Bonus Round 3: UA Adventures
Vai had never been great in social situations. They knew where it came from; knew why they flinched when their classmates traded well-meaning jibes, knew why the sight of people whispering made their skin crawl and the hairs on the back of their neck stand at attention.
That didn’t make it any easier.
And how sad it is to know that they had felt calmer standing ten feet from actual fucking villains, burns dripping down their right side and barely able to stand, than they do now, surrounded by their peers as they make popcorn and collect blankets for a sleepover of all things. Their heart races as Hotaru approaches, a small, tired-looking smile drawn across her face.
“Hey, Bondage-san,” she says. “do you want to help us with the pillow fort?”
Vai blinks.
“Uh, sure. What can I do?”
“Well, we should have enough pillows if you want to start stacking them while I grab a couple chairs.”
“Yeah, that sounds, uh- sounds good.”
Giving the taller girl a weak smile, Vai begins laying out blankets where they assume the movie is going to be played as Hotaru makes leaves to procure more chairs. Soon enough, the walls are starting to take shape as other students notice and join in. It’s nice, and Vai feels themself calming with each pillow stacked and every blanket hung. By the time Hotaru returns, the students have used up almost half their not insignificant pillow reserves. She grins.
“Wow, that’s looking good!”
“The left wall looks a little unstable, though,” Ozen says, following close behind her. Both carry a set of folding chairs, Ozen in either arm, and have since changed into their UA-issued PJs.
Popi must have been busy, if the mess of braids pulled through Ozen’s turquoise locks are any indication. Loose strands still fall around her scowling face, messy and soft in a way Ozen herself never was.
Feathers rain down over the fort, a twisted pillow carcass squeezed between Vai’s hands the clear culprit.
“Um, I’ll get a um- I’ll go get… Broom. Yes.”
Vai gets to their feet, ducking their head to hide the bright red flush of their cheeks as they sprint from the dorm and the pitying eyes of their classmates.
Tucked between the roots of an old tree at the edge of the campus, Vai pulls out their phone. In the dark, curled around the meager light of the small screen, they feel like something fragile.
Like shards of glass and fraying wires, a stupid child with an impossible dream.
Their finger hovers over the call button. It would be so easy to just press it, to ask for comfort and safety and–
“Hey, Kid.”
Vai startles, looking up to see a tall man in dark clothing squatting in front of the tree. Most of his face is hidden behind a long, heavy-looking scarf and matte black mask but Vai would recognize those tired eyes and gravity defying hair anywhere.
“MasterMind*,” they breathe, equal parts awe and horror. “You’re my idol…”
The hero simply raises a brow and says, “Well, that’s a new one. Have we met?”
Vai pales. “Well, n-no, I just- I did a report on the new Anti-Quirk Discrimination law in elementary school and I saw how hard you worked to help get it passed and then I noticed your scarf and I realized you probably learned from Eraserhead before he took over and I checked and he only had one student who matched your description and then I watched your fights from the Sports Festivals and you were really cool so I’ve sort of been following your career since then but I swear I’m not a stalker, I–”
The sound of MasterMind honest to god laughing startles them out of their ramblings. “Oh my god, you’re a Mini-Midoriya. Wow, never thought I’d have fans…”
“I’m sorry, I just–”
“Don’t be. It makes me kinda happy, actually,” and even though they can’t see it, Vai thinks the man might actually be smiling beneath that mask. They made MasterMind, their absolute favorite hero and role model since the fourth grade smile! “So what are you doing out here? I thought all the Taiyuu kids were doing a sleepover?”
All at once, the nervous energy burns away and Vai is left staring down at their phone, three black letters staring back. Their skin burns cold as they suddenly remember what drove them out here in the first place. It must be obvious, too, because MasterMind slowly puts his hand over the phone, guiding it down until the screen goes black. He sits, arranging himself into the roots beside Vai and gazing through the overhanging foliage to the stars above.
“You know, when I went to school here, I used to eat lunch under this tree everyday. It’s so far from the cafeteria, I never had to worry about anyone seeing me or trying to talk to me. I’d been the outcast for so long, it honestly didn’t occur to me that I didn’t have to be. Then I got transferred to the Hero Course and started making friends…
“It was terrifying. I thought the tiniest slip up and I’d be back at square one. Everyone would see that I didn’t belong there and I’d go back to being that weak, angry kid that everyone avoided.”
Vai glances up, seeing the sad, distant quality the heroes’ eyes have taken on, and tugs at the edge of their borrowed track jacket.
“How did you get through it?”
He shrugs.
“I became a hero. I realized I was feeling powerless because I wasn’t giving myself any power. So when I messed up, I tried again. When I felt scared and useless, I helped someone else. It reminded me that I could change things, even if I couldn’t control them.”
Vai nods softly, carving the words into their heart as if the whole encounter would fade away if they didn’t. The silence stretched on, but tucked between the roots of an old tree at the edge of the campus, they no longer felt quite so alone.
Returning to the dorms, Vai finds most of their peers sitting in the completed pillow fort as a comedy they’ve never seen plays on the TV. Hotaru appears to have fallen asleep at some point, slumped across a 1B student’s lap with a bit of steaming drool dribbling down her chin. There are several vaguely-humanoid lumps as well, one with a bit of purple hair visible from above and another with two colorful socks sticking out the bottom**. What catches their eye, however, is the sight of a quiet bunny-eared girl staring blankly at the wall below the TV.
Vai takes a deep breath, steeling themself, and quietly crawls over to Ameko.
“Um, Ameko-chan, would you, uh, maybe want to, um, help me? In the kitchen, I mean. I thought, we could make dinner for everyone? Maybe that honey chicken dish you mentioned?”
Ameko perks up instantly and as they head into the kitchen together, Vai can’t help but grin.
This is what they’d been looking for all along.
*The Next Day*
Vai crawls across the roots of the old tree, uniform stained with grass and hands raw and muddy.
