imagine-chocobros · 7 years
How would they react to a s/o that changes their clothes regardless if the boys are in the room or not
oh me oh my how scANDALOUS
Noctis: “W-Whoa!” he barks out, and immediately throws his jacket at them before turning away. “D-Did you forget I’m in the room?! You could at least warn me before you start changing!” He’s beet red from the utter shock of witnessing that and is still a little jumpy around them for a few minutes after the fact. “You’re not gonna start stripping out of nowhere again, are you?” he’ll tease after, but still be pretty embarrassed about the whole thing, especially if he sees any exposed skin by accident. 
Ignis: He chokes on his drink and nearly spills it all over himself. Ignis slams down whatever book he was trying to read and stands up. “Goodness, could you not at least spare me a warning before doing such things...?” he huffs to himself and tries to fight down his embarrassment before zipping right out of the room. It would be hard to deny that that impulsiveness is endearing, yet utterly unbearable at times...
Gladio: “Hey, hey, hey, is it okay for me to just sit and watch?” he asks half-teasingly, but is still surprised nonetheless at how unexpected the entire sight is. He still averts his gaze out of decency, but grumbles to himself about how difficult they’re making it for him to keep himself together. He’ll ask “Are you done yet?” every ten seconds and probably drive his partner insane. All in all, he isn’t too shocked by it, but would still prefer some sort of warning.
Prompto: Prompto nearly bites his tongue off when clothes start coming off, and he scrambles away from them to start screeching, “T-Time out, stop stop stop, what’re you doing?! It’s gotta be some kind of crime to start changing right in front of your boyfriend, you monster!” He goes bright red and hides his face in his hands until it’s over. “The next time I start changing into my pajamas in front of you, you can’t complain, got it?!”
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imagine-chocobros · 7 years
How about h/c or drabbles of the chocobros taking their child to their first day of school. Would it go smoothly, would there be tears? I love domestic fluff!
oooOOOOOHHH  MY GOSH this is so cute ok bear with me y’all i am going to TA LK,
Noctis: He’s nervous, of course, but he couldn’t be more excited for them. Somewhere deep down he hopes they won’t be ostracized or gawked at for being of royal blood like he was, but he trusts they’ll be fine. He makes sure to hold their hand all the way to their classroom and teach them what the different stop lights mean and how to look both ways before crossing. “Be nice to the other kids, okay? I’ll come to pick you up later.” he tells them as he gives them a big hug in front of their classroom. Chances are the poor kid would feel so nervous to be away from daddy they might cry, in which case he’d pet their hair until it reduces to sniffles before sending them in. 
Ignis: Poor Ignis is more nervous about his child going into kindergarten than they are. He’s drawn up a list of the essentials they’ll need, triple checked their bag, and put their name on everything they own. But he still can’t stop cradling his chin in his hand and tapping his foot restlessly, thinking whenever he has a moment to spare. That morning, he’ll have prepared a perfect breakfast, a perfect lunch box, and done their hair and dressed them immaculately before driving them out. He has faith in his child, but still gives them a lecture on how to be a good student to listen to their teacher. “Be good now, will you?” he sighs, but smiles at them adoringly before they go in the classroom. 
Gladio: He wouldn’t be too worried, and he’s excited to see his child head out into a place where they can meet all sorts of new people and grow. That said, he still gives them a talk on how to be considerate and what to do if anyone is mean to them. He’ll have tucked in his child the night before the big day, giving them a kiss and ruffling their hair. Come morning, he’ll try to get them as pumped for it as possible, picking them up out of their bed in their pajamas and letting them sit on his shoulders as they move from the bedroom, to the kitchen, to the bathroom... He holds their face in his hands before they go into the classroom and gives them a reassuring nod: “You’ve got this. Make me proud!” 
Prompto: Of course, he documents the entire thing in a million pictures of the most mundane things to put up on his wall; to say Prompto is excited for his child is a massive understatement. He’d help get them ready and wake up hours before his child just so he can help to make breakfast and double-check their things before the day. He holds their hand on the way to school and walks with a skip in his step and teaches them songs to sing while waiting for the crossing lights to change. And naturally, when they’re standing together outside the classroom, he takes another picture of them. If they start to cry at the thought of being separated from daddy, Prompto will be in tears too, and... well, it’s just a giant track wreck from there. 
