isaescribe · 11 months
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isaescribe · 1 year
Whenever I think about my journey in Education, I realize that my path hasn’t been the most conventional. First, I majored in Mass Media Communications during my undergraduate studies, and while I enjoyed my college career and everything that I learned, life had another thing for me, which was taking me from Communications to Education.
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isaescribe · 1 year
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isaescribe · 2 years
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These are a few of my favorite things 🎶 - A Eucalyptus plant - Puerto Rican coffee - My short-story book, Diez tazas de café - My novel, La verdad probably - The best wax and scents by @zenuncreations, an Apple Cinnamon candle Both books are available on Amazon. Link in bio. https://www.instagram.com/p/CiIQsV-L51O/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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isaescribe · 2 years
Anoche soñé que ayudé a un hombre dar a luz. No nos dio tiempo para llegar al hospital, así que dónde estábamos ahí lo ayudé. Actué como si sabía todo lo que debía hacer. Después le enseñé a lactar. Todo fue un éxito.
Imagino que era una persona trans.
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isaescribe · 2 years
Anteanoche soñé que estaba trabajando en un gimnasio acá en los EEUU con un gerente hispano. Otro empleado me preguntó que, por qué con maestría y un libro, terminé trabajando ahí y le dije “I haven’t been lucky”.
Eso sí, los turnos cuando yo estaba (que llegaba de otro trabajo porque tenía 2), el gerente le hablaba a todos en español.
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isaescribe · 2 years
mundane scenes are important.
This is some unconventional writing advice, but here me out, because it's important and I don't see it being talked about enough:
Not every scene you write has to be essential to drive your plot forward. That's it. And your story doesn't need to be at high stakes at all times to be considered interesting, either.
Your scenes, that you include, should always be crucial to your story. Not important. Crucial. So, yes, it is important that your story isn't filled with scenes that don't affect or drive your plot forward, but it is also okay to include scenes in which your characters simply... exist.
Maybe it's not necessary to show your characters at work, signing papers at a desk (unless a dragon comes in and sets fire to the place or they get fired), but it might be necessary to have your characters invite a couple friends over, make some pancakes, and crack some jokes! A scene like that, while it might not contribute much to the overall plot of your story, will help bring life into it!
Giving your audience glimpses into your characters life, not only helps them connect with your characters, but it's a way for them to start caring more deeply about both your characters and the relationship between them.
Your story CANNOT simply be ACTION ACTION ACTION. Yes, it is important for your scenes contribute to your plot, but you can't forget the importance of establishing characters, as well as the world they live in and the dynamics between them!
YOUR PLOT IS ONLY HALF OF IT. If a scene is rendered useless in terms of plot development, but contributes in any way to the development of a character or relationship, it is not useless, nor is it a waste of space!
Learn what it means for a scene to be completely useless and what it means for it to be useful in terms of characterization, worldbuilding or exposition. You don't need to cut those scenes. Every scene has to serve a purpose, but there is a lot of purposes to be served.
So let your characters breathe, even for just a second. There needs to be down time. Otherwise the emotional impact you try to bring upon your audience won't come into play, because they have not been given enough time with your characters to start caring about them.
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isaescribe · 2 years
How to write kids, if you don’t remember being one or haven’t lived with any
1. Kids never feel as small as you see them. A three year old thinks a one year old is a baby and a six year old is grown up. A six year old thinks a three year old is a baby and a twelve year old is an adult. Age is about perspective. One year is a huge age difference to a little kid.
2. Little kids might not be conscious of their physical limitations, but they can still be frustrated by them. A seven year old might see an adult do something relatively simple, like draw a straight line or perfectly crack an egg, and try to do the same thing, only to be frustrated when it doesn’t work.
Imagine suddenly having an injury that makes a skill you use every day become difficult- you feel you should be able to do the thing, and you understand the thing should be easy for you, but it isn’t. It can be immensely frustrating to have a brain that grasps a concept that language or fine motor skills haven’t caught up to.
3. You know when you forget a word, and have to make something up on the fly to describe the word? That’s pretty much exactly what learning your first language is like.
You know what you intend, but you don’t have a way to express it, and it can move you to tears with frustration when everyone around you is suggesting the wrong thing, or seems completely certain they understand what you mean, and they don’t.
You don’t have a word for “Later”? You might try saying “next time”, or, “after”, or, “before tomorrow”.
This might result in saying, “Are we going to the park next time?”, “Are we going to the park before tomorrow?”, or, “Are we going to the park after?”, all of which can result in different answers.