“Where the fuck did I leave my phone??”
“So, what’s your quirk?”
Vai looks around for something to demonstrate on, before just taking off their shoe and focusing. Soon enough, a small rubber cat is rubbing at MasterMind’s leg, begging for attention. He stares down at it, not moving for several seconds.
“It’s stupid- I mean, I can make bigger things, I just–“
“I love him.”
MasterMind stands, taking the rubber cat with him.
“I’ve only had him for half a minute, but if anything happened to him, I would kill everyone in this city and then myself.”
He begins walking away, Vai awkwardly calling after, “B-but, my shoe!”
* MasterMind is a better name than MindJack and you can’t change my mind.
** Tamashi and Popi
(Sorry this is late- I meant to post it Saturday but then it was my birthday and we had to rush my dog to vet and by the time we got home I really wasn’t feeling up to it)
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I thought people might like to see some of my original sketches for Mourning Star and their concrete friend :)
(My astronomy professor did not)
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Taiyuu High Round 2: Fuji Hotaru VS Grigori Vai
Grigori Vai, huh?
She’d watched them in the sparring session. They beat Fujinuma and broken her arm on top of that. Their quirk was apparently the ability to reanimate any solid with a melting point from what she’d heard, and the higher the melting point the harder it was to control, from what she’d heard of Grigori talking with their classmates. 
That brought up the question of if they would be able to reanimate her solid lava. Solid lava had an extremely high melting point of over a thousand and into the two thousands, but she wasn’t sure if Grigori couldn’t reanimate them. 
She’d have to play it safe, well, as safe as chucking lava at a person could be. Besides, they were in an urban area, with plenty of other solids for Grigori to use to their advantage. Hotaru meanwhile would be at a disadvantage. She had to look at this as if it were a real life situation, and thus keep property damage to a minimum. Destroying the reanimate objects would get a pass in real life, but any other collateral damage from her lava would be reprehensible. 
The buzzer sounded and Hotaru quickly began their run through the alleyways to find the orb. She just had to keep running forward through the alleyways. Honestly she never had a hard time in labyrinths of any kind so it was pretty easy even with the twist and turns they threw at her. 
Meanwhile she formulated her plan. Grigori would likely start amassing reanimated objects on their way to the orb, so if they got to the orb before Hotaru the reanimated could guard it and protect Grigori while they were on their way back. Or if Hotaru got there before Grigori, Grigori would be able to send their reanimated ahead to defeat Hotaru.
Hotaru could take out the reanimated easily, lava destroys anything it touches unless you’re Hotaru and can regulate the temperature beyond the lavas of physics. Her biggest problem would be keeping Grigori off her back, what with the fact that Grigori could just keep reanimating more objects and sending them after Hotaru who would be on double duty protecting the orb. 
That’s why while Grigori was likely amassing an army, Hotaru set about making sure that Grigori while chasing Hotaru wouldn’t have ammo with dumpsters or trashcans. 
When Hotaru found herself facing the orb she didn’t hesitate and kept running. Stopping would give Grigori a chance to run in and take her out. As Hotaru is maybe a couple feet away from the orb she hears the clanks of metal running and finds herself face to face with Grigori and their army of…
Well there’s a trashcan with legs and another trash can walking with arms, but also two monkeys that clearly used to be trashcans with a growling cat that clearly used to be a very small, ineffective, plastic, bright blue trash can and a lion that used to be a dumpster. That’s fun. 
Hotaru lunges her arm out and barely manages to get the orb just as Grigori runs forward with them sending the trash monkeys (oh why didn’t they make pandas or even just go all in with a raccoon!)  bouncing off the walls and jumping right at Hotaru as she backs away. 
It only takes one spray from her free arm for her to get the upper hand. The monkey’s are melted and absolutely stink, and there’s extremely hot lava in the air that’s dripping down to the ground, creating a sort of shroud that Grigori and the other various trash cans have to avoid. She takes back off, and waits for the reanimates and Grigori to come after her. 
Meanwhile, she creates a solid lava casing for the orb, and creates another special little item. 
Grigori is quickly back on her trail and this time they’ve sent forth the cat which is nimble and running and jumping on the walls. It takes barely a second to take out the plastic cat, although there is a particularly bad stench with that one’s melting. 
However with Hotaru turning away to take out the cat the trash can with actual legs took that as an invitation to jump and kick at her while Grigori and the other two reanimates catch up. Instead of moving her arm from it’s position and risking the trash can knocking her off or getting her arm she instead opens her mouth wide and lets out a truly obnoxious amount of lava spray. It forces trash can to melt and be thrown back into where Grigori and the other reanimates are. Hotaru isn’t sure but she’s pretty sure that she also accidentally took out the arm trash can. 
Hotaru keeps running and is managing to run pretty good while carrying two objects in her right arm. Hotaru has made it through the to another alleyway when the dumpster lion jumps down in front of her with Grigori on its back. It charges right at Hotaru who reaches her arm out and sprays lava not at the face but instead at the legs. All four legs melt leaving the the dumpster lion crashing into the lava and swirling as it’s stopped in its tracks.
Hotaru runs off and she faintly hears Grigori jumping off its back and running after her. Her goal is pretty close now and Grigori doesn’t have any ammo now because Hotaru had already taken out what they could’ve used.
Hotaru’s hero costume is simple, and should theoretically help her move faster, but Grigori’s hero costume is even better for aerodynamics. And Grigori is just faster than Hotaru plain and simple.
So it doesn’t take long for Grigori to catch up to Hotaru and reach out with whatever is on their gauntlets. Hotaru finds her left wrist is snagged and the two are connected with some sort of hand cuff. Grigori pulls Hotaru back and Hotaru decides to just kick their legs out from under them. However, instead of letting them fall to the ground with her she grabs the handcuff and melts it, before trying to run off. Grigori tuns over on the ground and grabs her by the ankle, and activates her quirk.
