hellotvshowtrash · 16 days
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hellotvshowtrash · 2 months
beep boop
Rejoining tumblr on a diff blog for basically whatever I feel like rather than for fandoms if yall are interested
thx byeee
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hellotvshowtrash · 11 months
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hannibal rewatch: apéritif
i drew this based on a prompt from @hannibalbingo! be sure to check them out :)
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hellotvshowtrash · 11 months
i don't know who needs to hear this, but 'perfect' writing is a trap. all writing is subjective. what we create today, we may see as flawed tomorrow. what we see as flawed today, we may see as perfect tomorrow.
writing is the act of transmuting the human experience through words. and the human experience? it's a messy, chaotic thing filled with rough edges and uneven lines and mistakes and failures. you can erase all of that. you can. but then you're left with something sterile and artificial. you've effectively squeezed the soul out of your work, and i can think of nothing less appealing.
this isn't to say don't edit your work. please do. but keep it within reason, and make sure you're moving forward and not backward. momentum is key.
don't sit on an idea for three decades waiting for that dance with inspiration, or that dynamite first line, or that eureka plot twist, or the words to flow like magic from your fingertips. because it won't happen. and if it does, it'll strike like lightning and disappear twice as fast. the only surefire way to finish a story is to start.
so write. for the love of god, just write.
along the way, things will fall in line. i promise. and if they don't? then they already have. the magic of art is that everything we create is a snapshot of who we are at the time of creation. it's like a time capsule of human experience, and there's a beauty in that authenticity-- in the mistakes we make and the wrong turns we take. don't run from them. embrace them.
let their lessons flow through you and channel them into something tangible. if it's hard, then start with one word and keep going. don't erase it. don't start over. don't let yourself believe your story isn't worth telling because if you don't tell it, then no one else will. and that'd be a damn shame.
so one word a day. one sentence a week.
whatever it takes.
it might be tough letting go of the idea of perfect. silencing your inner editor. your inner critic. it might be tough realizing that your story will never meet your standards, not completely, but it won't be half as tough as looking back and wondering where all the days, weeks, and years went; that in the pursuit of perfection, you forgot to ever write a story at all.
so leave perfect behind. readers don't want it. why would they? they can't possibly relate to perfect-- none of us can.
instead, give readers a window to your imagination, stormclouds and all. you'll be surprised by how many stick around for the rain, how many relish the sound of your thunder, and how many cherish the worlds that only you could bring to life.
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hellotvshowtrash · 11 months
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LAKE (2021) dev. Gamious
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hellotvshowtrash · 11 months
The immediate fear when ur an idiot and send ur mutuals something that is indeed incorrect
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hellotvshowtrash · 11 months
Oh this is so good!! I would absolutely love to read more of this, I love this whole premise, especially of Jesper being the one to deliver the message to Kaz 🤩 I can feel the pain already, and I love it!!
Author's Choice
A/N: Hi yall. I know I haven't been around. I've been busy and then I got stuck.
This is an incomplete WIP. I'm not sure if ill finish it but I'm posting it in an attempt to either let it go or get more momentum. there are several more and I probably will be posting all of them or at least a "concept" post for them.
A/N#2: I tried/planned a whumptober series as I'm sure some of you remember (I think I posted about it?) I was on a major SoC kick since I had just read the books. Not all of them were SoC but most of them were. This is a part of that series. Enjoy!
Taglist: feel free to ask to be added or removed
@imgoingtofreakoutnow @elijahs-wife @yn-ymn-yln @transgendercannibal @xxwritemeastoryxx @hellotvshowtrash @dizzydancingdreamer
The first thing Kaz noticed as he walked into the kitchen of the Slat was he was the last one awake, which was strange because it was 6:30 in the morning and he was always up first with the occasional exception of Inej. The second thing Kaz noticed was it was quiet; too quiet. And the third and most concerning thing that Kaz noticed was the behavior of his Crows. Matthias was practically cradling Nina who was staring silently at Jesper. Her eyes were worried and calculated, never straying from his face. Directly across from them pressed into Jesper’s side was Wylan. He had a paper in his hand eyes darting between Jesper and the page. His hands shook as he mouthed words that were read out to him. He was doing it with such intensity that Kaz would have thought someone’s life depended on it. Silently moving around the others seemly trying to keep herself moving was Inej making waffles. But what was most unnerving was Jesper, sitting at the table completely silent staring blankly at his hands as if he couldn’t puzzle out what they were.
