medievalruins · 1 year
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Cassie did her best to step carefully and slowly, trying not to crunch twigs and dry leaves as she walked through the ancient woods. She followed the hooded figure for what felt like hours, though it was half of one at most. By the time they came to a stop in the woods, long after the sound of the Autumn Equinox Festival faded into the distance, Cassie was holding one hand on a stitch that had formed in her left side, and the other hand over her mouth to stifle her panting breath. She crouched down behind a tree trunk and a large bush of undergrowth, ten feet away from the clearing where the stranger was unloading their pack onto the ground.
Cassie noted the items being laid out on the ground: a large, ornate gold goblet, a sheet of parchment containing what was undoubtedly a spell, and a long, sharp dagger with a silver crusted handle. The figure then walked further into the woods, out of the clearing, leaving the items behind. Cassie was considering going after them, but after a few minutes, a small sheep entered the clearing, being led on a rope leash by the hooded stranger. Cassie felt her blood run cold.
She didn't need to read what was on that piece of parchment to know what the spell entailed. It was clear from the dagger and the sheep. This was an animal sacrifice ritual. Only the darkest kinds of magic would require a ritual so gruesome. Whatever this person was up to was more than just unsavoury and illegal, but very likely extremely dangerous. Cassie knew she should leave. She should turn around, run back to town, to the estate, to find anyone that could stop whatever evil might be unleashed from this ritual. But her feet kept her rooted to the spot, watching as the stranger tied the sheep's lead to a stake jutting out from the ground near where they knelt.
When the stranger lowered their hood, Cassie had expected to see a wizened old sorcerer, capable of the dark and sophisticated magic laid out in the clearing, but was instead met with the face of one of her classmates from the Sorcerers Institute. There was no mistaking the light olive skin, short wavy black hair, long sharp nose, and green eyes that seemed to glow in the moonlight. It was Cymbeline Townsend, the sole heir to the Townsend Estate currently hosting the lavish Equinox celebration, and a constant thorn in Cassie's side at the Institute.
Cymbeline was barely an adult, practically a child, performing animal sacrifice magic on the night of Autumn Equinox. The odds that this would end well, Cassie considered, were next to zero. But matter how much Cassie knew she should run, she couldn't let go of the idea that she needed to stay to watch. To understand.
Cassie was so consumed with thoughts of why Cymbeline would be performing this kind of magic, that she didn't even hear the details of the spell. Cymbeline finished reciting the incantation, raising the dagger to the sheep's throat, an arm hooked around the sheep's neck as it thrashed and kicked for its life. The blood came first in a spray, as the blade sliced through fur and skin and flesh until the bone beneath was nearly visible, and then in a slow, steady spill of thick, dark red liquid that flowed like molten metal.
Cymbeline tucked the rim of the gold goblet under the flow of blood, collecting a full cup, and, with a carelessness that made Cassie's bile rise to her esophagus, tossed the still-twitching body of the sheep to the ground. Cymbeline stirred a single finger in a circular motion in the blood and continued the remainder of the incantation. Cassie couldn't pay attention to the words as she watched the edge of the goblet rise to her classmate's lips.
She wasn't sure how she got out of the woods. Wasn't sure if she managed to stay quiet as she backed away from the clearing and ran blindly through the dark trees, tripping over vines and exposed roots. Cassie didn't know if she'd been heard or seen. She just ran as fast as she could and didn't stop until she ran headlong into a pair of courtiers strolling along the edge of the estate property.
Cassie's panic-stricken face and dirty, disheveled appearance stood in stark contrast with the clean, regal attire of the couple. Still panting for breath, Cassie collapsed onto the grass at their feet. She only realized she had lost consciousness when she felt a set of arms gently lift her from the ground and begin carrying her back to the party. Cassie let herself slip away.
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medievalruins · 2 years
oh. i just found out that the writer of the vincent van gogh doctor who episode wrote it as a tribute to his sister.
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medievalruins · 2 years
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SCREAM (1996) // SCREAM (2022)
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medievalruins · 2 years
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You ready?
NEVE CAMPBELL and COURTENEY COX as Sidney Prescott and Gale Weathers in The SCREAM Franchise (1996 - )
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medievalruins · 2 years
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#like uncle like niece
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medievalruins · 2 years
My very unpopular opinion apparently:
Straight cis perisex able-bodied neurotypical people using aids designed for disabled people (I.e weighted blankets, grabby claw, sock holder, etc), going to therapists occasionally to keep up their mental health, using fidget toys, choosing to call their bf/gf their partner, using pronouns besides the ones associated with their gender just because they like it, and doing a million other small things that make us fitting in and being accepted a little bit easier is in fact exactly the type of support these communities need, and will ultimately help us so much more than gatekeeping ever fuckin will
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medievalruins · 2 years
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medievalruins · 2 years
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One of my favorite parts of Dramione is them being huge nerds, having long conversations and intellectually challenging and complementing each other. Learning and growing together. Just give them some tea, a subject, and they’ll go on till sunrise.
