grimoire-of-thirst · 4 years
bb are you alright? We haven’t heard anything from you in a while now 👉🏻👈🏻
I’m really sorry for not posting anything... I had some family issues that I had to take care of, but I promise I’ll be back as soon as possible! 🤗
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grimoire-of-thirst · 4 years
Do you take requests??
Yes 🤗
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grimoire-of-thirst · 4 years
How about Mereoleona with an s/o that has self-esteem issues? Headcanons or scenario, could even smut if you feel like it...
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Be sure that Mereo doesn’t like it one bit.
She hates, hates when you compare yourself to others, and if you put yourself down by saying how you’re not good enough, or beautiful enough, Mereo loses it, and straight out says that you’re a fool for thinking that. 
From time to time she will reassure you with random compliments, trying to drill into your head that to her you’re beautiful, inside and out.
Mereo will pamper you with lots of food, sweets, and whatnot, and if she catches you complaining about your body or weight-gain, she’ll take you for a run. Exercises are always done with her, mostly because she doesn’t want you to have the time to think about something negative and possibly get all gloomy again. 
She’s a good listener, and will force you to get anything that bothers you off your chest, quickly finding solutions to overcome any type of issue that you have
If you happen to have toxic friends that might fuel your self-esteem issues, she’ll force you to hang around only with her family, where you are accepted and loved for who you are and surrounded only with positivity
She will do anything to make you feel good, and she won’t hesitate to also use sex to build your confidence
She will focus more on your needs than hers, and until you gain some self-love, she will worship your body.
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grimoire-of-thirst · 4 years
I have a question, because I read your rules and know who you write for. Why tag the other characters if you only write for like 3 of them? I assume it’s so you increase your chance of being seen, but correct me of I’m wrong. Not trying to be mean but I’m curious.
Uh forgot about that...
When I first posted my rules I had more characters written on the list, (which aside from the ones that are currently there I was going to write for Finral, Luck, Fuego and Leo too), however, I kept editing the post multiple times removing characters, and earlier when I removed Fuego from the list, I totally forgot to edit the tags too. It wasn’t intentional, and I didn’t do it to be seen, I simply forgot about them, but thank you for pointing them out, I will fix that as soon as possible. 
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grimoire-of-thirst · 4 years
Lol I know you have a lot of asks from me in your box here’s another one; Finral seeing his s/o in a bathing suit for the first time that leads to a little nsfw?
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Hello there!
Sadly I don’t write for the characters you listed, and I did specify in my rules (that you can find in my bio) for who I write for... I’m really sorry for the inconvenience, but I know that there are other amazing blogs that write for them... so yeah...
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grimoire-of-thirst · 4 years
Okay, so I get that you writers are all pissed, and you have your reasons. But do you ever think that sometime a reader can feel intimidated because you all make it sound like it's our fault Tumblr is going shit, and I'm not trying to argue, but idk, maybe we should all be really careful with words. I mean, every time I see hate anon posted by a writer, I message them to make sure they're okay, but every time one of you posts something like that, I feel like it's just useless and yeah.
TL;DR: In which JoJo gets pissed at an anon who doesn’t know how to read: please reblog and like your favorite creators’ works. I emphasize on reblog, and it’s highly suggested that you make a side blog just for reblogging because no one would even know it’s you — that’s the beauty of the whole thing.
I’ll admit that it took me a whole day to figure out how to reply to your ask. I assume you’re referring to when I reblogged Lyssa’s ask about how few notes writers get nowadays. I absolutely adore the way you go head-first into sending an ask to my inbox; I have never gotten an ask this length before, so I applaud you for your audacity to send an award-winning length of an ask to my askbox. After seeing this ask, I only wish that my followers would be able to send me asks this length about my fics, but I guess I’m stuck with anons like you who are too cowardly to come out of your anonymous asking to stick with your opinion. 
Let’s not play the victim game here. From what I read, you said, “I mean, every time I see hate anon posted by a writer, I message them to make sure they’re okay, but every time one of you posts something like that, I feel like it’s just useless and yeah.”
I’m sure you are a wonderful person for checking up on the authors you follow only after they get hate anons. Do you know why hate anons affect us so badly? It’s because they always outnumber the positive asks we get in every way — in word count, emotion, and impact. 
The thing is, if you go to someone in the aftermath of something, you seem like you’re throwing them a pity party, and they’ll just look at you like why didn’t you come before this happened? because honestly and truly, you should have. You should have started commenting “I love this fic and everything about it” or “I enjoy your writing because of so-and-so” and reblogged our works long before it even happened.
I digress, but I hope you realize that you comforting someone in the aftermath of something shows how you’re willing to wait for the right moment when in reality, there is no such thing as the right moment. We cannot wait for something to happen and then say oh, this is our time because that’s selfish of you. 
Berating you is not the point here. I’m making a different point because you didn’t even read my reblog at all. I was not talking about hate anons; I was using it as an analogy for the fact that as readers, you only care about yourselves and never our writing. 
For example, you said, “You all make it sound like it’s our fault Tumblr is going shit.” Let’s consider this, ignoring the grammar and punctuation inconsistencies in your statement. You chose to use a possessive plural adjective, showing how absolutely self-obsessed you are with yourself. “You all” shows informality and disrespect against writers all because you don’t care to understand or read the implications of my reblog. 
You have ignored every single part of my reblog: we want reblogs to signal boost our fics and everything. Likes don’t do much because the likers don’t share our writing. When you reblog, we have the chance for our fics to be seen elsewhere.
I discussed the reasoning behind why posts need likes and reblogs. If you look at the ratio in posts in this fandom, for every 1K likes, there are only 100 reblogs. It is quite a crappy number, and frankly, it doesn’t reflect what we deserve as a whole. Looking at your comment, I think you’ve overlooked the very fact that we don’t get money for this. Most of the time, we don’t even earn money for our work, and I’ve seen how many Ko-Fis some of the bigger writers in this fandom get — and it’s sparse. As writers, we deserve the recognition for the hard work we put into our writing. By reblogging, you give us a chance to be seen elsewhere; by liking, we remain unnoticed and unseen by others.
Hell, you could even make a side blog for reblogging every time you saw a fic you like, and no one would even notice or care to track you down — that’s how easy it is.
Why should you be intimidated, anon? That’s what you stated at the beginning of your ask, and I’m curious as to why. Are you intimidated by the truth? To hell with your “I’m not trying to argue” statement because it’s very evident that you’re trying to pick a fight with me the moment, and you knew that there would be backlash from me the moment you sent it to me through anonymous asking. 
Even at your end of the statement, you didn’t quite understand what I was trying to say: “Every time one of you posts something like that, I feel like it’s just useless and yeah.” It’s not useless to comfort us, but if you continue to support us throughout our whole writing journey through asks, likes, and reblogs, that’s what makes it completely worth it to stay on this platform.
Ending this, I’ll remind all of you that reblogs and likes are essential for us to keep writing. Without them, lots of us will eventually disappear from Tumblr because of the fact that we can’t handle this lack of true support. I’ve been told by others that relationships take effort on both sides. Us writers have made the effort, but it’s up to the readers to meet that effort.
Please read this once more and reflect on what I’m trying to say.
“this is so fucking true, and i’m just so tired of this. you’re willing to spend time on hating people, sending them hate anons, when all we want are just nice anons who genuinely love our writing and comments reminding us that we’re not doing this for nothing, that someone out there has noticed us for who we are and what content we create. one day, you’ll complain about why there isn’t content for any of your fandoms, and this is why: all of you have your heads stuck up your asses because you didn’t even try to reblog or like any of our posts.”
— my reblog from earlier
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grimoire-of-thirst · 4 years
Hi! :) Could you please write a langris\reader if you have some time? If not, then that's fine
Hi! I already wrote something for him, please check my masterlist; if you want something else feel free to request after reading the rules (both are in my description)
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grimoire-of-thirst · 4 years
Just a little jealous
Request: Could you please do an nsfw scenario for Patri were he’s jealous and wants to make sure his s/o loves him as much as he loves her? :3
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Genre&Warnings: Porn, and a sprinkle of fluff
Tags: blowjob, doggy-style, light choking, vaginal penetration, creampie, clothed sex (kinda)
Patri had learned from his mistakes and tried his best to not doubt the bond between humans and elves ever again, whether they’d be romantic or platonic. However, lately, he had been experiencing a certain -and pretty familiar- emotion, that he thought, and hoped, it will never resurface into his heart.
