mildlineurs · 4 years
I live for how demonic-energy-wielding Wuxian only goes to public gatherings to call public figures out on their shit, and say hello to his bf, before storming out with a smirk
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mildlineurs · 4 years
I miss 陈情令 so much T^T going through actual withdrawal
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mildlineurs · 5 years
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The magic of May
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mildlineurs · 5 years
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190704; my july spread 😊😊 things got busier at uni and my stress level is overflowing but somehow i managed to vent it all out through journaling which is really a good thing + playing Kyungsoo’s song on the background makes the atmosphere a lot better. also i’ve been into candles lately but im still thinking if i should get a scented one - because scents used to trigger my migraine a lot so idk 🤔😅 but i love vanilla or lavender yeah still idk 😅anyway, have a lovely july everyone 💛✨
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mildlineurs · 5 years
Know what I’m salty about?
In all my art classes, I was never taught HOW to use the various tools of art.
Like yes, form, and shape and space and color theory and figure drawing is important, but so is KNOWING what different tools do.
I’m 29 and I JUST learned this past month that India Ink is fucking waterproof when it dries. Why is this important? Because I can line something in India Ink and then go over it with watercolors. And that has CHANGED the ENTIRE way I art and the ease I can create with.
tldr: Art Teachers: teach your students what different tools do. PLEASE.
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mildlineurs · 5 years
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hey there, it’s jo! i’ve gotta admit love tumblr a lot (probably too much, at times), but there’s just so much useful stuff you can find here! and so here’s some helpful stuff i’ve collected, put into one masterpost and cut up into various categories. (see bottom for masterposts on other stuff)!
the masterpost of stuff: health stuff
make-up starter kit
makeup for beginners (intro and essential items)
elf makeup masterpost (cruelty free)
best drugstore makeup
on contouring and highlighting
a guide for mascara
on dyeing your hair
a visual glossary of bras
visual shoe glossary
first aid
free first aid courses
more free first aid courses, with cpr
bleeding but don’t have any band-aids?
limits of the human body (temperatures)
seizure first aid
workout / exercise
quick stretching for backaches and stuff (this has some cute af visual aids!!)
a quick workout for everyday life
guide to gym memberships
a lazy girl’s workout
make your own cool af deodorant
superhero workouts
sports anime workouts
body weight burn (no equipment needed) workout
recipes of smoothies that can help with weight loss
food stuff
how to cook (on the technical aspects)
broke af? use these food tips
hella tricks and tips for cooking
100 recipes for the starving student
on boiling tea
make some bread
different types of tea and their uses
you can still stay hydrated even if u don’t like water!!!
here’s how long u can store your groceries
self care
look good and feel better at the same time
wave that acne goodbye
should i see a obgyn (a q&a for vagina owners)?
a guide on bras and stuff
identify your emotions
for the bad days
ten rules positive people live by
on self-improvement (a masterpost)
four steps to take before you self destruct
reasons why you should be confident in yourself!!!
hygiene/body care masterpost
what should you put in your bath?
hoe tips
a self care masterpost
how to make a bath bomb
wear your armor.
just read this
a study guide for health
a guide on how antidepressants work
a masterpost for vagina owners
the sex ed your parents didn’t give you
for my people with eczema
i hope this helps y’all lovelies!
find other masterpost stuff: school | life (how to adult) | humanities | miscellaneous i
if you have any good reference posts / posts you want to share and add to this masterpost, please send posts or submissions here! thank you!
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mildlineurs · 5 years
reblog for good things to happen to you
the universe will listen
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mildlineurs · 5 years
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mildlineurs · 5 years
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i mentioned this briefly in my recent vlog about how important it is to gain a better understanding of finances + i figured that it might be nice to share some resources for gaining financial literacy! hope this helps ✨
why financial literacy is important
resources on financial literacy from the national credit union administration
harvard’s take on financial literacy + additional links within that page
how credit cards work
tips for improving your credit score
how to check and improve your credit score
khan academy course on finance
cnn money 101
mymoney.gov from the financial literacy commission
gcf lessons (includes lessons on work / career / internet / microsoft / etc as well)
ally wallet wise
money as you grow
adult budgeting 101
tips for paying off student loans
common ways you waste money
strategies for paying off student loans
how insurance works
personal loans 101
guide to getting out of debt
how student loans work
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mildlineurs · 5 years
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— 19/03/19
Today was a rather difficult one to get
productive as I wasn’t feeling my best, but I managed to do a small amount of integration practice. Better than nothing!
🎵 my bad; khalid
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mildlineurs · 5 years
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A spread I quickly did while the sun was out today. ✍🏻☀️
ig: cawefee
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mildlineurs · 5 years
whoa have I not been on the blr for so long............can’t remember how it works all I have to say is I've been rereading the foxhole court series n.. someone yell @ me about it but also in general talk 2 me abt anything!! hope u’ve all been doin amazing the past year <3
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mildlineurs · 5 years
happy lunar new year, friendly reminder that jimmy kimmel and ellen degeneres inviting marie kondo on to their show to “tidy up” their writer’s rooms only to dismiss her advice, belittle her methods, make fun of her use of a translator, and act like ungrateful children in the face of her genuine attempts to help is literally the most basic form of Othering from white people. It’s another form of commodification by white people of non-white cultures that is being willingly shared, and it doesn’t get any less racist when it comes from “progressives”, be they a liberal white woman or a “Woke” news pundit 
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mildlineurs · 5 years
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memories of the last week of december 🌻🌾
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mildlineurs · 5 years
rb this with how long you’ve been on tumblr and what ur blog was initally about vs what’s it about now
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mildlineurs · 5 years
8 Things To Quit in 2019
1. Trying to please everyone.
2. Fearing change.
3. Living in the past.
4. Overthinking.
5. Being afraid to be different.
6. Beating yourself up over mistakes.
7. Thinking you’re not good enough.
8. Thinking you have no purpose.
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mildlineurs · 5 years
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things i tell myself
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