midnight-hotel · 2 months
The people have spoken! I will be prioritising 'His Angel' an Alastor x Angel Reader story.
If you voted for 'Into the Unknown', do not be disappointed, for I will still be working on that at the same time, I will just be putting 'His Angel' first.
Keep an eye out for future poles where I may be letting you, my readers, choose the fate of our dear protagonists.
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midnight-hotel · 2 months
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Some daughter and father bonding🤗
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midnight-hotel · 2 months
Bonus: He doesn't reveal himself because he just likes watching you succeed and be happy but you can't help but feel like your snake watches you a little too much.
That trope where you save an injured dog and it turns out to be a big handsome werewolf man except it's a snake and now Lucifer is your pet.
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midnight-hotel · 2 months
That trope where you save an injured dog and it turns out to be a big handsome werewolf man except it's a snake and now Lucifer is your pet.
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midnight-hotel · 2 months
Next Works
While I'm working on my next one shot, I have decided to let the public decide which series I will be returning to. Both only ever got a prologue which will need revamping and re-posting before their stories can continue. Both will be a minimum of five parts long and after each chapter, I will more than likely be reaching out again for you guys to decide what happens next. So, which should I return to first? You can find both stories in my masterlist.
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midnight-hotel · 3 months
Missing (Alastor x Reader)
My first fic in 4+ years, please go easy on me. This story occurs during and after the final episode of season one. Enjoy and feel free to give feedback!
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Coughs racked your body as you struggled to take in a breath of dust polluted air. Pain shot through your undoubtedly broken ribs and back with every cough, blood splattering across your bottom lip and tongue, amplifying the smell of iron in the air. Wrapping an arm around yourself, you stared up at the executioner who was quickly approaching with their broken spear. 
‘Shit- I might actually die here…’ 
They lunged, ready to plunge their holy weapon through your skull. You tried, with all your might, to push off the wall and away from death’s path, failing to notice that it wouldn’t have come to begin with. The next time you looked back at the angel, they were on the ground, covered in their alarmingly golden blood, several holes littering their body. 
Looking around, alarmed, you realised that you had been saved, but by who? Your eyes briefly met with Angel Dust’s, and in that moment, you knew your saviour. With no time to show your gratitude, you spat a mouthful of blood onto the ground and stood, grabbing the angel’s broken weapon to take as your own. If Alastor’s shield could fail, then there was no way you could take a moment to stop and breathe, everyone needed you to keep fighting, as much as you needed them to as well. You could only hope they were all okay. 
It seemed like there was no end to the onslaught of angels. They just kept coming out of that damned doorway into heaven. You were growing tired, injuries burning and only getting worse, but stopping now would only lead to your death and possibly the death of others. Stabbing another Angel through the chest, you kicked their body away, stealing their intact spear to replace the broken one you had left in the corpse. That’s when you heard more commotion from behind and then an irritatingly familiar voice. Turning, you understood why everything had kicked up a gear.
Adam was still alive? But that could only mean…
“Alastor!” His name tore up your throat as you quickly looked up towards the roof of the hotel. Shit- he couldn’t be… but would he have really allowed Adam to get away and rejoin the fight? 
Dropping the spear in your hands, you ran for the hotel, barging in through the doors and rushing up the stairs. You needed to get to him. He couldn’t be dead. 
Third floor.
The whole building began to shake as you reached the third floor. Looking down the stairwell, just barely able to see through the dust, you could make out Dazzle and… was that Vaggie? You contemplated jumping down to help- Dazzle was clearly not about to get up but… you needed to get to Alastor. Vaggie would be fine. So, you continued running up the stairs- cursing yourself for not being in better shape.
Sixth Floor.
The building shook again. ‘Shit- I don’t know if I’m going to make it up there.’ It sounded like the fight had made it to the top of the hotel already. Based on the rubble constantly falling overhead and how the place was quickly falling apart.
Seventh Floor. 
There was a bright light- a flash really- and you think you heard screaming? Fuck it, there had been non stop screaming for the past hour, what was one more? Your vision had hardly cleared from the flashbang when the whole building started to come down. Dropping to the ground, you tucked yourself into a corner, hoping that there was enough structural strength in that section of the building to prevent you from being crushed. The last thing you could recall was the feeling of something falling on top.
Who knows how much time had passed before you were being pulled from the rubble. There was too much going on- too many people talking at once, too many people hovering… you reached out, swatting away the faces that were too close. 
“Alastor… where’s Alastor?” you croaked, trying to push yourself up into a seated position. Your beaten body screamed at you- begging for you to just lay there and rest, but you needed to know if he was okay- needed to know where he was. 
Multiple hands helped you up, but you took no notice of who it was. From who you could see, the makeshift army hadn’t lost too many numbers but everyone was about as fucked up as you were. 
“We… don’t know…” You turned your head to Charlie who looked as if she had been crying. Of course she had… out of everyone, losing anyone would have hit her the hardest. Your heart sank. No one had seen him? Looking around at the others- even Husk shook his head, almost looking worried, before he spoke up. 