4. Kids feel like adults are a different species. They don’t get why we do certain things, and they don’t understand why we don’t want to run around with them all the time.
If sitting still is boring, coffee tastes bitter, and long conversations only happen with weird-smelling strangers who talk to them like they’re stupid, then they truly will not understand why anyone would *want* to be left to have coffee with a friend without welcome distractions to make it bearable.
Aren’t you bored? You aren’t doing anything. How could you possibly be stimulated without any food or toys or music or anything? Why don’t you just leave? Do you *have* to be there, the way you had to go to work? Adults are weird.
5. Children have complex social relationships that are just as varied as yours.
A room full of third graders might look like indiscriminate chaos to an adult, but pick a well connected kid, and they’ll tell you that Megan is the fashion icon who can do hair really well, Thomas is the athlete, Gray gets mean when he has to share so nobody wants to play with him, Paisley can’t read and the boys make fun of her for it so don’t make her work in a group with Anthony, Dillon put a bug in their food once so they’ll never trust him again, and Matthew’s parents let him watch family guy so he says bad words and makes grown-up jokes that make other kids uncomfortable.
You don’t see this stuff because you aren’t inside the society. They are, and they do.
6. Time. Moves. So. Slow. Five minutes really does feel like half an hour. Sit still for five minutes? That’s like you sitting in a waiting room at the DMV for an hour. Wouldn’t you get annoyed and impatient? They haven’t learned to hide their irritation yet. That’s really the only difference.
7. “Reading in your head” requires understanding that you have a Voice, which people can hear, and Thoughts, which are audible only to yourself. This can be a difficult concept to grasp. If a kid is reading out loud, and you tell them to read quietly, there’s a good chance they’re going to whisper or mouth the words instead of going totally silent the way you might. Splitting the self into multiples like “Internal monologue VS public perception” or “What I look like VS how I think I look” is alien and bizarre. If a kid thinks they look like a Dragon and you laugh at them? Ouch. They might be mad for a while.
8. Repetitive chores make no sense when your awareness of time doesn’t extend beyond a week or so. Why should I wash my blankets? They don’t look dirty and I don’t smell anything bad. Blankets don’t get dirty unless you put dirt on them. If you put a blanket in a washer, you can’t use that blanket AT ALL the ENTIRE TIME it’s being cleaned. That might be an hour, but it will *feel* like a week. And you have to do that every two weeks?? That’s overkill. Why even bother?
9. Kids have opinions about adults. They will have a sense about whether an adult is “real-kind” or “fake-kind”. An adult who listens respectfully to what they have to say, asks thoughtful questions, and takes their concerns seriously? That’s a good adult. An adult that oversimplifies their struggles, ignores their complex social rules, and gives bullshit advice like “just walk away from bullies” and “turn your chores into a fun game”? That’s not a trustworthy adult. That’s an Adult™. An Adult™ doesn’t consider them to be a real human being with thoughts and emotions. An Adult™ sees them as an inferior, amusing pet. And they will actively sabotage An Adult™ like that.
10. Emotions are physical at a young age. Joy might make their body buzz until they can’t help but wiggle or jump around. Sadness might be a huge physical pain in their throat and heart. Everything they experience is still relatively.New to.them, so there is very little frame of reference to decide if this is a “big hurt that will last forever and ever and never go away”, or a “small hurt, that can be fixed easily and won’t matter in five minutes”. If someone lies to them about getting a cookie, that very well might be all the betrayal of your best friend sleeping with your husband.
Fortunately, a child probably won’t be able to burn all your clothes in the yard without your notice.
