marveloustommy · 3 years
Faith chapter 1
Alright guys - this is the first time i’ve written pretty much anything so dont expect it to be that great. Im mostly writing to get my mind off stuff so if you have any requests, feel free to send them in :)  like ive said - i havent really written much so please be nice lol. Im writing this slowly but im also putting it on my wattpad Pounce500, so if it looks familiar thats why! Anyways enjoy the story
Rosie Atwood woke up to the sun shining right into her window. She could hear the movement of her family downstairs as her body fully started to wake. Rosie stretched out and heard the satisfying cracking of her joints, rolling onto her back. Dark brown hair scattered over the pillows while Rosie floundered around in her bed. Rosie’s blaring blue eyes slowly adjusted to the light as she turned to grab her phone. 9:23am     April 12, 2016. Rosie unlocked her phone and went about the daily routine of a teen and checked her social media.
At 19 years old, Rosie was still living at home with her parents. She found not paying rent while trying to figure out what she wanted to do with her life to be the best option, and one she didn’t necessarily mind. Her family consisted of Rosie, her mother, Patty, her father, Derek, and her 2 twin 15 year old brothers, Jace and Matt. Jace was the older of the 2 by a 15 minute delay and would never hesitate to remind his younger brother of the fact. Rosie got along with her family quite well and was always willing to help with her brothers. Ever since Rosie was a kid, she was always like a parental figure to her younger brothers. She loved them dearly.
“ROSIE” she heard Jace yell up the stairs. Damn kid was too lazy to walk up the stairs like a normal person to even see if she was awake. Matty was always the kinder one (and the least lazy). Rosie groaned as she pulled herself out of bed. She could smell breakfast being cooked, her stomach rumbled, thinking of the food she would be eating. Rosie through on a hoodie over her sleep shirt and slowly wandered to the kitchen, where she saw her brothers fighting over a piece of bacon. Reaching in between them, she took it from the twins’ joint grasp and took a bite off the end.
“Rosie, what the hell?” Jace yelled as he watched his older sister easily grab the piece of bacon between 2 fingers and raise her eyebrows at the boys.
“Jace! Language please!” Patty chastised her oldest son before turning back to the stove. Rosie looked around the room in search of her father. For 9:30am on a Tuesday morning – the kids father would be sitting in his seat in the living room watching some rerun of a sports game while sipping a coffee. She took a seat at the table next to Matt.
“Where’s dad?” Rosie turned to her mother, turning herself in her chair to face the women at the stove.
“He got called in to work a little bit today – they’ve been understaffed, and he could always use the overtime hours” Her mother stated. Rosie sighed, this happened often. Her mother used that lie around the twins, but Rosie knew the reason. Her parents never had the greatest relationship, being married young after finding out they were expecting. All to keep Rosie’s grandparents happy. Ever since then, her father has been “working” often in order to get away from the stress of having children that young. Rosie’s parents were high school sweethearts and found out at only 20 years old that they were expecting. Being raised in a religious home caused Derek to marry Patty at only 21. He didn’t regret it – Derek loved his kids, but at only 39, he got easily stressed and would take it out in yelling matches against his wife. The two fought over nothing and everything, and while her parents did a good job raising the kids, a lot of responsibility fell to Rosie.
“Dad was supposed to take us to the new Captain America movie today mom.” Matt stated. The twins had gotten into the Marvel universe after their father had showed them some comics he had found from when he was a kid. The boys had been overjoyed when they found out their father would be taking them to see, hopefully, one of the greatest marvel movies made. Patty looked apologetically to her sons, knowing how bad they had wanted to go.
“How about I take you guys?” Rosie questioned the boys after seeing how genuinely upset they had become at the knowledge of their father’s absence from the day’s events. Rosie didn’t necessarily hate the movies – she just never got invested enough to call herself a fan. Sure, she had seen all the movies once, due to having obsessed younger brothers, but she never fully paid attention to care a lot about the plot. Both her brothers heads shot up to look at her after she popped the question.
“Who wants their sister to take them to a movie?” Jace replied looking somewhat offended at the question. Rosie scrunched her nose up at the boy.
“Do you want to see the movie or not?” She replied to the stubborn kid.
“Could you just maybe……. not sit with us?” Jace came up with a compromise, really wanting to see the movie, but not wanting to be caught with his older sister. Rosie rolled her eyes but agreed, which made the boy jump up out of their seats to cheer. Rosie looked to her mother who was smiling at her daughter. Rosie and the boys excused themselves to get ready for the great day ahead of them.
 Rosie took her time getting ready. It was only 10am, and the movie didn’t start until 3pm. She had plenty of time to get her self ready and looking presentable. A knock sounded through her room and Rosie walked towards it.
“We need to leave by 12:30 to make sure we can get tickets and get good seats, Rose” Matt spoke quickly when she opened her door.
“Why do we need to leave that early? I’m sure the tickets won’t be gone that fast, right?” Rosie asked in confusion. It was just a movie? Why would it be sold out nearly 3 hours before the showtime. Despite her confusion, she agreed to the curly haired 15 year old before rushing to the shower. She now only had about 2 hours before they needed to leave. Once Rosie was done in the shower, she threw on a pair of ripped jeans and a clean hoodie before starting on her makeup. She filled her eyebrows, added a little mascara and a nice wing of eyeliner to either eye before sliding on her glasses and fixing her hair. Both Rosie and Matt had been cursed with her father’s thick curly hair, where Jace got the straight thin hair of their mother. She applied some curl cream before adding a bit of gel to hold her curls in place as the day went on. She ran downstairs and threw on her black VANS before grabbing her purse and the $30 her mother gave her to get into the theatre. She yelled at the boys before saying goodbye to her mother and pushed the twins out the door. The drive to the theater wasn’t bad – but parking was another story. She drove around the block 3 times before finding a space and quickly parking the car. The 3 Atwood siblings made their way to the theater, heading inside to get tickets and seats.
“Hi, 1 adult and 2 teens for Civil War please?” Rosie smiled at the older man behind the counter. He nodded and rang the siblings through. Once she paid the man he swiveled the screen towards her to pick their seats. The 2 boys immediately picked seats as close to the middle of the theater, while the older girl picked a seat up in the top row of the theater.
“You’ll be in cinema number 2, up on the right there” The man smiled as the 3 set off to watch the newest movie in the marvel universe.
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