“He’s not dead. Not yet anyway. That asshole’s probably hiding away somewhere, butt hurt that he lost to an angel,” he grunted out, subconsciously bringing a hand to his throat. Of course Husk would know if Alastor was gone… he’s bound to him after all. 
“He could be buried under there though- we need to search. He could be dying in there,” You tried to argue, standing only to stumble back into what used to be the hotel. 
Angel Dust grabbed you by the wrist to stop you, pulling you back. “Easy there Doll Face. We’ll find him or he’ll show up. You’re in no state to go digging through what’s left right now.”
It wasn’t fair. How could everyone walk away from the disaster that was once their home while there were still people missing?
That was three weeks ago. As you laid in bed, in a room provided by Lucifer himself to those who had nowhere else to go, you stared up at the ceiling, thinking the last few weeks over. Everyone’s injuries had been healing pretty well, though yours were a tad worse since you had the building come down on top of you. There was a lot of talk about rebuilding the hotel. Plans had been drawn up and Charlie and Lucifer had teamed up to clear the rubble from the original hotel so that everyone could start building fresh when the time was right. 
There was also a lot of talk on what to do about the lost lives. Memorials were being planned out, names of the fallen cannibals taken down in order to properly remember those who sacrificed themselves for the cause, a painting for Pentious and even a statue of some kind. You hadn’t really been listening to that part. You hadn’t listened to much at all really, either constantly lost in thought or bed bound by your injuries. You were getting pretty sick of not being present, physically and mentally.
As you closed your eyes to sleep, something inside the room moved. Eyes snapping back open, you quickly looked to where you saw the movement, just barely catching the tail end of a shadow disappearing from outside your door. Climbing out of bed, you pulled a robe over your bandaged body and quickly exited the room, looking around for whatever it was that you had just seen. There was no one in sight. All the other occupied rooms in the hallway had their doors closed and lights off, so you doubted it was one of them. Right as you were about to head back into the room, you saw it again, rushing around a corner.
Quickly you ran after it, hoping that by the time you reached the corner, it wouldn’t have disappeared. Injuries, mostly healed but still tender, began to ache from the sudden strain as you tried to keep up with the shadow that passed through another door. 
Before you could open it and continue your pursuit, you had to stop and catch your breath. Healing ribs ached and your once punctured lung protested with every deep breath taken. Sucking in one more deep breath, you pushed yourself to open the door, leading out into the courtyard. Pretty big place for just one person to be living in most of the time, but this is the home of the king of hell himself, so you supposed it was fitting.
Subconsciously holding your ribs, you looked around for the shadowy figure again, but in the dark, there was no way you would be able to see it so easily. Without really realising it, you had walked further into the courtyard, admiring the garden in the small amount of light that was available. ‘Lots of roses… surprised there isn’t an apple tree or something.’
“They are quite beautiful aren’t they?” A voice suddenly spoke up, making you jump. Whipping around, wincing as your bruises and stitches stretched, you eyed off the culprit.
“Of course, I much prefer Nerium over roses.”
“Alastor…” Standing before you was the man who had made this last week a living hell. Did he not realise how much sleep you had lost, not knowing if he was okay? How worried you had been? 
“Only because they’re toxic you freak…” you retorted softly, not even sure if he had heard it as you slowly approached him.
“I had a feeling it was your shadow I had seen… You’re the only sonofabitch I know who can do that.”
Stopping just short of the man, you stared up at him with tired eyes. He looked down at you, that stupid grin on his face, like it always was. 
“Now Darling, must you use such language during our happy reunion? Aren’t you happy to see me?” He mocked, before you weakly punched him in the chest.
You hadn’t even realised it but you had started crying sometime after seeing him standing there. “You asshole… Don’t you know how fucking worried I was about you? Where have you been?” You hit him again, hardly bothering him by the looks of it, as he hardly flinched with every hit. He was a lot stronger than you were… but you supposed you didn’t really want to hurt him.
“Why couldn’t you have at least told us you were okay? Why didn’t you show yourself? I was scared you were dying under the hotel or something- after losing Pentious- I don’t know what we would have done if we found you dead as well.”
A hand dropped onto the top of your head, silencing you and you stopped hitting him, dropping your arms and instead, falling forward to rest your head on his chest.
“I apologise for causing you such grief my dear. I must be honest, I had some loose ends I needed to tie off before I could return. If I had been able to inform you of my whereabouts, I would have,” Alastor remarked, a familiar, almost comforting radio static coating every word. 
“Everything is okay now though isn’t it? We’re all alive and we can start rebuilding the hotel much faster now that I’m back! Though I must say, I am honoured that you care so much!”
You shut your eyes, concentrating on the hand that was gently petting your head before pulling back. “You’re a liar. You got hurt. You can fool everyone else as much as you want Al… but you can’t fool me that easily. I’ve known you far too long for that. You got hurt and you should have come to me. Hell, I was coming after you- to help you and I got crushed because of it!” You didn’t mean to raise your voice, or blame him for the building falling on top of you, it just happened. You wiped your tears away with the back of your hand and watched as his gaze softened a little while his smile remained. 
