harpyqueen714 · 5 minutes
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Just Rolan and Artin out and about in Baldur's Gate being cute.
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harpyqueen714 · 3 days
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Indeed, Rolan. Indeed.
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harpyqueen714 · 10 days
Part 2
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"Is that better?" A man on his knees shouldn't look quite so smug, but it wasn't like Gale didn't have reason to be.
"You're insufferable," Rolan muttered.
"Oh, really? Not what you were saying a minute ago. It was more like 'Please!' from what I could tell."
Rolan pulled Gale to his feet, pausing when one of his knees popped and Gale winced. "I'm fine," Gale said, waving off Rolan's concern. "Don't give me that look. I'm hardly an invalid."
"Still, I should have thought about that." He leaned forward to kiss Gale. "I'll do better next time. Now, up you get." He pushed Gale back toward the altar, urging him to climb on and lay back. "Let me do the work, old man."
"Old man?" Gale protested, even as Rolan followed him up, swinging a leg over to straddle him.
"You're the one who's going gray," Rolan said, leaning down to kiss Gale again and cutting off his protests. Then he sat back up, channeling a bit of the Weave to make the next part easier. He looked down at Gale, who looked back up at him, expression adoring. And then it flickered a little bit, growing serious. Gale reached for him, pulling him back down into a kiss that was just this side of desperate. Rolan let him, let him grip and hold until the moment passed. When they parted, Gale was at ease again.
Rolan felt his own heartbeat trip. They could talk later. For now.... "Your turn," he said.
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harpyqueen714 · 11 days
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"Finally," Rolan muttered, backing Gale up onto the ruined altar. "Thought we'd never get some time alone."
Gale chuckled, reaching out to bring Rolan in closer. "Well, the laborers we hired do have to get their job done." He stroked a hand down Rolan's spine, massaging the base of his tail gently. "But they're gone for the night and we have the entire excavation to ourselves."
Rolan didn't laugh, just grabbed Gale's arm to move his hand to where he really wanted it, and Gale obliged with a knowing smile. "So impatient," he chided.
"It has been weeks," Rolan gritted. "If I ever had any patience in me, it's bloody well gone."
"Well, in that case...." Gale pushed Rolan back and slid off the altar. He neatly spun them to switch their positions. Sliding to his knees, mindful of the cracked stone floor below, he reached for Rolan again. "Let me help take the edge off."
It was hard to hold onto any ire with Gale on his knees before him, mouth hot and eager. With one hand gripping the altar and the other in Gale's hair, he pushed all thoughts of excavations and laborers from his mind and just focused on Gale, losing himself to the pleasure.
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harpyqueen714 · 13 days
Sometimes all you wanna do is take filthy pictures of your favorite wizards...
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...and the universe punishes you for your sin.
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harpyqueen714 · 14 days
A Gentleman and a Scholar
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"And this," Gale said, gesturing around him, "is the library." There was a great deal of satisfaction in his voice. "One of the finest collections in Waterdeep. Everything we need should be here."
Rolan's fingers very nearly itched with the desire to start getting his hands on them, and he curled them slightly to curb the impulse. There would be time enough to read and learn in the coming months.
"You're free to use it whenever I'm in the tower. I only ask that you not touch anything on my desk or to refrain from exploring when I'm away." He grinned at Rolan. "No restricted section like at Blackstaff. There's nothing too dangerous in here and I trust you'll use your judgment."
Rolan nodded. "Of course, Master Dekarios."
Gale's steps stuttered for only a brief moment. "Ah, yes, well..." He cleared his throat. "I suppose 'Master Dekarios' is fine in public, and around Tara of course, but in private 'Gale' is fine.
"As you wish...Gale." It felt a bit unnatural to call his master and mentor, the wizard who would teach him all he needed to know, simply by his given name, but if that's what the man wanted then Rolan would do it.
After another momentary pause from Gale, he continued on, pushing open the double doors that led to the balcony. He stopped, Rolan coming up just beside him, and sighed happily. "Take it all in, Rolan. With time, talent, and effort, one day you'll have a tower of your own to call home. This is just the beginning for you, I'm sure of it."
The beginning, indeed. Rolan looked out over the water, reiterating the promise he'd made to himself when he'd received Gale of Waterdeep's reply to accept him as his apprentice: he would do this and someday become the greatest wizard on the Sword Coast.
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harpyqueen714 · 16 days
Looking for save files
Bit of a request. We're looking for either a save file resource besides Nexus or some save files from someone willing to share them. Specifically looking for:
Karlach Act 3 Romance Scene with a male body type 2
Wyll Act 3 Romance Scene with a male body type 2
Minthara Post-Grove Raid Romance scene with male body types 2/4 (female 3 would also work)
No small races. Romanced with Origin Astarion/Gale/Wyll would also work.
