Never Fading Away | Cyberpunk 2077 Fanfic
Finally happy enough to post the first chapter of my CP2077 fic, Never Fading Away.
You can also read it on AO3 here, and Royal Road here!
Still working on my cover creation skills, but 8'D
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Ironic, V thought, that the City of Dreams never sleeps. And if it wasn’t for netrunners exploiting the substations so frequently, she would’ve assumed Night City stayed lit forever. But was it alive? Corporations and their goons, fighting regular people for their literal lives. And even then, that’s not enough, they want their thoughts and souls now too. She pushed the thought of the Peralez’, remembering that bullshit like that was why she became a merc in the first place: to fight the fucks that wanted to own people like they were real estate.
And now? Now V only had one goal.
From the rooftop of H10, V watched traffic flow by, oblivious to anything but their own journey. Neon signs glared at the walls of skyscrapers, coercing them to cast long shadows over short alleys. The scent of greasy pizza and gasoline vapors wafted by V.
“You scared the fuck outta me, y’know that? Thought you were going to die in there, the way you were bleedin’.”
Johnny shimmered into focus and took a seat on the rooftop ledge in front of V, removing his sunglasses to look out over the city skyline, before giving V his full attention. Slumped in a folding chair, her long teal hair hung in loose waves around her tired and freckled visage. Brilliant blue mecha eyes gave her a familiar once-over before settling somewhere around his boots.
“Nope, still here,” V exhaled, unsure if she felt relief or dismay by that fact.
“We have to get to Mikoshi, V, we’re running outta time if we’re both going to make it out alive,” he started, but pulled up when V shook her head silently. “What? You don’t want to go?”
“Johnny, I barely made it up those fucking stairs to get here, never mind that you had to drag my ass all the way back to Vik’s,” she hissed, aiming an exhausted glare at her feet before sighing, resignation in her voice. “I’m not going to make it to Arasaka Tower. Not like this.”
V lay Viktor’s pistol on her knee, Misty’s pills held loosely in her hand as she tilted her head back and closed her eyes. With uncharacteristic hesitation, Johnny took up Misty’s empty chair beside her.
“I could get us there. Your body moves when I’m driving, I could get us into Arasaka, to Mikoshi. Alt said she’d be waiting for us when we get there, all we have to do is show up, smash through ‘Saka security, drop down a few floors, and boom. We’re in.”
She didn’t respond right away, instead picking up the pistol and weighing it in her palm. Johnny watched her, resting his cheek on clasped hands.
“Listen, V. I know I’ve… argued with you about this in the past, but you should know that, at the end of the day, I understand that this is your choice. Your life, your body. You’re the closest thing I’ve got to a best friend, Vale. Whatever you decide, that’s what we’re going with.”
V’s hand shook, wrapping around the pistol tightly. “I know Johnny.”
With a choking sound, V rose and threw the gun as hard as she could over the edge of the rooftop, watching it sail into the darkening world below before turning to stand in front of Silverhand. He stood as V held her hand out flat between them. The remaining pseudoendotrizine lay in her palm.
“You gonna go to Rogue?” she asked, nerves fraying with every word. Johnny nodded once, putting his cigarette out. Swallowing hard, V finally turned her eyes up to his. They watched each other for a long moment.
“I trust you.”
Without another word, V tossed the pills down her throat. She didn’t need to wait long before her vision began to blur, the pseudoendotrizine sinking its teeth into her weakened system. Dizzy, V stumbled towards the edge of the roof, the neon lights below doubling up, when someone clasped her forearm tightly.
“I got you, V. See you on the other side.”
And Night City went dark.
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When V found out that Judy, River, and Panam were fine with her a) seeing one another and b) actually down for it, she cried happy tears 😭♥️
Polyamory is about loving someone who encourages you to share that love with others.
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"Welcome to the pad."
"Huh. Not bad, for a merc."
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GONKS, a kerry eurodyne / v / johnny silverhand fic ( 1.5k words, M ) tags: fluff, post-canon, making out, feelings realization, complaining as a love language, johnny silverhand has a body, nomad v ( READ MORE HERE! )( COMMENTS & RBS APPRECIATED )
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“Three happy meals aaaand a single coffee, please!”  🍟🍔🥤
Can’t go back to camp without yoinking some Buck’a’slice on the way! Featuring @halkvonn babies 🧡😌
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✨ Commissions available! ✨
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» Ask about: backgrounds, NSFW, and anything unclear. » Form/Ko-Fi request are the only ways to submit; this helps me to keep everything in one space. » Not first come, first serve.
Slot Status: Standard → max: 5 | filled: 0 Chibi → max: 4 | filled 0
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pov: you romanced Kerry Eurodyne, the cutest rockerboy ever
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VALE aka V
// female. she/her. heywood. afterlife frequenter. root for the underdog. //
street kid; will always help a fellow heywood resident. couldn't save her few {it wasn't a ladder, it was a staircase - things change so quickly}. trust should be mutual, even from the top. misty, he loved you endlessly, no bullshit. no, wait, you motherf-
don't tell me I'm going to die, tell me I'm going to live forever. judy, can you hear me? river? kerry? panam, she believed me. ride or die, family. these tarot, they're not malfunctions; vik? jackie? johnny? johnny we're going to die. not if I can help it.
//alternate route detected//
two bodies, two lives. a suicide run to end them all. blessings from the black wall, if a little ominous. don't turn your back, but don't bow either. you - we - are living legends.
AGE: 27 [Zodiac//Scorpio] (5'8"&147lb) PAN/POLY
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FLUORESCENT 60/∞ ⋆ “Went out to the desert, found myself in a storm, maybe this time I’ll grow some horns.”
OC: Fawn Virtanen ⋆ Game: Cyberpunk 2077
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Top Surgery Scars
now for More Body Meshes and with Body Mod Refits
I previously had the chance to adapt @cunninghand's absolutely lovely top surgery scar skin mod into a scar replacer. Now, for additional options, I'm bringing you yet another way to get these same awesome scars on the Vs and OCs that need them - via the More Body Meshes framework!
And also, this version of the mod includes meshes made to be used with the Adonis and Gymfiend MV body mods!
You'll want to read up on which files do what on the Nexus page; links to that page and the Drive download will be in the comments, as always.
And thanks again to @cunninghand, for continuing to allow me to work with these textures and make neat things for you all!
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mods: goro's kimono ⚠️ do not reupload or edit my shots without my permission ⚠️
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This is a love story.
It's gentle. It's the warmth of the sun on an early summer day. It's the comforting velvet of night in between soft sheets. It's the soft sting of bruises kissed onto pulse points. It's the sweetness of honey. Adoration and devotion expressed in the quietest moments caught between caresses and kisses. It's safety and stability, true and unwavering. It's worth more than its weight in gold.
Heaven is real and he was sleeping in his bed last night.
This is their love story.
Beautiful Nathan belongs to @rindemption
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