jjaelly · 11 months
the lyrics say i’m wrong- but- personally i don’t hear mingi say the last ‘i’ when he spells his name in bouncy- so from now on- he is ming(i)
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jjaelly · 1 year
X-Change Project
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Episode Watch Time: ~10 minutes
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Content Warning: Alcohol, Mention of Food
I apologise for the lateness on the episode, I was almost kidnapped, enjoy!
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Previously on X-Change Project:
“He really said ‘ring ding don’t’.”
“Your first activity will be to play games together while drunk.”
“Park Jin-young!”
“I definitely heard ‘Mic Drop’, ‘Future Perfect’, and ‘Thanxx’, but there are 4?” Heeseungs questions. Bang Chan nods simply.
“Wait, can we know the artist of the last song?” V questions.
“No, that defeats the purpose. If you give up, just drink.” Bang Chan reminds.
The group of idols sigh as a few of them take sips of their drinks.
“Can I listen again?” Seonghwa asks, picking up his glass from the coffee table, ready to give up, but wanting another try first.
Bang Chan plays the recording of the 4 songs overlapping each other. “It’s your own fault for picking the hard version,” he smiles at the idols.
Seonghwa finally takes a sip of his drink, being the final idol to give up on the question.
“You almost had it. ‘Mic Drop’, ‘Future Perfect’, ‘Thanxx’, and ‘Super Tuna’,” Bang Chan retakes his place on the couch, after standing for the round, and Y/n takes his place.
“Okay, let's go for an easy round this time,” they say as they grab a small card from the pile of cards labeled ‘easy’.
The card reads: “Butterfly - The Boyz, Nabi - Nymph, Dancing Like Butterfly Wings - ATEEZ, Butterfly - BTS. Context clue: All songs have similar titles. Play mp ‘E.32’.”
“Oh this is so easy. Okay, there are 4 songs and the context clue is that once you know know one of the titles, you’ll be very close to the rest of them,” Y/n presses the file named ‘E.32’ on the laptop connected to the speakers and the 4 songs overlap each other, playing loudly.
“Oh okay! Dancing like butterfly wings!” Jongho says as he recognises his voice playing in one of the songs.
“I heard Nabi as well,” Soobin says.
“Okay, there’s 2, there are 2 more, and you still have 5 minutes left,” Y/n says to the idols, who ask for another listen.
The idols strain their ears as they listen to the chaotic noise coming from the speakers.
“I heard butterfly,” Jimin says, hearing the quieter vocals in the background of the noise.
“I’m going to take a guess, based off the context clues going on that there is ‘Dancing like butterfly wings’, ‘Nabi’, ‘Butterfly’ and ‘Butterfly’?” Juyeon takes a guess at the last song from the noise.
“Tell me the artists and I’ll give it to you,” Y/n laughs as he gets the songs right.
“ATEEZ, Nymph, BTS and The Boyz,” Younghoon speaks up confidently.
Y/n grabs her drink, sipping it in defeat, and the boys cheer in victory.
“What is the most random talent you have?” Taemin reads from the paper he picked from the jar. Suddenly, he pulls his hand to his face, covering one of his nostrils with his thumb, and a whistling noise is heard from him.
“You can whistle with your nose?” Jelly asks incredulously, raising her voice in disbelief.
Taemin just laughs in his spot on the couch, nodding his head.
“Don’t do that at night. It’s bad to whistle at night,” Jelly mutters to him.
He looks confused, but understands the different beliefs she has, and quickly apologises.
Jelly takes the jar from the coffee table, picking a piece of paper out of it before returning it to the table.
“What is the weirdest memory you had as a child,” she reads.
She ponders for a moment before asking “Does it count as weird if I say my brother cooked a goldfish’?”
“That depends, is there more to the story?” San asks from his seat on the carpet beside the coffee table.
Jelly lets out a light chuckle, taking a sip of her drink before beginning the story.
“So when I was younger, I lived with my mum, I was about 3 or 4 years old. We had just moved houses and there were boxes of random stuff everywhere. My mum used to have 2 goldfish as pets, and she had put the fish tank in the lounge room. My brother always woke up really early for some reason, and I’m talking 4am sort of wake up time, everyone was convinced he was a crazy child. Because of this, he wasn’t allowed out of his room in the morning time, so mum tied his door handle to mine, which was always closed when I was asleep.
So one morning, my brother woke up around his usual time, looked around his room for something to do because he was bored and he couldn’t get back to sleep, and he found a small barbecue. Like I said, we had just moved and everything was everywhere.
My brother, being him, saw the barbecue and thought in his tiny little brain, ‘I’m going to make mum breakfast in bed.’ So, He jumped out of his bedroom window, went through the front door—after having his own snack of ants from the driveway, because he was one of those children that ate ants and drank his own blood when he was bleeding—and he saw the fish tank with the 2 fat goldfish in it, swimming around. He had obviously heard that you can eat fish, so he went to the fish tank after taking the rope tie off his bedroom door, and caught both of the goldfish. After he caught them, he took them back to his room and turned on the barbecue, and both of the goldfish were still alive, just flopping around on the plate he had put them on. Once the barbecue was heated up a little bit, he put the fish—who were just flopping around in their own puddles of water on the plate—onto the barbecue and literally cooked the goldfish alive. End of story, right? Wrong. He burnt them. He burnt the fish that he cooked alive and threw them out the window before mum woke up to the smell of burning and the fire alarm going off. That was the last time I remember my mother owning goldfish,” Jelly finishes her story with a light chuckle as she drinks the rest of her drink. The other idols stare in disbelief and shock at the story, a few letting out light laughs.
“Okay, I’m bored of questions, let’s do the listening music game that they made,” Seungmin says, standing from his position on the couch.
“Wait- Let me put on my Dorito socks first,” Jelly rushes past the kitchen and back to her room. The other idols look at each other quizzically, chickling at the girl.
On her way back to the living room, Jelly spots Kyungjun in the kitchen with a tray of snacks in front of him. She makes her way towards him, looking over his shoulder, and seeing the sprinkles on the bread in front of him, she squeals, yelling for the third Australian on the team.
“There's fairy bread? Jake, look there’s fairy bread!”
She reaches over Kyungjuns arm, leaning on the bench, grabbing a perfectly cut triangle piece of bread, putting it in her mouth, holding it with her teeth as she goes to the fridge behind them, looking for another drink.
Suga comes up behind her, grabbing the soft drink from the door of the fridge, taking it to the bench. “What do you want to drink? I can probably make it for you,” he says.
“Raspberry vodka please,” she says, finishing the slice of fairy bread.
“I was thinking of more cocktails or something, but that will do,” he laughs at her.
He grabs the cordial from the pantry in the corner of the kitchen, pouring a shot of raspberry cordial into her cup and a shot of vodka, before going to the freezer and putting 3 cubes of ice into her cup and filling it with soft drink.
She thanks him, before walking back to the living room.
A sudden crashing sound makes a few of the idols jump in fear.
“Was that the neighbours taking the bins out or is it going to storm?” Jake jokes, making the idols roll their eyes, chuckling.
Fawn’s laughter pierces the air as she looks at her phone, 3 messages from Jelly sent to their band group chat.
“Is it another cat or is it actually something funny?” Sunoo asks the very tipsy girl, hoping to know what she was laughing at.
“It's funny! Look,” She shows Sunoo her phone.
‘Jelly sent a photo’, ‘Jelly: mans needs to calm down before i lose my mind’, ‘Jelly: why did my autocomplete suggest ‘virginity’ instead of mind?’.
“It’s not that funny. Can I reply though?” He asks.
Fawn shrugs and nods her head.
‘Fawn: foreshadowing, probably’
“It’s about to rain, should we play dance charades in the rain?” Wooyoung suggests.