Gold is an extremely easy metal to work with in real life, and she guesses that translates into Grigori’s quirk. 
The gold melts and tightens to an excruciating amount on her left foot. The bottom of the sandal even twisting up so the sandal is almost all the way up to her her knee as it wounds tight around her leg. If Hotaru’s not mistaken Grigori used their other guantlet’s metal to wound around her leg as well. 
This freaking hurts.
Grigori stands up while on guard, “Sorry, now I’ll-”
“Yeah you can take it, sorry myself,” and she throws the orb right at their face. 
It was a decoy orb. It had the same solid lava casing that she’d wrapped around the real orb, but this one was filled with lava that wouldn’t burn them. Well it would, but not enough to leave scars. She had thrown it at Grigori’s side of their neck so that it would hit their face, neck, maybe chest, and also arm. At the very least it would probably stun them long enough that Hotaru, even on a bad leg, could run away. 
So she starts hobbling away. It’s not fast enough though, at least by Hotaru’s standards, so she creates a lava staff to help her move faster. She can’t hear Grigori behind her, and that actually worries her as she gets closer and closer to the goal. 
And…she makes it. She makes it to the goal and she gets the orb where it belongs. A second win in her pocket. The buzzer sounds and a robotic voice declares her the winner. 
She smiles, glad at her win, but she quickly abandons the orb, and goes back on her way throughout the alley trying to reabsorb all the lava she can. She doesn’t have a finite amount of lava, but she does like to keep her collateral damage to a minimum. People can get hurt. 
And that’s what she finds when she gets back to Grigori. Grigori on the ground sweating profusely. They look like the burns are really bad, far worse than they should’ve been, and Grigori looks like their about to full on pass out and they’ve barely moved from where Hotaru left them. 
“I’m so sorry! I didn’t know you would have this bad a reaction to it!” She can’t help but thrust herself forward, even as she lands on her bad leg, Hotaru can’t bring herself to care. 
As she examines Grigori she can see that part of the problem was that the lava that had hit her and hadn’t gone flying outward had trickled down. Hotaru should’ve thought of that when she threw it at them! She raises her hands at Grigori who flinches away, no shit she’d probably do the same. 
“I promise I won’t hurt you again. I’m getting rid of the lava so it can’t spread anymore. I’m so sorry, I shouldn’t have done that. I was only thinking about winning.”
Grigori nods and let’s Hotaru work their magic. And as Hotaru finishes it Grigori says in a dry voice, “S’okay. I did a number on your leg. We’re even…actually…”
Grigori reaches down with their non burnt arm and touches the bands wrapped around Hotaru’s legs and reanimates them to fall away. 
“Don’t push yourself. I need to get you to the nurse.”
“Yes please, I think someone burnt me.”
“Don’t make jokes I’m serious. Can you stand?”
“I’ll make it. Just let me lean on you.” 
“I can do that.” And she does. She wraps her arm around Grigori’s waist and starts to lead them out of the maze of The Sundown Zone. 
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Round 2: Grigori Vai vs Fuji Hotaru
(AKA Vai vs Miniskirt Mondays)
Vai forces themself back against the lockers, trembling slightly under the piercing gaze of the girl whose height has her towering above most of the class. Fujinuma Ozen, one arm braced against the wall, had cornered the smaller teen the moment they had finished changing and was now glaring down with such intensity, Vai thinks they might just burst into flames with the heat of it.
Flushing brightly, the pinned student manages a meek, “O-Ozen-san,” and prays that their fluctuating glow isn’t too noticeable to the blue-haired adonis that is their classmate. “W-what are you–”
“Shh,” Ozen commands, eyes moving for the first time from Vai’s own and off to the side. For a moment, it almost looks like the class president is checking to see if they’re being watched, but even from her not insignificant shadow, Vai can feel the stares of their classmates; of course they’re being watched.
Her eyes refocus on Vai, tone dropping slightly as she leans in. “You better win.”
Vai freezes, drawing in a sharp breath.
“I– I’ll do my best.”
Ozen nods once, decisively, and spins on her heel, vanishing into the crowd.
Pulling at the pleather shorts of their unexpectedly revealing costume, Vai takes in their utility of their classmates’ designs. Most of them are about what they expected, enhancing natural strengths, covering obvious weaknesses…
Vai wonders if their weaknesses are obvious now, wearing an outfit like this.
They don’t mind the design, quite the opposite in fact. Having spent hours testing with different alloys for their gauntlets, researching the latest in surveillance technology, and even making some quick sketches to give the eventual designer ideas, Vai’s suit is close as close to flawless as humanly possible in terms of functionality. They just wish that functionality didn’t require their ass on display 24/7.
And it does require it; that’s the problem. The designer had clearly taken Vai’s minor note of ‘I overheat easily’ to it’s logical extreme, replacing the matte black of their original design with sheer netting to allow for increased breathability, as well as having taken a few inches off the bottom of their harness for better maneuverability. It made sense, but that doesn’t make it any easier to be the only one with so much on display.
When if finally comes time for everyone to enter the artificial city, Vai casually shimmies along the wall until they’re sure no one can see them, not once noticing the understanding smile Kyoukko-sensei sends their way upon noticing the issue.
This is gonna be a looong day…
Vai positions themself at the start line, trying to ignore the camera’s watching their every move and instead going over everything they know about their opponent.
Fuji Hotaru: based on her last battle, she’s intelligent and more than capable of fighting in close quarters. Worst of all, she has heat quirk capable of directly interfering with mine– I’ll have to be sneaky.
The starting buzzer sounds with a harsh BZZZT and Vai slams their hands down on either gauntlet, transforming them into a pair of massive white falcon wings* and quickly slotting them into the harness on their back. In an instant, they’re up in the air, speeding over buildings and straight toward the orb.
「Come in, Bondage-san. Is that you up there? Over.」
Resisting the urge to groan at the codename, Vai taps their earpiece. “Affirmative, Hop To It. I have eyes on two targets. Over.”
