help-who-am-i · 3 years
What can you hear right now?: Nathan Wagner - Paranoia
Have you ever had a walking taco?: No
Are you watching anything on Netflix?: Star Trek: TNG and Zoo
Do you have a MoviePass?: No
What’s the last movie you saw in theaters?: I can’t remember, it was so long ago! Must’ve been pre-pandemic, so before March 2020
Have you ever been to Singapore or Bangkok?: No
Black or gold?: Black
How do you prefer your caffeine?: Diluted with boiled water and a bit of oat or soy milk (in the form of coffee or tea)
Do you like coconut water?: I have never tried that so I’m not sure
Do you prefer hand sanitizer with aloe or not?: I don’t care to be honest, either or
Have you ever had to comfort a friend after they were caught cheating?: No
What was the last thing someone got you for your birthday?: A Groot plant pot, he houses my succulent Hermes quite nicely
What was the last thing you got someone for their birthday?: Books (Eragon and some other fantasy book)
Where’s the last place you received a postcard from?: I can’t remember, haven’t done postcards for years
Do you have a Nintendo Switch?: No
Have you played Breath of the Wild?: Sadly not
At what venue was the last concert you attended?: Brighton Centre
Who was playing at the last concert you attended?: James Arthur
Describe what the bag you use looks like.: Small, blue shoulder bag with a brown faux leather strap and bird design
What’s your favorite Bath and Body Works candle scent?: I don’t know that brand, but I like lime and caramel candle scents
Do you have any tattoos?: No
Do you have any anniversaries coming up? My one-year anniversary of being vegan, but nothing other than that Have you ever been to Chicago? If so, what was your favorite part?: No
Who is the last person that texted you?: My phone provider
Who is the last person you spoke to on the phone?: My dad
Do you live in a college town?: No - assuming that college means university, otherwise yes
Have you ever enjoyed just walking around a campus?: Yes
Do you like craft beer? What’s your favorite?: Never tried it before Would you try grapes on a pizza?: Sure
Have you ever tried an oyster? How would you describe the experience?: Yes before I went vegan obviously. Slimy and short-lived
Do you like wine? What’s your favorite?: No
Has anyone ever specifically painted you a painting?: No but people have drawn for me - and drawn me - before
What are people from your state called?: We don’t have states here, but I guess boroughs would be similar. We don’t have terms for people from this borough (not that I know of, anyway)
How do you like your steak?: 100% plant-based
Do you have any corduroy skinny jeans?: No I have to say I’m not a fan of corduroy
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help-who-am-i · 3 years
Have you ever played golf? I went to the driving range a couple of times with my dad when we were younger and have played mini golf before, but I don’t recall playing a real game of golf.  Is there a lake near your house? Sadly not. What was the last TV show you watched an episode of? Star Trek: The Next Generation. Do you like beer? If so, what’s your favorite brand? No. What color is your favorite fruit? I don’t have a favourite - too many taste so good! How often do you update your Facebook status? Never. When was the last time you went to the supermarket? Yikes... a long while ago. I’m currently living with my family and mum is a superhero who organises the shopping each week (click & collect). Have you ever been pulled over for speeding? No, I’ve been caught by speed cameras but have never been pulled over. What was the last thing you ate? Onion bhaji. Do you feel bad when you throw food out? Yes, of course! I try my best not to be wasteful, but I’m not quite at ‘turning leftover banana peel into bacon’ yet. Seriously, it’s a thing! What’s your favorite sort of pasta? I really like tagliatelle.  What do you think about the new Apple Watch? I didn’t even know about it (I don’t follow news). Have you ever been on a log flume ride? Yes. What was the last wedding you attended? I think it was my uncle’s, which was at least ten years ago. I don’t care for weddings. Are you religious? What do you believe in? No, I’m agnostic. What’s your favorite thing about the weekend? Currently I’m not working much at all, so my favourite thing about the weekend is that other people in the household tend to go out of the house more often (meaning that I sometimes get the house to myself). How often do you go to the drive-thru? Not often at all anymore; I prefer to cook my own food and occasionally order food to be delivered. Do you know anyone who’s lived through a natural disaster? Yes, several people who have experienced hurricanes/tornadoes from the US or south-east Asia. How do you feel right now? Surprisingly OK; a little bit lonely. Also a little hungry, but I need to lose weight, so I’m trying to resist. Have you ever tried to make risotto? No, I find risotto quite sickly for some reason, so it wouldn’t be a dish that I’d choose to cook. What does your favorite perfume/cologne smell like? Fruity. How many brothers/sisters do you have? One brother. When was the last time you waxed anything on your body, if ever? Several years ago. I use an epilator to shave off leg hairs now. The ‘tash gets tweezered and occasionally removed with a razor. Have you ever broken a window, intentionally or not? No. How far do you think you can run? I can’t quantify it but I’m quite sure the answer is ‘not very far at all’. I’m so unfit, send help! What is your favorite video game? There are so many fantastic video games out there which are all uniquely amazing within their own right. I really couldn’t choose just one favourite. 
Here are my more recently played favourites (within the past three years): Red Dead Redemption 2, Kingdom Come: Deliverance, Dragon Age 1-3, Mass Effect 1-3, Witcher 3, Shadow of Mordor, Shadow of War. 
Here are my old favourites: Pokemon (especially Emerald and Fire Red),  Animal Crossing: Wild World, Dog’s Life, Gallop Racer 2, Mario Kart Wii, Animal Crossing: City Folk, Red Dead Redemption, RuneScape (now OldSchool), Horse Isle 2 (now Eternal), Sims 3, Zoo Tycoon 2.   Do you know anyone who uses a wheelchair? No. Have you ever made your own pizza or pasta dough? Yes, with help, when I was younger. It’s something I’d really like to try in the near future. What’s your favorite fast food place? Wagamama! The vegatsu curry and mushroom bao buns are to die for. When was the last time you went out for a meal? Oh, yikes... not for quite some time. I don’t really miss it though; covid kind of helped me to check myself and change a few old unhealthy eating habits.
Can you sing? Yes and no. Can I answer with that? If I’m really feeling the song and my voice is OK, then yes. If I’m not feeling it and my voice is acting up then no, God no. Do you wear a watch? I try to remember to, but I often forget. Sometimes I like the pressure on my wrist - I find that it helps to keep me calm. Other times I find the pressure really irritating and have to take it off. Have you ever watched an entire season of a TV show in one day? I have not; I tip my hat to people who have. It’s a superpower! Lord knows how they keep their attention focussed for so long. What did you have for dinner tonight (or last night)? Chickpea and coconut curry (with the onion bhajis). Would you ever consider getting plastic surgery? What would you have done? Not now, no. There was a time when I was considering having my nose made smaller. Have you used the app Yik Yak? No, I have never heard of it. Do you like shrimp? I like most animals, but spiders, ants and some flying insects still freak me out (I’m working on it). Shrimp are pretty cute. The peacock mantis shrimp is awesome! They can punch with the speed of a .22 calibre bullet, according to the American Museum of Natural History website. Tell me three of your favorite movies. Fast & Furious, Lord of the Rings, Ace Ventura. Are you lactose intolerant? Probably... I used to consume dairy, but I don’t any more, so I will probably feel unwell if I consume it again. Have you ever been in a car accident? If hitting a deer counts, then yes. Poor fella... I was driving home from an early morning survey for work, so I was pretty tired. It was a dark country road bordered on either side by deep ditches, dense shrubbery and woodland. I did an emergency stop, but the bumper of my car still bumped the deer in the process of stopping. I didn’t see where they went, so I assume that they darted off into the forest. I nearly caused another accident as I was driving away because I was still processing the shock (nearly let my car slip down the side ditch), but I managed to redirect the wheels in time.
What color shirt are you wearing right now? Blue. Do you know how to play poker? No, I got the hang of it once, but I haven’t played in so long that I’ve forgotten. Who is your favorite superhero? Hulk or Falcon; I’m leaning slightly more towards Falcon.
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help-who-am-i · 3 years
Name a song that brings back memories of your childhood when you hear it. Ruby by Kaiser Chiefs. It was our family’s car song for long journeys down to Devon or up to Yorkshire.
When was the last time you ate strawberries? Hmm... have I had any this year yet? I’m not even sure, but I don’t think so. In which case, the last time would’ve probably been last summer (2020).
Is there anything you like to put on a sandwich, that some might find odd? Nope.
What colour are the shoes you wear most often? Black.
When was the last time you were required to put on a mask? Probably when I went to get my first COVID vaccine dose.
And what colour was the last mask you wore? Blue.
Can you recall the last time you gave your mobile phone number to someone? Nope. The last time you were in a queue, what were you waiting for? Good question... Due to COVID I’ve been avoidant of places which are crowded, so it’s really hard to try and remember when I was last in a queue. Probably when I had to queue for my first COVID vaccine dose. 
Have you had your Covid vaccine yet? Which one, if you have? The first dose of Pfizer - awaiting a second.
If you’ve had your vaccine, did you experience any side effects? Yeah, I had flu-like symptoms as well as the common sore arm.
Can you recall the last time you walked up or down a hill? Yesterday evening. It was more of a slope than a steep hill though.
Any idea what you were doing at 5:30PM last Saturday? Either waiting for my pizza delivery, receiving it, or chowing down on the pizza!
The last time you went to a supermarket what were some of the items you bought? Just name a few. Oggs millionaire bites, Fry’s vegan mini sausage rolls.
When you were 13 years old, who was your closest friend? Do you still talk? :( This is one heartbreaker of a subject for me. M was my best and closest friend, we would see each other nearly every day because we lived on the same street. We had so much in common and became very good at reading each other’s thoughts. But then adulthood came in like a wrecking ball - I moved to another area of the country for uni, and M suddenly fell in love, got married and emigrated. We’re ghosts to each other now.
Have you ever met anyone named Janine? Tell me a little bit about them. Yes, very briefly - they were an old boss’s wife.