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imagine-chocobros · 7 years
Hello! I am on mobile, and I can't read the rules :/. I don't think this would go against them? But uh, how would the bros react to their s/o being super afraid of the dark? And still needing night lights because of it? (Also if you don't like that one, what about reactions to s/o sleeping with a lot of blankets and pillows? But uh yes, if this is against the rules in any way let me know please!)
oh, no worries! this doesn’t go against any rules at all. c: if mobile users need a link to the rules, i’ll leave one right here! o: thanks for being so considerate ^^
Noctis: He honestly wouldn’t blame his partner for having such a fear of the dark. When he was younger, he’d often feel uneasy sleeping on his own in the dark, too. On nights when his partner can’t sleep, he’ll go into their room and huddle around the night light with them with blankets draped over their shoulders. Then, he’ll do what his dad often used to do for him; making shadow puppets with his hands, or making crystal illusions in front of the lights. It makes the night seem a bit warmer, and he can only hope it helps.
Ignis: Ignis wouldn’t think much of it. He has plenty of things to keep in mind while caring for the others, so at best he thinks of his partner’s fear as just another accommodation to make in order for them to feel safe. He’ll spend a lot of time with them before and during the night, making sure to keep the room bright and to bring them calming teas and warm food. He tries to distract them as best he can, whether it be reading them a story or watching a movie together until they start to get sleepy. He makes sure they fall asleep before he does so he can watch over them properly throughout the night.
Gladio: A sort of protectiveness washes over him, a feeling that he’d felt years ago on nights when Iris would be especially restless. He hadn’t though he’d feel it again, but it’s definitely not an unpleasant surprise when his partner lets him in on their fear. Of course it’s not good that they’re afraid of the dark, but it makes him feel happy to know that he can potentially help them. Like Ignis, he does whatever he can to just distract his partner from thinking too much. He pulls them close to him just to reassure them that he’s there and strokes their hair until they get drowsy.
Prompto: Since he lived alone for the most of his childhood, he knows how it feels to be bothered by the dark, at least until he got used to it. His only real countermeasure to help his partner out on nights they can’t sleep is to stay up until they’re so tired they have to rest. If they aren’t up for movies and relaxing cuddles, he’ll bring out the Twister board and Jenga and Monopoly and go Full Ham until they’re both exhausted and fall asleep together. It’s only until they both wake up half-dead the next morning that Prompto starts to reconsider his not-so-therapeutic plans when his partner should be getting sleep...
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imagine-chocobros · 7 years
Please don't stress yourself too much during your recovery! ; 3 ; if its not a lot of trouble, could I get the chocobros reacting to their s/o (or maybe crush!) falling asleep on their shoulder after a rough hunt? Take care!!!
ahhh thank you so much for your kind wishes!! i’m doing my best to, well, get better ;u;
Noctis: He jumps a little in surprise when he first feels them drop onto his shoulder, but quickly smiles fondly at their sleeping face. He wraps an arm around them and sighs contentedly at feeling their warmth next to him. “Yeah. You worked hard today, huh?” he whispers lovingly to them and strokes their hair. He’ll press a kiss to their hair before quickly drifting off to sleep with them, perfectly at peace. 
Ignis: A tender smile reaches his face without him even realizing it. He keeps an arm around them and gently puts a hand on their head to guide them closer to his chest, as he’d hate for them to wake up complaining about a sore neck. Ignis waits a few more moments, just to make sure they’re asleep, before carrying them to bed. “Rest well,” he whispers before falling asleep next to them.
Gladio: Honestly, in that moment when he sees them sleeping soundly on his shoulder, he just wants to wrap them up in his arms and kiss them. “You’re too cute for your own good,” he murmurs to them. A bit unsure of what else to do, he slowly moves them so that their head is on his lap. This way he can stroke their hair and look at their sleeping face without the overwhelming urge to kiss them. 
Prompto: It would take all of his self-control to not start screaming and wake his partner up by accident. He would, however, take the chance to pull out his phone and snap some pictures of their adorable face (albeit with shaky hands). He sits in shy silence for quite a while, trying to stay as still as possible as to not disturb their sleep, but eventually he would work up the courage to wrap his arms around them and lie down. “I like you so much,” he whispers. 