「Roger that. I’m on my way to–」
Registering a sudden wave or searing heat, Vai dives to the side, narrowly dodging what appears to be a black javelin coated in red-hot lava as it arcs past them and back into the city below.
Turning to the rooftops, Vai scans desperately for the monochromatic form of their rival, hidden somewhere in the concrete jungle. They tap their earpiece once more.
“Stand By, Hop To It. I’ve got a sniper on my tail.”
Vai dives downward, putting on a burst of speed as they weave between buildings, spinning through narrow spaces and around telephone poles. They spread their arms, tapping an AC unit and attaching one of their new cameras to it as they speed past.
Just in case…
Two more turns and the orb sits before them, unguarded and innocuous. Vai wastes no time in grabbing it, knowing Hotaru couldn’t have beaten them here even with the roundabout route they took in the hopes of losing her. They relay the location of the other orb, as they remember it, to Ameko and take off once more in the direction of their goal. The wind pulls at their hair, whipping rivulets of air through the netting of their suit. The relief the cold air provides is enough to make Vai smile, even if they’re not out of the woods yet.
Nearing the edge of the city, Vai spots the goal easily, and lowers their altitude accordingly. It’s at that moment that it occurs to them that Hotaru is smart. Hotaru would know they couldn’t beat Vai to the orb. Hotaru is–
standing behind that building with another dripping javelin.
Vai tries to dodge, awkwardly spinning back and only succeeding in burning apart their wing instead. They skid to a stop, landing in a crumpled heap of limbs and lava.
Lava –burning, searing, scalding lava– dribbles down their wing, tearing through the fabric of their suit and across their arm. It hurts, and Vai can do nothing to stop it.
Hotaru runs up, black volcanic rock shield in hand, and grabs the orb from where it had fallen; cracked and melted in places, but otherwise undamaged. They form cuffs over Vai’s bruised arms and legs, pinning them to the ground, and quickly take off in the direction of their own goal.
Bondage-san, indeed, supplies the crippled teen’s delirious mind.
Vai knows they could break the cuffs with ease. One tap of their fingers and they’d be free– but that wouldn’t stop the oncoming heatstroke, or heal their burns, or get them the orb back.
They need a plan.
Hotaru knows they can’t move in this condition, though she likely doesn’t know exactly how badly Vai was injured by that last attack. She also knows that Vai has ‘friends’ they could send after her, though many of them lack the finesse needed to capture the orb without injuring her.
It’s time for Plan B then.
Activating their visor, Vai takes in the alleyway they left their AC creation in, mentally commanding it to rise.
The AC, formed into a five-foot-one humanoid with large white wings, takes off instantly, the camera attached to it’s face giving Vai a perfect view of it launching into the air and chasing after Hotaru from above.
Now then…
Vai taps one of the restraints, mentally shaping it into a blunt dagger. It writhes, slinking up to their hand and reforming… as volcanic glass. Not quite what the teen had envisioned, but not bad for a first attempt either. Vai wedges the dagger into the remaining restraints, prying them off one inch at a time as the AC doppelgänger (Grigänger? Dopplegori?) gains on Hotaru. The dagger splinters by the last one, but the shards are large enough that the student manages to free themself completely with minimal bleeding.
Sitting up, Vai is immediately assaulted by a pounding headache and a wave of nausea. Perfect.
They shed their wings, not bothering to try any repairs when they’re already close to collapse, and start walking back into the city. A red blotch in the distance draws their attention, and the teen (by this point flushed and shining with sweat) rushes toward it, slamming both hands down on the hydrant as they sink to the ground. The hydrant bursts, water spewing from the top where a messy hole has formed and funnels the liquid into the sky. Vai slumps down, relishing in the sweet rain over their skin, cooling the bits of lava that remain.
Meanwhile, the dopplegänger rounds above Hotaru, and she launches another javelin at it. Vai commands it to dodge and it does, the javelin skimming a metal leg. The AC flies closer, higher, forcing Hotaru to look into the sun to trace it, shining like an avenging angel in the light now haloing behind it. Her lips move, and she encases her arm and the ball it holds in the same volcanic rock, forming a rounded shield over the whole thing.
Vai, now thoroughly soaked, heads back for their wings, patching the holes as best they can and slotting them back into their harness. The wings flap experimentally, evidently still strong enough to lift Vai into the air, albeit at the cost of most of their speed, and Vai takes off.
As soon as it’s master draws close, the dopplegänger launches itself at Hotaru. A blast of lava burns through its arm, but the AC doesn’t pause for a second before wrapping its remaining limbs around the taller girl.
Hotaru struggles against it, her entire body burning red as lava forms over her skin, but the AC just melts into it, metal dripping down her arms and legs in a horrible, sticky mess. At that moment, Vai arrives from behind. The heat from Hotaru’s ever hotter lava and the liquid metal has caused the casing around the orb to crack and Vai takes full advantage, grabbing a mailbox-turned-bat in one hand and swinging it at the shield protruding from their opponents arm. It cracks, shards of rock splintering off and exploding into the air, and Vai gives their dopplegänger one last order.
The batteries held at the back of its malformed body go into overdrive, using every bit of power it safely can to blow freezing air onto Hotaru’s arm, stiffening the lava around her joints and cooling the orb enough to keep it from being completely destroyed. Vai yanks it from her opponents hand and bolts toward their goal one last time.
Two hours later, Hotaru enters the nurses office, taking in the sight of their opponent, now covered in burns, with a fan pointed at them and an ice pack resting against their forehead. Vai, upon noticing her, immediately moves to stand.
“Fuji-san, w-what are you doing here?”
“You don’t have to get up,” Hotaru says and Vai pauses, but doesn’t return to their earlier position. “Kyoukko-sensei told me what happened, about how my lava affected you.”
Vai huffs, glaring at the ground. “Did she also tell you I didn’t want anyone to know about that?”