What a dreadful and ugly word.
He had tried his best to repress it, tried to keep it at bay. He also told himself that there was no reason to doubt your love, not after you constantly showed it to him whenever you had the chance. Yet, that emotion loomed over him, every time intensifying whenever he’d see you talking with another man or woman. And if you laughed with them, that feeling would become so unbearable to the point where he’d leave and barricade into his room.
What fueled his worries, was also the lack of intimacy. Lately, work had been hectic, and the time spent with you got reduced by a lot. It also didn’t help that whenever he had a little bit of free time, you’d be off on a mission, along with other people he didn’t know. He trusted you, he loved you, and he believed in you. But he couldn’t say the same thing about all those other people.
As much as Patri had come to the point of tolerating humans, he was distrustful about those that would get near you. Whenever he’d see you with others, he couldn’t avoid but feel this way. His self-esteem wasn’t the greatest, not after all that happened, and having you, talking to someone else, sharing smiles, laughs, and words, was becoming too much for him to handle.
Was he selfish? Yes, no doubt about that. He wanted you only for himself, to be constantly by his side and enjoy all he had to offer you. And all of that insecurity, fear of losing you, and jealousy led him to the current situation; with you pinned underneath him.
Your wrists were kept in place above your head with only one of his hands, while the other one was around your neck. The hold wasn’t too heavy, it was just enough to make you feel some pressure; hurting you wasn’t and will never be his intentions.
You didn’t look scared, if anything you were quite enjoying this new side of him. It was different and exciting, but one thing was worrying you, and that was the seriousness in his eyes. He looked troubled, and right off the bat you could tell that something was definitely wrong with him.
“Do you love me?” he asked, almost like a whisper. You could feel the broken tone, as if it was physically hurting him to ask such a thing.
“Yes, I love you more than anything else” you said, offering him a loving smile. Those words were the perfect cure to his jealousy. But it wasn’t enough. As much as he liked hearing those beautiful words, he needed you to show him. Show him that he was the only one for you, show him that the only person that deserved your love was him and nobody else.
He freed you, giving you room to properly sit on the bed while he scooted a bit in the back. He stretched his hands, putting all the weight on them while expectantly watching you.
“Then show me”
You widened your eyes at his request, not really expecting such demanding tone from him, but then again, it was Patri. You saw first-hand how bossy he could be -when he was still a part of the Midnight Sun- but never had you expected him to use that tone with you. However, it wasn’t necessarily bad, not when you were getting aroused by it. There was something about this sudden personality change that was extremely appealing to you. May it be his stare, or this sudden dominant side of him, you didn’t know exactly, but it was surely making you all hot and bothered.
You shifted on your knees, letting your hands rest on his thighs before gently moving them toward his groin. You weren’t sure what he wanted from you, but there was one thing you wanted from him. You were nervous, and that much was clear by the slight tremble of your hands, but at that point, nothing could stop you from getting what you wanted, and luckily, Patri was giving you the freedom to do whatever you pleased as long as you showed him your love and devotion.
You let your hand feel his hardening cock, breath shaking as his hips stuttered upward, silently encouraging you to do more. You began to unbutton his trousers, sliding them off, and then did the same thing with his underwear. Patri nodded, eyes still fixed on your petite form attentively watching your every move. He was enjoying the blush on your face, and along with the sheer nervousness you were displaying, it was even better.
You started working on his length for a couple of seconds, making sure that it was fully erect before taking it into your mouth. You were far too eager to give him a proper hand-job, and Patri found himself cheekily smiling at your actions. He watched intently as his cock disappeared into your mouth, and the feeling of your tongue and silky walls rubbing against him were making his head spin in pleasure.
As he leaned backward, trying to get an even better view, one of his hands went through your hair, lightly pushing your head down and making you take more of him. His breaths were heavy, mouth slightly open as you hollowed your cheeks and began to bob your head up and down. While one hand rested on his thigh, the other one sneaked under your chin, fondling his balls and giving them equal attention. Breathless sighs left his lips as your tongue swirled around the tip, and his grip on your hair unintentionally tightened, bringing you equal pain and pleasure.
Small tears were adorning the corner of your eyes as he thrusted his hips against your face, cock going deeper inside your mouth making you gag. Muffled moans resonated into your throat, breathing heavily through your nose as your mouth was completely stuffed. Patri relished on the feeling of your throat clamping around the tip of his cock, eyes rolling in the back while once again, pushing your head down.
As you struggled to get some oxygen into your lungs, Patri took the time to calm himself down, not wanting to come yet. After some seconds, he finally pulled you up, and soon enough you were gasping for air while also stroking his cock with your hand. However, you quickly took him back into your mouth, this time picking up the pace. Soft grunts left his throat, eyes widening when he noticed one of your hands disappearing inside your panties.
It didn’t take a genius to understand that you were getting off on sucking him, and that, greatly increased his ego. Without thinking much about it, Patri began to thrust his hips against your face, making the tip of his cock hit the back of your throat. He then pushed you away, quickly standing up on the bed while you stayed knelt in front of him. Before you could ask what he wanted to do, your mouth was, once again, filled with him. But this time it was Patri setting the pace, and it was fast.
Your hands were limply holding on his thighs for some support, but didn’t try to stop him choosing to let him wreck your mouth. Your jaw was starting to hurt, and instead of telling him to slow down, you closed your eyes, focusing on his low groans and heavy breaths.
“Get on all four” he said, finally taking his cock out while catching his breath. He watched you turning around and taking the position he desired, and when you looked at him from the corner of your eye, expectantly waiting for his next move, he got on his knees, quickly hiking up your long skirt and then took off your panties.
His patience was running thin, and that much was clear by how hastily he shoved them down and left them be at your knees. He was far too eager to properly take them off, and without any preparation or warning, with one swift thrust, he plugged his dick inside your sopping hole. A gasp, soon followed by a moan, left your sore throat, and you quickly covered your mouth with a pillow out of embarrassment. However, Patri didn’t seem pleased and took a hold of your hair, pulling your head up.
“Don’t” was all he said before wrapping his finger around your neck and applying the slightest pressure. He gave you some moments to let you adjust to his size, and as soon as your walls relaxed around him, he slowly slid out before thrusting it back, this time deeper. The pace was moderate at first, slowly increasing as his ears got filled with your sweet moans.
Soon enough you were a moaning mess under him, breathlessly asking for more. Patri hummed, leaving a small kiss on your shoulder while you whimpered in pleasure. His other hand traveled down your torso, briefly squeezing your clothed breasts and then gently stroking your stomach. Once his fingers reached your clit, he began to rub it, teasing the sensitive bud with circular motions bringing you even more pleasure.
Your moans were now louder, hips moving on their own to meet him while clenching the sheets between your fingers. You could feel the familiar knot deep inside, and you knew you were reaching your limit.
A small, whimpering ‘please’ left your mouth, suddenly feeling breathless as he began to move his fingers faster, applying more pressure on your clit until you finally came around him.
His thrusts became sloppier as he too was now close to his release, and with a few more harsh thrusts, he came inside you. For a moment he stood like that, calming his racing heart while also leaving small, wet kisses down your back. Patri released his hold on your neck and proceeded to pull his cock out of you, but when he saw his cum, dripping out of your cunt, he took a moment to admire the view. He gently parted your ass cheeks, burning the image of his seed coating your walls and dripping down on the bed-sheets into his brain. It was perfect; your hole overly stuffed with his seed.
His cock twitched, eager to go for another round, but upon seeing the tiredness into your eyes, he thought that maybe he could wait for a couple of more hours. As for right now, he’ll have to clean you up… or maybe not.
He helped you up, gently handling your body until you were sitting on his lap, back resting against his chest. You softly groaned upon feeling more of his cum seep out of you.
“Hey, Patri…” you called, barely turning your head to look at him. If before he looked extremely serious, and somehow upset, he was now wildly smiling, lovingly rubbing his nose against your cheek.
“How-… Why were you upset?”
