pandor-uhhh · 1 year
Sorry for the lack of updates, I’ve been busy and going through it. Hopefully I’ll have some stuff posted next week, love you all♥️♥️♥️
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pandor-uhhh · 1 year
I have a question about grieving apologies do you think we’ll have any other love interest or just tsu’tey? Sorry if thats a dumb question
Hi! Please don’t feel like any of your questions are dumb, trust me I I’ve been there all of your questions are valid. But, yes, there will be another, that’s all I can say for now👀👀👀
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pandor-uhhh · 1 year
I love Norm so much. I wanna write for him so bad, but I’m so worried no one will read it. (I’m so tired and so sad, and I feel like he would fix at least one of those😭😭😭)
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pandor-uhhh · 1 year
What’s gonna happen when everyone’s avatar phase dies down 😭 WHO AM I SUPPOSED TO WRITE FOR?!?
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pandor-uhhh · 1 year
I'm back! (kind of)
I'm revising chapters for Grieving Apologies, which will most likely continue to happen as time goes on. I will let you all know when it is full revised.
Ghost Of The Past will continue as a series, but not till around March 29th (because I need to rewatch TWOW cause I'm fuzzy on details)
I still won't have anything posted for awhile, I'm very sorry.
I love you all, thank you so much for your support it means the world to me 🖤🖤🖤
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pandor-uhhh · 1 year
Jake is/was Toruk Makto because he rode the Toruk, does that make Neytiri Toruk Makto Makto or Makto Toruk Makto?/hj
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pandor-uhhh · 1 year
Heyyyyyy, I’ve got some good news and some bad news.
The good news is we hit over 100 followers, which I’m so fucking happy about. Thank you to all of you who enjoy my writing, I appreciate all of you🖤🖤🖤. For the not-so-fun news, I’m sick. As far as I know it’s not COVID, but it’s still pretty bad. I’ll try to write when I can, but I can’t guarantee anything. Thank you guys so much for your support, I’ll be back as soon as I can.
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pandor-uhhh · 1 year
Grieving Apologies 4
Tsu’tey x reader series
Warnings (contains spoilers for this chapter): almost character death, description of CPR, self blame, talk of cheating, a little long (over 5K words), (please let me know if I missed anything)
Description: On the day you and Tsu’tey were meant to break your bond, tragedy strikes, twice
This series is currently being rewritten to improve its quality and overall plot, please keep that in mind as you read.
Notes: This took longer than I thought it was going to, I’m sorry
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 (you’re here)
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“Not so hard Tuk!” Kiri scolded, as the littlest Sully tugged your hair, she let out a panicked ‘sorry’ before putting the comb down. You patted her head “it’s okay, Tuk, thank you for wanting to do this” you told her, she let out a laugh, jumping up to sit in your lap, and you wrapped your arms around her. The girls wanted to try to make you feel better after what had happened the night before, and they decided they wanted to try to do your hair before you saw Ronal.
“y/n” Tuk called, you looked down at her “yes?” you answered, beginning to sway from left to right, earning a giggle from the child. But she looked down, as if questioning her words “promise…” she trailed off, not meeting you eye, you heard the sadness in her voice. Kiri stopped combing your hair to look around your shoulder at her little sister, Tuk wrapped her arms around one of your’s, “promise this won’t change anything” she finished.
You stopped rocking, and ran your free hand over her head, pushing her hair back, before leaning forward and giving her a kiss on the forehead. “I promise” you stated, Tuk let go of your arm and instead hugged you. Kiri also hugged you from behind, you could hear both of them crying. “But if you aren’t with uncle Tsu’tey anymore, where will you go?” Tuk cried, “I’ll still be right here, little one” you assured her.
The time came for you to see Tsu’tey, you stood outside Ronal’s marui with Neytiri by your side. She took your hand and gave it a squeeze, you looked at her and she nodded. You took a deep breath and walked in, Tsu’tey and Jake sat side by side next to the fire pit in the middle. You and Neytiri moved to sit on the other side, Ronal sat between the two groups that had formed, and Tsireya sat behind her to the right.
“Two of you have come to break the bond you made with each other under Eywa, a bond that you have shared since you chose each other as mates” Ronal explained, and motioned for Tireya to continue.
“You were united under the great mother’s eye, so by tradition you…” Tsireya looked nervously over to her mother, who only nodded, Tsireya sighed “you must break the bond under the great mothers eye, on sacred land”
Neytiri and I looked at eachother, confused. Ronal stood up “we must go to The Cove of the ancestors”
Tsu’tey looked over to you as your eyes casted downward. None of you had been there, not since Neteyam’s passing…
You choked back tears, Neytiri put a hand on your shoulder “we can wait, we don’t have to-” “-no” you interrupted, “we must do this now” you stated looking to Ronal “I’ll do it”
You mounted your ilu, looking to the shore with the kids getting on their own. Jake and Neytiri tried to convince them that it would be better if they didn’t, but they wanted to be there for you, both of you. “You ready, Zi-zu?” You ask your ilu, who responded with a loud shriek and her fins hitting the water. 
You laughed, patting her side. You heard a louder shriek, you flinched and your ears tucked back. You turned to see Tsu’Tey with Jake on their tsuraks, you looked over to Neytiri who was on her ikran. She laughed at the sight of Tsu’tey still struggling to stay on the large beast. 
Tonowari and Ronal showed up on their tsuraks, and you set off for The Cove of The Ancestors. The waters were calm, and the children laughed and joked on the way. When you arrived at the cove you looked around and took in your surroundings, even above water, it really was a beautiful place. You wished the past times you visited could’ve been under happier circumstances.
Your group stopped not too far from shore, Neytiri landed on the shore and Jake went off to get her, since ikran weren’t the best swimmers. You heard a small splash and looked over to see Tuk had slid off the ilu she was riding on with Kiri to slip into the water, “Tuk!” Kiri called, looking for her sister. You looked down into the water from the surface trying to find the small Sully, Tsu’tey did the same, even guiding his tsurak around trying to find her. “Tuk!” you repeated, “Tuk, now isn’t the time or place for games!” you grew worried when you didn’t see any sign of her.
You dove under the waves with your ilu, you couldn’t hold your breath as long as the children had learned to, but that mattered little to you at the time. You looked around for any sign of the child, panic filled you and you resurfaced to get a breath of water. Jake came over with Neytiri on his tsurak, “what’s going on?” Jake asked, seeing everyone’s worried expressions. “Tuk, she dove under the water, and I don’t know where she is!” Kiri cried.
Jake jumped off his tsurak and into the water to look for his youngest, you started panicking. This can’t be happening again, Eywa, please say this wasn’t happening again. Tonowari, seemingly the calmest out of the group, spoke up “the ceremony can wait, we must find the child, now” he said before diving under to help look.
Tsireya and Lo’ak dove under on the ilu they were sharing, followed by Kiri. You and Tsu’tey shared a quick glance, you nodded and dove under as well. You searched around every bend, every Tuk-sized nook and cranny. It was about the fifth time you surfaced when you started to cry. Tuk was small, even with training and her high-energy spirit, she couldn’t hold her breath for that long. On top of that, the waters had become rougher, the current could easily push her around.
You knew Zi-zu was tired, so you got off of her to swim on your own. You hadn’t noticed how far you had ventured from the cove, you dove under one last time. You saw something shining on a jagged piece of coral. You swam over to find a small bracelet, you recognized it, you had made it for Tuk with a shell you found on the beach. You began to cry, your tears carried by the waters around you.
If the bracelet was here, where was Tuk? She swore she would keep it on her at all times, no matter what. Could the current push her out this far? It was hard for you to swim, even with your ilu, Tuk was alone. Did she try to come up for air to call out? Did she not make it? Thoughts swarmed your mind to the point you began ignoring your lungs screaming for air, did Tuk’s do the same?
You wrapped the bracelet around your hand, as it was too small for your wrist. Your vision began to blur, you coughed out bubbles of air, and your mouth filled with salty water. You remembered the argument you had with Tsu’tey all those years ago, skxawng, maybe the phrase fit you better than you had hoped at the time.
You felt, arms wrap around you and push you to the surface. You spat out the water that had invaded your mouth, and felt a hand moving your head to face the one who had saved you. “y/n!” Tsu’tey yelled, shaking your face, “stay with me!” You began to cry. You didn’t want to tell him what you found, all that was left of the little one you two watched together.
