#hannibal bingo
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on her way to see her girlfriend.. sure hope nothing bad happened to her ..
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This is my first fill for Hannibal Bingo!
I'm gonna attempt to do this whole thing, though i am quite busy so it will probably take a while lol. Be sure to check out the Hannibal Bingo Tumblr as tagged below!
→ @hannibalbingo !
btw hope at least 1 (one) person appreciates the rose colour symbolism here... if you do, this one is for you <3
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Let’s go Hannibal bingo
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The Sea Boy (Hannigram AU)
Explicit // M/M // Will Graham/Hannibal Lecter // Tags: Alternate Universe, Merfolk AU, historical AU, Count Hannibal Lecter, Merman Will Graham, first kiss, time skip, reunions, injury, injury recovery, getting to know each other, falling in love, fluff and smut, happy ending.
The sailor spoke in a lower tone, “It is a lucky thing to see merfolk. But remember, how you treat them decides whether that be bad luck, or good luck for ye.”
Latest installment on my @hannibalbingo card: Harpy Knife Also for: MerMay 2024
Chapter One (2.8k words):
On a fishing trip with his father, young Hannibal meets the sea boy for the first time.
Hannibal had been so young when his father first taught him how to fish that it felt like he always knew. Together with some of the staff and the gamekeeper, they fished regularly on the Lecter estate, and always cooked their catch. 
Whilst he remembered the excursions fondly, they fished so often that the memories became a blur. Years later only one truly would stand out in his mind, because it was one of the times they left the estate and went to the coast for a proper outing. And on this particularly memorable occasion, Hannibal had seen the sea boy. 
It had been a two day trip, staying overnight in an inn near the shore, and on the first day out on a small fishing vessel, Hannibal had been mesmerised by the sight of a gloriously coloured tailfin. He had spent long hours pouring over the many volumes in his father’s library on the subject of fish and other aquatic species, and this was nothing he had seen. The colour was more like that of human flesh, up to the tips which were a faint greenish-blue. And perhaps he might have thought nothing of it and studied more once home, thinking it some exotic creature, but then he discovered it was more exotic than he had expected when a mop of dark hair surfaced.
At first he had thought it some flotsam, it was dark and threaded through with seaweed. But then a face emerged, a young boy about his age, with the same greenish-blue tinge at the end of his pointed ears and highlighting his cheeks. 
Hannibal stood agape on the bow of the ship, watching as the boy watched back. They studied each other and he raised his hand in a tentative wave. The sea boy blinked at him and then his mouth split into a smile that revealed sharp, pointy teeth. 
He was too mesmerised to call out to his father, and when he and the other men brought forth the small barrels of bait, the sight and sound of them must have scared the sea boy. His smile was gone, eyes wide, he continued to look at Hannibal for just a moment, then turned back into the sea, tailfin kicking up the water after him as he dove. 
“Papa!” the spell between them broken, Hannibal found his voice. “Papa! I saw a boy in the sea. A boy with a fishtail!” 
All the men laughed heartily and Hannibal’s father ruffled his hair. “You have a vivid imagination, Hannibal.” He chuckled. 
Hannibal frowned and one of the sailors asked, “Are you sure he hasn’t been drinking the salt water.”
Another bout of laughter went up, this time a little more cruel, until there were three hard thuds on the deck and the sailors went quiet and back to their business. 
Hannibal looked over to where the sound had come from and one of the sailors - an old man, much older than any of the others - sat on a low bench. He had a scar across his face, a pipe in his mouth and had knocked on the deck with a large stick that he used for walking. 
“You ignore these fools,” The old sailor told Hannibal. “These waters are filled with all manner of things that sailors should fear. Them things of this world, and of others.” He raised his voice so the other sailors had to hear him. “They’d all do well to be more mindful of the sea.”
There were a few grumbles under their breath but no one spoke directly to the old man, who then grabbed Hannibal by the back of his collar and pulled him closer, close enough that his nose was filled with the scent of the damp tobacco. The sailor spoke in a lower tone, “It is a lucky thing to see merfolk. But remember, how you treat them decides whether that be bad luck, or good luck for ye.”
Hannibal swallowed and nodded, almost losing his balance when the sailor let go of him and waved him away. 
That encounter might have been memorable in itself, but it was the evening that Hannibal remembered with most clarity. 
It was a small fishing town they were staying in, and nowhere was far from the water. As the sailors drank and made merry in the inn, his father sat in his room going over charts with the captain, discussing the plans for the next day. No one seemed to notice that Hannibal was not in his room, and perhaps presumed him asleep. But instead, curious, he snuck out the inn and made his way down to the harbour. He sat on the solid stone part of the pier and looked out to the water, the waves lapping a few feet beneath him - noisy in their tidal movement. 
