as well.
But alas your journey is not yet over, for you still have one last battle. But my dear no matter what, Im proud of everything you have acomplished, everything you drove yourself to achieve.
My dear, My Love, My inspiration, always know how i feel about you, I Look up to you and I stand by you, so stand tall my love for im proud of you and your achievments, despite it all ❤️
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goldenbananas98 · 5 years
In a Moment
I held you in my arms, your warmth radiating off heating up my cold and beaten heart. Its funny how you could flash me your stunning smile and I was instantly in awe.
Holding you so close made me feel safe, like all the dark thoughts and monsters that cling to my shadow dissapeared. How I loved the way time always comes to a halt just for us. To savor this moment with you.
I kissed your cheek to express my overflowing love for you, my how it could just gush out if given the chance to. I Kissed the back of your head to show That i cared, that I Loved you. Although I’ll kiss anypart of you cause i love all of you.
My Love, My Darling, My dream, If I could only explain to you, how you mean the world to me.
How your laugh warms my very being and makes me full of joy. How your eyes reflect the warmth in your heart.
I Simply love all of you my love, although we are both imperfect, to both me and my dreams, My prince… You are to me. ❤️
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goldenbananas98 · 5 years
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in all honesty i am considering going to a mental hostpital .-.
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goldenbananas98 · 6 years
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Hawaii Food is lit 🤤
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goldenbananas98 · 6 years
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Welp, We tried our best 👌
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