Your small sobs turned louder, then into screams. Tsu’tey brought you to his tsurak and helped you up, he tied your ilu to the tsurak, as to not leave it behind. Soon he got up and took your face in his hands, “what happened, are you hurt?” He asked, trying to dry your tears. You shook your head and held your hand out, showing him the bracelet he looked at the jewelry, recognizing it immediately. Horror spread across his face.
“She could’ve lost it, it was a quick trip here, it might’ve just slipped off” he told you, you violently shook your head. “She’s gone!” You screamed, “I failed, again!” you yanked at your hair, remembering just that morning she was sitting in your lap and laughing. Tsu’tey hugged you.
You didn’t want this, you hated him, or at least you should. . .
But you can’t, you melted into him.
He pulled your hands from your hair, he said something about going back, about it being late.
Before you knew it you were back at the village, Tsireya noticed you two and waved for you to dock by them, Lo’ak was beside her. Tsireya was smiling till she saw you, “what happened?” she questioned. Tsu’tey put a hand up as a silent way to say ‘not right now’
He guided you to sit beside Lo’ak, who you wrapped your arms around and hugged tight. “I’m sorry, I’m so sorry, I failed you” you cried, he looked at you like you were crazy. You took off the bracelet and gave it to him, “please forgive me” you cried. Lo’ak shook his head, “y/n, it’s okay-”
“-it’s not!” you shouted after breaking away from Lo’ak, “I never should’ve come here! I should’ve stayed in the forest, or maybe on earth! She never would’ve been there if it wasn’t for me!” Tsu’tey ran to your side, but this time you pushed him away, but gently “if I had never fallen in love with you, none of this would be happening!” you yelled to Tsu’tey.
“It’s my fault, if there had been another, stronger than me, they could’ve protected Tuk from the start!” Tonowari and Ronal had come out of their marui to see why there was yelling. “It’s all my fault, I failed, not you!” You pointed to Tsu’tey. “It was my weakness that killed them! I killed Netayam, I killed-!” 
“-y/n” a familiar voice called out, it was Tuk. You looked at her, believing you were hallucinating. You walked over and put your hands on her shoulders “you’re crying” she noted. You looked at her, scared if you blinked she would disappear. “Tuk?” you questioned, she hugged you “I’m sorry!” She apologized, crying. “I don’t want to lose you, I don’t wanna lose uncle Tsu’tey!” she cried “so I ran, then I swam out too far so I went to the shore, but-” you shushed her, hugging her “it’s okay, you’re safe, that’s all that matters”
You looked up at Neytiri and Jake, Neytiri was looking at you, crying with a  mix of happy tears and sad ones, but Jake didn’t take his eyes off Tsu’tey, Jake looked like he wanted to wring his neck. Lo’ak, who had been standing beside Jake, walked over, “y/n found this, Tuk'' he showed her the bracelet she had lost. “My good luck charm!” Tuk cheered, taking it from her brother, she looked back to you “thank you” she sighed. You smiled and nodded, “don’t mention it kiddo”
Jake loudly cleared his throat “it’s been a long day. Kids, go with y/n and get some food” he patted you on the back, and ruffled Tuk’s hair. “Tsu’tey, meet me inside” he said through gritted teeth, motioning to Tonowari and Ronal’s marui. Tonowari, Ronal, Jake, and Tsu’tey walked inside. Tuk tugged on your arm “come on, let’s eat!” you smiled at her, “you go on, I’ll be right there” you said quietly, Tuk pouted, but ran off with Lo’ak.
You walked far enough so they couldn’t see you, but you could still hear.
You heard Tsu’tey sigh “Jake I-”
“-do I look stupid to you, Tsu’tey?” Jake interrupted “does y/n?” He added
“I never meant to hurt them” Tsu’tey stated
“Oh! Really!” Jake laughed out “and what about the woman in your house last night?” he accused
“She wasn’t there for me!” Tsu’tey yelled “I told you, she was there because she had heard y/n was no longer mated!”
You heard a snap like Jake punched a wall of the marui
“You really expect me to believe that?! We were the only ones who knew you were breaking your bond!” Jake boomed “and now, while they are at their lowest, thinking they lost Tuk after Netayam, you rushed to their side like some savior!?”
“I was trying to comfort them” Tsu’tey defended, it sounded like he was getting angry
You decided to walk closer, so you could see what was going on. Ronal noticed your presents, and let Tonowari know, but neither of them alerted the two fighting.
Jake stepped to Tsu’tey
“I’m sure you were, I’m sure you wanted to comfort them so much so they would crawl back into bed with you, huh?” That was the snapping point for Tsu’tey who punched Jake in the face. Tonowari stepped between the two, trying to stop them from fighting any further.
“Enough!” He yelled, causing the two to stop.
You stepped into the marui, everyone looked at you. “You are like children” you said, with the same tone as a mother saying ‘I’m not mad, just disappointed’.
You shook your head “Tsu’tey go home” you commanded, not even looking at him, he was frozen in place. “How long were you?-” “-I said go home!” you cut him off, his ears went back, he only nodded and walked away. Jake continued to glare at him, until he was out of sight, at that point he turned to you. “You don’t deserve to be-” you cut him off with a slap. Everyone, even Ronal, looked shocked. Tears filled your eyes “don’t think I only wanted to do that to you, Tsu’tey will get the same in time” your voice was shaky, you closed your eyes and took a deep breath before continuing.
“My mateship is just that, mine. I don’t need your help, I know what you must think about why Tsu’tey did what he did. You think he only wanted to hold me so I would reconsider breaking our bond, or even that he only wanted me for a night” You sighed, wiping your tears away “but I felt it, he wanted to care for me, to protect me. I might not be able to choose if I love him, but I can choose if I want to be with him, and you can’t make that choice for me” Jake looked down, in what seemed to be shame. “I know that” he said “it’s your choice, but he hurt you” you put a hand on his shoulder, “I know you are mad at him for the things he’s done, I am too, but fighting will not change what he’s done” you said before turning to leave, giving Ronal and Tonowari a nod as a way of saying ‘sorry my mate and friend fought’.
You walked to the marui you used to share with him, standing there for a moment. You looked around to see if anyone was around, when you saw no one you stepped inside. You walked to the middle, next to the fire pit. You looked at your old bed, it looked like it had been disturbed since the last time you were there. Your lip curled up and your ears went back, ‘it must be from when that woman was here’ you thought to yourself. You looked to the other side of the room, seeing the bedroll that Tsu’tey slept in after your argument. You kneeled down and pushed on it, seeing how comfortable it was or wasn’t.
You laid down on it, looking at the ceiling. Is this what he left like when he laid here? Did he think of you? Did he regret the things he said, maybe the ones he didn’t?
*It was not long ago that you move into this marui, with the intentions of making it a home*
You carried the last of the many bags the Tsu’tey insisted that you take with you. You opened it to see what was in it and where to put the supplies, it was mostly medicine and dried fruit and meat in this one.
You and Tsu’tey had one bed roll that you shared, Tsu’tey had said he would make a proper bed once you settled in more. That was on the right side of the house, while you hung the bag of food up high.
You felt a hand touch brush your waist, you jumped before realizing it was Tsu’tey. “Kiri and Tuk want to go past the reef, I’m going with them” he stated, before turning to leave again. You took his hand, causing him to turn back to you.
You put your hands to his face “we are safe, the children are older, we don’t need to watch them all the time”
In reality, you weren’t taking the move well, the idea of Quaritch being back, him kidnapping Spider, and the fact the children were almost taken. You wanted your mate, you wanted to be held and told everything would be okay.
Tsu’tey pulled away from your touch, but he didn’t look happy about it. “I will be back before eclipse” he said. You looked at the ground and began walking away, but he took your hand in his and gave a light kiss to your knuckles. You smiled softly, he nodded and walked off.
Eclipse was on the horizon, and you decided to step away from unpacking to get some fresh air. You took a walk around the village, you got a lot of looks.
Some mean, some kind, some cautious, but mostly confused. You felt out of place, and for good reason you would say. You saw Tsu’tey watching over the children playing in the shallows of the reef, you started walking closer and saw that Tuk wasn’t playing with the others. You looked back to Tsu’tey and saw that she was sitting beside him asleep, leaning on his arm. You smiled and walked over.
