italian-arbys · 1 year
I don't know what I was watching that made YouTube think I needed to be possessed, but clearly SOMETHING about my watch history made them curse me with this:
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I am now spreading the demon to y'all now, I honestly don't need this negativity in my life right now.
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italian-arbys · 2 years
hey if y’all can please donate to the carolina abortion fund. nc is one of few states in the southeast to not currently be planning bans on abortions. we’re gonna be absolutely swamped from people in the southeast seeking safe abortions but there’s only so many people with so much funding that can help. ill reblog with the link.
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italian-arbys · 2 years
every time someone talks about china spying on US americans on tiktok I imagine xi jinping learning about reality shifting and shit
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italian-arbys · 2 years
Considering how depression and other psychiatric conditions can be the main/sole reason someone dies, I have to think and re-think how come able-bodied mentally ill people don't go out of their way to claim the label of "terminally ill" like they try to claim "chronically ill" or "physical disability" either implicitly or explicitly.
I don't think that the argument of those psychiatric diagnoses ≠ a death sentence hold, because it's not at all unheard of for people with terminal diagnoses to either live much longer than they were expected to, or even make a full recovery.
It's not the case of every terminally ill person of course, I'm sure it's a minority that lives much more or makes a full recovery, but if terminally ill people have the common shared experience of those surrounding them insisting that they're not really dying despite the evidence to the contrary, then there's enough awareness that a terminally ill diagnosis ≠ certain immediate death.
So, why do they not go out of their way to hijack the experiences of terminally ill people, like they do with other physical disability and unwellness?
Maybe it's because of the same thing of always; of able-bodied mentally ill people desperately trying to use us in the most selfish and dehumanizing ways in order to legitimize themselves as truly impaired and truly suffering (failing to realize that they themselves delegitimize and dismiss us all the time, as do the rest of able-bodied people), but claiming terminal illness is just too real. That's just too impaired.
They want to portray themselves as genuinely ill (which, again, people don't take chronically ill and otherwise physically disabled people as genuinely ill either but ok lol), but not as too far gone, as they see terminally ill people, because they do want help and resources, which they know society often denies to the ill people who're "too far gone".
They're aware that terminally ill people are seen as entirely disposable once it's accepted that it really is terminal, which isn't convenient to these able-bodied mentally ill people, because they're seeking the compassion and resources they ASSUME non-terminal cripples must get (we do NOT). They want legitimacy as impaired and unwell (which they do deserve jic), but for that they'll only use and hijack those of us from whose association they can benefit.
If it was really about positioning mental illness and other able-bodied neurodivergency as a true disability, then rather than thinking non-terminal cripples must be coddled and legitimized and wanting some of that for themselves, they would make an actual effort to stand in solidarity with ALL physically impaired people, not just those from whom they can leech of, and they would not implicitly show over and over again that they see terminally ill people the same way as everyone else sees them; already dead, too far gone, disposable, a waste of time, energy and resources.
You either want community with all physically disabled people, or you don't.
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italian-arbys · 2 years
i saw the trailer for the new feel-good “anti-racist” US war movie about the carpet bombing of North Korea and started writing up something for this blog, partially inspired by the absolute shit storm i got for sharing that post i made with pictures of everyday life outside pyongyang
and then i gave up, because what’s the point? westerners can’t even handle a single picture of a north korean not looking miserable without screaming propaganda
meanwhile, there are no stories about the horrors of life in the ‘hermit kingdom’ that are deemed too outlandish to be believable. i can’t remember who said it, but it’s like the entire country has taken up permanent residence in the western imaginary as some silly little cartoon villain, where the leaders of the country does evil things for no discernible reason. they’re just silly and evil like that, and the citizens, of course, are silly, too. silly and brainwashed.
i watched a video recently of a tourists visiting an auto dealership in pyongyang, and the entire time he was just gawking at the employees and costumers, shoving his phone in their face, and confidently explaining to his youtube audience that everyone he’s interacting with are actually actors.
what level of dehumanization do you have to reach for that thought to even cross your mind? to think that the people you see before you are actors? that entire cities and shops are erected with to sole purpose that you, a western, will see them and be impressed?
what frustrates me the most is the casual cruelty that seeps into any mention of north korea, no matter how small. if north koreans are not being evil, they’re being silly.
a north korean newspaper reports that a group of archeologists in pyongyang have discovered an old rock carving with the words ‘unicorn lair’ (mistranslated), and the western press reports that north koreans now believe in unicorns.
a tourist at a hotel in hamhung is told by the receptionist to be careful at the beach: the waves can get high. that day the tourists goes to the beach, and there are no waves. she retells the story to her instagram followers, explaining that the poor woman at the hotel could never have seen real waves before because north koreans are probably never allowed to travel.
she adds a little teary-eyed emoji.
