hibiscusspunweb Ā· 4 days
People who draw Percy as a skinny white guy irk me SO MUCH. He is not, in any form, skinny.
Like, son of Poseidon so of course heā€™s already amped, then the fact heā€™s been training for years (CHB, CJ, Lupa) and the way heā€™s been described.
ā€œā€”tanner and taller, leaner and more muscular.ā€ This is Annabethā€™s description of him in MoA.
ā€œPercy was average in athletics but later from his training, becomes very fit, muscular, and lean.ā€ This is from the Riordan Wiki on Percyā€™s page. Hazel described him as having the good looks of a Roman god, so that would definitely mean he has muscles.
That is my conclusion on why Percy isnā€™t skinny.
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hibiscusspunweb Ā· 7 days
Percy Jackson headcanons Part 3
-Percy has a sirenā€™s voice. When he sings or hums, the attention of anyone in the vicinity is drawn to him.
-Also, Percy is definitely a huge Queen fan
-Annabeth has a spray bottle of salt waterĀ 
-JasonĀ Ā listens to classical music (he just looks like he would)
-Reyna is a fucking demon at pillow fights for some unexplained reason
-Thalia likes strawberry MentosĀ 
-Also has a dart board up with a picture of Luke in the center (she consistently hits her mark)
-Leo sleeps in a fetal positionĀ 
-Frank likes stormy weather and stratus cloudsĀ 
-Also a frequent user of ā€œgee willickersā€ or ā€œgolly geeā€
-Will is an avid Beatles listenerĀ 
-Austin always has cork grease in his pocketĀ 
-His favorite fruit is the mango as well
-Leo listens to Tyler, the Creator
-Frank occasionally listens to Viking musicĀ Ā (no explanation why)
-Nico loves analog horrorĀ 
-Will watches it with him
-Piper HATES harpies after her several encounters with them
-The Poseidon cabin occasionally gets flooded (via Percy)
-The Athena cabin is either really neat and organized or cluttered with blueprints, armor, etc.
-The Demeter cabin figured out how to grow blue raspberriesĀ 
-They also grow all kinds of weird fruitĀ 
-Leo makes fake accounts on dating apps for shits and giggles
-Percy once threw an apple at Annabeth and she caught it.Ā 
-The Apollo cabinā€™s walls are plastered with musical postersĀ 
-Will smells like cough syrupĀ 
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hibiscusspunweb Ā· 14 days
why are u hugging Calpyso bro didnā€™t she curse your girlfriend šŸ˜­
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hibiscusspunweb Ā· 18 days
bro Will or Nico pls šŸ™ i wont say brainrot terms to you every morning if u do ā¤ļø (not promising)
Like solangelo?? Iā€™ve already have in both
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hibiscusspunweb Ā· 18 days
if you guys have any characters youā€™d like me to include in the headcanons put it in my inbox <3
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hibiscusspunweb Ā· 18 days
do you ever think about the time annabeth said that being separated from percy felt like being forced to withdraw from a life-saving medication? or when she told athena that percy means everything to her?
because i do. i think about it a lot.
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hibiscusspunweb Ā· 20 days
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hibiscusspunweb Ā· 20 days
Iā€™m going to shove the Athena Parthenon up your ass
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hibiscusspunweb Ā· 22 days
More Percy Jackson headcanons
-Hazelā€™s favorite modern artist is definitely Laufey.
-The Seven roasted marshmallows over Leo at least once.
-Tysonā€™s favorite desert is chocolate and peanut butter brownies.
-Annabeth listens to Paris Paloma.
-Percy used to make fun of Jason for only being able to grow stubble.
-Nico has Saint Bernard by Lincoln on repeat at least once a week.
-Percy is either the driest or most animated texter, it just depends who you are.
-Piper listens to Dazey and the Scouts.Ā 
-ZoĆ« Nightshadeā€™s favorite fruit was the blackberry.
