kaykoo-is-here · 2 years
Ah, I love him.
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kaykoo-is-here · 2 years
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Oh Monoma . . .
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Yeah so… um…sorry Monoma
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kaykoo-is-here · 2 years
Sneak Peek for "Like Leaves In The Wind" (On AO3)
"You know what?", a wry smile graced her lips, "When I got older I noticed that you treated me differently from the others. You were supportive of me no matter what I wanted to do. You were there for me whenever I needed you. Smiled with me at every birthday, gave the perfect excuses for why you never were around for Fuyumi's birthday, or Natsuo's or Shoto's. Did you ever even care about Touya?!?"
"Asami.", Enji tried to stop her from talking, "You mean the world to me."
"I mean the world to you?", Asami scoffed, "We all should have been your world, not just me! And I thought you were more supportive of me because you felt guilty about how I was born! I thought you did what you did so I wouldn't feel any different from my siblings. I thought you did everything because you felt guilty you weren’t with mom. I had no idea that this whole time you've been a monster. A villain!"
"I'm trying to change, be a better person now.", Enji tried to explain. She cut him off.
"And you know what sucks about this whole thing?”, she asked quietly.
“What?”, Enji questioned in a hesitant voice.
“I spent most of my life wondering what I did to make Shoto hate me.”, her voice cracked as she tried to stop her tears from falling, “My brother hated me for so long. And for what? Why did any of this ever happen? Why was I even born? Did you lie about loving mom? What? Did the children you already have not meet your expectations? We aren’t your Masterpieces. We were your children.”
Story Here
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kaykoo-is-here · 3 years
Aww the babies (future murderers/ sociopaths) . . .
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kaykoo-is-here · 3 years
Sneak Peak for "Like Leaves in the Wind"
It was time for the most highly anticipated matchup of the Sports Festival. Todoroki Asami and Todoroki Shoto would be facing one another. Both were Endeavor's children. Who would win?
The crowd was mostly silent, except for some small conversations taking place. Money was exchanging hands as people placed their bets on the Todoroki they felt would win this showdown.
"It's going to be Todoroki Shoto, that kid's a different kind of Monster."
"No. Todoroki Asami could easily counter his ice. She'll win this battle because her quirk is his perfect counter."
"Todoroki Asami doesn't really look like she could hurt anyone."
"I heard she's as powerful as her brother, if not more so."
"This match is going to be close."
"Yeah. No one can ever say that U.A. doesn't deliver quality entertainment."
Endeavor himself was impassively watching his children walk into the open field.
This fight would determine who his greatest Masterpiece was.
Both entered the ring.
The crowd's murmurings became louder as they attempted to decipher the outcome of the match.
"Shoto.", Asami called out, "Don't hold back."
A small smirk painted his lips, "I will defeat you using her ice, I don't need his fire to win."
"Well then, I hope your confidence isn't unfounded, brother.", Asami smiled, "After all, you've never beaten me with ice before."
The sounds of the audience faded into the background. None could hear the conversation taking place between the two, but most assumed it was typical sibling banter.
"Dad isn't around to stop this fight.", Shoto said with a stoic look on his face.
"Sounds like a real problem.", Asami beamed, "But not for me."
He was silent for a moment, "If you think about it, this has been building up for a while now. He always said that only one of us could be the Number One Hero."
Something predatory made its way into her picture perfect smile, "That's true, but you don't stand a chance without using your full power. I won't hold back if you don't."
"And begin!", Midnight yelled.
Endeavor leaned forward.
The two heterochromatic teens ran towards one another.
Some sucked in their breath in anticipation of who would get the first hit in.
Unknown to most, this did not begin at Midnight's prompting.
It was simply one battle.
This war had been playing out for years.
"Shame, I couldn't bring my knives.", Asami muttered.