A chorus of ‘yes’es are heard from the idols and Jin and Key put a hand over their eyes, rubbing the bridge of their noses, muttering to themselves.
Taehyun and Fawn walk back to the kitchen to grab another bottle of alcohol each. Fawn grabs a bottle of strawberry soju and a straw, shaking the bottle as she walks back to her room.
She soon returns to the living room without her phone, sipping on her bottle of soju that is already half empty as the first few drops of rain are heard on the roof.
Felix is quick to turn the outside light on as the idols make their way out the front door, onto the empty street, with their alcohol in hands.
“Don’t get sick, I won’t look after you,” Key calls to the idols as he walks through the door.
“No, I’ll have to,” Jin sighs, chucking at the idols dancing in the pouring rain without any music.
After a few minutes, everyone is drenched from head to toe, and they are finally ready to play the game.
Jin is assigned to be the cards, telling the idols the song they have to dance the choreography to for everyone else to guess, and the line of 13 idols stands across the street facing the driveway, where Jin and Yunho are standing.
Jin whispers something to Yunho and he nods, getting into position.
Yunho suddenly does the ‘Stay pose’—both of his arms straight, pointing to the ground, his legs a metre apart with his knees bent.
“Thunderous, Thunderous!” Changbin repeats excitedly, pointing at Yunho.
Yunho points back at him and walks to the end of the line of idols, the idol in front of everyone else, Q, taking Yunho’s previous place.
Jin whispers to Q the name of a song, and Q takes his position and begins the choreography from the very beginning of the song Jin chose, making Jin laugh.
Slowly, Q moves his hands around his body, interlacing them in front of him, before quickly lifting his head from facing the ground and turning to face the house. He then moves his body to face the left, snapping his fingers, and lifting his heel as he snaps.
“Sherlock!” Key and Hyunsoo shout in unison.
Q walks to the back of the line and Fawn replaces his spot on the driveway.
“Everyone looks like Pedro Pascal,” she giggles as she whispers to Jin, who stares at her in a jokingly judgemental way, but still whispers a song to her.
She nods her head as she hears the song, putting a hand to her eyebrow in salute, “Got it, Pedro.”
Taking her position in the driveway, she begins humming quietly to herself the melody of the song.
Coming to the chorus melody, she begins dancing, putting out her right hand in front of her in a zombie-like manner, moving her right leg as she moves her hand, mirroring the action a second later with the right side of her body. She then jumps, her hands reaching for her feet as they bend behind her body, making a few of the idols yell out “drunk-dazed” in recognition of the choreography. As she lands the jump, the water on the driveway takes the friction from her shoes, making her slip and fall to the ground. She begins laughing uncontrollably, laying her back onto the ground closing her eyes as to not get any rain in them.
“I guess there goes my idol image. Selling feet pics, here I come,” She giggles.
“Okay, that’s enough dance charades, inside, out of the rain, shower, get changed, we’ll play Guess Who after,” Jin says, walking towards Fawn who had now stopped laughing.
Her hair stuck to her face and her clothes stuck to her body as Jin helped her inside.
“I’m going to get another drink, okay, Pedro?” She says to Jin as they walk through the front door of the house.
“Ni-Ki, you’re up first,” Sky says to the boy, who is holding his glass of soft drink in his hand.
He puts his glass onto the coffee table, and steps to the open area between the kitchen and the living room. As the sound of the rain pellets onto the roof, Mingi flips the paper of song titles to the next one.
Ni-Ki reads the song title, and immediately begins dancing.
He turns to the kitchen, rolling his right arm in a circle twice, holding his left in an angle facing the ground. He then spins clockwise, facing the living room again, then back to face the kitchen in an anticlockwise spin.
“Hype boy!” Kevin's voice is heard loudly over the other idols shouting the same answer.
Ni-Ki takes his place on the couch again, and I.N takes his place, standing between the kitchen and the living room.
Mingi flips the page again and I.N gets into his position to begin dancing.
He holds his left hand out behind him, with his fingers spread as he pushes his left foot along the floor away from his body, repeating with his right foot and repeating the move again. He then holds his right hand in the air in front of him, in the same shape as his other hand.
“Roar!” Kevin and Eric yell at the same time, before Kevin begins singing the melody of the song.
“Okay, I think it’s bedtime for you,” RM says to Jelly after she falls onto the floor, breaking the bottle of soju that was in her hand.
“No, I’ve got to clean this up,” she slurs.
“I’ve got it, you just go to sleep, okay?” Taemin says to the girl, who is crawling on the floor picking up pieces of the green glass.
“No, no, I can clean it.”
Lee Know walks towards the girl, being careful not to have glass pierce his feet, and grabs her arm, gently pulling her up.
Seungmin brings a plastic bag from the kitchen to put the broken glass into and holds it open for Jelly.
As she puts the broken glass into the bag, RM repeats that she should go to bed.
“I don’t want to go to bed yet, let's play the whisper game,” the girl giggles as she gets back to the floor to help Taemin clean the rest of the glass.
“What is she talking about?” New asks Yeosang.
“‘Whisper game’? Do you think she means Shouting in Silence or Telephone?” Yeosang replies. New just shrugs in response.
“What whisper game? We can play one more game but you can’t drink anymore and you go straight to bed after, okay?” Taemin asks the girl, slightly scolding her for how drunk she is.
“The shouting whisper game. And okay, I’ll stop drinking and I’ll go straight to bed after I brush my teeth after the game,” she smiles as Taemin finishes cleaning up the small pieces of glass with the dustpan and brush.
A few moments later, Beomgyu is standing in front of the stairs, with Jungwon sitting in front of him and Sunwoo sitting opposite him, both with headphones on, everyone else sitting on the couch. Beomgyu holds a large book, similar to the Dance Charades book, and flips the first page, showing Sunwoo the word.
“The capital of South Korea!” Sunwoo shouts.
“The chapter of Judge Judy?” Jungwon shouts back in question.
“The capital of South Korea!” Sunwoo shouts again, quickly.
“Slowly! Slowly!” Jungwon shouts.
“The capital…”
“The Captain,” Jungwon guesses.
“Of South…”
“Of South.”
“The capital of South Korea!” Sunwoo shouts the full sentence.
Jungwon just stares in confusion, shaking his head slowly.
“The capital of South Korea!”
“The capital of South Korea?” Jungwon guesses.
Sunwoo nods quickly seeing Jungwon’s mouth move in the shape of the words.
Beomgyu flips the page again to show the next word.
“The CEO of Hybe!” Sunwoo yells to Jungwon, as time starts running low.
“The seal of lime?”
“The CEO… Of Hybe!”
“The CEO of Hybe? Bang Si-Hyuk!”
“Time,” San yells.
Beomgyu shows Sunwoo a motion of taking off headphones to indicate that time is up and Sunwoo removes his headphones. Jungwon, who is looking at Sunwoo, copies the movement.
Jin holds Fawn up as he helps her to her bedroom, walking her to the ensuite to brush her teeth.
She holds out a bottle to him.
“What are you doing?” He asks, confused.
“I’m going to brush my teeth. Just put it on my hands and I’ll rub it in,” she says, holding her hands in front of her.
“No, you need to brush your teeth with a toothbrush and toothpaste. This is moisturiser.”
Jin sighs as he grabs the toothpaste from the bench and Fawns toothbrush from the cup in the corner of the bench, putting a small amount of toothpaste on the toothbrush, before handing it to her.
She takes it from him and begins brushing her teeth.
After brushing her teeth, Jin leads her back to her bed, turning the light off in the bathroom.
“I’ll get you some painkillers in the morning, go to sleep,” he says as he walks towards the door. He puts his hand on the light switch as he walks, when Fawn’s voice makes him freeze.
“No, don’t turn off the light,” she slurs from the bed.