When was the last time you had a bottle of pop, or soda? What kind? Last weekend... guilty as charged. I’m still trying to forego fizzy drinks completely because of how bad they are for my teeth, but it’s proving hard. Coca Cola.
What was the last catchy song you heard? Did you sing along to it? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pWyOrbpGCpE
I just discovered that and I cannot stop laughing when I watch/listen to it. I didn’t sing along because I was too busy laughing.
Can any of your friends sing well? Which one has the nicest singing voice? Yes! I recently had the pleasure of listening to a friend sing whilst playing an Evanescence song on their piano. They were amazing! I think they’re the only friend that I’ve ever heard sing seriously before.
When was the last time you wore make-up, if ever? What shades/colours? A while ago... probably last month when I went to hang out with a friend, their flatmate and their animals. I always wear neutral shades/colours. I tried a more gothic look when I was younger, but instead of ‘edgy teen’ it looked more like ‘bedraggled swamp witch’. Oh well... I can still be somewhat gothic at heart.
Do you have any accessories that you wear daily? I try to remember to wear my watch and fidget bracelet, but I often forget. 
What brand of lip balm do you prefer? I don’t use lip balm.
What was the last thing you wrote down on paper? ‘Oxo veg stock cubes’.
And what colour was the pen you wrote with? Probably black; I didn’t take any notice.
When was the last time you had a parcel delivered? What was it? Last Friday. It was some headphones that I ordered, which I happen to be wearing right now as a matter of fact... no music is playing though. 
If you wear nail varnish, do you have a favourite brand/shade? I rarely bother with nail varnish, but my absolute favourite colour is black.
What’s the next item of clothing that you intend to buy for yourself? Fluffy socks. Almost all of mine now have gaping holes in them because someone/some members of the household are messy and don’t notice or don’t clean up water spillages from the kitchen floor.
What is something that seems popular, but doesn’t interest you personally? Football.
How old is the device you’re currently using to access Tumblr? I couldn’t find a precise date for you because I had to reinstall BIOS several times when this HP laptop started to randomly shut down due to corrupted hardware. I bought it new around this time (July) last year.  
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help-who-am-i · 5 years
ONES 1. I like to be organized and orderly. 2. It is difficult for me to be spontaneous. 3. I often feel guilty about not getting enough accomplished. 4. I don’t like it when people break rules. 5. Incorrect grammar and spelling bother me a lot. 6. I am idealistic. I want to make the world a better place. 7. I am almost always on time. 8. I hold on the resentment for a long time. 9. I think of myself as being practical, reasonable, and realistic. 10. When jealous, I become fearful and competitive. 11. Either I don’t have enough time to relax or I think I shouldn’t relax. 12. I tend to see things in terms of right or wrong, good or bad.
13. I analyze major purchases very thoroughly before I make them. 14. I dread being criticized or judged by others. 15. I often compare myself with others. 16. Truth and justice are very important to me. 17. I often feel that time is running out and there is too much left to do. 18. I almost always do what I say I will do. 19. I worry almost constantly. 20. I love making every detail perfect.
TWOS 1. I want people to feel comfortable coming to me for guidance and advice. 2. Relationships are more important to me than almost anything. 3. Sometimes I feel overburdened by people’s dependence on me. 4. I have trouble asking for what I need. 5. I crave, yet sometimes fear, intimacy. 6. I am more comfortable giving than receiving. 7. I am very sensitive to criticism. 8. I work hard to overcome all obstacles in a relationship. 9. I try to be as sensitive and tactful as possible. 10. When I am alone I know what I want, but when I am with others, I am not sure. 11. It is very important that others feel comfortable and welcome in my home. 12. I don’t want my dependence to show. 13. Watching violence on television and seeing people suffer is unbearable. 14. Sometimes I feel a deep sense of loneliness. 15. If I don’t get the closeness I need, I feel sad, hurt, and unimportant. 16. Sometimes I get physically ill and emotional drained from taking care of everyone else. 17. I often figure out what others would like in a person, then act that way. 18. I enjoy giving compliments and telling people that they are special to me. 19. I am attracted to being with important or powerful people. 20. People have said I exaggerate too much and am overly emotional.
THREES 1. I am almost always busy. 2. I like to make to-do lists, progress charts, and schedules for myself. 3. I don’t mind being asked to work overtime. 4. I have an optimistic attitude. 5. I go full force until I get the job done. 6. I believe in doing things as expediently as possible. 7. It is important for people to better themselves and live up to their potential. 8. I’m not interested in talking a lot about my personal life. 9. I try not to let illness stop me from doing anything. 10. I hate to see jobs undone. 11. I tend to put work before other things. 12. I can’t understand people who are bored. I never run out of things to do. 13. It is sometimes difficult for me to get in touch with my feelings. 14. I work very hard to take care of and provide for my family. 15. I like identifying with competent groups or important people. 16. I try to present myself well and make a good first impression. 17. Financial security is extremely important to me. 18. I generally feel pretty good about myself. 19. People often look to me to run the show. 20. I like to stand out in some way.
FOURS 1. Being understood is very important to me. 2. My friends say they enjoy my warmth and my different way of looking at life. 3. I can become nonfunctional for hours, days, or weeks when I’m depressed. 4. I am very sensitive to critical remarks and feel hurt at the tiniest slight. 5. It really affects me emotionally when I read upsetting stories in the newspaper. 6. My ideals are very important to me. 7. I cry easily. Beauty, love, sorrow, and pain really touch me. 8. My melancholy moods are real and important. I don’t necessarily want to get out of them. 9. I often long for what others have. 10. I try to support my friends, especially when they are in crisis. 11. I live in the past and in the future more than in present–day reality. 12. I place great importance on my intuition. 13. I try to control people at times. 14. I hate insincerity and lack of integrity in others. 15. I have spent years longing for the great love of my life to come along. 16. I focus on what is wrong with me rather than on what is right. 17. I like to be seen as one of a kind. 18. I am always searching for my true self. 19. Sometimes I feel very uncomfortable and different, like an isolated outsider, even when I’m with my friends. 20. When people tell me what to do, I often become rebellious and do, or wish I could do, the opposite.
FIVES 1. I learn from observing or reading as opposed to doing. 2. It’s hard to express my feelings in the moment. 3. I get lost in my interests and like to be alone with them for hours. 4. I usually experience my feelings more deeply when I’m by myself. 5. Sometimes I feel guilty that I’m not generous enough. 6. I try to conceal my sensitivity to criticism and judgment. 7. Brash, loud people offend me. 8. Conforming is distasteful to me. 9. I like to associate with others who have expertise in my field. 10. I like having a title (doctor, professor, administrator) to feel proud of. 11. I have been accused of being negative, cynical, and suspicious. 12. When I feel socially uncomfortable, I often wish could disappear. 13. I am often reluctant to be assertive or aggressive. 14. I dislike most social events. I’d rather be alone or with a few people I know well. 15. I sometimes feel shy or awkward. 16. I get tired when I’m with people for too long. 17. I feel different from most people. 18. I feel invisible. It surprises when anyone notices anything about me. 19. I don’t look for material possessions to make me happy. 20. Acting calm is a defense. It makes me feel stronger.
SIXES 1. I am nervous around certain authority figures. 2. I am often plagued by doubt. 3. I like to have clear-cut guidelines and to know where I stand. 4. I am always on the alert for danger. 5. I take things too seriously. 6. I constantly question myself about what might go wrong. 7. I often experience criticism as an attack. 8. I often obsess about what my partner is thinking. 9. I can be a very hard worker. 10. My friends think of me as loyal, supportive, and compassionate. 11. I’ve been told I have a good sense of humor. 12. I follow rules closely (a phobic trait); or I often break rules (a counterphobic trait). 13. The more vulnerable I am in my intimate relationship, the more anxious and testy I become. 14. I tend to either procrastinate or plunge headlong, even into dangerous situations. 15. I am very aware of people trying to manipulate me with flattery. 16. I like predictability. 17. I have sabotaged my own success. 18. I can support people through thick and thin. 19. I like being neat and orderly. It helps me feel more in control of my life. 20. I dislike pretension in people.
SEVENS 1. I enjoy life. I am generally uninhibited and optimistic. 2. I don’t like being made to feel obligated or beholden. 3. I am busy and energetic. I seldom get bored if left to do what I want. 4. I often take verbal or physical risks. 5. I usually pick upbeat friends who have similar goals. 6. I’m not an expert in any one thing, but I can do many things well. 7. My style is to go back and forth from one task to another. I like to keep moving. 8. I seem to let go of grievances and recover from loss faster than most people I know. 9. I like myself and I’m good to myself. 10. I like people and they usually like me. 11. I usually manage to get what I want. 12. I value quick wit. 13. I am idealistic. I want to contribute something to the world. 14. I vacillate between feeling committed and wanting my freedom and independence. 15. I am often at ease in groups. 16. When people are unhappy, I usually try to get them to lighten up and see the bright side. 17. I love excitement and travel. 18. Sometimes I feel inferior and sometimes I feel superior to others. 19. I usually say whatever is on my mind. Sometimes it gets me into trouble. 20. I can make great sacrifices to help people.
EIGHTS 1. I can be assertive and aggressive when I need to be. 2. I can’t stand being used or manipulated. 3. I value being direct and honest; I put my cards on the table. 4. I am an individualist and a nonconformist. 5. I respect people who stand up for themselves. 6. I will go to any lengths to protect those I love. 7. I fight for what is right. 8. I support the underdog. 9. Making decisions is not difficult for me. 10. Self–reliance and independence are important. 11. I have overindulged in food or drugs. 12. Some people take offense of my bluntness. 13. When I enter a new group, I know immediately who the most powerful person is. 14. I work hard and I know how to get things done. 15. In a group I am sometimes an observer rather than a participant. 16. I like excitement and stimulation. Sometimes I like to spar with people, especially when I feel safe. 17. I am vulnerable and loving when I really trust someone. 18. Overly nice or flattering people bother me. 19. Pretense is particularly distasteful to me.