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imagine-chocobros · 7 years
chocobros try to be romantic by giving their s/o chocolate, but s/o told them they're allergic to chocolate. so instead, s/o will be the one feeding them chocolate
Noctis: “H-Huh? Oh. I, uh... didn’t know.” he visibly deflates once his partner tells him they can’t take the chocolate, and he grumbles to himself, “And after I stressed so much over how to give it to you...” It makes him a little happier to hear them say that they’ll just feed the chocolates to him instead, so he sidles up next to them and pouts a little as they feed him. (He not-so-secretly loves being spoiled by them like this.) “I know it doesn’t really make up for the chocolates, but next time... let’s make cookies together or something.” 
Ignis: He all but drops the box in shock when they awkwardly tell him they can’t eat it. How could he not have known of his partner having such a significant allergy? “I-I apologize! I somehow had no idea you were allergic. Shall I make something else? A cake? Cookies? Perhaps ice cream?” Poor Ignis would feel so bad he’d be rambling on about his knowledge of chocolate-free desserts. He’s still apologizing in between the chocolates his partner feeds him: “This won’t happen again, I promise.”
Gladio: “Oh, shit.” The curse tumbles out of his mouth before he has time to think about restraining it, and he immediately slaps a hand on his face. “For real? And here I thought you’d love these...” He’d offer to take them out shopping for some other chocolate-free Valentine’s treat, but definitely cracks a smile at the sight of his partner feeding him the chocolate. “It ended up going to the wrong person, but I’m guessing you don’t mind.”
Prompto: “W-What?!” he shrieks as the box falls out of his hands. “Oh, jeez, I am so sorry, I had no idea, let’s go shopping for something else right now!” Honestly, he’s more upset at himself for not knowing rather than the time and money he spent to pick out the perfect chocolates. He’s a little teary-eyed from both disappointment and joy while his partner feeds him the chocolate, and he can’t help but give them a tight hug. “It’s okay! This’s the last time this’ll happen!”
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imagine-chocobros · 7 years
What would chocobros do if they're cam chatting with s/o at night, all of a sudden, a black shadow moves behind s/o but they didn't notice because they're busy chatting away. chocobros tells s/o about the black shadow, s/o admits their place is haunted but can't move until they find a place. s/o let's them know they haven't been hurt by it yet but irritated by it cus it keeps them awake most of the time at night.
oh my o: SPOOKY
Noctis: His brow furrows right away, and he’s already out of his seat at their words. “What, for real? Do you wanna stay here for a few days? We can find you a place if you really need one.” Of course, he can’t afford to just leave his partner alone, so he tells them to call him if anything at all seems odd; he’ll come over and beat up the ghost if needed. 
Ignis: Normally he would call the entire thing preposterous, but given there is so much still unknown about daemons and the differing forms they can take, he’s forced to take it seriously. He’s pulling on his jacket as he speaks, “Shall I come to pick you up? You may stay with me until we can find you an appropriate... ghost-free residence.” 
Gladio: He immediately frowns. “That doesn’t sound okay. There’s no telling when it’ll come to get you at some point.” He realizes a bit too late that saying so probably doesn’t help his partner and their irritation. “Hang in there, okay? And call me if anything happens. Anything.” Later he’d also offer to help them find a new place to move to, preferably somewhere close to him.
Prompto: Shivers go down his spine, but he sucks in a breath and forces himself to sound brave. “I-I’ll come over! No ghost is gonna haunt anyone, not on my watch!” He soon shows up at his partner’s doorstep with pajamas, blankets, hot chocolate, and flashlights. He figures that leaving his partner alone would be the worst thing to do right now and tries to take their mind off it.
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imagine-chocobros · 7 years
if you cant find your heating pad, you can also use a long sock full of rice and tied, microwaved for a minute
??? a sock?? MY GOODNESS how inventive?? I’ve never heard of that before! i love rice... if there’s ever a time I can’t find my heating pad (UPDATE: I LOCATED IT HOORAY) I’ll definitely try that out!
thank you so much for your wishes! i’ll do my best to pull through
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imagine-chocobros · 7 years
I really hope your recovery goes well! *big hugs* I'm vacationing in Disneyland but waiting for the Electrical Parade to start... in like 75 minutes lol. Had to stake my claim to a decent spot. And I wondered all day how the chocobros would be in this park...hehe. 😆
Oh hello!! ACCEPTS YOUR HUGS! ohhh man, disneyland?? have a great time, despite my late response ^^; ahhh the chocobros at disneyland... wouldn’t that be adorable?? honestly, why couldn’t all the bros be present at the chocobo moogle carnival... that would have been so cute! 
thank you so much for your wishes ;u; and again, have a wonderful time!