“Long day?” You asked, Tsu’tey had a faint smile. He never really laughed, but you could tell when he found your joke funny. “Ask this one” he said, motioning to the sleeping child. You laughed, and sat on the other side of him.
You loved these moments, being with your mate and the children. You smiled and leaned on Tsu’tey, and closed your eyes
*you felt tears run down your temples as you laid there*
You blinked a couple times, before you wiped the tears away. You stood up, dusting yourself off. You turned to leave when you saw him, Tsu’tey, he was standing in the entrance. You sighed, “I…” you trailed off. This was the first time in a long time that you had a good look at him, and you saw bruising next to his eye. You reached out to touch his face, he looked surprised. “What happened to your face?” You asked, he pulled away. “Nothing” he said, kneeling next to the fire pit to get a fire going.
You scoffed, grabbing a cloth from the basket you remembered keeping them in. “Why do I doubt that?” you mumbled, soaking the cloth with water from the water skin.
You pulled Tsu’tey up and started dabbing the bruise with the cloth. “This won’t help much, but it should reduce the blood coming to the surface” you explained, “though it might’ve been better to do it earlier, this looks about a day old. What happened to you?” You pulled away, turning to look for something to help more.
Tsu’tey sighed “Lo’ak, he hit me when he came for your things” you spun back around, shocked. You put some of the herbs you had into the makeshift mortar and pestle you had made, and ground the ingredients. “Lo’ak hit you?” You couldn’t wrap your head around it, sure Lo’ak got in fights with the other boys, but never adults, let alone Tsu’tey.
“He and Jake Sully are angry with me” you looked up from your work as he spoke, “I cannot blame them”. You sighed l, gathering the paste you made into a small bowl. “That doesn’t give Lo’ak or Jake an excuse to get physical with you” you scolded, applying some of the paste to the cheek.
You went to walk away from him when he grabbed your wrist, you froze looking in his eyes. “Are you angry with me?” He asked, you yanked your wrist from him. “Of course I’m angry” you answered, kneeling in front of a bowl you used to wash your hands and the mortarl “you cheated on me”.
Tsu’tey stood up, he seemed mad at your words. “I have been many things to you!” He raised his voice, it shocked you a little. “I’ve been a poor mate, I’ve put too much pressure on you sometimes, I have not always been calm with you! But I-!!” You flinched back when he began to yell, he immediately stopped and took a moment to calm down.
 “I’m sorry, I should not have yelled at you like that” he apologized, you nodded. “I failed in many places as your mate, but I was never unfaithful” he finished. You picked up your mortar and pestle and walked over to your make-shift sink, turning your back to Tsu’tey “I heard” you began to wash the mortar with your hands “when you said that the woman wasn’t there for you, that she was waiting for me”. 
Tsu’tey walked over and pulled the mortar from you, you looked up at him. He saw that the tears that began to form “I would never choose another, there is no other to replace you”. You shook your head “how am I supposed to believe you?” you sighed, getting up to leave.
“I cannot apologize for something I never did” he called out before you left, you turned to him. He stepped to you “but I haven’t made you feel loved a long time, and for that I am sorry”. You looked to the ground, unsure of what to say, “take care of that bruise” was all you said before leaving.
You walked back to The Sully’s marui, Neytiri smiled at you as Tuk crawled from her lap to hug you. You hugged her tight, before kneeling to her height “hey, if you ever do what you did back there again, no more rides on Zi-zu” you stated, in a serious tone. Tuk nodded, and quietly apologized again, you hugged her again before letting her run to Kiri.
You smiled and turned, only to see Jake behind you. “Can I help you?” You half-joked, “where were you?” he asked. You rolled your eyes, “I was just taking a walk” you tried to go inside.
Jake blocked you with his arm “where were you really?” he pressed, you glared at him “I was walking” you pushed his arm out of the way and walked inside, Jake followed.
“Lo’ak!” You called, the boy's head popped up from the knife he was sharpening, “I need to talk to you, outside” you declared. You stepped back outside, and soon Lo’ak came out, “is there a problem?” He asked, he seemed genuinely worried.
“You want to get out of earshot from your parents before you ask me that?” You didn’t give him time to answer as you walked away. 
Lo’ak followed behind you, “can you just tell me what I did?” He seemed irritated. You didn’t respond, just kept walking. The boy huffed, “look, whatever it is I’m sorry” he apologized, you still said nothing. After a little while you stopped and turned to him, “is this about Tsu-” you put a hand over his mouth before he could say anything. 
“Jake, this isn’t the forest, you don’t have good cover!” You called out, Lo’ak looked around in confusion “leave me and the boy to talk” you requested. Jake stepped out from behind a pillar, Lo’ak looked at you in shock.
Jake looked at his son “we’ll talk when you get back” Jake stated, pointing to Lo’ak, before walking away. Once he was gone, you turned to Lo’ak. “Let’s cut to the chase, why did you hit Tsu’tey?” You crossed your arms and looked down at him, Lo’ak sighed.
“He’s a dick, he deserved it!” He seethed, you knew he was frustrated, you kneeling down you put your hand on his shoulder. “Yes, he is a dick, but you shouldn’t have hit him” you scolded, Lo’ak rolled his eyes “if it was Spider cheating of Kiri you would do it for her!” Lo’ak argued.
“I’m sorry, do you know something about Spider and Kiri that you want to share?” You questioned, Lo’ak froze before shaking his head “n-no I just meant in a hypothetical!”.
You let out a ‘mhmm’ before standing up, “you’re wrong I wouldn’t beat up Spider” you corrected “do you know why?” you put your hands on your hips. Lo’ak let out a huff “‘cause it’s wrong?” He questioned, “no” you laughed “he’s smaller than Kiri, if I punched him I’d kill him” you jested. 
Lo’ak laughed, your face dropped “but, seriously, if you try to fight someone twice your size again, I will throw you” you said in a serious tone. Lo’ak stopped laughing and nodded. You patted his back and you walked back to the house. 
When you got back to the house, Jake was waiting outside to talk to Lo’ak. The two walked off together, in the same direction you had just come from. You went inside, and immediately, some food wrapped in a banana-leaf-like plant was handed to you. 
“You need to eat” Neytiri stated. You took the food with a smile and sat down to eat. 
“Mama!” Tuk cried out, you looked up to see Tuk soaked in water pulling on her mothers arm. “Help!” you heard Kiri cry from outside, you ran out while Neytiri watched Tuk. Kiri had Ao’nung’s arm around her, while she practically dragged him. He was unconscious, you ran over and picked him up and brought him inside. “Go find your father and brother!” You told Kiri, she nodded and ran off. You ran inside and listened to see if the boy was breathing, when you heard nothing you started compressions. “‘Tiri, I need the bag!” You called out, Neytiri handed you a CPR bag that Norm had given you, ‘just in case’ he said. You handled the bag while Neytiri continued compressions.
Lo’ak ran in, freezing when he saw Ao’nung. “Lo’ak” you called out, he didn’t respond, “Lo’ak!” you yelled, he snapped his attention to you. “Where is your father?” You asked, “he’s… he’s getting Ao’nung’s parents, what happened?”.
“The avatars” Kiri spoke up, she was holding Tuk who was crying. “We went out for a swim and one of them hit Ao’nung with a rock” Kiri explained. She started crying “he was distracting the demon while we got away” she sobbed.
Lo’ak grabbed his knife, “where?” He yelled out, “Lo’ak, no!” you barked, “I’m not letting you get yourself killed!” You stated.
“Look at Ao’nung, he’s dying, Should we just not do anything?!” Lo’ak argued, making Tuk cry more. “He isn’t dying, sit down with your sisters!” You fumed, Lo’ak headed for the entrance.
“If you take a step outside that door, so help me Eywa, they will be your last!” Neytiri snapped, which seemed to persuade Lo’ak not to go.
Tonowari and Ronal ran in, Ronal dropped to her knees “my son!” She cried out. Tonowari looked mad, really mad. Jake walked in next, “how is he doing?” he asked. “We’ve been doing compressions since Kiri brought him” You answered, growing frustrated. Ronal grabbed Ao’nung’s hand, “my son, please come back!” she cried, Tonowari put his hand on his mate’s shoulder.
Ao’nung coughed up water and began gasping for air, you took the mask off his face and rolled him on his side. Ronal cried out, you aren’t sure if it was out of happiness for her son’s survival or in horror of seeing him nearly die. “Ao’nung!” You called out, he looked up at you “you okay, buddy?” he nodded between coughs. You sit him up, Ronal hugged her son.
