opdevilfruit · 6 years
Hello everyone! My computer had broken down but I finally got a working one so I can start up with prompts and ideas again!!
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opdevilfruit · 6 years
One Piece Prompts #35
Whitebeard was aware that Roger had a son and managed to track him down to Dawn Island. Ace grew up knowing periodic visits from the Whitebeard pirates and even had some of the crew stay on the island for ‘vacations’ from time to time.
He was always fascinated by Marco’s ability. When he finally set out on his own he wanted to prove that he could be a great pirate too and also to find a certain devil fruit.
After a couple years he reunites with the Whitebeards and is excited to show Marco that he succeeded in finding the fruit he set out to- having never told anyone which fruit he was after. The crew watch as he takes a deep breath before recoiling in surprise as he combusts. Whitebeard laughs uproariously watching his children panic. Marco is stunned, but quickly covers it up and pulls a still flaming Ace into a side hug, letting his own flames join Ace’s.
Unfortunately, he was just in time for the other crew members to try to save Ace by dumping sea water on them both.
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opdevilfruit · 6 years
One Piece Prompt #34
For as long as he’s had his powers Marco had never successfully used his tears to heal someone from grievous wounds. Small cuts and injuries were possible, but nothing as large as the wound Ace or Whitebeard had received. 
When Shanks stopped the war Marco rushed over to inspect Ace’s body. The tears already in his eyes did nothing to heal the wound as he’d feared. In order to hide his tears and carry Ace’s body to the safety of the Red Haired pirates ship, Marco transformed into his phoenix form. Vista and Izo lifted Ace onto Marco’s back, the phoenix’s flames wrapping tenderly around the body. 
In the short time it took to fly from the battlefield to the ship Marco let his despair flow through him, darkening his flames to a deep blue. Landing on the ship, Marco found some of the Whitebeard commanders already on board and readying to remove Ace from his back. Marco touched down, his flames staying as dark as night, letting his brothers pull Ace off. Before he could transform back into his human form, he heard sounds of disbelief from his brothers. 
Spinning around his eyes widened to see them holding Ace up, the wound in his chest much smaller than it had been. Watching closely, the faintest movement showed he was breathing once again. 
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opdevilfruit · 6 years
One Piece Prompts #33
The Strawhats are reunited on Zou, no one from Big Mom’s pirates coming to collect Sanji for the Tea Party before the others arrived. Instead, Judge decides to send his own men for him. 
It is during the celebration that the troop of Germa 66 ambushes the Strawhats. The leader of the troop comes forward in a cloak to answer the demands of the crew. Pulling the cloak off, the figure shocks the crew as before them stands a pink haired, female version of their cook. 
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opdevilfruit · 6 years
One Piece Prompts #32
Sabo and Luffy have noticed that Ace has been down ever since his last break up. The decide to take matters into their own hands and find someone for him. Together, and with the help of their friends, they compile a list of ‘must haves’ that Ace’s future partner needs in order for them to approve. This list includes: 
Being able to keep up with Ace’s eating
Always up for fun and adventure
Having a sense of humor
They need to be ok with Ace’s relationship with his brothers
They also shouldn’t get jealous of Ace spending time with his brothers and friends
They have to be strong - but not as strong as Ace!
In a Modern!AU, the two decide to make Ace a dating profile and upload their ‘must have’ list the site. Sabo is in charge of screening the more unsavory matches while Luffy decides who he likes with his gut. 
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opdevilfruit · 6 years
One Piece Prompts #31
In a modern AU, Ace wouldn’t be able to drive/get his license because he has narcolepsy. Sabo is the brother responsible for making sure they can all get where they need to be. Ace has mastered public transportation.
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opdevilfruit · 6 years
One Piece Prompts #30
Soul Eater!AU  Having finished that manga so long ago, it was only today that I remembered it after hearing the theme songs again. 
In this OP!verse some characters have the capability to be Meisters and some have the ability to turn into Weapons. These traits stay even if the person happens to consume a Devil Fruit. There are even those few able to be both Meister and Weapon.
