greeenliving-blog · 5 years
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Vegan Bang Bang Broccoli
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greeenliving-blog · 5 years
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Crispy Smashed Potatoes with Garlic Pesto
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greeenliving-blog · 5 years
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greeenliving-blog · 5 years
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greeenliving-blog · 5 years
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In the early 1800s a man named Little Jon lived in this so called earth cabin (swe. ‘backstuga’) located in southern Småland, Sweden. An earthen cabin is built partially buried in the ground, in this case there’s three walls of stone and one wall made of wood. In Sweden earthen cabins was common in the forests from the 1600s until the late 1800s Link
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greeenliving-blog · 5 years
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greeenliving-blog · 5 years
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Vegan Parmesan Wedges
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greeenliving-blog · 5 years
NASA is great, all cops are bastards, comparing a science rover to robot attack dogs is the biggest fuckin reach
okay since you and everyone else on that post apparently can’t read or think critically: the point is not that the Curiousity rover was a fascist or problematic or whatever. the point is that the way people anthropomorphized the shit out of it is going to be exploited by companies in the future making robots for explicitly evil purposes.
exhibit A is Boston Dynamics. you know all of those goofy videos they put out where they shove a humanoid/quadrupedal robot while it’s walking and it manages to correct itself and everyone in the comments oohs and aahs over how impressive it is or says something like “omg stop being so mean to it”? all of those robots are being made on military contracts with the explicit purpose of either killing people or making it easier for the US military to kill people. for example, the robot in this gif looks goofy, right?
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it was designed on a military contract to carry ammo and supplies for soldiers in the field and was only rejected because it was too loud and slow. literally the only purpose for this thing’s existence is to make the US military able to kill more people more easily, but Boston Dynamics has figured out that by putting out cutesy promo videos of cutting-edge robots while staying mysteriously silent on why theyre building them (hint: it’s not just for fun), they can influence public opinion away from “robots are being used as tools to do horrible, horrible things” and towards “awww look at the widdle doggy slipping on ice!”
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greeenliving-blog · 5 years
grown ass men are out here not eating fruit or vegetables or washing their face and having a list of things women must do to be attractive to them and thus gain their respect like grow the fuck up and eat a carrot literally no woman needs you
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greeenliving-blog · 5 years
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Peanut Butter Brownies (Vegan and Gluten-free)
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greeenliving-blog · 5 years
my uncle wants to give me a lil cottage in Idaho for free and honestly I might do it…. how perfect would that be??? It’s gorgeous on a hillside and has a fruit tree orchard and I’d start my own little garden and just do art all the time like ok how perfect ????
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greeenliving-blog · 5 years
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Paris allows anyone to plant an urban garden
Paris just passed a new law that allows anyone to plant an urban garden within the city’s limits. Upon receiving a permit, gardeners can grow plants on walls, in boxes, on rooftops, under trees, or on fences. They can cultivate greenery in front of their homes or offices. They can grow flowers, vegetables, and fruit. Paris mayor Anne Hidalgo’s goal is to create 100 hectares of living walls andgreen roofs by the year 2020, with one third of that greenery dedicated to agriculture. (*) 
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greeenliving-blog · 5 years
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greeenliving-blog · 5 years
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Love takes many forms, including the love passed through the food we eat. We can show our love like my partner did tonight - by making elaborate and delicious meals for each other. We can also feed (and truly love) our future great great grandchildren, by keeping the seeds that have been passed on for 10,000 years by our loving ancestors who shaped our wild plants into the food we enjoy today.
Here are some slides of folks who are actively keeping their food traditions alive for future generations:
Me with Lunga di Napoli Squash from my great grandparent’s regions of Southern Italy;
My partner Chris surrounded by sorghum and holding his Speckled Brown Butterbeans that he used to shell with his Grandma in the Mississippi Delta;
Truelove Seeds apprentice Amirah holding a Green Striped Cushaw she grew to make cushaw butter and pies like her great grandfather did;
Truelove apprentice Zoe stewarded an olive-colored Polish pea and learned from her grandmother how to sing it’s name while sowing the seeds;
Lan of Resilient Roots Farm teaching us about Rau Muống and how Viet soldiers in the American war in Vietnam survived by carrying sprigs of this water spinach to plant in bomb craters;
Cô Phuong, also of Resilient Roots, with her Smooth Bitter Melon, which she grows and shares in her community along with stories of resistance as part of a diaspora of displaced and resilient people;
Anan, a dedicated and talented Palestinian chef, and her husband George with armloads of Molokhia from our field for their kitchen;
Osama, a Syrian refugee and chef, embracing Syrian Molokhia from our field after 10 years without a fresh harvest, during a cooking demo at the Free Library of Philadelphia;
Naw Doh and a couple of her crochet students with our Turmeric leaves, a few weeks after she visited our farm with several Karen refugees from Myanmar, and they taught us how to cook fish wrapped in the leaves;
And finally Kristyn of Namu Farm with her Jeolla Do Large Leaf Mustard, part of her Second Generation Seeds line - one of her many ways of preserving and proliferating Korean culture through food and farming.
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greeenliving-blog · 5 years
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Easy vegan french toast / Recipe
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greeenliving-blog · 5 years
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This waste is unbelievable to me right now
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greeenliving-blog · 5 years
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Fossil fuels do not spark joy
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