Jin nods lightly, leaving the light on, but closing her door on his way out.
Next time on X-Change Project:
“Why did we all get cards?”
“I didn’t fall. I decided that the ground is a fan, so I hugged it. It just happened to be aggressive.”
“Oh hell no.”
“You’re crying?!”
“Twinkle twinkle little star, how I wonder what you- AHHH!”
Stay tuned!
Next episode ->
Series Masterlist
Created, Written and Produced by: jjaelly of jjaellynet
Edited by: “Big Daddy” (That’s what she wanted to be called)
Taglist: @layzfeelit
(Feel free to send a dm or ask to be added)
7 notes · View notes
jjaelly · 1 year
X-Change Project
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Episode Watch Time: ~8 Minutes
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Content Warning: Alcohol, Mention of Food
<- Previous Episode
Previously on X-Change Project:
“And our first band to perform tonight is… Enhypen!”
“Oh! It’s Anti-hate! SHINee is doing our song!”
“There are a few of you who cannot participate in tonight's activity.”
“I suppose I should introduce your teams now, shouldn’t I?”
“Your teams will be revealed on the screen behind me, I hope you’re ready!”
A few moments after Eric says that the teams will appear, names show on the screen.
Each of the idols read through the teams, looking for their own names, and their band members names.
‘Team 1:
Minho (SHINee)
J-Hope (BTS)
Jungkook (BTS)
Sangyeon (The Boyz)
Kevin (The Boyz)
Eric (The Boyz)
Han (Stray Kids)
I.N (Stray Kids)
Hongjoong (ATEEZ)
Mingi (ATEEZ)
Yeonjun (Tomorrow by Together)
Jay (Enhypen)
Ni-Ki (Enhypen)
Taehun (TNX)
Sky (Nymph)
Team 2:
Onew (SHINee)
Jimin (BTS)
Younghoon (The Boyz)
Juyeon (The Boyz)
Juhaknyeon (The Boyz)
Bang Chan (Stray Kids)
Hyunjin (Stray Kids)
Seonghwa (ATEEZ)
Jongho (ATEEZ)
Soobin (Tomorrow by Together)
Heeseung (Enhypen)
Junhyeok (TNX)
Sungjun (TNX)
Y/n (Nymph)
Team 3:
Key (SHINee)
Jin (BTS)
Jacob (The Boyz)
Q (The Boyz)
Changbin (Stray Kids)
Felix (Stray Kids)
Yunho (ATEEZ)
Wooyoung (ATEEZ)
Taehyun (Tomorrow by Together)
Huening Kai (Tomorrow by Together)
Sunghoon (Enhypen)
Sunoo (Enhypen)
Hyunsoo (TNX)
Hwi (TNX)
Fawn (Nymph)
Team 4:
Taemin (SHINee)
Suga (BTS)
Hyunjae (The Boyz)
New (The Boyz)
Sunwoo (The Boyz)
Lee Know (Stray Kids)
Seungmin (Stray Kids)
Yeosang (ATEEZ)
Beomgyu (Tomorrow by Together)
Jake (Enhypen)
Jungwon (Enhypen)
Kyungjun (TNX)
Jelly (Nymph)‘
Fawn begins hitting the member next to her, Jelly, in excitement after finding the teammates she will have.
“Ow! Calm down,” Jelly laughs at the girl next to her holding her arm in pain.
“I’m on a team with THE world wide handsome, what do you mean ‘calm down’!?” Her eyes stay on the screen in disbelief as she continues hitting Jelly, who just laughs in response.
“There are 4 buses waiting outside to take each team to the houses. In a moment, you will be escorted back to your waiting rooms to gather the luggage that your stylists have packed for you and your belongings. If you find any belongings that you believe you would need that haven’t been packed, each of your managers have agreed to bring them to the houses tomorrow if you call them about it.
Toiletries and phone chargers have been provided, so there is no need to call about that and each of the houses are fully furnished. There will be consoles and PCs to play video games on as well, if you would like to use them.
Tonight’s activity will begin when you arrive at the houses, and those that aren’t allowed to completely participate, have been compensated.
Food will be provided before you get on the buses, for those that haven’t eaten yet and the houses are fully stocked with food. A list of snacks and foods that you would like stocked again will need to be made at the end of each week.
That’s all from me, if you’d like to begin making your way to your waiting rooms, the buses will depart in 45 minutes,” Eric begins making his way out of the room after bowing to all of the idols.
The 4 buses depart with each of the bands separated into their coordinated teams, each of them excited for the next 4 months.
“We should do something fun while we’re on the bus, not just sit here in silence,” Y/n says to the bus of team 2.
“Let’s do karaoke!” Jimin gets up excitedly to ask the bus driver for the aux cord as another member, Soobin, texts his bandmates to do the same thing on their buses.
“Do you guys have any song requests?” Jimin asks the team from the front of the bus.
“Ring ding dong!” Juyeon yells from his seat beside Heeseung.
Onew cringes at the suggestion and hides his eyes in his hand as he predicts the next 4 minutes of his life to be chaotic.
“Babe!” The lyrics to the song begin to blast through the speakers of the bus. “Negae banhae beorin naegae wae irae.”
Most of the idols stand from their seats dancing along to the choreography of the song.
“Ring ding dong ring ding dong ring digga ding digga ding ding ding!” The idols sing along as they dance to the song.
“Stop dancing like that, you’re going to make the driver crash the bus!” Bang Chan yells to the idols, laughing at the chaos the idols have created.
“He really said ‘ring ding don’t’,” Y/n sighs as they sit back down in their seat beside Onew, who laughs at the comment.
The idols remain in their seats for the rest of the drive, singing along to Jimin’s playlist.
“Soobin just said that their bus is doing karaoke,” Beomgyu laughs as he reads the text message sent to his band's group chat.
“Are you reading that out to us because you want to do that too, or because you think it’s funny?”Jelly laughs as she turns around to face the boy.
He ponders for a moment before answering, “Both.”
“Well, go put a good song on and we’ll do it better than them,” Sunwoo says.
“On it,” Suga steals Beomgyu’s opportunity to play the music, plugging his phone into the aux cord at the front of the bus.
Familiar rhythmic drum beats are soon heard playing through the speakers.
“Smooth like butter, like a criminal undercover,” everyone sings along to the familiar song, a few dancing along to the choreography in their seats.
“If you have any song requests, just add it to the queue,” Suga states as he walks back to his seat beside RM.
Jelly stands from her seat beside Seungmin and walks to where Suga left his phone open on spotify.
She searches 4 songs and adds them to the queue, ‘Roar’ by The Boyz, which not everyone knows the lyrics to, but vibes to anyways, ‘Guerrilla’ by ATEEZ, which a few of the idols, who are very out of breath by the end of the song, yell along to the lyrics, along with the choreography. The 3rd song from the queue is ‘The Sound’ by Stray Kids, which has a similar reaction from the idols as the first queued song. The final song in the queue makes the idols headbang to the beat, as Jungwon, who is closest to the speakers, raises the volume to ‘Daechwita’ by Agust D.
“Do you think they will have soup there?” Ni-Ki asks his hyung, who is sat beside him.
“Maybe, I’m not sure,” Jay replies.
“Ooh, I want some soup too!” Han turns in his seat to face the two that were talking about soup.
“What’s your favourite soup?” Ni-Ki asks the elder in excitement.
“Tomato soup,” Han says confidently.
“And toast, right?” Kevin butts into the conversation from behind Ni-Ki and Jay.
“No, just tomato soup,” Han smiles confidently as he speaks.
“You can’t have tomato soup without toast, are you insane?” Kevin says in an offended tone, as if they had spoken ill of his mother.
Upon arrival at each of the houses, the idols find an envelope stuck to the front door, labeled with their designated team name.