“Uh?” he looked at you confused, blinking a couple of times processing your words, and then he finally understood what you meant. “Oh… I got… sad when I saw you laughing with that guy, and I needed reassurance, I guess” he muttered, now pressing small kisses on your neck. His hands moved down your legs, putting your panties back on before adjusting your dress.
“Were you jealous?” you inquired, fully turning around. He circled your waist, now focusing on your chin and cheeks. This sudden need of his to be extremely affectionate was new to you, and if he needed this kind of reassurance then it was fairly easy to understand that he probably had some insecurities, hence the jealousy.
He didn’t answer, instead, got up from the bed and offered you his hand, -a silent invitation for you to get up too.
“I’m hungry, let’s get something to eat?” he asked -but not really-, smile still adorning his face as he pulled you toward the door.
“Wait! I have to change! I can’t go outside like that!” you stammered, pulling at his hand to stop him. Patri blinked, giving you a seemingly innocent and confused look.
“You know why Patri. At least let me get cleaned up real quick and then we can go.” You said, trying to go toward the wardroom, however, he tightened his hold on your hand and once again dragged you outside.
“Nobody will notice” he said, making it through the door and closing it after making sure you were out of the room too. He began walking toward the dining room while you trailed behind him, far too embarrassed of your current state to look at anyone in the eyes.
Knowing that you were in such state, still sopping wet from the aftermath and now with his cum gathered into your panties, was something he found himself enjoying far too much. But he meant what he said, nobody will notice as long as you kept yourself composed. And this won’t be the first nor the last time he’d do that.
Even if at the dining room you’ll talk to someone, the feeling of his cum will constantly remind you of him, and this -despite it not being the best way to deal with jealousy-, was making him feel more at ease.
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grimoire-of-thirst · 4 years
Hello! Just dropping a note in your ask box to say Oh My Goodness I love your fics, especially the William ones! The fact you take a request a few sentences long and make such long, detailed fics out of them is so, so good! Maybe you made this blog to quench your thirst, but I'm pretty sure you're making me thirstier for that man. Keep up the awesome work o((*^▽^*))o
Hi sweetie~
I’m glad you enjoyed them, It really makes me happy knowing that you like my writing! Thank you for the nice words and thank you for the support! 🥰🥰🥰 
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grimoire-of-thirst · 4 years
Im not sure if your accepting requests but could you please write a yami x reader? That or jack x reader since I barely see anyone write for them. Maybe the readers already married to them and stuff 🥺🙃
I’m always accepting requests, but I don’t write for Yami nor Jack. Don’t get me wrong, I like them both but not enough to write for them. Please read my rules (the link is in my description) and if you want you can request for someone else:3 
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grimoire-of-thirst · 4 years
Gauze, band-aids, and a drop of Love
Request: Hello there, man i love your blog OwO I’m really curious how William would react when his s/o would take care of him after he comes back injured from a mission or something. Like, he never got to experience care cause of his family yaknow, and i can’t really imagine what he would do or say. So may i request a scenario about it? ❤️ Sorry if this sounds weird lmao, ily
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Genre&Warnings: Fluff, mention of blood, yandere-ish themes, light little space, insta-romance (’cause why not), 
Tags: none
Despite being in pain, despite all the wounds and cuts that were littered on his body, William was calmly walking toward his room. He was able to hide most of the blood that was on his clothes, and once he knew he was alone, he took a moment to rest against the wall. His body was tired, head-spinning at all the blood he lost, while the wounds were hurting.
He had put his comrade’s needs above his own, asking Mimosa to take care of Yuno and Klaus, instead of treating him. It wasn’t anything new, he always made sure that the members of his brigade were properly treated, so he had nothing to do but to treat his injuries once he'd reach the safety of his room.
However, there was one thing that William had not predicted, and that was a stranger, a face he had never seen before, running toward him and offering support. His sight wasn't in the best condition, due to all the fatigue, and his body had no strength left, so the only thing he could make out of this person was the shape of the face and the length of the hair. William tried to stand on his own, stubborn on not letting that person see him, the Captain of the Golden Dawn, so weak, but he failed, losing his balance and relying on the strength of the other person, which luckily caught him and was now struggling to keep him up and not fall on the ground.
"Oh my! Alright! It's fine! I can- I can help you! Where's your room?" from the sweetness of the voice, and softness of the body, it was clear to William that whoever was helping him was a woman, and this made him feel even more guilty. Someone, who had less strength than him, was willingly offering to look after him. Burdening someone with his problems was not something he was enthusiastic about.
“I apologize, this is highly inappropriate of me… You can let me-“
“Nope! You’re bleeding for god’s sake! Everyone is asleep by now, I will attend your wounds just tell me where your room is!” you insisted, turning around and adjusting his arms around your neck. You crouched down, arms circling the back of his knees, and with all the strength your body possessed, you forced him up, bringing both of his legs at your sides for easier carriage. William was taken aback. Never, no one had ever shown him such promptness on helping others.
“Alright, big boy, guide me toward your den!” you said, adding a note of cheerfulness to alleviate the gloom that you felt radiating off of his body. William gently scoffed, amused by the choice of words, and, despite trying to not rely too much on you, he let his chin rest in the crook of your neck. He was far too exhausted to stop you.
“The second door on the right” he mumbled, scrunching up his nose when one of his wounds started bleeding again. He didn’t care much if his clothes got dirtier, they were already soaked in blood, but he felt bad for the stranger that was carrying him. Blood will surely seep through your clothes as well, and another sheer of guild washed through him.
“I’m sorry” he mumbled softly.
“About what?” you asked, trying to get the door open. With your hands being busy at keeping him up, getting a hold of the handle was proved to be far more challenging than you originally expected, but William was quick to help you out, pressing on it and pushing it wide open.
“Your clothes. Blood will stain-”
“Aaah… Don’t worry about them!” you said, flashing a small smile before focusing on putting him on the bed as gently as possible. Maneuvering through the dark was not on your best qualities list, but the light that was coming through the halls was helping you a lot, showing you where the bed was.  After making sure that he was comfortably seated, you turned around, flicking on the lights. Then, you began to take his cape off, along with the top of his uniform.
William just stood there, trying to adjust his eyes to the light and make out most of your facial features. If you were helping him, he at least wanted to know how you looked like, so in the future, he could repay you for the kindness you were showing him.
“Don’t force your sight. Right now, all you need is to get a bath, get your wounds cleaned and patched, and lots of sleep. You lost a lot of blood, your body is tattered in bruises and cuts that are still bleeding, forcing yourself to do something will only worsen your state.” You said, voice soft as if you were talking to a baby. William was, once again, surprised. The softness of the tone you used, along with the gentle way you were taking care of him, was overwhelming. It was a first to him.
All his life no one cared about his well-being. His parents were never lovely toward him, never showing him an ounce of love, or something that could resemble affection. Yet, there you were, a total stranger, caring for him more than anyone had ever done in his entire life. He could argue that there was his squad, everyone in the Golden Dawn cared for him, but none of them ever talked to him with such kindness when in pain.
The longer he looked at you, attending his bruises with such care, the more he felt… weird. He couldn’t properly describe the feeling, but it was making him all giddy. His stomach too felt funny, but it was pleasant.
"Hands up," you said. William did as you said, albeit with a little bit of struggle due to the pain that he was feeling. As you removed his undershirt, which had some patches of blood, William felt heat rushing to his cheeks, warming them up. He was now half-naked, in front of a stranger -woman on top of that- and he couldn’t avoid feeling embarrassed.
You took a brief moment to examine all the bruises and cuts, huffing once you understood that his legs too were probably scarred. It seemed that it was going to be a long night.
“Where is the bathroom?” you asked, gathering all his clothes into a pile. William pointed to a door right next to his desk, mumbling a small ‘Over there’.  He didn’t mean to sound so weak, almost childish, but there was something about you, and the way you were behaving with him, that made him feel safe.
You gave him a quick nod, before taking the clothes in your arm and moving toward the pointed door, pushing it open with your hip. After dumping the garments on the floor, you moved toward the bathtub, letting the warm water run and half-filling it. You checked the soap that was on the side, making sure that it didn’t have any chemicals that could burn or infect his wounds, and then looked around for a rug to use.
