nearest-dearest · 8 months
I HEARD THE WELCOME HOME FANDOM IS DYINNGGGG!!! PLEASE READ BELOW!! this is a very important announcement to welcome home fans around the world!!
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i understand the digital circus is very very good! but the welcome home creator worked very hard on what they have created! and so has the creator of the digital circus! but we gotta stand strong for welcome home if we still wanna see the beloved characters we love! welcome home was the reason i actually STARTED drawing and tumblr in the first place! and i don't wanna lose my inspiration! and i know other welcome home blogs/artists don't wanna lose their inspiration too! so lets keep our love for welcome home standing tall! and we'll help the creator find a LOT of joy in how much people enjoy their hard work! i don't wanna crush their beloved dreams! and i hope the creator of welcome home is safe and happy with all the strong support from fans like us! so please.. take this post, and reblog if you want to help keep this fandom alive!
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nearest-dearest · 9 months
Inspired by the short film 'Opal' by Jack Stauber
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Wally says this often, but today might be the most beautiful day he’s ever felt. How could it not be though? The sun is shining brightly bringing warmth to the neighbors with passing clouds to provide shelter to the neighbors when it gets too hot, complimented by the cooling spring breeze that passes by every so often. Indeed, this is another beautiful day in the neighborhood. Speaking of wonderful neighborhoods, Wally should probably check on you right now, after all, he did promise to teach you how to paint flowers with him today, and Wally would never dare break a promise to you. Wally took the fastest route to your house, though he would’ve liked it if you moved closer to the circle of neighborhood houses, but he also understands that you wanted your space from time to time, that’s just how you are and Wally finds it quite intriguing that you two felt the same way. Well, enough of that thought now, because Wally had just arrived at your front door.
Knock knock knock
“Neighbor? I’m here! Are you ready to start painting?” Wally left his art supplies back with Home, since you and him will be painting the flowers in Frank’s garden anyways, but he did bring you your own apron so you wouldn’t get paint all over your clothes, Wally is quite aware how beginners can get themselves stained with paint, and that’s great in Wally’s eyes, the sooner you make a mistake the sooner you can learn from them. Still, Wally wouldn’t want to get your clothes dirty, you make them yourself too and he wouldn’t want your hard work to get messy from this activity.
. . .
Well, second time’s a charm.
“Neighbor? Are you there?” Wally knocks three times again. . .
Still no answer, and when he went to go for a third time. The door opened, with you peeking out of the small crack on the door.
Wally smiles when he sees you “Hi there neighbor.” But that smile dampens a little when he sees your frown and gray eyes.
“Why, darling are you okay?” Wally made it immediately known that he’s very very concerned, he never calls you by your pet name unless it’s an important circumstance, Wally wished he didn’t have to use it during a dire situation, but he wanted to offer you comfort. To let you know that he's there and everything's going to be okay.
"Oh, hey Wally. Sorry, I didn't manage to prepare in time for our painting lessons." Oh dear, even your voice sounded like it's drowning in rain.
Wally may have difficulty frowning, but he knows how to pull one off when he's really feeling down trotted. And right now, the corner of his lips went down to create a frown.
"Darling, is something bothering you?"
You gave a little laugh, but not because you found something funny "I guess I'm not really good at hiding this one huh? I suppose I ought to tell you. This day is coming whether I like it or not."
As if to show the full extent of your well-being. You finally stepped out of the house, leaving no door to block Wally from the full view of your face. And right away he could see tear stains painted down your cheeks. But before he could ask further about it, you produced a letter from your pocket. Then you proceeded to hand it over to Wally, and once you said who it's from it only made Wally more concerned for you.
"It's from my parents."
Wally looked up from the letter you gave to him. Your parents? You hardly ever talk about them, unlike Julie, who talks about her sisters endlessly. Any mention of your parents or any family members had you trying to change the topic with a hop, skip and a jump! Until everyone in the neighborhood understands that they'll never find out about your family. Until now that is, starting with telling Wally the truth. When Wally stayed silent, you took it as a chance to continue. You're going to do this whether you like it or not, right?
"I never really got along with them. My mother mostly spends her time in her room, drinking something that makes her dizzy. And my father looks at himself so much in the mirror that he barely notices when I'm there. And when he does notice, it's usually something about himself." You laughed your words off, but not because you find it funny and to be honest, Wally doesn't see any humor in it either.
"People turned them down, you know, now they lived their nightmares. . ." You repeated the sentiment your father would always say to describe himself and your mother. They just wanted to be seen by someone out there, wanted someone to take care of them. It just kills you inside that you couldn't be the daughter they needed in their time of needs. Instead of helping your parents, you ran away from them and hid in your room up in the attic. Hiding away from the knocking on your door. Until you finally had enough and chose to be a coward. Running away by escaping through your window and running as far away as possible. Anything to just get you away from that house and your parents. The people who had given you life.
. . . You really are a bad daughter.
You felt the wind knocked out of you when you felt someone tackle you wrapping their arms around you with a firm but gentle grip. Much akin to a loved one's hold to show their care and love. And when caught the familiar scent of apples, you knew that it could only be one person.
