icubed · 1 year
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icubed · 1 year
Master Grimbender's Necromancer dungeon reviews
Average rating: ⭐⭐⭐ 3/5
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💎 Danethehero
⭐⭐ 2/5
Barely any loot, too many skeletons, final boss way too easy
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🦇 Bat beast
⭐⭐⭐⭐ 4/5
Many dark place to sleep... Many bug to eat.. Very good very good.. Wish bone people were more quiet.. 4 Star.
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💀 Skeleton8448576
⭐ 1/5
Master Grimbender doesn't pay us and our provided weapons are insufficient. Cobwebs in my ribs all the time. Don't work here, serve a witch instead
Response from the owner
Rusty swords are the standard weapon for skeletons across all dungeons. If you had such an issue with your provided weapons you should have taken it up with the Necromancers Council
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🕷️ Spider
⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ 5/5
This place fucking rules I love crevices
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icubed · 1 year
...ngl, the fact that ADD and ADHD got condensed into ADHD when the hyperactivity specifically is part of the reason so many girls were simply not diagnosed drives me up the wall.
It's not that the whole name isn't bullshit, because it is. It describes the way people outside of our experience perceive us, as opposed to the difficulties that are part of our lived experience. Even from an outside standpoint, it's recognizable that "deficit" is not always the issue with our attention... but that's beside the point.
When psychiatrists noticed that ADD and ADHD were basically the same thing... they chose to favor the typical male presentation in the literal naming of the condition, and in doing so condemned a generation of girls (and other afab people) to suffer through being told they're so smart, they just don't apply themselves enough, that it's a personal failing they can't regularly turn in homework, that they're lazy for waiting until the last minute to work on an assignment... because those girls weren't hyperactive. Those girls just kind of drifted off and daydreamed in classes. Those girls doodled or wrote stories all through their school years, and functioned measurably worse when a teacher noticed they were doing that and tried to stop them. Those girls are now so many of my adult friends who are now being diagnosed with ADHD as adults, because the hyperactive part of the diagnosis almost solely applies to children (CHILDREN, when, I might note, this is a lifelong condition) who are socialized male.
We need a whole other name for the condition, because attention deficit is not our problem at all. But my god, the hyperactivity part actually ruined my life for so many years, because I had no way to explain to my dad why it physically hurt me to be bored, why I had to read or write or doodle in class in order to keep my focus, why I excelled in tests but failed at homework so my grades sucked because of that. No one even considered I might have ADHD, all through my childhood, but earlier this year I had the opportunity to go through all my grade school reports, and they could not be MORE CLEARLY talking about a child with ADHD. "Pleasure to have in class", "assignments not complete", "does not pay attention in class", "Birdie is a highly intelligent child with specific and unique needs" (I would LOVE more follow-up on that one, from third grade, do not have it). But I was a quiet and reserved child, so obviously I couldn't have ADHD.
I'm legitimately angry about it in retrospect. I went off my Adderall for a couple months recently, as an adult who only started taking Adderall as an adult, and it completely fucked up my ability to function. For years I was just out there as a teenager struggling through high school and college entirely unmedicated because as a child I was too withdrawn to be diagnosed. Fucking wild and also infuriating.
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icubed · 1 year
See why would I kill myself when I could instead melt into a sticky goo and casually seep into the abyss.
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icubed · 1 year
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Seen a couple posts on the dashboard lately about writing with ADHD. So, for the ADHD and neurodivergent folks who like writing but struggle sometimes… check out StimuWrite.
You can set it to make little sounds as you type (or leave them off), and emojis pop up in the corner. You can change the background, dark and light themes, set your word goal, and it gives you a percentage and total word count at the bottom. Though it’s more meant for getting a draft written up, so it doesn’t have spell check or anything like that. You’re meant to just copy and past what you write here into Google Docs or Word or Scrivener or whatever else you use and go from there. Honestly love it when I’m struggling to get words down, though. And apparently there’s an update now for StimuWrite 2?👀
Anyways, give it a try if it looks like it may help. It’s currently name-your-own-price.
