mews-chosen-child · 14 hours
'Ancient' Pokemon World Headcanon Questions
Who is your Muse's ancestor? What did they do and what were they like?
Does your muse know their family's origins? Are they able to trace that lineage? Are they proud of it?
Any family skeletons they are ashamed of?
What is an heirloom that has been passed down in your family for generations?
How well does your muse knows their region's history?
Was your Muse's homeland colonized by another region? How does your muse feel about it?
What was the culture of your Muse's region like 3000 years ago versus now?
Is there something that happened in the ancient past your muse wishes they could have changed?
Did your family ever have a rivalry going on with another one? Is it still going?
Any ancient legends your muse is very familiar with people from another region wouldn't know/understand?
Is your muse interested in the study of ancient civilizations and the Pokemon in them?
Does your muse believe in the ancient tales prevalent in the world? (Ie the twin dragons of Unova, AZ of Kalos, the Darkest Day of Galar, etc)
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mews-chosen-child · 17 hours
//Saber Protecting Hanayo
Kyute Picrew :3
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"How dare you speak to her that way?!"
"I love it when she hugs me...."
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mews-chosen-child · 17 hours
//Saber Protecting Hanayo
Kyute Picrew :3
Tumblr media
"How dare you speak to her that way?!"
"I love it when she hugs me...."
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"Change the channel to like. The travel channel."
See, I meant more like what happened to Augustine.
However, that is utterly hilarious.
Maybe the news channel. Have fun eediot.
Which one of you is this dude?
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mews-chosen-child · 4 days
No. I just landed hard....
*Silver pute the ice pack on his face, and Saber puts it over her forehead and takes the medicine, groaning and laying back against the couch*
*Saber knocks on the door*
Auntie Maya! You ready to meet Silver?!
Come in!
*Maya is holding a wiggly Electrike with a chuckle when the door opens*
Hi! Yes, absolutely.
*The Electrike yips at them and Maya laughs, shooshing her*
Hush, Trish, that's my niece. Saber, this is Trish, I caught her on my vacation. Hello Silver, nice to meet you.
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mews-chosen-child · 4 days
Cherry Blossom Market. They're understaffed and the only person there was that one guy at the cash register. An ice pack would be nice....
*Silver takes a quick selfie of his face and sends it to Maya. Saber removes the blanket from their head, her hair slightly messed up*
Just a small backache. And a tension headache. I'm mostly fine.
*Saber knocks on the door*
Auntie Maya! You ready to meet Silver?!
Come in!
*Maya is holding a wiggly Electrike with a chuckle when the door opens*
Hi! Yes, absolutely.
*The Electrike yips at them and Maya laughs, shooshing her*
Hush, Trish, that's my niece. Saber, this is Trish, I caught her on my vacation. Hello Silver, nice to meet you.
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mews-chosen-child · 4 days
I can't live without him! He has to be more careful!
*Saber huffs and crumples the blanket*
I saw her license plate number, if that helps....
*Silver is slightly scared of Angry Auntie now*
*Saber knocks on the door*
Auntie Maya! You ready to meet Silver?!
Come in!
*Maya is holding a wiggly Electrike with a chuckle when the door opens*
Hi! Yes, absolutely.
*The Electrike yips at them and Maya laughs, shooshing her*
Hush, Trish, that's my niece. Saber, this is Trish, I caught her on my vacation. Hello Silver, nice to meet you.
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mews-chosen-child · 4 days
You don't understand, Maya! And neither do you, Silver! Sure, that was a minor situation, but what about the other times? What if you put yourself in danger for me, and you die?!
*Saber growls and their eyes start to glow red as her fangs grow*
I can take a hit better than you can. We both know that.
If something happened to you because you were trying to protect me.... I would hate myself.
*Saber's fangs shrink a little*
It would be my fault....
*Saber knocks on the door*
Auntie Maya! You ready to meet Silver?!
Come in!
*Maya is holding a wiggly Electrike with a chuckle when the door opens*
Hi! Yes, absolutely.
*The Electrike yips at them and Maya laughs, shooshing her*
Hush, Trish, that's my niece. Saber, this is Trish, I caught her on my vacation. Hello Silver, nice to meet you.
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mews-chosen-child · 5 days
Well she fucking started it! But then he just had to try and intervene-
I was trying to protect you-
S- Saber-
You're too weak, Silver. You're not strong enough without your Pokemon by your side. How about you grow the fuck up and accept that your injuries have made it impossible for you to give me any kind of physical protection?
*Saber covers her whole face with the blanket and turns away*
*Saber knocks on the door*
Auntie Maya! You ready to meet Silver?!
Come in!
*Maya is holding a wiggly Electrike with a chuckle when the door opens*
Hi! Yes, absolutely.
*The Electrike yips at them and Maya laughs, shooshing her*
Hush, Trish, that's my niece. Saber, this is Trish, I caught her on my vacation. Hello Silver, nice to meet you.
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mews-chosen-child · 5 days
I slid into a child. Kid didn't even mind. But his mother?
A complete Karen.