You finally found one in one of the cabinets and put it on the side of the tub. Quickly, you moved back to where you left him, and gently grabbed his arm, helping him up.
“C’mon big boy! Time to get you cleaned up!” you said, putting his arm on your shoulder while your right one kept him up. William hummed, letting you drag him toward the bathroom.
“What is your name?”
“Y/n, you can sue me later for invasion of privacy, but now get naked and hop in the tub!” you said, taking the rug and soaking it in the mild water. Meanwhile, William stood there for a moment before finally kicking off his boots, socks, and pants. He left his underwear on -even if he was dizzy, he still felt embarrassed at the idea of being naked in front of a stranger-. He put one of his hands on your shoulder, looking for balance while getting in the tub, and promptly, you helped him sit in the water.
As soon as he sat, you began to clean the blood that was on his body, paying special attention to the wounds, thoroughly cleaning the edges. Then, you added a little bit of soap and began to gently scrub off the remaining blood on his arm. The warmth of the water that was surrounding his aching body, along with the lulling touches that you gently used to clean him, was making him feel sleepy. It felt like he was being pampered, and this feeling of safety that he was experiencing with you, made him realize how much he liked it, how much he craved for such motherly touch that he never had the honor to experience.
This, this was how his mother should have been. This is how he should’ve been when he was a kid. This was what William wanted all along, and nobody had ever offered it to him. His own family disregarded him, abused him, used him only for his magic, and there you were, a total stranger, taking care of him like he was a child.
This feeling of safety and care was something that was growing on him in such a short time, and it truly surprised him. The only frustrating thing, was the inability of his eyes on focusing, to see who was healing him. He knew, right ahead, that in the future he'll seek for that person, he knew he was growing attached to a stranger, but he couldn't find the wrong in that. You were the first person that showed him genuine care, the first person to ever show him what physical affection truly felt like… because that was physical affection, right?
Soft, velvety touches, healing someone's wounds with such care, talking to someone in pain with such a gentle and tender voice, the calm, pleasant smile you were showing him… those were signs of affection… right?
William was a stranger to that feeling. The notion of love, affection, care, and the likes were unknown to him. Since he was a child the only things that he ever cared for were his trees, birds, Patri and his comrades. He always felt like he was the one in charge of protecting all those things, but he never got to experience someone else protecting him, keeping him safe, healing his pain, helping him when nobody was there for him. It was new, it was nice, it made him want for those feelings to always be there with him, because he too was human, and like any other, he wanted to feel loved and cared for. And here you were, unknowingly fulfilling his deepest desire.
“Turn around so I can clean your back too. And if something hurts don’t hesitate to tell me, alright?” you said, gently pushing him around. William hummed, complying with your request while feeling his cheeks burn at the tenderness you spoke with. He stayed in silence, listening to your soft breaths while also focusing on the feeling of the rug stroking his back. Then he heard how you dipped the rag into the water before rinsing his back, removing all the foam that was left on his back before moving on his hair.
William closed his eyes, a tired smile gracing his lips as you washed his hair, soft pads massaging his scalp and making sure that he was properly cleaned. He reopened them after a couple of minutes when you tapped his shoulder to gain his attention. He was still in a daze when turning around to look at you, and once again you were smiling at him, making his heart skip a beat.
“Get up, I have to dry you” he did as you said, and soon enough you were patting his body dry with a towel, applying light pressure on the edge of his wounds. 
“Listen, this will sound awkward, but you have to put on a new pair of underwear. Those are soaked, and you can’t sleep like that. Now, you can tell me where you keep your clothes, I’ll bring you the underwear, and then you can change.” You said, throwing the dirty clothes in the tub. You’d clean them later, now all you wanted was to treat his wounds and put him to sleep. “I’ll give you all the privacy you need, don’t worry” you added, flashing him another sweet smile.
William looked around the bathroom and tried to go and retrieve his night garments from his room, but his head spun, making his lose his balance, and quickly brought a hand up, resting it on the wall to avoid a nasty fall.
“I said I’ll bring it to you! Don’t be stubborn and let me help you!” you pleaded, promptly moving toward him and help him sit on a nearby surface. William mumbled something that you didn’t get, and it was clear that he was far too tired to form any coherent sentences, so you just went ahead and dug into his wardrobe. After a couple of minutes, you finally found them in the last drawer, and after also getting what looked like his nightwear (you hoped they were), you went back to him and put them on the free space near the sink.
You had said that he can change them by himself, but seeing how weak he was, and how he could barely stand on his own feet, it seemed that, again, you’ll have to do all the job.
“Alright,” you exhaled, hooping your finger under the elastic band of his underwear. You adverted your eyes up on the ceiling, praying to whatever God was assisting you, to not touch anything that wasn’t supposed to be touched. “Please, bear with me, it will be quick.” And just like that, you pulled them down in a swift motion. Moving quickly to grab the new pair, you found it slightly difficult to put them on, especially when you couldn't see how you were putting them, but William helped, turning them around in the right direction and successfully slid them on.
After making sure that he was covered, you looked through the cabinets, soon finding an antibiotic ointment to put on his wounds. After playing a thin layer on every single cut that was on his body, you wrapped some gauze around the bigger wounds, while covering the smaller ones with the band-aids you found into the same cabinet.
The whole process took you twenty minutes, and once you were sure that all the injuries were taken care of, you helped him putting his nightwear on. William had one hand placed on your shoulder, keeping him up-straight while you slid up his pants. Tiredness was ranging through his bones, and he found himself completely laying over you, and fortunately, you were able -albeit with a little bit of struggle- to bring him to his bed.
By now, William was asleep, while you were stretching your arms and back. You were tired, and after an entire day of work, taking care of a knight wasn’t something you had planned, but here you were, tucking the young man under the softness of the covers. Today, was by far your most tiring day of work, and you weren’t done yet.
Yes, the man was cleaned, injuries bandaged and now sleeping, but you still had to take care of the clothes. And damn, those bloodstains would be a hassle. You took one last look at the man, proudly smiling at all your work before disappearing into the bathroom.
The next day, when William woke up, the first thing he noticed was the smell of cinnamon that was lingering around his room.
Opening his eyes, he looked around, taking notice of the steamy cup of tea, along with some sweets that were resting on the nightstand. They were steamy too, and he thought that maybe they were freshly baked and someone must have come to bring them to him.
The first person he thought of was you, and to his disappointment, he noticed that all his mind could make out was a blurred face. The only things he remembered were your voice, your touch, and your name. Under normal circumstances, he'd think that it was a dream, a beautiful one, but the gauze and band-aids were there, and also his uniform, that the night before was soaked in dirt and blood, was now neatly folded on his desk.
Today, aside from all the work he'll have to do, William will also try to find out who you were. Hopefully, you were a part of his brigade, and this will make it easier to find you. However, he knew almost everyone, and no one had, in particular, stood out to him. No one had remotely the same vocal timbre as yours, and he was pretty good at identifying people by their voices.
He rose from the bed, carefully taking the cup of tea with both hands, and brought it to his lips, taking a sip of the warm beverage. Then, he ate one brioche, humming at the sweetness. Both were good, and once again, he believed that you were the one that left them there. If his intuition was right, then he’ll have more reasons to get closer to you.
After finishing his breakfast, he got up and moved toward his desk. He started removing his nightwear, then, put on his uniform. He looked around, noticing that his helmet was nowhere to be found. A sheer of anxiousness passed through his body, fearing that he lost it, but quickly remembered that Klaus offered himself to repair it.
He quickly did his bed, and after taking one last look at his room, he finally left.
“Yes? How can I help you?”
Well, this was not how William hoped you'd greet him. Yes, he was pretty much a stranger to you, but after you helped him last night he thought you'd be a little bit warmer toward him, but from the look of it, it seemed as if you saw him for the first time -which was slightly bothersome.
“You don’t… You don’t know who I am?” he asked. His voice cracked, for what reason he didn’t know, maybe out of disappointment? Probably.
"Uh yes? You're the captain of the Golden Dawns." You said, putting down the basket of bread on the counter. It was curious, and odd that a powerful higher-up would be there, down in the kitchen of the base. Usually, the knights never interacted with the staff, let alone come all the way there to talk to someone.
