jenngeek · 8 days
My deep dark secret is that if I had to choose between an Amazon continuation of Supernatural or an Amazon continuation of Stargate, i would personally shove Dean Winchester back on the rebar to find out what happened to John Sheppard and i wouldn’t even hesitate.
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jenngeek · 30 days
Radek my love and light
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he is bitching about you in czech
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jenngeek · 1 month
When I was in college, round about 2002 or so, I did a paper on hate groups that necessitated a couple of visits to Stormfront, a white supremacist website and message board. One of the pages on the site was a "children's page" operated by the child of Storrmfront's founder, which was a unique form of horrifying. But I also remember looking at a photo of the kid on the site and thinking, that poor fuckin' kid, what kind of chance did he ever have?
But it was just a paper and that was just a photo of a child I didn't know, so I turned in the paper and graduated and got on with life.
In 2016, @archwrites posted a link to an article by the Washington Post titled "The White Flight of Derek Black" (sorry about the paywall, Arch's post quotes some relevant parts here). I thought it looked like an interesting read: it was about a white supremacist named Derek Black and a group of campus activists at the school Black eventually attended, who set out to see if they could change his mind about race with radical kindness. In large part because of their work, Black eventually renounced white supremacy and became an antiracist.
And then I hit a photo in the article and gasped, because I recognized it. I'd seen the same photo on the Stormfront children's website. The kid I'd seen and pitied was grown up and had gotten out. Immensely satisfying to see.
But it was just a news story about someone I didn't even know, so I posted about how pleased I was to see it, and I got on with life again.
This morning, I woke to the news (sorry, it's the Daily Fail) that R. Derek Black, now 35, has just published a memoir, The Klansman's Son: My Journey from White Nationalism to Antiracism. And in the epilogue, they come out as trans.
I can't imagine better news I could have heard about them -- that they're out, they're thriving, and they're embracing themself.
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Congratulations, kid. It's a great new photo.
[ID: A recent photograph of R. Derek Black, with long curly red hair, wearing a floral collared shirt and a red cardigan, smiling for the camera.]
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jenngeek · 1 month
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jenngeek · 2 months
its rude to reblog things from people you arent mutuals with fyi. :/
💀 my brother in christopher
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jenngeek · 2 months
Alright, I think I like tumblr now.
A pun post crossed my dash, and I reblogged it with an equally bad pun in return. A couple of my followers find it funny, it's a good day for everyone.
That was on July 7th.
Virality on Reddit was entirely algorithmic. You could garner a couple crossposts, but the success of a post was entirely dependent on whether or not it hit r/all--the main page of Reddit. If your post does that, it's immediately exposed to 10x the number of people and immediately gets upvoted.
On my pun post, I get a couple reblogs. And those reblogs get a couple reblogs--nobody really adds any content to the post, it just gets a couple reblogs here and there.
There's a specific chain of reblogs that I'd like to focus on. The most popular post on this chain has about 25 reblogs on it. Half the posts have three reblogs or fewer. Five posts in this chain have just one reblog total.
But the reblog chain keeps going. And going. It breaches containment many times over. And finally, after a chain THIRTY SIX posts long, at 9:30 AM, July 22nd this morning, it hits a popular account.
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99% percent of the people who have seen the post--virtually unchanged from how it left my dash--have seen it because it was curated by 36 different people. That's insane to me.
None of those 36 people know that they're part of this chain. They saw a post, reblogged it, and moved on. If any one of these people had not reblogged, the post would have a fraction of the impact it has.
And yet, after two weeks, the post has effectively hit the main page of tumblr. It was picked up, only because people liked it enough to show it to their followers. There were no algorithms necessary.
You really, truly, cannot get this on any other website.
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jenngeek · 3 months
You need to check out Jason Momoa's new Guinness advert... :D
oh my goodness is it this one?
they really are besties fr this is so bloody funny
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jenngeek · 5 months
did i ever tell you guy about the time i got stuck in a room with the kpop band BTS in the santiago airport in 2017
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jenngeek · 6 months
Thing I just realized
If Howard and Maria Stark died on December 16th, 1991, and the opening shots of Tony in his workshop take place on the night of December 18th/very early in the morning December 19th, then when JARVIS says, “Sir, may I remind you that you’ve been awake for nearly 72 hours,” he’s saying that Tony hasn’t been able to sleep since the anniversary of his parents’ deaths.
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jenngeek · 7 months
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David Tennant as The Fourteenth Doctor in 'The Star Beast'
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jenngeek · 7 months
okay but those days. we were literally all high. our brains were all high on a cocktail of chemicals no brain has ever produced exactly like that before and hasn't produced after. destiel cocaine. god do you remember being high on the destiel cocaine. it was like snorting your own soul
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jenngeek · 7 months
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You changed me, Dean. I love you 4.01 (September 18th, 2008) ➺ 15.18 (November 5th, 2020)
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jenngeek · 7 months
Happy third anniversary to Tumblr's emergency announcement system
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jenngeek · 8 months
It always comes back to that virtual CE panel where JP said “and I didn’t see all of the question but i think it was ‘will Jared be in it [the CMP Supernatural Project] and the answer is YES.” And Jensen’s face.
There was a pattern of coercion and entrapment between JP and JA that once you see it you can’t unsee it. That Walker was pitched as a JA vehicle without him knowing. The constant pressure in interviews to have JA guest or direct on Walker. When he DID come direct on Walker, two roles heavily implied to be for him being open. And in the middle of all that, JP doing whatever THAT was with CMP’s future projects.
I think that JP wasn’t looped in because of all that nonsense. I have a theory that JP had an idea for a follow on series that they had discussed, and he was mad that the pitch that got sold wasn’t what they discussed thus the tantrum. But we’ll probably never know.
And that’s why Jensen made such an effort to get away from the J2 branding if not supernatural. Because the other half of it made it toxic.
fwiw I think they worked it out earlier this year and everyone is full steam ahead on the limited series revival. But the j2 divorce was inevitable, that entire situation was toxic in hindsight
jp fans keep calling ja backstabber but, considering everything we know about ja great personality, I believe it was jp who broke the trust between them first. The jokes about jared's show (2 times already in panels with ms) make me think that jp really made use of his position as first on the call sheet. I think that ja didn't told him about the prequel because jp was disinterested on anything spn, but his ego got hurt and the hell broke loose LOL
I'm a firm believer in the idea that the reason most jokes are funny is because there is at least a kernel of truth to them.
Which is to say that I 100% think Jensen and Mark were just trying (and succeeding!) to be funny when they talked about "The Jared Padalecki Show." But I also think you are probably on to something about the whole "First on the call sheet" thing.
I've long believed that Jensen would have told Jared about The Winchesters, even when it was just an idea bouncing around his brain, if he felt he could trust him. I don't think it was some conspiracy to keep Jared away from something that could be profitable and popular; I think it was Jensen not wanting to handcuff himself to Jared again. And there has to be a reason for that, which JP fans don't want to admit to.
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jenngeek · 8 months
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Teyla probably has a tick sheet. "The Prodigal"
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jenngeek · 8 months
To add context, the person who got the shot glasses op said this:
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jenngeek · 8 months
i Miss him so much
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Joe Flanigan as John Sheppard in "Remnants"
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