-Biancaā€™s was the blueberry.
-Nico absolutely hates pomegranates.Ā 
-Annabeth and Hazel both like earl gray tea with a bit of vanilla.
-Reynaā€™s favorite bird is the raven and she has a small whittled sculpture of one she carries with her.
-The other Hunters definitely ship Theyna.
-If someone exposed Ella to Wikipedia, sheā€™d be on it all the time.
-Rachel gives Ella any interesting bird feather she finds.
-Will gets called Rapunzel.Ā 
-Annabeth has one of those huge ass tasers that look like an enlarged flashlight.
-Piper has one too, but itā€™s pink.Ā 
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hibiscusspunweb Ā· 25 days
Percy Jackson headcanons
-Annabeth absolutely LOATHES dark romance books or books that are mostly smut with little to no plot. She once bought one just to burn it (probably Haunting Adeline).
-When Percy gets angry enough, the air around him starts boiling. He doesnā€™t even realize until someone points out that theres steam coming off him.
-Leo and Annabeth work well as a team.
-Nico has been forced to used liquid IVs by Will several times.
-Percy shaves regularly after he sees stubble on his face to avoid looking too much like Poseidon.
-Jason, on the other hand, struggles to grow a beard.
-Frank really likes the fall-scented candles from Bath and Body Works.
-When on the battlefield, people give Percy and Annabeth a wide berth individually and together since they fight so efficiently. -Hazel smells like cinnamon.
-Piperā€™s favorite bird is the blue jay.
-Leo has been caught listening to Taylor Swift on multiple occasions.
-When Will needs to get something at night, he makes himself glow to get around.
-Nico has also told Will to use his ā€œflashlightā€ ability several times.
-Some Greek demigodsā€™ writing switches from Ancient Greek / Greek to English and they have to be careful about it at school etc.
-Austin once entered a flute competition and won.
-Arrows in the walls, floor, ceiling, EVERYWHERE, in the Apollo cabin.
-The Apollo cabin sings a Broadway song every morning loud enough for most of the camp to hear. Windows and doors open to REALLY let people hear it.
-Percyā€™s eyes glow in dark water.
-The Aphrodite cabin has a whole shelf of just perfumes and colognes.
-Leo and Will have deep conversations about country music.
-Percy and Annabeth have turned multiple people gay.
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hibiscusspunweb Ā· 26 days
In Percy Jacksonā€™s Greek Heroes, he states that he wishes he would inherited his fatherā€™s earthquake abilities. I donā€™t know if Rick forget that detail in his other books, or if it was an error in his writing.
Expanding on Percy Jacksonā€™s abilities
If youā€™ve read the books, you know what Iā€™m talking about. He beat Ares in combat when he was 12, as well as Medusa and the Minotaur. He can create hurricanes, tsunamis, create water because water used to be there, create water from his physical being, create storms, control rivers in the Underworld (like the Lethe) and anything that has to do with water. To summarize this, Percy Jackson is an extremely powerful person. The most powerful demigod in the series.Ā 
Water is very broad in general. Itā€™s everywhere on Earth. So, Percy Jackson can control about anything. Here are my theories and explanations.
Yes, this does have slight spoilers in it.
Blood bending / Hemokinesis
The human body is 60 - 75% water. Since Percyā€™s main domain is water, controlling blood, which is 90% water, varying in amounts from small to large, would be very easy for him since heā€™s so powerful. He can make blood boil, blood freeze, and make you explode. The brain and heart are 73% water, so he can just smush your brain and heart with a wave of his hand. Your lungs are 83%, so those could either shrivel up or explode. The skin itself is 64% water, so Percy could potentially flay somebody alive. The bones are 31% water, so he could also control them. The muscles are 79%, so he could control those and manipulate a personā€™s body like a marionette. Also, species that rely on blood pressure. An example would be Arachne, which he probably couldā€™ve just crumpled up in House of Hades.