NINES 1. I often feel in union with nature and people. 2. Making choices can be very difficult. I can see the advantages and disadvantages of every option. 3. It is sometimes hard for me to know what I want when I’m with other people. 4. Others see me as peaceful, but inside I often feel anxious. 5. Instead of tacking what I really need to do, I sometimes do little unimportant things. 6. When there is unpleasantness going on around me, I just try to think about something else for a while. 7. I usually prefer walking away from a disagreement to confronting someone. 8. If I don’t have some routine and structure in my day, I get almost nothing done. 9. I tend to put things off until the last minute, but I almost always get them done. 10. I like to be calm and unhurried, but sometimes I overextend myself. 11. When people try to tell me what to do or try to control me, I get stubborn. 12. I like to be sure to have time in my day for relaxing. 13. Sometimes I feel shy and unsure of myself. 14. I enjoy just hanging out with my partner or friends. 15. Supportive and harmonious relationships are very important to me. 16. I am very sensitive about being judged and take criticism personally. 17. I like to listen and give people support. 18. I focus more on the positive than on the negative. 19. I have trouble getting rid of things. 20. I operate under the principle of inertia: if I’m going, it’s easy to keep going, but I sometimes have a hard time getting started.
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help-who-am-i · 5 years
1. My boy side I love hoodies. I love jeans. Dogs are better than cats. It’s hilarious when people get hurt. Shopping is torture Sad movies suck You own a car racing game. You played with hot wheels cars as a kid. At some point in time you wanted to be a firefighter. You owned a ds, ps2, ps3, n64, or sega.   You used to be obsessed with power rangers. You have watched sports on tv. Gory movies are cool.
You go to your dad for advice. You Hate Drama. You own like a trillion baseball caps. You used to collect hockey cards. Baggy sweats are cool to wear. It’s kinda weird to have sleepovers with a bunch of people. Green, black, red, blue, or silver are one of your favorite colors. You love to go crazy and not care what people think. Sports are fun. You talk with food in your mouth. You sleep with your socks on at night. You have fished at least once.
2. My girl side You love to shop. You wear eyeliner. You wear the color pink. You go to your mum to talk. You consider cheerleading a sport. You hate wearing the color black. You like going to the mall. You like getting manicures and/or pedicures. You like wearing jewelry. You cried watching the notebook. Dresses are a big part of your wardrobe. Shopping is one of your favorite hobbies. You don’t like the movie star wars. You are/were in gymnastics. It takes you around one hour to shower, get dressed, and make-up. You smile a lot more than you should. You have more than 10 pairs of shoes. You care about what you look like. You like wearing dresses when you can. You like wearing high heel shoes. You used to play with dolls as little kid. You like putting make-up on others. You like being the star of everything. 3. Appearance I am shorter than 5′5″. I have many scars. I tan easily. I wish my hair was a different color. I have friends who have never seen my natural hair color. I have a tattoo. I am self-conscious about my appearance. I’ve had/have braces. I’ve been told i’m attractive by a complete stranger. I have more than two piercings.                                                                          
I have/had piercings in places besides my ears.
4. Experiences I’ve gotten lost in my city. I’ve seen a shooting star. I’ve wished on a shooting star. I’ve seen a meteor shower. I’ve gone out in public in my pajamas. I’ve pushed all the buttons on an elevator. I’ve kicked a guy where it hurts. I’ve been to a casino. I Always Get Mistaken As Much Older Than I Actually Am. I’ve been skydiving. I’ve gone skinny-dipping. I’ve drank a whole gallon of milk in one hour. I’ve crashed a car. I’ve been skiing. I’ve been in a musical. I’ve caught a snowflake or snow on my tongue. I’ve seen the northern lights. I’ve sat on a rooftop at night. I’ve played a prank on someone. I’ve ridden in a taxi. I’ve seen the rocky horror picture show. I’ve eaten sushi. I’ve been snowboarding. 5. Relationships I’m single. I’m in a relationship. I’m engaged. I’m married. I miss someone right now. I’ve Played With Someones Emotions On Purpose Before. I’ve gotten divorced. I’ve told someone I loved them when I didn’t. I’ve told someone I didn’t love them when I did. 6. Honesty/Crime I’ve done something I promised someone else I wouldn’t. I’ve done something I promised myself I wouldn’t. I’ve snuck out I’ve lied to my parents about where I am. I’ve cheated while playing a game. I’ve ran a red light. I’ve witnessed a crime. I’ve been in a fist fight. I’ve been arrested. 7. Death and suicide I’m afraid of dying. I hate funerals. I’ve thought about how i would die. I’ve seen someone/something dying. I’ve had a near death experience. Someone close to me has attempted/committed suicide. I’ve planned my own suicide before. I’ve written a eulogy for myself. 8. Random I can sing well   Stolen a tray from a fast food restaurant. I open up to others easily. My Parents Are Divorced. I watch the news. I don’t kill bugs. I sing in the shower. I am a morning person. Ive been abused. I paid for a cell phone ring tone. I am a sports fanatic. I twirl my hair. I care about grammar. I have “?”’s in my screen name. I’ve copied more than 30 cd’s in a day. I bake well. My favorite color is either white, yellow, pink, red, blue, black, purple, or orange. I would wear pajamas to school.                                                                            I like Martha stewart. I know how to shoot a gun. I laugh at my own jokes. cause they’re funny I eat fast food weekly. I’ve not turned anything in and still got an a in a certain class. I can’t sleep if there is a spider/cockroach in the room. I am ticklish. I love white chocolate. I bite my nails. I’m good at remembering faces. I’m good at remembering names. I’m good at remembering dates. I honestly have no idea what I want to do for the rest of my life.
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help-who-am-i · 5 years
Do you regularly… paint? draw? drink coffee? drink tea? curl your hair? straighten your hair? pray? read the Bible? worship? play online games? watch movies? watch television? read books? daydream?
Would you ever… dye your hair a wild color? get a tattoo? get a piercing? bungee jump? skydive? dance in public? sing a solo? travel to Africa? ride an elephant? travel to Europe? travel to Asia? travel solo? travel to New York City? ask out your crush? Can you… sing? dance? play an instrument? touch your nose to your tongue? lick the tip of your nose? do the splits? do a cartwheel? draw? write neatly? write in cursive? speak another language? whistle? pop your fingers out of joint? read minds? Are you… lovely? beautiful? double jointed? artistic? bold? boring? encouraging? loving? nice? positive? passive? passionate? ambitious? sensitive? honest? romantic? intelligent? unique? creative? generous? miserable? optimistic? pessimistic? mentally ill? sane? weird? different? special? anointed? Do you like… math? tea? coffee? English? writing in cursive? creative writing? to dance? to sing? to pray? chocolate? smoothies? sushi? pie? playing Truth or Dare? Have you ever… tried to redo your room to make it look like a room you saw on Pinterest? tried to give yourself a hairstyle you found online? set up a prayer corner in your room? had an imaginary friend? written on the side of a bathroom stall? fallen asleep with your clothes on? fallen in a pool fully clothed? gotten sick from inhaling nail polish remover? realized that life is amazing? thought about ending your life? cried in public? sat on a rooftop with a friend? written a letter to a celebrity? wished on a shooting star? Do you remember… Gigapets? Pikachu? Pokemon cards? Furby? pogs? the show Taina? the show Caitlin’s Way? when the Spice Girls performed on All That? when the very first episode of Spongebob aired? what you were doing on Sept. 11, 2001? Aaron Carter? N'Sync? choker necklaces? “LiveStrong” wristbands? Did you ever… play with Barbies? own an American Girl doll? watch Nickelodeon? obsess over a celebrity? crush on a celebrity? have imaginary friends? play tag? take swimming lessons? take ballet? take piano lessons? have the flu? have to go to the hospital? dream of running away as a teenager? get picked first in gym class? Do you/have you listened to… Avril Lavigne? Carrie Underwood? Taylor Swift? Paramore? Black Eyed Peas? A-Teens? Play? Aaron Carter? The Backstreet Boys? The Spice Girls? S Club 7? Hillsong? Casting Crowns? The Jonas Brothers? Have you ever played… Monopoly? Truth or Dare? Heads Up 7 Up? Red Rover? Tic Tac Toe? Four Square? Apples to Apples? Chutes and Ladders? Bingo? Uno? Go Fish? Never Have I Ever? Two Truths and a Lie? If You Really Knew Me? Roller Coaster Tycoon? American Girls Premiere? Operation? Candy Crush Saga? Mahjong Titans? Yahtzee? YoVille/YoWorld? Mario Party? Mario Kart? Zelda? The Sims? Pac Man? Skee ball? poker? beer pong? Do you like these names (for a girl)?… Skye Skylar Eliana Claire Sierra Madison Peyton Aurora Bianca Joanna Siona Felicity Ellery Epiphany Do you like these names (for a boy)?… Deklan Dylan Denver Dallas David Adam John Spencer Ryan Storm Scott Justin Meverick Brennan Would you ever dye your hair… dark brown? light brown? blonde? gray? white? purple? pink? green? teal/turquoise/aqua? burgundy? red (the natural hair color red)? red (as in, bright red)? magenta? periwinkle? Would you ever get a tattoo of��� a cross? a peace sign? a quote? someone’s name? a heart? something insignificant? a skull? a flower? a Japanese symbol? a continent? an elephant? an awareness ribbon? a fish? stars? What are you allergic to? dust pollen mold pet dander mosquitoes bees peanuts tree nuts another food a medication latex grass a type of glue or paint? Have you ever been… bullied? excluded? persecuted? harassed? molested? abused? raped? assaulted? yelled at? shoved? hurt? heartbroken? sick? shy? embarrassed? loved? complimented? insulted? discriminated against? hugged? attacked? fired? homeless? close to being homeless? manipulated? lonely? isolated for a long and unhealthy period of time? neglected? ignored? Do you consider yourself… beautiful? spiritual? religious? gifted? talented? unique? free-spirited? gentle? free? alone? carefree? alive? blessed? spoiled?
0 notes
help-who-am-i · 5 years
First thing you ate today?
Chocolate log roll, but I just finished eating canned peaches. Yum!
When was the last time you were told you were cute?

