iamirish · 5 days
"Promise?" Joost Klein x fem!reader
A/n: okay I know I said I was going to be writing part two of the other story but I got sidetracked and wrote this instead. Don't worry, there will still be a part 2 of the other one some time this week though!! Also I didn't properly proof read this so sorry if its shit 😭 (also schat means like babe in Dutch)
Context: Just for this specific story Joost is 22 and your 21. This is like when he had that black and white clown makeup on and he looked so good 😻
Warnings: kissing, cursing and nothing else!!
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I pulled up to the sketchy looking building with my car packed full of makeup supplies. I was hired to do some performers makeup, apparently he's quite big but they didn't tell me his name. I went over to the back door I was instructed to go to in the message they sent me, and knocked on it. A small women opened the door. She was holding a clipboard and seemed quite tense. I gave her a small smile as I said "Hi! Um I'm here for makeup?" She looked at me and then in a monotone voice said "yeah okay, go down that corridor, second door on the left". Even though I thought she was rude I nodded and thanked her before setting off down the hallway. When I reached the door I tapped on it again and said "makeup!". I waited for a moment before I heard a deep voice with a Dutch accent shout "come in!".
I walked in and as soon as I saw him I froze. It was my ex boyfriend from high school, Joost. I should've known as soon as I heard that voice. He was looking down at his phone, sitting in the makeup chair when he turned to look at me. A smirk spread across his face as he said in a snarky tone "Well look at who it is. Did you miss me y/n. Its only been hmmm let's see...5 years since we last met". I rolled my eyes before saying "Oh get over yourself already, you're just as cocky and arrogant as you were back then I see". I wanted nothing more than to just walk out of there and leave, but I really needed this money right now.
As he sat in the chair I began to paint his face completely white. It was awkward, and I felt a need to break the silence so I said in a low voice "so, after all these years your dream of being a music artist really came true, huh?". He laughed softly a little before he shrugged and said "I guess so.....". He then jokingly said in a stupid, cocky voice "I'm just too cool and famous to talk to you now". As he joked, he quickly turned his head away and held his hand up. When he pulled up his hand he accidentally hit the makeup sponge covered in white face paint and it smudged across my cheek and on the bottom corner of my lips. He looked at me and then we both burst out laughing.
He then turned to look at me as I sat close and directly in front of him. He studied my face a bit more intently before lifting up my chin with his fingers and wiping the paint off my lips with his thumb. As he just about finished wiping it off he said "and...there..its gone now". I turned away as I felt my cheeks flush red with embarrassment before I turned back to him and quietly said "thanks....".
I thought it was strange. I had only remembered Joost as this arrogant douche bag, but I forgot that in small intimate moments he could be so sweet. Joost and I had dated for just over a year in high school. I had come to The Netherlands as an exchange student and I immediately took to the cute blond guy in the year above me. Sure he was a dickhead sometimes, but he really was just a sweetheart deep down. I broke up with him after an argument we had over something so stupid I can't even remember now. The next week I moved back to my home country and we never spoke again. Even though the relationship didn't last that long, I always thought of Joost and it seems that he thought of me too after all those years.
After I finished his white facepaint, I began to do the black paint around his eyes. I tried to do the details but I just couldn't get it right in this position. I then instructed him to go and sit on the sofa and lean his head back as I kneeled on the cushion beside him. I still just couldn't get it right. I kept awkwardly leaning over him trying to get it right before he got fed up and said in a cocky tone with a smirk "Oh come on, don't be shy sweetheart, just sit on my lap. It's nothing you haven't done before". I rolled my eyes and reluctantly gave in as I said "fine" in a frustrated tone. I put one knee either side of his legs as I pulled his chin down and finally got the details of the eye makeup right. He chuckled a little to himself as I held his chin and finished up the final parts of the look. As I had a focused look on my face I said to him "what's so funny?". He grinned as he opened his eyes to look at me and said "You're acting as if you aren't enjoying this right now schat". I blushed brightly again. I hated how well he knew me. I said in a small, annoyed voice "Oh shut up....".