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imagine-chocobros · 7 years
Hello! I came across your blog while browsing the final fantasy xv tag and I just want to say that your writing is absolutely wonderful! I was wondering, how would the Chocobros react when they learned that their S/O's one of the mascot wearers in the Moogle Chocobo Carnival?
OH LMAO that’s so cute!! thank you for your compliment also
Noctis: He first bites his lip to try to keep from laughing when they take off the giant mascot head, but he can’t help it and ends up laughing anyway. “What the hell?! You look ridiculous! How the heck’d you fit into that thing, isn’t it hot?” He’ll feel a little bad for them having to wear the costume for so long, but it’s too amusing to see them have fun with it, so he buys them an ice cream and pulls them away for a break in the shade for a while. also a kiss
Ignis: All he can do is stare at them in a mixture of confusion and awe. Of all places to find his partner, he… was not expecting it to be inside a giant mascot suit. Still, he can’t help but smile at the ridiculousness of it all. “…I reckon you’re having a good day,” he comments half-teasingly. “Must be a bit stuffy, is it not?” He’ll go and buy them a cold drink and maybe redo their hair if they had it back while in the suit. But he absolutely will not dance with them or take a picture, even if it’s his partner. 
Gladio: He can’t help but laugh out loud at them and give them a slap on the back. “Looks like someone’s having fun,” he teases. “Y’know, if you’re getting tired, you could always hand off mascot duty to me.” (...Or so he says, but he’d be too big for the costume anyway.) Before he leaves them to it, he makes sure to get a stupid picture with them in various poses in the full-body suit. Then he makes them take off the head one more time to give them a quick kiss on the lips before ruffling their hair. “Keep at it.”
Prompto: He screams, for two main reasons. One, he had no idea his partner was going to be a mascot and they scared him. Two, they are too goshdarn adorable in that cute mascot suit and oh my god he must take a picture immediately. He totally plays it up, hugging them, screeching, dancing, taking pictures, then buys them an ice cream too and kisses them on the cheek. “Man, am I the luckiest guy alive! To date the best person ever... and to see them in a mascot suit! I’ve been blessed!”
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imagine-chocobros · 7 years
I recommend using a heating pad if the pain becomes to much for you. Don't place it directly on your incision, maybe lie it across your stomach. I borrowed one from a neighbor a few years back and fell in love. I ended up buying one for like 15 dollars and use it all the time. It helps with cramps/bloating/etc.
ohh, that’s a good idea, actually! i’ve only been on pain meds to deal with the soreness, but heat sounds like a good idea now too. maybe i’ll try it tonight while lying down if it gets really unbearable? thanks so much for your advice!
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imagine-chocobros · 7 years
How would they react if their crush walked in on them crying?
uh oh
Noctis: His face and ears immediately go bright red, and he covers his face with his arms to try and hide. “Don’t look over here!” he barks, not meaning to sound so harsh but doing so is his only defense mechanism. He doesn’t want anyone to see him in such a vulnerable, pathetic state, especially the crush he wants to try so hard to impress. “Leave me alone. ...Please,” he weakly begs them, but if they sit next to him anyway he won’t be able to bear it and lean his head on their shoulder. 
Ignis: His entire body jumps when his crush enters the room, as he hadn’t been expecting anyone to catch him at such a pitiful moment of weakness. He coughs and brushes it off the best he can, giving his eyes a quick wipe and pretending they didn’t see anything. “Y-Yes? How may I help you?” However, it would be painfully obvious that he was crying just literal moments before, so he’d drop the facade and quickly excuse himself once more to avoid having his reputation soiled. 
Gladio: He probably wouldn’t be crying very hard when it happens, but still feel a bit embarrassed at having his crush see him at the worst possible moment. “...What are you doing here?” he grunts out before wiping his arm across his face. Though he’s flustered, he still considers opening up to his crush in that moment; if he wants to be with them in the long term, they should know all the sides of him... right? “Come here,” he murmurs, then puts an arm around them. Somehow it feels better already.
Prompto: A gasp leaves him when he first sees them, and he furiously scrubs at his eyes to wipe away all his tears. “N-No, wait, don’t come here yet! Just... give me a second, okay? Ahahaha...” If they come any closer, he’ll just start crying again and open his arms. “S-Sorry... you think I could have a hug?” Of course he’s embarrassed to have his crush see him cry, but honestly, at the moment, he wants their attention and comfort more than anything. 