“You said it yourself (Y/N), you’ve known me too long, to think I didn’t get away. But, if it’s all the same, I apologise. I truly never meant to frighten you.” Alastor cupped your cheek, gently guiding you to meet his red gaze. “I promise, from now on, I will assure you I am okay before running anymore of my long term errands. Okay?”
Anyone could tell he was still hiding things from you, but what more could you do? You knew him well, but you didn’t think anyone truly knew what was going on inside of Alastors mind other than Alastor himself. 
“Wonderful Darling. Come now, I do believe we should be getting you back to bed. Those wounds aren’t going to finish healing if you keep running around like a headless chicken.” Spinning you around, he set a hand onto your lower back and started heading you back to your room so that you could get some rest. Typical Alastor… always quick to disturb and dismiss… but at least he was okay. You felt like, as long as he was okay, maybe you could be okay as well.
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midnight-hotel · 3 months
Alastor x Reader Preview
Hi everyone, it's been about four years since I have written anything but now that Hazbin Hotel Season One has come and gone, I figured it was time to come back and start writing for you guys again. I'm not currently taking requests but I would still love to hear from you all with your thoughts and feedback!
Please enjoy this preview while I edit the final piece. Please go easy on me, it's been years since I've written anything.
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As you closed your eyes to sleep, something inside the room moved. Eyes snapping back open, you quickly looked to where you saw the movement, just barely catching the tail end of a shadow disappearing from outside your door. Climbing out of bed, you pulled a robe over your bandaged body and quickly exited the room, looking around for whatever it was that you had just seen. There was no one in sight. All the other occupied rooms in the hallway had their doors closed and lights off, so you doubted it was one of them. Right as you were about to head back into the room, you saw it again, rushing around a corner.
Quickly you ran after it, hoping that by the time you reached the corner, it wouldn’t have disappeared. Injuries, mostly healed but still tender, began to ache from the sudden strain as you tried to keep up with the shadow that passed through another door. 
Before you could open it and continue your pursuit, you had to stop and catch your breath. Healing ribs ached and your once punctured lung protested with every deep breath taken. Sucking in one more deep breath, you pushed yourself to open the door, leading out into the courtyard. Pretty big place for just one person to be living in most of the time, but this is the home of the king of hell himself, so you supposed it was fitting.
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midnight-hotel · 2 years
Man, imagine if I picked this one up again.
I was thinking of a Alastor x Reader , where the reader is a fallen angel, and was given up by god, so now that she is in Hell she doesn't know where to go. You can do whatever you want from this, impress me
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//Well, I impressed myself so I hope I’ve impressed you too!
Everyone had heard of God’s new plan. It was the biggest thing to happen in Heaven since the day word spread about the ‘Happy Hotel’ down in Hell. A rehabilitation centre for sinners wasn’t such a bad idea thanks to the population issue down there but it was also a ridiculous notion because, well… souls were sent down there for a reason. Now, you had never been human, so you were no expert on whether or not demons deserved a second chance, but unlike the princess of hell, you’d been given the chance to observe the behaviour of human beings and had yet to form an opinion on the matter. Not a proper one at least. However, you did not see demon’s worth so much as to have God banish an angel down to hell for all eternity to see if they can make any impact. It would be one thing to just send an angel down there, but it had been made clear that they needed someone expendable. An angel they could afford to lose should they be killed down there in hell.
That hardly sit well in your stomach and when you saw the arch angel Michael fly into the city centre with news of who would be sent down to hell, you spread your wings and took off to get closer. Whose life were they about to ruin? Angels all around you murmured softly between each other, watching closely as Michael gazed around as if looking for the ‘chosen one’. Everyone waited with bated breath until a name was finally uttered from the Angel’s plump lips.
“Amethyst Hearth.”
The name almost seemed to echo despite the softness of his strong voice and within moments, the crowd parted to show the young angel, a woman who had hardly been in heaven three years. From what you had head, she had been a single, teen mother. A young girl who had been taken advantage of in her youth but did her best to make a decent life for herself and her child. Unfortunately, she died in an accident of some sort.
“N-No! No, please, I couldn’t possibly survive down there!” The woman practically cried, taking stumbled steps back, trying to put more distance between herself and Michael as if that would make any difference to her fate. No one dared speak up, for no one wanted to defy the will of God.
“You’ll be serving our father more than you ever could have here in heaven. Don’t you see, you’ve been chosen, out of millions of angels, god’s children, to do this deed. To make a difference,” Michael’s soft voice spoke, reaching all ears without much effort. Crystal like tears rolled down her flushed cheeks as the angel shook her head, spreading her wings to get ready to fly away, only for a couple angels to finally step in and grab her arms.
“No! Let go of me! I don’t want to! I’ll die!”
You could feel your pulse increasing and clenched your fists to refrain from speaking. This was wrong, beyond wrong, but who were you to defy God’s wishes? He knew all, did he not? Yet you found yourself doubting him more and more as Amethyst struggled to escape. At war with yourself, you caved, spreading your large white wings and giving a single, strong flap, taking you over everyone else before landing once more, between Michael and the young girl. How could you, an angel of over three hundred years, allow such a young angel to suffer.