If anyone could help out, it would be greatly appreciated!
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harpyqueen714 · 18 days
Have some more inspo!
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The hour was late by the time they finished with the baths and were able to slip away. They'd been given loose robes to wear and Rolan carried his clothes in his arms, the pouch of gold tucked securely within. Inside their room, he set his clothes down and hefted the pouch for a moment, grinning.
“What's that?” Artin asked, robe already shed and hung up.
“Just a few wagers,” Rolan said airly, slipping his own robe off and hanging it next to Artin's.
“You bet on me?” It was a rare thing, but Artin sounded shocked.
“I didn't start it,” Rolan said mildly. “But I did make sure to bet on the winning horse, as it were.”
“This is a house of worship! The athletics are a way to show devotion.”
“And I assure you, I was very moved watching you half-naked, covered in oil, wrestling other half-naked oily men. Honestly, had I known before, I may have converted.”
The only warning he got was a muttered, “I'll show you moved,” and then Artin was behind him, turning and lifting him in one smooth motion. It never got old, how easily Artin could manhandle him and how much Rolan liked it.
Artin laid him out on the bed, a hand trailing down Rolan's thigh, the touch light enough to make him laugh. “I thought this was a house of worship,” he teased.
Gaze darkening in that wonderfully familiar way, Artin pushed Rolan's legs wide, chasing the laughter away. “It is,” he said. “And I will.”
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harpyqueen714 · 21 days
Working on fic and pondering my headcanons for Rolan. The game gives us some information, and from his characterization we can glean more, but there's a lot left unsaid. So I've been thinking.
Rolan was a foundling. We know he was adopted, so he clearly didn't have parents at that point. My thought is that his parents were human and he was abandoned for being a tiefling. The nicer version of this has him being left with his name, which is why it's more human.
In regards to tieflings with human names, Cal and Lia's parents were human. Their father left after they were born. I usually think of them as twins, or very close in age.
Their mother adopted Rolan because she needed someone to look after Cal and Lia while she worked. He was useful to her.
Rolan was around 10 when this happened, and Cal and Lia were around 2-3, so they easily accepted Rolan as a brother and have no memory of life before them. We know from in game information that they really do see him as their brother while Rolan always remains uncertain about seeing himself that way.
Their mother was practical, but not uncaring. I think she fully taught Rolan to read and write and helped save the money for his first spell book.
She died when Rolan was a young adult and Cal and Lia were just becoming teenagers, leaving Rolan to fully provide for them. Rolan worked whatever jobs he could to keep them fed and housed, but it also spurred his determination that he would be great one day.
Rolan is insecure. Not overly so, but his background and upbringing with no formal training make things more difficult. Lorroakan was the only wizard to answer his request to be an apprentice, which further showed Rolan how much of a disadvantage he was at. He's arrogant to cover this up. But his bravado is only partly a front. He does believe in himself.
Rolan is truly gifted as a wizard. He doesn't have the highest int score, but he does have a natural understanding of the weave and how magic works. He's created his own versions of spells, likely as a result of not having formal training.
Rolan is an asshole, but he's a mature asshole. He's irritated when Tav saves his family and then him, not because it's Tav, but because can't do it himself. He's still thankful for it.
Interested in other thoughts on this. I like being able to bounce ideas around. I also have a second version for a darker Rolan. May post that later.
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harpyqueen714 · 22 days
Gotta love a handsome older man.
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Buy me a Ko-fi ☕💗
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harpyqueen714 · 25 days
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She's a little tomboy and I love her.
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harpyqueen714 · 28 days
When you're working on a fic...
...it helps to have some visual aids.
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harpyqueen714 · 29 days
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Shut your mouth and run me like a river
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harpyqueen714 · 1 month
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When you need to take your tiefling wizard with you, so he can judge how everyone else drives.
Awesome quality sticker from this shop. Not affiliated with, just wanted to share the love.
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harpyqueen714 · 1 month
There needs to be more of this!
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im feeling cringy today so have some durge x rolan art!
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harpyqueen714 · 1 month
Since Larian didn't give us Gale reading any poetry in game, I had to go to the man himself--the incredible Tim Downie--to correct this horrendous oversight.
Loss and Gain - Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
since feeling is first - E. E. Cummings
Dirge Without Music - Edna St. Vincent Millay
Thanks, Tim, for an amazing performance that brought Gale to life!
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harpyqueen714 · 1 month
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I want to be the filling in a Rolan and Gale wizard sandwich.
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