"Oh darling. . ." Wally gently said, never letting go of the hug. It's funny really, normally he'd have already gone limp, but he stood his ground instead and kept you in that hug "You're not a bad daughter, and your parents are to blame. Not you. It's not your fault that they are the way they are."
Then, tears threatened to fall from your eyes. You kept at bay for as long as you could, until it all came out in a choked sobs, you had said everything out loud and now Wally knows the disgusting truth about you and where you came from. 
"What do I do Wally? They're asking me to come back! But I don't want to go back! I want to stay here!" Your words came out wobbly and wet from tears and hiccups. Of course you knew it wasn't your fault that your parents are like that, but it's so damn hard when your parents make it sound like it's your problem too. And chide you and cry tears themselves until you accept that you were part of the problem. And for whatever reason, you believed them, because you had no one else to turn to for guidance in this thing called life.
"And you're not going back." Wally stated, pulling back a bit to land a small sweet peck to your forehead before pulling you back into the hug "You're staying here in the neighborhood, forever. . . Nothing will change that. I'll protect you, I promise okay darling?"
And as Wally's grip on the hug grew tighter but still very gentle, you find yourself believing in his words. Even if another part of you tells you to not be naive and vulnerable, the whole you would rather listen to Wally, the person who gave you what you had been searching for your whole life.
Wally repeated his promise again, sealing the deal one last time "I promise Darling. . . I will never let anything happen to you. . ."
And if Wally's face darkened at another glance at the letter from your parents, then that's for only him to know.
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nearest-dearest · 9 months
Halloween! #1
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Oc belongs to @cornfieldsrambles
I'M SO SORRY FOR NOT POSTING IN A WHILE! College started and I promised myself I won't post anything until I feel like my art has shown improvement. But Spooky season is around the corner and I don't want to keep those who sent me their ocs to wait any longer! So here you go! Hope you like it Corn!
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nearest-dearest · 10 months
A little something me and @the-quiet-winter-forest worked on.
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nearest-dearest · 10 months
Made some illustrations based on some of my favourite Vocaloid songs!
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Himitsu by MIMI
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Delusional Elegy by MIMI
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Hanataba by MIMI
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nearest-dearest · 10 months
Welp! Spooky season is about to start! Send me your OCs and what costume they would wear for Halloween! (Please, I'm running out of time before real college work piles up on me and I want to draw as much characters as I can)
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nearest-dearest · 10 months
Last Post before college starts :')
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Corpse puppet au belongs to @sketchquill
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nearest-dearest · 10 months
After getting inspired by @kandavers. My Ask Box is open! (Ask me anything in regards to (Y/n)! Wally! In my secrets au) Or just generally ask me what scenarios to draw with :D
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nearest-dearest · 10 months
Episode 2 (Secrets Au)
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The Next day. . .
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nearest-dearest · 10 months
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Almost done with the second part of the secrets Au! (In the meantime, here's a little doodle)
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nearest-dearest · 10 months
First Time getting Tag! Thanks so much for this opportunity Fluffy! :D
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I roll a twenty and summon @kai-hopped-on!, @monkeyqueen22! And @auburnitzy!
the bronzetomatoes summer experience
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@that-ace-idiot @mighwnt @clingyduoapologist @genlossicle + whoever the hell else‼‼ knock yourselves out
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nearest-dearest · 10 months
Ayoo ok so, hear me out
How about Wally with a s/o whos vision is getting progressively worse and they end up getting glasses? Since hes a puppet i suppose he can be confused about how do our eyes work n all
Coming right up Anon! :D
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One of the best things about visiting the big city you used to call home is that your local optometrist is still there. Thanks to that, Dr. Iris managed to measure the perfect glasses for you. Now you can see well, making the train back home much more enjoyable, since you can see the scenery outside the window clear as day, even at night. You wonder how the neighborhood is going to react seeing that you now have glasses. It’s going to take time to get used to having a new weight on the bridge of your nose, but you can manage that.
You just wish Julie and Barnaby won’t tackle you when they see you. Wouldn’t want to get your glasses broken when you just got them. You didn’t have to wait long though because the train stop to home is coming closer. And when the train stopped, that’s when you took your cue to stand up, get off and walk all the way to the neighborhood.
“Julie! Barnaby! NO!” You braced yourself, waiting for your body to hit the ground from the weight of their hug, but it never came. And when you looked at why is that. You saw Frank holding Julie back and Eddie keeping Barnaby still in his spot. So not only can the mail man lift anything, but he’s also strong enough to stop anything!
“Now Julie! I know you’re excited, but you must give our neighbor their space. They had a long journey.” Frank scolded like an older brother would do to their misbehaving sister.
“I know that, Frank! But I can’t help it! Neighbor has been gone for three whole days and I just want to see if they’re okay!”
That gave you a little laugh “Thanks Julie, but I’m okay. The doctor just said I needed some glasses.”
“Glasses?” All four of your neighbors say at the same time before walking up to you to see your new glasses.