“Yeah, she did… I’m sorry, if I had known, I wouldn’t–”
“Yes, you would, and that’s the whole point.” Sighing, Vai continues, “I want to get stronger, and I know my body’s… sensitivity is a weakness I’m going to have to live with, but that doesn’t mean I want everyone taking it easy on me, or even using it against me. I need time to work on my resilience and figure out ways around quirks like yours, and for that to happen, I need a fair fight.”
Hotaru nods, not exactly knowing what to say. After a long pause, she settles on, “I won’t tell anyone, if that’s what you’re worried about.”
Vai gives her a small smile.
“How do you regulate the lava temperate, by the way? I know it was hot, but it wasn’t like melt through flesh hot.”
Hotaru smiles back, explaining how her quirk allows her to control the temperature of her lava quite easily, and laughs when Vai giddily asks if she can create different types of rock and how far she can project her lava on its own.
By the time Vai is released, they’ve forgotten why they were worried in the first place.
*The Peregrine falcon is one of the fastest birds. Their wings are built for speed, and they move at speeds close to 200mph when in a dive.
Flushing brightly, the pinned student manages a meek, “O-Ozen-san,” and prays that their fluctuating glow isn’t too noticeable to the blue-haired adonis that is their classmate. “W-what are you–”
“Shh,” Ozen commands, eyes moving for the first time from Vai’s own and off to the side. For a moment, it almost looks like the class president is checking to see if they’re being watched, but even from her not insignificant shadow, Vai can feel the stares of their classmates; of course they’re being watched.
Her eyes refocus on Vai, tone dropping slightly as she leans in. “Haven’t you ever heard of kabedon?”
Vai freezes, drawing in a sharp breath.
“Th-the mating ritual?”
Ozen nods once, decisively, and leaps up, all four limbs suddenly pressing against the wall around Vai like some sort of six-foot-seven spiderling.
“…Consider yourself informed.”
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Vai animating a metal chihuaha: I have created a dog.
Gakusa: You fucked up a perfectly good soda can is what you did.
Gakusa: Look at it. It's got anxiety.
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Round 1, Ozen Vs. Vai: Inanimate
@taiyuu-high-oct @heavenly-hero-mourningstar  and thank you @horselesbian for being a wonderful beta reader <3
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Round 1: Grigori Vai vs Fujinuma Ozen
Stepping out into the practice field, Vai takes a moment to appreciate just how quickly their day went to shit.
– Grigori Vai vs Fujinuma Ozen –
“Oi, isn’t that that invincible chick?” A blonde-haired student from 1B* says, giving a low whistle. “I feel bad for whatever lightweight ends up fighting her.”
The words barely register. Vai can’t believe their luck– first assignment of their first day and already, it seems the universe is conspiring against them. A sparring match on a grassy field, one with nothing on which to use their quirk, against the (admittedly gorgeous) girl who not one hour ago had stopped them from walking to homeroom without changing their shoes, all the while looking like Vai was a particularly dimwitted insect she couldn’t wait to swat…
“I am so screwed,” Vai groans, burying their face in their hands.
The blonde teen snorts and shakes her head. “Tough luck.”
Vai lifts their face, only to find the teal-haired Fujinuma Ozen towering above them. They let out a squeak and take a step back, blush from earlier returning full-force. “F-fujinuma-sa–”
“It’s Ozen.”
Vai freezes. Fuck. Did they use her first name by mistake? Fuck, fuck, fuck…
“Ozen-san. Yes, sorry, I– yeah,” Smooth, Vai. As if this morning wasn’t bad enough. “Yeah, um. D-did you need something?”
“We’re up next,” says Ozen. “Kuzu-sensei said to get ready.”
“Right. Yes, next. I will– do that.” Vai tries for an awkward smile, one Ozen doesn’t bother to return before she turns on her heel and leaves. Vai deflates instantly. “Shit.”
Behind them, the blonde student continues to snigger.
Vai steps onto the grass, internally wincing as they remember yet again how much of a disadvantage they’re at here. They walk to the boundary line, taking a deep breath as the stares of their classmates prickle uncomfortably against the back of their neck.
Okay, Vai. You can do this. Think; she doesn’t know your quirk, and you don’t know hers. If you can surprise her, you might still be able to win this– just play it smart.
Across the field, Ozen squares her shoulders and lowers her stance, hands raising in preparation to defend herself. Her eyes are steely and cold, belying none of the fear Vais own are sure to be filled with.
The shorter teen breaks eye contact, glaring at the ground (useless) beneath their feet and– oh.
That could work.
“Grigori!” says Kuzu-sensei, startling the teen out of their thoughts. The smile they hadn’t noticed curling their lips drops as they turn to meet the teachers gaze. The pro narrows his eyes, chin lifting to glower down at them. “We haven’t got all day.”
“Right, sorry.”
Lowering themself into an approximation of the position they’d seen runners take at the start of a race (one leg back, both hands planted firmly on the ground), Vai focuses their gaze on Ozen once more. The other teen shifts ever-so-slightly, clearly having noticed the change in demeanor.
“Ready?” Kyokkou-sensei asks, grinning from ear to ear and clearly giddy with anticipation.
You can do this.
“Set,” Kuzu-sensei says, curtly, while studying Vai’s form with obvious distaste.
You can prove them wrong.
“Go,” finishes Laccadaisy. An easy smile settles across her features as her chair tips onto it’s back legs and Vai shoots off toward Ozen as fast as their legs will allow.
You just have to try.
Pulling their hands up from the grass beside their sneaker and into a messy jab, Vai slams full-force into the other teen, who doesn’t budge so much as an inch. Wide-eyed, Vai stares up at the towering Ozen, expression unchanged and uncaring.
‘Invincible’, huh…
Vai drops to the ground just in time as the taller combatant retaliates, narrowly dodging a grab for their throat (wait, a submission hold?) and scrambling back to avoid a knee to the face.