For a moment you thought that you offended him, mostly because he looked dejected. However, you did nothing but answer his question, so you understand why he was giving you those sad puppy eyes.
William was truly disappointed. Twenty-four hours haven’t passed, yet you already forgot about him?
“Didn’t you take care of… someone last night?”
“Oh, that! Yes. One of your knights was beaten up and I treated his wounds. Why? Did he sue me?" you asked, taking a knife, starting to cut the bread into perfect slices. All the other members of the staff were avoiding coming way too close to you, mostly because William was there and they assumed that you were in trouble. A couple of women also gasped when the word ‘sue’ left your lips, making you roll your eyes at their antics.
“No…” It suddenly struck to William that you probably didn’t recognize him, but why? You saw his face, and it should’ve been-
…. Face….
You saw his face. And now he was wearing his helmet. That could explain your reaction, but at least you should be remembering his voice, just like he remembered yours.
“Do you perhaps, recall how his voice sounded?” saying that you were confused was an understatement. The captain of the brigade you were cooking for was in front of you, asking weird questions and you didn’t know why.
“Hm, not really. I was the one doing most of the talk, and if he said something it was mostly gibberish. All I know is that he has a scar covering half of his face, and he's pretty cute too if that helps you in any way." You said, not even looking at him. You were far too focused on doing your job than actually paying attention to him, which again put William on edge. Last night he was the center of your attention, but now you weren't even sparing him a glance. It was truly frustrating.
But upon replaying your words into his head, he felt his cheeks burn, suddenly feeling all shy at your compliment.
“Can I know why are you asking me all of that? I mean-“ you started, moving the bread aside and taking the washed tomatoes and slicing them, “Is there any reason why you came all the way here to interrogate me about what happened last night? I’m pretty sure your subordinate already told you everything, so why come here?” You inquired, moving the slices on a large plate. You took another one, eyes never leaving the knife you were holding. Doing your work, while holding a conversation with someone, wasn’t an easy task. Most of the time you’d shoo away whoever dared to interrupt you, but sending away The Captain wasn’t something you were planning on doing anytime soon.
You liked your current job, and the pay was pretty high.
William shuffled on his feet, still frustrated about the lack of eye contact and how your focus was all on those damn tomatoes. He had to admit that you were cute when concentrated, but he wanted your attention to be on him and nothing else.
“I… I wanted to see you”
Well, now he had all your attention.
You stopped cutting the vegetables, abruptly stopping your current activity and replayed his words a couple of times, making sure that you were not hallucinating. A few gasps were heard from the back of the kitchen, but you disregarded them, now too focused on what that stranger was telling you.
Putting the knife down, you finally raised your head, blinking in bewilderment at him.
William felt his cheeks grow warmer and warmer under your stare. His stomach was flipping, but in a good way, while his palms started sweating. He said nothing, just kept looking at you, nervously waiting for something. What exactly… he didn’t know, he was just… just waiting.
“Why? I don’t remember the two of us ever exchanging any words…” you said quietly. It baffled you how someone, you never talked to, could say something like that. What was really, really surprising, was that out of all the people in the country, William Vangeance was the one to say those words.
He smiled; fondness clear into his eyes as he looked at you. Even your confused expression was cute, and your reaction was also amusing.
“You took great care of me, and I wanted to thank you as soon as possible”
Now his presence, and the sudden approach, made sense. He was the same man you treated last night, and he must’ve remembered you. If only he came barefaced then you wouldn’t have made a fool out of yourself. Coming back to your senses, you too offered him a small smile, now more understanding of his actions.
“My, my~ I didn’t recognize you with the helmet. You feeling better now?” you asked, resuming your work, now cutting the cucumbers -much to William’s dismay. But at least, you were now talking to him with the same honey-like tone like you did hours ago, and it made him happy.
"Yes, I'm sure I was a bother to take care of, but I am grateful for all your help," he said, eyes never leaving your figure. He found himself liking watching you, it brought him a sense of peace and stability. And he hoped that the future would be as pleasant as you were.
"That was no problem at all! I had just finished my shift and I happened to run into you as I was leaving. Besides, I would've felt guilty leaving you there in such a state." You said, moving those slices on the same plate where the tomatoes were. It was interesting to you how he didn’t seem to want to leave, it almost felt as if he was planning on staying longer than you originally expected. It didn't necessarily bother you, but such a powerful presence could be quite distracting.
“I also thank you for the tea and brioches. They were both good”
“How did you know it was me?”
“No one has ever brought me breakfast, and knowing that you took care of me it seemed the only logical reasoning.”
“Well, I’m glad you enjoyed them! I don’t know your preferences, so I settled for something simple”
“I’m not a picky eater, anything is fine with me.” And just like that, William ended up staying three full hours in there, talking about different things -whether they were important or trivial- while also watching you cook. For the first time, he refused to go and eat with the other members, preferring to stay in the kitchen and spend more time with you.
You had noticed how enthusiastic he was, and you wondered if he had always been like that. He was like a small child talking about his favorite toy, but in that case, he was talking about normal stuff, sometimes asking about you and your lifestyle. He seemed more interested in your life than anything else, which truly took you by surprise.
There was this social difference between the two of you, yet William seemed to completely ignore it. He was freely talking to you like he’d knew you for ages, and if in the beginning it was slightly uncomfortable, you had soon gotten used to it. He was a nice personality to be around, and differently from other knights, he was talking to you like an equal, never talking down to you. Overall, his presence ended up being a breath of fresh air into your usually boring working days.
As months passed, William would always find a way to be with you, whether at work, during your breaks, and even before and after your shifts. He had insisted on getting you a room at the base, so it will be easier for you to get ready for work and you won’t have to wake up early to come there. Not only was it a win for you, but also for him. Having you living near his room was making it a lot easier for him to keep an eye on you. He could see who’d you talk to, where you’d be, and most importantly, spend quality time with you.
William had to insist for two whole days to convince to move into the spare room near his, but once it was done, he felt at ease knowing that you’d be somewhere safe and physically close to him. Before your moving in, he’d walk you home, and when you refused (telling him that he needed some rest) he would settle with quietly following you. He was just making sure that you’d get back home safe and sound.
He would sometimes follow you around like a lost puppy, and fortunately, it never seemed to bother you. When asked, you had said that his presence was calming, pleasant even, and never had you turned him down for a little chat -which greatly pleased him. Your relationship with William was more on the motherly side, mostly because with you he’d behave like a little enthusiastic child. However, when he wanted, he could be quite the prince charmer, making you feel in certain ways that were hard to describe. 
At first, you thought that he just wanted a close friend, and this was why he kept seeking your presence, but as time passed, his intentions seemed slightly different than what you initially thought of. There were times when he’d sneak into your room, seeking comfort. That would happen mostly at night, when he’s slid into your bed, in front of you and quietly demand for cuddles.
The first time it happened, it freaked you out. You got scared, and almost hit him, but when William softly spoke to you, you relaxed, letting out a curse under your breath before asking him why was he there. After he gave you no answer, you thought nothing of it and welcomed him into your arms, patting his head and lulling him to sleep. But that quickly became a habit.
Tonight, was no different. He was cuddling you from behind, warm breath hitting your exposed neck as he held you into his arms. Right now, he was quiet, and it somehow worried you. Usually, he'd ask about your day, or talk about trees, flowers, birds, anything. However, today you could feel that something was bothering him, and despite not knowing if he wanted to talk about it or not, you still asked what was wrong.
“I’ve been thinking…” he began, voice muffled against your skin. He sounded troubled, he himself not knowing if it was alright to voice his thoughts. He wasn’t necessarily fearing your reaction, or rejection -already knowing that you’d accept his feelings-, but it still didn’t help his nervousness. You wouldn’t turn him down, and he was sure of that, but the fear that you didn’t reciprocate his feelings was there.
"Let me guess, you want for the two of us to become a couple, officially," you said, a slight tone of amusement in your voice. William was taken aback, surprised at your straightforwardness.
“How did you-?”