Uh... December?
When was the last time you were truly, completely happy with your life? 

December. I felt on top of the world for those that week in the Maldives...
What are you most looking forward to tomorrow?

I’m not looking forward to it, I’m dreading possible moments of boredom and social awkwardness. But I hope I’ll enjoy feeling busy again when I get to help out with the cleaning and (hopefully) handling or restraint of some furries. I guess I feel nervous about being judged for being rejected after interview from yet another job to their knowledge. It’s not going to exactly make them want to employ me...
What are you listening to right now?

Years & Years - Hypnotised. Truth be told, it’s been pretty tough lately. I just feel... unwanted, broken, lethargic, lifeless. Years & Years feels like a lifeline to me.
Honestly, who was the last person to tell you they love you? 

I can’t remember.
Are you happy with the way things are? 

No. :-( I want things to just work out. I want to be on the right path to becoming a successful vet surgeon.
Is there a member of the opposite sex on your mind? 

Well, just Olly Alexander at the moment because his melodic voice is vibrating through my ears.
What do you dip your chicken nuggets in?

I don’t eat chicken nuggets any more, but when I did I would dip them in either ketchup or sweet and sour sauce.
If you could visit anywhere, where would you go? New Zealand.
Are your lips chapped? 

Have you ever gotten burnt by a cigarette?

No, witnessed somebody else get burnt by one though.
If your boyfriend read your messages, would he get mad? 
I don’t have a boyfriend, I do like boys but I also think I like girls. I don’t even know for sure what my orientation is.
Do you think you’ve ever made a difference in anyone’s life? 
Of course. We all have.
Will you talk to someone on the phone tonight?
Nope. Nobody would answer, anyway.
Would you go in public looking like you do right now?

Sure, my black fluffy Ugg-style boots might look slightly odd but I could look worse.
Where is the person you miss the most right now? 

She’s all the way in bloody America. I don’t think she gives a shit about me any more. I’m so angry with her, but I miss her so much. It’s complicated.
Does the last person of the opposite sex you talked to on the phone mean anything to you?

This was probably my dad, so yeah. We get along really well.
Is there someone that you would kiss right now if they wanted to?
Her? I don’t know. On the cheek. Maybe. I know she wouldn’t want to though. Somebody else loves her now - they’re married for crying out loud - and I need to get the hell over it. I just want to squeeze her in the tightest hug, let it all out: ask her why she left me in the dirt, ask her if she even misses me at all. If she ever really cared.
Is the person you like older or younger than you?

Honestly, I think I hate her slightly more than I love her right now, so I don’t know if I can say I like her. She’s one year younger.
What could you eat any day of the week and never get tired of?

Lately my appetite hasn’t been what it normally is. To be honest, even in my right mind I think I’d get tired of eating any one thing all of the time. I need variation. Can I say potatoes, so that I can season/ prep and cook them in different ways to create different dishes? ...Or is that cheating?
When is the last time you attended a church service?

Wow, years ago. It was probably a funeral.
Did the last person who hurt you, ever apologise?

Have you ever kissed underneath the stars? 

No, I don’t think so. I don’t remember it if I did, anyway.
Do you ever get “good morning” texts from anyone? 

No, to be brutally honest I would hate that. I’d find it too much effort.
Where are you right now?
In the lounge, sat on the sofa.
Who made you laugh today? 
Dad. Mads Mikkelson. Mum. Leo (my dog).
Did you ever waste too much time on a certain guy/girl? 
I don’t know.
Are you slowly drifting away from someone? 

Always. It’s so hard to keep in touch with friends as young adults.
Are you currently frustrated with someone? 

Yes. Lord knows if there’ll be a time when I won’t be.
Who did you last ride in a car with?

Dad. We joined the half-term break mad rush to McDonald’s.
Has anyone ever spelt your name wrong?
Yes, when I was in primary school. It was a cute misspelling.
Is your bedroom window open? 
No, I don’t think I have opened it in weeks (to keep the heat in).
Has anyone ever cried in your arms?

Yes, and I love it. Does that sound weird? I feel like it’s what I’m good at - being the comfort for someone in a moment where they feel so sad, confused, angry, whatever. I love holding them tight and reassuring them, and talking it out. Helping them feel OK again.
What’s the kindest thing a stranger has ever done for you?

Oh... well, I’m sure there are quite a few nice strangers I have been fortunate enough to encounter in my lifetime. Nothing particularly stands out, though... actually, I remember a really nice university bus driver from Bath who was kind enough to stop his bus just outside my flat block and drop me off near the other side of campus free of charge. We had a good chat, and I learned that he was qualified to work for NHS but found that the money wasn’t good enough, so he became a bus driver. I’m sure he’s not the only one whose skills and training are unspent or misplaced due to problems like this.
What’s the closest thing to you that’s blue?

My jumper! It’s dark blue and it has white tigers on it. 
What’s the nicest meal that someone else has ever cooked for you? The meals cooked by the cook onboard the Maldives liveaboard were so good. It was so nice of him and the team to cater for my dietary requirement so well.
What was the last compliment you paid to someone of the opposite sex?

I think it was something to do with his nature (understanding, patient).
What are your plans for the weekend?

I might volunteer at the hospital associated with the vet practice I volunteer at. I might also have some jobs to type up.
Do you have trust issues? Yes.
Have you ever received a text message that made you cry?