“Language!” one of the teachers says. In the heat of the moment, Vai isn’t sure which one. They scramble to their feet, fighting to put distance between themself and the apparently invincible Ozen, whos gentian eyes have locked onto their target with all the fervor of a homing missile on the rebound.
Launching herself the remain distance, Ozen slams into Vai, sending them both hurtling to the ground. Before Vai can regain their breath, Ozen is already on them, forcing their neck back as two long arms constrict around their throat from behind. Tears pool at the edges of Vai’s lavender eyes as they struggle to breath, but Ozen doesn’t let up. Vai tears uselessly at the skin of the girls arms, nails raking deep enough to draw rivulets of blood as their vision begins to darken and–
Gasping as the grip on their neck suddenly goes limp, Vai takes in some much needed oxygen as they scramble away from Ozen and gingerly prod at their bruising neck. Strangely, Ozen doesn’t seem to be faring much better, looking down at their arm with something as close to surprise as she seems capable of, bits of dirt and grass raining down all around her. In Vais fogged-over mind, it takes another minute for the realization, and subsequent horror, to fully connect.
I broke her arm. Oh gods, I–
“Huh.” The teal haired teen glances between her opponent and her dangling noodle of an arm. “Not bad.”
“Not– not bad?! I just broke your fucking arm!” Arms flailing, the blood that had frozen to red slush at the sight of Ozens arm is suddenly rushing to Vais head once again. The hot, dizzy feeling is as unwelcome as the blooming blush at Ozens words of bizarre approval.
“Yes. That’s never happened before–” says Ozen, slowly getting to her feet amidst the rubble of the field. “I’ll be sure to keep it in mind moving forward.”
And just like that, Ozen is back on the attack. Vai leaps out of the way as she rushes in to kick their legs out from under them, barely managing to brush their hand against Ozen’s ankle as the taller teen pulls away.
Breathing deeply, Vai tries to get their mind back up to speed;
She’s avoiding my hands now, but if she had strength augmentation or heightened resistance, why did my quirk stop at her arm?
They take another step back as Ozen circles predatorily, nearly tripping over another chunk of overturned dirt.
Wait, my quirk doesn’t affect dirt. What happened to the field?
One more step, and Vai notices the mud smeared up from Ozens shoes up through her legs. As the pieces finally click together, a truly frightening grin stretches their lips, luminescent freckles and eyes sparking with pent-up potential itching to be released.
Energy redistribution.
Stretching their arms to either side, Vai practically dares Ozen to take their best shot. Ozen, for her part, actually hesitates upon seeing the gesture, at which point Vai activates the first of their creations. Two white serpents spring up from Vais no-longer sneakered feet and onto Ozen, each one coiling itself around one of her wrists and up toward her elbows. The taller teen stumbles back, trying to grab at the serpents with her good hand, but they only entwine themselves further before settling into a pair of rubber bonds stitching her arms together.
Pleased with their work, Vai grins as they surge forward once more. Ozen dodges swiftly, calm as ever despite having lost the use of two of her limbs. She kicks Vai away as the smaller teen tries once again to close the distance between them, and this time they don’t bother trying to dodge. The kick lands dead center in their stomach, knocking the wind out of them and sending them stumbling back, but Vai can’t help the giggle that escapes their lips as their fingers latch onto Ozen’s second sneaker. Glancing up at the other teen, Vai has no doubt she knows what comes next.
Vulcanized rubber– melting point of only 400° Fahrenheit.
Ozens sneakers twist and writhe, reforming themselves much the same as the bonds at her arms, and as they pull her legs together from her ankles to her knees, she collapses to the ground, immobile.
Across the field, Lacca-daisy announces, “Fujinuma Ozen has been immobilized. Grigori Vai wins!” and Vai takes a moment to appreciate just how quickly their day turned around.
*Kottoba Kiru
Launching herself the remain distance, Ozen slaps Vai as hard as she can. Vai gasps, outraged, and returns fire with their own slap.
Soon enough, both teens are flailing about, missing more often than not, and neither is any closer to winning than when they began.
Kyokkou-sensei watches wide-eyed while Kuzu-sensei has lowered his face to his hands and Lacca-daisey cackles gleefully.
This should be an interesting year.
Ozen rolls over, waving her bound arms up at Vai. “…Can you untie me now?”
“Oh, shit yes I–”
“Grigori-san, in the future, please refrain from using kinbaku on your classmates.”
“Oi, Bondage-san!”
Vai sighs, pinching the bridge of their nose. “I’m never going to live that down, am I?”
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Welcome to Taiyuu everyone, thanks so much to everyone who applied! Everyone who got in is shown above in their respective class. If you aren’t in the discord you are strongly encouraged to join it HERE.
Round 1 has officially begun - your partner is shown above. You and your partner will have a sparring match in the sporting grounds in front of your teachers - try to win! You have until the 5th of April to complete this round.
Whatever happens, this will surely be an eventful first day of class!
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Taiyuu High Entrance Exam: Grigori Vai Quirk: Animate
Vai knew they were in for a rough ride from the second they saw the building.
They had wondered for quite some time why the entrance exam was being held at a secondary location instead of on school grounds, but looking up at the massive warehouse (carbon steel frame– melting point of 2,500° F; Fiberglass roofing– melting point of 2,075° F), the answer became clear.
Hundreds of applicants stand outside, slowly filing into an atrium of sorts (concrete floor– ‘melts’ at around 1,000°F) where a dark-haired woman in a grassy bodysuit awaits them, leaning casually against a two-story tall, cast-iron door. Vai manages to push their way into one of the less crowded corners just as the woman speaks.
“Welcome, hero wannabes!” she shouts, not bothering with a microphone. The crowd hushes and from Vai’s position at the back, they can just barely make out the woman– Pro-hero Lacca-daisy, principal of Taiyuu High –move away from the door with a grin. “As you can see, we’re a bit overwhelmed with the sheer number of applicants this year, but this test was a bitch to set up as it is, so no whining about the extra competition, ‘kay?”
