goodomensbigbang · 8 months
Hey all!
We want to thank everyone who responded to our interest check and the positive response we've received!
After discussing some, we have sadly concluded that the mod team is currently unable to take on a project of this size and ensure it's as well-organized as we'd like, due to time constraints.
We're hoping this changes in the future, but until then we hope to see you all continue to create and share your works within the fandom!
- The Mods
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goodomensbigbang · 9 months
Hi! Quick question regarding the big bang - who is running it (who are the mods) and is there/will there be a discord server for the event?:)
Thanks for organising it!
The updated mod page can be viewed here!
Further information on the bang such as a discord server and whom it will be open to will come once our interest check is concluded.
Or as Neil said;
Wait and see. Thanks for your question!
-The mods
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goodomensbigbang · 9 months
Hey Everyone!
We have been so blown away by the response we've received to our interest form! We're so thrilled to see so many of you are up for another round!
We also want to thank everyone who has reached out over Tumblr and Email about another event being run at the same time. We are not affiliated with this event, but we are keeping their schedule in mind as we proceed with our own plans so they don't conflict for participants who may want to be involved with both.
Given this, we do need some more time to finalize the details on our future plans as the interest form is still running.
That said we don't want to leave you hanging, we will have a Good Omens theme week taking place the week of November 2nd - November 9th! More info will come later this week.
This theme week will be open to all and has no bearing on your participation in future events.
The theme week will lead up to our announcement of our next iteration of the Good Omens Big Bang!
We can't wait to share what's coming!
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goodomensbigbang · 10 months
Things are happening!
Or are they?
The GOBB is doing an interest check for a possible second edition! Please fill out the form, feel free to leave feedback and keep an eye out for updates!
GOBB: Second coming interest form
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goodomensbigbang · 3 years
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Introducing The Phases 
TV Verse - for characters in TV properties (Netflix, Disney+, ABC, etc) 
Begins: Feb 28th
Posting Period Starts: Aug 8th
Earth’s Mightiest - for characters living on Earth 
Begins: Mar 21st
Posting Period Starts: Aug 23rd
Space & Magic - for characters in space or who possess magic
Begins: Apr 14th
Posting Period Starts: Sept 16th
Spiderverse - for all of the Spider characters
Begins: Apr 27th
Posting Period Starts: Oct 17th
Rarepair - for pairings with 2K works or less on Ao3
Begins: May 11th
Posting Period Starts: Oct 31st
Multiverse - for X-Men, Fan4, crossovers, and AU’s
Begins: May 25th
Posting Period Starts: Nov 14th
Info | Schedule | Sign Ups | Ask | FAQ 
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goodomensbigbang · 3 years
Take a look at our sister event, coming to you at the start of the year!
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You can sign up to request an art card or a fic card, both available in sfw or nsfw, starting then! 
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goodomensbigbang · 4 years
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Have an idea for a prompt? Submit it! 
We’re looking for ideas for prompts to help fill in the cards. 
We have two categories of prompts we use: prompts that are specifically for Good Omens and prompts that are more general in nature. 
General Prompts: no fandom relation, in theory could be used for any fandom fic or art. Things like “first kiss,” “food fight,” “song lyrics,” etc…
Good Omens Specific Prompts: prompts that are specific to the show or book. Things like “The Bentley,” “A visit to Heaven,” “Aziraphale’s Cookbook,” etc…
We’ll adapt the prompts we receive to fit the bingo theme and use them to help fill our cards! 
Submit here
Thank you! 
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goodomensbigbang · 4 years
Meet our sister event!
Run by the same mod team, we have started a lowkey event with soft deadlines and a personal challenge!
We’re so excited to share this with you.
- The Horsemen
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Introducing the Good Omens Bingo! 
A Bingo is a prompt event for fans to challenge themselves to create more fic or art. Usually it’s a fic-based event, but the Good Omens Bingo is open to both authors and artists!
We’re an event created to celebrate Good Omens and to challenge our participants to win a bingo by creating five prompts in a row for their card. 
We’re so excited for you all to join us for this year long challenge!
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goodomensbigbang · 4 years
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These are trying times and thus call for something to keep us busy. While the Earth finishes another trip around the sun, we have a little gift for you all. 
Why not play a small round of bingo with the Horse-riders of the Apocalypse? 
For the demons out there, one Anthony J. Crowley, the original tempter
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goodomensbigbang · 4 years
Hi! I was an author for the last bang, and I was interested in joining this one, but the link to sign up isn´t working? It just leads to the interest form, and the links under signups say they're both closed even tho i thought the deadline for writers isn't until the 25. Is there any way I can still participate?
Hello there,
There is not a good omens Big Bang currently open for sign ups. The mods are in the process of deciding whether (and when) the next round will start.