The envelopes are taken from the doors and opened by the first people to see them: from team 1; Mingi, from team 2; Bang Chan, from team 3; Key, and from team 4; Jelly, who each read the contents aloud to their teams.
“Once you are each settled into your rooms, which have your band names written on the doors, your first activity will begin.
Tonight's activity is a 4 part activity, however 2 idols will be unable to participate in this activity completely; Ni-Ki (Enhypen — Team 1) and Sungjun (TNX — Team 2).
Your first activity will be to play games together while drunk. We have set out many different alcoholic beverages for you to enjoy, ranging from vodka to rum to beers. There are mixers ready for use if you would like to make your own drinks as well, however any mess you make, you will have to clean. For the 2 underage idols, non alcoholic beverages are provided.
The first part of this activity will be an ice breaker. Much like a 21 questions game, there is a jar of questions that will go around in a circle, and each of you will answer the questions.
The second part of this activity will be the game guess who, where you will be given a celebrity's name that you may ask questions to guess who the celebrity is.
The third part of the activity will be dance charades. The playlist used will be one with every band that is present’s music and the music may be sped up or slowed down, and you must match the choreography with the speed of the music.
The final part of the activity will be a listening game. Songs will overlap and you must decipher which songs are being played together.
All but the first game are drinking games. If you get an answer wrong, you must drink. For the first game, you may drink as much or as little as you would like, and you may play the games in any order you wish.
Have fun.”
“We have to take care of Ni-Ki? My god, it’s like ‘Hello Baby!’ all over again,” Minho says to his team.
“Uh, hyung, I think it will be the other way around. I’m the only one not getting drunk,” Ni-Ki replies, shy with the informality of his words.
“And technically we just have to stop him from doing stupid teenage boy stuff,” Jay laughs.
“Well, I think it would be a good idea for someone to stay sober, or even only tipsy, to help Ni-Ki with anyone that can’t hold their alcohol,” Hongjoong trails off.
“I can, I don’t mind,” J-Hope smiles, volunteering.
Everyone nods, accepting the plans for the night, before Jay walks towards Mingi, with the key to the door in his hand.
Each of the idols from team 1 grab their luggage, heading through the door, through the hallway, to the large white living room before looking over the doors for the rooms with their own band names on it. The wall from the hallway to the living room turns into a marble bench and over it, is the kitchen. Behind the couch, a set of stairs leads to the second floor of the house.
The entrance hallway has one room to the left, with the band name “The Boyz” labeled, with another door opposite it, with no label.
Kevin is the first to walk into the room, choosing to occupy the bed closest to the window, furthest from the door, placing his luggage onto the well made bed.
Sangyeon and Eric walk into the room together, placing their luggage onto the other two beds, Sangyeon taking the bed in the middle of the other two boys.
From the living room, another walkway leads to another door, with ‘Tomorrow by Together’ labeled on it.
“Yeonjun, your room is here,” Jay, the one that found the room, calls to the boy in the living room.
Yeonjun brings his luggage to his designated room, placing it on the end of his bed.
Jungkook is the first idol to walk upstairs, with Han following close behind, after realising none of the doors downstairs has their band names on them.
Looking immediately to the left at the top of the stairs, Jungkook finds his and J-hopes room, calling to him.
Han, however, looks to the right, finding a door labeled ‘TNX’. He calls Taehun, before continuing to look upstairs.
The door beside Taehun’s is unlabeled, and upon opening the door, Han realises that it is a bathroom.
He continues looking, at the door at the end of the hallway, seeing ‘ATEEZ’ labeled on it.
As if it were scripted, Hongjoong and Mingi’s voices are heard as they walk up the stairs.
Realising that he has yet to find his room, Han walks to the hallway on the left side of the stairs, looking to the end of the hallway, where a door sits, labeled ‘Stray Kids’.
Walking back downstairs, he grabs his luggage from where he had left it in the living room and taps I.N on the shoulder, nudging his head in a gesture to say “follow me.”
“Has everyone found their rooms?” J-Hope yells from the door of his room upstairs.
A chorus of yes’s come from the idols, as they begin taking their makeup off and putting their pajamas on.
“They decorated this place really well,” Y/n says as they step into the open area of the first floor of the house.
“Okay, let's look for our rooms, get changed, explore a little, and meet in the living room, if we can find it,” Bang Chan says to the idols, who nod in agreement.
The idols are soon scattering, looking for their rooms.
The Boyz found it easy to find their room, it being the first room on the ring when they walked through the front door.
BTS and ATEEZ found their rooms fairly easily, their doors opposite each other in a hallway left of the front door.
Stray Kids and Onew found their rooms perpendicular to each other, in the far corner of the front door, and Heeseung and Soobin found theirs across from Onew’s.
Y/n was the first to go upstairs, quickly finding the large living area. They also find their and TNX’s rooms, calling to the boys who were still downstairs.
Upon entering the house, team 3 immediately saw the stairs and a hallway. Jin, taking initiative, walks down the hallway, reading the 4 band names on the doors.
“SHINee, TNX, and Stray Kids, we’re down here, everyone else, i’d assume is upstairs,” He calls to the idols waiting in the foyer, near the stairs.
Upon hearing their band names, the idols walked down the hallway to find their room, with their luggage. The other 9 idols walk up the stairs immediately finding a hallway.
To the left of the hallway, a doorway leads to the living room that has 2 doors leading to rooms, labeled ‘ENHYPEN’ and ‘The Boyz’. The 4 boys make their way to the rooms, as the other idols turn right at the top of the stairs.
Right beside the top of the stairs, a door labeled ‘Tomorrow by Together’ is seen, with another door opposite is labeled ‘ATEEZ’. Beside TxT’s door, another door is labeled ‘Nymph’. Each idol goes to their designated room and begins getting ready for the night, before exploring the house as they wait for their teammates.
“Bulleo Bulleo, uri jigum bulleo!” Jelly yells loudly as she holds onto her owl plushie, hugging it tightly to her chest.
Yeosang and San dance along to the choreography as she continues her singing.
“We may not be at our own homes, but we still have neighbours!” RM stresses the last word as he tries to quiet the female.
“Sorry, sorry,” she smiles shyly as she looks at the ground.
“Alright, find your rooms, we’ll meet back here in half an hour and decide what game we should play first,” Taemin instructs the idols from the living room. The members from The Boyz, Ateez, BTS, Nymph and Shinee find their rooms easily, 2 of them going straight from the living room and the other 3 in the hallway from the door to the living room.
The other 4 band members walk up the stairs, easily finding their rooms from the hallway from the stairs.
After half an hour, the members meet again, in their pajamas with their makeup removed, in the living room with alcohol bottles sitting on the coffee table in front of them.
“So should we vote? Which game do you guys want to play first?” RM asks, sitting beside Suga and Beomgyu.
“What if we play the guess who game first, and dance charades last, cause I want to be drunk for that,” Jelly suggests, laughing.
“That makes sense, any other ideas?” RM looks at the other idols.
No one says anything, so Jake stands from his position on the couch to grab the box from under the TV, moving a few of the bottles out of the way, and placing the box on the coffee table.
“Do I have a beard?” Jelly asks, with a photo of JYP on the headband around her head.
“No,” the other idols chorus, laughing at the confused expression on the girl's face. She takes a sip of her drink, cringing as it hits her throat.
“So, I’m a male that owns a company, over the age of 50, but I don’t have a beard? Is there a band that is under my company here?”
“Who am I?”
“Yes or no questions only,” Jungwon reminds the girl, who in response yells out.
“Who am I? You won’t tell me because I’m Bang Si-Hyuk, right?” She points an accusatory finger at the idols, who laugh at her.
“No, you have to drink now,” Yeosang says to Jelly, smiling at her outrage.
