goldenqrow-blog Ā· 5 years
posted this on twitter but i should put it here too: iā€™m not gonna be around for a little while. physical and mental health problems in combination have got me fucked up and mostly too tired to talk to people or. do much of anything really. stuff should be fixed around late april/early may so iā€™ll be back for good around then. in the meantime iā€™ll pop in when i have the energy, but that wonā€™t be often. my queue is out, but i promise iā€™m not dead! iā€™ll come back.
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goldenqrow-blog Ā· 5 years
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Something I did really quick on my tablet.Ā 
How many times did Ozpin became well known as an eccentric not because heā€™s the headmaster of Beacon, but because he keeps covering for this asshole birb that keeps terrorizing and worrying the people in Vale and Beacon?
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goldenqrow-blog Ā· 5 years
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Sheā€™s beautiful uwu
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goldenqrow-blog Ā· 5 years
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Soft Bees!!
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goldenqrow-blog Ā· 5 years
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ā€œIā€™m so lucky to have youā€¦Uncle Qrowā€¦.ā€Ā 
That moment when you get emotional over your own fanart. Ughhh Qrowā€™s semblance still breaks my heart but i love it. I hope to get some flashbacks, maybe something along these linesā€¦. :ā€™D
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goldenqrow-blog Ā· 5 years
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idk if I like it with or without the aura but you know what? heres both of them!!
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goldenqrow-blog Ā· 5 years
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they say thereā€™s good grief
but how can you tell it from the bad
maybe itā€™s only in the fact
good griefā€™s the one thatā€™s in the past
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goldenqrow-blog Ā· 5 years
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team STRQ has been arrested multiple times for crimes untold by man
they didnā€™t just let the boar loose in his office it was the whole school
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goldenqrow-blog Ā· 5 years
better Ironwood intro, Qrow trolling Ironwood into saying sappy things about dear departed Oz before Ozcar pops in with a cocky grin.
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i call this one, ā€˜Prioritiesā€™
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goldenqrow-blog Ā· 5 years
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goldenqrow-blog Ā· 5 years
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A bird once told meā€¦
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goldenqrow-blog Ā· 5 years
The elevator ride up was filled with silence - a gift after the day heā€™d had. A day better left forgotten. Tossed into the void with no intention of fishing it back out.Ā 
The ding alerting him of his stop pulled him forward, dragged him into the dark office with a sigh spilling over his lips. Everything seemed heavy; fogged over in a haze that left him both exhausted and restless. Pushed and pulled at every single muscle in his body.
The day went from bad to worse in a matter of seconds - the Huntsmanā€™s body shutting down intoĀ ā€œauto-pilotā€ and driving him here. Steering him toward the one man, in all of Remnant, that could breathe life into him once again.
His legs carry him through the office, finding normalcy in the path that leads him upstairs and into the deeper, more secret section of this office. The section that housed the reclusive, wizard man heā€™d become addicted to. Fallen so hard for, he couldnā€™t see straight anymore. Couldnā€™t focus on anything but the thoughts of him.
The warmth of the fire heā€™d lit in his chest.
The sound of his smooth, soft, compassionate voice that kept his heart beating at twice its normal speed.
The way his eyes held his entire world.
The way his hair felt between his fingers.
The way their hands seemed to fit so perfectly together.
The light that just his presence, alone, brought to him when he felt like he was drowning.
All of the thoughts ceased the second crimson orbs fell on the silver locks of the man. The soft, sleeping face of the other easing the tension in his shoulders instantly.Ā 
Careful, so as not to wake him, he enters the room further and stops at the bed; gliding soft fingers through his hair. Smiling softly at the realization that he was here, just a single touch away.Ā 
He released a soft sigh, removing his hand to approach the opposite side. Lowering himself onto the bed slowly, heā€™s quick to remove his shoes and roll over to face his silver-haired partner. He watches the slow, steady movement of his chest rising and falling. He takes a moment to admire the serene expression of a man lost to a blissful slumber.Ā 
The Huntsman finds temptation hard to resist; arms reaching forward and pulling him close to his chest. He buries his face in his neck. Finds comfort in his scent; so naturally perfect for someone who represented the word perfection so naturally. He finds solace in the warmth of the other, at having him so close. At indulging in his presence again.
ā€œQrow?ā€ The voice slurs with sleep, his head turning ever so slightly.
ā€œHey, Oz.ā€ He whispers back, moving a hand to wrap around the otherā€™s softly. He keeps his eyes on the silver locks of hair.
ā€œā€¦Whatā€™s wrong?ā€
The man was far too insightful. Dangerously so. Easily picking up on every one of Qrowā€™s emotions from just a single glance.
ā€œNothing,ā€ he breathes, eyes finally meeting the otherā€™s as he pushes himself up onto one of his arms. Tomorrow would be better for talk. Tomorrow, heā€™d share the feelings Oz already knew, but with more story. More explanation. Tonightā€¦he simply wanted to lye here. Tonight, he just wanted Oz.
ā€œJust glad to have you back in my arms.ā€ He watches the man beside him smile lazily, eyes sagging closed - content with the answer, for now. Qrow dips down slowly, offering gentle kisses to the side of his head, his cheek, and neck. He thrives in the sleepy laughter exiting the silver haired man, feeling the fire in his heart only grow.Ā 
ā€œI missed you.ā€ He finishes, laying back down slowly and pulling his lover closer. Finding comfort in the other. Finding a kind of bliss he only ever finds here; with him.
ā€œā€¦Welcome home.ā€ The other replies, sleep coming back quickly to take him. Easier now, when beside the one he loved so.
Simultaneously, they find a peace between each other. Find a happiness that soothes them into a calm. A calm thatā€™s sweet enough to lull them into sleep, after whispering out one last message, together:
ā€œI love you.ā€
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goldenqrow-blog Ā· 5 years
Summer: Qrow, who is a grown man and a licensed Huntsman, just whispered ā€œoh, this is going to be so fucking efficient,ā€ before spraying febreze directly into the ceiling fan and proceeded to cough his guts out when it blew back in his face.
Taiyang: Oh man, why have I never thought of that?! (via incorrect-strq-quotes)
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goldenqrow-blog Ā· 5 years
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what was that? excuse to draw Oscar in armor? donā€™t mind if i do!!
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goldenqrow-blog Ā· 5 years
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Drawing RWBY characters on index cards has become a thing for me apparently.
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goldenqrow-blog Ā· 5 years
iā€™ve been away for several days and a. why does tumnbglr look like this now and b. iā€™m probably going to be away for several more days while both my teeth and brain Betray Me
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goldenqrow-blog Ā· 5 years
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Team STRQ comic commissions for @guiltypleasurethreader !!
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