Kaz never wastes breath on empty words “What’s going on?”
Inej didn’t falter as she shoved a cup of coffee into his hands still hot but the perfect temperature to chug at any moment.
“Jes had a nightmare” was all she said, voice clipped.
“It wasn’t a nightmare,” Jesper said quietly as he rose. Kaz seemingly snapped him out of his stupor.
“it was just a really weird dream” He claimed, eyes wandering before finally landing on the coffee behind Inej. Wylan’s eyes latched onto him. These were the first words he had said since he woke up, all morning. Not that Kaz knew that. Jesper slept a floor below him and while the walls in the Slat were thin, the floors weren’t, save for the vents.
“I’d call it a nightmare,” said Wylan, His voice unsteady and quiet as if afraid to startle the Zemini boy. “You were screaming”
Jesper poured himself a cup of coffee, adding more sugar than cream. His back faced his boyfriend. He visibly tensed at his lover’s words, shoulders creeping up as if trying to protect him from something he couldn’t see. But he turned around with Inej’s plate of waffles, smiling bright and unaffected, “Who wants waffles?”
He asked warmly and placed the stack on the table, possibly more roughly than he would have any other day. He sat down and helped himself to the fluffy food. Everyone dug in.
It wasn’t complete silence. The Dregs start to wake with the rising sun. Members come down the stairs and leave into the cold of the early winter to find warm food to fill their bellies.
The kitchen in the Slat wasn’t big enough to feed the whole gang. Kaz and his Crows were the only ones who ever actually ate within the uneven building. A symbol to the other members, of who was in Kaz’s elite, despite Kaz denying up and down he didn’t pick favorites. The city streets crawl alive outside the doors. It was quiet for a few moments before the gruff of Kaz’s voice rumbled in the silence.
“What was the dream?” Kaz prompted, unreadable like any other day but seemingly interested in the topic of conversation as he sat across from Jesper. Inej is at his left. His cane pressed against her leg.
Jesper shook his head but Kaz took notice of how, he glanced up but wouldn’t meet his eyes. His shoulders curling in on him again, having loosened up while he was eating,
“It was some freaky dream about a dead kid, begging me to give a message to his brother,” Jesper said nonchalantly shoving more waffles in his mouth, not wanting to answer more questions. Jesper hated the dream. Hated that it plagued him every night. Hated that he woke up screaming this time. He hated the gnawing growing pit in his stomach that wouldn’t leave for hours every morning. The damn thing was making him lose his appetite and his sleep. If this continued much longer it would start affecting his shot, and make him unsteady. Kaz would not be too pleased with that. So despite nausea, ignoring the bile that rose up his throat at the sickly sweet syrup contrasting with the bitter acidic coffee and the waffles that swelled in his stomach, Jesper force-fed himself, having learned the danger of not eating, the hard way, on a job a few years back. And every night he pressed himself as tightly as he could into Wylan, begging, hoping, and praying, to whatever saint or god had mercy, he might sleep soundly that night.
“This is what he was writing” Wylan’s voice cut through Jesper’s thoughts causing his sinking dread and anxiety to deepen as the Merchling handed the paper to Kaz.
“Nina read it out to me. I had to grab his hands to get him to stop,” he explained his voice low to keep his voice steady but Wylan’s eyes betrayed his fear. Kaz took the paper from him and read the words in Jesper’s panicked and chaotic scrawl.
I’m sorry I failed you. I love you. I’m watching you from above.
What the Hell? Kaz thought. The words were repeated over and over again getting more frantic as they travel down the page.
“And what is this?” Kaz said interrogatively looking at his best friend.
