nonbinary-autist · 5 months
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Diagrams are helpful to me
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nonbinary-autist · 5 months
Being overstimulated is such a weird thing to explain to people. Like "hey sorry, I'm not mad at you and this is nobody's fault and I'm not blaming anyone for it happening, I am aware this is a part of regular everyday life but I am mentally crumbling because There Have Been Things Happening nonstop for 5 hours straight back to back with no breaks, and I really need to sit down in complete silence for like 15-25 minutes, after which I will be completely fine and can proceed as normal. But if I'm not allowed to have that, I will resort to violence."
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nonbinary-autist · 6 months
ADHD pro tip: Use psychological warfare on yourself.
For example, in order to do long tasks, like folding laundry, I put on the Mario Hat:
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The main feature of the Mario hat is that my headset does not fit over it, so when The Bees™ try to put me back in front of the screen, the headset issue forces me to remember why I put the Mario hat on, and back to the task I go
As a bonus, the Mario hat is also a very clear indicator to my housemates that business is getting done, and they have learned not to distract me when I'm wearing the "goofy-ass cosplay hat"
It's not stupid if it works.
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nonbinary-autist · 9 months
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nonbinary-autist · 9 months
Does ADHD ever feel to you like a semi-physical sensation. I legit like. When I'm trying to get work done and my attention span is it's limit and I just CAN NOT do work anymore I feel a sort of tension within my body. idk. some sort of inner vibration. Not like, just tapping your foot or shaking your leg but something deeper than that. Anyways I need to write an essay but I CANNOT focus, my body is screaming at me to do something else, I need to go eat lunch
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nonbinary-autist · 1 year
Hey, if you're wanting to make some changes to how you eat, remember- it's much easier, healthier, and more sustainable to ADD foods that make you feel good than it is to REMOVE foods.
If you feel like you don't drink enough non-sugary fluids, it makes more sense to try drinking more tea and sparkling water than it does to just avoid soda. You gotta add in the good (and remember, that the only value food has is how it makes YOU feel. Food is morally nuetral and should be enjoyed.)
Adding a handful of easy produce to lunch and dinner- baby carrots or cherry tomatoes, something 0 prep. And yes, you are allowed to dip it in dressing! (The fats can make it easier for your body to absorb the vitamins in the veggies)
Adding a cheese stick or yogurt to breakfast. The protein is good and can help you wake up faster.
Adding some roasted nuts to your afternoon snack. (ADD, not replace.) That variety and little protein boost will do you good!
Have a glass of tea, sparkling water, or juice each time you have food. Let's be honest- you aren't hydrated enough. Go buy yourself some Kool Aide mix if that'll make you drink more water! Really!
If you struggle with binge eating sugary foods and it makes you feel yuck when the sugar crash comes- eat 1 or 2 pieces of chocolate with lunch and dinner. Every day. Really. Make it not a big deal. Make it not special. Make it something you can expect, instead of crave. Let yourself enjoy it without guilt.
Remember- food is a gift. It should bring you joy, not stress. Trust your body. Enjoy the cookie. Drink something tasty.
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nonbinary-autist · 1 year
rsd is absolutely insane because it will feel like someone is tearing apart the very core of my being, insulting everything i have done and will ever do, condemning me to death and simultaneously wishing i was never born, when actually they just didn’t like a song i showed them
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nonbinary-autist · 1 year
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How I wish more people understood this.
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nonbinary-autist · 2 years
my toxic trait is simply not doing things if i don't want to do them
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nonbinary-autist · 2 years
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nonbinary-autist · 2 years
honestly the worst thing about adhd for me is that a new hobby or hyperfixation is one of the greatest sources of joy, but its always haunted by the knowledge that it won’t last and i don’t get to decide or even know how long. I can’t count on being interested in anything long term.
it feels like theres a clock ticking above my head and i cant see how much longer i get to enjoy something. i can’t start big projects for fear of never finishing them. i have to hold myself back from anything that requires long-term commitments or consistency because i can’t rely on future-me to follow through.*
when i pace myself and try to casually keep up with something after the hyperfixation ends it just isn’t the same, the joy is gone. when i say fuck it and just let myself run, i end up trying to cram years of a hobby into weeks or months. i bite off way more than i can chew, burn out spectacularly, and spend the next month feeling guilty every time i look at the pile of expensive, unused materials that i sat down one day and never picked back up.
Theres a toll that years of it takes on your self-trust, it compromises your ability to make decisions without second guessing the most basic things. “What will I want?” and “what will I like?” aren’t any less opaque at six months from now than six years. I can’t count on what I want. In a way, I can’t count on myself and there’s a grief that comes along with that.
i see so much about dealing with adhd shame, but i dont think i’ve heard more than one person express the grief that comes with losing something you really love, not because it leaves you, but because your body simply decides without your permission to stop loving it.
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nonbinary-autist · 2 years
ADHD is a disability. I know this. Nobody else around me does. When I say I can't do something, I don't need tips, I don't need encouragement, I need you to believe me. I need just one person to believe that I'm not lying when I say I am unable to do something because of my literal developmental disability. No more "just push through", no more "try harder", no more "I did it and you can too", because I am absolutely sure that in this moment I am unable to fucking do it! Please believe me for once. Please.
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nonbinary-autist · 2 years
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every time
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nonbinary-autist · 2 years
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nonbinary-autist · 2 years
(does one thing) hm i think i deserve a little reward :) (walks around in circles listening to music for three hours)
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nonbinary-autist · 2 years
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nonbinary-autist · 2 years
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