You let out a sigh, and fell on your back. “y/n!” Neytiri exclaimed, shocked. You put your hand on your face, and started crying “I thought they were gone”. The weight of an avatar attacking again had just hit you, Jake walked over. “It’s only one, we can handle one” He reassured, “then how many? What, you don’t think he called for reinforcements when he realized where he was?!” You cried out, Jake put his hand on your shoulders. “Hey, breathe, you just saved a boy’s life, focus on that right now” you looked at Ronal, hugging her son.
Ronal took her son’s face in her hands, crying still “maitan” she sighed out, Tonowari smiled at his son. Then Ronal flicked his forehead, Ao’nung recoiled in shock “sa’nok!” he groaned out, “you’re lucky you almost died, otherwise I would kill you!” Ronal yelled before hugging him again. You laughed, before covering your eyes again “I need a nap, or a drink, both if possible”
Kiri and Tuk went to see Ao’nung, and thanked him for trying to keep them safe, and Ao’nung thanked Kiri for saving him. You noticed one missing, “where’s Lo’ak?” You questioned, Jake and Neytiri looked around, just then noticing their second born being gone.
Lo’ak stumbled into Tsu’tey’’s marui, Tsu’tey sighed at the sight of him. “If you’ve come because of y/n, I told you I-” “-they’re back!” Lo’ak interrupted, Tsu’tey’s eye widened “who?”
“The demons”
To be continued…
Thank You For Reading! ♥
Taglist: @eirianna @zatarias-pandora @fanboyluvr @agustdeeyaa @brooklynscherry-z @ssc7514 @tejas-kris @iwanttogohomeandtakeanap @thesheelfsworld @theesexystallion @saltedcoffeescotch @pandoraglora @c0comichi
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pandor-uhhh · 1 year
Ghost of the past
Jake Sully x ex-wife reader
Warnings: use of y/n, not proof-read (I'll do it later), mentions of: divorce, and canonical death
Description: you travel to Pandora to work as a mechanic for the RDA, only to discover where ex-husband Jake Sully has been for the past two decades
Notes: I really love this request, I’m so scared I didn’t do it justice. If not I’ll probably make a second part
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You knew you weren’t going to be high raking when you came to Pandora, not over the blue, bastards carrying big guns, but you didn’t mind. You would choose your small dorm room and big machines over your small apartment back on earth any day, especially given the memories around the place.
“Hey, gear-head!” Speaking of big, blue bastards who outrank you. You turned to the voice, some of your half eaten lunch still in your mouth. The recom soldier towered over you, even more so since you were sitting.
“You y/n Sully?” He asked with a southern drawl to him, you dropped your sandwich after swallowing your food, no longer hungry. “It’s actually y/n l/n” you corrected, the soldier looked surprised. “So you’re Sully’s ex wife” he smiled, you sighed “yep that’s me, now mind telling me who you are and why you’re so interested in my marital status?” You snapped.
The soldier extended his hand “Quaritch, Miles Quaritch, but you can just call me colonel” . You leaned back and looked him up and down before taking his hand and shaking it. “What’s this about, colonel?”
“Well, you have a bone to pick with your ex-husband, lucky for you, so do I” you could almost laugh “last time I even heard about him he was getting shipped off here, how the hell did you manage to lose him” Quaritch smiled “see there is where things get interesting, your ex-man is a traitor”
After a long explanation about how Jake had managed to fully assimilate himself with the na’vi, and how he had killed his former colonel, you were sent with the recom team to find Jake Sully.
You rappled down with the team, and began looking for any signs of life. You followed the team to a small clearing, there was a trailer-like structure in the middle of it. Z-dog explained that it’s where Quaritch and Jake had fought, alongside another na’vi. Quaritch managed to dig up an old mech-type suit and told another soldier to pull the footage from it. You heard rustling and whispers in the trees next to, Quaritch signaled the team to investigate it.
You stayed hidden, which were orders you had no problem complying with. But you watched what happened from behind cover. One of the recoms jumped out and grabbed the smallest out of the group, they started yelling and the human boy that was with the na’vi aimed his bow at them. You felt a little bad as the soldiers barked orders at them, which they were forced to comply with. Lyle took one of their hands and showed off that she had five fingers, something that you had learned was uncharacteristic for na’vi that weren’t avatars. Checking the others hands, or more so him flipping off Quaritch, you found there was another one with five fingers.
While checking the na’vi, it was discovered that the human was named Miles, but preferred Spider. The team also discovered that he was the colonel’s son.
Quaritch called for extraction, and told you that you could come out, you stepped out from behind your cover and got a better look at all of them. The shortest of the na’vi was the closest to your height, but still pretty tall. You could tell she was scared, you made your way over to her, earning hisses from both the na’vi and the human. Which caused the soldiers to shake them and tell them to pipe down 
“get the fuck away from my sister, demon!” The boy who flipped off Quaritch yelled. You backed off, you knew they were scared, and didn’t want to give them more reason to be. You turned your attention to the human boy, he hissed when you got close. You wondered if he had assimilated like Jake had. You turned to Quaritch “if na’vi are born with four fingers, and not five, why do these ones have one extra?” Z-dog stifled a laugh, and turned to Quaritch. “You really didn’t tell this poor girl?” you brows knitted together, “tell me what?”
Quaritch was too invested in the footage that they pulled from the mech to pay attention, “hey!” you exclaimed. You walked over and saw the footage, how Quaritch was shot with arrows, twice. Lyle took the tablet, and Quaritch Walked over to the skeleton in the mech. He took the skull and crushed it, you were a little freaked out. It was mostly silence after that while you waited for extraction.
“You want answers?” the colonel asked you, you looked at him and nodded. He sighed “your man has a new girl now, that’s why those kids had an extra finger” he pointed to the na’vi. You leaned on a tree and put your head in your hands, you knew Jake would’ve most likely found someone else than you, but to then learn he has kids was something new. You felt a hand on your shoulder “I know that’s not the answer you wanted, I’m sorry” you could almost laugh. 
A marine that was killed by your ex-husband and his alien wife, was brought back as an alien, and was then comforting you about losing said ex-husband for good. If someone told you that was your future 24 hours ago you would’ve called them crazy. 
When you were about to open your mouth to say something, an arrow came from the trees and hit one of the soldiers through the head, it all happened so fast. You screamed at the sight, Quaritch pushed you, and Spider to the ground, Spider taking the eldest girl down with him. Gunshots rang, you could see that Spider and the girl were getting away but didn’t try to stop them. You curled up, just hoping that you wouldn’t get shot. 
You eventually turned to be on your stomach to crawl away, you heard Z-dog yell out, then some weird green gas started filling the area. You weren’t worried since you were wearing a mask, but you felt someone pick you up. You screamed, thinking it was whoever shot one of the soldiers, but soon realized it was Quaritch. He got you to cover with him, and held you close. If it wasn’t a situation where you had the chance to be shot to death, this might have been seen as intimate, but considering your head could’ve been turned into a kebab by an arrow, you weren’t thinking of it like that.
After most of the shooting stopped one of the team members over the coms told Quaritch his son had fallen down a steep hill. Quaritch told you to stay put, and not to move from the spot.
Then, possibly having the stupidest idea ever, as you saw one of the kids running away. You got up and started tailing her to get to her, you saw her jump into her fathers arms as she cried. You thought at that moment that you should just turn back, that you didn’t need to do this. But while you were trying to walk back a twig snapped, the mother drew her bow and pointed it at you, you dropped to the ground and put your arms out as a sad attempt to block it. “Please I just wanna talk!” You yelled out, you could hear the woman's breathing coming out in huffs “please, I’m sorry about your children, I had no idea that they would do that!” you cried.
“Neytiri, hold on” You heard a familiar voice say, “she is with the ones who took the children, I will kill her!” The woman snapped in response. You heard someone walk towards you and push your arms out of the way. “Y/n?” you opened your eyes and saw a male na’vi staring at you, how did he- oh, right. 
“Jake?” You questioned, Jake sighed and took your arms in his hands and bound them together, before also tying your feet. “Wasn’t enough to bring my damn kids, they had to bring you too” and mumbled, “Jake, please I just wanna talk” you cried. “No!” he yelled, you flinched “you don’t get to talk to me, I already never wanted to see your face after what you did! But this?” He motioned to his family, you saw the littlest still crying as her sister tried to calm her breathing “this is low, even for you”. 