Yes, I’m sure I have.
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help-who-am-i · 5 years
Do you secretly like to go grocery shopping? No, I actually dislike it. I still feel pressured to pack everything, pay and leave as quickly as humanly possible for the next customer in the queue and I’m nearly 24. I’m so British, it hurts...
What wild animal would you love to have as a pet? OK, in truth I wouldn’t like to go and capture any wild animal unless I deem it necessary (i.e. orphaned, injured). If I could adopt a rescued wild animal who is unable to be rehabilitated and re-released, I’d like it to be a corvid, psittacine or fox.
What brand name do you think is just way over the top expensive? Well, which to choose? I’m just going to stick them all in the burner and go with designer brands in general.
What’s your favourite magazine to read, if you read them at all? I don’t read magazines, I lose interest far too easily. I used to buy car magazines but found them too technical for my understanding, so in that respect my favourite magazines are animal mags because I can at least understand them.
Do you find it hard to concentrate in really loud places? Yes.
Do you tend to get more sleep on the weekends or during the week? Currently, during the week because I’m unemployed (it’s OK, you can throw tomatoes at me).
Breakfast; yay or nay? Sure, if I’m up for it. Not bothered either way - I’ve survived with or without it. Did faint once when I was a child because I skipped it however, so I’d make sure your children get the energy they’ll need for their active daily lifestyles.
What’s your opinion on Tiger Woods, after all that he’s done? I don’t follow up on celebrity gossip, sorry.
Do you feel the media can be too harsh on people? Absolutely, and they know it and know that people love the gossip they create - it’s how they get £££. I’ve seen too many articles written by authors who haven’t done their research properly, or have severely exaggerated something, and it makes me want to hit my head against a brick wall.
Are you comfortable talking to strangers? Generally speaking, yes.
What’s the most creepy experience you’ve ever had? Probably the TV turning on by itself on midnight of Halloween. Actually pretty mild experience as things go, I know of others who have experienced far worse.
What’s the most boring game to exist? Why do you dislike it so much? Naughts and crosses. Too simple and repetitive.
Do you lie about not having extra pens, so you don’t have to lend them? Haha, I used to do this at school a lot, but now I don’t need to lie because I genuinely often don’t have >1 pen on my person.
Do you think the world is really going to end in 2012? N/A
^ Have you seen the movie 2012? What’s your opinion on it? No, sorry.
Yay, you’re going out on a date! What do you wear? What?! That’s not a yay situation, that’s terrifying. I have so many questions. Who with? Age, interest, gender, sex, location, how long have I known them, how much do they know about me? This will all determine what I decide to wear.
What’s the last movie you saw in theatre? Was it good? Aquaman. It was good, I liked it.
What are some of your biggest fears? Never feeling like I have helped to make the world a better place, failure, being taken advantage of, disappointing others, death of loved ones.
When you were little, what did you want to be when you grew up? A fire(wo)man or a vet.
Do you think there is a lot of pressure on students these days? Absolutely.
Do you tend to like surveys with long detailed questions, or short ones? A blend of both is best.
On average, how long would you say you’re on the computer per week? That’s very hard to gauge... especially since my weeks are very unstable currently. I’m going to politely refrain from answering this question because I can’t give a consistent answer.
Do you like your music loud? Yes, especially if it’s rock music.
If you had to lose one of your five senses, which would it be?
I don’t like touch, but I’ll need it to save myself from detrimental physical damage unfortunately. Sense of smell, I think.
Would you rather have no computer or no cellphone for a week? No computer.
What’s your favourite thing to have for dessert? Pumpkin pie.
Do you tend to straighten or curl your hair more? I don’t do either any more, but I used to straighten my hair for school.
What’s your favourite summer sport? Scuba diving.
Can you dance, or do you just completely fail at it? I can if I genuinely want to, which is very rare.
What’s your favourite YouTube video? What’s it about? Jax Jones, Years & Years - Play (Visualiser)
The animation is so good! The dance routine really flows with the rhythm of the song and the style of the characters (Jax and Olly) is adorable yet cool. Isn’t it catchy?
Do you get nervous when you’re about to get a haircut? No, I’m very lazy when it comes to having my hair cut. I’m notorious for letting my hair get many split ends and just generally not looking after it properly. What can I say? Wild at heart.
Choose one: Hanging out at the beach, or playing some winter sports? Ooh, depends what’s going on really. If the winter sports involve snowboarding, cross-country skiing or husky sledding then I’m game, but if someone’s bringing a boombox and organising a BBQ on the beach after a dive then I’m so game for that.
Do you believe everything happens for a reason? Yes, and it’s not always a good one. Nature isn’t always nice or beautiful.
What’s the coolest place that you ever been too? What’d you do there? So many cool places... I’m going to pick Banff in Canada, though. Very touristy, but very friendly with great food, sports and leisure facilities. Great wildlife and natural scenery, too.
Don’t infomercials make you laugh? What’s your favourite? I have never seen one.
What’s your most played song on your iPod? I no longer have an iPod.
Oh look, a shooting star! What’s your wish? To become a successful and influential veterinarian.
When you were a kid, weren’t I Spy books the coolest thing ever? Never read one. I remember reading Famous Five, Spot the Dog, and the odd Christmas story about poor old abandoned teddy bears up in the loft.
What do you do to pass the time when you’re waiting for something? Browse Facebook. Used to read a book, but I’m usually too anxious to concentrate properly.
What’s the earliest time you ever had to wake up? Was it hard for you? Around 3am. Sometimes. I think what made it easier was that I was getting paid for it, and I wasn’t the only one. We were surveying for bats.
What radio station do you listen to most? Capital (London).
Whenever you take pictures, do they always end up posted on Facebook? No.
What’s the background on your computer right now? Just a colourful art background of a yellow Audi TT on a colourscape.
You have unlimited money, what do you do with your life? Wouldn’t that make quite the difference? I clear my parents’ mortgage. I use it to overthrow corrupt people and organisations. I use it to travel to places and help people or animals in need. I use it to qualify as a vet surgeon. I use it to help businesses become more sustainable, more responsible, more ethical and less wasteful.
Do you want to do something to make a difference in the world?
Yes, I want to become a vet and be able to volunteer for wildlife rescue organisations while helping domestic animals as a stable form of income. I want to discourage cruelty, carelessness and destructive behaviour and encourage compassion.
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help-who-am-i · 5 years
Survey Steal
Do you have any friends who are on and off with bfs / gfs all the time? Yes! I can’t keep up. Nothing against it at all, I don’t think anyone should be shamed for it, but I just hope she doesn’t expect me to show much of an interest in her love life. She knows I’ve never been very interested in love since forever, anyways. It’s cool
When was the last time you almost cried out of exhaustion? I don’t tend to cry out of exhaustion, I cry when I feel angry or sad and have no other way of expressing it
What`s a TV show you hate missing? Heartland
Do you think it`s funny how people always say their pet is the best ever? Nah, we all say it and we should all mean it because every animal is the best ever tbh. Animals rock
When did you last brush your teeth? Yesterday morning
What was the last website [besides this one] that you visited? YouTube. I was watching a WIRED interview with Daniel Radcliffe
Do you have a friend who you think you`ll be best friends with forever? Sadly not. I did once, and I miss the ghost of who she used to be so much. Pretty sure we were soulmates
Does it annoy you when you accidentally delete things? It freaks me out more than anything, but I’m pretty crafty when desperate and know that computer engineers are super smart so they wouldn’t just let things get completely and utterly deleted, right? Is it even possible, really? I mean, I managed to retrieve photos and videos I accidentally deleted from a camera... that’s something which I didn’t think was possible
What`s a movie / book / TV show / band / whatever you highly recommend? Movie: The Intouchables (French movie). Book: Gideon the Cutpurse. TV show: The Blacklist. Band: Years & Years. Webtoon: Room of Swords.
When did you last use a dictionary / thesaurus? I used google to find the clinical term for ear wax just yesterday, if that counts?FYI: it’s cerumen.
Are you anticipating or dreading anything? Yes, I’m stuck in a rut at the moment. I’m living at home with my parents and have no proper full-time job. Your typical university graduate. I’m anticipating a response regarding a recent interview
If someone could randomly give you something right now, what would you like? Full coverage of tuition fees for vet school? 
What`s the most annoying thing in the world? Having to rely on unreliable people
When did you last use one of those water slides you put on hills? Never
What are you sitting on right now? Sofa
What skills would you like to learn / develop? Veterinary, web development, athletic, writing, art, scuba diving, aquatic, wildlife and bird husbandry, car mechanics, piano, guitar, video editing, music production
What is something other people say you`re good at but you think you`re not? Communicating with people
What does your bedside lamp look like? Brushed chrome touch lamp with light pink shade - T&W. Can you tell I work as an inventory typist? 
What did you last take a photograph of? A sketch I drew of what was supposed to be Olly from Years & Years but then somehow mostly became Sam Smith? I don’t even know how that happened, I guess my imagination took over
When was the last time you got really frustrated with technology? Yesterday when the report didn’t upload correctly yet again and I needed to correct misspellings the web base had created
What was the last funny thing someone said to you? Well, mum was laughing at some pictures on the internet (probably from Facebook) - the last one she laughed at was of “santa fucking a reindeer”. I didn’t even want to ask... but to put it into better context, I think they were doodles from children and what was probably meant to be an innocent picture drawn by a child was probably easily misinterpreted by our adult dirty minds
Who taught you to tie your shoelaces? Mum and nan
What was the last thing you bought? Flights to the Philippines!
Do you want to move to somewhere else? If so, where? Yes and no? Not for a long while, but I would really like to experience living somewhere else at least once in my life. Preferably Canada or Australia
What time is it where you are? 01:42 What`s your favourite picture of yourself as a child? The one where I’m unintentionally sticking my middle finger up
Do you like your neighbours? Sure, they’re nice
Does your room need cleaning? God yes, I lost an earring under the bed a few days ago and was horrified to see just how much dust has gathered under there. Literally a carpet’s worth. DIGUSTANG
Do you have a good relationship with your family? I’m very grateful and lucky to say that yes, I do have an incredibly good relationship with my (immediate) family. I’m a bit of a black sheep in our wider family though, was awkward and avoidant as an older child and teenager. Still trying to redeem myself to family members I want to have good relations with
What is something people are surprised to hear about you? I don’t know
