kingdomofnerds · 6 years
✨💛 This is the Amazing Person Award! Once you are given this award you are supposed to paste it in the ask of eight different people, who, in your opinion, deserve it. If you break the chain nothing will happen, but it's sweet to know someone thinks you're amazing inside and out 💖
Oh this is sweet! Thank you nonnie I’m glad you think I’m amazing :P I think you’re amazing too! Consider this returned to you, mystery person!
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~ Celeste
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kingdomofnerds · 7 years
Fire Emblem: Fates Request
Requester: Fated Anon
Request: Can you do a Jakob romantic headcanon thingy? He's one of my favorite characters from Fates!~ (first FE game ever, fell in deep and can't get out, send help ) Thank you!            
Notes: There is not help for you now. May as well embrace it!
○ Treats his partner like royalty, plain and simple
○ He is very gentle and delicate with his partner, as if they’re the most priceless treasure in the world. To him they honestly are
○ If his partner mentions being even the slightest bit uncomfortable or having the slightest desire for something he’s immediately off to fulfill their needs, no matter how minor
○ If his partner asks him to tone it down he will but that’s actually a struggle for Jakob. He legitimately enjoys pampering his partner so please allow him to do it sometimes
○ Jakob loves massages. Giving him a massage is an easy way to return any favor for Jakob. Whether his partner is just rubbing his shoulders through his uniform or getting a little more into it with massage oils and a full upper body massage Jakob will melt under their hands
○ He’s fairly proper and not big on major PDA but Jakob does love to link arms or hold hands in public. He likes to show off a little and he’s glad his partner is happy to be seen with him even though he’s just a servant
○ That being said if someone else is flirting with his partner all bets are off. Jakob’s arms are around them tightly, holding them tight to his body while he glares at the offending party. He’ll place kisses on his partner’s face or lips and if he’s feeling particularly angry or bold, their neck
○ This protectiveness carries over to the battlefield as well. Should an enemy even attempt to attack his partner Jakob is ready to end them as swiftly as possible. He does all he can to be positioned close to them so he can support them
○ As much as he loves his partner and loves being close to his partner Jakob does need some alone time to recharge from time to time. He’d need a partner who could understand this.
○ Definitely loves tea time with his partner. Whether snuggled up with the perfect brew or just quietly enjoying a drink in the same room he loves to unwind that way with them
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kingdomofnerds · 7 years
Fire Emblem Echoes: Shadows of Valentia Request
Requester: Commoner Anon
Prompt: I don't know if this counts as self/OC (Does that mean yourself x OC or you/your OC x canon character? Sorry I'm a dumb) and if so sorry. Um, can you please do a headcanon of Fernand figuring out he has feeling for a commoner and how he would deal with it. Thank you and sorry this is long.
Notes: No worries! This is just fine! An OC is an original character, so I wouldn’t do a request if it was about someone’s specific character. So if someone asked for say, ‘headcanons with Fernand and my feisty OC Bria’ I wouldn’t do it because it’s no longer xreader. Does that make a bit more sense? c:
○ The thought that he could actually have feelings for a commoner is the furthest thing from Fernand’s mind honestly. He would constantly make excuses for his feelings
○ For example, he insists that he only watches out for you in battle because ‘commoners aren’t suited for fighting such as this and I cannot allow them to slow us down’
○ The warmth he feels in his chest whenever you’re around is anger. Definitely anger
○ Deep down Fernand knows how he feels but it panics him somewhat and he tries hard to deny it and push it to the back of his mind for quite some time
○ When the feelings finally become too much and Fernand can’t ignore them anymore he begins to make excuses as to why you’re ‘not just a commoner’
○ ‘they behave like a noble, yes. Maybe they have distant noble blood somewhere?’ sometimes Fernand ends up muttering to himself, caught up in excuses for his own feelings
○ It’ll take him a while but with some help from Clive and perhaos his crush as well if they’re somewhat close Fernand will accept what he feels
○ Occasionally in the beginning Fernand may relapse into is fears and prejudices so his partner would have to be very patient
○ Once he’s made a little more progress in his healing process Fernand would apologize sincerly for all of the ways he mistreated his partner right from the very beginning
○ In the end his lover would be able to introduce Fernand to a whole new world in terms of showing him how commoners live. It’s a bit enlightening for him
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kingdomofnerds · 7 years
I'd like a Fates 1st Gen Matchup, male preferred. I'm an ISFJ girl who enjoys books and music. I like being around people, if it's small, and adore baking. I like volunteering at pet centers and taking care of kids. Thanks in advance!