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icubed · 1 year
Clan Briefs
as written by Storm
The 13 clans:
Here is a list of the 7 clans who are part of the Camarilla (nerdy rule-followers):
-Banu Haqim: dagger dagger dagger. Formerly known as Assasmites, The Children of Haqim are a cult of assassins located in the mountain fortress of Alamut in the middle east. Descended from Caine's judge, the Assamites accept assassination contracts against vampires while fulfilling their clan's own (more obscure) goals. The Assamites are practically a sect unto themselves, with three castes, each of which has its own weakness.
-Malkavian: cheshire cat meets a clockwork orange. The Malkavians are a clan of Vampires with their ranks filled with those perceived to be mentally ill, afflicted with a strange madness which varies between individuals. This doesn't mean that they aren't also insightful and highly intelligent, but they are controlled by their own variant of madness from the moment of their Embrace, some showing signs of previous traumas from their life as Kine. -Nosferatu: if sewer rats had human forms. Nosferatu are hideously deformed by their Embrace and every Nosferatu is horrifyingly ugly. Eschewing other Vampires, they live in sewers and generally keep to themselves. Nosferatu are information brokers par excellence. Since the Gangrel left the Camarilla, the Nosferatu have shown that they are physically capable as enforcers and assassins in their place, cementing their place as invaluable. While they most are apart of a Camarilla on the whole, they put clan over sect, protecting non-Camarilla Nosferatu from threats that'd expose them and vice versa.
-Toreador: france. basically france. The Toreador are obsessed with art and beauty, and are the clan that spends the most time around humanity. Toreador tend to get lost in art, becoming enraptured by beautiful things. This love of beautiful things sometimes is their downfall as they become obsessive of their desired beauty including in some fatal cases, the sun itself.
-Tremere: blood. blood is good. no wait, that's too much blood. aaaaa help. The Tremere are a Hermetic order (magic dudes) who turned themselves into vampires to preserve their magic. It didn't quite work out as planned. Since the 11th century, the Tremere have risen from outcasts to one of the pillars of Camarilla society. Tremere are the most powerful practitioners of the Discipline of Thaumaturgy, but are also tightly bound to their highly organized and incredibly paranoid clan. Only the original house of Tremere remains loyal to the Camarilla with three other major houses appearing throughout the world. -Ventrue: bick dig energy. The Clan Of Kings. The Ventrue are the leaders of the Camarilla. They are businessmen, aristocrats, monarchs, captains of industry, crime leaders and tend to occupy any other position where control, social status and power are required. They are the clan from whom the majority of Princes come. Ventrue are careful to whom they Embrace and who they feed from: every Ventrue feeds exclusively from a specific type of prey.
-Lasombra: edgy edgelords of the edgiest vampire world. The former leaders of the Sabbat, the Lasombra slew their own Antediluvian during the Anarch Revolt and then led the Sabbat against the Camarilla. The Lasombra are elegant, powerful, cruel and predatory espousers of a social darwinist approach towards control and leadership. The Lasombra are also masters of shadow, able to manipulate darkness in bizarre fashions; this power has a cost, however, as Lasombra cast no reflections. In the mid 2010s they sought accord with the Camarilla and joined their ranks.
Sabbat Clans (freaky rule-breakers):
-Tzimisce: gross. Baby barf. The Tzimisce hail from Eastern Europe, and are the former absolute masters of their nightmare domains. The Tzimisce are the least human vampires, casually cruel and more than a little mad, and possessing the most potent shapeshifting powers of any Vampire. Tzimisce can shift not only their shape, but mold flesh and bone like it was clay. The Tzimisce crave stability - they cannot find peace at night without some of their grave earth. Lol losers.
Anarch Movement (cool rule-breakers):
-Brujah: wreck-it rafael. Originally warrior-philosophers, the Brujah are now petty rebels, roughnecks and political activists. The Brujah are powerful combatants and charismatic speakers, but are more prone to succumbing to frenzy. A notable number lead the Anarch movement but there are still those who cling to the Camarilla or are independent.