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kaykoo-is-here · 3 years
Shhh . . . It's a Secret
Hey My Lovelies, surprise I'm launching the Prequel to "Like Leaves in the Wind" on August 1st, 2021. Mark your calendars people. The Prequel's hesitant name will be "Like The Stars That Illuminate Us". Without giving away too much spoilers it will follow: Enji, Inko, Rei, Shota, Mitsuki, Hizashi, Nemuri, Tensei, Kirishima's mom Emiko (OC), and many others (*Cough* *Cough* Kirishima's as of yet in "Like Leaves in the Wind" unknown father *Cough* *Cough*)
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kaykoo-is-here · 3 years
Midnight's class is held in a room filled with a bunch of soft pillows and warm blankets. She gives hot chocolate (and other beverages) to her students and just talks. She talks about anything and everything. And if one of them wants to talk? She's more than happy about that. She likes hearing them talk about themselves for a change. She teaches any student who walks in through her door, but the ones "assigned" to her are those with mutation quirks, or those that have something that helps them stand out (even if it is only subtle). She teaches them that it's all right to stand out. Teaches them not to care about other's opinions. Teaches them how to ignore the disgusted and hate-filled looks given to them by people who hold that vile darkness in their hearts. How to ignore the whispers and the shouting. She's gotten enough of those looks since she was fifteen and forced into a Hero outfit that left her exposed enough for her quirk to properly work. Her third years are like older siblings to the younger years, and the younger years look up to those older than them. Her students make up a family.
One of her students is a first year with bright pink skin, the most amazing pink hair, and the cutest little horns. The girl, Mina Ashido, appears to be a ray of sunshine on the surface. It even fools Midnight for the first few classes. Eventually though the girl, Mina, let's slip that the people at U.A. are so much nicer than the people at her old school. It takes half a year for Midnight to learn more about the girl who normally wears a smile in classes. She learns that the people Mina hung out with would act nice, but she had overheard them making fun of her when they thought she wasn't around. Midnight learns that Mina hears these same comments when she's on her way to school. Learns that some will even go as far as to call her an abomination on the street. It makes her more angry than words can comprehend. But, she listens. She never stops listening.
Another first year, Fumikage Tokoyami, faces similar things. Almost all of her kids have faced discrimination before. She welcomes them all with a smile, she checks up on every single one of them even if they have long since graduated. Despite her persona, she's very maternal. She'd be damned if anything bad ever happened to one of her kids. She speaks out against quirk discrimination (or any discrimination) all the time, even getting her friends and other heroes involved. Though it does little to change anything, she does the best she can for her kids. If they can't escape the looks and the jeers, the best thing she can teach them is how to ignore it all. When they experience hatred, her lessons remind them that no matter what, they will always be loved.
She has a lot of first years this time around. They range from a short boy with purple balls for hair to a boy with six arms who wears a mask because he doesn't want to scare anyone to a girl with earphone jacks who alternates classes between Midnight and Present Mic. She's helped at least one hundred students since she first started teaching. Remembers each of their names somehow, and never forgets a birthday. She's helped each of them deal with some form of insecurity. The lives she's saved "teaching" this class mean more to her than any rescue she's made as a hero.
Her third years will be graduating soon. Tamaki Amajiki will forever be on her list of favorites (but then again, all of her kids go on that list). He was originally sent to her because of his pointed ears. He liked it enough to never transfer out, even if some teachers could have had him in their classes. She taught him to imagine people as potatoes if he felt nervous. Her heart melted when she heard from Shouta that he heard Amajiki muttering about how "His mom told him to imagine people as potatoes if he got nervous." Because, all of those who walk through her door become hers. She claims them proudly and will talk to them immediately if she sees one out in public. It confuses the public immensely the first time a reporter hears her mention her "kids". The media goes into a frenzy as people try to locate these "children". Eventually the media dies down and most dismiss it as a joke to rile the media. Not many pay attention to the amused looks on the street or the shared accessory worn by many of those across Japan. They may not be her blood, but she does hold them (each one) in her heart at all times.
And like a "real family" her students (graduated or not) recognize one another. She gives each one a pin during their very first class with her. She replaces it if asked, and gladly pays for shipping if they are too far for her to hand deliver. It's a simple pin, a black base with splashes of every color that if one knew what to look for, would find that each "splash" is an "M". When asked where they got it by other kids of hers, the response is always the same.
"My mom made it for me."