"Well, you're not a good actor, that's for sure. Aside from that, we've been behaving like a couple for the past month, do you think I'm that blind or ignorant to not notice your feelings? And before you ask, yes, I like you too" you said, turning around to face him. Maybe, it was too soon to say that you were in love with him, but the attraction was there. Also, you did like being into his arms, it was comforting and pleasant and gave you a sense of balance into your life. He was always there for you, and even if sometimes he would be a little bit too much -like that time he got upset because you were talking with someone else, or when you’d hang out with your friends for longer than usual-, it never troubled you.  His light jealousy was probably the only flaw he had, but again, it wasn’t that bad.
A smile soon bloomed on his face, relieved at your answer. Then, you pulled out a little piece of paper from under the pillow, and he found himself confused. You were holding it in front of his eyes, and to his dismay, it was something you were not supposed to see, hence, blood rushed to his face after concluding that it was his.
“Also, you need to learn to hide your stuff somewhere not in plain view. You know that I clean your room, and leaving this piece of paper, with my name followed by your last one with a bunch of hearts, on the desk… what are you? Twelve~?” you teased, swinging the paper right under his nose.
He felt his cheeks getting warmer and warmer, embarrassment flooding through his body at being caught due to his inattentiveness. That little paper was never meant to be seen, especially by you. He wrote that when he was daydreaming, and when he took a hold of himself it was already too late, and throwing it was not something he was willing to do.
William cleared his voice, tightening his hold on you.
“It does have a nice ring to it” he mumbled under his breath, and luckily for him, you didn’t quite catch that, since he spoke so softly and low.
For some moments there was quietness, William stood in that position, trying to cool off his cheeks while burying his nose into your hair, inhaling the sweet scent he grew addicted. As minutes passed, he was growing tired, and with your soft breaths that were lulling him, he closed his eyes, ready to finally sleep.
“Hey, William”
"Hm?" before he could process what was happening, you grabbed the collar of his nightshirt and pulled him into a light kiss. He briefly widened his eyes at the sudden contact, but quickly closed them, fully enjoying the feeling. His heartbeats quickened; this was his first kiss and he wanted to enjoy it at his fullest. It was soft, and better than he imagined. 
When you pulled away, he went in for another one, then for another one again. Needless to say, that was by far the best night of his life, and he wanted for it to stay just like that; he and you together, closer, sharing each-others love through lingering kisses. Yup, William was definitely growing addicted to you and your love.
A/n: So… I changed (and added) some things about the request and I hope it’s alright, otherwise please tell me and I will make another one!
Now, I want to explain what’s going on in this shot. First off, this babe was abused the entirety of his childhood, he never got to experience love as a child (we all know that), and now he’s a grown-up man, and something makes me think that he still has little to no clue on how love works. In this shot, he gets obsessed with the person that showed him an ounce of care (which I think could happen), he mistakes this obsession (interest for the one that cared for him) with love, hence the Yandere-ish theme and insta-romance I put in the warnings.
William strikes me as the guy that, despite being a grown-ass man, has an inner childish personality that he wants to hide (and here I put the little space warning), which comes out when you take care of him. I also think he is quite possessive of who is meant to be with him, and the fact that you were the first person to care for him, made him develop that feeling. William is portrayed as a gentle character, with good intentions that cares for those close to him, but to be honest, with such messed up childhood and the amount of abuse he suffered, I don’t think he’s mentally stable, and that’s why I wrote him slightly stalker-ish, obsessive and possessive.
The Yandere thing, along with the little space, were subjects that I briefly touched, in fact, I just lightly mentioned them in the shot; I didn’t go into details, or deeper, because then I’ll have to lengthen the shot (or make multiple chapters) the word count for this one is past 5k, and It’s already pretty long. Even if I didn't give too many details about Yandere behavior, and/or showed more about the little space thing, I put the tags anyway, because again, they are mentioned in the shot.
P.s: For those who don’t know, the definition of little space is the act of regressing into a childlike state; such as a baby, toddler, or child. (source: Urban dictionary)
Anyway, I hope you enjoyed this one-shot and thank you for requesting!
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grimoire-of-thirst · 4 years
This can help you make a difference between shots:
Smut: It has not only sex but also slices of life, and there are described feelings and other things. Those will be the longest shots.
Porn: Starts with sex and ends with sex. It’s centered around the action itself, little to no feelings described. (4 to 5 pages)
Drabble: short scenario written on the spur of the moment ( usually up to 3 pages at max.) usually SFW. 
1. Loving Touches: One-shot
Genre&Warnings: Smut, Fluff
Tags: handjob, blowjob, cowgirl, vaginal penetration, fem!dom (kind of)
Summary: In which William reveals his face to you. 
2. Gauze, band-aids, and a drop of Love: One-shot
Genre&Warnings: Fluff, mention of blood, yandere-ish themes, light little space, insta-romance (’cause why not)
Tags: none
Summary: In which William comes back from a mission all bloody and gets to experience care for the first time. 
1. Wildberries and Cuddles: One-shot
Genre&Warnings: Fluff, drabble
Tags: none
Summary: In which you have a bad day and Mereo cheers you up.
2. Necessity: One-shot
Genre&Warnings: Angst, Fluff, light yandere-ish themes, drabble
Tags: none
Summary: In which you have a heart condition and Mereoleona is overly protective.
1. Tulips: One-shot
Genre&Warnings: Fluff
Tags: none
Summary:  Langris confessing to you. Or at least trying to.
2. Dirty Sheets: One-shot (coming soon)
Tags: dry humping, vaginal penetration, pretty much vanilla
Summary: Langris finally loses his V!Card 
1. Just a little jealous: One-shot
Genre&Warnings: Porn, and a sprinkle of fluff
Tags:  blowjob, doggy-style, light choking, vaginal penetration, creampie, clothed sex (kinda)
Summary: In which Patri wants to make sure that you love him.
2. A kissin’ Miss: One-shot (coming soon)
Genre&Warnings: Slice of life, fluff, Smut
William x reader x Patri (poly)
1. Three’s the charm: One-shot (coming soon)
Genre&Warnings: slice of life, smut, fluff
Tags:  cunnilingus, hand-job, blowjob, reverse cow-girl, double penetration, praise kink, body worship, creampie, kinda fem/dom, 
263 notes · View notes
grimoire-of-thirst · 4 years
Hello! I just joined the Black clover fandom and I'm so happy I came across your blog!! May I request first time having sex with Yunho?
Hi! Sorry for answering late and welcome to the fandom!
Currently, I’m not writing for him, but I do write for the following characters: 
Feel free to request something for them if you want to!
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grimoire-of-thirst · 4 years
Requested by @eri-chan-likes-apples​
Tumblr media
Genre&Warnings: Fluff (?)
Tags: none
Summary: Langris confessing to you. Or at least trying to.
It was already far too late for him to realize that it was a dangerous territory he was getting into. The Black Bulls’s base was dark, tall, and intimidating, it also gave him some spooky feeling, but upon remembering the reason why he was there a new feeling of confidence boosted into him. He was there to finally ask you out. And he planned everything, from the bouquet of red tulips to the speech in which he’ll declare his love for you.
Four months ago, he didn’t know of your existence, partially due to his lack of interest in meeting new people and because he always thought of your squad as the lowest of the lowest. However, now that he was finally, kind of, getting along with his brother, he had the pleasure to meet you, someone who was way too kind and powerful to be in such squad, or at least, that’s what he thought. Slowly but surely, Langris began to see the Black Bulls members as almost equals, and he slowly fell in love with you. Surprisingly, Finnes was supportive of his new love interest, and she was the one that suggested him to give you some flowers.
Even from the outside of the base, he could hear all the ruckus that your friends were making, and it only served to make his insecurities resurface. His brother’s squad members were known for being reckless, free-spirited, and way too energetic, and some could even be as rude as a human can be. He didn’t see all the them in a good light, only Asta and his brother where the ones that he acknowledge, well, and you of course. 
Hesitantly, he knocked on the door while a lump formed inside his throat. He was nervous, that much was clear, yet, he hoped that nobody would notice it.
After standing for several minutes, he was quick to understand that nobody will answer, probably because of all the noise and screams that were echoing not only inside the castle, but also into the forest that surrounded the place.
Taking in a deep breath, patience running thin as seconds passed, he finally pushed the door open. What he was expecting, he had no idea but surely not this.