With that he walked off. You cried out his name till you could no longer see him, at which point you just started crying. The noise must have alerted your team, since Quaritch found you. Z-dog was holding onto his son, while Quaritch ran over and cut you free “they do anything to you?” He asked, you just cried and shook your head. He helped you up and guided you to the extraction point.
You fell asleep on the ride back to base with only one thing on your mind.
That Jake had moved on long ago.
And you were simply just a ghost from his past.
Thanks for reading! ~(˘▾˘~)
(After notes: lol what if I made this a slow burn between the reader and Quaritch, jk…. unless…)
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pandor-uhhh · 1 year
Somewhere Over The Rainbow
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Warnings: Jake cries, mentions of loss, Jake blaming himself, mentions of family in the hospital
Description: Jake gets visited by someone from his time before pandora
Notes: This request is so fucking cute, this takes place after they move to the Metkayina village
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“Kiri, come on!” Tuk pulled on her older sister's arm, wanting to go with Lo’ak and Tsireya to go off the reef. “Go ahead, Tuk, I’ll hang back” Tuk let out a huff and ran off with the other two. Kiri sat on the beach, watching the waves softly ripple. It was late, most of the villagers were inside with their families, but Jake was meeting with Tonowari and  Neytiri had gone hunting, leaving the children to their own devices.
Kiri stood up with a sigh and turned to head home, when she saw a human, she was without a mask though, and her hair was white. Kiri walked towards her, but the woman walked further into the village “hey!” Kiri yelled out, running after the human.
“You need a mask, you’ll die!” Kiri had seen what happened when Spider lost his mask for only a minute, not wanting the woman in front of her to go through that for a fraction of a second.
Kiri got to the center of the village and called out again, Jake came walking out of Tonowari and Ronal’s marui. “Kiri, what’s wrong?” Jake asked, running to his daughters side. “There was a woman, she was just here” Kiri explained, Jake laughed “I’m sure it was just someone walking home-” “-she was human!” Kiri interrupted. Jake kneeled to his daughter’s level “are you sure?” Kiri nodded, “shit!” Jake cursed, standing up.
“Should we gather the warriors?” Tonowari questioned, “no, she’s defenseless” Kiri panicked. Ronal looked at the young girl “we have seen them before, they are anything but defenseless” she spoke through gritted teeth. Kiri shook her head “she doesn’t have a mask!” She exclaimed, which caught Jake and Tonowari’s attention. “She would not have survived this long, if she didn’t” Ronal stated, “unless they found a way to make breathing possible without one” Jake added “I’m going to look, keep her safe” Jake said to Tonowari, pointing to Kiri.
“I’m going with him!” Kiri argued, only for Tonowari to grab her shoulder “I’m sorry, he asked to keep you safe, that is what I intend to do”
Jake made his way around the village, looking for the human, hand on his knife just in case. He found himself on the beach, still searching, till he heard a voice. “You always were the paranoid one” a raspy voice laughed, he turned to see an older woman. Her hair was white, her skin wrinkled with age, and she was in a long dress. She was facing the ocean, but turned her head to Jake “my, how you’ve grown” Jake’s eyes widened.
“Grandma?” He called out, she laughed, “hello, Jake” she smiled. Before Jake left she had been in the hospital, he was told she would likely be gone before Jake finished his six year trip to Pandora. “How- how are you here?- where is your mask!” Jake panicked, the woman let out another raspy laugh “I don’t need a mask! Sit” She motioned to the spot beside her. Jake sat down, never taking his eyes off her, “how did you get here?” He questioned again. “Can’t you just enjoy the company of your grandmother without getting into the ‘how’s and ‘why’s?” she joked, Jake laughed “I can do that”
She looked out to the ocean again, smiling “I’ve always wanted to see the ocean, just one last time. Though I’m glad I get to see this and not the mud puddles of earth” she sighed “I like the ocean” she stated. She put a hand on Jake’s bicep “Mark and your mother would be so proud of you” her eyes filled with tears, so did Jake’s. He hugged the smaller woman tightly, minding the fact he was bigger and stronger. “I hear I have a granddaughter-in-law, and great-grandchildren” Jake broke away and looked down at her “tell me about them” she stated, Jake looked out to the sea.
“Neytiri” Jake smiled, “she- shes beautiful, and strong, and brave, you’d love her” Jake heard a soft chuckle “I’ve heard about her, I already do” Jake didn’t take his eyes off the ocean. “I have four kids… three… I had four, but…” Jake felt his eyes swell with tears, but he wiped them away before they could fall. The woman placed a hand on Jake’s shoulder “I’m sorry” She apologized, Jake shook his head. “There’s Lo’ak, he’s our little trouble-maker. But he saved my life, and his sisters. And he’s got this girl he’s head-over-heels for'' Jake laughed, “reminds me of someone” the woman joked. Jake started pushing around the sand next to him, “there’s Kiri, she’s not biologically ours, but she’ll always be my daughter” 
“I saw her on the beach, she’s a sweet girl, so caring for others” the woman stated, Jake nodded. “Then there’s Tuk, little Tuk” he picked up a shell “she’s been through so much, and she’s so young, I just feel like I’m screwing up” “you protect your children and love them, that’s all a parent can do, Jake” Jake looked at the shell in his hand, and sighed. “Nateyam, he was my eldest” Jake began to cry, but didn’t bother wiping his tears away “he was so strong, so brave. He died protecting his siblings, he just wanted them to be safe” He looked back to the ocean “and now… he’s with his ancestors”
“You did all you could, you raised an amazing boy. He was just taken too soon” the woman comforted, Jake let out a sob “I should’ve been there, I should’ve protected my kids”. “You did” a new voice spoke, Jake turned his head to see Kiri standing there not far from him. She ran over to Jake and hugged him “I’m sorry” he apologized, “I’m so sorry”. Kiri shook her head “it’s not your fault, none of it was any of your fault” she cried, Jake hugged her tight before pulling away. “You were supposed to stay back” he put his hand on her head “ya’ little trouble maker” he joked, rubbing her head, she laughed and dried her tears. 
“Who were you talking to?” Kiri questioned, Jake looked at his daughter with confusion before turning to see the woman was gone. All that remained with a patch of flowers, Jake smiled, “an old friend” he said before placing the shell in the middle of the patch. Jake stood up “let’s go find your siblings, your mom probably caught dinner” Jake picked up his daughter and threw her over his shoulder, walking back the way he came.
Kiri laughed, looking up she saw the woman with white hair standing beside the flowers, she smiled, ‘thank you’ Kiri mouthed. The woman nodded and walked off into the sea, Kiri pushed herself off her fathers shoulder. Jake turned to his daughter, who was now facing the ocean. “What is it, kiddo?” He asked, noticing she was tearing up. 
“I like the ocean”
Thanks for reading (ᵔᴥᵔ)
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pandor-uhhh · 1 year
Hello I was just reading your fic- Grieving. TOTALLY AWESOME, M IN LOVE WID THAT. I was um...wondering if I could be added to the tag list for the future parts?
Thank you so much, you and so many others are so nice it’s crazy😭💙
I’ll make sure to add you to the taglist.
(Also just a friendly reminder, i can’t respond to comments on this account but i appreciate all of you sm and i promise I’m keeping track of my tag list💙💙💙)
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pandor-uhhh · 1 year
Grieving Apologies 3
Warnings (contains spoilers for this fic): Angst, mentions of death, cheating, moment of self deprecation, reader flips someone into the water, reader's character has a breakdown again, please let me know if I missed anything
Description: You try to buy time for you relationship with Tsu'tey to heal, only to find it might be all for not
This series is currently being rewritten to improve its quality and overall plot, please keep that in mind as you read.
Notes: I’m sorry this is so late, you guys have been patient and I really appreciate that. Thank you all so much.
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 (you're here) | Part 4
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Dreamwalkers, when you first heard the word you thought it made no sense, you preferred the name avatar. But after your first few jumps, you loved it. The vibrant colors, the flora and fauna of Pandora, the night sky that you would look up at in wonder. It really did all feel like a dream, especially when you were with Tsu’tey.