When I had finally finished I dabbed his face one more time before leaning back to admire my work. I then said to him "okay your all done! Youre on stage in like 15 minutes now anyway". He thanked me before I began to get up off his lap. I then felt his hand grab my waist as he said in a desperate almost pleading tone "wait....please just stay for another minute....". I tried to leave but I just couldn't resist those puppy eyes he gave me. I then locked eyes with him as I said "okay...I'll wait..". Tension lingered in the air for a moment before I thought to myself "fuck it". I then cupped his face with one hand as I leaned in a softly yet passionately kissed him. My other hand gently tugged on the back of his hair as he had a comforting grip on my waist. After a few moments I pulled away and took a breath. We both looked at eachother before laughing. Neither of us could never be serious. I then sighed and said "okay you've really got to go now Joost". He groaned before softly saying "fine...but just promise me one thing. Please don't leave again. I thought about you everyday for those years you were gone. I can't lose you again....". I smiled gently at him before saying in a gentle tone "okay...I promise...". I kissed him on the cheek one last time before signalling to him that he had to go. As he got up to leave I noticed that my red lipstick had left stains on his lips and cheek. "Shit! Do you want me to quickly fix it?" I nervously asked. He laughed as he smirked at me and said "nah I like it".
A/n: omg this is probably the longest one I've written yet wow. Also if anyone wants to be tagged in part two of the other story when I write it lmk!! 🫶
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iamirish · 6 days
Hi there! My name is Sarah and I just starting writing fairly recently. I am fully Irish, and I've lived here my whole life!
I mainly write about Joost Klein but I take any requests and if I know who they are I will try my best! My writing may not be the best right now as I've only started, but I hope to get better over time :)
My boundaries:
I dont write smut and I never will, sorry! The most I'll ever write is making out or maybe I might imply that something happened.
No weird shit about piss or whatever, idk some people out here are freaks
If I don't feel like writing for a while, I won't write. Y'all will have to wait, my wellbeing always comes first!
Anyways, I really appreciate the support I've gotten so far, it's been really encouraging for me to see people like my random posts! Part two of my Joost x reader story "Goodluck!" will be out some time this week so yayay thanks guys 🫶
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iamirish · 6 days
"Goodluck!" Joost Klein x fem!reader
A/n: This is going to be part one of a small series I'm going to make just about Joost x female eurovision contestant. This is super short because I had no time but I had the idea for this series and I just had to start it!! (I promise it will get more interesting, I had to start it somewhere though 😭) Oh and this is one is technically gender neutral, but it will become more x fem as these parts go on, sorry!
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I was at the rehearsal for the grand final of eurovision. I was backstage stretching and mentally prepping myself for when it was my turn to go on for a full rehearsal on the big stage. As I sat backstage I could hear the sound of The Dutch contestants song "Europapa" coming from the stage. I nodded my head to the beat and hummed along to the catchy chorus of the song. When I heard the outro of the song I could hear the emotion in the singer, Joost's, voice. I might not of understood what he was saying, but I could tell it meant alot to him.
I was up next onto the stage for my final rehearsal. I was about to get my mic on when I saw Joost walking off the stage where I was about to come on. I saw him wipe away a tear and sniffle a little. Me and Joost hadn't talked at all, but we had previously exchanged a few friendly smiles and glances at the semi-finals.
As he was walking by me, I turned towards him and said in a friendly yet soft tone with a kind smile "Hey, are you okay? I heard you from back here and you were amazing". He gave me small, grateful smile as he said "Oh, thank you! I'm okay, it's just the end gets me worked up sometimes....". The staff signalled to me that is was time to go on stage but I made them wait as I quickly said to Joost in a rushed voice with a gentle smile "I get that....I've really gotta go on now, but you were great out there!". As I waved goodbye to him and ran on stage, I heard him shout a quick "Good luck!". I smiled to myself as I began my performance, thinking about the quick interaction I just had with Joost, the cute Dutch contestant. Maybe I could try and chat to him more after rehearsals......
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iamirish · 11 days
Hi there! I'm taking a break for just over a week now bc I have exams starting tomorrow. I might post one or two short Joost oneshots here and there but nothing major until later next week. Thank you so much for all the support so far, I really appreciate it!!
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iamirish · 13 days
Joost Klein × Reader
Cuddling in Bed
A/n: I just really quickly wrote this one-shot because I had some spare time. It might be shit but oh well! This one is also Gender neutral!! I am also aware that English is mainly spoken here in Ireland, but readers family grew up speaking Irish.
*Introduction: Joost and reader have been dating since a few months before Eurovision started. They are both representing their own countries (The Netherlands and Ireland). They are now relaxing in Joost's hotel room after a long day.*
The quiet buzz of the TV could be heard in the background as I lay with my head on Joost's chest in his arms in his bed. These days, with all the craziness of Eurovision it was rare to have these little moments of peace together, so I made sure to cherish every second.