So this asshole gets all up in my face while I am sitting there soaking wet and confused, and Silver decides: "Oh, let's attempt to push away the Karen! That will work! :D" And ya know what? She fucking punched him in the face! Made her son cry. She was about to go for more, until I threw her with my telekinesis and got us both the fuck outta there as soon as possible.
I stil don't exactly understand what I did wrong here.
*he looks at Maya questioningly*
*Saber knocks on the door*
Auntie Maya! You ready to meet Silver?!
Come in!
*Maya is holding a wiggly Electrike with a chuckle when the door opens*
Hi! Yes, absolutely.
*The Electrike yips at them and Maya laughs, shooshing her*
Hush, Trish, that's my niece. Saber, this is Trish, I caught her on my vacation. Hello Silver, nice to meet you.
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mews-chosen-child · 5 days
*Saber dries off while still glaring death at Silver*
The floor was wet, but for some reason somebody forgot to put up one of those stupid signs. So I slipped, which caused me to bump into someone, which made Silver do something dumb!
*Silver opens his mouth*
I was just trying to-
Well, you only made it worse!
*Saber growls and shoves the towel over its head, looking like a grumpy worm*
*Saber knocks on the door*
Auntie Maya! You ready to meet Silver?!
Come in!
*Maya is holding a wiggly Electrike with a chuckle when the door opens*
Hi! Yes, absolutely.
*The Electrike yips at them and Maya laughs, shooshing her*
Hush, Trish, that's my niece. Saber, this is Trish, I caught her on my vacation. Hello Silver, nice to meet you.
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mews-chosen-child · 5 days
*Saber huffs and flops on the couch, refusing to look at Silver*
He did something stupid.
*Silver glares at Saber as he sits as far away from them as possible*
She was the one who slipped on the water- OW!
*Saber throws a pillow at Silver*
*Saber knocks on the door*
Auntie Maya! You ready to meet Silver?!
Come in!
*Maya is holding a wiggly Electrike with a chuckle when the door opens*
Hi! Yes, absolutely.
*The Electrike yips at them and Maya laughs, shooshing her*
Hush, Trish, that's my niece. Saber, this is Trish, I caught her on my vacation. Hello Silver, nice to meet you.
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mews-chosen-child · 5 days
*Saber shakes their head*
We're fine, thanks!
*They are gone for about 30 minutes. But before Maya can even open the door, Saber and Silver both burst inside, in the middle of an argument. Saber just. Drops the food*
-Why you had to be so stupid-
-You were the one who-
-Oh sure, blame me-
-Blame me like you always do-
-Into the water!
*They glare at each other and continue fighting. Overlapping argument ensues*
*Saber knocks on the door*
Auntie Maya! You ready to meet Silver?!
Come in!
*Maya is holding a wiggly Electrike with a chuckle when the door opens*
Hi! Yes, absolutely.
*The Electrike yips at them and Maya laughs, shooshing her*
Hush, Trish, that's my niece. Saber, this is Trish, I caught her on my vacation. Hello Silver, nice to meet you.
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mews-chosen-child · 5 days
*Saber nods and looks through the TV until they decide*
Jurassic Park sounds good. Silver hasn't seen it yet!
*Silver nods, and Saber stands up*
Okay! Now that we've got that covered, let's go and buy some snacks!
*Saber turns back to Maya, already dragging Silver halfway out the door*
We'll be back in about half an hour!
*Saber knocks on the door*
Auntie Maya! You ready to meet Silver?!
Come in!
*Maya is holding a wiggly Electrike with a chuckle when the door opens*
Hi! Yes, absolutely.
*The Electrike yips at them and Maya laughs, shooshing her*
Hush, Trish, that's my niece. Saber, this is Trish, I caught her on my vacation. Hello Silver, nice to meet you.
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mews-chosen-child · 5 days
No. All of those are good to me.
*Saber nods and takes Silver's arm, leading him to the couch*
Okay, brother! Now we gotta decide on a movie to watch. Any ideas, Auntie Maya?
*Saber knocks on the door*
Auntie Maya! You ready to meet Silver?!
Come in!
*Maya is holding a wiggly Electrike with a chuckle when the door opens*
Hi! Yes, absolutely.
*The Electrike yips at them and Maya laughs, shooshing her*
Hush, Trish, that's my niece. Saber, this is Trish, I caught her on my vacation. Hello Silver, nice to meet you.
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mews-chosen-child · 5 days
*Saber steps inside, Silver following close behind her*
You don't have any ice types, do you?
*Silver looks around the room. Saber looks up at Maya*
Oh, yeah. Silver's kinda.... scared of ice types.
*Saber knocks on the door*
Auntie Maya! You ready to meet Silver?!
Come in!
*Maya is holding a wiggly Electrike with a chuckle when the door opens*
Hi! Yes, absolutely.
*The Electrike yips at them and Maya laughs, shooshing her*
Hush, Trish, that's my niece. Saber, this is Trish, I caught her on my vacation. Hello Silver, nice to meet you.
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mews-chosen-child · 7 days
*Saber whimpers until the pain disappears, then goes into a calm state, half-asleep as she listens to their favorite music*
*Saber knocks on the bedroom door, crying*
H- Hanayo.... please let me in.... I need-!
*they stop as her stomach churns and flinch from the sudden nausea, taking a deep breath*
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