“What? How am I wrong?” She cries to the boys, who continue to laugh at her. She takes the final sip of her drink.
Realising that her drink is now empty, she looks offended, knowing that she lost the round, taking the photo card off the headband, holding it to see who she was.
“Park Jin-young!” She yells, mocking the video of Hyunjin saying JYP’s name ‘in english’, making the two Stray Kids members fall to the floor laughing.
“I can’t believe you’ve done this to me,” Jelly says disappointed, her face harboring a smile contradictory to her words.
Next time on X-Change Project:
“You can whistle with your nose!?”
“Everyone is Pedro Pascal!”
“Selling foot pics, here I come.”
“My brother cooked a goldfish?”
“There’s fairy bread?! Jake, look there’s fairy bread!”
“I don’t want to go to bed yet, let's play the whisper game.”
“I’m going to brush my teeth- just put it on my hands and I'll rub it in.”
“No, you need to brush your teeth with a toothbrush and toothpaste. This is moisturiser.”
Stay tuned!
Next Episode ->
Series Masterlist
Created, Written and Produced by: jjaelly of jjaellynet
Edited by: “Big Daddy” (That’s what she wanted to be called)
Taglist: @layzfeelit
(Feel free to send a dm or ask to be added)
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jjaelly · 1 year
X-Change Project
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Episode Watch Time: ~10 Minutes
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Content Warning: None
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“Project: X-Change. Mixing 9 of the most popular bands in kpop for 4 months. Let’s see how well they work together. 9 bands with one common goal: entertain.
Currently unaware of the circumstances they will soon be put under, our idols prepare for a drop into the shark's nest.
Which of our idol bands will be the first to enter the stage? My name is Eric Nam, and I will be your host on this season of X-Change Project,” his voice stays professional, yet endearing as he speaks.
“Each of the idol groups have been assigned the name of one of eight competing bands to choose a song sung by the artists. They will have the option to perform as they wish, as a way of musically introducing themselves.”
“I truly have no idea what to expect, but we wish to show who we really are,” Yunho, from ATEEZ says to the camera.
“It's a very nerve racking experience, but we are also very excited to find out what has been prepared for us,” New, from The Boyz speaks.
“We want to show people that just because we have been performing for almost half our lives, that doesn’t mean we can’t still have fun, and a show that we have no idea what is going to happen—what better way to express it?” Onew, from SHINee states.
A large performance room is shown, LED screens littering the walls and floor. The room has stands, running parallel to each other, beside the floor LED, that resembled large black stairs, however the cushions sat out made them seem like seats. The large LED floor has camera tracks running along each side of it, for the camera to move along it with ease, making it resemble a stage. The LED screens above the seating area show a black screen.
The large LED wall perpendicular to the parallel seating stands opens from the middle, and from behind it, a 5 member group walks through to the centre stage.
“We’re the first ones here,” Soobin says to his members, looking around the large room along with Huening Kai. Taehyun begins picking at the button on his blue top—a similar style to the other members—finding a small piece of fluff attached to it.
Yeonjun and Beomgyu try to ease their nerves through rehearsing the dance that they had been told to prepare for tonight’s meeting.
Suddenly a loud ‘swish!’ sound effect blares through the speakers making the boys jump and Yeonjun let out a small scream.
“That startled me,” he said as he held a hand over his heart and closed his eyes.
Looking around the room again, Soobin spots the band logo for ‘Tomorrow by Together’ on the LED screen above one of the left seating areas.
“I think that’s where we’re supposed to sit,” he says calmly, going to sit down before pausing in his tracks. “We should probably introduce ourselves first.”
He stands back in line with the other 4 members, pointing to the camera ahead of him for the members to realise that they should look towards said camera.
“One team! Hello, we are Tomorrow by Together!” They all bow towards the camera, after doing their hand sign.
Soobin once again walks towards the seating area that has their band logo above it, the members following him.
The members talk between themselves for a minute before a loud ‘bang!’ sound effect is played again, the boys having a similar reaction to the prior noise.
The LED wall opens once again, revealing a larger group of boys than before.
“Wahhh!” Sunwoo’s voice echos within the room, as The Boyz follow their leader, Sangyeon to the centre of the stage.
As they reach the centre stage, they notice the silhouettes of the 5 boys that had already been seated, watching their entrance.
Their movements become more awkward, seeing another band in the room.
“Best We The Boys!” They speak, mocking confidence in front of their juniors, doing their own hand gestures before bowing to the cameras and the other idols, who in turn, return the respectful gesture and begin applauding the large band dressed in all white.
“This is just like ‘Kingdom’!” Juhaknyeon says to his members.
“Do you think we’ll see anyone from ‘Kingdom’?” Q questions excitedly.
“I hope so! It would be awesome to see any of them again!” Eric says.
The loud swishing sound effect plays again, startling everyone in the room. Sunwoo lets out a scream, similar to Yeonjun’s scream earlier, jumping behind Q, making the boys in the room laugh.
Movement on the LED screen above the seating area caught The Boyz’s attention after their fit of laughter, noticing their band logo now lit up.
They quickly find their way to their seats and sit down.
“Hello!” Kevin says to the band of 5 boys, sat awkwardly beside them, hoping to strike a conversation and dull the tension.
“Hello, it’s nice to meet you,” Huening Kai says to the boy, a smile streched across his face.
Before any more words are passed between the groups, the loud ‘bang’ sound effect is heard again, however the idols have little reaction this time, growing used to the sound.
The LED wall opens again and a group of 7–dressed similarly to the previous band—walks to the centre stage, the wall closes to become a single LED screen behind them.
“One, two, connect! Hello, we are Enhypen!” they bow to the darkness.
The 16 idols hidden in the darkness behind the spotlight applaud the 7 new boys, welcoming them to the stage.
When the applause dies down, the swishing sound is heard once again, surprising the 7 new boys in the room.
Upon the sight of their band logo beside The Boyz’s, Enhypen begins walking to their seats.
With the tension still thick in the room, the silence becomes awkward quickly.
Soon, the loud bang sound is heard again and the LED wall is opened.
8 boys are seen walking to the centre stage, the shortest in the middle, all dressed in black and red attire.
“8 makes 1 team, hello, we are ATEEZ!” they bow to the idols ahead of them, introducing themselves.
Another applause is heard for the boys from the seated idols, welcoming them. ATEEZ bows at the idols once more before the swishing sound is heard, making the idols look to the LED screen above the seating areas, finding the logo for ATEEZ’s band set above an empty seating area, beside Enhypen’s seating area.
The awkward tension continues as the next 6 member band dressed solely in black, introduces themselves after walking through the LED wall.
“All the way up! Hello, we are TNX!” they bow to their seniors, gathering an applause from them.
They find their seating area after their band logo appears above the seating area.
Stray Kids are the next to walk through to the centre stage, dressed in black attire, introducing themselves.
“Step out! Hello, we are Stray Kids!” they bow to the idols behind the spotlight who in turn applaud and return the respectful gesture.
The swish sound is heard for the sixth time, startling only the new idols in the room. Following the LED band logo that appears after the sound plays. Stray Kids find their assigned seats–parallel to Tomorrow by Together.
The air is still thick with tension and curiosity for the show to begin.
Before long, the loud bang sound plays again and the LED wall opens again, showing 4 people wearing black and white attire with a gold butterfly belt on each of their waists.
“2, 3, Fly free! Hello, we are Nymph!” they bow to the darkness behind the spotlight.
An applause is heard as the other idols bow in return before the swishing sound is heard again.
The 4 idols are startled by the sound, but look to the LED screens above the seating area to find the butterfly of their band logo shining beside Stray Kids’ band logo, across from The Boyz’s.
They make their way to where they are to be seated and sit with the youngest 2 in front while the elder 2 sit behind them.