She can't change the world, but she sure as hell can change how they view it.
Most teachers hold extracurricular classes where they teach kids with quirks similar to their own, or teach a specific skill.
Present Mic's class is held in a soundproof gym. He teaches kids with voice and sound based quirks, but his class is open to anyone who wants to learn self confidence, as that's the main goal of the class - making sound around you proudly.
Eraserhead's class is held in a gymnastic gym. He teaches kids who's quirks don't give them any physical advantage. One goal he sets for students is walking on a rope. It's the only time the students see him in something other than his jumpsuit, as he wears a gymnastic suit for this class. The students take an oath of silence.
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kaykoo-is-here · 3 years
So I'm not an artist . . .
My Fanfiction can be found: Here
Hello, not sure how many people from AO3 actually look at my Tumblr since I rarely post. For those of you that are familiar with me, I have a surprise for you. I'll be updating soonish (that's not the surprise). You get a sneak peak for actually looking at my Tumblr. I've gone through so many wonky designs with terrible color schemes, and I've been holding off on updating until I could make something kind of decent? Here's Asami's Hero costume:
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kaykoo-is-here · 3 years
The Prodigal Son and the Castaway
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A Murderous Goth and a Gentle Jock
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kaykoo-is-here · 3 years
Ah I love this interpretation
Back to teenage Enji witnessing All Might's debut
Imagine him in middle school, telling everyone how he will become the strongest hero, how he will become the number one. His classmate laughed at it at first but he was persistent and he trained hard and they began to question maybe Enji actually will be The Hero. Maybe, he will become something no hero ever was
Yet, once All Might appeared, everyone went back to laughing at him. There can't be two symbols of peace. Enji has already lost. But he didn't accept his defeat, he decided to still try and prove that hard work can take you far. He will become strong, stronger than All Might. He will prove he is the one who was always supposed to be on the Number One spot
And yet, we know that the gap was too big. Being compared to All Might for years, Endeavor grew to hate the man even if personally he did nothing wrong to him. Enji knew that All Might is stronger than he will ever be but he wanted to see him defeated so badly. He wanted to see him crash the same way he crashed Enji's childhood dream of being the best hero in history
So childish. All Might indeed is a symbol but for Endeavor, he wasn't symbolizing peace. He was a living reminder that Enji is not good enough. He was a symbol of his defeat
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kaykoo-is-here · 3 years
Story Ideas for my Lovelies to look at and decide (please do not steal):
P.S. This is for my AO3 account but I might post short snippets on Tumblr
All of these stories will be a Fem! Izuku:
- Option 1: Midoriya Inko studied abroad in America for a year and came back home pregnant. Inko claimed that the father was a good man, just not ready for a family. Midoriya Rina never knew her father, she grew to hate his absence but found a new father figure in the form of a hero she only ever saw on the computer or on the news. All Might was everything Rina knew her father was not. But, after the battle with All for One leaves All Might severely injured and missing his stomach and a lung, All Might decides that he wants to be apart of his daughter’s life. What happens when the father Rina has hated her whole life turns out to be the only man she has looked up to? (Love interest: Todoroki Natsuo)
- Option 2: Young Yokumiru Inko was only seventeen when she slept with her friend David Shield at a party and ended up pregnant. Her little girl was born with Inko's hair and David's eyes. But, Inko and David never knew the stress of being teen parents thanks to the intervention of Inko's father. Midoriya Tori is the name given to Inko's daughter by the Public Hero Safety Commission. The goal was to raise her to become the perfect match for a future hero, ensuring another eye on Hero society. When her quirk manifested they planned on raising her to be the perfect match for Endeavor's son Touya, however after he is presumed dead they set their eyes on the young Takami Keigo. He too is already being raised by the Commission after all. (Love interests: Hawks, Dabi)