Several applicants shift and grumble, but the principal pays them no mind.
“This here,” she stops to pound twice against the metal door. “is your first challenge on the road to becoming heroes, and let me tell you, it ain’t an easy one. You’re gonna be placed in a maze with a bunch of enemies and your goal is to wrack up as many points as you can by grabbing ‘flags’ we’ve scattered throughout. Bigger flags are worth more points, but there’s no limit to how many you can grab at once, so try an’ be strategic about which flags you choose. Once you’ve collected your flags, you’re going to bring them back here where the door will automatically log your points. There are two other ‘safe zones’ like this in the maze, but you’ll have to find those for yourselves. You follow so far?”
There’s a murmur of agreement throughout the atrium, but once again, Lacca-daisy doesn’t particularly seem to care.
“As for the enemies, there’s two types you gotta worry about. Type one: faculty. They’re all wearing masks and have been warned about using their quirks, but don’t think that makes ‘em any weaker. With or without their quirks, these guys will still kick your ass if you get too cocky.” she says, giving the crowd a meaningful look. “Then there’s type two: robots. You’re welcome to go all out on these guys and they come in a variety of shapes and sizes just to spice things up. Neither enemy will actively try to hurt you but they will slow you down, and if you’re not careful, steal your flags.
Last rule and if you break this one, you will be disqualified regardless of how many points you get, no sabotage. You steal from another contestant, set traps, slow them down– I don’t care how, you’re out of the running. Any questions?”
A smattering of hands raise and Lacca-daisy grins. “No? Nobody? Then get going!”
The door slams open, startling most of the crowd and sending the first of the applicants into action. Sat at the back of the crowded room, Vai immediately curls in on themself as the room empties around them.
‘Shit,’ they think. ‘Already off to a bad start.’
They stand and begin sprinting after the others, straight past a smiling Lacca-daisy and into the maze. Walls sprout up around them, each one reaching two stories before meeting the roof. Vai takes the first left and keeps going straight, trying to get away from the throngs of hero-hopefuls.
“Shit!” The lights go out. From around the corner, Vai can see a purple spotlight, and ahead another hundred feet is a pulsing green and blue one. It’s just barely light enough to maneuver, but it’s certainly disorienting, and more importantly…
“I’m glowing. Ffffffffff–” The soft white light of their skin and hair sends halos onto the walls and within moments, they can hear the mechanical whir, thump of a robot heading straight for them. “The one freaking day I don’t bring a hoodie,” they lament, dashing further down the corridor before ducking just below the pulsing light. They put their hand to the wall, testing for it’s malleability before cursing again. The walls are a carbon alloy, clearly created to withstand the barrage of quirks about to be thrown at them.
I could probably use it anyway, but I have no idea how long this test is, and if I overdo it…
The bot comes into view– a tall, gangly thing with reinforced arms and a clear weak spot in its neck. It scans for Vai, but hidden low under the blues and greens of the pulsing light, it isn’t immediately apparent that they’re there until a pale hand suddenly grabs the bot by its leg.
It tries to step back, but suddenly the teen is wrapped around it like a koala hanging for dear life and forcing their quirk through it faster than they can think. It raises its arm to beat them off when a loud pop! sounds and the whole thing twists, taking head and arm and legs with it.
The metal melts and bends and twists before re-converging on something resembling a twisted giraffe.
Vai slumps to the ground, staring up at their creation with dull eyes.
“Why did I make a giraffe? Could’ve made a lion, but no. I made a giraffe.” The creature in question cocks it’s matte metal head (steel, thank gods) and Vai groans again. “I know, I have no one to blame but myself.”
Looking up as they are, Vai sees the moment the blue light glints against the ceiling and–
“Okay, sweetie. Lift me as high as your spindly little neck can,” they grin. The creature complies, and Vai silently dubs him Jeff because why not. Once Jeff has lifted them as high as he can (about 17ft), they press flush against the closest wall and activate their quirk again, forcefully shaping handholds into the wall until they can reach the ceiling.
“Fiberglass roofing,” the teen grins. “Lightweight with a melting point of 2,075° F.”
Minutes later, soaring eighteen feet in the air on a freshly made pair of fiberglass bat wings and followed closely by an overzealous Jeff, Vai finds the first of their ‘flags’ rather quickly. Not having been given any guidelines on what exactly the flags were, they were surprised to find a variety of objects ranging from small disks to a full sized crash test dummy, all with the Taiyuu logo printed across them in incandescent paint.
“Jeff, take the dummy. I’ll grab as many of the smaller ones as I can,” they say.
“Oh, will you now?”
Vai spins in the air, shocked to find a rather well-muscled man in all black standing at the end of the alcove. “Shit.”
The man pauses, and Vai can suddenly feel the disappointed frown materialize beneath his mask. “You know this is a school entrance exam, right? You shouldn’t curse.”
Vai blushes red. “Shit, you’re right. Wait. Sorry, shit!” Vai buries their face in their hands, letting out a long groan. “I suck at this.”
They look up just in time to see the man running toward them, a bo staff having appeared in his hands. Jeff leaps in front of his creator just in time for the staff to come down with a loud and reverberating CLANG as Vai grabs as many of the small disks as they can before taking to the air and releasing Jeff, dropping him in all his 450 pound robotic glory directly onto the man in black.
Flying off as fast as they can, because Jeff’s robot form may be heavy but there is no way a trained pro is going to let that stop them, Vai shouts a quick, “Sorry!” and speeds back toward the first Safe Room. By the time they arrive, there are at least three dozen other applicants crowding the door, all clutching a variety of neon painted Taiyuu-themed objects. Luckily, their altitude makes it slightly easier to push past the squalling throng, but after dropping the disks and making their way back out, Vai still feels shaken in a way that has nothing to do with the crowd.
So many people want this…
They push through the middle this time, landing and curling their wings around their glowing form as best they can. They can feel the beginnings of some pretty bad bruises forming under the Fiberglass harness of their wings. Note to self: get an actual harness for next time.