“Now how would you need that little fella?” Barnaby asks.
“Hi Julie, Hi Barnaby, Hi Frank, Hi Eddie. What are you all—” A fifth puppet joins the scene.
“Wally! Look! neighbor’s back! And she’s got glasses now!” Barnaby announced.
“Glasses? What are those?” Wally asks.
“We’ll find out soon Wally. If our neighbor is feeling up for it.” Frank says, being the ever-considerate puppet that he is.
“It’s fine Frank, I can explain to you what this is.”
Julie suddenly gasps “Wait! So even FRANK doesn’t know what it is?”
Frank sputters and huffed “How would I know? I’ve never encountered them before!”
“That’s because it’s a human thing.” You said, and with that simple statement, everything clicked for everyone. You explained further “Whenever our eyesight is getting blurry, we need to wear glasses to see clearer.”
“Oh! I get it now!” Eddie says, but then concern laced his face at a thought “Wait, does that mean you went to the big city blind?”
Everyone gasped at the thought, but you were quick to quell their worries “No no no no! I’m not fully blind, and the doctor said I’m near sighted, that means I can see things when they’re up close, but not when they’re far away.”
And with that, everyone calmed down again. Knowing that you were safe.
“Oh! Does that mean my sight will also become clearer with glasses on?”
“Wally, I don’t think that’s how it works.”
“Frank is right Wally, the doctors have to measure what glass to put in my glasses so I can see clearly. It really depends on how bad your sight is.”
“Why, whatever do you think caused this blurry vision of yours neighbor?” Barnaby brought up.
“It runs in my family, and I guess it’s about time my family genes caught up to me. But not to worry, I just need to keep my glasses on the entire time, only taking them off when I sleep.”
“Oh! That’s the most, I’m glad you’re okay neighbor. I was worried for the past few days.” Wally sighs. And for some reason, that made Barnaby chuckle, saying: “Wally buddy, you’re always worried about our neighbor here.”
“I can’t help it though, at least they’re okay. And that glasses made them look the absolute most.”
“Thanks Wally.” You gave a smile, a smile that Wally believed that it’s the absolute most.
Barnaby, Eddie, Julie and Frank can see it clearly. The two may be oblivious to the fact, but the rest of the neighborhood will wait for the day. Where you and Wally can tell each other that fact.
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nearest-dearest · 10 months
I need to channel that energy somewhere! I'll do anything! (Just not anything nsfw or extreme violence. I'm not comfortable with that.)
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nearest-dearest · 10 months
Secrets (A Welcome Home Au)
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Time to sleep Now. . .
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nearest-dearest · 10 months
You finally said Hello
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. . .
*Someone picks up the phone*
Wally Darling: Hello? Is it you again Neighbor?
You: Um. Oh geez, I don't what to say. Uh, hello Wally.
Wally Darling: Neighbor? Is that really you? You finally said hello.
You: Hehe, sorry it took this long for me to say anything. It's really hard to get this phone in the train station working right.
Wally: Train station? Where are you heading off to neighbor?
You: No one where in particular, just sitting by the benches and watching the train pass by. . . Say Wally?
Wally: Yes neighbor?
You: I'm glad to finally to talk to you, everyone seems to not know I'm really on the other end. You were the only one who knew I was there. Why is that?
Wally: Oh, that. I'm afraid that's a secret dear.
You: I see.
Wally: Hey neighbor? I'm also glad to finally talk to you to. I don't know how you did it, but I'm happy that you did. Now I can ask you a very important question.
You: Well, okay then. What is it?
Wally: When we looked into each other's eyes. What did you saw? I hope you saw a friend.
You: Oh silly Wally, of course I saw a friend! Wanna know a secret?
Wally: A secret? How interesting. What is it neighbor?
You:. . . You were my first ever friend.
Wally: Really? Well, I'm honoured to be your friend, neighbour.
You: Thanks, I just wish I can get to know your other friends. Julie seems like a fun fella. Oh! And Barnaby's jokes never failed to make me smile.
Wally: I'm happy you seem interested. Maybe you could give them a call next time?
You: Hm, I could, but I don't want to bother them in case my phone is broken again.
Wally: Oh, I know it won't break again. Just give it a shot.
You:. . . Alright then!
Wally: Good, I'm happy the neighborhood can finally meet you neighbor.
*Sound akin to a train*
You: Gosh, I need to go now. It's been fun talking with you Wally. Guess this won't just be a secret between you and me anymore h̴̘̭͓̲̖̾̈́͊͛͆̉̕̕͝e̴̛̪̞̤̳̦̜̻̣̲͖̱͕̺͈͒̓̈́̑̽̈́̎͐́̀̎̐̔͝ͅh̵̪̠̏̃̀́̓̿̈́̅͝͝e̶̢̽̐͗̿̒́̉̈́́́̉̾͒̕͝.
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nearest-dearest · 10 months
Red and Wolf (Chapter 1: Unstable Faith)
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nearest-dearest · 10 months
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Based on the song "Doubtful" By Gregory and the Hawk.
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