He noticed the change in sound, the slap of the waves against the stone of the wall lost rhythm. He frowned and looked down, finding the sea boy beneath him, slapping his hand against the stone to attract attention. 
Hannibal took in a sharp, excited breath and immediately scrambled to lie on the floor, hanging a little over the edge to smile down at the boy. 
Continue reading on AO3!
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dbmars · 4 months
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I did it! I finished my 2023 bingo card! All right it’s a month late, but hey…
Hannibingo, Vol. 5: He is the Devil, He is Smoke
@hannibalbingo 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥 thanks for this delightful challenge!
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willgrahambf · 2 years
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artwork credit: “tramoto,” alessia pelonzi / “finding a pulse,” william blake
set me on fire; watch me burn
“That’s a pretty good bedside manner, Dr. Lecter,” Will murmured.
“I’ve never received a complaint,” Hannibal replied without flinching as he smoothed the sheets over Will’s stomach. “Though I am a bit out of practice.”
“It’s like riding a bike.”
Hannibal smiled mildly. “And being my patient? Is that like riding a bike, Will?”
Their eyes finally met again, and Will felt the tickle of danger on his flesh once more that made his breath quicken. He should have been ashamed of himself, but shame — that burden that he had carried for so long — felt far away, a rotting carcass at the bottom of an ocean.
“Something like that,” he said.
[When Will catches a tropical virus, it’s an opportunity for Hannibal to play doctor again — only this time, Will isn’t content to let him hide behind the guise of medicine.]
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andhorsestoo · 7 months
@hannibalbingo 2023
Grey Ice Water 2/2
Sharing a Bed
9,898 words, not rated
“Just not as good is it? The Hiker Striker.” “In comparison to what?” Hannibal asked, he then dared to add, “The Chesapeake Ripper?” “Yes.” “Of course not, Will.”
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hannibalbingo · 1 year
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Hannibal bingo is having its soft reboot on March 15th! In advance of the relaunch, we want to hear from you. Let us know if you’d be interested in the addition of HEU (Hannibal Extended Universe) prompts, which would be pulled from Hugh and Mads’ other projects.
For more info about the reboot, check out our recent post. More info about the challenge can be found on our carrd or blog pages!
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saint-hannibal · 1 year
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Will turned to look behind him but was met with an empty corridor. No stag. He should not have been able to see in the darkness of the hallway, yet the black puddles on the floor shone like beacons to his searching eyes. Fresh and wet. Crouching before one, he knew what it was without question. The dark hue and viscosity lived in his mind’s eye.
At the end of the corridor, a crack in the wall let in a stream of light.
No, not a crack.
A door stood ajar.
Will steps out of the hospital elevator to find himself in the basement after the fall. He searches for Hannibal.
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cyrilmount · 1 year
This is a finished project to fill in for @hannibalbingo from the prompt "Bone Saw"
I'm currently rewatching it. I love Hannibal, but like, I'm satisfied with shaving his hair via Will.
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mooredanxieties · 1 month
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1920s Murder Wives!! What crimes will they commit ??
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anotha one
This a prompt from Hannibal Bingo! Be sure to check out the Hannibal Bingo Tumblr as tagged below! :]
→ @hannibalbingo
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blurred-voices · 1 year
"Eat me", Spellbound
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Hannibal finds an injured pixie on the side of the road and decides to help him.
«Why would I help you, Will?» «Maybe you just want to fatten me up.»
Magic AU, Fae & Witches; Hurt/Comfort; Fluff & Humor.
First chapter of Spellbound is up! It was a pleasure to fill my first entry for the Hannibal Bingo ( @hannibalbingo ) , with the prompt "Injured".
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Armour (Valhalla Enchanted) - Shortfic
Explicit // M/M // One Eye (Valhalla Rising)/Prince Charmont (Ella Enchanted) // Tags: Slightly AU/darker retelling Ella Enchanted, AU Valhalla Rising, soldier turned slave turned bodyguard One Eye, Prince Char, plotting, TW: snakes, canon typical violence, death (not MCs), getting to know each other, sexual tension, resolved sexual tension, sort of trans Char (see note), virgin Char, loss of virginity, masturbation, mix of masc and femme terms to describe Char's anatomy, vaginal sex, happy ending, brief mention of mpreg. Patreon prompt fill.
Young Prince Char employs a wounded soldier.