Do you make judgments about people straight after meeting them? The harsh truth is yes, unfortunately. First impressions are important. Not see all end all, but definitely influence whether or not I particularly want to interact or engage with that person again
What time counts as a lie-in for you? Haha... ha... I don’t even have a stable sleeping pattern
Do you hate any particular groups of people? Abusers - people who treat other beings like dirt, they disgust me. I feel sorry for them because clearly something’s gone wrong in their upbringing or genetic constitution, but I also hate them for doing such horrific things to those who by no means deserve it 
Do you fall up or down stairs usually? Up - much prefer falling up stairs. Falling down gives a proper mini heart attack
Do you constantly break things? [By mistake or otherwise] No
What was the last bug you saw? Ahh, I love insects! Bugs are pretty cool, but I especially love beetles (Coleoptera). Probably a stink bug?
Are there any smells which make you feel nauseous? Bile, blood, dead flesh
What is the scariest thing you`ve ever gone through? Oh god, I daren’t answer this because I consider too many things scary
Do you have anything unusual in your bag? Surgical mask and cap
Can you never think of anything to put for survey tags? No, I can
Are there any people you know in real life that you only talk to online? Yes :( I miss her like crazy, but I also hold a grudge
Do you think people who don`t care about education are dumb? Not dumb, but perhaps don’t understand how valuable and influential it is for change. We would not be anywhere near where we are as a species (the good and the bad) if we had not invested so much in education. We owe a lot to the originals, the inventors, those who were brave enough to stand out as the first to discover and teach
What`s your favourite key on a keyboard? @
Do you always finish what you start? No, I’m so terrible at finishing stories. I’m also a sloppy artist, I tend to like the unfinished looks so I usually focus on the face and hair but leave anything from the neck down in an unfinished/ lineart and shaded state. I rarely bother to add colour
Who`s your favourite character from The Simpsons? Or do you hate that show? Marge
Have you ever had any friends who always tried to steal your things? No
When was the last time you had a complete live revamp? Say what? As opposed to... a dead revamp? What’s that? Sorry, I’m a bit behind with the times
What is something you will never understand? ^ That. Lmao
When did you last laugh hysterically? About 20 mins ago when my dog got up off the sofa to walk behind it but got his Elizabethan collar stuck between the blinds and just created chaos while trying to turn around at 1am... way to keep quiet for those trying to sleep upstairs, doggo. Gotta love him
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help-who-am-i · 5 years
Have you ever overflown a bathtub? Not that I remember. Why did you ignore the last person you ignored? Their reply was too short in response to mine and I just cba to make all the effort again on the conversation. Ask me more questions! What was the last stupid thing someone talked you into believing? I can’t remember. What’s at the top of your to-do list in life?
To get a fulfilling career (rewarding, fair and purposeful).   What’s a song that would describe your life at the moment? Oof, this song I’m listening to right now has the perfect lyric for it: “If I lose myself, I lose it all.” - Runnin’ - Naughty Boy ft. Beyonce & Arrow Benjamin Do you ever scream at inanimate objects? Lol yes. What was the last thing that you shared? The sofa (with my dog).  Do you ever eat leftover pizza cold? No, will always re-heat pizza if I can. Where are you the most ticklish? Well, biologically and factually there’s a certain place... but uh, we’re not gonna go there. Probably the abdomen.
When you’re wanting a midnight snack, what do you normally get? Usually biscuits or crisps. Which cartoon character would you want to keep as a pet? Dragonite. What color best represents you? This is a neat and rare question. I wish I could answer it confidently... my first thought was black, but then I thought grey. Somewhere in-between, probably - a dark grey. A strong colour to reflect the strong mood changes, past struggles and past successes. I’m not a happy person at heart. Do you like marshmallows? Nah, only if they’re vegetarian. Do you have any shoeboxes full of old photos/letters/other memorable stuff? I have a whole drawer stuffed with keepsakes dating back from childhood and a bag containing various bones (I find bones really interesting tbh).  Have you ever considered a career in music/ acting? Acting, yes. I’m good at acting, but only when I want to be. I can’t imagine being dedicated and mentally strong enough to cope with revising and rehearsing scripts, media attention, high expectations etc.  When was the last time you felt seriously embarrassed? At the vets when I was slow to get jokes and failed to locate things for them. Man, I sucked. T_T Have you ever liked a song, looked up the lyrics to it, then hated it? No. Which is worse for you: being hot, or being cold? Being cold.  If you had the opportunity to live forever, would you take it? No, absolutely not unless I could choose not to at any time. Have you made someone happy today? Uh... made dad a cup of tea, fed the doggo a treat. Nothing crazy. Do you generally watch a lot of television? No. If your bedroom walls could talk, what would they most likely say? “Girl, you’re fucked up.” What’s your favorite Christmas song? Last Christmas by Wham! or Mistletoe and Wine by Cliff Richard. Did you ever really believe in Santa Claus? Yes. Do you like the band Relient K? Never heard of them. Have you ever seen a movie that was better than the book it was based on? Can’t say I have read many books from which movies were based, so no. Do you like quesadillas? Yes! Did you like the show Invader Zim? Never saw it. Do you think tomorrow will be a good day? Not really, no. It’ll be boring, I suspect. I get to sleep all day though! Do you ever talk to yourself? Haha, yes... all the time. Do you think that chivalry is dead? No. What’s the greatest/most influential song you’ve ever heard? Ooh... either MJ’s Earth Song or Where Is The Love? by Black Eyed Peas. What’s the weirdest thing you’ve seen in a grocery store? A McDonald’s (in Walmart). We don’t have that (as far as I know) over here in England. What is true love to you? Feeling truly comfortable in the presence of one another. Do you like chocolate milk? Yeah, it’s OK. Not my go-to. Have you ever bought yourself a present at Christmas? Trolol yes. Have you made a mistake in the past week? Oh yeah, plenty - enough to write a novel.  What was the last weird thing you said to someone? I asked my optician if he had seen the TV show Hannibal (he had) and then I said the flashing of light through the lensometer reminded me of when Will steps into the role of the killers. Have you ever met any bands/band members before? Well, nobody famous. A distant relative is in a band, but I don’t follow their music. I don’t really know him, either. Have you ever sat on a copy machine and made copies of your butt? Lmaoo no I haven’t, I would rate somebody who did though. Have you ever purposely dropped someone’s toothbrush in a toilet? Dafuq?  What kind of mood are you in right now? A weird tired but reluctant to sleep mood... is that even a mood? What was the last thing someone told you that had you at a loss for words? Pfft, there were many things I was told which made me at a loss for words when I was working at the vets.  What’s something that always makes you smile, regardless of what’s going on? My doggo. He just looked my way as I read this, he knows... teehee. <3 Do you enjoy riding around town looking at Christmas lights? Nah, I only tend to drive when I need to. Is there someone that you’re mean to for no good reason? Lol well I tease my dad for no good reason other than my enjoyment. What was the last thing you got out of the freezer? A rocket lolly. Lol I felt 12 again. Are you currently reading anything? Ugh, I’ve been trying to finish this one book for aaaages but I just can’t. It’s too boring. T_T What’s a good book you’d recommend? Rebecca’s Tale by Sally Beauman. Yeah, once you get into it it gets soo good. You won’t want it to finish. 
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help-who-am-i · 6 years
Have you ever….
1. Taken the blame for something you didn’t do? 2. Stayed up all night by yourself? 3. Stayed up all night with other people? 4. Drank something from straight out of the carton? 5. Felt like you were going to die? 6. Made up an excuse not to hang out with someone? 7. Was forced to have sex/was raped? 8. Burst into tears for no apparent reason? 9. Eaten a whole pie or cake by yourself? 10. Waited an entire night for someone to call? 11. Got stood up on a date? 12. Fell asleep in the movie theaters?
13. Let your friend borrow more that $50 from you? 14. Spilled a whole bowl of burning hot water on yourself? 15. Spent the entire day on the computer doing surveys? 16. Looked through old photographs? 17. Felt sad just because you heard someone else’s name in conversation? 18. Started reading a book that was so terrible you couldn’t finish it? 19. Lost your voice for more than a day? 20. Spilled a drink on someone else? 21. Watched a marathon of your favorite TV show? 22. Done the 5000 question survey? 23. Had a wish come true? 24. Had a miracle come true? 25. Someone said something you didn’t think was true but agreed just because they’re cool? 26. Or something else stupid like that just to get more people to like you? 27. Partied so much you couldn’t remember what happened the night before? 28. Screwed up with someone so badly they haven’t talked to you since to this day? 29. Spun around until you were dizzy and fell over? 30. Peed your pants past the little kid ages? 31. Known/know someone with a terrible disease? 32. Babysat for the most annoying kids in the world? 33. Enjoyed yourself doing something you thought would be boring? 34. Threw a fit because you didn’t get your way? 35. Got a Christmas present you hated? 36. Had a tea party when you were younger? 37. Had your period leak through in public? 38. Screamed something perverted out to a total stranger? 39. Did a dare that got you in trouble? 40. Wrote a sappy love song or love poem? 41. Given a fake phone number to someone? 42. Carried more than $500 on you at once? 43. Found out your parents read some of your text messages? 44. Made up your own language? 45. Worn underwear for more than a day without changing it? 46. Bought something without trying it on & then ended up hating the way it looked on you? 47. Felt bad about telling someone the truth, so you lied? 48. Ripped your pants while trying to do the splits? 49. Were so scared that you had to talk to yourself to feel better? 50. Went on a walk late at night?
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help-who-am-i · 6 years
What was the last liquid that you choked on? Wow, I honestly can’t remember. Probably Coca Cola or tea. How many times did you wake up today before actually getting up? Just once today! Makes a good change. What breed was the last dog you saw? English springer spaniel, he’s snoring loudly in his bed right now. When you sign your name, do you use your middle name? No. Do you dry off in the shower or out of the shower? In (if there’s enough space and a towel rail or shower rail within reach).