Sorry but matchups are actually closed! Thank you for waiting until Monday but please always check the desc before asking!
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kingdomofnerds · 7 years
Hello! I am the Ringabel anon ;0; I sent a request a loooong time ago and I wanted to know if you had gotten it or not
Hello! I have a Ringabel scenario request in the ask (reader thinks Ringabel doesn’t like ‘girls like her’ sorta thing so she’s becoming distant) but I haven’t done scenarios in so long that I’m having a harder time thinking of proper scenes for them! I hope to have it done in the next few days though, if that’s the one you’re talking about. I do truly apologize for the wait though. I know you’ve been very patient so thank you for that ♥
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kingdomofnerds · 7 years
Fire Emblem Echoes: Shadows of Valentia Request
Requester: Royals Anon
Prompt: Hey! May I request FE Conrad dating headcanons?             
○ Conrad is extremely traditional and gentlemanly! Pretty much a Disney prince
○ Because of this he takes things very slow. He is very respectful of boundaries, real of imagined, and pretty much waits for express permission to move the relationship along in any way
○ Like he actually asks if it’s ok for him to hold your hand the first time he does it
○ Conrad is just plain shy about initiating things in a relationship too. It takes him a long time to work up the confidence. He kinda appreciates when his s/o initiates though they do have to be careful of his own comfort zone and boundaries first
○ Literally so respectful he is the most respectful boyfriend
○ Conrad really likes to go on relaxed outdoor dates. A walk in the forest, a horseback ride across a beautiful valley... those kinds of things are his favourite
○ Subtly brags bout his partner. Like he wont bring it up himself but if someone mentions them in a positive light he’s like ‘yeah aren’t they literally the most amazing person on earth I think so too’
○ Often gets caught staring at them by others and teased for it. Wen he falls he falls really hard
○ Protective. He’s only protective when he need to be, like if someone is clearly crossing a line or you’re in battle, but when the situation actually calls for it he’s by his s/o’s side in an instant
○ Communication is really important to him. Having someone who can read him and coax him to open up while also being willing to rely on him is his ideal
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kingdomofnerds · 7 years
Fire Emblem Echoes: Shadows of Valentia Request
Requester: Dey Dem Bois Anon
Prompt: Gray and Tobin with significant others and kissing headcanons pls? They're my best bois  
Notes: Same they are wonderful bois         
○ Likes to give surprise kisses. He’ll come up behind you and sneak a kiss, make you think he’s looking at something behind you and sneak a kiss... anything he can do to make it a surprise he’ll do
○ Believe it or not Gray prefers to kiss more in private; by yourselves or with only close friends around. It’s not that he couldn’t or wouldn’t kiss you more publicly but unless he feels that he needs to show off or make your relationship known he keeps it more private
○ When Gray is super relaxed he’s a kiss monster. His lips will not leave you. Rip you at bedtime when he’s really sleepy he wont stop pecking you all over until he passes out
○ His favourite places to kiss are your neck and shoulders. Generaly only does it when you’re alone or, as mentioned before, he’s extremely relaxed
○ If he’s trying to be a bit more sensual he’ll gently nip your skin between kisses
○ Tobin loves kisses so much. It takes him a long time to get used to them though, so he doesn’t initiate many at first and still gets surprised when you do
○ Unlike Gray he likes to kiss in public. He doesn’t want to be obnoxious but little pecks to your lips knowing people can see you two gives him a bit of a confidence boost. He also wants everyone to know how proud of you he is.
○ If you give him kisses on the cheek as rewards for doing things he’ll pretty much do anything for you, please be kind to him
○ Tobin gets lost in kisses easily. If he’s holding you close, usually with a and on your waist and on on your cheek, lips on yours, it’s very easy for him to forget everything around him
○ When he’s going through hard times Tobin finds a lot of comfort in holding you close and kissing your forehead
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kingdomofnerds · 7 years
Mystic Messenger Request
Requester: @kazeshxni
Prompt: Saeran scenario where his s/o sees a huge insect in their house, get REALLY scared, and asks him to get rid of it?            
Notes: I couldn’t think of a full scenario for this one so I just made it a reaction. I hope that’s ok!