NB: As I was writing this I found I wanted to set it in a world where people might be naturally trans/multisex without being omegaverse. I.e. a place with natural gender variations similar to omegaverse, and completely accepted but without the social-cultural implications of dynamics. So here I have written Char as having a full penis, but in place of where his testes should be, he has a vagina (male futa?? I don't know what to call it, but hopefully you get what I mean).
Latest installment on my @hannibalbingo card: Armour (HEU)
Armour - (4k words):
Safe. The words were scrawled messily in the dirt, One Eye looking at him expectantly as he made a stay gesture. Char nodded that he had seen the writing and understood the poorly written word, before his companion gave a curt nod and brushed the dirt over with his foot.
Even so, as the man went about making them a small fire in this dismal cavern, Char found he couldn’t relax.
He hadn’t expected any of this. When he had first grown to suspect his uncle was plotting for the throne, Char had hired himself a bodyguard as simply a matter of precaution. He had never dreamed that the bodyguard would have to spirit him away from the castle, and the royal guards under his uncle’s command. He had expected the men that had been loyal to his father, to show him the same loyalty. But his uncle had a way of twisting words and poisoning minds. And so, he didn’t really blame them.
As for his bodyguard - if such a term could describe such a man as One Eye - the man was stoic and reliable. Char wasn’t ignorant of the fact that his loyalty was bought not earned, that he was little more than a slave trying to escape the life he had found himself in. And on days like today, Char could relate.
He had found the strong, silent man via unscrupulous methods. With no one loyal to him, Char had to rely on his money to buy what he needed, and that had led him to the blackmarket trade in people. Not slaves, they tried to claim - slavery was long illegal in Lamia - instead these were people imported to the kingdom expected to pay off their passage as indentured servants. It was crass and awful, something Char swore to himself he would put an end to as soon as he took the throne. But until then he needed protection, and there was the man they called One Eye, for an all too obvious reason. His seller had assured Char that the healed but evident injuries the man had received were not at his hand, and claimed them to be the markings made on, surely, a once great soldier whose name had been lost and was now simply One Eye.
At first, Char had just expected One Eye to watch over him as he slept, and be at his side during the day. To protect him from any harm his uncle might try to enact. But that action had come swiftly and strongly. After only a few days together, One Eye found himself fending off a night time attack of armed guards.
It was the snakes that woke Char, slithering in his bedsheets, an open window banging in the wind, but he had soon tuned into the noise outside his door. There, the guards that had been sent to finish him off - or perhaps discover his snake-bitten body - were being brought down by his servant. His saviour.
Char had barely dressed whilst One Eye beheaded the snakes, and taken up a small bag he had already packed. Then One Eye had ushered him into the dungeons of the castle, and out the same way that the waste water left.
That had been over a week ago and they were still running. Char was unsure where, but it was clear that One Eye had a plan and knew very well where he was and where he was going.
And Char had to trust him.
Continue on AO3!
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dbmars · 10 months
Bram Stoker's HANNIBAL: Chapter 73
In which Will is called to another crime scene by his old partners... to examine what's left of Randall Tier's victims.
One of the witnesses claims that something similar to the Beast of Gevaudan was responsible. This is one of my favorite cryptid stories from history. Seriously, look it up.
Apparently there is a museum you can visit, which is now on my bucket list.
The artist's renderings of the beast from the time period are absolutely cuckoo bananas and I LOVE THEM.
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The statue is outside the museum apparently and it is so badass. I want to go there so badly now!!!
Will also receives a telegram from a bike messenger in this chapter, which was a newish thing in those times. They are so cute!!
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Last but not least, Chilton and Jack go to Picadilly, and here is what this iconic London area looked like at the time:
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“But like we said in the telegram, if you’re not up to it, don’t do it,” Zeller interjected. “We know you’ve been through hell lately, Will.” “When am I not, ah, going through hell?” Will wondered, half to himself.  Jimmy and Zeller shared a glance. “Maybe we shouldn’t–” “What’s one more bloody circle of it?” Will snapped before they could rescind their invitation. He brushed past them and headed down the alley to look at the scene.
xoxo db
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blanchemoon · 10 months
Hannibal Bingo fill [a fan comic]
For @hannibalbingo fill
Prompt fill: Free space (because...)
Pairing: Will Graham/Hannibal Lecter [endgame]
Warning: None yet
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Read here
(if you want)
[For the next updates because I'm not going to spam Hannibal Bingo as I intend to update this everyday, you know, like 30 day challenge where I make one page a day]
The card
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andhorsestoo · 8 months
@hannibalbingo 2023
Grey Ice Water 1/2
Sharing a Bed
5692 words, not rated
Hannibal’s eyes caught on the little knife, with its blue handle, in Will’s palm. “I assume you have a gun.” “Incase I miss.” he explained.
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