helpezzideen · 20 hours
I am not sure if the mentions are visible to other accounts because my account is not working properly. Could you please mention these accounts to share Ezzideen’s campaign, if they don’t mind?
I would greatly appreciate your help.
Thank you
I understand that you are weary of keeping up with this, tired of watching this war unfold, and exhausted by the endless stream of pictures and videos. You are worn out by death, drained by sorrow, and, perhaps, even by us.
We apologize for burdening the world with our news, but what you are tired of seeing, we endure every single day, every hour, every minute, and every second.
We do not have the luxury of pausing this horror to catch our breath, nor to give you respite. Your solidarity, however, reminds us that the world has not yet grown numb to injustice, to killing, or to devastation.
What we ask of you may feel overwhelming, but please remember that we have so much love, goodness, and generosity to share with the world when this war finally ends. We, too, cherish life.
So, bear with us a little longer, and please, do not forget us.
To know the real Palestine, join our raffle to get a chance to taste Palestinian heritage and celebrate it directly from Ramallah.
Written by Ezzideen Shehab
6 June
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helpezzideen · 20 hours
@sar-soor - @ibtisams - @fallahifag - @nabulsi - @vakarians-babe - @el-shab-hussein - @fairuzfan - @sayruq
I understand that you are weary of keeping up with this, tired of watching this war unfold, and exhausted by the endless stream of pictures and videos. You are worn out by death, drained by sorrow, and, perhaps, even by us.
We apologize for burdening the world with our news, but what you are tired of seeing, we endure every single day, every hour, every minute, and every second.
We do not have the luxury of pausing this horror to catch our breath, nor to give you respite. Your solidarity, however, reminds us that the world has not yet grown numb to injustice, to killing, or to devastation.
What we ask of you may feel overwhelming, but please remember that we have so much love, goodness, and generosity to share with the world when this war finally ends. We, too, cherish life.
So, bear with us a little longer, and please, do not forget us.
To know the real Palestine, join our raffle to get a chance to taste Palestinian heritage and celebrate it directly from Ramallah.
Written by Ezzideen Shehab
6 June
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helpezzideen · 21 hours
The situation in North Gaza is becoming increasingly difficult. People are facing starvation again, with no food available. It has been 24 days, and the situation continues to worsen.
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helpezzideen · 21 hours
Heritage Raffle
Join our Heritage Raffle and get a chance to win a collection of authentic items from Ramallah! For every donation of €5 or more, you will be entered to win a special package that includes:
• Premium olive oil
• Wild thyme (Za'atar Barri)
• Sage (Miryamiyya)
• A traditional Kufiyah
These items come from my family's land in Ramallah, where my grandparents originally hail from.
Your support not only gives you a chance to enjoy these unique and culturally rich products but also helps preserve our heritage.
This raffle is open until June 25, 2024. After donating, please fill out the form to enter for a chance to win this special box from Palestine.
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helpezzideen · 4 days
@blackpearlblast - @fairuzfan - @sayruq - @ibtisams - @sar-soor - @fallahifag - @vakarians-babe - @nabulsi - @el-shab-hussein - @self-hating-zionist - @thenewgothictwice - @raelyn-dreams - @unfortunatelyuncreative - @shashiatnight - @palestinian-fundraising
After the IDF concluded its military operation in Jabalya yesterday, Ezzideen and his family returned to their home, only to find it partly destroyed. Windows shattered, doors broken, walls crumbled—everything they had built was in ruins.
Ezzideen and his family are in desperate need of your help. Please share their GoFundMe link and donate if you can.
Additionally, you can join the raffle until June 25th for a chance to win a special box from Palestine.
Every bit of support counts.
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helpezzideen · 4 days
My family is in Gaza, and everything in Gaza has been destroyed. Death is everywhere. I want to help my family to get them to safety.
The people of Gaza are asking for YOUR help today. Here are some VETTED campaigns you should donate to and share widely.
(may 23rd):
Help Almoghrabi family to evacuate Gaza strip (@amjad20011) - Amjad needs to evacuate with his wife and his son, who isn't even 3 years old.
Support Ruba's family's urgent evacuation (@rubashaban) - Ruba's family are lacking the basic necessities of life; she has an elderly father who desperately needs to be evacuated.
Save little Yusuf and his family (@ahmednabubake) - Yusuf is in an intensive care unit fighting for his life in Gaza; he needs urgent evacuation alongside his family.
Help Belal and his family to evacuate from Gaza (@alaajshaat) - Belal has lost too much to this war and needs to support himself and his family.
Help Ahmed's family evacuate (@malkzaeem) - Ahmed needs to save his wife, 4 children, and severely injured father.