“Arch Angel Michael, you can’t do this!” You declared firmly, hands trembling lightly but standing strong. “I don’t see why God can’t just send an angel, an exterminator perhaps, down into hell to do his work? Why take someone’s halo from them? Their grace? It’s insanity!” Murmurs started back up at your sudden defence, familiar faces backing further into the crowd so they didn’t have to watch someone they knew make a fool of themselves. “I love God, he is my beloved father, but I can not stand by and watch this young woman lose even more after only dying recently. She stands no chance down there.”
“Miss (L/N), I would hold my tongue if I were you. If you continue to defy god, I cannot be held accountable for what may come next,” Michael warned you, fingers twitching by his side, ready to summon his holy weapon if you were to lash out. Your own hand longed for the comfort of your own holy weapon but you refrained from summoning it out of fear for what Michael may do to you.
“I will not let God or anyone else strip this angel of her halo without good reason. Send an exterminator,” you insisted, narrowing your eyes at your superior, holding up your brave front as best as you could but you could not deny the absolute terror prompting your heart to beat fast enough to harm had you been a regular human being.
You held Michael’s gaze, unwavering until you saw his tense body relax as a sigh escaped his lungs.
“Very well, Father has accepted. We will send an exterminator. Enjoy your time in Hell (Y/N) (L/N).”
Your eyes widened as your lips parted in horror. What? Gasps were heard from all around before you no longer felt God’s comforting warmth around you and the sensation of falling filled your very being. Oh, you were falling. No matter how hard you fought to spread your wings and catch yourself, you still plummeted. It hurt, no, it burned and after what seemed like eternity, you crashed.
Your body collided with a tall standing building, dropping through floor after floor and continuing a few feet after you hit the ground. The building soon followed, crumbling to the ground around your fallen from, unable to move out of the way. Yet nothing landed on you. With your arms and wings spread out, you stared up at the red sky above, dark yet somehow bringing light… Up, way above, was a white dot, much like the sun as it shone down on the earth, only now it was taunting you, reminding you of where you no longer were.
“Why have you forsaken me Father? Was I not right for protecting my fellow angels?” you barely whispered, the taste of blood finally reaching your tongue. You would heal in due time… nothing to fear. No, what you had to fear were the demons slowly making their way around you, gazing into the crater you had created with your ungraceful fall. Guess that’s what happens when you have your grace ripped away from you.
“Is that an angel?”
“What’s an angel doing in hell?”
“They don’t look like an exterminator. Fuck it, let’s take their wings.”
“Heh, you can have the wings, I’m after their halo.”
Voices chimed from all around you and all you could do was watch in a panic as you willed your body to move. You may not have had your halo anymore but you sure as hell weren’t going to let these demons take your wings! Your fingers twitched as the demons pushed each other around to get to you first, pulling weapons on each other despite knowing they could hardly kill each other without a holy weapon. Speaking of… You managed to close your fist and summoned your exterminator’s spear. Having the familiar weapon in your hands gave a wave of comfort to your sore body and an even bigger wave of energy.
While everyone was distracted with fighting each other off, you grunted, pushing yourself off the ground with the help of your spear to prevent you from going back over. It seemed everyone had noticed you stand up, shaking dirt and rubble out of your huge wings as an exterminator’s mask glitched over your face, crack running down the crossed-out eye as it struggled to stay activated. Perfect, a glitching mask. Just what you needed.
“Back off,” you growled, taking on a defensive stance, very aware of the fact that you were surrounded, and horribly wounded. The extent of your injuries could be figured out later, for now, you needed to get out of the open and find a place to hide out. You pulled your wings in tight against your back as all weapons were turned on you from those who hadn’t run off the moment your mask glitched into place. Good, a lot of them were smart enough not to mess with an exterminator. Well, ex-exterminator but they didn’t have to know that now did they?
Heart in your throat and pounding in your ears, you put up the fight of your life. So many demons usually feared exterminators, but many of these fools refused to back down, perhaps believing that they had a chance against a lone angel. You’d be ashamed to admit they were almost right, but luck seemed to be on your side, as you cut another demon down and dashed out of there, running down alleyways, running across empty streets and eventually finding yourself in an abandoned building, barely standing from ears of abuse. You recognised it, much to your own surprise, as a place you have been to before. You’d chased a demon here once. Killed them right in the corner you were sitting in, out of breath and body trembling from pain and fear. You hadn’t trembled so badly since your first extermination. Hell was a scary place, especially when you’ve never been there before. You’ve been here hundreds of times now, only this was your first time alone and with no clear way home.
Your heart didn’t slow all that much, your body too tense to possibly relax any time soon, but your breathing got better, much to the relief of your aching chest. Now calming down and somewhat safe, you uncurled and rid yourself of your mask, but kept your spear by your side. Just in case you needed to defend yourself again – but you weren’t so sure just how well you’d hold up in another fight so soon, so you could only pray that you were safe.