Luffy would be capable of being a Meister and, being extremely adaptable, he could resonate with almost any Weapon. 
Zoro is also a Meister, however he refuses to use a Weapon. This is due to losing Kuina (Weapon) when they were young. Wado was the sword used by Kuina’s family to hone their skills and her father bestowed it on Zoro
Sanji was expected to be the perfect Weapon as the rest of his siblings. he has never been able to achieve a full transformation though and was still far weaker than his genetically altered super siblings. He doesn’t like to talk about his Weapon status and does his best to avoid having to use those abilities. 
Ace is one of the rare people able to be both a Meister and a Weapon. Garp was always hopeful that Ace would not inherit the Weapon gene, knowing that it would just be one more reason for the government to hunt him down. Despite being a Meister as well, Ace has trouble trusting others enough to resonate properly. Most times he can only maintain the barest soul bond. He prefers to use his Devil Fruit though. 
Law keeps quiet about his Weapon status. When Luffy finds out what his weapon form is he can’t help but laugh. While useful during surgery, a scalpel is not the best weapon to use as a pirate captain. That doesn’t stop Law letting Luffy wield him. 
Shanks is a Meister, though rumor has it that he has latent Weapon genes. This has not been proven. 
Very rarely Shanks can be seen wielding various crew members in their Weapon forms. The most common would be his first mate, Benn Beckmann. 
Being the Strongest Man in the World, most people believe Whitebeard must be one of the rare few that are both Meister and Weapon. He is actually only a Meister, but due to his extremely powerful soul he is unable to find a Weapon that will be able to handle resonance for extended periods. His commanders do come close; useful in short battles. 
Rather, he found a Weapon capable, but they decided mutually that it was best to only use their individual strengths unless absolutely necessary. 
      (Such a time would be Marineford-where Whitebeard used his Weapon and was able to successfully rescue Ace and escape himself. His fighting days would be completely over after the strain however.)
WIP/May add more
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opdevilfruit · 6 years
Hello! Just wondering if anyone has any ideas for prompts-SFW here and NSFW over on @opdevilfruit-explicit. Any situation/pairing/non-pairing; I’m pretty much open for anything if you’d like to share! 
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opdevilfruit · 6 years
One Piece Prompts #29
(Loosely following OP Prompts #28)
Marco confided in Whitebeard that he had felt content to have a ‘flock’ to fly with; never realizing that he would miss that feeling of belonging in the sky. Unknown to the first commander there was an eavesdropper. They snuck away to talk with the other commanders about what he’d overheard.
Days later Marco was interrupted from his paper work by unusually loud shouts from the main deck. Sighing he went to investigate. He had to shield his eyes from the sun when he reached the door, but his eyes soon widened at the sight on the deck. The majority of the crew were gathered, watching as their siblings took turns testing out the latest inventions of some of the division commanders. Marco couldn’t help but gape at the sight of the artificial wings and the paragliding equipment.
“What do ya think, Marco? We’re still figuring out the one that works the best, but now you can have a flying buddy!”
Marco was still too shocked to recognize who was speaking to him, but that didn’t stop him from grinning and quickly joining the brothers currently in the air.
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opdevilfruit · 6 years
One Piece Prompts #28
A strange encounter with an unknown Devil Fruit results in the Commanders of the Whitebeard Pirates all sprouting wings. 
Ace is able to turn his into fire, just like Marco but much more deadly. Jozu tried to turn his to diamond, and though he succeeded he found that it did not allow the same mobility as the non-diamond wings. 
Whitebeard sent teams out in search of the fruit user responsible, but in the meantime docked at a quiet, uninhabited island to avoid Marines. As the only commander used to having wings, Marco was put in charge of making sure the rest of them took proper care of their new limbs and learned how to maneuver and fight with them in case any enemies did find them.