-The Ministry: i didn't even know this was a thing?? Formerly known as Followers of Set or Setites, the original Setites were a Gnostic cult dedicated to overthrowing the rule of the tyrant gods who oppress all creatures. Though in the Mid 2010s they re-branded into the Ministry, making it about religion of self with Set being said to exist inside each of his followers. They are still seen as creatures of Darkness, and light does even more damage to them. Fucking weird.
Independent Clans (anti-social weirdos):
-Giovanni: undead incest is not wincest. The Giovanni are a clan of Venetian businessmen and necromancers who entered the scene in the 15th century; originally an offset of the more sedate Cappadocians (old forgotten vampire clan obsessed with death/necromancy I think), Augustus Giovanni diablerized his sire and purged the clan of all Cappadocians. Since that time, the Giovanni have become a very rich, powerful and incestuously twisted family with tentacles throughout the world. The Giovanni do not feed lightly - Feeding is a nightmare for their Vessels, causing excess damage and intense pain as oppose to the erotic ecstasy of the Kiss. At the beginning of the second inquisition they were nearly slaughtered and forced to retreat to their homelands.
-Ravnos: don’t judge a book by its cover. unless the book doesn't exist. The Ravnos are Vampires from the Indian subcontinent, where they are engaged in a genocidal war with India's Cathayans (Cathayan is a term often employed by western vampires to refer to the Kuei-Jin, the so-called asian vampires. The word is borrowed from the classic name for China, "Cathay"). The first Ravnos seen in the west were Romani and were generally assumed to be charlatans and rogues; however, the Ravnos adhere to a complex philosophy of enlightenment through destroying Maya. Each Ravnos has a vice, from gambling to plagiarism. During the week of nightmares, they were nearly wiped out by their own Antediluvian. The few that remain stay hidden, even from other Kindred.
-Gangrel: the cool kids table. The Gangrel are nomadic vampires and the only ones who regularly travel outside of cities. The Gangrel are also shape-shifters with the Discipline of Protean, which has left them with a tendency to acquire animal features as they frenzy. Since the late 1990s, they've become largely independent though a number have joined the Anarchs and very few remained within the Camarilla's circles.
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icubed · 1 year
Kazz's Vampire the Masquerade Clan Playlists Masterpost
Brujah (Spark of the Revolution)
Gangrel (Embrace the Beast)
Lasombra (You Want it Darker)
Nosferatu (Monsters in the Darkness)
Malkavian (out of my/your/our mind)
The Ministry (Give in to Temptation)
Ravnos (Running from Fate)
Toreador (We're the Sexy Ones)
Tremere (That Blood Magic Shit)
Tzimisce (Horrors Beyond Your Wildest Dreams)
Ventrue (Blood, Money and Power)
Thin-Bloods (Is it Really the End of the World?)
Ghouls (I've Tasted Blood and I Want More)
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icubed · 1 year
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Vampire: the Masquerade Fang Fest 2022 - Clan Compulsions
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icubed · 1 year
VTM character concepts that I am compelled to share as they have completely taken over my brain:
1. A fledgling who wakes up after their embrace to an “Alice in Wonderland”-style “unbirthday party” complete with some rather grizzly tea and presents. Their sire is either a Malkavian who genuinely thinks they are doing something nice, or a very twisted Toreador.
2.  A Lasombra antiquarian bookseller who takes sadistic pleasure in charging Tremere vamps OBSCENE amounts of money for rare occult tomes. 3.  A Salubri vampire who consensually feeds from those suffering from chronic pain in order to give them a little relief, unknowingly creating people addicted to the kiss in the process. 4. Nosferatu with a gorgeous voice who posts songs on social media without revealing their face. They are often asked to perform at Elysium, provoking much jealousy from the local Toreador. 5.  A Toreador dominatrix whose art form is torture. They work with the sheriff to “extract” information, and are currently searching for a fiend to teach them fleshcraft. Please feel free to use any of these as my brain continues to sprout characters without actually having chronicles to play them in lol.