You stretched one of your wings out, curling it around yourself to inspect the damage, finding shards of glass stuck within the feathers and embedded in your wings, staining the once pure white feathers red. That was going to take a while to wash out… You heaved out a sigh and plucked out the shards of glass, causing your wounds to bleed some more but not dangerously. You did the same to the other wing and finally, felt yourself starting to relax when you realised that your wings weren’t broken, just damaged. They’d heal within time; you would be fine.
“Those are some nasty injuries you have there my dear! Why, I’d say you’ve had quite the fall,” a distorted voice suddenly spoke from one of the awfully dark corners of the room. Lifting your head quickly, you searched for the source of the voice, only to find two red, glowing orbs staring right back at you. How hadn’t you noticed them when you came inside?! No- they weren’t in here when you arrived, they had followed you. You quickly reached out for your spear, only for it to slap back down onto the hard ground as a dress shoe clad foot stepped down on it.
“Now, now, let’s not cause a scene, shall we? After the show you just put on, I doubt you’re in any shape to be taking anyone on any time soon,” he chided, kneeling down before you.
A tall man dressed in a red pin-striped suit, bright red and black hair and… hey would you look at that, he was a deer demon… and unfortunately, you recognised him. Exterminators typically knew a lot about those who roamed around in hell. For example, you could name a good number of the overlords, such as the man before you now, grin ever present on his face.
“Radio Demon…” you murmured, making his grin stretch wider as amusement shone in his eyes.
“My, the little angel knows who I am~” he hummed, grabbing your chin in a firm grip, turning your head this way and that as if to take a good look at you.
“You’re going to kill me then?” you questioned, your own (E/C) eyes staring intensely back into his. You were terrified, no doubt about that, but if you were going to die, then you would die fighting. The demon chuckled and shook his head.
“No, no, no, darling! Quite the opposite actually, I’m here to offer you a helping hand!” he declared, standing back up and making a microphone appear in his hand as he stepped off of your spear. Taking this as your chance, you picked it up and stood, holding your weapon defensively, pointed right at his chest.
“I hardly doubt you could help me demon. Now leave me alone before I end your sorry existence right here and now,” you warned him, hoping he’d just back down and maybe come back later. When you could actually stand a chance against him. He merely chuckled again, beginning to piss you off.
“Couldn’t I now? Not even if I offered you a 100% safe place to stay and assistance with your injuries?” he inquired with a raised brow.
You couldn’t afford to believe him. He was a demon, a liar, there was no way he wanted to help you out.
“How can I possibly trust you? Demon’s don’t do nice things for the sake of others, so what do you want?”
Alastor sighed but his smile never faded as he turned around and started to walk towards the exit of the building.
“I never said I was doing this from the good of my heart and what I want hardly matters either. It’s up to you if you trust me or not, but I’d remember where you are quickly. Not many here in hell are going to be so generous.”
So, what else was there to do but follow? After all, at this rate, you were going to die anyway. You never would have imagined that he would lead you to the very Hotel that started this ordeal in the first place.
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midnight-hotel · 3 years
Hi! I was wondering if you could do some headcanons about if an anonymous source told Katie Killjoy that Alastor or Vox were in a secret relationship with a (possibly pregnant) fallen angel with photos and videos as proof. Her reaction to the information and their reactions to their relationship being put on TV.
//So, I thought about just doing both for you, but really thought this would hit Vox pretty hard considering he’s a TV demon and all, so I hope you like it.
WARNING: Mentions of pregnancy
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Vox had never envisioned himself falling for, let alone getting a fallen angel pregnant, yet here you were, only a couple months away from giving birth to  your child and still a secret to the rest of hell. 
The overlord wasn’t ashamed in any sense of the word, about having you as a significant other. The main reason he had kept you a secret was in order to keep you safe. He has a lot of enemies, many he doesn’t even know about, and he would hate for anything to happen to you or the baby. 
Before you had gotten pregnant, the two of you had gone out in public together, for there was no reason to believe the two of you were an item as long as there was no PDA or anything else to show your affections for one another. 
The only public place the two of you were openly affectionate with each other was in the safety of one of Valentino’s clubs, normally looking out over one of the balconies at all the demons or in a private room. Otherwise, your affections were saved for when you were in private.
That being said, the two of you were naturally shocked that there was any kind of evidence of your relationship. 
Staring at the tv, your eyes wide and his screen glitching in anger, the two of you watched as Katie Killjoy, everyone’s ‘favourite’ news anchor, revealed to all of hell, the relationship the two of you had been hiding for the last two years. 
The photos revealed were of you, walking on the streets, having obviously been out shopping or out with friends, belly round and slightly exposed thanks to your shirt not fitting properly.
Then the video, the two of you, looking out over the balcony in Val’s club, his coat over your shoulders and his arm around your waist. You watched as past you stared up at him adoringly, laughing at something funny he had told you, before he leaned down to kiss you. 
Needless to say, the overlord was enraged. Beyond livid. He was the TV demon damn it, this shit shouldn’t be happening!!