Help Ezzideen Shehab and his family evacuate (@helpezzideen) - Ezzideen, a young doctor, and his parents, siblings, and young brother Mazen urgently need to evacuate.
Help Iman’s family find safety (@imaneyad) - Iman has a family of 7 who need to find safety.
Support three orphaned children and their mother (@abedbahlool) - TW Graphic image. Asmaa is a mother of three and lost her husband due to the aggression.
Help save Bassam and his family (@lailashaqoura) - Bassam has five young children and has already lost 9 members of his wife's family.
Save Firas' family (@prosolitudeeee) - Firas is a father of two children, a 10-month-old boy and a two-year-old girl, who are in need of safe haven in Egypt.
Help Hani's family evacuate (@skatehani) - A Palestinian skater trying to evacuate 10 members of his family.
Help Omar evacuate (@omarsobhi) - Omar is a 20 year old Palestinian student who wants to save himself and his family from this genocide.
Help Tahseen and his family (@tahseenmush) - Tahseen and his family are from northern Gaza and need urgent help to survive this genocide.
Help Nader's family to evacuate from Gaza (@nadershoshaa) - Nader and his family, consisting of six members, are currently displaced in the south; help them evacuate and survive.
Marah needs to save her family (@marahsalem) - Marah is trying to get reunited with her family, which consists of 5 members who need to urgently evacuate.
Help Mahmoud's family evacuate (@mahmoud0qassas) - Mahmoud and his family need to get to Egypt. His brother in law needs medical attention ASAP.
Yosof's family needs to evacuate (@yosofzaeem) - Yosof’s family needs to evacuate urgently; member of their family needs medical attention.
This list is supposed to call you to action. Please do not scroll past without contributing. Choose at least one fundraiser to support today. $5 can save lives. If you cannot donate, share these campaigns.
Looking for more campaigns?
hope this helps
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helpezzideen · 5 days
@fairuzfan - @sar-soor - @ibtisams - @fallahifag - @nabulsi - @vakarians-babe - @sapoteylx - @sayruq
The situation in North Gaza is becoming increasingly difficult. People are facing starvation again, with no food available. It has been 24 days, and the situation continues to worsen.
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helpezzideen · 8 days
Ask Ezzideen About Gaza
Do you have questions about what's happening in Gaza? Are you curious about the situation from the perspective of someone living there? Now is your chance to ask!
I will be collecting your questions and sending them to Ezzideen, a resident of Gaza. He will provide answers based on his firsthand experience. If there are relevant photos, I will share those too.
By asking Ezzideen, we aim to provide a true picture of what people in Gaza are really facing, away from media perspectives.
Submit your questions now, and I will share Ezzideen's responses soon!
Don't forget to REBLOG to help spread the word!
You can send your questions to @helpezzideen .
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helpezzideen · 8 days
@ibtisams - @nabulsi - @fairuzfan - @sar-soor - @fallahifag - @palipunk - @90-ghost - @sayruq - @vakarians-babe
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Meet Ezzideen and his family, who are caught in the midst of crisis in Gaza. Ezzideen, a newly graduated doctor, along with his sister Abeer, a talented translator who lost her job due to the conflict, and Hassan, a responsible accountant at risk of losing a crucial international work opportunity, are all urgently needing to evacuate. Their father, a retired employee from the Ministry of Information, and their supportive mother have nurtured this family through various challenges, now facing their most dire situation yet. Your share and donation not only contribute to their immediate safety but also support their hope for a brighter future. Please help us spread the word and contribute to their journey to safety. Share to help!
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helpezzideen · 8 days
@ibtisams - @fallahifag - @sar-soor - @fairuzfan - @el-shab-hussein - @vakarians-babe - @sapoteylx - @nabulsi - @palipunk - @palestinecharitycommissionsassoc -
Ask Ezzideen About Gaza
Do you have questions about what's happening in Gaza? Are you curious about the situation from the perspective of someone living there? Now is your chance to ask!
I will be collecting your questions and sending them to Ezzideen, a resident of Gaza. He will provide answers based on his firsthand experience. If there are relevant photos, I will share those too.
By asking Ezzideen, we aim to provide a true picture of what people in Gaza are really facing, away from media perspectives.
Submit your questions now, and I will share Ezzideen's responses soon!
Don't forget to REBLOG to help spread the word!
You can send your questions to @helpezzideen .
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helpezzideen · 10 days
@blackpearlblast - @ibtisams - @fairuzfan - @sar-soor @vakarians-babe - @fallahifag - @el-shab-hussein
This message was sent to me by Ezzideen and written by his sister Abeer.
This is the library of My University, Al-Aqsa University , from which I graduated.
