jjdisplay · 8 years
Hey guys, I’m gonna start over on a different blog so yeah.
1. I wanted a different URL
2. I wanted a fresh start
So I thought it’d be easier to just make a whole new blog. It’s gonna be more active than this one so if you’re interested in my art, please go follow @jjfujisawa to keep up to date on my latest art and stuff. I might keep this account up until I feel like I don’t need it anymore so yeah. Love you guys, and see you on my other account!
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jjdisplay · 8 years
A little creative writing warm up I did at a program I go to :P
Jeffrey, a 26 year old college dropout, has worked at Burger King for almost two years. He enjoyed working there. It paid relatively well, considering he still lived with his Grandpa Frank’s attic. He was happy with his life. Sure, he had no friends, hasn’t been in a relationship in six years, rides 3 city buses to work, isn’t even close to paying off his student loans, and; alright maybe he wasn’t happy with his life. He’d go through the same routine everyday.He’d always go into work with either his shirt backwards or had mismatched shoes on, would go in the back and take out the frozen patties for the day, and take his spot at Register 2, putting on his best smile to welcome the customers he always dreaded seeing. But there was one day out of the week he always enjoyed. Wednesday.
Wednesday was the day when his favorite customer would come in. She would always come in at 11:45am on the dot. She would always order the “Garden Grilled Chicken Salad” in the softest, nicest voice. She would always hand Jeffrey a $20 bill, even though she knew the salad costed less than $10. She wore a sentimental looking pendant around her neck that she would reach for every time she’d approach his register to order. She was short, around 5 feet, and her hair was short, falling just above her shoulders. Jeffrey wasn’t sure if she’d noticed, but he had obviously felt dearly for her. I mean, she had been coming in every Wednesday for the past year. Every employee who worked there knew her name.
Audrey. Audrey Salad, they called her. Audrey had known one of the employees before she quit to find another job somewheres else. It was her old high school friend. Jeffrey hadn’t met them when he started working; they must’ve left before he was hired. Everyone talked about them though, every Wednesday after Audrey left with her salad. They would call them “Broomstick”. They did the nightly sweeping every Wednesday. The policies had changed since then; the lack of staff required one person to take the task on every night instead of in a rotating cycle with the rest of the employees. The stories off what Broomstick would find were sometimes a bit horrid; stories of finding a pile of dead mice in the backroom or a small area of blood in a random corner would make Jeffrey uneasy. He felt bad for Broomstick, hearing the seemingly neverending stories of all of their grotesque findings through the various Wednesday afternoons.
One particular Wednesday came around. It had happened only a few times before. Audrey would come in, already clutching her pendant. She seemed anxious; like she didn’t want to be here. She approached Jeffrey’s register, hunched over slightly. Jeffrey hesitated but spoke to her.
“May...may I take your order ma’am?” Her eyes shot up, piercing Jeffrey. He took a quick breath, trying to push down the fear in his voice as he spoke again. “May I take your--”
“Where is she?” Jeffrey froze.
“I-I’m sorry?” She was silent for a moment, making Jeffrey question whether he should speak again or wait for her to speak.
“Where is she?” She mumbled in the same, cold, raspy voice. “Is she out back again?” Jeffrey looked around, trying to find the girl she was looking for.
“Are y-you looking for Janelle? She’s o-on lunch right now. Do you want to order anything or tell her you wa--”
“No, where is she? Broomstick?” Jeffrey tilted his head a bit.
“Broomstick left a while ago, like, she quit. Do you want a Garden Gri--”
“Where is she?” Her voice started to sounded strained, like she was crying. Her free hand reached up to clutch her pendant harder. “She told me she’s here. She said to come find her.” Jeffrey rushed to the other side of the counter, trying to hush the girl’s crying. He looked around, spotting the various eyes that stared at him. He sighed and looked down at the crying girl he’d come accustomed to.
“Audrey, do you need me to call someone to get you? Are you gonna be okay? Broomstick isn’t here, she hasn’t been here in awhile. If you need someone to bring you home, I can--”
“NO!” She yelled suddenly, causing Jeffrey to stumble back. “She’s here I know it! Where did you put her?!” Audrey started to come at him with an angry pointed finger, demanding he show her where her friend is being ‘kept’. Jeffrey said, a bit upset it had to come to this.