One of their female members was sprawled on the couch half-naked surrounded by bottles of alcoholic drinks; two guys were fighting, sparks of electricity and fireballs destroying the walls; Asta was also dragged into the fight, sword swinging into the air cutting through their magic to save the base from being totally and utterly ruined; another man was having a river of blood pouring out of his nose looking at a picture – to which Langris grimaced in disgust thinking of whatever obscenity the man was gushing on; lastly there were two small girls and a creepy looking guy whispering to each other.
Overall, Langris was kind of concerned. He would never admit that aloud, but the Black Bulls were intimidating, especially to someone who had zero knowledge of them. Individually, they were like pests to him, however, when in group, their presence was… heavy, to say the least. 
Now, Langris wasn’t a scaredy-cat, nor someone who could be easily intimidated, but knowing that that particular squad treated each other like a real family, it meant that he will probably have to get along -or at least be tolerated- by them in order to have a chance you.
Luckily, nobody seemed to notice his presence, probably because they were far too busy fooling around, yet, upon taking a better look at the room, his brother was nowhere to be found, nor you nor the captain of the Black Bulls. Even if the doors were now wide open, and he was standing there with that vibrant bouquet of red tulips that would catch anyone’s eyes, none of your squad members seemed to pay any mind to him. Either they were ignoring him, or they really didn’t see him.
He debated with himself if he should just speak up, but they all looked like thugs and if he thought about everything that happened in the past and how close he was to kill his brother (in front of all of them) and how defensive they all got, he doubted they will welcome him with warm smiles.
“Yo!” the sudden hand placed on his shoulder, and the breath that grazed his ear startled him. For a second the color in his cheeks drained, fearing the worst, but when he turned around seeing you, widely smiling at him -the kind of smile that can melt his heart-, his shoulders relaxed.
“What’s up with his nobility visiting outlaws like us? Looking for Finral?” you asked, tone easy and carefree while making your way inside. Langris bit his inner cheek, heat spreading up his neck, reaching his cheeks. He hated how you identified as a thug despite coming from a noble family, and it always made him wonder why you did that.
“You’re a noble too.” He said. Langris really hope that this will get to make you at least slip some information, but you just shrugged, as if that small bit about you was not important. You gave him a cheeky smile before running off toward a small child that was eating. Your quietness, and how you always avoided telling him different aspects of your life, was bothersome to him. But one day, when he’ll finally get closer to you, and gain your trust, he really hoped to at least get a small bit of your backstory.
Yet… Why was he here?
He didn’t have a good enough reason to be here, not at all, he could’ve have waited and asked you out on another day when stumbling on you around town, but his stupid heart wanted to confess his stupid ass feelings, today. He wanted to say many things to you, especially how much he liked you, yet no words would come out of his mouth. He was too proud to be weak, and showing his feelings was far too close to what he defined as ‘weakness’. However, backing out now, after he went all the way to buy flowers and fly to your base to confess, was out of the question.
He opened his mouth, ready to get over with his insecurities and let off his chest all the things he wanted to say, you spoke. 
“Finral will be here shortly. He’s been training with Cap, give him a couple of minutes!’” you shouted from across the room. But while shouting those things, it gained all the attention of the people that were inside the inside, everyone turning around to see who was their sudden guest. Langris didn’t know if it was a good or a bad sign, but from the scowls that were plastered on their faces, it was probably worse.
The first one that approached him was a guy with weird glasses and dual-colored hair. Now, that was the embodiment of a delinquent, at least to him. As the young man made his way toward him, Langris just stared, wondering what could he possibly want from him.
“What does a Golden Dawn knight do in here? Hah?” he asked, growling into his face. Langris however, was unbothered by his approach, if anything, it was annoying him. He wasn’t there to chit-chat with your squad, let alone fight with one of your friends.
“I’m here to ask Y/n out on a date”
After seeing how the place suddenly went dead, and everyone just stared at him in shock, Langris thought that maybe he said something he wasn’t supposed to. Beating around the bush wasn’t his style, and he was a man that preferred to be straightforward with everything.
“Exactly what you heard, insect” 
“Name’s Magna, you punk!” he screeched, swinging his flame baseball bat up in the air. Asta was quick to calm his senior down, putting himself in between them and avoid another imminent fight. Langris looked to his side, feeling somewhat embarrassed. It was hard to look at all those people in the eyes, especially when his past was still heavy on his shoulders. He couldn’t find it within himself to ask for forgiveness, especially when he wasn’t that close with all those people, and to him, it was enough knowing that Finral already forgave him.
The Black Bulls began to babble among themselves, voicing their thoughts about what he said earlier, yet Langris was not listening to them, far too focused on mentally repeating the speech he had prepared for you. But only when Vanessa pointed at the bouquet he was holding, did the others finally calm down. And Gauche was the first one to comment on them.
“I too gave Marie those flowers, that old hag said it meant something like first love. Fitting for my sweet Marie!” again, blood began to drop out of his nostrils while his eyes were glazed with adoration upon remembering his little sister holding said flowers. Everyone blinked, unfazed by his words, while Magna was the only one that breathed out a “Gross”, soon receiving a glare from Gauche.
“I’m wasting time with you. Like I said, I’m here for Y/n, don’t get in my way” he said, pushing past the Black Bulls and heading toward the same room you disappeared in. After all, he came here to confess his… feelings, not to get all buddy with your squad. To him, it was pretty clear that none of them liked him, and the feelings were reciprocated.
Once you were again in his line of view, Langris confidently approach you. However, it soon dissipated, replacing it with something he could describe as nervousness. It wasn’t necessarily the idea of talking to you that was making him all giddy, but never in his life had he ever expressed his liking toward someone. He was good at expressing his distaste, just like he did for several years with his brother -and everyone else-, but telling out loud someone that he likes them? Never happened before.
Once again, Langris found himself lost in his own thoughts, completely forgetting that he was now standing in front of you, staring at you but not really.
“Langris? Are you constipated?” you asked, slightly concerned by the sudden lack of color on his cheeks. He was pale and looked as if he just saw a ghost, he looked exactly like Captain Yami when he needed to urgently take a dump.
Langris blinked a couple of times, sight focusing on you munching on some cupcakes.
You had never, not even once, witnessed a Langris that could muster the face of a lost puppy, and oddly enough, it was quite cute.
“You’re extremely pale, do you need to poo? I can show you where the bathroom is” you said, offering him a pitiful smile, as if you actually believed that he was in need of a chunky dunky. Those were the times when Langris questioned his taste in women.
“No, I actually need to tell you something.” He started. You perked, eyes meeting his own ready to listen to whatever he wanted to tell you. If he had the guts to come all the way to your squad’s base, then it must be something really important.
“You… You’re less useless than the others.”
.  .  .
Now… You had some expectations. When you saw him taking in a couple of deep breaths, you really thought that it must be something serious, and the fact that he looked so solemn, as if he was going to tell you a capital secret, anticipation, curiosity and wonder, bubbled inside of you. Yet, he said… something to which you didn’t know how to react to.
“…Excuse me?”
Langris fucked up. Well... not entirely. He knew that the speech he had carefully prepared won’t come out as perfect as he envisioned, but from the complicated love confession to… that was a total U-turn. But, to his surprise, you didn’t look remotely mad, if anything, you were close to burst into laughter.
“That's… That’s not what I’ve been meaning to say” he said, voice slowly lowering while he turned his face to look at the wall, embarrassed by his mistake. You smiled, leaning on the back of the chair while folding your arms in front of your chest, a cheeky smile blooming on your lips.
“Langris, don’t you know that when you want to get the girl a simple ‘I like you’ can do the trick?” your voice was taunting, and saying that Langris was taken aback was an understatement.
“You knew?”
“Let’s just say that a small little bird whispered it to me. But why don’t you try again?” you suggested, wiggling a bit your eyebrows. His eyes narrowed into slits, bothered by the fact that you already knew about his feelings and acted as if nothing happened. If he knew that you knew that he liked you, then everything could have been much easier, instead of him spending three nights in a row to write down a stupid, almost diabetic speech, that now was fruitless.
He slammed both of his palms on the table, right in front of you, while the stems of the tulips got crushed against the table, finally catching your attention.
“And why didn’t you say anything?” he wasn’t necessarily mad, and you knew, but it could’ve at least avoided him this embarrassing outcome.