He hated you at first, and, if you were being honest, he had every right to hate you. But after having to follow him around to learn the ways of The People, he found himself always checking behind to make sure you were close behind. He would curse you out when you would trip over yourself and get yourself hurt, but then tend to your scrapes to gently you would almost forget he was a fearsome warrior.
He would steal you from whatever you were doing to take you to the Hallelujah Mountains, or to go swimming in the lakes with giant lily pads. “You must know the land if you want to be one of The People” he would say. But you doubted the lingering touches and the times he held your waist to balance you had anything to do with becoming one of The People. 
You knew it was wrong, he knew it was wrong. He and Neytiri were meant to be mates, you were a scientist working for the same people who wanted to destroy his home. So then why did you  both feel this way?
The night after you and Jake officially became one of The People, Tsu'tey invited you on a walk, right when you were about to check in for the night. You walked with him, staying quiet since you didn’t want to disturb the peace.
He led you to a clearing with a small patch of moss, and bioluminescent flowers. He sat down, and motioned for you to do the same, you sat across from him.
“You are one of The People now” he stated, you nodded.  It was strange that he didn’t seem mad, he sounded hopeful. “Soon there should be those trying to choose you as a mate, or you may choose a mate” he explained “there are already some of our men and women that have expressed wanting to court you” he added, you nearly choked on air. The thought of marrying as a Na’vi never crossed your mind, let alone another Na’vi wanting you.
“I- when- why would?- what?” You stuttered out, Tsu’tey laughed “you are strong, capable, and a decent hunter” you nearly laughed at his almost-complement. “You will make a man or woman very happy” He added, he looked almost disappointed.
You smiled “like you make Neytiri happy?” You questioned, he sighed “no, Neytiri and I mating is that of convenience and tradition” you frowned, confused. You got up and sat next to him “you don’t love her?” You questioned. He looked over his shoulder, like if he was honest he would be shot.
“No” he answered, “I loved her sister, Sylwanin, but she was killed” he looked at the ground. You assume he was remembering her face. You put a hand on his shoulder “I’m sorry” he didn’t have to say so, you knew it was likely the RDA that killed her.
He looked over to you, putting his hand over yours and took it into his.
”Neytiri and I were betrothed afterwards” he explained “I care about Neytiri, but I do not love her” you looked at your hand, that was now sitting in his lap while he held it. He looked at you, you offered a sympathetic smile. He brought his hand up to your face, and placed a hand to your cheek.
You leaned into his touch, but soon pushed away. He looked confused, and hurt. “This is wrong” you remarked, getting up “I’m sorry” was all you said before running into the woods.
‘That was so long ago’ you thought to yourself. “(y/n)!” Jake shouted, pulling you from your thoughts, he looked worried. You looked over to him acknowledging you heard him “are you okay?” He questioned, you looked around.
You were in Tonowari and Ronal’s marui, Tonowari was sitting next to Ronal, and Jake next to Neytiri. “Fine” you muttered out, before your eyes widened “the children! Are they okay?! Who’s watching them?!” You panicked, nearly bolting out before Neytiri caught your hand “Tuk is with Tsu’tey, the others will be fine” you shook your head “no, they need to be protected!” You cried.
Jake sighed and got up “they will be fine, they promised they would not leave the reef” he put his hand on your shoulders trying to get you to sit back down. “And you believed them!?” You nearly screamed, Tonowari took you by the shoulder and guided you outside, and pointed to a shallow bit of water. Kiri was looking at the sand with Spider, Lo’ak was playing some sort of ball game with Ao’nung and his friends, and Tsireya was sitting with Tuk playing in the water while Tsu’tey watched them.
You let out a sigh “they’re okay, they’re okay” you mumbled to yourself, Tonowari guided you back inside, more gently this time. You sat back down, you were shaking a little. “(y/n” Ronal called out, you looked at her “you should worry more about yourself” she stated. “Neytiri and I want to talk to Tsu’tey tonight” Jake added.
Neytiri sat beside you, trying to steady you. “After that you will have to talk to him” Neytiri explained, and you shook your head “no, I just- can we give it more time?” You begged. Neytiri sighed, Jake put his hands in his face, Ronal let out what sounded like a groan. “It is your choice” Tonowari spoke up “but I have never seen any man or woman change from silence” he finished, before walking off.
You walked home alone, so you could think about what you wanted to do next. Could you really throw away all those years of loving Tsu’tey? Then again how many years had it been feeling like he didn’t love you? You paused hearing arguing in Na’vi as you approached the marui you still shared with Tsu’tey, you came to a stop. A Metakaina woman stumbled out, she was fixing her top, letting you know that she hadn’t had it on and also wasn’t expecting to be forced out so quickly.
You paused, your eyes were seeing everything but your brain couldn’t keep up. The woman paused seeing you, her mouth hanging open like she was going to say something but couldn’t. Tsu’tey poked his head out to say something, but noticed the woman’s shocked expression. He turned to see you, you didn’t know what to do. “(y/n)” Tsu’tey called cautiously “I can explain” you just turned around and started walking away.
You didn’t know what else to do, you just knew you couldn’t stay there. Tsu’tey followed behind calling out your name. “Yawne, let me explain-” he tried to grab your wrist but you yanked it away from him “no!” you yell pointing in his face. Your eyes welled with tears “this!” you motioned to the woman still standing there “you don’t explain this away!” you cried
“Please, it’s really not-” “enough! I’ve had enough of your lies, Tsu’tey!” You shoved him back “and I’m tired of your empty promises! Jake will talk to you tomorrow, you will go talk to Ronal, we will no longer be mated!” Your words trembled. Tsu’tey looked at you, shocked, his  ears went back and his pupils shrunk. He shook his head “no please, I promise it’s not-” he tried to hold you but you fought with him, the woman outside your marui began crying “you are still mated?” she questioned.
You laughed “right now? Yes! But after tomorrow you can have him!” Tsu’tey didn’t give up trying to hold you, you grabbed him by the hair and shoved him into the water. He surfaced and looked at the woman “tell them what you said to me!” he pleaded, the woman shook her head and ran. “You leave her out of this, do not blame her for your own childish actions!” You walked away, still hearing him call to you, but you didn’t stop walking, then it began to rain.
You ended up outside The Sully’s marui, everyone was asleep, you felt bad waking them up. Like a child going to their parents after a nightmare, only you knew you couldn’t wake up. You debated going inside, but the memory of what you had just seen didn’t offer you time to think.
‘Did he really bring a woman into your home?’
‘Who was that woman?’
‘She was better looking than you’
‘Plus she was born Na’vi
‘They’ll most likely start a family after you-’
You started crying harder at the idea, falling to your knees. You screamed and cried. “(y/n)!” Jake yelled out, clearly worried judging from his tone. Lo’ak grabbed your arm and guided you inside, Tuk brought a towel over. You had gotten soaked from the storm, thunderous claps could be heard in the distance. Kiri wrapped you in a blanket when you finished drying off and hugged you, Neytiri kneeled in front of you. She tried to dry the tears from your eyes, but anytime she tried to wipe them away more would take their place. 
“What happened?” She looked all over to see if you were hurt, you took her hands into yours “Tsu’tey he-” you broke down into more sobs, “oh no” you heard Jake whisper. “Breathe, breathe (y/n)” Neytiri said, trying to breathe with you. You shook your head “he brought a woman into your home and-!” You cried out, Neytiri’s face turned from concern to shock to anger. You fell into her arms, sobbing, she hugged you tight.
“He did what!?” Lo’ak yelled, Kiri started to cry, Tuk pulled on her fathers hand “what do they mean?” Jake picked up his child and covered her ears so she wouldn’t hear you and Kiri crying. Jake tapped Lo’ak on the shoulder “go get their stuff” Lo’ak nodded.
Neytiri, laid you down on bed roll before getting up to leave. Jake put down Tuk and walked in front of Neytiri “woah, woah, what are you doing?” Neytiri glared at him. “Do you not see what he has done?!” She exclaimed, Jake sighed “so what you’re gonna beat him to death?” Jake asked in a sarcastic tone. “I may!” with that Jake wrapped his arms around his wife and picked her up, she hissed and yelled. “Calm down! Stand down!” Jake yelled putting her back on the ground away from the door.