“Bianca! Bianca, I’ve got an issue! Can you show this customer out?” Bianca, a tall, muscular woman, appeared from the back of the restaurant. She kindly showed Audrey out of the facility, leaving behind her soft voiced threats.
“I’LL FIND HER ONE WAY OR ANOTHER! YOU CAN’T KEEP HER FROM ME! AND IF I DON’T FIND HER, YOU WILL!” And with that, Audrey was out the door. The rest of Jeffrey’s day was filled with the haunting final threat she spewed at him as she was escorted out.
“‘If I don’t find her, you will.’ What does that even mean?” He mumbled to himself as he finished counting the cash in his register. He closed it finally, stretching his arms as he approached the backroom for his handy broom and tray. A wash a fear and cold air rushed through his body, but he excused it for his petty fear of the dark that started to envelop him as he reached into the dark closet for his utilities. At first, he swatted his hand around, trying to feel for the items. No good. He expected that. Second, he opened the door to peer inside. He squinted at the darkness in front of him, trying to see if he could make out the shape of the broomstick handle or even the tray on the floor. No beans. He sighed and finally stepped in. He moved his hands around, wildly but cautiously, hoping that they would hit something useful. “Broomstick~~, where are~~ you~~.” He called out for the items until his hand hit something. “Broomstick?”
“You found her.” A soft voiced whisper poured into his ear, making him freeze in his place. He wrapped his hand around the item he hit. A hand. A cold one in fact. He quickly turned around to escape the dark meat locker he had entered, only to find his favorite customer at the door. She smiled sweetly, clutching her pendant as she closed the door, locking it quickly after. Jeffrey ran toward it, trying desperately to find a way of escape.
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jjdisplay · 8 years
Tag your oc who wants to dominate the world.
You know the one.
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jjdisplay · 8 years
Paypal Invoicing: Seller Beware
There’s been a lot of posts going around lately about Paypal and their policy on fees, and I’ve seen a lot of people suggesting you move to invoices. What you might not realise unless you have a closer look at these payments once you receive them, is that Paypal is expecting you to ship an item. This remains the same regardless of whether you use the default form, the ‘services’ form and charge by the hour, and whether you put 0.00 in the postage section.
After a call to customer service this morning, I have confirmed there is actually no option on invoices for a seller to indicate that postage is not required if you are invoicing from the main paypal website (ie. you don’t do paypal checkout through your website, there may be a work around if you have a purchase button on your website, which isn’t entirely practical for commissions as prices can often vary and most do payments through the site directly). This means that if you don’t provide shipping / tracking information on that payment, Paypal may freeze the funds and/or your account.
Apparently the way to avoid this is to include in the notes section of the invoice that the invoice is for goods and services, and that no shipping is required. 
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They also said that the buyer should indicate in the notes when they pay that they have received the goods/service, however this is going to cause issues with commissions as most are either paid upfront or partway through. 
If anyone has any further solution to this, reblog and or message me, but otherwise this has been a PSA about Paypal invoicing. Seller beware. 
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jjdisplay · 8 years
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Twitter art dump because i never really upload here (at least frequently)
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jjdisplay · 8 years
I did an animation for school and I wanted to share it with you guys :3
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jjdisplay · 8 years
Streaming some pose practices because I haven't been very productive the past couple of days.
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jjdisplay · 8 years
Streaming now since i didnt have school today. Gonna do an expression challenge practice thing idk
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jjdisplay · 8 years
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A WHOLE BUNCH of JJ dumps from twitter.
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jjdisplay · 8 years
Opening commissions from today to next Wednesday and for Easter Week.
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jjdisplay · 8 years
Streaming at 3. Gonna do some of the pages for my children's book project for school and maybe doodle a bit
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jjdisplay · 8 years
Okay so I made a small rant about an idea I had about gathering a bunch of different artists to make a children’s book. If you’re at all interested in the idea, please go see this rant.
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jjdisplay · 8 years
A poll about commissions because I’m curious.
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jjdisplay · 8 years
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Drew this on stream. One of @egofaptor‘s OCs from twitter. I’m super late to hopping on this train but EEEHHHH whatever :P
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jjdisplay · 8 years
Streaming in a bit. Just doodling or whatever
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jjdisplay · 8 years
Womp, take this wip
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jjdisplay · 8 years
Imma try to do some NSFW on stream for the first time. So come if you wanna see me freak out and cry over it
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