I would like to
formally apologize to my English teacher for not liking her bc she gave so much homework this entire year when it turns out shes a really nice and sweet person oh and also shes a raging feminist and w e n t o f f this morning about abortion rights in alabama and I have never stanned a woman so hard before irl 
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Throwing knifes aways give me major femme energy tbh which is exactly the feel im going for.
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lesbians please reblog this post with your weapon of choice
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Gay culture is being uncomfortable playing truth or dare when your friends ask you what guy in your year you would fuck and u just go,,, umm...we..don't have...very..many...options...so..[insert random ass white boy name here] from...bio??
Gay culture is also asking ur friends which girl in ur year is hottest and the room just getting very awkward as they go,,,i mean...if i had to pick...maybe...idk..stacy from chem??? and u suddenly remember that not everyone is a disaster gay with a 3 page list of girls you would want to date (but unfortunately all but 2 are straight)
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My friends at school kept commenting on my button down shirt today about how I kept the top 2 buttons undone. Just shit like "you don't actually have any boobs so why are you trying to show them off" etc. Im just like,,fools. I keep the buttons undone to radiate chaotic gay energy and find myself a woman, sit ur ass down with your basic bitch Hollister sweater and skinny jeans. while you rave over the jonas brothers getting back together, im living my best life by being the gayest i can be
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Have you ever just,,,created scenarios in your head where,,you find your perfect match but with like,,,real people?? Like,,i literally just ran into a girl on the street that i recognized from my music class (i have spoken to her like once in my whole life) and in the 30 seconds i saw her i created this whole fucking fictional situation where we fall in love and end up married and adopt 3 cats and 1 child
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I went to see Captain Marvel today and honestly I am so gay for Brie Larson its not even funny like biTCH ID LIKE TO REMAIN IN THE CLOSET
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To my religious family
The only god i worship is our lord and savior the lesbian jesus: hayley kiyoko
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