“Okay! Hurting Tsu’tey won’t fix this, I’m assuming he knows now that they definitely aren’t staying together after this, so let's just let Ronal and Tonowari handle it from here!” Jake explained, Lo’ak came running back in with a bag of your stuff. Jake took it from him “thanks, son” while handing it to him Jake noticed the red on Lo’ak’s knuckles. “Lo’ak what did you do!” Jake yelled, grabbing his son’s hand. Lo’ak pulled away “nothing! I hurt it playing ball today!” He kneeled by Kiri’s side trying to comfort her.
Jake looked at Neytiri, clearly still mad at him, “I know you want to get him back for what he did, but there’s a better way” Jake stated, Neytiri glared at her mate for his words, but sat back down next to you. You had calmed down, you were still crying, but quietly. She ran her fingers through your hair, Kiri got up and sat in front of you and held your hand “I’m sorry” she whispered, you started nodding off to sleep. The storm still raged outside,
But you were too tired to care.
Thanks for reading (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚
Taglist: @eirianna @zatarias-pandora @fanboyluvr
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pandor-uhhh · 1 year
Wounds left behind
Tsu’tey x na’vi reader
Warnings: mentions of being shot, descriptions of pain, blood and burns, crying, Tsu’tey acting a little OOC, not proofread but it will be later
Description: during the battle against the sky demons you were shot, you lived but the wounds left behind make it difficult to sleep. But Tsu’tey is there to offer comfort
Notes: This was supposed to go in a different direction, but I’m not unhappy about this. I'm working on Grieving Apologies 3 tonight and it'll either be posted tomorrow night or tonight
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The thing most people won’t tell you about getting shot, is it’s more than just the bullet going through you. On top of a piece of metal ripping through your body, it also burns, it burns like hell. Since The People didn’t use bullets until the war, you had no way of knowing this.
Mo’at had treated you to the best of her ability, and you were grateful to her and Eywa that you lived unlike some of your brothers and sisters, but the pain was pure hell.
You tossed and turned at night, unable to get comfortable. The bandages offered little comfort, every night it was as if you were reliving the burning pieces of metal tear through your body.
You tried not to show it on the outside, especially not to Tsu’tey. You were a good warrior, and an amazing hunter before the war. You didn’t want this to change the way he saw you, you felt like if you didn’t prove yourself everyday, why were you even there?
You’d push yourself over the edge, and then some. The amount of times you were brought back to Mo’at by one of your brothers or sisters because a wound had reopened, or because you gave yourself a new one, made her less than pleased. She would scold you like a child, as did Tsu'tey.
One day he plucked you off your ikran before you left to go hunting alone, he threw you over his shoulder and took you back to your tent. You hissed and hit his back, telling him you were fine. But he put you on your bed “do not move from this tent” he told you, and then left.
You had tried to sneak out only to be caught by other warriors. Eventually you laid down on your bed with a huff, you hadn’t been in this tent in weeks. You were either out hunting or you were getting patched up by Mo’at. You closed your eyes and allowed yourself peace, at least that's what you told yourself.
Your dreams had been replaced with nightmares, only they were more so memories. You were there again, watching those around you die, you felt the bullets hit you all over again, you felt your body hit the ground.
You could hear the sky demon’s cheers when he shot you down, you could hear the crying and screaming, and the other shots going off in the distance.
But then you felt a hand on your cheek, and everything stopped, you were no longer on a battlefield. You were sitting in the forest, surrounded by plants. No death, no guns, no fire. You heard the rustling of leaves, you turned your head to see Tsu’tey. You gave him a smirk, assuming he was here to drag you back to Mo’at or back to your tent, but he never did. He sat by your side and placed his hand on your stomach, you had just noticed what you were wearing.
You were in a chest covering that had flowers on it, some glowed, some were bright with dark spots on them, some small while others large. You smiled, but soon realized you didn’t own anything like this. “I don’t think this is-” you were cut off by Tsu’tey shushing you.
You shrugged, but saw his hand was still on you. Most of your wounds had scarred over, at least the ones you didn’t manage to reopen. “They’re really not that bad, sometimes I forget they’re even-” you yelped in pain and pulled back when he had run his fingers over them.
Tsu’tey looked you in the eyes “I should have been there, I’m sorry”. You sighed “this isn’t your fault Tsu’tey, I wasn’t as careful as I should’ve…been” you hesitated as Tsu’tey brought his hand up to brush stray hairs from your face. 
His hand stopped, resting on your cheek, you brought your hand up to meet his. His eyes scanned over your body, as if he was reading you like a book. He moved his hand and you let go of his hand, his eyes fixated on your lips.
“I see you, Tsu’tey” you spoke up, regretting the words as soon as they left your mouth. “I mean I see that you-” you tried to backpedal, but he put his hand behind your head to pull you into a kiss. You put your hand on his chest, he pushed you on your back.
You gasped as your eyes shot open, realizing it was all just a dream. ‘That was wrong’ you thought ‘he’s probably still upset about Neytiri and Jake, what would possess you to think of such a thing?’ You scolded yourself.
“Did you know you talk in your sleep?” Your head shot up and saw Tsu’tey standing by the entrance to your tent. Eclipse had come and the only light was the little that peeked through the cover of your tent from the fires outside. And there was Tsu’tey, with small bioluminescent freckles on his chest. 
In the dark he looked like a piece of a constellation had broken off and come down in the form of a handsome, strong, man. Ewya, you wish he would just- ‘stop!’ You thought, shaking your head as an attempt to clear your mind.
“No… I didn’t know I did that” you answered, not being able to meet his eyes. He made his way over to your bed, kneeling down in front of you. 
“You also cry” he sighed, “you are haunted by the war, aren’t you?” You look up to meet his eye “I am too” he added. 
“I came in to try to wake you, only when I placed my hand on your head, you stopped crying” he placed his hand to your cheek, and rubbed his thumb over it “like this…” you melted into the feeling for a moment, closing your eyes and leaning into his hand. Yes, yes that is what pulled you out of the nightmare. You reopened your eyes to see his face closer to yours, you gasped, you thought about pulling back.
‘This is wrong’ but you couldn’t pull away, “you do not have to suffer alone” he told you. You felt tears slip down your face, he wiped them away gently. He treated you like you were a small flower, like if he moved too fast or pushed too hard you’d fall apart. “I see you, (y/n)” your eyes went wide and you smiled, “I see you, Tsu’tey” he leaned forward capturing your lips in a kiss. You leaned into the kiss further, he pulled you onto the floor with him so you could be in his lap.
You two eventually broke away from the kiss, you leaned your head on his chest. He kissed the top of your head, smiling softly. He put his hand over your bandages, and you put your hand over his scars. They still hurt like hell, but from then on you knew you had someone to comfort you through the wounds left behind.
Thank you for reading (^v^)
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pandor-uhhh · 1 year
Spoiled Revenge
Tonowari x reader x Ronal
Warnings: Violence (Tonowari almost kills someone and the reader’s character gets beat up pretty bad), blood, cursing, Mansk pulls a gun out, death but not(you’ll see)
Description: After surviving The Sullys' and Metkayina, Mansk is itching for revenge. Only his plan for revenge is cut short after he attacks the person the Olo’eyktan and his mate love.
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You had known Tonowari and Ronal since you three were kids, and long before the two were mated. You knew that the two had feelings for you, and while having multiple mates was by no means frowned upon in the tribe, you preferred to stay on the side lines.
You still loved them, as they did you, you had mated with both of them including forming tsaheylu. You just didn’t live with them, this made Tonowari frustrated since to him it made him worried about if there was ever an intruder in your marui. You told him that he had no reason to be concerned since the village was most peaceful, aside from the occasional fight but they rarely ended in bloodshed, still the idea of living with them was not totally out of the question.
You knew that as the children of the village got older they would want to go their own way, and moving in with Tonowari and Ronal would mean one less marui they would have to build. Safety was never a huge concern for you, that is until a vengeful Avatar found you.
You had been asleep when it happened, you don’t know why your home was chosen out of all the others, but it was. You woke up when a hand covered your mouth, you had tried to scream but the person holding you down hit you. You started to cry.
“Shut up! Shut the fuck up!” They commanded, you could tell they were an avatar because of their clothes and their short hair. You nodded and they slowly took their hand away from your mouth, and let just enough weight off of you that you were able to jump for the communicator Jake had given you. You almost had it when he pulled you back by your ankle.
