layton-love · 1 month
Thank you so much! I would've responded in asks, but it appears that you have them turned off. I just had to tell you my appreciation for the love you showed my work! There will be more coming soon hopefully; I've really been making good progress lately with getting back into the swing of things and I think you'll all appreciate what I have in store. Thanks again! Much love and have a wonderful day/night. ❤️✨🌠
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Professor Hershel Layton x Reader. Reader is referred to once as “lady” but is otherwise ambiguous. Very fluffy and soft. SFW. 1,443 words.
     12:26 AM.
​​​​​​     You were sick of staring, just watching and waiting as his arms raised above his head yet again. He was stretching for the seventh time in ten minutes. Those arms belonged around you right now, you complained inwardly, huffing in petulant indignation. Was he doing this on purpose, just to get a rise out of you? To tease you? Surely he wouldn't be so cruel, not your beloved Professor, you thought half-jokingly.
     “Do you intend to sit at that desk until sunrise, Hershel?” You questioned the archaeologist, glaring at his back, arms folded across your chest.
     “I may have to if you keep distracting me. Perhaps you could try a puzzle in order to pass the-” The Professor was suddenly cut off by a yawn, followed by yet another languid stretch, “-the time.” He finally muttered out tiredly, rubbing the back of his head and neck. Sickeningly adorable. It infuriated you.
     “I'm already facing the biggest puzzle of them all." You retorted flatly, very much unswayed by his suggestion, “You're clearly exhausted, Professor. I doubt you'll be able to focus even if I'm pacified with solving every puzzle in the room for the rest of the night. Come lie down and rest. You can finish your work tomorrow.”
     You heard him hum in thought, followed by a long pause. You knew him well enough to know that this meant that he was actually finally considering your invitation. Your heartbeat began to quicken at this, waiting eagerly with bated breath for his decision.
     “Oh, alright,” He finally surrendered, his shoulders relaxing as he put his pen down. You beamed from ear to ear, sitting quickly upright. You couldn't help but eagerly kick your legs in schoolgirl fashion. “Indeed, you have a point. I've hardly made progress in the last hour, and that certainly isn't entirely your fault.” He turned to you with a playful smile and wink. The obviously delighted expression on your face gave him pause for just a moment as he considered how you'd been trying to pry him from his work for hours now. All that effort just to cuddle with him... You looked so pleased about finally succeeding. His expression quickly softened at this thought, a blush rising in his cheeks. Sheepishly, he began chuckling. "Goodness, dear. It seems I've neglected you a bit too long. It's terribly rude to keep a lady waiting; how ungentlemanly of me. You have my deepest apologies.”
     “Indeed. I'll forgive you when you finally get over here.” You replied, failing to sound truly cross with him.
     “Very well. I'm grateful for the opportunity to make up for my actions.” He half-joked, smiling jovially as he strolled over to the couch where you were. You held out your arms as he took the seat directly beside you and leaned in, allowing you to snatch him into your embrace like a dragon with its treasure. He laughed at your enthusiasm, a warm and delightful sound that rumbled softly throughout his chest. Tugging him down so that you were both lying on your sides facing each other, you nestled your head into him as he returned your hug and hummed a pleasant sigh, smoothly pulling you flush against him. As you both relaxed into the soft blanket-covered cushions, he ran his fingers gently through your hair, looking down at your head pressed to his bosom. The archaeologist could feel his face heating up. You were precious...
     You could hear his heart beating.
     It was the most wonderful sound in the world.
     Deep, steady, beautiful. This was the very sound of the person you love the most being alive. It meant that he was right here, right here, safe and sound in your arms, and you in his. It was entrancing. You felt as though you could listen to it forever.
     You let your hands wander with an innocent, loving touch, tracing his spine through the woolly fabric of his sweater. Your fingertips glided over his sides and shoulders, memorising the shapes. You felt him shift slowly, resting the lower half of his face on top of your head as he planted the sweetest kiss on the part of your hair. You giggled at this with a contended sweetness in your tone. “You're delightful.”
     “And you are my greatest delight,” the Professor replied, his voice soft and gravelly with sleepiness. Your heart skipped a beat at this, and evidently he noticed, a goofy grin being pulled across his face. The Professor then pulled you further up into his arms, keeping you close as he pressed his forehead to your own. His deep, dark brown gaze met yours, his eyes half-lidded. In them swirled a hazy mix of adoration and the cutest sleepiness – but the manner in which he looked at you, so genuinely, so incredibly... It was enough to steal your breath for a moment.
     It was the way you could see honesty in his eyes; you could see love; you could see him. The way there was nothing hidden from you.
     It was the way you felt completely safe when you were with him.
     You never had to question his motivations; you never had to question how he truly felt about you. He had no intention of hiding it, for it was right there on display—not that he had a problem with telling you, either.
     Hershel's eyes crinkled as he grinned, watching with a sense of childish awe as you got lost in his eyes so easily. He could feel your heart steadily beating against his chest; he could feel the gentle thrumming of it increase in intensity ever so slightly the longer you stared. The way in which you simply adored him down to the very bones of your being was breathtaking. He never considered the possibility of finding pure love like this again in his life; he never thought it possible. But now? Every day, every morning, when he wakes up and you're still there, you prove to him time and time again that nothing is impossible. You were incredible. You were his everything.