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imagine-chocobros · 7 years
I really feel for you mate, I had surgery done in October of last year. It was a laparoscopy and the worst part for me was the soreness across my midsection. Getting up and down from my bed was a pain in the arse. 😂 My roommate was kind and bought me a bell to ring if I needed a drink/book/etc from down stairs. Hopefully you recover quickly my friend, the first week after surgery is the worst. 😞 Remember to take it easy and to stay hydrated.
oh man, that sounds awful! (but what a nice roommate you have, ahaha) whenever i go to bed, i basically just pick up my phone, water, meds, and anything else i need and move my turtle shell to my table upstairs! getting up from bed is so bad, i feel you ;n;; it’s already been a little over a week, and i’m definitely getting better, but i just never knew how exhausting recovery could be?? my surgery was a major one that’s left a giant scar down the center of my back, so it hurts to even bend over and do the simplest things... it’s so frustrating ;;
thank you for your words, though! i’ll definitely try to hang in there despite my low energy as of late. (๑و•̀ω•́)و
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imagine-chocobros · 7 years
Ahh.... i seem to have underestimated how tired surgery recovery would make me. I’ve been feeling a bit low for the past few days... would anyone like to come chat with me as I try to do some requests? You can tell me about your day or ask me anything you want to know. It’d just be nice to have a distraction from the constant soreness ;u; 
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imagine-chocobros · 7 years
What would the bros do if their S/O (with a Dandere like personality) would ask them, if they would like to take a bath with her? She wouldn't be that embarrassed but would the bros be? Idk maybe they started dating a few days ago xD (I'm sorry! I hope you understood what I was trying to say >,
OH LOL nah i gotcha! i did have to google what dandere meant though oh my god i swear im Hip & With The Kids Slang
Noctis: He chokes on his spit at their sudden suggestion and has to stop and cough for a few minutes before resorting to messing up his hair as a tension reliever. “U-Uh... don’t you think that’s a little... sudden? I mean, it hasn’t even been that long since we started... um...” His face is very much flushed and his partner might even try to take back the suggestion, to which he bursts out, “No! No, I mean... I... I will... if you really want to.”
Ignis: It would be incredibly difficult to catch the slight blush that creeps up to his cheeks, and he simply coughs and pushes up his glasses. “...I believe it may be too soon for the two of us to engage in such... personal activities. I will, however, ready the bath, towels, and clothing, if you wish.” The way he says it, you wouldn’t even be able to tell he was declining out of shyness.
Gladio: He just blinks. “A bath? You wanna go in together?” Gladio would be surprised at their request, but definitely not in a bad way. If anything, it makes him happy that they feel comfortable around him enough to ask so soon after they just started dating. “I don’t mind, but are you sure the both of us will fit?” he teases. He’s not too flustered at the whole thing and probably tickles them while they’re in the tub. 
Prompto: “H-Huh?!” his jaw drops open and he flares up completely red. “W-Wait, wait wait wait, a bath? Like, with bubbles? You? And me? In the same tub? Are you... are you feeling okay?!” Honestly, he wants to go in with them, he really does, but he knows he won’t be able to control himself if he sees them naked and has to sit in a tub with them. “I... I can’t! It’s too soon! Take a guy out for dinner first, why don’t ya?!” 
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imagine-chocobros · 7 years
How would the boys spend time with their s/o if they knew they were never going to see them again?
oh no ;;; possible tw for death? also slight nsfw i think
When he first finds out their time is limited, he’d definitely be torn up inside between wanting to spend every last minute with them, or distancing himself to keep himself from feeling any more pain. He may try to avoid his partner at first, but eventually cave in (likely involving him running to them crying) and stick by them every single moment he can.
Normally he doesn’t like depending on his royal status to get whatever he wants, but he’d have to make an exception for his s/o. If there’s anything they want to eat, any place they want to go, he will do anything in his power to make sure it happens. If they really have to leave, he’s going to make sure they see and do everything they want to before going. 
He becomes a lot quieter and needier than usual, mostly holding their hand whenever he can and whispering to them how much they mean to him when they’re alone. He tries not to get sentimental, but their eventual departure is just too heavy of a weight on his mind to feel anything else. 
If they haven’t had sex yet, he will probably end up shyly asking them if it would be okay. (If they agree, be prepared for some very heartfelt love-making.) “I… I want to remember everything about you. And… I don’t want you to forget about me, either.” 