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icubed · 1 year
VTM character concepts that I am compelled to share as they have completely taken over my brain: Part 2, Electric Boogaloo!
So since my last VTM character concept post BLEW UP and my brain is once again back on its bullshit, here are some more ideas! As usual, feel free to use these to your heart’s content! I’d love to hear about your characters too, so feel free to message me about them! Now, on to the main event:
1. A Malkavian researcher obsessed with statistics who hunts down “statistical outliers” in order to make sure their data is “pure and untampered with.”
2. A Ventrue who has created an up and coming adult toy empire (pun fully intended). They currently are in the midst of a fierce battle with the local Setites over who can cash in on the pleasure business the most.
3. A Brujah who was a successful athlete pre-embrace. Unable to participate in their sport and driven by extreme bitterness and jealousy, they now strive to turn the public against this particular as a whole by ghouling athletes and ordering them to discover, leak, and in some cases create, scandals. All the while, they rage against the sport they once loved under the thin disguise of false activism.
4. A dance instructor and head of a renowned academy known for producing performers who constantly seem to be breaking the limits of what the human body can do, much to the delight of audiences. What these audiences (and many newer students) don’t know is that this instructor is a Tzimisce and the performers have been carefully tweaked and trained during “private lessons” using a combination of Dominate and Vicissitude. Additionally, the Tzimisce is in search of a prospective childe worthy of being their dance partner, and has been carefully monitoring select students.
5. A Gangrel cryptozoologist who aims to be able to eventually master Protean to the point where they can turn into mythical beasts. 
6. A Gangrel veterinarian who was embraced after attempting to transport what they thought was an injured dog to their hospital, only for it to have actually been their hurt and very annoyed future sire.
7. A fledgling Baali abandoned after their embrace who thinks they are just some weird Caitiff.
8. A Banu Haqim who was traumatized after they were almost diablerized by a Sabbat vamp. Thoroughly disgusted by the practice, they now hunt diablerists, all the while attempting to ignore the cravings and habits of their bloodline.
9. A Hecata “fixer” who makes their living by disposing of bodies, whether turning them to ashes through the use of Oblivion or by adding them to their collection of undead servants.
I’m a little tired, so these are all I have for now, though I plan on dreaming up some more. In the meantime, I hope you enjoy these!
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icubed · 1 year
VtM Clans as things my friends have said
Banu Haqim: well murder is a strong word. I prefer revenge 
Brujah: I’ll make you wish you didn’t have teeth 
Gangrel: It’s non-animal conforming. 
Hecata: she’s putting one foot in the grave but in like a sexy way. 
Lasombra: Google crashed…it couldn’t handle my gayness
Malkavian: What do you do with that information? NOTHING! You sit in the corner of your bed and CRY
Ministry: Do you have any state secrets you’d like to share with the class? 
Nosferatu: I’m buying healthcare with rats 
Ravnos: You know, they’re right, everything is better at 2 am, including ARSON
Salubri: Are you dying?? DIE SLOWER! 
Tremere: Don’t worry I’m a wizard
Toreador: I’m just gonna dance my way out of this situation 
Tzimisce: I know this is a problematic and highly unrealistic body standard but I have the strong desire to turn my entire body inside out 
Ventrue: I’m the KING of dummy bitches, EXcUsE yOu
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icubed · 1 year
Mmmm me after work trying to figure out how to clean my house which is buried in a thick layer of dust, cat fur, and apathy. I’ll do it on the weekend, I say, knowing full well I will binge Persona 5 Royal every work-free breath I get.
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283,000 likes………giant meteor strike the earth rn holy shit. oh my god.
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icubed · 1 year
Neither I or my future husband had ever really kissed before and my parents were hardcore Christian conservatives who banned such carnal things. So we schedule our first kiss in the upstairs guest room of the beach house when we knew everyone would be out. And then we literally just pressed our faces and lips together lmao.