- Option 3: Midoriya Inko went to Shiketsu and became a Pro Hero, she even fell in love with a fellow Pro Hero. She finds herself pregnant and despite no one in her family living past childbirth, she wants to be a mom. But, it’s after dating Aizawa Shota for five years and hearing his thoughts on having children with her does she decide to not burden him with the knowledge of her pregnancy and instead leaves in the middle of the night with a note telling him not to look for her. Midoriya Kiyoko is born with a stronger version of her mother’s telekinesis. Flash forward nearly sixteen years later, Shota’s friends keep on telling him about an Inko look-alike who has black hair instead of green hair. Will Shota ever learn the truth? (Love interests: Shinso Hitoshi, Bakugou Katsuki, Todoroki Shoto, Yoarashi Inasa)
- Option 4: A child was never in the future for them. Sasaki Mirai hates watching his wife Inko get her hopes up for a child that will never come. He knows that leaving her will give her the child she always wanted. He’s been selfish to stay with her. A baby, more importantly a healthy baby, will be born if he could just let Inko go and file for divorce. He needed to set her free to ensure her own happiness, so he did just that. He left her with the instruction to never contact him again. He and Inko are unaware of her pregnancy when the divorce happens. Inko (who is bitter about the divorce) decides that her and her baby will be fine without him, her childhood friend Midoriya Hisashi was infertile and needed an heir anyways. Midoriya Mirei wants to be a hero despite the proper upbringing she had as a child. With her best friend Todoroki Shoto she hopes her quirk which allows her to manipulate the futures she sees, will be enough to allow her to become like her favorite hero Sir Nighteye. Will the Midoriya heiress ever learn the truth of her parentage? (Love interests: Bakugou Katsuki, Kaminari Denki, Amajiki Tamaki)
- Option 5: Midoriya Inko took a modeling job one day with her childhood friend Mitsuki and caught the eye of Best Jeanist. Inko and Hakamada Tsunagu married after only knowing each other for a month. It was a vapid fleeting love, but it resulted in Inko’s death and a daughter for Tsunagu to raise alone. No one has ever seen the face of Hakamada Ren, and she prefers it this way. She can walk around without people knowing who she is. She’s a model who’s never once shown her face. Ren never wanted to be a hero, she was quirkless. It was dangerous for her to even consider hero work. Her father treated her like some fragile porcelain doll, she knew it was because he was scared for her well-being but that didn’t make it hurt any less. What happens when she catches the eye of future Pro Heroes? (Love Interests: Todoroki Shoto, Bakugou Katsuki)
- Option 6: Yamada Hizashi and his husband Aizawa Shota know they wanted to have a child young, because they knew if they waited long they’d never end up having a child. Their friend Nemuri also wants to be a mother, but she doesn’t know how she would feel about an anonymous donor. They eventually decide to raise a child together, using rock-paper-scissors to decide what last name the baby will get. Thus, Kayama Natsu is born into a family with two dads and a mom. She can put people to sleep with a glance, that was fun to find out while driving. A family a Pro Heroes raising a future Pro Hero. What could go wrong? And why did she have an IQ that rivals Nezu’s? (Love Interests: Kirishima Eijiro, Iida Tenya, Amajiki Tamaki)
- Option 7: Midoriya Hisashi was an influential business man with questionable connections, that much was certain. But, his daughter was quirkless and would need protection when he died so he decides to reach out to other people with similar ‘jobs’ to his. He reaches out to the Shie Hassaikai and they offer up Chisaki Kai for Midoriya Izumi’s hand in marriage. Getting in contact with One for All lead to Shigaraki Tomura entering the ring. And now some villain by the name of Dabi wants to be considered because he wants to make his father angry by having a quirkless wife? Hawks decides to win her over on orders by the Hero Commission to ensure the villains aren’t able to utilize her brain, more importantly so that no one else could find out about her analyzing skills. When Hisashi announced his daughter was looking for a husband he never expected Hawks to show up. The dowry for marrying Midoriya Izumi is substantial, each person could do a lot with those funds, and surprisingly each person finds themselves falling for her. This is more than just money now, this is a matter of the heart. (Love Interests: Dabi, Hawks, Shigaraki Tomura, Chisaki Kai)
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kaykoo-is-here · 3 years
Amajiki is always a mood . . . we’re all thinking it . . .
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“Okay, can you please introduce yourselves briefly? Let’s start with Amajiki.”
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