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medievalruins · 2 years
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TOP 100 SHIPS OF ALL TIME: #16. damon salvatore and elena gilbert (the vampire diaries)
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medievalruins · 2 years
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Emma Watson and Tom Felton trying to murder the fandom being the cutest best friends duo behind the scenes of Harry Potter reunion
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medievalruins · 2 years
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Tom Felton and Emma Watson in Harry Potter 20th Anniversary: Return to Hogwarts  
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medievalruins · 2 years
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medievalruins · 2 years
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medievalruins · 3 years
Still some of my best writing, 10 years later.
The Prisoner
This is a poem I wrote for a class set to the style/ rhyme scheme of Edgar Allen Poe’s “The Raven”. It’s from Luna Lovegood’s point of view, about book seven, Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows. It’s not wonderful, but it was really difficult to do, and I’m happy with how it came out.
The Prisoner
Once upon a Hogwarts ride, shadowed figures came inside,
Dressed in cloaks of black that reached down to the floor.
Students shrieking, students yelling, all around their fear was swelling.
They came in swiftly, swiftly breaking down the door,
‘It’s the Death Eaters,’ I gasped, ‘They will break down the door –
Only this, and nothing more.’
But my friends did not trust, in my voice filled with disgust.
They know these men treat unjust, their friends and family in this war.
They maim and torture, kill and slaughter, every sister, dad, and daughter.
They watch our tears run down like water – water on the ocean shore.
With our tears, wash up the bodies in the waves upon the shore.
Nameless here for evermore.
Voices harsh and bitter shouting, for just me these men were scouting,
Among the curses they were spouting, my name in hatred they all swore.
‘Luna Lovegood!’ one detected, and I quivered, unprotected.
This was their new prisoner of war.
I am now a prisoner of war.
That it is, and nothing more.
All around was only darkness, where I was I could not guess,
But I heard a silent weeping, in the corner by the door.
Ollivander huddled crying, just an inch away from dying,
Plastered with wounds, for his life he implored,
‘Take us from here,’ he implored.
Darkness there, and nothing more.
The two of us for weeks surviving, for a rescue we were striving,
But our captors kept us secret, down beneath their grand home’s floor.
In the cellar we were hidden, and we listened to forbidden,
Plans they spoke of - plans of war,
But we were prisoners of war.
Merely this and nothing more.
Secrets whispered to the dead, will remain untold, unsaid.
I and he we wept for saviors, as we lay upon the floor.
And suddenly as if in dreaming, I thought I might have heard a screaming.
Were there visitors behind that door?
Were our friends behind that door?
‘Tis the wind, and nothing more.
But in moments there was shouting; they were here there was no doubting,
My friends were captured just as I had been before.
Ron and Harry came to sight; more or less they were alright,
But there was no rescue anymore.
There was no hope of leaving anymore.
Perched, and sat, and nothing more.
  As Hermione screamed above, cried below her one true love.
Torture put upon them both, the pain they felt could not be more.
Harry promised her he’d rescue, if it’s the last thing he would do.
‘I know a way, who to call for!
I am not who you will die for.’
Quoth the hero, ‘Nevermore.’
In an instant came our savior, appeared by magic in our chamber.
I've never felt a love much greater than for the creature at the door.
Within the next, greatest instant, the prison was just as distant
As though I’d never been there before.
I’ll never feel what I did before.
Then aloud I said, ‘Nevermore.’
The pain and anguish was all but vanquished
By the magic this one elf bore.
I cried, elated, my fears deflated.
I wasn’t a prisoner of war,
No longer a prisoner of war.
In happiness, ‘Nevermore.’
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medievalruins · 3 years
10 years later and it’s still some of the best writing I ever did.
Draco's Third Soliloquy
An emulation of Hamlet’s Third Soliloquy from Shakespeare’s Hamlet. This was homework for my Drama class. It’s from Draco Malfoy’s point of view in the moment before he must kill Albus Dumbledore.
To kill or not to kill—that is the question.
Whether ‘tis safer to cower like a child
Behind the backs of giants and demons,
Or to stand and raise my own hand to a man.
And, by doing so, kill him. To fall, to obey—
No more—and by obeying to say I end
The life of a powerful hero and beloved friend
That all will miss—‘tis an abomination
To have such thoughts. To fall, to obey—
To obey, perchance to fear—ay, there’s the rub,
For in that moment of hesitation before the time
When the curse is uttered in obedience,
Is it not done for fear. There’s the nuance
That makes the loyalty of servitude.
For who would dare say a word against Him,
Disobey an order, dare turn his back,
Refuse to fulfill a task, dare to speak out,
Be anyone but a servant, take a single
Threat as mere empty words,
When He can strike you down
With a snap of fingers? Who would endanger
His own life with a willing action,
But the one who fears no death at all,
The adventure of the last which has
No pleasant end, unless that adventure
Is not only confronted but welcomed
In a way that makes weak men cower?
Alas this adventure makes cowards of us all,
And thus the sickly feel of decision
Is burdened upon my shoulders tonight,
But the strength seems to fail me
As I raise my hand against the man.
I cannot utter the words.
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medievalruins · 7 years
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medievalruins · 7 years
tumblr fourth of july in 2012: America is the best!!!!!!! hahaha @ all you non american nerds :))))))
tumblr fourth of july in 2017: 
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