It was late and we were both exhausted from the long day of rehearsals we had just had. I looked up at him with tired eyes and softly said "Joost, tá a fhios agat, is breá liom a bheith thart timpeall ort." (Joost, you know, I really love being around you). He looked down at me and raised an eyebrow in confusion. "Huh?" He responded with a soft smile but a confused look on his face.
I laughed a little realising that I wasn't speaking English. When I was tired, I always spoke in Irish instead by accident. I then smiled up at him and said "Sorry babe I keep doing that....anyway I meant, I love being around you." He laughed a little aswell as I explained and in response he gently spoke and said "Ahh now I understand. I must study up on my Irish, eh? You understand so much of my Dutch y/n, it's about time I start learning some more Irish."
I smiled widely back at him. I was so happy that he was really willing to learn my native language for me. To be fair, I do know a good amount of Dutch and he knows barely any Irish. I reached up and kissed him on the cheek before saying "I'd really like that, thank you milséan." (Sweetheart). He reached down and lazily brushed my lips with his before softly responding with "Anything for you schat." (Darling).
A/n: Some translations might not be exact because some English words simply just don't exist in Irish and I don't actually speak Dutch so apologies if they aren't correct!! Hope you all like this 🫶 (Again, I've only started writing so tips and feedback is greatly appreciated!!)
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iamirish · 14 days
maybe just reader and joost being extra clingy with eachother (while still being besties) and apson, ski aggu and more of joosts friends posting them on their socials? and the people in the comments shipping them
Oooo I really like this idea! I have a few others I working on at the moment so I'm going to try write it soon. Im really busy with exams atm so I won't be posting anything for a week or so but I'll try my best to get this out soon!
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iamirish · 15 days
Hi there! I'm new to writing and I'm pretty much stuck for ideas so if anyone has requests please let me know!! I mainly will write x female reader and fluff but I take other requests too. Please send me Joost requests!!
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iamirish · 15 days
Telling Joost that you are pregnant!
Joost Klein x female reader!
A/n: Just for context there will be a few words/sentences of Dutch and Irish in this, but the translations are in brackets. Also this is my first time ever writing so sorry if its terrible 😭
* Introduction!! Joost finds out you are pregnant. You two met when you were representing Ireland in the eurovision and he was representing The Netherlands. You two have been dating for about a year since then.*
My hands were planted on the cold bathroom counter as I looked down at the pregnancy test I had just taken. It had come back positive. I was confused about how I felt about the whole situation. I looked up at myself in the mirror and wiped away the tears in my eyes. My main worry was how would Joost react. We had never discussed about having kids before.
I then heard a soft tap on the bathroom door and a thick Dutch accent softly spoke and said "Can I come in?". I quickly wiped my eyes again and sniffled before saying "yeah you can come in". I shoved the test into my pocket before he came in. As he walked in he had a concerned look on his face. He held my hand and softly said "You look like you've been crying, is everything ok, mijn liefje?" (My love). I nodded before quietly saying "I'm alright....I need to tell you something but you have to promise not to be mad." He gave me a soft smile before gently saying "I pinky promise." as he interlocked our pinky fingers. I gave a small giggle before taking a breath.
It took moment before I just blurted it out "I....I'm pregnant Joost." I looked down at the ground as I felt more tears sting my eyes and handed him the positive test. He looked down at the test in his hand. I then felt Joost lift up my chin so I was looking at him. "Y/n, look at me." I then realised that he wasn't mad or upset, he was actually grinning. He then lifted me up and spun me around in a bear hug before before placing me back down to sit on the edge of our bed and cupping my face in his hands. He also leaned his forehead against mine. I could smell the cigarettes on his breath as he softly spoke and said "Schat, this is amazing news." (Babe)
As he noticed my off put demeanour he pulled away and held my hand as he raised his eyebrow and said "Unless you don't agree, no? Whatever you want to do, I'll support you, okay mijn liefje?" I looked at him and smiled softly and said "No, of course I think its great! I just wasn't expecting to be parents so soon, you know?" He nodded saying that he understood. He grinned again and pulled me into another tight hug as he kissed my forehead. I then whispered into his ear "Is bréa liom tú, Joost." (I love you, Joost). He softly kissed me on the lips before brushing my cheek with his thumb and saying "Ik hou ook van jou liefje." (I love you too darling).
A/n: Again, this was my first time ever writing so I hope anyone who reads this likes it!! I think I'm going to write another about him being a parent in a bit aswell.
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