“I was waiting for you to confess first because I wasn’t 100% sure if you actually liked me romantically. Also, you have a really unfiltered mouth when turning down someone. I’ll let you know that at the dark market there’s this lady that sells a magic soap called ‘Go-Away-Filthy-Mouth’. I heard it’s pretty good and effective, you should definitely try it!” you said, still smiling at him and completely unbothered by the sudden proximity.
“I’ll be back tomorrow at six sharp. We’re going on a date.”
“Not unless you say the magic words.”
Langris cocked an eyebrow, as if you weren’t really asking him to do it.
“Either you say them, or go home. You can’t get the milk if you don’t get the whole cow first.”
“Did you just compare yourself to a cow?”
“Wha-No! I’m the milk and the cow are the magic words!”
“That doesn’t make sense, there’s no reason to get the cow if I can buy the milk.”
“But you can’t buy my love~”
At this Langris just sighed, yet, an amused smile had been present on his face since the beginning of the ‘conversation’. That was the reason why he liked you; the nonsensical stuff that could pour out of your mouth was always pleasant to him.
“I like you” he started, finally giving you the tulips that he had been holding the entire time. “Would you consider going on a date with me?”
“See? It wasn’t that hard! And yes, I’ll gladly enlighten your tomorrow with my presence!”
Langris just rolled his eyes before turning around and finally exiting the Black Bulls base, with a stupidly foolish smile plastered on his face. The whole confession didn’t necessarily go as he initially planned, but it turned out better than he hoped. 
A/n: So, this took longer to do -two whole weeks- because I had little to no details/ideas to work on. Please, when requesting, read the rules, If you just send me a request like “character x reader fluff” I can’t do much, and it will take me longer to actually get it done. Anyways, I hope that you enjoyed reading this shot, and thank you for taking the time to read it! 
Hope you’ll have a wonderful day/night!
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grimoire-of-thirst · 4 years
So uh, im not sure if my request actually "arrived" or if you’re just busy (sorry if you are). I would love to read a scenario about William getting injured and his s/o kinda acting like an overcaring mom (that’s cute in my head ok). Sorry for asking twice, I’ll now crawl away and hide myself in a corner. Love you ❤️
Hi! No need to apologize, feel free to ask any curiosity you might have!
Regarding the request, yes I have it in my inbox, but it will need a little bit of time to do it since I've got quite a lot of requests (Which I wasn't expecting since the fandom is kind of small).
I write scenarios which vary from 4 to 9 pages, sometimes even more if I get carried away with the whole story. I'm sorry that I keep a lot of you waiting, but whenever I write I always try to make each and every shot enjoyable, and I constantly re-edit them whenever I feel that something feels off... I don't want them to end up cringy or remotely unpleasant.
But don't worry, all of the requests will be done, even yours! Again, I'm sorry for the wait, but I promise that I'll try to do it as soon as possible!
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grimoire-of-thirst · 4 years
How about an NSFW one shot of Nozel with a Female s/o sharing a romantic bubble bath in their new home? Please 🙏
I don't write for him, sorry. But if you want you can request another character from the rules....
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grimoire-of-thirst · 4 years
Requested by @teenypuppy​  : Hello there ! How are you ?! I'm kind of excited to see another Black Clover's Blog so excuse me if I'm kind of hype ! :D I would like to request a SFW Mereoleona x Fem Reader where the reader has an heart condition and Mereoleona is quite protective about her. If that's too complicated, feel free to refuse ! Anyway, have a nice day ! ^^
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Genre&Warnings: Angst, Fluff, light yandere-ish themes
Tags: none
At first, it was annoying. Despite telling her that you were alright, and could do most of the things by yourself, Mereo was still uncertain whenever she’d leave you unsupervised for extended periods of time.
It wasn’t that she didn’t trust your abilities at keeping yourself away from harm, but she couldn’t stop herself from constantly wanting to be wherever you were in order to make sure that you were safe and sound. Since finding out about your condition, she made it her own duty to take care of you, and make sure that nothing could aggravate your already frail heart. She kept you as far as possible from battlefields, and every time you’d ask about her day, she would always leave out the parts that you could’ve possibly seen as dangerous or life-threatening.
Thanks to her royal status, she was able to keep guards around you and ensure that you’d never leave her room alone, and when you voiced your thoughts about the matter -highlighting that you didn’t need to be babysat-  Mereoleona just shrugged it off, saying that it was necessary.
Even now, as you were laying onto her bed reading a book, you could only do as much as sighing in frustration. Right now, Mereo was out training with her comrades, and you were staying inside the castle, getting bored as hours passed by. You were grateful that she was attentive toward you, but keeping you locked into her room, with four knights guarding the door, was way too extreme for your tastes.
Every day you’ll have the same routine: wake up with her, have breakfast, wait until her return, have dinner, talk about her day and then sleep. Sometimes she would please you by taking you out in the garden, keeping you company whenever you insisted on wanting to go out and have a walk. At the very beginning, she would spend almost the entire day with you, finding different activities to keep your mind busy and forget about your short lifespan, but now that she was a captain, and new responsibilities came flooding her way, the time spent together was… disappointing.
You felt lonely, and secluded from the outside, yet, you never express those thoughts aloud. She was already busy and stressed with her new position, adding your worries on top wasn’t going to do anything good. Thus, you ended up bottling up most of those feelings.
Closing the book, after rereading the same line over ten times, you put it back on the bookshelf, deciding to take a stroll outside in the garden. It wasn’t the first time you went outside without her knowing, but you were sure that the guards always told her whenever you left the room.
When you opened the door and started making your way outside, as you predicted, the knights were already behind you, sternly following your steps. If you were honest with yourself, you would’ve liked to be alone, but they would never listen to you. Sometimes, they would amuse you with small chats, talking about trivial stuff, but never dared to cross the line and establish a friendship with you -already knowing about Mereoleona’s possessiveness, they really didn't want for the undefeated lioness to unleash her anger on them. One guard in particular never liked you, mostly because you were not royalty, but never dared to speak badly with/about you. The nice words he would address you were just for façade, but it never bothered you. His sole role was to protect and ensure your safety anyway, so chatting was clearly not on his to-do list.
After a five minutes’ walk, you were finally there, surrounded by beautiful and healthy flowers along with exotic plants. Even if you couldn’t walk outside the kingdom, being surrounded by nature was enough to ease your mind and bring a smile on your lips. The exotic plants, in particular, reminded you of when Mereo and you would spend the days in the wild, watching her train and then sleep under the clear dark sky. Those were the days in which Mereo wasn’t as protective, and would actually encourage you into doing some physical activity whether it be by running or just climbing some trees to get cherries and peaches.
“Of course you'd be here” Mereo said, stopping once she was right next to you. Humming, you turned to look at her, soon leaning on her shoulder looking for comfort. She was quick to circle her arms around your waist while letting her chin rest on top of your head.
“I don’t like staying inside, sometimes it becomes too much.” You mumbled, closing your eyes as she began to gently stroke your hair. Mereo sighed, tucking a strand of hair behind your ear.
“I know, but it’s necessary. If I didn’t have to supervise those fools, I would be with you, but for now, things have to be like that.” Neither did Mereoleona like the current situation, stuck in the Castle and not able to go into the wild and be 24/7 with you was a bother to her too, but she knew that once her brother will take back the position of Captain, she and you will be finally able to leave the palace once again.
“You know I’m not talking about that…”
“The guards are needed. What if something happens and nobody is there to assist you? For your health and safety, you can’t be left alone.” Was she too overprotective? Yes. All those safety measures that she took were needed, and even if it wasn’t to your liking, you could do nothing but accept how things were as of now.
“It won’t be always like this, I promise” she said, leaving a short kiss on your forehead. You knew she was right, and you truly believed her words. It still bothered you to some extent, but again, you decided to trust her and her actions. You just had to wait a little longer before things will go back as they used to be, and hopefully, it will happen soon.
“I really hope so”
A/n: I kind of shifted toward angst -without meaning to-, and I tried to turn it into fluff... but it ended up being lightly yandere??? I’m so sorry, I-
I have no idea what was going on in my mind when I wrote this, and I also apologize for it being short... feel free to let me know if you liked it or not!
Thank you for reading and have a nice day/night!
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