Jesper swallowed around the lump in his throat, “It was what he said” Jesper murmured. His eyes flickered to Kaz’s face, “The kid. The message. That’s what he said.”  
He maintained his façade of being unaffected but he still wouldn’t look Kaz in the eyes. Kaz's eyes flicked back and forth around his face before addressing the room.
“We have a job tomorrow. Do what you need to do today. We’ll discuss the plan later,” Kaz said authoritatively rising from his seat and heading towards the entrance. Swiftly the rest of the crows rose to go on about their day. Jesper followed sticking close to Kaz, body drifting into autopilot as his mind wandered back to the dream.
The sky had swirled with galaxies of green and teal. The stars blindingly bright enough to light the street like it was a cloudy day. The first time Jesper woke up in Kaz’s bedroom in the slat body aching. He had gotten shot on a job. His wounds freshly bandaged courtesy of Nina and Inej. Mine still foggy from the blood loss. As his eyes wander around the room, he flinched at the boy standing at the end of the bed. His eyes were cloudy, swirls of gray and white, the sockets sunken  in. He had what was once a head of thick black curls, now falling in out in clumps. Dark freckles dance across his cheekbones and nose bridge, a reminder of something that was tragically human. He wore farm clothes and was all corded muscle, like Kaz, only broader in the shoulders. And his entire body was drenched in water. Dripping from his hair and running down his hollow cheeks and from his cold eyes. A walking corpse that clawed and crawled its way out of the harbor.
“Can you hear me?” the boy asked his voice deep and warped as if he were speaking underwater. Jesper’s eyes widened entire body tensing in preparation for a fight. Fists clenched tight without the familiar weight of his guns, Jesper nodded. The boy was visibly angry but his tone was desperate.
“You will give my brother a message. Word for word. Do not paraphrase or mix it up.”
And then he said, his tone just as desperate but filled with a indescribable grief
‘I’m sorry that I failed you. I love you . And I’m watching you from above .
Jesper bristled. Irritation replacing fear. Who the fuck is this kid demanding he do this for him while he’s bedridden and in pain? “Who are you and why should I do this?” Jesper challenged.
The boy recoiled in surprise. Eyes focusing slightly, as if he were seeing Jesper for the first time. He threw his head back and laughed. A sound that make Jesper’s hairs stand up on edge. Something rabid, vicious, unforgiving; unhuman. It sounded like choking. Like someone choking on water, gasping for air, unable to breathe. And then he said, “ You will do this for me because I am something you cannot explain. As for who I am, my name is Jordie Rietveld and you will give my message to my brother.”
That was how the first dream went. It had followed a job gone wrong. Jesper damn near bled out under Kaz’s hands. The Zemini was too weak to keep pressure on his own wounds. He had woken up in Kaz’s room with Wylan clutching his arms. His fingertips over his pulse even in his sleep. Jesper had chalked it up to a white light hallucination, but after he had the second, the third, and fourth, he couldn’t deny the dream. As the boy and the message began to pound between his ears, day and night, he obsessed over finding this damn kid’s brother but he didn’t know where to start.
Kaz liked to pride himself on being a very observant person. Not that it mattered, Jesper was easy to read unless he was actively lying or bluffing. Anyone who was paying attention would quickly clock onto the fact that something was bothering Jesper. It wasn’t hard to figure out why.
Images flash through Kaz’s mind as someone shoulder-checked him on the street unaware that they were touching Kaz Brekker.
Jesper’s blood, soaked through his gloves, his clothes, coating his skin, as he fought against the waters of his demons to keep the sharpshooter alive. The pale look in Jesper’s eyes contrasted with the little smile he gave as he said it was ok. He begged Kaz, to run, to leave him, if only to save himself. The horrible aching silence as Jesper lurked on death's door, his voice finally draining away with the blood loss. And finally, the bloated corpse of Jordie pressed against him, underneath his hands.
An image from his nightmare.
A violating recreation where Jordie replaced Jesper and Kaz fails them both. Needless to say, Dirtyhands and the little boy trapped within his soul had been very protective of their sharpshooter in recent weeks.
