haunted-spectre · 2 years
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John Brosio
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haunted-spectre · 3 years
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Photo credit: ~Le Chat Noir~ on Visual Hunt / CC BY-NC-ND
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haunted-spectre · 3 years
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A painting [bohemiansthings] did of The Woman In White
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haunted-spectre · 4 years
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Ghost of Hellfire Cave in Buckinghamshire, England
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haunted-spectre · 4 years
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haunted-spectre · 4 years
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haunted-spectre · 5 years
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haunted-spectre · 5 years
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The Color of Ghosts: White Lady and Grey Lady Meanings
White Ghosts
One of the classic forms of ghost within paranormal research and fiction is the white ghost. There are thousands of documented cases describing these apparitions.
The most familiar form is the ‘white lady’, frequently seen in a long dress or cloak. They are often reported in rural areas or lonely roads. Commonly appearing to only one person, the story surrounding the ghost is often that of heartbreak or trauma. People who have encountered a white lady ghost often remark on the feeling that the spirit had something important to say.
The color white may in fact be due to a paranormal phenomena called ecto-mist. These strange fog-like shapes have been caught on video and photographs and are often seen as white whispy smoke. The hazy shape may also lead people to believe that the form is female, when it is possible that the spirit is male. Although not as numerous as ‘white ladies’, there are in fact accounts of ‘white men’ ghosts from many parts of the world. In addition, if the ‘ghost’ is simply an imprint/playback of a person rather than a spirit, over the centuries these recorded pictures of the person will start to fade, turn more grey and then disappear altogether.
Alternatively, ‘white’ ghosts are occasionally attached to families and announce the death of a family member by wailing. But in some cases they are also protectors. The most familiar of these supernatural beings are Scotland’s bean-nighe and Ireland’s banshee .
Grey Ghosts
Grey ghosts are among the most numerous of spirit and residual energy manifestations. When carrying out research there seems to be an equal amount of ‘grey ladies’ and ‘grey men’ or some other form of grey phantom.
Green Ghosts
As mentioned previously, the UK is one country where apparitions of green ghosts are common. Within folklore, especially of Scotland and Ireland, there are a number of traditional supernatural entities dressed in green. For example elves, leprechauns, faeries and banshees. The banshees were traditionally called, in Scotland the Bean Nighe, and in Ireland the Bean Sidhe. In addition there are much darker legends of Green Lady figures who are demonic in nature. Under their long gown is hidden a hairy body and cloven feet.
But putting folklore traditions aside, there are also many reports of green ghosts that are human in form.
Blue Ghosts
Blue ghosts have been reported for as long as any other apparition. They are perhaps not as common as white or grey ghosts, but their stories are no less unnerving.
Perhaps our minds also have a part to play on both how a spirit will manifest and the way we will witness it. For a long time there has been a theory that suggests that spirit works through the mind via the sub-conscious. If this is the case, then spirit entities will use our own thoughts, images and beliefs to manifest. This could be the reason why so many negative spirits are seen as being black with red eyes for example, since this tends to be a popular image for evil. Indeed if it is the case that spirit is working through the mind, then any manifestations could tell us just as much about ourselves as it does about the spirit.
But could the color of a ghost or entity also be a natural signal? In nature we have a beautiful and stunning lizard called the chameleon. Depending upon its moods – whether distressed, angry, peaceful – it has the ability to show these emotions through color. Could it be that spirits and ghosts have this same capability? Are they trying to communicate their needs through color rather than words?
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haunted-spectre · 5 years
In one moment, every drop of blood in my body was brought to a stop by the touch of a hand laid lightly and suddenly on my shoulder from behind me. I turned on the instant, with my fingers tightening round the handle of my stick. There, in the middle of the broad, bright high-road – there, as if it had that moment sprung out of the earth or dropped from the heaven – stood the figure of a solitary woman, dressed from head to foot in white garments, her face bent in grave inquiry on mine, her hand pointing to the dark cloud over London, as I faced her. I was far too seriously startled by the suddenness with which this extraordinary apparition stood before me, in the dead of night and in that lonely place, to ask what she wanted.
The Woman in White, Wilkie Collins (1859)
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haunted-spectre · 5 years
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haunted-spectre · 5 years
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haunted-spectre · 5 years
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haunted-spectre · 5 years
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haunted-spectre · 5 years
Hi there, I am a big fan of your blog, so glad I followed! I currently run a youtube channel called Nightmare Factory. It's also focused on unexplained videos, and the more darker and morbid side to reality. I've just started out, and would really appreciate some feedback or some views. I feel like you would like some of the content I am creating. Either way, I hope you have a great day and look forward to seeing your posts!
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haunted-spectre · 5 years
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haunted-spectre · 5 years
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haunted-spectre · 5 years
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