     Before, he'd tried not to frown when the question of Why? had drifted through his mind. Why did you adore him so? Why him? He wasn't exactly a stupendous or especially experienced lover. You had told him before that he was different from others, and he supposed he certainly was different, but he'd never considered himself to be the phenomenon you seemed to view him as. Over time, he came to the conclusion that he'd just simply have to accept it—accept that you... preferred him. You had your motivations, albeit they were a mystery to him. However, his inquisitive mind wouldn't quite let it go as easily. He tried to pinpoint it, tried to narrow it down, but the pieces just wouldn't fit into place.
     Now, in moments current, as he watched your mesmerised gaze directed at him, felt your heartbeat against him... Something inside him understood. It was wordless; there was no clear written or verbal answer, only the understanding that the puzzle was completed.
     That was enough for him.
     With lidded eyes, slowly, non-intrusively, he leaned in, his lips tenderly brushing against yours. He paused, waiting for a reaction, for permission. His fingers combed through your hair, trailing like the gentle kisses of raindrops down the back of your neck. You leaned in, returning the loving advance. He sighed dreamily, something like relief, as he fully leaned into the kiss, as if he'd been underwater and finally come up for air. The kiss was slow, loving, tender – honest. With feeling, with adoration, with commitment. There was no rush for anything or anyone else. It was all yours; every second of it belonged to the two of you. Those very moments in time—even those, too. His hands slowly trailed down your back, down every curve, the touch of his fingertips like promises. “A gentleman always keeps his promises,” you recalled him once saying. You hoped he would keep you, too. Hershel was a true gentleman, though; of course he would.
     You finally parted for air. You could feel the rising and falling of his chest in sync with yours. You let out a breathy laugh, smiling at him, a gesture that he readily returned. Every piece was in its perfect place, exactly where it was meant to be. Exactly where you were meant to be.
     You could feel his heart beating against your chest in rhythm with yours.
     It was beautiful.
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layton-love · 4 months
happy valentines day from the layton gang!
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layton-love · 4 months
professor layton spoilers
thinking about how every professor layton game is ultimately about love. a prehistoric creature sacrificing itself so that a little girl can live. a man who never stopped searching, went through with a fake marriage, registered everything he had in his brother's name, just so that brother might have a place to return to one day. a girl who denied her purpose, who pled with her creators to save the world she fell in love with, who hoped while dying that she would be reborn as a human. a man who built a city of robots so that his daughter wouldn't feel so alone. a woman who braved a hallucinogenic gas leak just to tell her grandfather that his long-lost fiancée never stopped loving him. a woman frozen in time, neither dead or alive, kissing her lover one last time. a boy who loved his brother so much, he gave up his name just so his brother could have a family. so many stories, all of them ultimately driven by the same thought: "I love you, I love you, I love you."
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layton-love · 4 months
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layton-love · 5 months
Trying to keep up with him
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layton-love · 5 months
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know that if you hide,
it doesn’t go away.
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layton-love · 5 months
if you think youve seen every user with a des icon on this website, youre wrong. theres always one more.
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layton-love · 5 months
Same anon here, thank you for responding! I'm not used to seeing someone write for Professor Layton lmao, but I will send in a request once I figure one out!
No problem darlin'! Thank you for the asks, I hope you enjoy reading my work. I'll be right here when/if you have a request! <3
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layton-love · 5 months
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Just some fun cute Desmond Sycamore icons,since I hadn’t changed mine since October and I thought it would be nice to redraw this as a low stress drawing after having trouble with the Sonia and Rauru drawing. Also I tried to see what this would look like with a pink hue to it since I’m very fond of it so here it is as well.
This is a bit of a side note, while drawing this I was looking at the last laughing drawing of Desmond I made and comparing how much it changed for the better in my thoughts. I hope you like them!
Drawing Description: Desmond Sycamore looking to our left with his head tilted slightly upward while his head is over his shoulder. He has a warm closed eyes laughing expression. It is a head to shoulder shot at a 3/4 angle. He is wearing a red knitted sweater and rich brown cardigan. The background is a square shape with a pinkish orange sky with a shojou style background with bubbles and twinkles. And the bottom is roundly framed by red amaryllis flowers.
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layton-love · 5 months
Who do you write for in Professor Layton?
You can see that in the pinned post on my blog! My main three are Hershel Layton, Desmond Sycamore/Jean Descole, and Randall Ascot, though I'm also open to writing for others such as Henry Ledore and Clive. If you have someone specific in mind, feel free to request them, though I do reserve the right to refuse any request I so choose. Thank you for asking, and I hope you enjoy my writing!
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layton-love · 5 months
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Day 204 of making low effort Des doodles until New World Of Steam releases
( ^∇^)♡♡
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layton-love · 5 months
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The anxiety of the internet
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layton-love · 5 months
imagine your f/o[s] hugging you. they hold you so tightly it almost hurts and you can feel their body trembling as they grip you. they rest their forehead on your shoulder and murmur something along the lines of "if something ever happens to you, I..."
you shush them gently and caress their hair, assuring them that nothing will ever happen to you. that you'll always be together. that you feel safe with them and you know they'll protect you. to which they answer "yes... with my life if I have to."
[pro/comshippers and transphobes don't touch this post]
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layton-love · 5 months
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Don Paolo Gifs you can send to your loved ones <3
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layton-love · 5 months
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Day 200 of making low effort Des doodles until New World Of Steam releases
I'm very tired
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layton-love · 5 months
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Day 199 of making low effort Des doodles until New World Of Steam releases
Tea break :^]
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layton-love · 5 months
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happy new year from des!! may this year be amazing for u!! <3
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