“Hello,” Y/n bows in her seat to the members of the band beside them.
“Hello,” Han replies awkwardly to them, returning the bow.
Before anymore words are thrown between the 2, the loud bang sound is heard again, making the second youngest of Nymph, Fawn, jump in fright.
The LED wall is opened once again and another 4 member band walks to the centre of the LED floor stage dressed in artsy clothing, however this time, the idols in the room stand to applaud them as they walk.
Smiles grow on their faces and they bow as they continue walking.
“Hello! We are Shining SHINee!” They bow again once they finally reach the centre of the stage and the applause dies down, only for it to reignite after their introduction.
“I feel so welcomed,” the maknae says to Minho, who stands beside him.
The swishing sound plays again, stopping the idols from their applause for the band in front of them.
Their band logo soon appears beside Nymph’s butterfly, and they walk to their seating area, sending smiles to each of the idols they walk past.
Soon the bang sound plays a final time, and all of the idols turn to welcome the final band as the wall opens again.
Upon seeing the 7 members dressed in black and green attire, the idols stand to applaud the band.
Nymph’s member, Jelly, is seen looking to her right at another member, Fawn, in shock before returning her gaze to BTS.
“2, 3! Hello, we are Bangtan Sonyeondan!” RM begins the introduction and all of the members follow, bowing to the idols in the room, causing them to cheer louder for the band.
The swish sounds again, causing the applause to die down.
They idols notice the new band logo lit beside SHINee’s, and across from ATEEZ, who look starstruck.
BTS makes their way to their seating area and soon, the wall opens again, revealing 1 person, holding palm cards in his hand.
“Good evening, everyone!” Eric Nam says to the idols. “I hope you are excited for this show, because I sure am. Or perhaps you are nervous? Curious? However you may be feeling right now, I hope you won’t be leaving with any emotion other than excitement tonight, because I will be telling you the circumstances of this show. But first, we have had you all prepare introduction stages to cover another band’s song.
We have prepared a relay performance. Each band has been given another band—that is present tonight—to choose a song from. The way this will work is, we will randomly pick the first band to perform. The band who’s song is performed by that band will be the band that performs next, and so on and so forth.”
The idols look around at each other, realising that each of them will have a song that they created be performed by another one of the amazing bands present.
“But before we randomly choose our first performers, shall we get some input on how you are feeling?” Eric tilts his head as he speaks, looking at each of the idols. “Our maknaes! Nymph! How are you feeling tonight?”
The members of Nymph’s eyes widen as their band name is called.
“I think I can speak for all of us in saying that we are very excited to perform for our idols tonight, and I believe that our performance will be greatly appreciated by the band we are covering,” Fawn’s voice wavers as she speaks, clearly showing her nerves as she speaks, despite her obvious attempts to hide them.
“I know I’m very excited to see you perform! I’m sure everyone is wondering what you decided to do with your performance,” Eric replies. “Shall we get into the performances then?”
A small black box is presented to Eric and he takes it, seeing the strips of white paper inside, prepared for a random pick.
“I have here,” he gestures to the box as he speaks, “each of your band’s names on pieces of paper. You all should know how this works, I choose one without looking and that band performs.”
Eric closes his eyes and places his hand into the small box, moving the paper around before finally grabbing hold of 1. He pulls the piece out of the box and opens his eyes again.
“And our first band to perform tonight is…” he pauses in anticipation, opening the piece of paper from its folded state, reading its contents, “Enhypen!”
The band stands as they hear their name and all of the other bands applaud, exhaling breaths of relief that they hadn’t been called upon.
Enhypen walks back to behind the LED wall to prepare for the performance.
Upon their arrival back on the stage, the idols are waiting in anticipation for their performance.
As they arrive back to the stage, the LED screens dim, and Ni-Ki stands in the middle of a circle that the other members stand in, around him.
After a few seconds, a familiar song plays through the speakers and on each beat, the LED’s light up with different patterns. On the first beat, Ni-Ki looks up from his position of staring at the ground, and begins gracefully raising his left hand as his members surrounding him start moving along to the music, in sync with each other.
“Modu hal mareul irhji like you,” Ni-Ki begins singing along to the song, dancing slowly to the music.
“SHINee!” “Ah, it’s View,” comments of recognition of the song spread through the Enhypen’s audience.
“Sachawon isangui gijeogui view,” Ni-Ki spins out of the centre of the dancers and Sunoo spins in, replacing him after he finishes his lines.
“Dalkomhi jjigeo mun biccui pongdyu,” Sunoo begins walking foward as he sings the line, as the other members begin clicking their fingers along with the music. “Boigi sijakhan eumui saekdo.”
“Yeminhaejin geol neukkyeo,” Sunoo joins the clicking with the other members as Heeseung begins singing.
“Tturyeoshan saekgamgwa yeoseot beonjjae gamgak, Tonight is the night.”
“Jom geochireodo joha,” Jungwon begins singing his lines as the other members walk quickly to their position for the chorus to begin. “Deo mingamhi gureobwa, Deoneun sumgiji marajwo.”
Jungwon quickly gets into his position within the members as he finishes his lines.
The chorus begins and all of the members sing along while dancing to SHINee’s original choreography to the song.
After a few minutes of performing, the song ends, and each of the members do their ending fairy with smiling faces, showing the aura of the performance. The audience rises to their feet to applaud the performance.
After a few seconds of holding their ending fairies, Enhypen moves to go back behind the LED wall, and SHINee follows, being given the instruction by a staff member behind the camera.
After a few minutes, Enhypen arrive back to the stage without any of the performance microphones, making their way to their seating area, and a few minutes more, SHINee arrives on the stage.
They each kneel at the ground in a diamond formation with their backs to each other and as the familiar music begins, they slowly turn to face each other, rising slowly.
Key begins singing the first line of the song, as the other members dance in sync with him.
“Oh! It’s Anti-hate! SHINee is doing our song!” Y/n shakes their member beside them by their arm, in excitement of recognition of the song.
SHINee continues performing and by the end of the performance, Nymph begins to look nervous, realising that their performance was next.
After doing their ending fairies, SHINee walks back behind the wall with Nymph following, who bow to each of the other idols as they pass.
SHINee returns to their seats after a few minutes and soon, Nymph is on the stage.
The music begins almost immediately after they had taken their positions, lined up beside one another facing the idols.
“Neverland, my love, ijen annyeong, and i’m free falling,” Y/n begins singing. “byeoldeul-a modu pyeonhi jalyeom 'til I be calling.”
“No matter where I go, yeogin no home,” Jelly picks up the singing and the other members begin gracefully dancing along to the choreography for the performance. “dulyeowodo nan deo alaelo, annyeong Neverland, my love.”
The performance continues and finishes smoothly without mistakes making the band’s seniors applaud the idols.
The following performance is the song ‘Wave’ originally by ATEEZ, performed by Tomorrow by Together, followed by ATEEZ’s performance of ‘Reveal’ originally by The Boyz.
As more performances happened, the less nervous the idols becomes, and the more their nerves turned to curiosity for the show.
The Boyz, who are the next to perform, performs TNX’s hit debut song ‘Move’, then TNX performs BTS rap unit song ‘UGH!’.
BTS performs Stray Kids’ song ‘Charmer’ without mistakes and with much applause, and Stray Kids, having the last performance of the night, performs ‘Tamed-Dashed’ originally by Enhypen.
With the performances finally over, Eric comes back onto the stage to finally tell the idols what the show is about.
“Those performances were fantastic! I loved the way each of your voices fit with the original songs!” Applause is heard from Eric's compliment.
“Tonight marks the beginning of a 4 month journey that you will share with the idols around you! You will all be put into 4 teams. I’m sure a few of you are aware of how I-land worked? It will be a little bit similar to that. You will be performing within your teams and each team will be within their own living area. However, I will clarify, this is not a survival show. We just want to create content for all of your fans to enjoy.