As much as he wants to stay as composed as possible, for both the sake of his partner and his own sanity, he still can’t help but cry when he first learns the news. It’s a rare moment of weakness, a painful quietness as he clings to them. He makes promises in his head, mostly about how he’ll never let them go.
He’ll steel himself back up immediately though, and maybe ask Noctis if he can take a break from catering him to spend more time with his partner. (In which case Noctis pretty much shoos Ignis away every time he comes to check on him because Why Isn’t He With His Partner) 
Ignis devotes himself to his partner’s happiness more than ever before, constantly checking up on them and asking if there’s anything they want from him at all. He will completely, 100% seriously do anything they ask of him, no matter how tall the order. All he’ll ask is “Would that make you happy?” and then he’s out of the room. 
He never directly says anything relating to their limited time; it’s an unspoken treaty between him and his partner to save them both the grief. However, near the end, he can’t help but hang tight onto their hand and kiss every part of their face. “…You are all I have ever wanted. Now, tomorrow, and forever. It is only you.”
He takes the news much harder than others may expect. There’s something about the overwhelming hopelessness, the fact that there’s nothing he can do to make his partner stay, that shakes him to the core. He’s so upset about the entire thing that after his silent tears pass, he’ll be found punching things and training to the brink of passing out just to let out his frustrations somehow. 
Gladio definitely wouldn’t want to see his partner in the face of his self-destructive habits, so they would have to seek him out first and talk properly about what they should do. Eventually he’d come to realize that rather than mourning over what he can’t do, he should spend all his time making the rest of his partner’s life the best it can be.
He’ll probably take a break from royal duties and just take his partner around to travel, and see all the sights of the world with them. And it goes without saying that he’ll do anything they ask of him; piggyback rides, amusement park visits, even cooking. 
On the final day, he does nothing but hold his partner tightly and cry, harder than he has in a long while. The way they feel in his arms, the beat of their heart; he can’t bear saying goodbye to all of it. “You’ve... made me stronger. I’m grateful. Grateful I got to live at the same time as you.” 
He cries. He’ll seek out his partner as much as possible and just sob into them. The poor boy has no idea what to do with himself; imagining a future with his partner takes up so much of his time, now that it’s suddenly been cut short, he has to rearrange all of his thoughts. 
On a complete whim, he proposes that they get married, because if he’s going to love someone this deeply and they’re going to go then he needs to at least exchange vows with them. The marriage, of course, would be filled with tears, but he wouldn’t regret a thing. His heart is theirs, even if it’s leaving early. 
As if he doesn’t do so enough already, Prompto’s camera is constantly in his hand whenever he’s with his partner and he’s always taking pictures wherever they go together. He wants to capture everything beautiful about them and put it on his walls and keep it dear to him for the rest of his life. Even if looking at them later would be painful, he needs one good picture of their smile to keep him going. 
Surprisingly, he doesn’t cry much when their time is up. He’s had plenty of time to let it sink in, and even more time to do everything he wanted with them. But when it comes to Prompto and his partner, enough is never enough. He holds their hands and kisses them over and over, never wanting to forget how they feel. “You changed me. Thank you. And... wherever you’re going, I’m always with you. Every step of the way, got it? You can’t get rid of me even if you tried.”
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imagine-chocobros · 7 years
Admin Shiori is ALIVE! (mostly,)
AAAAAAAAAAAAA i’m finally home from the hospital! I’m fine for the most part, just sore and needing to get back to eating and drinking properly, but now that I’m back, be sure to watch out for new posts! I’m glad to be back. c:
On another note, we got a really sudden influx of followers over the duration of my break?? Almost double the amount I had before! What in the world happened, did we get a shout-out?? Well, in any case, I’m not complaining. I hope you all enjoy the blog and its future! 
As a final note, feel free to send in more requests! I was surprised that I didn’t receive any new ones while I was gone LMAO fill that box up! I like having things to do. 
Thanks so much!
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imagine-chocobros · 7 years
Quick announcement!
I’m going to be having a major surgery tomorrow, and I likely won’t be posting for a few days. ;u; I’ll definitely turn out okay (if not a little bit sore), but if I’m not posting, don’t worry! It’ll just be all the pain meds and soreness keeping me at bay. I’d appreciate it if you’d keep me in your thoughts tomorrow! 
Thank you! 
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