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isaescribe · 2 years
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Una confesión: Cada vez que me preguntan de qué trata esta novela, la verdad es que casi nunca sé qué contestar. Para algunos, quizás La verdad prohibida trata sobre religión o romance. Para mí, trata sobre café y sobre revelar una verdad. Hace meses no compartía nada sobre este libro. La reacción de los lectores ha sido mayor de lo que esperé positivamente. Sin embargo, luego de releerlo, no estoy completamente satisfecha. Hay muchas cosas que quisiera añadir, eso incluye mayor parte de la historia de trasfondo de Elisa, más sobre el pobre Nicolás, un poco sobre mi querido Guillermo, más iglesias y sobre otras teologías que están surgiendo ahora. ¿Eso es normal? Es mi primera obra publicada y tengo demasiados sentimientos encontrados. Si ya la leíste, ¿cuéntame qué te pareció? Si no la has leído, ¿qué esperas? Ordena tu ejemplar. Versión impresa y digital disponibles en Amazon. #writer #writingcommunity #writerslife #writerslifestyle #writersofinstagram #author #authorsofinstagram #authorslife #authorslifestyle #publishedauthor #publishedauthorsofinstagram #bookshelf #bookshelvesofinstagram #authorconfessions https://www.instagram.com/p/CYUd81LFE6-/?utm_medium=tumblr
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isaescribe · 2 years
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I’m back! I have to admit that 2021 was a great year for me. I published my first book, my family and I bought our first house, my husband launched a Lo-Fi album and a song he had worked on for more than 10 years. Even if it got crappy by the end, last year was a great time indeed. For this year, I have a few more projects in mind, and you can see one of them in my desktop screen. Also, I’ll begin this new year with a new work station. I’m a 100% sure that my husband will be adding more stuff and decorate it better, but I’m happy with what we have done so far. Por un año lleno de proyectos, más libros y mucho, pero mucho café. #desktop #desktopsetup #newyear #amwriting #amplotting #writinglife #writerscommunity #writersofinstagram #writer #officedecor #homeoffice #author #authorsofinstagram #bookwriting #coffee #coffeelover #coffeemug #indoorplants #moneytree #moneytreeplant #guianachestnut #pachiraaquatica #blogger #bilingual #bilingualblogger #ikealover #spanishteacher #spanishblogger #spanishauthor https://www.instagram.com/p/CYR5OXwlFoz/?utm_medium=tumblr
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isaescribe · 2 years
I forget how it feels to shine. My light has gone out.
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isaescribe · 2 years
No me acuerdo de qué soñé anoche.
Al parecer no era importante.
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isaescribe · 2 years
¿Los sueños tienen significado?
¿Por qué sueño entonces tanto con muerte y con dos de mis exes? Nunca he soñado que alguno de los se muere; sin embargo, sí he soñado en varias ocasiones que muero. Una de ellas, fue en un accidente de carro. Otra, que me dispararon por haber visto algo que no debía. Ya saben, estaba en el lugar equivocado en el momento menos indicado. Nada, vi una transacción en un supermercado. Esas personas me siguieron. Me escondí en el almacén, pero de todos modos me encontraron y ahí mismo me mataron.
¿Eso significa algo?
Que alguien me diga.
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isaescribe · 2 years
Sueño de anoche, 5 de diciembre
Por cosas de la vida (ni idea cómo), me hice amiga de una coreana-francesa. Sé que era coreana por su físico y francesa, porque todo lo escribía en francés. Ella vivía en un barrio peligroso con uno de sus padres. En un momento, ella entró a su cuarto y una bala perdida entró por su ventana y la mató. Me sentí muy triste porque era la única amiga que tenía.
Luego de eso, fui a un lugar donde había un niño filipino o vietnamita ayudando al otro niño. El niño #2 tenía la piel gris; el niño #1 le estaba dando como un líquido que le devolvía el color. El niño #1 me dijo que era muy probable que el niño #2 vomitara porque el líquido era muy fuerte. Quien terminó vomitando algo amarillo fui yo.
Sé que soñé varias cosas más, pero esas son las dos partes de las que más me acuerdo.
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isaescribe · 2 years
Sueños peliculosos
Desde que tengo uso de razón, siempre he tenido sueñso extraños. Algunos se han hecho realidad de una manera diferente. Por ejemplo, soñé con la explosión de Capeco, la muerte de una persona que no conocía pero de la que escuché, una persona que se pegó en la lotería, entre otros.
Aparte de esos, también sueño mucho que estoy otra vez en la escuela y no como maestra (mi profesión actual), sino como estudiante. Otros, son proyectos que lleva a cabo el gobierno y nos afectan gravemente.
Muchas veces, mis sueños tienen una consecuencia bien acertada; tanto que parecen películas.
Voy a ver si me animo y los comparto por aquí. Además, a la hora de escribir cuentos, no me llega nada a la imaginación. Quizás use mis sueños para escribir cuentos y tal vez hasta una novela.
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isaescribe · 3 years
“I don’t know how to write. I know how I write. And then the next day, I don’t know again. The not knowing is what makes writing interesting and enjoyable to me.”
— Ottessa Moshfegh
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isaescribe · 3 years
“That’s the thing about books, they let you travel without moving your feet.”
— Jhumpa Lahiri
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