my first pride month out as a lesbian and i can’t find any lesbian rep in local stores
it's also my first pride out!!
ik it's weird there's not been a lot of pride stuff around recently :/
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With pride month starting, i'd like to remind you guys that the creator of the most known lesbian flag, Emily Gwen is in need of financial support. They are barely able to keep a roof over their head.
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big corporations use their design for huge income and they do not get anything for it. please do consider sending a donation to them, anything helps.
link to their ko-fi | link to their carrd with merch
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any songs about comphet/internalized lesbophobia? (Like the struggle of it to help someone going through the “omg I want to like men”)
I understand why people probably don’t like to talk about it? but I’m struggling to find any good songs for how I’m feeling rn. I can find lesbian sings but they’re usually about sapphic love (positive or negative) and rn I’m feeling sapphic agony lmao. I can also find internalized homophobia songs but they’re like. About men’s experiences. And good luck babe (which is a bit cheery for how I’m feeling but it does work). But that’s like it lol
I have no idea honestly... i am deep in a will wood hyperfixation rn so you will not get many good song recs from me unless you'd like will wood lmao
I'm sure somebody else has some tho!
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Question: is it gay to cuddle on the couch with your bi friend or is that just a friendly thing??
ik this is kind of unhelpful, but it can be either, it really depends on the relationship
my friend group is big on cuddling, to the point that when we hang out there are often cuddle piles of 3-6 people, and it's completely platonic, but some people might consider cuddling more romantic. If it's not gay for you, then it's not gay
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hey, i'm so so sorry about my kinda sporatic/nonexistent posting recently, life is a lil chaotic rn lol
i will be posting more often in the next few weeks but just know that it might not be a lot for a little while :)
Also- happy Pride Month!!!!!!!
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hey guys please give what you can https://ko-fi.com/emilygwen
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It isn't "radically inclusive" to include trans women in lesbianism. Trans women are women. Women are like, the foundation of lesbianism. Trans women ARE lesbianism. We don't need complex thought systems to understand women loving women and being lesbians and also trans.
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If another person is weird about multigender transfem lesbians in my inbox I’m gonna lose it I think. I’m gonna start putting people in saw traps.
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i dont care about validity i care about my civil rights
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I know I talk a lot about nonbinary lesbians, butches with funky genders, lesbians who use pronouns aside from she/her but
I wanna take a second to appreciate the lesbians — especially black and butch lesbians — who consider themselves to be women. The lesbians who were denied womanhood, but carved out a place in womanhood for themselves. The lesbians who wear their she/her pronoun pins as a badge of pride. The ones who see their womanhood as a source of strength. You are incredible and I am so proud of you.
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Finally coming to accept myself as a nonbinary bi lesbian ♡
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The original pride flag and the sewing machine it was sewn on
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hope ur doing ok!!
i am! life is life-ing but at the end of the day things are going pretty well
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question: can lesbians be turned on by male moaning but like literally nothing else including actually having sex with men? I’ve heard that straight women can be turned on by women moaning but idrk if that’s true
I have no idea lmao
i mean if you feel like a lesbian you are so it doesn't really matter, there's no criteria for this sort of thing
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some of my favorite replies to this tweet. happy lesbian visibility week!
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Master list of all the "our __ experience" lgbtq+ blogs
These are all the active and inclusive/friendly queer blogs I could find. If I listed any that are exclusionist or otherwise bad or are just inactive, please let me know so I can remove them. This list is intended to help queer people find active and inviting communities to participate in and feel safe in. If you know more feel free to add them in the reblogs and/or tell me them so I can add them. Please spread this around, I worked very hard on compiling this list, and this may help people find the community for them here on Tumblr.
🏳️‍🌈 Overall community
🏳️‍🌈 Aromantic and/or asexual
🏳️‍🌈 Gay/lesbian
🏳️‍🌈 Transgender
🏳️‍🌈 Genderfluid (and related)
🏳️‍🌈 Demigender
🏳️‍🌈 Agender
🏳️‍🌈 Multigender
🏳️‍🌈 Nonbinary
🏳️‍🌈 More sexualities
🏳️‍🌈 Other/random
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