Each day, there will be different challenges and activities prepared for your team to complete, tonight included. However, there are a few of you that cannot participate in tonight's activity.
Each of your teams will be getting on a team bus that is waiting outside to take each team to your team houses, which have staff setting up cameras as of right now.
Each of the houses have 9 rooms. Each band within the team will have their own room, so SHINee and Nymph, our two four member bands, will be the only ones getting single rooms, aside from a few members from each band that has less than 8 members,” he addresses the 2 smallest bands. “I suppose I should introduce your teams now, shouldn’t I?”
Sounds of affirmation come from the idols who are sitting in excitement.
“Your teams will be shown in the next episode, so stick around.” He addresses the last part of his sentence towards the cameras.
Next time on X-Change Project:
“I’m on a team with THE world wide handsome, what do you mean ‘calm down’!?”
“Ring ding dong ring ding dong ring digga ding digga ding ding ding!”
“Stop dancing like that, you’re going to make the driver crash the bus!”
“You can’t have tomato soup without toast, are you insane?”
“We have to take care of Ni-Ki? My god, it’s like ‘Hello Baby!’ all over again.”
“Bulleo bulleo, uri jigum bulleo!!”
“We may not be at our own homes, but we still have neighbours.”
“Who am I? You won’t tell me because I’m Bang Si-Hyuk, right?”
Stay tuned!
Next Episode ->
Series Masterlist
Created, Written and Produced by: jjaelly of jjaellynet
Edited by: “Big Daddy” (that is what she wanted to be called)
Taglist: @layzfeelit
(Feel free to send a dm or ask to be added)
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jjaelly · 1 year
X-Change Project
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Content Warning: Panic attack, Mention of no appetite
Sat in hair and makeup, letting your makeup artist poke and pull at your face, blending the makeup into an intricate design for your performance, waiting for your hair stylist to finish with your bandmate's hair to start yours, you glance at the maknae of your group, Gabbie—stage name Fawn.
Her grey eyes are glued to her phone screen as she waits in the corner of the room for all of her members to be finished with their hair and makeup, nervous about the meeting with the other groups. Anxious for what the show is about, and what will come from it.
jjaellyNet has decided to create a new reality show for idols, and your band had been invited to be a part of it. You were skeptical at first, as were all of your members; Gabbie hated survival shows and none of you had any idea what this show would be. But your manager had decided it was a good idea for the promotion of your next comeback.
A buzz in your pocket pulls you from your nerves, as you check the notification that had come to your phone from your mother.
“Good luck tonight, darling! Your father and I are so proud of you and the girls! I love you!” the message read.
You smile at your mother's message before replying with the same enthusiasm; a sincere thank you and a promise to pass her message to your members.
“My mum says good luck to all of us tonight and that she’s proud of us,” you say, following through with your promise to your mother.
“That’s so sweet! Let her know we say thank you!” your member, Jaida—stage name Jelly— says, her smile reaching her sage green eyes.
“Close your eyes, please,” the makeup artist says, her eyeshadow brushes appearing in your line of sight. You follow her instructions and you feel your hair stylist start pulling your hair out of its ponytail. Those two make working in a team seem easy which is exactly what you need right now.
“Ahh, I’m so nervous!” Jaida, now finished with her hair and makeup, starts jumping up and down on the spot trying to fight her nerves. The hair-stylist shoots her a stern look, concerned for the neatness of the braids sat in Jaida’s hair as she bounces around.
“You’re nervous? How do you think I feel? I spent all day today looking for your belt because it was missing and the spares weren’t where I left them!” Our stylist rushes through the door with clothes bags draped over her arm, scolding Jaida.
“Wait, it was missing? I put it in the same place as usual,” Jaida’s eyebrows furrow in confusion.
“I believe you. It fell. It was in one of the million bags below the hangers,” our stylist sighs as she finally puts the bags onto the table.
“I’m sorry, Unnie. I’ll make sure I hang it properly next time,” Jaida apologizes.
“It’s okay, love,” she pats Jaida’s arm then begins looking through the hangers of the clothes bags. Once satisfied with what she is looking for, she pulls two of the bags and passes one to Jaida and holds the other out to Gabbie, “Take your outfits and get changed, it’s almost 6, you have to leave in about half an hour.”
Jaida is quick to leave with her outfit, bowing at the stylist as she passes her, and Gabbie gets up from her position on the ground in the corner, placing her phone on a table and taking her outfit to the changing room.
“I’m almost done with Sky’s makeup if you want her to get changed now as well,” the makeup artist says, pausing in her movements to talk as she applies the group leader’s eyeliner with a steady hand.
“Oh, no, if you’re almost done, it’s okay,” Our stylist smiles towards the makeup artist.
You feel a hair clip push against your head and soon your hair and makeup are also finished. Taking your hanger, you head towards the dressing room.
As you step into the dressing room, you hear uneven breathing, and crying coming from the dressing room next to the one you entered, and you immediately recognise the noise.
You are thankful that you didn’t leave your phone in the other room as you press Sky’s contact and put the phone to your ear.
She picks up quickly and questions your reason for calling.
“Jaida is panicking,” you rush out before ending the call and knocking on the stall next to yours. You call her name a few times before the door finally unlocks and you hear running coming from the hallway.
“Hey, hey, love, you’re okay. It’s okay. What’s happened? Would you like to talk about it?” Sky embraces Jaida, comforting her quietly, patting her dyed purple hair. She nods at you as if to say that it’s okay to go, and you take that as your sign to finish getting ready for the performance.
You dress in plain black high-waisted pants, with a white strappy blouse tucked into the pants, with the butterfly belt that each of your members wear.
Once you finish changing, you fold your clothes and take the hanger and bag back to the other room.
Upon your arrival to the other room, you notice Jaida dressed in a similar outfit to yours, but with a skirt, sitting back in a chair with the makeup artist hovering over her, fixing her makeup, while she apologises.
“Hey, you okay? What happened?” you ask, becoming curious about the previous situation.
“I thought I lost my necklace,” her hand instinctively reached for the blue pendant on her necklace she never took off. “It got caught on my button as I was getting changed, and the chain broke, Unnie had another chain though, so it’s okay. I’m sorry for worrying you,” she looks down, disappointed in herself.
“Hey, it’s okay. I would’ve reacted the same had I lost something as important to me as that necklace is to you,” you pat her shoulder and smile at her in the mirror.
Hearing the door open, you look towards your manager who stood beside Gabbie, “Okay, where is Sky?”
“Right here,” Sky says, walking into the room behind the manager and Gabbie.
“Right. We need to get going. You still need to have microphones put on when we get there and do introductions and performances start at 9. You should be lucky you did rehearsal earlier, cause you guys will be the last ones there. Everyone else is getting ready at the venue. We can pick something up to eat on the way because you are not performing on an empty stomach,” he says. “Make sure you have all of your stuff.”
Each of you bow at the stylist, makeup artist, and hair stylist before grabbing all of your belongings and making your way toward the elevator.
“What would you like to eat?” Your manager asks all of you. Your nerves throw away all appetite you have and you think it is the same for all of your members.
“I don’t want to ruin my outfit by getting food on it, why don’t we get something to eat afterward?” Jaida suggests. All of the members agree but your manager is skeptical.
“Are you sure?” you all make noises of affirmation as you exit the elevator and get into the waiting vehicle.
The drive is quiet and as relaxing as it can be with the four of you curious as to what is going on and nervous about performing for idols.
“Are you really not going to tell us anything?” you speak up, for the first time in the half an hour drive.
“I can’t. We’re pretty much here anyways, so you won’t have to wait too long,” Your manager smiles as you sink back into your seat.