ā€œThe brain and heart are composed of 73% water, and the lungs are about 83% water. The skin contains 64% water, muscles and kidneys are 79%, and even the bones are watery: 31%.ā€ - According to scientists in 1945.Ā 
What Iā€™m saying is, Percy Jackson can kill somebody, monster or human, easily, and in the goriest way possible.
The Sky
Percy is shown in Mark of Athena helping Jason create a storm. Though it physically drains him, Percy can still create storms. Does he have complete control over the weather? No. But he can control parts of it, like making storms. Technically, he can also use water vapor from clouds as a weapon or whatnot. As well as water vapor in general. Since water vapor is always in the atmosphere, itā€™s always an available option. Theoretically, Percy can congeal water vapor into the object that he wants it to be.Ā 
The Ground
Though Percy did not inherit Poseidonā€™s earthquake abilities (I wish he did), he can still control aspects of the ground. In Blood of Olympus, Percy is shown to summon a pebble from the river, since itā€™s covered in water. Therefore, if anything is covered in water, Percy can summon it from the ground. Like pelting someone with wet sand, which would be odd but still effective, since wet sand is dense enough. So, if something on the ground contains water, he can control it.Ā 
No, Iā€™m not talking about the ocean. Iā€™m talking about liquids that contain water. Percy, as shown in pages 362-363 of House of Hades, can control poison, since poison contains water. Percy can also control acids, since acids contain water. Without water, acids cannot release hydrogen ions, therefore rendering the acid useless.Ā 
Percy cannot control anhydrous liquids, though there are few. An example of one would be mercury. But an anhydrous liquid can be formed varying on conditions, like how itā€™s stored, if it has a pure form (like metals), if it is exposed to moisture, and so on. So, all in all, Percy can control just about any liquid.Ā 
Of course, this could either be very stupid or very deadly, like Percy shooting hand sanitizer at someone (due to the water in the alcohol) or a corrosive liquid like sulfuric acid.Ā 
In summary, everything is Percy Jacksonā€™s domain. The ground, the sky, the sea, and anything with water in it. Heā€™s extremely powerful and no-doubt the most powerful demigod in the series. That isnā€™t arguable. I believe that currently, Percy hasnā€™t reached his full potential yet, since heā€™s only utilized a limited amount of his broad spectrum of abilities.Ā 
On a side note, I am a bit disappointed that he canā€™t cause earthquakes. I think that would be very interesting to see.
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hibiscusspunweb Ā· 1 month
Three tracks in ONE day
Drake write your obituary
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hibiscusspunweb Ā· 1 month
choosing the bear because at least the bear will leave my body alone
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hibiscusspunweb Ā· 1 month
My brain has blocked out Jason and Caleo. Like, no, Jason is still alive and healthy, and Caleo are friends??
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hibiscusspunweb Ā· 1 month
ā€œSon of Neptuneā€ is such a cold title for a person. Like, that sounds like someone who can clock somebody in 3 milliseconds flat. Anyways.
The fact that gods, monsters, and any other deity or opponent refers to Percy as Perseus Jackson. Thatā€™s because names hold power, and how every titan has a nickname, or giant, divine deity. The name ā€œPercy Jacksonā€ holds power.
Also, Perseus means destroyer or to destroy and thatā€™s a fact I found interesting.
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hibiscusspunweb Ā· 1 month
PERSEUS MEANS DESTROYERšŸ—£ļøšŸ—£ļøā€¼ļøā€¼ļø
i lowkey forget that percy's full name is perseus. and like. that name goes so hard. because it just sounds like this mf could kick your ass. like imagine you're a junior in high school and your teacher introduces a new student by the name of 'perseus jackson'. and before you even raise your head to look at the guy. you just know this mf could clock you.
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hibiscusspunweb Ā· 2 months
I keep on imaging Dark! Percy as Anakin (minus the Padme thing)
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