Anyways, we were making out nonstop within, like, a day and 3 years later my mom gave me betrayed pikachu face and had an existential crisis when she learned our engagement kiss wasn’t our first kiss. 🙄
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icubed · 1 year
The fact that the CEO of OceanGate said "at some point, safety is just pure waste" and took some billionaires down to the grave of 1500 people whose deaths were, in large part, due to the hubris and negligence of the ultra wealthy and is stuck there is just shit you can't make up
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icubed · 1 year
Local Foxgirls United On Strike! Be sure to honk to demonstrate your support for them on this Foxgirl Friday! Stand up against management's demands that they stop playing foxgirl tricks, bringing corpses into the office, performing rituals, having rituals backlash, and redirecting the inevitable swarm of toads onto the boss's car. Labor united will never fall, ladies!
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icubed · 1 year
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letter from a mother of a gay man. sent to ONE magazine, 1958.
This post was flagged as adult content and the original poster was deactivated so I'm bringing it back.
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icubed · 1 year
Very Brief Guide to [tumblr], for Reddit refugees
Shit You Must Do Right Fucking Now:
Change your profile picture, blog header, and title to something other than the defaults. Do it right now. You will be mistaken for a bot otherwise, and blocked.
Go into Settings -> Dashboard, scroll down to Preferences, and turn off the options in the picture. This will get rid of most of the algorithmic stuff.
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Turn off Tumblr Live. You have to snooze it once every 7 days for some stupid reason. It's hosted through another company and will steal your data if you use it.
Go to your blog settings (under the little person menu) and turn off these two settings:
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Turn off infinite scroll (lags the site) and turn on timestamps on posts, in the same menu as Preferences.
Basic Features of the Site:
Reblogs drive the entire site. If you'd upvote something on Reddit, you'd reblog it on Tumblr. You can add text, images, or tags to a reblog, but you're not required to.
The dashboard is the equivalent to your Reddit feed, and contains the posts of all the people you follow, with the newest at the top
You can send an ask to someone, and it'll appear in their askbox for them to answer. You can receive them too, or turn off the settings if you don't want.
Tags aren't actually used for finding stuff (search function is dogshit), but are more for categorizing. People also talk in tags. Because Tumblr is weird, you can't use quotation marks (") or commas in them without fucking it up
You can filter both tags and phrases under Account Settings; doing this will put a filter over a post that contains them, which you'll have to click through to see the post itself. Useful for avoiding hate speech or blocking out annoying stuff
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You can make polls in posts. Here's one now.
Likes are useless. They literally do fuck-all except send a notification to the OP.
Stuff Tumblr Does That Other Sites Don't:
Very old posts (I'm talking from like 2012) often circulate on this site. There's no such thing as a post being "too old" to reblog
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You can screenshot someone's tags if you like them and add them to a reblog. This is called "peer review"
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Tumblr jokes often rely on Continuing The Bit and a "yes, and?" attitude. Goncharov is probably the best example of this.
We are fucking infested with bots. They will either have totally blank profiles or be filled with porn. Block and report on sight.
Censorship is pretty lax here. I can say "I want to brutally stab Elon Musk to death and watch him bleed out in front of a crowd" and nobody gives a shit.
General Etiquette:
Don't try to do epic clapbacks here, you'll probably just get laughed at or blocked. If someone is bugging you or spouting bigoted bullshit, block them.
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If someone likes something a LOT, they might reblog it like 30 times in a row. This is normal
Having a post blow up is actually kinda a bad thing, since it floods your notifications. There's a sort of in-joke about how having a big post is awful and people jokingly try to stop their own posts from blowing up, often in vain.
Get XKit Rewritten if you're on desktop, it's a really helpful extension
In the little drop-down menu next to the 'Post now' button you can either save a draft, schedule a post, or add it to your queue. The queue lets you post things in order at a certain interval, which you can change. It's good for spreading stuff out over time.
You can use Shift+R to quickly reblog stuff and Shift+Q to queue!
Filter your notifications under Activity - you can also see some neat graphs
Find each other! If you want your old Reddit communities to stick together, seek out other refugees and follow them.
Have fun on [tumblr], everyone!
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