When Saeran first hears you scream his head is going to fill with worst case scenarios and his heart is going to sink. So, when he finds you perched on the couch, hugging a cushion and pointing at an insect he might be a little irritated.He’s ready to scold you, tell you not to react like that for something so small, but when he sees the little tears in your eyes he can’t help but keep his mouth shut. He even feels a bit bad for being angry. Chances are Saeran kills the bug no hesitation with his bare hands for having the audacity to scare you. He goes a little overboard. You’re probably not happy about the giant splatter it leaves behind and while Saeran doesn’t see the problem because he ‘got rid of it you should be relaxed now’ he’ll clean it up for you without much complaint. If you give him a kiss on the cheek as a reward he’ll be over the moon.
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kingdomofnerds · 7 years
Hi sweetie! Can I ask for a match-up? From Fates. I'm female and bi. I tend to be gritty, hot-tempered, and I'm also very stubborn. However, I have good intentions. I like to make the people close to me laugh, and I love to be helpful. I also love to travel and try out different kind of things, learn languages and such. I prefer the company of talkative people. Thanks in advance!!:)
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I match you with Hayato! He can be immature, yes, but he can also be quite mature in some ways, and I think those ways would bounce off of you well. He might be able to see a situation more logically which may help you stay calm while you may help him grasp the emotions of a situation and help him become more sympathetic. Both of you can be pretty stubborn so there’s no reluctant giving in in disagreements, but in some ways that’ll allow you to compromise instead of one person always getting their way. Hayato appreciates your good intentions and wants to help you see them through. He also loves that you’re funny and you have a way of making him laugh even when he’s grumpy. He pretends that he hates that but obviously he doesn’t. Hayato can be talkative, so if you’re feeling in a more talkative mood he’d happy to oblige.
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kingdomofnerds · 7 years
can I have an Awakening matchup? Overall I'm passionate and intense, pretty nervous most of the time, though. I'm also very affectionate with my friends and I like to mess with them from time to time, i can get a bit perverted too. Despite all that, I prefer spending time alone and sing. I still like being in the spotlight, even if it's scary... I consider myself pretty brave, ignoring my fears most of the time and all, but I'm petrified when it's about my own emotions (or dragonflies lol) (1/2)
(2/2) My personality completely flips over with people i really like, i always end up as a shy, flustered, giggling mess (like an anime schoolgirl *sigh*). I like to sleep, when I’m not singing or drawing stuff. I procrastinate a lot, so i guess i’m lazy, but then when i do work i can go until exhaustion. I’m very into occult stuff, so i’m also a fortune-teller. Also, random facts, i hate shoes. And umbrellas. I prefer direct physical contact with nature. Oh, and i got no gender preference. :)        
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I ship you with Chrom! Passion and intensity is a shared trait both of you find attractive in one another. You hype each other up and help one another meet your goals. Chrom thinks it’s cute when you tease him and it adds a bit of fun to the relationship, but be warned he will get back at you from time to time. The fact that you need some alone time is fine for Chrom; it actually makes him feel a bit better since he doesn’t have to worry so much when his responsibilities keep him away. Because of who he is you will be in the spotlight, so the fact that you like that is good! Chrom is more than happy to let you take center stage (he’s not big on having it anyway), but if you’re getting a bit overwhemed he’s happy to step in too. Chrom’s partners have got to be brave for sure. While you’re both a little awkward about your emotions, getting better with that is a way you can grow together. While Chrom appreciates your work ethic and is glad you’re so determined to work hard once you get going, he also isn’t afraid to legitimately lift and carry you off to bed if you’re overdoing it. The way you act around a crush is going to flatter Chrom so hard (once he finally realizes what’s going on that is.) He can be a bit boyish sometimes so that girlish tendency compliments him well.
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kingdomofnerds · 7 years
long scenarios are gonna end up being help until I have time, motivation and ideas for them. Sorry fams, it just takes a lot of time to do them and I don’t want to not do any requests because I spent the whole day staring at a blank page.
Not saying I wont do them but posting for them will be a bit more sporadic from now on, a la the mercy of my brain
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kingdomofnerds · 7 years
Uhm, I don't mean to be rude but in certain places it already IS monday, so they might've been confused is all.
That’s fine. I’ve mentioned a few times that I do Monday est though. Plus is was sent yesterday
Either way I wasn’t trying to be rude I just only do matchups when it’s Monday for me is all
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kingdomofnerds · 7 years
Hello! Can I have a matchup for P5? I'm a girl, straight, gemini, ISFJ and 5"1. Can be really loud but I'm usually the mom-friend and will fight anyone who hurt my friends (and not afraid call them out on their shit). I'm told I'm a good listener and usually have more guy friends than girls. Loves to sleep and play video games but sports are the last time I'll ever be good at. Much better in studies than sports. Likes to make fun of my own height but will fight ppl who call me short. (1/2)
I only accept matchups on Mondays dear. Feel free to resubmit then :)
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kingdomofnerds · 7 years
Persona 5 Request
Requester: @ayaseijuuro
Prompt: ah, sorry for the previous post, then can i ask mishima, ann, goro and akira with s/o in festival and because they're too shy to ask holding hands they just tug their yukata/shirt sleeves?            