Describe the last place you went farther than one mile from your house? Town. Went to see the new Fantastic Beasts movie, it was great! Who did you celebrate your last birthday with? Myself. It was a stressful time at uni, just after my final year dissertation had been handed in (awaiting results) and prepping for a research trip abroad. Do you have anything important to do today? Hmm, nope! Lucky me. It’s totally not important (to me), but my sims would very much like to have their first child.  Was your last kiss initiated by you or the other person? Oh, always the other person. I have some deep-rooted issues relating to it, so I cannot kiss back (for now). Hoping to sort out some counselling to help me understand and possibly fix this in the near future. What appliance in your house had a light bulb burn out last? Hmm, probably the oven. Do you buy a ton of things at the store at once or just for that day? No, I find it hard to will myself to spend much money on one shopping trip and rarely go shopping. What did you last eat that required milk? Probably the microwave popcorn, I can’t be arsed to go and check the ingredients.  What brand of clothing dominates your wardrobe? Probably Next or New Look.  When getting dressed, do you put your pants or shirt on first? Trousers.  What color was the last thing you ate? Light yellow.  When you kiss a person, where do your hands usually go? N/A. When drinking hard alcohol, do you take shots more or make mixed drinks? Mixed drinks, usually Coke and something. What is one song you listen to that you’re sure not many people do? Outrunning Karma by Alec Benjamin. Is your toilet paper on the right or left side of the toilet? Right hand side. Have you worn shorts or pants more in the past seven days? Trousers... it’s far too cold for shorts! We’re in late November, so that’s winter here in England. Have you ever been told you’ve punched someone in your sleep? Nope, been told I smile in my sleep though. Not sure if that’s cute or creepy tbh. Do you use a handrail on stairs (if there is one)? Rarely. What was the last thing you saw that made you smile? My dog. What is your favorite drinking game? I don’t play drinking games. Do you have any tattoos that you don’t like anymore? Nope. What was the last thing you sat on? Sofa. Who was the last person to sleep in your bed? Me. Do you have a shower curtain or door? Door. When can you legally go to an American bar? I could go right now. If a bug is in your car, do you kill it or try to push it out your window? I’ll either leave it or push it out of the window. Does your mail go to a P.O Box or to a mailbox at your house? Neither, it goes through the letterbox.  Is there laundry in your room that could be done? Yes. Who was the last person from your high school graduating class you saw?
Two good friends.
0 notes
help-who-am-i · 6 years
If you could have anything delivered to your doorstep each morning, what would it be? Milk in a glass bottle. Plastic begone! What is one vacation destination that many people think is just fabulous but which you personally have no desire to visit (or revisit)? France. I don’t know why really, I know there are some beautiful places to visit there (and I love it in The Sims 3 World Adventures). I did have a bad experience with some French boys in Lyon once, but nothing serious - just confusing and humiliating. I don’t think they liked my friend and I talking in English and joking with each other. We were sat on a wall in a park near a statue, and I began to wonder if they thought we were mocking the statue but we were talking about something else. If you were five years younger but knew everything at that age that you’ve actually learned over the last five years, what is one thing you would definitely do differently? Wow, what a question... well, I’d be 18. The year before the major bout of depression hit which caused me to quit college and have suicidal thoughts. Well, now I know that the Christmas job mum was pressuring me into made things worse so I would have refused to take it. Also, instead of staying on at college for a foundation degree I would have just pursued a vet nursing degree like many in my class did. I have a zoology degree, and everyone says wow that’s great you must be so smart, but that’s not true at all. I still have no specialist knowledge to offer employers and it’s really frustrating. At least if I took the vet route, that’s more specialist and I’d take up equine vet nursing. Furthermore, the employers would typically pay (and fairly well, at that) rather than expect people like me with a degree in natural science to work for free. Sorry! Rant over.  If you could wake up to one smell every morning (besides coffee), what would it be? Lime. Mm, I love that smell. 
Suppose that right now you could be at your favorite vacation spot, reading your favorite book, listening to your favorite CD, and eating your favorite food. What would be your choices for those four categories, and who, if anyone, would be with you? Oh my gosh, take me there right now! I really, really want to be in Canada. Heck it, I want to move there. Not sure if I’d return to Alberta or try somewhere new. I think I’d try somewhere new like British Columbia or Ontario. I’d be reading The Fire Within (Chris D’Lacey), listening to a George Michael or Sam Smith CD, and eating pumpkin pie. I’d be in blissful peace and solitude. 
Which animated character is your all-time favorite? Wow, that’s really hard! So many, how to choose? I’m going to have to say it’s a toss up between Simba  (Disney) or Spirit (Dreamworks). Fantastic character art, personalities and animation for these characters.   If you could own a home on the shore of any body of water in the world, which waterfront would you choose? Well I’d like to say the Maldives, but I’m visiting soon so I’ll see what the diving is like first! If not Maldives, then a lake in Canada just like my dad’s great aunt had.  Suppose you had the opportunity to choose 3 people with whom to eat dinner: a famous sports figure, a movie star and a popular singer. Who would you choose? I don’t have a famous sports figure I’d like to eat dinner with, but I’d probably choose Angelina Jolie and Sam Smith to eat dinner with. They seem like interesting people.  What serves as the greatest motivation for you in your daily life? I really want to avoid saying money because I hate how we are so fixated and, to an extent, controlled by a desire for money. Sadly it’s true though, I have to build enough money up to be able to rent somewhere again and pay all the bills. There’s still a desire to be a hero which motivates me to some extent, however. When the childhood blindfold was taken off and the ugliness in the world was revealed to me, a deep sadness rooted within me and I can’t get rid of it. I hate that people are calling the shots who should not be, and I hate that people, animals and the environment can suffer so terribly because of the actions of many or few. What activity that you have to do every once in a while that you dread the most? Used to have to call up and arrange to speak to a doctor every darn time I wanted to get another batch of anti-depressants for anxiety, and that was difficult. Luckily the rule changed so that I can now get my prescription renewed without having to see or talk to my doctor every few months, and my mum showed me an online service which delivers the tablets right to our door! Trying to collect any prescription from our local pharmacy is no easy business, they always seem to be busy or out of stock. If you were a multimillionaire, what do you believe you would be doing at this very moment? Well, I wouldn’t be here in England, that’s for sure. I’d be somewhere hot or somewhere cold, none of this grey cloudy in-between. I’d love to be snowboarding, to be honest, or reading a book on a sun bed on a sandy shore.  If you could have a cookie jar full of anything you wanted, except money or cookies, what would it be filled with? Small animal bones. It’d be fun to try and identify them. When people hear what you do for a living, what is the most typical question or comment they give you regarding your job? How much do you typically earn per week/ month/ year? It’s frustrating because it’s a perfectly valid question, although rather cheeky and personal, but I couldn’t give a straight answer even if I wanted to. It’s freelance work, so money comes when work’s there, and work being there can vary every day, every week, every month, and every year.  If you could have any round object in the world, what spherical item would you want? A stress ball, but for the love of God please not with a smiley face on it. If you were left alone for one hour with nothing more than a pen and a notepad, what would you be inclined to draw or write during those 60 minutes? My inner thoughts. Get ready for some real dark and depressing stuff, y’all. If you could witness anything at all in super-slow motion, what would you want to see? Ooh. A beetle or hummingbird in flight. Super cool! Either that or a close encounter with a whale or whale shark. If someone were looking for you in a bookstore, in what section would they be most likely to find you? Fantasy. What do you forget to do more often than anything else? Take my anti-depressants. Oops.  If you could teach everyone in the world one skill, what would it be? Kindness or empathy. Enough to make people stop slaughtering innocent animals and people. Drown them in it if you have to, I just want it to stop. Here’s an interesting thought: what would the world be like if money was taken away? How much of a difference would it make, and how would people make a living? You’ve been offered the chance to paint a billboard along a highway with any message you choose, as long as it’s only 10 words long. What is your message? One world, one chance - reduce global consumption for our survival. OR if we’re going to be brutal about it: is livestock-derived profit worth our extinction? Wake up, fight.
over and out. You’ve been reading DepressionTM,  y’all have a good day now. Lol seriously though, don’t get too depressed about all that above. Yeah, it really does suck, but as long as you are doing what you can and feel able to then you have no reason to feel guilty, my frens. Find the line between want and need and make it more prominent, but lighten it every so often so you don’t get too depressed. If you can’t stop using something, can you reduce your use of it? Maybe it’s too late and we’ll all face our own extinction anyway, but I dunno about you but I can’t settle with the thought of living without trying to help make a difference for global good.
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help-who-am-i · 6 years
Random Survey
1. What is more difficult for you, looking into someone’s eyes when you are telling someone how you feel, or looking into someone’s eyes when they are telling you how they feel? Looking into someone’s eyes when I’m telling someone how I feel.  2. Think of the last time you were REALLY angry. WHY were you angry? Do you still feel the same way? I was angry because my boss was being horrible. I no longer feel the same way because that person is no longer my boss. :D 3. You are on a flight from Honolulu to Chicago non-stop. There is a fire in the back of the plane. You have enough time to make ONE phone call. Who do you call? What do you tell them? First of all, why would I be on a flight heading away from Honolulu? Dude, I’d live there like a hermit. Well, if it happened I’d call my mum (and hopefully dad would be there too). I’d tell them I wasn’t going to make it and that I loved them, and thank them for all they’ve done to support me.   4. You are at the doctor’s office and he has just informed you that you have approximately one month to live. Do you tell anyone/everyone you are going to die? What do you do with your remaining days? Would you be afraid? I’d probably isolate myself and fall into a bad way. My parents would find out whether I wanted to tell them or not. I’d be more angry than afraid, probably. I probably wouldn’t want to tell many people. 5. You can have one of the following two things. Which do you choose? Why? Love and Trust. Trust. I don’t need romantic or sexual love and I’m already gratefully loved by my family. I need to be more trusting of people. 6. You are walking down the street on your way to work. There is a dog drowning in the canal on the side of the street. Your boss has told you if you are late even once more, you are fired. Do you take the time to save the dog’s life? Why or Why not? Yes, because I love dogs and they are animals; they feel pain. If my boss didn’t understand the situation then, frankly, I wouldn’t want to work for an arse like that.  7. Would you rather be hurt by the one you trust the most, or the one you love the most? Trust. If something happened to my dog, I couldn’t... 8. Your best friend confesses that he/she has feelings for you more than just friendship. He/she is falling in love with you. What do you (or did you) do/say? I’d hug her and thank her for choosing me over him.  9. Think of the last person who you know that died. You have the chance to give them 1 hour of life back, but you have to give up one year of yours. Do you do it? Why or Why not? No. He wanted to die, and one hour is not enough time to convince him otherwise, I believe.   