Vox is onto the issue immediately, ready to rip into Killjoy for broadcasting this sensitive information, while you leaned back with a sigh.
“It was going to happen eventually babe.”
“It didn’t have to happen like this though and you know it.”
Valentino got involved the moment Vox asked him to, checking the security cameras he had around the building to see if he could find the culprit, and when he did, sent the information straight to his fellow overlord. 
Needless to say, the demon who had taken the video was beyond dead and Killjoy was given a friendly reminder of who keeps her on the air and not out on the streets, struggling to survive with the rest of the feral lowlifes.
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midnight-hotel · 3 years
Romantic headcanons for Moxxie, Blitzo and Stolas with shy and quiet but kind and patient human s/o please?
//It has just occurred to me that these headcanons were for ‘Human’ S/O’s. I made a very small point in the last lot of these headcanons here but I will try be more attentive with the others. Hope you enjoy!
To be with someone so calm and collected would be such a huge change of pace in Moxxie’s life. Regardless of a possible relationship with Millie in the past, he still works with a bunch of rambunctious demons, so calm and collected isn’t something he can see himself all that capable of anymore. 
I wouldn’t say you’re all that much more capable than anyone else at calming him down when Blitzo pisses him off but he does almost seem a little more weary about blowing up next to you, just because he feels it may make you uncomfortable but let’s face it, that’s pretty hard. 
He really loves having someone civil to be with though. When you’re away from it all, the two of you can have a normal conversation, do quiet things together and almost live normal lives. 
Your patience really comes in handy with him to be honest. He has his moments where he just needs to be frustrated and vent and other times, if you work together, it helps that you don’t get involved with all the arguing and shouting because then you can be the voice of reason if it is desperately needed. And god knows it’s always needed.
It’s so easy for him to relax around you which is probably one of the most important parts about your relationship. You’re one of the very few people/demons he can wind down around and just push all his troubles to the back of his mind so he can enjoy your presence. 
Shy? With Blitzo? That’s kind of hard to believe because I’m about 99% sure any shy person would be far too scared to even try approaching this blunt, overly confident, obnoxious imp. But let’s go with it anyway!
You either need to not let him figure out you’re shy or get ready to deal with him trying to pull you out of your shell. He’d introduce you to people, force you into uncomfortable conversations and everything in between.
This is a very good place for your patience to kick in. If you’re patient with him and think before you act, you should be able to cope with his efforts to try to make you more sociable. 
Your patience is a god send every other time though, considering he’s full of stupid ideas, is very impulsive and incredibly rude… You’re in hell though so hat last part doesn’t mean much… 
Regardless, since the others aren’t very patient with him, it really helps that you are, because then they can just dump him on you to deal with or he’ll be more inclined to bring you along with him since you’re actually able to handle him on a different level than the others.
It kind of helps that you’re quiet and patient as well. Blitzo has a lot in his past that he isn’t fond of remembering, so it’s nice to just go to you when he is feeling off because of his past because he can either just relax or vent to you without repercussions or interruptions. 
Even Lucifer himself needs patience with this man.
I mean, he’s actually a pretty calm guy, he’s just a lot to handle. 
Between his constant need for attention in and outside of the bedroom and his wife trying to have him killed, calm isn’t something you’d really associate with how you should feel around him. 
All the same, he appreciates the patience you’re capable of and actually finds it cute that you don’t freak out like everyone else seems to, either around him or regarding him. 
He likes that you’re quiet too, though your shyness gives him plenty of chances to fluster you in many different ways. It’s one of his favourite things to do. 
Your kindness is something new to his world. He lives in hell, he doesn’t see very much kindness these days, so when you appeared before him, in all your human glory and treated him with as much respect as you would want to be given, he was amazed. 
You’re incredibly precious to the prince and he would do just about anything for you, just as he would do anything for his daughter. Very few people get the chance to earn that adoration.
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midnight-hotel · 3 years
Mind if I request headcanons for angel dust with a Japanese male s/o. Basically before he died he was a born into a crime family like angel dust but the difference was that he was a part of the yakuza (meaning he’d have some tattoos), and in appearance he basically kinda looks like a oni having dark blue skin with horns and being 9’2 in height
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First of all, there is a huge difference in the type of gangs you grew up in. 
Angel Dust grew up as an Italian Mobster. This involved plenty of hits, murders, a huge rise in crime.
You on the other hand grew up as a Yakuza. You were violent, sure, but you punished your own kind, normally kept to yourself and actually reduced some crime. 
So while you both came from crime based families, you’re very, very different. You are a lot more disciplined while he isn’t.
You know what they say though, opposites attract and boy is he attracted to you.
Unlike how you would expect to see an oni, you prefer to wear clothes similar to what you normally wore while alive, a yukata, which was comfortable and appropriate. 
Not needing to hide your tattoos from the public these days though, being dead and all, you do like to walk around without a shirt, showing off the full back tattoo you have that continues on your arms and partially onto your chest. 
Angel loves it when you do this because he gets to go around and rub in that fact that you’re his and no one else's. 
When he has bad days- thanks to Valentino, he likes being held by you. Your strength makes him feel safe and your warmth makes him feel loved. 