He turns into a parking lot that is basically empty and drives straight to the entrance, putting the car in park and taking the keys out of the ignition. Each of you leave the vehicle and walk slowly behind your manager towards the entrance of the venue.
Walking up the stairs, you realize that the lights in the foyer are on, but the glass door is closed. As you reach the door, your manager reaches for the keys in his pocket and unlocks the door, holding it open for you to all go in before he does. You enter the foyer and immediately realize how cold it is. The air conditioning must be set to about 18°C.
Your manager goes to the front desk and grabs the sheet of paper sitting on it, starting to fill it out. Your members bow at the lady behind the desk, who smiles in turn.
“Okay! Go through that door,” your manager says, pointing at a door on your left, after finishing the paperwork, “and there will be someone waiting for you. Follow them.”
“Wait, what? Where are you going?” Jaida has panic written in her eyes as she says the words. Gabbie grabs her hand to try to calm her down before she gets herself worked up.
“I’m just the chauffeur today. You’ll understand later, trust me,” he pats her shoulder in an attempt to calm her down. “Oh! Before I forget, come,” he waves Jaida to follow him back towards the car. Jaida glances at each of us before letting go of Gabbie’s hand and following our manager.
She returns minutes later with her beloved stuffed owl wrapped in her arms.
She takes a deep breath before walking to the door the manager earlier pointed to, where each of us were waiting for her, before opening the door.
As you enter the door, your eyes land on a young woman dressed in mostly black with platinum blond hair, who was just standing in the hall.
“Are you who is waiting for us?” You speak up quietly enough not to startle her.
“Ah, yes! You must be Nymph! My name is Aera, and I’ll be working with you throughout your time on this show!” She smiles gracefully at each of you. “If you’ll follow me, I’ll be taking you to your waiting room where I will help you get your microphones on. Have you eaten tonight?”
“No, we didn’t want to spoil our outfits, and we have been a bit too nervous to have much appetite,” you laugh awkwardly as you try to follow the conversation.
You arrive at a room that has your band name written on the door, entering quietly.
The room isn’t big, but it isn’t small. It has a white leather couch against one wall, a small glass coffee table in front of it, and along the other wall are suitcases that look familiar to you.
“Don’t question it, you’ll understand soon, I promise,” Aera says.
You each take a seat on the couch except Sky, who is the first to have her microphone put on, followed by you, then Gabbie, then Jaida.
Soon, you are instructed to leave your belongings in the waiting room and prepare for introduction. You are finally about to see what idols you are going to perform for.
Jaida sets her stuffed own on the couch, facing the suitcases, and each of your phones are left on the coffee table.
You are instructed to follow Aera in single file, so you take the front of the line, the two maknaes between yourself and Sky. You walk for a few minutes until Aera turns to you.
“Okay, on my cue, you walk through that doorway, it leads to the stage. You are the 7th band doing introductions, so there are still 2 after you. Stand in the middle of the stage area and introduce yourselves, until your band logo appears above one of the seating areas, then just go sit down and you’ll be good,” you nod at her instruction, your members mimicking your action.
You take a deep breath, trying to calm your nerves, and before you know it, Aera gives you the cue to go.
Next Episode: Episode 01 / Series Masterlist
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jjaelly · 1 year
Home >> Kpop Groups >> Nymph Members Profile
Nymph Members Profile
Nymph Members Profile: Nymph Facts
Nymph (님프) is a 4-member South Korean group under the entertainment company RBW. The group consists of the members: Sky, Y/n, Jelly and Fawn as of their debut on September 18, 2022. They debuted with 1st MINI ALBUM ‘Higher’.
Nymph Official Fan Name: Nabi (나비 — Meaning butterfly)
Nymph Official Fan Colour: —
Nymph Current Dorm Arrangement: (as of December 19, 2022)
Sky & Y/n
Jelly & Fawn
Nymph Offical Sites:
Website: Nymph.RBW.com
Twitter: @Nymph_Official, @Nymph_jpn
Instagram: @Nymph.Official
Facebook: Nymph
Youtube: NYMPH
Fancafe: Nymph
Tiktok: @Nymph_official
Nymph Members:
Stage Name: Sky (스카이)
Birth Name: Sim Sky (심 스카이)
Position: Leader, Main Rapper, Performer
Birthday: August 4th, 1998
Zodiac Sign: Leo
Height: —
Weight: —
Blood Type: —
Nationality: Sino- Korean
Representative Animal: Tiger
Sky Facts:
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Stage Name: Y/n
Birth Name: Y/n L/n
Position: Vocals, Sub-rapper, Centre
Birthday: April 21, 2002
Zodiac Sign: Taurus
Height: —
Weight: —
Blood Type: —
Nationality: Korean
Representative Animal: Rabbit
Y/n Facts:
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Stage Name: Jelly (젤리)
Birth Name: Jaida Lee (이 제이다)
Position: Main Vocalist, Composer, Performer
Birthday: December 10, 2004
Zodiac Sign: Sagittarius
Height: —
Weight: —
Blood Type: —
Nationality: Australian-Korean
Representative Animal: Penguin
Jelly Facts:
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Stage Name: Fawn (포운)
Birth Name: Gabbie Kim (김 갑비)
Position: Main Dancer, Vocals, Maknae
Birthday: December 23, 2004
Zodiac Sign: Capricorn
Height: —
Weight: —
Blood Type: —
Nationality: Australian-Korean
Representative Animal: Frog
Fawn Facts:
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jjaelly · 1 year
X-Change Project
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2023 • Reality • 1 Ongoing Season
Overview • Cast • Episodes
E00 • Episode 0
Feb 17 — Prologue.
E01 • Episode 1
Feb 24 — After being kept in the dark about the purpose of the show, the idols meet.
E02 • Episode 2
Mar 3 — The idols find which team they are on and begin to bond.
E03 • Episode 3
Mar 10 — Part 2 of the idols bonding.
E04 • Episode 4
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jjaelly · 1 year
X-Change Project
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2023 • Reality • 1 Ongoing Season
Overview • Cast • Episodes
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Kpop Profiles
https://kprofiles.com > Nymph-memb…
27 Jun 2022 — Nymph (님프) is a 4-member South Korean group under the entertainment company RBW. The group consists of the members: Sky, Y/n, Jelly, and Fawn as of …
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jjaelly · 1 year
X-Change Project
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2023 • Reality • 1 Ongoing Season
Overview • Cast • Episodes
Did you like this TV show? 👍 👎
9 bands: SHINee, BTS, The Boyz, Stray Kids, ATEEZ, Tomorrow by Together, Enhypen, TNX and Nymph are thrown out of their comfort zones, into new teams where they create performances together and create lasting friendships.
First Episode Date: 24 Feb 2023 (South Korea)
Final Episode Date: New episodes every Friday at 4pm.
Network: jjaellyNet
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jjaelly · 1 year
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X-Change Project (ON HOLD)
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jjaelly · 1 year
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X-Change Project (ON HOLD)
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Huening Kai
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jjaelly · 1 year
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X-Change Project (ON HOLD)
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jjaelly · 1 year
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X-Change Project (ON HOLD)
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jjaelly · 1 year
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X-Change Project (ON HOLD)
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I will apologise for not writing about Jonghyun. I am a newer fan, and I don’t feel comfortable writing about someone that many of you mourned that I didn’t have the opportunity to. If requested, I may put him as a background character in some stories.
Requests are open! Any requests may be sent via direct messages or asks!
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jjaelly · 1 year
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X-Change Project (ON HOLD)
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jjaelly · 1 year
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X-Change Project (ON HOLD)
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jjaelly · 1 year
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X-Change Project (ON HOLD)
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Hanahaki Collaboration Series 0/8 ready for upload
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