10. Are you the kind of friend that you would want to have as a friend? No. I need somebody more stable and confident, but understanding. I have had friends like me, but in the end we are too similar and it doesn’t work well. 11. Does love = sex? No, it would be shallow to think so. 12. Your boss tells your coworker that they have to let them go because of work shortage, and they are the newest employee. You have been there much longer. Your coworker has a family to support and no other means of income. Do you go to your boss and offer to leave the company? Why or Why not? No. It sounds heartless but it’s not my problem and I don’t know or love them. They should look for another job. They aren’t the only person with a family to support, and having a family was their choice and is their responsibility, not mine. 13. When was the last time you told someone HONESTLY how you felt regardless of how difficult it was for you to say? Who was it? What did you have to tell the person? When I told my mum that I wanted to die a few years ago. I was depressed. Don’t have sympathy, hate the disease. 14. What would be (or what was) harder for you to tell a member of the opposite sex: you love them or that you do not love them back? Do not love them back. I have never loved another member of the opposite sex. 15. What do you think would be the hardest thing for you to give up? Why would it be hard to lose? Wow, I don’t know... too many things I am grateful for. If ‘thing’ also classes as a living being, though, it would be my dog and my parents. They are my support. If not, then I guess music has always been a great support for me. 16. Excluding romantic love, when was the last time you told someone you loved them. Who were they to you? Probably my mum over the phone a few months ago while I was at university. 17. If there was one moment and one time in the last month what would you change and why? ? 18. Imagine it is a dark night, you are alone, it is raining outside, you hear someone walking around outside your window. WHO do you wish was there with you? My dog. He’s got the scariest bark, he’d scare them off. 19. Would you give a homeless person CPR if they were dying? Why or Why not? Of course. Even if they wanted to die, and even if they were a DNR person but I didn’t know, I couldn’t not try to revive them. If it wasn’t an accident and they want to die, they’ll just have to try again. But more importantly, I hope they’d receive the help they need in order to learn how to like or live life again. 21. You are holding onto your grandmother’s hand and the hand of a newborn that you do not know as they hang over the edge of a cliff. You have to let one go to save the other. Who do you let fall to their death? What was your rationale for making the decision? I let the newborn go. It’s sad, yes, but it hasn’t fully developed yet. It’ll die instantly. I couldn’t let my grandmother go. 22. Are you old fashioned? No. 23. When was the last time you were nice to someone and did NOT expect anything in return for it? When I made mum and dad a cup of tea, probably. Lol 24. Which would you choose: true love with a guarantee of a broken heart, or never loved at all? Why? Never loved at all. Because that’s me. Lol. It’s honestly not that bad. 25. If you could do anything or wish anything, what would it be?
Wow. Gosh, how can I? For every problem solved, surely a new one will appear. Seems ultimately pointless. Well, I guess I’d wish for an end to wars or an end to animal agriculture. 
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help-who-am-i · 6 years
The 1st GIF represents who you are:
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Ha! I like it - serious at first, but a right weirdo once you get to know me. 
The 9th gif represents how you feel today:
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I must have been able to see the pizza in his thought bubble. Mm, pizza...
The 7th GIF represents your taste in music:
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I’m not quite sure how to interpret this...
The 4th GIF represents your relationship with your friends:
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Well, tbh, I do. I have always felt deeply.
The 17th GIF represents your love life:
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Ha! Yes! Take that. A GIF that actually agrees with my distaste for a love life.
The 3rd GIF is something about you not many know:
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... I eat a lot? I worry a lot? Both are true. 
The 15th GIF is how you act when you are alone:
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The 20th GIF is how today will go for you:
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Ace. It’s Christmas, after all. 
The 11th GIF is how your life will be:
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LOL yes sadly this will be me forevermore. Stupid feelings
The 13th GIF is how people see you:
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:D I like to help people but pls don’t rely on me too much (I am a weakling in disguise)
The 6th GIF is how you will spend your last day on earth:
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Winding someone up? Ha love it
the 2nd GIF is how you act around the person you are attracted to:
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Ha yea probably would be me, I suck at hiding feelings
The 10th GIF is how your gender sees you:
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Am I annoying? Hahaha
The 16th GIF is how the opposite gender sees you:
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Oh God HAHA well that’s slightly creepy
The 19th GIF represents you at your happiest:
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0 notes
help-who-am-i · 8 years
You are English. You want to visit New Zealand. You can’t sit down on the grass without making a daisy chain. You play guitar. Your parents are still together. You have been heartbroken before. You can speak more than one language. You’ve been called weird before. You somehow always end up wearing odd socks. You’re a champion procrastinator. You hated science. You frequently stare into space without realising. You hardly ever cry. You’re shy. Your shyness holds you back sometimes. You’re a Christian. You’re scared of the unknown. You have a myspace but hardly ever use it. You write music. You can’t dance to save your life. You love summer dresses. Your birthday is in mid August. You blog frequently. You love wearing band t-shirts with converses. You usually don’t use your free time very productively. You’re good at spelling. You’re bad at mental maths. You hate horror movies. You wear eyeliner pretty much everyday without fail. You don’t do enough exercise. You still enjoy playing Sims computer games. You love catching trains. You want to visit Italy. You used to have braces. You refuse to smoke. You always have a constant supply of paracetamol in case you get headaches. You used to get nosebleeds all the time. You’re a night owl. You’re at your worst in the morning. You love The Little Mermaid. You should be doing homework right now. You are 15 years old. You don’t really like to watch TV. You aren’t fat, but you want to weigh less. You are self-conscious. You have trust issues. You are close with your mother. You would sleep in everyday if you could. You buy way too many clothes. You’re a Facebook addict. You have been best friends with your best friend forever. You aren’t very athletic. You like high school football. You can sing alright. Hello Kitty = love :) You’re normally pretty happy. You cry easily. You get mad easily. You always have head aches. You love electric blankets. Forever 21 is your favorite store. You hate spending money, but you always want to buy things. You hate living in the country. You get your feelings hurt very easily. Christmas is your favorite holiday. Rap and country are your genre of music. Your butt is really big. You have super curly hair. You hate pizza. You were born in Pittsburgh. You have 1 little sister. You love fashion. Glitter is your favorite. Your nails are always painted. You’re normally pretty quiet. You hate opening up to people. You aren’t really a fan of girls. You enjoy taking walks. You love to be tan. You wish you could live at the beach. You can’t cook at all. You aren’t a very good swimmer. You have a pink laptop. You wish you could be a model. You kind of have a jealousy issue. You have chosen some pretty bad friends in the past. You love wearing dresses. You hate hate hate getting your hopes up and then it doesn’t happen. You’re pretty much scared of everything. You love to cuddle. You’re not very good at school. You love roller coasters. You’re not really an animal person. Jesus is my savior. I am Canadian. I finished high school. I play guitar. I write my own songs. I love watching YouTube videos. I work in a coffee shop. My best friends are my cousins. I have two brothers. I have one sister. I love wearing quirky t-shirts. I have two cats. I have a dog. I collect beanie babies. My favorite color is blue. My favorite number is somewhere between 15 and 20. I think too much. I have seen everything that has ever been posted on FailBlog. My room is covered in random posters and memories. I have curly hair. My favorite letters are L and Q. My favorite animal is the chipmunk. Music is incredibly important to me. I don’t know what to do with my life. I wish I could play the piano. Chocolate is amazing. I could eat pizza every day and not get sick of it. I can see beauty in everything, even if the world thinks it’s ugly. I have an average body. I generally like how I look. I have never tried drugs. I have never been drunk. I love indie music. I am very artistic. I love video games. I love Converse hi-tops. My name starts with a K. I like my middle name. One of my best friends is of the opposite gender. I am a virgin..and proud of it. I love reading. I hate peas. I have at least 10 collections of random things. I hate shopping for clothes. I love watching movies, especially comedies. I don’t own a cell phone. One of my favorite bands is one that few people have heard of. I don’t like salad. It takes me less than a half an hour to get ready in the mornings. I have blue eyes. I live in a small town. I have been in several bands. I am a master procrastinator. I always fall for someone that can make me laugh. I get along well with my parents.
0 notes
help-who-am-i · 8 years
Bold what applies
i have blue hair and green eyes
i have red hair and hazel eyes
i’m very tall
my hair is really really curly
i have brown hair and blue eyes
i have freckles
my eyebrow game is strong
i have black hair and brown eyes
i have dimples
i wear contact lenses
i tan easily
i have small eyelashes
i paint my nails
Clothes / Accessory / Make-up:
i hate wearing flip-flops
i don’t have converse
i wear foundation (almost) every day
i have stretch marks / tattoo
i love wearing head bands
i hate wearing mascara
i have at least one pair of vans
i hate sweaters
i love wearing high heels
i own brown eyeliner
i love skirts/dresses
i own at least 3 pairs of jeans
i often wear scarfs
i never wear necklaces
Family / Country:
i’m the oldest child
i have an older brother
i’m from South America
i know how to swear in more then two languages
one (or more) of my parents is from another country
i have a younger sister
i have siblings that live in Asia
i’m an orphan
i have family that live in Australia
i know two or more languages
School / Job:
i’m in high school
i love history
i have/had a teacher that is great in explaining and actually teaching
i got fired
i know what i want to do in future
i know more than 3.14 of Pi
i don’t participate in extracurricular activities
i learn more than one language
i love math
i already have a job
my grades are almost never excellent/very good
i want to go to college/ i’m in college
i want to be a professional athlete / writer/ artist
I have:
broken a bone
ridden a motorcycle
a best friend
a favorite song
sung in the shower
been told that i’m smart / pretty
punched / slapped somebody
told somebody they are pretty
my own room
a star crush
kissed a boy / a girl
online best friends
spent whole night without sleeping
girlfriend / boyfriend
I’m afraid of:
insects / snakes
people disliking me
somebody yelling at me
somebody finding out a secret about me
favorite character dying
stormy weather
having to talk in front of people
kissing somebody
small rooms
I love:
sleeping until 12pm
reading books online
fluffy blankets
swimming / diving
watching movies
channing tatum
hot chocolate
baking / cooking
harry potter
cold showers
my hair
my wardrobe
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