Every now and then he likes to compare your childhoods, how you grew up into crime, how you were disciplined and how your families treated you.
It’s probably how the two of you bonded in the first place to be honest, most likely after a few nightly sessions with each other. 
He likes how tall you are too. Most guys he gets with are usually shorter than he is, so it’s nice having someone so close to his height, if not just a little taller.
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midnight-hotel · 3 years
Can I request Valentino falling for a singer who Alastor features on his show in hell?
//I hope you like this! I enjoyed writing it! Until now, I kept reading this as Vox instead of Valentino so seeing Vox in this situation would be really interesting if I’m honest.
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Valentino actually enjoys listening to the radio. A lot actually because it is one of the best ways to discover new songs for his strippers to dance to and songs for him to play in his clubs in general.
The only thing he really hates about the radio is that Alastor can take it over at any moment even though he has his own radio show he can technically stick to. Said radio show is avoided like the plague. 
So the question is, how did he come across you in the first place?
The radio was already on when he walked into his club that day, and straight away, he had zoned in on the sweet voice coming from the radio. 
The man knew talent and if that sweet voice wasn’t being modified in any way, then damn, they have some real talent. 
He’s a man who can appreciate a beautiful voice. Someone who can sing really well, typically has a nice talking voice and oh their moans must be heavenly.
All was fine until the song ended and he heard that damned Alastor pipe up, introducing the darling that had just serenaded him. 
As annoyed as he was by that little fact, that voice echoed in his head every day since. He tried to push them out of his head and it somewhat worked until he heard it again, this time, in person. He had been driving down the street, the window rolled down for one reason or other and the voice echoed out of a building’s open door. 
He demanded that the limo come to a stop and got out of the car and made his way inside to find you standing there, on stage, microphone in hand and singing your heart out to everyone in the bar. 
Not only could he now appreciate your voice but your appearance too. He could now place a pretty face to that stunning voice and then tie that name on like a ribbon.
He could not deny it any longer. He knew in that moment he was a goner. He listened to Alastors radio show every now and then in hopes of hearing your voice, researching when and where you would be performing next and so on. 
He had fallen for you and he hadn’t even spoken to you yet.
What’s worse though, is that Alastor was very aware. From the day Valentino walked into that bar to see you for the first time, Alastor had been standing in the corner, watching him and ready to protect his little song bird if need be. 
What an interesting outcome.
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midnight-hotel · 3 years
Headcannon on Pentious losing his s/o to the annual extermination and becoming a single father?
Warning: Mentions of death and grief
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I don’t think I can do justice to the agony Pentious would feel upon losing you. 
He’s most likely already lost a partner in the past, in the process of dying or while he was still alive, so he’s most likely suffered like this before.
It doesn’t help that he also has a son somewhere out there and he has no idea if he’s in hell or heaven and how to find him if he is in hell. 
So to lose you would strike the fear of losing your child right into him. If you died- what’s stopping something from taking the rest of his family away from him again?
Normally after the annual extermination, Pentious would jump at the chance to take over some more territory but this time, no one heard a peep from him. 
No, after finding you, he brought you home and made arrangements for your funeral (Would probably have you cremated so he can keep you close.)
He always used to look forward to the exterminations, hidden away in his bunker and ready to strike when it was all over but now he takes his child down hours before the extermination starts, makes sure they have everything they need to last the next 24 hours and block out the rest of the world. Most likely takes you down too for safe keeping.
Most likely doesn’t come out for an extra couple hours to make sure it’s indeed safe to leave the safe haven. 
Always makes sure your home is secure before allowing the child back upstairs and then makes sure that all your family photos are safe and sound.
Despite your death, you are still a very important part of the family and a huge influence on their lives.
It does hurt to look at your child. Every time Pentious looks at them, all he can see is you and it crushes him and fills his heart with love at the same time. 
If it wasn’t for the kid, Pentious most likely wouldn’t have lived very much longer. Since the only way to die in hell is through the extermination, abandoned angel weaponry and pissing Lucifer’s family off, he most likely would have waited the whole year to get some kind of revenge on the exterminators and die in the process. 
The little piece of yourself that you left with him is what keeps him going in this miserable hell.
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midnight-hotel · 3 years
Can I request what Sir Pentious with a s/o with ADHD would be like?
//This may not be very accurate. I do not have ADHD so I do not have the knowledge to be very accurate but I did try for you.
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Please take your meds. Pretty please? With a cherry on top?
Sir Pent’s life is already pretty chaotic but he’s also a really busy guy so if you’re bouncing off walls or bothering him, he will have to find a way to keep you in the corner and occupied. 
He loves you of course. Your little quirks due to your ADHD are actually part of what had him fall for you in the first place. He just needs quiet sometimes so he can fix his inventions and plan his takeovers. 
If you’re the type to do things spontaneously, he kinda loves it. He plans a hell of a lot, often doesn’t leave his home without a pretty detailed idea of how he wants his day to pan out. 
