him-first · 6 months
loving people is beautiful when you view love through the lens of Christ. a love that gives sacrificially and chooses to stay when others choose to leave. a love that looks past the brokenness and sees a child of God.
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him-first · 8 months
a gentle reminder for those who are doubting: you are still loved. even after all your mishaps and mistakes, you are still loved. even though all the voices in your head are telling you otherwise, you are still loved. the darkness may seem never-ending, but you are still loved. you will make it through by God's supernatural strength and grace. praying for you, friend. you are still loved.
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him-first · 8 months
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him-first · 8 months
God never promised that this life would be easy. but he did promise to walk with us and hold us when things get hard. he is a God of the mountaintop and the valley. he desires for us to turn to him when this world leaves us broken and confused. he is for you, not against you.
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him-first · 8 months
bible verses to help you get through this semester:
"My sadness has worn me out. Give me strength as you have promised." - Psalm 119:28
"But I will sing about your strength. I will rejoice in your love every morning. You have been my place of safety, the place I can run to when troubles come." - Psalm 59:16
"The Lord gives me strength and protects me. He has saved me. He is my God, I will praise him. He is my father’s God, and I will honor him." - Exodus 15:2
"He gives strength to those who are tired. He gives power to those who are weak." - Isaiah 40:29
"Yes, I am glad to have weaknesses if they are for Christ. I am glad to be insulted and have hard times. I am glad when I am persecuted and have problems, because it is when I am weak that I am really strong." - 2 Corinthians 12:10
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him-first · 8 months
never take for granted the many ways God shows up for you personally. God is in the details of your everyday life. there are instances, moments, and situations that are gentle hugs from God reminding us that he is with us. he is always faithful & you are never truly alone.
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him-first · 10 months
just a reminder that our God is a God who sees. he sees every tear that trickles down our face, every heartbreak we endure, every challenge we face, and holds us through it all. our pain is not foreign to him.
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him-first · 11 months
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him-first · 11 months
I am a firm believer that happiness is not the same as joy.
happiness is dependent on the circumstances one is in. it is dependent on the things one does or does not have.
but joy is not dependent on the circumstances it is in. it is not dependent on the things it does or does not have.
on the contrary, joy looks at it's current circumstance and learns to be grateful. joy does not envy what others have or even covet the things it wished it did have.
happiness is based on feeling.
joy is based on God.
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him-first · 11 months
a gentle reminder for all the believers out there: don't believe the lie that you are too far gone for God to reach you again. remember where & who you were before God. if he thought you were too much for him, if he thought you had strayed too far, then he wouldn't have reached out and saved you. what makes you believe it is any different this time around? the truth is: if you weren't too far gone without God, you aren't too far gone with God. he still loves you.
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him-first · 1 year
reminder: it's okay if it still hurts after all this time. you can't force yourself to be where you expected yourself to be by now. healing takes time, grace, patience, & God's supernatural strength.
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him-first · 1 year
no amount of failed, broken, or unhealthy relationships will ever truly fill the hole that's in your heart. the only One who will never fail you, hurt you, or abandon you is Jesus. I know it's easier to cling to what has become familiar to you, but it is slowly ripping you apart. you deserve better. you deserve healing. you deserve a relationship that mends you & gives you peace. no earthly relationship can do that. only Jesus can.
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him-first · 1 year
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him-first · 1 year
reminder: only God can change your heart. no one else can.
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him-first · 1 year
there is a divine purpose for every situation we find ourselves in. some situations are meant to grow a part of our character God is still developing. some situations are meant to show us that what God has for us is better than what we refuse to let go of. but ultimately, every situation is meant to guide us closer to The Father, the Healer of our souls and the Provider of our every need.
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him-first · 1 year
there is a difference between opening your bible in order to intentionally spend time with God & opening your bible in order to check it off your to-do list. there is a difference in heart posture. one is in a posture of surrender & self-denial while the other is in a posture of selfishness & apathy. where is your heart today, friend? remember: there is grace for you
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him-first · 1 year
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