“Attention, applicants! Time is now half over. I repeat; you better hurry your asses up!”
“She’s allowed to curse…” Vai grouches, turning in on what looked like another flag deposit. “Shit! This one’s cleaned out already.”
Vai spins around, turning the corner to find a section of floor blown to pieces and two applicants nursing minor scrapes and burns.
“There’s traps now, too?” one of them shrieks, crystal growths in her skin flashing red in anger. “What the actual Hell?”
“Ah! I think I broke my ankle!” the other cries. Shaggy black hair obscures his eyes, but Vai is pretty sure there are tears dripping down his cheeks.
Vai pales. If I had landed any sooner, that would’ve been me… I’ve gotta keep flying.
“Do you need help getting back to the Safe Room? It’ll be slow, but I could probably fly you there?” they offer. Both applicants look at them like they’ve grown a second head.
“What, and quit while there’s still time left?” the crystal girl says. “Not a chance.” Beside them, the dark-haired boy nods along.
“We’re going to be the best hero duo the world has ever seen! We can’t do that if only one of us gets in!”
Vai nods in understanding, but feels sick even as the boy shakily gets to his feet, his friend helping him continue into the maze. They peel up their own shirt and gently prod at the darkening bruises digging into their hips and ribs.
Everyone wants this…. I can’t afford not to give it my all.
Taking off once again, they quickly scour the maze for more flags, but only find several more deposits, a disk someone must’ve dropped, and the second of the three Safe Rooms. That along with quite a few broken robots and several more injured teens– a girl who could stick to walls even warns them that certain walls have laser sensors in them too.
“Just a few more points,” they incant. “I can’t give up now.”
Suddenly, something hits them from behind with enough force to send them straight into the wall. Vai collapses to the ground in a heap, ribs burning like the sun. Another robot stands behind them, this time with tank treads and a gun.
Vai tries to stand, but the pain flares brighter and they collapse back to the ground. “No…Please, fuck, no.”
The robot advances, leveling the gun with Vai’s tear-stained face and for a brief second, they remember Lacca-daisey’s words.
“Neither enemy will actively try to hurt you but they will slow you down, and if you’re not careful, steal your flags.”
If they give up that last disk, the bot might leave them alone. If they don’t fight, just surrender and let it keep them here…
But that would mean giving up. That would mean saying ‘hopefully this is enough’ and letting fate decide, and fate, as Vai knows from personal experience, is an idiot.
They wrap their arms around their middle, feeling where a rib has popped out of place and is pressing horribly against the abused skin under their make-shift harness. The robot stills as they close their eyes, taking it as a sign of defeat, and Vai forces their quirk through their own body, superheating and popping the rib back into place with a pained shriek. It hurts– it hurts so goddamn bad they think for a second they might’ve lost consciousness, but when they open their eyes, the robot is still there, the gun is still leveled at their face, and Vai still doesn’t have enough points.
They stand, ignoring the sharp jabs of pain, and launch themself at the robot with all the force they can muster, sending the last of their energy into the bot in the vague hopes of it being enough. The treaded robot trembles beneath their hands, the gun click– click– click– clicking until Vai realizes with a start that the clicking has turned to a roar. They look up at the mane of their creation and give a watery smile.
“I made a lion.”
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The buzzer sounds three minutes later and Vai has barely managed to scrape together another two disks and a plastic dog before collapsing in the second Safe Room they found, their lion falling to sheet metal as the last of their adrenaline-borne energy runs out. Eventually, several black-clad faculty members come to get them, one of them checking over their rib and asking what on Earth they did to it that the entire thing seems to be twisted like a barbers pole. The lights come on and someone heals them– properly this time –and Vai goes home limping, covered in sweat, and positively beaming.
They did their best, and fate will have nothing to do with it.
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Name: Grigori Vai
Background: Has wanted to be a hero since before they knew what a hero was, but being bullied most of their life has made this much harder. After struggling with mental health issues and discrimination for years, Vai decided that they want to be the kind of hero who not only saves people from danger but also from the stigma, discrimination, and societal expectations a quirked and hero-obsessed society is bound to impose on anyone deemed lesser.
Quirk: Animate (Emitter Type). Through touch, allows the user to transfer energy from their body into any object or material, reshaping and/or temporarily bringing it to life under the user’s control. The higher the targets melting point, however, the harder reshaping it becomes. Touch is not required for continued control. Maximum distance capable of controlling a target from is unknown. Targets may be controlled until released, destroyed, or the user runs out of energy.
+ Allows for short or long range combat
+ Good for recon and mobility
+ Good in urban environments and disaster zones
+ Users body is made of energy; heals fast, light weight allows for quicker movements
– Requires touch to activate
– Does not work on materials w/o a melting point or do not have a solid state (ex. wood, fire)
– User cannot see through creations eyes (remedied by camera feed to visor)
– Users body is made of energy; light sensitive, sunburns easily, overheats easily, emits slight glow
Power: 5/5
Speed: 3/5
Technique: 2/5
Intelligence: 5/5
Cooperativeness: 4/5
+ Fiercely protective
+ Kind and accepting of others
+ Quick study
+ Intelligent and creative
+ Always willing to help
= Good at spinning words to keep from hurting others, overstepping boundaries, or revealing too much.
= Fangirl. Gets incredibly excited talking about their latest fixation and will stab a man for dissing it.
= Introvert. Fine talking to people most of the time, but prolonged social interaction quickly wears them out. Needs time to recuperate after outings.
= Perfectionist. Hard on others but harder on themself. Gets anxious when things aren’t done right but doesn’t necessarily have the energy or ability to fix them, causing even more anxiety.
– Unforgiving, slight sadistic streak
– Slow to open up
– Insecure
– Nervous in large crowds, around loud noises
– Will not let you throw away any of their ‘pets,’ even when said pet is an empty soda can most of the time
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