So a little bit of spontaneity is exactly what he needs in his life to push him to try to be a little more daring, to build that machine he knows for a fact will explode multiple times in his face before it will work properly. 
It’s also kind of funny to watch you do the occasional stupid thing tho-
Always down to cuddle you if you’re in the mood. Snacks, a warm place and maybe something to watch and the two of you are set for the next few hours as long as you can sit that long.
He does remind you to take your meds everyday but he doesn’t force you to take them. If you don’t want to suppress it today, okay, but you need to take responsibility for whatever you end up doing or how you end up feeling because of it. He’s your boyfriend, he’ll take care of you but you aren’t his responsibility.
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midnight-hotel · 3 years
Mind if I request headcanons for Charlie with a female s/o who’s like a wolf hybrid, basically she doesn’t really have much of a wolf appearance she just has a pair of wolf ears and a tail and sharp teeth
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Straight up, Charlie thinks you’re the cutest damn thing she has ever seen and will never EVER pass up a chance at petting those amazingly soft ears that sit on top of your head. 
She would never disrespect you because of this! She will not treat you like a dog because you are just as much of a person as she is.
This does not stop the petting however. If you don’t want her petting you, fine, she’ll just wait until you're asleep because she seriously cannot help herself.
It is kind of nice if you have some wolf-like protective instincts though because it makes her feel safer and she doesn’t always have to go everywhere with her actual bodyguards because you’re trusted enough by her family to watch over her. 
Do you like wearing collars? If yes, she’ll buy you so many damn collars that she believes would look amazing on you. Some are cute, some are pretty, some are badass and some are only worn in the bedroom…
One again, she doesn’t treat you like a dog. She does whatever you would prefer from her, so if there is anything you would like from her or for her to do, just ask. She wants you to be happy. 
Sometimes she spaces out and watches your tail sway from side to side and occasionally watches your ears twitch whenever you wear something or if you’re feeling a certain way that makes them twitch.
Seeing your tail sway when you’re happy is the real kicker for her though and she will go out of her way to keep you as happy as possible because being able to tell when you are and aren’t happy has to be one of her favourite quirk of yours.
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midnight-hotel · 3 years
Okay, is it okay if I ask for separate scenarios of Pentious and Angel dealing with a reader with anxiety instead?
Warning: Mentions of Anxiety, depression and drug use
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Sir Pentious
Sir Pent has been in hell for a really long time so he’s a lot more aware about these kinds of things than we think but all the same, being from the time he’s from, he probably isn’t much of a believer of mental illnesses. 
All the same though, he is an incredibly smart man so once again, he is probably more aware of mental illness than we may give him credit for. 
So when he finds you spacing out, trembling, crying, or even acting different in the slightest, he will notice, but probably will not act out on it straight away. You might just be having an off day. 
If it persists however, he’ll coil himself loosely around you- or if you can’t handle that right now, then just beside you, and ask you what’s wrong and if there is anything he can do to help. 
If you deny that something is bothering you and that there is nothing he can do about it, he most likely won't push for you to tell the truth but he won't just give up. 
Pent will accept your answer, fair enough, you don’t want to talk about it, but will then ask you to do something for him. Something that may keep you busy for a while. This is one of his ways of taking your mind off whatever is causing your anxiety to rise in that moment. 
If not that, he’ll ask if you want to help him build something or continue working on a project the two of you have been working on together off to the side during your down time. 
He may not know what to do at all times but this is usually his go to move. Should you need something else, he will try if you tell him but otherwise, he will have a hard time coming up with a plan himself. 
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Angel Dust
Angel Dust grew up in a time where mental illness wasn’t taken very seriously so he was probably someone who didn’t understand what anxiety was, let alone believe it was anything other than someone being a pussy while he was alive. 
However, his time in hell has taught him a lot. For starters, his job and lifestyle has changed his state of mind a hell of a lot.
He often doesn’t feel safe anymore, feels watched in the streets, is more or less very paranoid and anxious himself, if not depressed on top of that. 
And he came to realise this and understand this better thanks to Cherri. Being from a more modern time, Cherri helped him come to understand a lot about what was going through his head and then helped him find ways to cope- which ended up being more drugs and having fun.
So having you by his side, also suffering from anxiety probably isn’t great. He understands you, sure. He understands that sometimes you will want to be held and other times you will flinch away from his touch. Sometimes you will want to talk and other times you will not. 
Helping you cope however is another story on its own. He’ll offer you something from his stash, offer to take you out to cause some chaos or go clubbing and this most likely will not help you at all. 
Which he also kind of understands because while he will never admit it, he always feels worse after his own methods.
So, he will also need some guidance in helping you through your bad days and in the process, you’ll actually be helping him adjust his own coping methods.
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midnight-hotel · 3 years
I have a request! Baxter with a scientist s/o perhaps?
//Hi guys! So, I've gotten two requests for Baxter and unfortunately, I'm not ready to write for him. I haven't got much of an idea of who he is yet and my imagination isn't quite making up for it, so he is currently unavailable on this blog.
Maybe once he shows up in the show, I can write for him, but right now, I'm just not comfortable even giving my own interpretation.
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