Stay tuned!
- The Mods
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goodomensbigbang · 4 years
Enoyreve olleh!
Er, that is—
Hello everyone! Have we kept you in suspense for long enough..? Taunted you with enough clues? Are you ready to learn what Do It With Style’s next big event is?  
*drumroll please*
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Alright! Here you go: we’re excited to announce that DIWS is hosting a Reverse Bang! This means that artists will create a piece, and that writers will create a work based on the art!
If you’re interested in participating, please fill out the form here! 
Signups for artists will open on October 10th and close on the 25th!  Signups for writers will close on November 8th.
The event will run until mid-January, which is when posting will begin! For more info and a full event schedule, head over to our blog, where we’ll have further details posted soon! As always, if you have any questions, just shoot us a dm or an email and we’ll do our best to answer!  We can’t wait to see all of the amazing things that the fandom will cook up this time! 
Or should we say…
emit siht pu kooc lliw modnaf eht taht sgniht gnizama eht fo lla ees ot tiaw t’nac ew! :D
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goodomensbigbang · 4 years
You guys really want another round of the Good Omens Big Bang! 
We got an overwhelming response in such a short time for our first survey that it brought up some more questions, and we decided a second survey was needed. 
Before we can officially decide to do GOBB Round Two, we’d love for you to take a second and complete this survey so we can see where you’re at.
Keep an eye out for more information! 
- The Mods
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goodomensbigbang · 4 years
You guys really want another round of the Good Omens Big Bang! 
We got an overwhelming response in such a short time for our first survey that it brought up some more questions, and we decided a second survey was needed. 
Before we can officially decide to do GOBB Round Two, we’d love for you to take a second and complete this survey so we can see where you’re at.
Keep an eye out for more information! 
- The Mods
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goodomensbigbang · 4 years
Hey there, maybe it's worth elaborating what the big bang is (and how it works) as it's probably not that clear to newcomers (I couldn't tell just from looking at your first few posts).
Hey there!
These topics and a lot more have actually been covered on our bang info and FAQ pages!  Please bear in mind that things might get updated over time, but in essence, they’ll stay the same!
- The Mods
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goodomensbigbang · 4 years
Last time the Good Omens Big Bang (or GOBB) had an overwhelming wave of signups - not surprising when considering the TV show had only just graced our doorsteps.
Now comes the time to consider whether or not the Apocalypse 2.0 can rally the troops as well. Do angels, demons and humans (not to mention horse riders and God) still attract enough attention to fuel the madness of a Big Bang?
Only one way to find out.
Please head over to this form to let us know if you'd be willing to join the ranks (maybe even get your own platoon!) if another event is run. 
Everyone is welcome, first-timers as well as veterans. If you're an artist, a writer or a beta reader/story coach, this is for you. If you're an artist and don't want to commit yourself to a full bang, please consider that we always need pinch hitters.
But for now, please show us if you are up for Apocalypse 2.0.
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goodomensbigbang · 4 years
Dearest participants
The Bang of 2019/2020 has come and gone, but we'd like to say just one last thank you to the participants who made all this possible! You worked hard and brought your works to life, and we are incredibly proud to see all the wonderful collaborations and friendships that sprouted out of this! We'd also like to point people in the direction of all the fic to read, all the art to adore - and all the creators behind it that you can give feedback to. To make it all easier for you, you can go to the works overview page where there is both a link to the masterpost list alphabetically as well as some of the more popular tags (these are being added to as we speak, so new tags will pop up as an ongoing project). Don't forget that the Big Bang has a collection on AO3 as well! Again, thank you to all you beautiful people out there, who worked hard with your teams to contribute to this! All the ineffable love from your mods; Death, Famine, War, Pollution and Pestilence
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goodomensbigbang · 4 years
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Title: To Reason Religion
Word Count: 10k
Archive Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Rating: Mature
Pairing(s):  Aziraphale/Crowley (Good Omens)
Character(s):  Aziraphale (Good Omens), Crowley (Good Omens), Gabriel (Good Omens), Michael (Good Omens), Uriel (Good Omens), Sandalphon (Good Omens), Beelzebub (Good Omens), Anathema Device
Tags: Alternate Universe - College/University, Aziraphale is names Azariah, Crowley just goes by Crowley, Aziraphale is a religious studies professor, Crowley is a philosophy professor, More like a lead up to the class, Rather than the shenanigans of the class
Summary:  Majoring in anything philosophical is usually seen as killing a career before it can even begin. Majoring in anything with a religious focus sends you down a narrow and poorly paved path to changing majors to archaeology or linguistics. Creating a cocktail of the two is a bitter and confusion-inducing field of study reserved for the more masochistic crowd.
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