Notes: Omg this is adorable
○ Nearly jumps out of his skin with the contact. He does like it but he’s really shy and overthinking everything so it startles him
○ “O-oh sorry, did we miss something?” Thinks you may have passed a stall you wanted to stop at - or worst case he did something wrong somehow
○ You’re going to have to explain what you want to him poor boy wont get it otherwise and his ideas of what you’re trying to tell him are snowballing out of control fast
○ Mishima feels like a total idiot for not getting it when you do explain though. He’s quick to take your hand, apologizing for not getting it. He’s pretty elated that you actually want to hold hands with him though
○ The two of you wander the festival hand-in-hand the whole night. Mishima’s hands are a bit sweaty honestly but that doesn’t make it any less sweet or enjoyable for the both of you. It’s very innocent and romantic
○ It takes her a second to understand what you want and she just kind of stares at you in confusion for a second until it clicks.
○ “You... want to hold my hand?” She has to ask for confirmation first because she’s a bit starstruck by how cute you are. She can’t help but blush a bit
○ “You don’t need to ask silly!” Recovers pretty fast so she doesn’t make you feel awkward and happily wraps her fingers together with your own.
○ Immediately uses your hand to physically drag you over to buy some crepes she noticed she’ll be tugging you around all night
○ Can’t stop thinking about how cute your face looked when you tugged at her yukata though she spaces out more than once trying to re-imagine it perfectly in her head
○ Gets it right away and though he debates teasing you he’ll most likely decide against it as not to push it
○ “You could have just asked you know. What, afraid I might bite?” His tone is an odd mix of playful and dark and it makes you blush even harder than you were before
○ He holds your hand tightly, firmly, and he’s probably not going to let it go for the rest of the festival
○ It makes him beam inwardly because you asking for affection so adorably made him feel needed. He likes that feeling a lot
○ “Next time you want to hold my hand just ask, ok?” Akechi fully hopes you will. Though he’ll hold your hand abit more often after that he still wants you to ask for him again, to give him that rush of feeling important
○ Like Akechi, Akira gets it right away. He knows exactly what you want. Unlike Akechi he doesn’t give in right away
○ He asks what’s up with this unmistakable twinkle in his eye and even though he manages to keep a straight face you both know that he’s teasing you
○ The more you pout at him or the shyer you get the cuter he finds it he can’t stop
○ When he figures you’ve had enough Akira will grab your hand and at first you think you’re finally getting your way but instead of just holding it he raises it to his lips and presses a kiss to your wrist. RIP you
○ From then on though Akira is a bit more attentive though and will hold you hand whenever he notices you showing signs of wanting him to
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kingdomofnerds · 7 years
That persona/yokai request remind me of the Shin megami tentei series, thats funny because persona in these games até demons só i guess made a Crossover withouth even notice xD
Haha I guess ^-^
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kingdomofnerds · 7 years
Persona 5 Request
Requester: Persona Anon
Prompt: can i request akira, ryuji, ann and makoto reactions towards a s/o who can see and interact with yokais personas and such?like some times their  s/o just stare at some point where there is nothing, or even if they are "talking alone", the s/o dont know yet about them being the phantom thieves, and never tell them that they can see yokais personas because they dont want to scare them and be treated like a freak, bonus if something happens that has no excuse like the is raised by a big yokai persona and seem to be floating            
Notes: To be honest I was kinda iffy with this request so I changed it to make myself comfortable doing it. Rater than just yokai I swapped it so s/o can see the persona monsters they often fight (not really shadows because they’re friendly but you get it right?). Hopefully that makes sense lol
○ Figures something is up when he catches you talking to ‘yourself’ but doesn’t say anything to you
○ Sometimes he’ll totally answer you when he catches you just to be an ass
○ Eventually the ‘talking alone’ causes problems for s/o and Akira ends up changing some hearts for them. S/o figures out his identity then 
○ Akira confronts s/o, asking what’s really going on and the two both confess their secrets; which one another both sort of figured at that pint anyway. There’s zero judgement on either side and it’s actually a huge weight off of both of their shoulders
○ Akira will take his s/o to mementos (just the very first floor where there are definitely no shadows) and show them his personas.