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opdevilfruit · 6 years
One Piece Prompt #27
Zombie Apocalypse!AU
When the zombie apocalypse hits, the crew manage to survive and become one of the main pirate gangs around. The world is still a very dangerous place, but they’ve been surviving.
(Crew atm: Luffy, Zoro, Nami, Usopp, Sanji, Chopper, and Robin)
During a routine supplies mission, the last remnants of the old government set up a trap for the Strawhats- leading them right into a nest of infected.
Even with their strength and teamwork they were being overwhelmed. In order to make a get away Zoro planted himself between the infected and his crew, holding them off on his own.
Luffy refuses to leave him behind and just before the final door to the trap closes, he manages to grab Zoro. They hurry back to their hideout intending to celebrate still being alive.
However, as soon as they arrive Zoro collapses. Chopper rushed to check on him and is horrified to discover at least three different bites from the infected. Knowing that it only takes one bite 24 hours to turn someone, he estimates they only have about 7 hours left to decide what to do before Zoro turns fully.
No one wants to suggest they kill him now; he’s their crewmate and friend, but they know the infection kills off the mind.
Luffy refuses to acknowledge that when Zoro wakes up he’ll be infected. He orders the others to rest while he watches over their unconscious friend. They leave hesitantly, choosing to trust their captain.
Hours pass and it’s nearing the time Chopper estimates Zoro would ‘wake’. Nervous energy runs through the air as the body twitches and emits a groan. Usopp shrieks when Zoro jolts upright and nearly faints when instead of attacking them he grumbles out a confused “Wha’ happen’d?”
Everyone’s faces are the epitome of shocked, except for Luffy who smiles and tells Zoro he was bitten but ‘beat the crap outta that infection!’.
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opdevilfruit · 6 years
One Piece Prompts #26
Marco is the shortest commander. It’s not by much but even Ace and Haruta are taller. No one mentions it when he’s in hearing range to avoid his temper.
He’s also the lightest. His devil fruit requires it in order for flight to be possible.
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opdevilfruit · 6 years
One Piece Prompts #25
Trafalgar D. Water Law has had a hard life before becoming the Captain of the Heart Pirates and making an alliance with the Strawhats. Yet he has been able to make it that far and continues to survive. Unbeknownst to him it is in part due to the help of his guardian angels: his family and Rosinante. His father, mother, sister, and Cora-san all assist him during different times in his life. 
When he needs help with medical procedures his parents will lend a hand or help him remember that important piece of knowledge. When he needs to relax a bit his sister is there to push him into it. Cora-san is there for the most difficult times, when Law doesn’t know what else to do or is on the edge of failure. He will give Law anything and everything he can to help. 
The only one who knows that Law has these guardians is Brook, but he never mentions it. 
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opdevilfruit · 6 years
One Piece Prompts #24
Shanks lost his arm saving Luffy from a shark attack. He’s been going to physical therapy to try and gain back muscle mass he lost from the stay in the hospital as well as to learn to maneuver and balance without his arm.
After deciding to move, he goes to his first appointment at with the new therapist. He gets lost and tries to ask someone for directions but they continue walking ahead and ignore him. Pissed he wanders until he finds his room.
She has him in her private office to brief him on his treatment plan, but she tells him that their facility is currently a bit over crowded so there will be peer-to-peer treatment exercises thrown in to help. Shanks just smiles, he’s always up for making new friends. With that taken care of they exit the office, the therapist intent on introducing Shanks to her current patient-having double booked the both of them today. 
Shanks notices that the therapist is careful to approach the man from his right side, quickly moving into his visibility. When the man looks up Shanks immediately feels his anger coming back and jabs his finger in the man’s face. 
“You jerk!” 
The therapist and the man stare at him-though the therapist is moving her hands as well-as he continues waving his finger and shouting about hallways and rude men. Eventually he calms down. Chest heaving, “Well? What do you have to say for yourself?!”
There’s silence, a head shake from the man, before the therapist opens her mouth, “Er, Shanks this is Benn. He was injured in the line of duty. Ear injury..”