one of the cities i included in the post was sariwon, a densely populated city to the south of pyongyang. below are some pictures from its “folk customs street”, which was built to showcase old korean traditions and customs
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here’s all wikipedia has to say about it
Built to display an ideal picture of ancient Korea, it includes buildings in the “historical style” and a collection of ancient Korean cannons. Although it is considered an inaccurate romanticized recreation of an ancient Korean street, it is frequently used as a destination for foreigners on official government tours. Many older style Korean buildings exist in the city.
it’s just north koreans being silly again. there’s no mention of what might motivate them to build a street like that — why the preservation of old customs, culture and architecture might somehow be important for the city
could it perhaps have something to do with how the U.S. air force dropped 635,000 tons of bombs, including 32,557 tons of napalm, over the korean peninsula during the war? the carpet bombings, which are now the topic of an upcoming hollywood movie about overcoming racism through warcrimes, destroyed an estimate of 85% of all buildings in north korea. some cities were entirely wiped off the map.
in sariwon they missed a few buildings, but not many — after an intense firebombing campaign the U.S. military estimated the destruction of sariwon to be at 95%.
none of this is mentioned on the wikipedia page for sariwon.
we destroyed entire cities. memory-holed the entire thing, called it the forgotten war. and now, 70 years later, we’re convincing ourselves that the people living in the ruins are actors.
and somehow the north koreans are the brainwashed ones
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italian-arbys · 2 years
people who are non-confrontational to the point where you can’t address any issue with them because they will immediately ignore the actual conversation and just “give up” in the name of appeasement so nothing actually gets fixed are the actual bane of my existence. yes, there’s so many reasons why someone’s go-to response is automatic appeasement without discussion but as an adult you have a responsibility to be able to communicate and problem solve effectively in your relationships, it can’t always be on the other person to ignore issues for the sake of not putting you through anything that vaguely resembles a confrontation.
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italian-arbys · 2 years
What in the name of Mary Magdeline is this dude saying? Since when was fanfiction a safe place? I don't feel safe around 12 y/o's in a public setting, why would I feel safe on Wattpad? Does my friend reading me a BTS x Lightning McQueen fanfic they found on AO3 sound stress relieving?
i normally wouldn’t touch asks like these with a 90 foot pole but holy shit there is absolutely some new kind of guy in my inbox rn
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italian-arbys · 2 years
Some of u post the most personal shit ever
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italian-arbys · 2 years
like, im a war criminal scoob!
i committed crimes against humanity man!
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italian-arbys · 2 years
Magneto: Are you interested in joining my team of mutants fighting for the end of mutant oppression? :)
A mutant: sure what’s it called?
Magneto: the brotherhood of evil mutants
Mutant: w
Mutant: why’s it called that
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italian-arbys · 2 years
It's not sexual if there's no cooch
they didn’t ban yaoi
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italian-arbys · 2 years
In an effort to make tumblr a safe and family-friendly website, content will no longer be allowed.
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italian-arbys · 2 years
Frankly, I’m concerned less about how the expanded list of blocked tags on iOS is going to impact fandom content and more concerned about how blatant Apple is getting with their horseshit. Like, it’s obvious to anyone with half a brain that the actual aim of banning the word “antisemitism” is to prevent discussion of antisemitism, not to prevent antisemitic content itself, and they’re not even bothering to pretend it’s not. As much as we’d like to believe otherwise, the people behind these policies aren’t stupid; Apple knows they’re creating a walled garden where posting hateful content on social media is more acceptable than pointing out that such content is hateful, and it’s difficult to imagine they’re unaware of exactly who that walled garden is going to end up being most welcoming to.
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italian-arbys · 2 years
Yet again I have been forced into being a fan of another popular anime game franchise by my brother. Normally you don't expect to be forced to watch three movies and have your brother steal your laptop so he can download an emulator for a ps2 game from 2006, all while you practice the tradition of Christmas Chinese Food.
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italian-arbys · 2 years
not sai meeting sasuke for the first time and him mentioning naruto right off the bat just to spite him lmfaoo.
“hi i’m sai-”
“get lost.”
“naruto did the same thing to me.” :(
sasuke looked so shocked HAHA, sai really said “lemme mention your lover real quick, see if that gets you riled up-”
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italian-arbys · 2 years
If Kiana is stuck on the moon forever, do you think Mei would eventually forget her voice and cry over it
weeping why would you say that. yes i do and now i’m in pain thanks
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italian-arbys · 2 years
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That day... you reached out your hand to me
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From the moment I took your hand… my fate changed.
You are the most important person in my life
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If, by any chance, saving you is a sin, then I will gladly become a sinner.
Farewell, Kiana-chan...
Lament of the Fallen, Honkai Impact 3rd (Kiana vs Mei #05)
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