○ Honestly he thinks it’s pretty weird that his s/o talks to themselves. It doesn’t bother him per say but he does sometimes worry for them
○ “Who’re ya talkin’ to s/o?” Tries to get them to tell him what’s going on because something just feels off to him but they’ll never tell him
○ One of the more fatherly personas gets sick of the obvious tension forming between the couple and just. Lifts s/o
○ Ryuji totally panics. Like what??? Is going on??? “What the hell?!?!” Does he need to save you he’ll fight he’s ready but he’s also so confused help him
○ Ryuji fanboys when s/o is forced to explain. He thinks it’s so cool that they can see personas, especially outside of the metaverse. He wonders aloud if you have a power like Joker’s and almost spills everything right there without thinking
○ Like Ryuji Ann thinks it’s kind weird when her s/o talks to themselves but, unlike Ryuji, she doesn’t care at all.
○ She gets worried when they’re the only two in the room and s/o still can’t focus on them though. Are they feeling well? Should she leave and let them rest?
○ The more s/o assures her that they just spaced out the more worried she gets. Clearly something is up.
○ The two have a heart to heart and Ann is so earnest and worried that s/o has to tell her the truth. The persona chilling in the corner tells them the same
○ Ann is shocked but super relieved. “You should have just said so!” Whenever she sees s/o spacing out she just asks who’s there or tells them to say hello for her. Super chill about it
○ Makoto doesn’t think anything of it at first. Sometimes she thinks out loud when she studies or has a lot on her mind too
○ At first she worries her s/o may not be sleeping well when they stare off into ‘space’ and asks them as much
○ Poor thing ends up buying her s/o herbal teas and such that are supposed to help with sleep
○ Makoto finally finds out the truth when she hears her s/o laughing and walks in to find them hovering in mid air
○ Makoto is so freaked out she nearly beats the persona to a pulp before s/o has to step in and explain. Makoto is a bit relieved but scolds them for not being honest with her in the first place. What’s she supposed to do with all this tea now?
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kingdomofnerds · 7 years
Fire Emblem: Fates Request
Requester: Bold Anon
Prompt: The Nohrian Royals reactions to their s/o initiating their first kiss (You can do Hoshido siblings too if you want)     
○ The poor thing just freezes up. Like kissing you has been on his mind but it wasn’t at that exact moment but now it’s happening oh
○ He was probably in the middle of doing something and he actually has to stop to process which takes him so long that his s/o probably pulls away thinking they did something wrong
○ He’ll immediately pull them back into a kiss after realizing what happened, putting a fair bit of passion into it to make up for his mistake
○ Suave as hell while he’s kissing them with a hand tangled in their hair and the other sliding to their waist but he’s immediately pink when he pulls back
○ Xander apologizes for taking too long to initiate but admit that he’s glad they did when they did. Will also tease them, musing that he wasn’t sure they had that in them
○ Totally saw it coming she’s been teasing them for over a week now after all
○ Still it makes her jump a tad. Camilla is quick to get her composure back and return the kiss tenfold
○ Will praise her partner for being so bold, and tell them how cute or otherwise attractive they are when they take charge like that
○ “Allow me to return the favor” She’s hooked now she already wants another kiss there are many, many more smooches to come
○ As a reward for them being so brave Camilla spends the rest of the day on a date with them, as romantic or casual as they’d like. Really she’s just floored and lovey so she wants them all to herself for as long as she can steal them away
○ They probably do it when he’s in the middle of saying something. His s/o isn’t trying to shut him up or anything and they do want to listen but oh God he’s so kissable they just can’t help it.
○ Such a shy bean. He totally freezes but recovers faster than Xander. He manages to return the kiss but he’s very shy and ends up letting his partner lead
○ Tries so hard to look cool and unaffected when they part but he is absolutely red faced and starry eyed
○ “If you wanted me that badly you could have just said so” Still a lil’ turd tho
○ He’ll try not to show it but Leo actually feels a little bad and down on himself because he wasn’t brave enough to kiss you first
○ “MMph!” Doesn’t even stop talking when you kiss her she’s just happy though
○ Quick to adjust and throws her arms around your shoulders, almost tackling you to the ground
○ Probably gives you an eskimo kiss after you part
○ Elise is a bit pink but not super shy. She’s a bit bashful for maybe a second when she looks at you after pulling back but she’s happy a second later
○ A little more huggy and snuggly for the rest of the day she’s pretty much glowing actually
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