The photo shows Israeli soldiers set fire to the library and took pictures of themselves in front of the flames.
I spent 4 years of my life there.I have tens of memories with my friends in this place!. I never expected, even in my worst nightmare, to see it like this . My heart hurts so much
Why is all this intense and unspeakable hatred and wickedness? They not only inflict death and destruction but also obliterate our memories!
They target the most crucial aspects of human life in Gaza with the aim of wiping out the basic necessities of Gaza’s population.
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helpezzideen · 10 days
You still have a chance to join the raffle and celebrate the rich heritage of Palestine.
@blackpearlblast - @ibtisams - @fairuzfan - @sar-soor - @vakarians-babe - @fallahifag - @el-shab-hussein
Heritage Raffle
Join our Heritage Raffle and get a chance to win a collection of authentic items from Ramallah! For every donation of €5 or more, you will be entered to win a special package that includes:
• Premium olive oil
• Wild thyme (Za'atar Barri)
• Sage (Miryamiyya)
• A traditional Kufiyah
These items come from my family's land in Ramallah, where my grandparents originally hail from.
Your support not only gives you a chance to enjoy these unique and culturally rich products but also helps preserve our heritage.
This raffle is open until June 25, 2024. After donating, please fill out the form to enter for a chance to win this special box from Palestine.
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helpezzideen · 11 days
@ibtisams - @sar-soor - @fallahifag - @vakarians-babe - @fairuzfan
In the past, the IDF assured people that certain areas would be safe. As a result, families evacuated to these locations and set up tents, each housing entire families or more, with at least seven family members in each tent.
However, Israeli warplanes recently committed a horrific massacre in these camps for displaced people in Rafah. They bombed the camp with eight missiles.
The death toll exceeds 50, with hundreds injured.
The scenes are devastating and heartbreaking, with the bodies of entire families severely burned. Children are found without heads, without legs, without life.
These scenes are a testament to how Rafah, once deemed a safe haven, has turned into hell on earth.
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helpezzideen · 12 days
I have an exam on Tuesday, and I'm overwhelmed with nerves and stress as always. No matter how hard I try to stay calm, it never seems to work for me.
Ezzideen was always there for me on exam days. He stayed with me until the morning, and he waited for me until I finished the exam. Even when he couldn't be physically present, we would video call while I studied, his presence a comforting lifeline.
But now, as I face this exam, I'm freaking out and feeling so alone. I desperately need his support, yet he's not here.
Please, help my dear friend Ezzideen and his family to be safe.
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helpezzideen · 13 days
Don’t forget to join the Heritage Raffle and fill out the form for a chance to receive a special box from Palestine and help Ezzideen. 🫒🕊️
@blackpearlblast - @fairuzfan - @sar-soor - @fallahifag - @ibtisams - @vakarians-babe - @plomegranate
Heritage Raffle
Join our Heritage Raffle and get a chance to win a collection of authentic items from Ramallah! For every donation of €5 or more, you will be entered to win a special package that includes:
• Premium olive oil
• Wild thyme (Za'atar Barri)
• Sage (Miryamiyya)
• A traditional Kufiyah
These items come from my family's land in Ramallah, where my grandparents originally hail from.
Your support not only gives you a chance to enjoy these unique and culturally rich products but also helps preserve our heritage.
This raffle is open until June 25, 2024. After donating, please fill out the form to enter for a chance to win this special box from Palestine.
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helpezzideen · 13 days
I hope all people in Gaza get the chance to live a safe and good life.
Don’t forget to join the Heritage Raffle and fill out the form for a chance to receive a special box from Palestine and help Ezzideen.
@blackpearlblast - @fairuzfan - @ibtisams - @sar-soor - @fallahifag - @vakarians-babe - @plomegranate
Ezzideen sent me these photos and video. It looks like the end of the world; this is the only thing I had in mind!
Every person in Gaza needs help and our prayers.
Don’t forget the people in Gaza, no matter how long it takes!
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helpezzideen · 14 days
@el-shab-hussein - @blackpearlblast - @fairuzfan - @sar-soor - @ibtisams - @fallahifag - @vakarians-babe - @plomegranate
This Heritage Raffle is to celebrate Palestinian heritage and support Ezzideen!
By donating 5€ or more, you will have a chance to receive premium olive oil, wild thyme (za'atar barri), sage (miryamiyya), and a traditional kufiyah from Palestine, directly from Ramallah, sourced from our own olive farms.
I am also sharing this photo of my grandparents, aunt, and my father (on the right) to show my heritage and where I am originally from. My grandparents are older than Israel; they were born in 1934.
Don’t forget to fill out the form.
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