So when Kaz took note of Jesper tailing him while lost in his own thoughts he figured it was the best idea to go to the Crow Club and supply his friend with some alcohol and try to get himself and his brother Sharpshooter back up to par.
As they approached the Crow Club, the big sculpted head mounted above, Kaz breathed a silent sigh of relief when he saw Matthias and Rotty by the door and Nina behind the bar with Anika and the other bartenders. Inej and Wylan were nearby among the crowd. They were all here. All his best men within eyesight. He could relax. Have a drink. I can get Jesper to stop curling into himself like someone is gonna hit him at any moment Kaz thought.
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hellotvshowtrash · 11 months
i love u thank u for your tags 🫶 they made my whole week
Love u lots, It’s been so amazing watching u grow with ur art. 💗
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hellotvshowtrash · 11 months
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happy father's day!
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hellotvshowtrash · 11 months
The Barbie movie and Oppenheimer are in the same universe to me, it’s the tragic and dark story of how Barbie transitioned into the infamous theoretical physicist J. Robert Oppenheimer after leaving behind the hyper feminine plastic lifestyle
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hellotvshowtrash · 11 months
I think I’m about to make horror movies my personality
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hellotvshowtrash · 11 months
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It's my 3 year anniversary on Tumblr 🥳
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hellotvshowtrash · 11 months
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hellotvshowtrash · 11 months
Deity of Disturbance. Don’t mind if I do 😂
here's a random word generator--whatever word it gives you is now the thing you are the deity of
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hellotvshowtrash · 11 months
Thank you for this, Dom! 🤍
Hey do you know any Elijah blogs? I’m looking for fics about him. Please tag the blogs, thank you!!
Oh gosh! Now I feel really embarrassed 🙈
I should be able to list several blogs off the top of my head. But I haven't been reading many fics lately 😅 plus a lot of blogs that I used to religiously visit are deactivated or haven't been on in quite a bit. But let me give you the small list of blogs that I can think of off the top of my head that i know have some Elijah on their masterlist.
@idkxwriting @hellotvshowtrash @elijahs-wife @thatfanficstuff
I know there are more that I'm missing and im sorry for skipping out on a lot of amazing blogs. But give these blogs and their fics some love. 💚
And feel free to reblog this with your favorite Elijah blogs. Cause I can use a night to fall back down the rabbit hole.
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hellotvshowtrash · 11 months
It physically pains me to see people post awesome fanfiction to tumblr and nowhere else. Tumblr moves so fast! By tomorrow people who didn’t look in a tag at the right moment won’t know it existed. By next week even people who did read it won’t be able to find it back to reread. Finding anything on tumblr via search function is practically a fluke. For all intents and purposes, your hard work has a halflife of about a week at most.
People who come into that fandom in a month, a year, even a decade will be able to find your work!
People can bookmark it!
People can rec it to others!
People can reread it into infinity! (and people like me can do that and comment every time!)
You can get comments & kudos until the endtimes because people will keep finding your work! (seriously I still sometimes get new people finding and loving my work from ~2013)
And best of all, people can SUBSCRIBE to your work so they will get email about new chapters and stories! (I’m seeing people do manual ‘Tag you in the next chapter’ lists and seriously, physical pain, this wheel has already been invented and it is rolling beautifully)
“But I need an invite for AO3!”
Yes, and the waiting list is currently 2-3 days. That’s hardly worth not doing this for, right?
“But I only read fic, I don’t post it”
here is a post on why having an account just to read fic is also very worth it!
Lately I’ve been the tumblr person who jumps onto people who post cool fic to tumblr and going HEY HAVE YOU POSTED THIS TO AO3, YOU REALLY SHOULD, HIT ME UP FOR AN INVITE CODE and I hereby invite all you fellow fic readers and posters to join me into spreading the good word.
Please reblog this and tag your favourite fandoms and pairings! Spread this post to the people who need to see it! Save great fic from the tumblr void!
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hellotvshowtrash · 1 year
"Stop saying 15 year olds with weird interests are cringe, they're 15" this is true however you should also stop saying adults with weird interests are cringe because who gives a shit
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