Shanks felt his face burn, “Ear injury... you mean...?”
The therapist had taken a moment to move her hands towards Benn again- sign language-before turning back to Shanks. “Benn is mostly deaf and suffers from loss of balance and motor skills as a result of his injury. I understand if you believe it may be difficult to work together, since well,” she gestured to his missing limb, “you can’t use sign language effectively at this time and Benn can’t hear, but he’s very good at reading lips really. I do hope you’ll both try to get along?”
Shanks could only nod and extend his hand towards Benn with a sheepish grin. “Ah, my apologies, it seems I misjudged the situation. Let’s get along!”
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opdevilfruit · 6 years
Do you can do some prompts of Ben and Shanks? (maybe nsfw too?) Sorry if I bother you with this ask. ~Cookie~
Thanks for asking! I do love Benn and Shanks~Are you looking for any kind of prompts in particular? I do have another OP Prompts blog for explicit prompts, @opdevilfruit-explicit. It’s been neglected quite a bit, but I’ll start working on those prompts too! I can be terribly dirty minded ;)
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opdevilfruit · 6 years
One Piece Prompts #23
Whitebeard Headcanons
Marco: He did in fact try to fly ‘south’ anytime the early crew went to a winter island. When he first ate his fruit it was hilarious watching everyone try to teach him to fly. Eventually Whitebeard ‘nudged’ him off his head.
Ace: Ace is immune to temperature changes since he can regulate his body temperature using his devil fruit. He enjoys taunting his crew mates whenever they’re on a very hot or very cold island.
Jozu: Has occasionally tried to pick up women using his devil fruit ability to catch their eye.
Thatch: His family-mother/siblings- owned a bakery in his hometown that was destroyed by pirates. Whitebeard beat them up and Thatch decided to follow him then and there.
Vista: Before apprenticing himself to a magician he was terribly allergic to flowers.
Blamenco: Is curious what would happen if he tried to put himself in his pockets but is too scared to actually try. Doesn’t stop him from putting others in there though.
Rakuyo: His Mace ended up with a devil fruit because he was having fun smashing a market during a skirmish with the law.
Namur: Pretends all fish are his friends at meal times when they get new recruits. For a Fishman he has a really good kicked puppy face.
Blenheim: Absolute shit at poker. Master of Dad jokes and the worst puns. He tries very hard to be friendly to any new crew mate since he has always been seen as intimidating.
Curiel: Definitely a bit trigger happy. He has a habit of making decisions before thinking. When he was made fun of for not being able to grow a beard like some of the other commanders, he decided to get his Whitebeard tattoo on his chin. No one can fault him for being proud of it though.
Kingdew: He has no fashion sense. Yet he was the one to gift Marco the blue sash he wears. Other crew mates will make fun of them both for wearing matching sashes.
Haruta: Joins Izo in confusing others sometimes by dressing as a girl. It only bothers him when people think he’s a girl and he’s not trying to fool them.
Atmos: He used to be teased when he was younger for how much larger he was than the other children. Now he’s proud that he can stand almost equal in height to Whitebeard.
Speed Jiru: When he was young he wanted to be a knight. He got in trouble often for injuring other kids when they played at jousting.
Fossa: It took him years to perfect his flaming sword technique since he doesn’t have a devil fruit ability. Whenever he and Ace are fighting together Ace will usually light the sword and his cigar for him.
Izo: When he doesn’t wear his usual outfit most of the crew can’t tell it’s him. The commanders have gotten better at this through the years. Whitebeard always knows.
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opdevilfruit · 6 years
One Piece Prompts #22
Marvel/DC!AU- starting by figuring out who would be like each character:
Based on skills:
Law: Doctor Strange 
Luffy: Mr. Fantastic
Usopp: Hawkeye
Robin: Scarlet Witch
Nami: Black Widow
Franky: Iron Man
Chopper: Hulk
Ace: Human Torch
WIP-feel free to give suggestions; there are a lot of characters in each fandom afterall.
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