You managed to kick your assailant off and run, but he got his knife out and slashed your leg. You fell down and cried out in pain, you and him fought for a little while. He beat you around and you got your arms and back slashed, “why are you doing this!?” You cried out. He put his hand over your mouth again, and got out some of the orange straps they used to restrain people, he tied your hands behind your back. He grabbed cloth from a basket where you kept scraps and tied it over your mouth, and leaned you against a wall.
After that he kneeled in front of you “you recognize me?” he asked, the question seemed stupid to you. But then you remembered, he was one of the soldiers you had attacked during the raid on the boat. You thought you had killed him though.
You just nodded “yeah, you know me, you’re the fucker that tried to kill me” he showed his poorly stitched stab wound. ‘I’m gonna die’ you thought, “well you know what they said” he put his hand by your head “an eye for an eye” he stabbed into your side, you tried to scream but the cloth muffled most of it.
He pulled the knife out and you could feel the blood spilling out of your side, “now, you’re gonna tell me where Jake Sully is, and I will consider letting you live” he bargained. You shook your head, he scoffed “no? Well that just fine ‘cause you see” he stabbed into your shoulder, you cried out “I’ll find him anyways”
He pulled out a pistol and pointed it at your head, you closed your eyes. You thought about your choices up till now, you were half regretting not staying with Tonowari and Ronal now, though you also thought it was good since at least them and the kids were safe. But then you remembered every morning you and Tsireya would take a walk around the village and just talk, tears welled up in your eyes as you thought about her finding your dead body, or worse that this bastard would stay and kill her too.
You were helpless though, so you closed your eyes knowing you would be with Eywa soon. Though you heard a yelp from someone, you opened your eyes to see a spear in your attacker's leg. 
You turned your head to see Ronal standing there, furious. She hissed at the man, Tonowari came from  behind her. He walked over the avatar and took Ronals spear out, before piercing his through the avatar's shoulder. From there he just started beating on him, if not for the blood loss you might have been cheering him on.
Ronal took notice of your condition “Tonowari!” She yelled as she ran to you, and cut off your restraints. The avatar laid unconscious, or even possibly dead, Tonowari turned his attention to you. He uncovered your mouth and you sobbed, “I thought I was-” he shushed you and picked you up to take you to the marui Ronal used for healing. 
The Ronal rushed around trying to stop the bleeding, you were fading in and out of consciousness. Tonowari shook you “stay with us yawne”
You laughed “you were right” you admitted, Tonowari let out a huff “I often am” he laughed.
Ronal ran over to you, wrapping your wounds. She gave you something to drink, saying it would make the bleeding slow. She ran off again looking for something else. You smiled, but started crying. 
“‘Wari” you called out, he looked down at you. “What is it, my love?” He brushed stray hairs out of my face, you touched his face “The Sully boy, Tsireya really cares about him” you told him “she told me so on a walk once” you softly laughed, the way she talked about him had reminded you of how you and Ronal would talk about Tonowari.
“Why are you telling me this?” Tonowari questioned, you ran your fingers along his tattoos. You choked more tears back “in case I don’t make it” and whispered
“Nonsense!” Ronal said kneeling by your said again “you will live, I won’t let you die!” You took one of her hands in yours, she looked you in the eye “I know you won’t” was all you said before closing you eyes.
You could feel your body being shaken, but sounds faded. Then you stopped feeling like you were being held and more like you were floating, you let out a sigh. You felt something warm in your chest, then nothing.
“Not yet, my child” you heard a voice say, then what felt like a mothers embrace.
“Are they dead?” You heard a familiar higher pitched voice asked. “Tuk, you can’t say stuff like that!” A deeper yet still young sounding voice scolded “and they’re obviously not dead, they’re still breathing”. “They’re not dead, Eywa said it wasn’t their time” you heard a girl say, and felt a hand touch your head. That was enough to jerk you from sleep with a gasp, sitting up quickly.
“Ahhhh! They’re the living dead” the higher voice screamed, you turn to see it was Tuk. “Stop it Tuk!” Lo’ak snapped, the second voice had heard.
Neytiri and Jake ran in after hearing the commotion, “what happened?” Jake questioned. “Kiri brought them back to life!” Tuk shouted, Neytiri picked her youngest up. Jake sat next you bed “welcome back to the land of the living”, you smiled at him, “we were worried about you” he added
“Of course you were, who else would’ve watched Tuk while you and Neytiri went out?” You joked. Jake pushed your non-injured shoulder playfully
The entrance opened to show Tonowari and Ronal, who rushed it quickly. Ronal hugged you and kissed your temple, and stroked your hair “praise Eywa, you’re okay” Tonowari whispered, kissing your cheek.
Soon their two children ran into marui, “holy shit, they’re alive” Ao’nung sighed. Tsireya pushed past her brother, “you’re okay” she smiled, and hugged you. You hugged her back to the best of your ability.
Tonowari walked over to his daughter “you, the Sully boy, outside, now” was all he said to her before walking off. Tsireya and Lo’ak exchanged looks, but Lo’ak was the first to walk out. Tsireya looked at you as she left, you mouthed a quick ‘I’m sorry’. “Okay, let's give the Olo’eyktan his house back” Jake said, guiding his kids out, Neytiri waved to you before walking out.
“We brought your things” Ronal stated, fixing some of your bandages. You looked over realizing you had apparently been moved in overnight, you smiled “thank you” was all you said before locking lips with Ronal.
“I like that Sully boy!” Tonowari laughed walking back in, Tsireya not far behind “father just said he’ll feed Lo’ak to a Nalutsa if he hurts me!” She fumed, you laughed “sorry ‘Reya”
She turned her heel and left to apologize, Tonowari returned to your side, “I’m glad you're here, my dear” he said pulling your head into chest, you cuddled closer into him and held Ronals hand.
“Me too”
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pandor-uhhh · 1 year
Grieving Apologies 2
Tsu'tey x avatar reader
Warnings: illness (nothing serious), crying, reference to death, Neytiri gets mad at Tsu’tey, mentions of blood and near death, use of “y/n”, this kinda long I may have gotten carried away
Description: A visit to Ronal reveals you have the option to leave your mate. But late night memories make it hard for you to choose.
This series is currently being rewritten to improve its quality and overall plot, please keep that in mind as you read.
Notes: I was not expecting the first part to do so well, thank you so much you guys. I might make this a small series, if so the name might change for each new part. Also, I had someone ask me to tag them in this, so if you want to be added to a tag list just ask or comment it. There will be a new section in my rules for that.
Part 1 | part 2 (you're here) | Part 3 | Part 4
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It had been three days since the incident with Tsu’tey, since your public breakdown. You were humiliated after returning back with Tsu’tey, making a bee line for your marui. 
Most of the people who had been witness to it either didn’t say anything or they asked if you were okay. You appreciated the concern, but also just wanted people to forget.
You and Tsu’tey hadn’t talked either, at least not a real conversation. The closest thing you had was when he told you to get on his ikran so you could head back to the village, aside from that you had not said a word to each other. 
Neytiri had caught wind of what had happened, and when you returned she was by your side. You felt like shit, making the whole village bare witness to your issues with your mate, being checked up on by a woman who just lost her son when she should be the one being check up on, and then there was-
“Drink” Neytiri handed you a cup of tea meant to soothe your cough. The morning you and Tsu’tey returned you began feeling under the weather, you had assumed it was just still your mind but then you started coughing.
Neytiri told you everyday to go see Ronal so she could help you, you would always just roll over in bed saying you would the next day.
You finished your tea, but your coughing remained. Neytiri put a hand to your forehead, but felt no abnormal warmth.
“Neytiri, you should go back to your Jake and the kids-” “-don’t” Neytiri cut you off, she almost looked offended. “You are just as much family as they are” she stated, you sighed.
“I don’t think I will be for much-” you were cut off again, this time by the heavy footsteps of Tsu’tey. You looked away from him, your outburst had affected him too, some of the villagers had gone up to him asking what happened, you felt like shit because of it.
Neither of you even look at eachother, Neytiri got up and smacked him on the shoulder, he turned his head calmly to her. 
“Your mate is sick, they need you here! Where have you been?!” She asked the last part through gritted teeth
“Hunting” was all he said before turning to the side of the room his stuff was on, “hunting?” Neytiri questioned, as if she was hearing him wrong. “Your mate is sick, and you are out hunting?!” She was pissed “have you no shame?!”.
Tsu’tey stopped what he was doing after that, he opened his mouth like he was going to say something, but closed it and walked right back out of the marui. 
“You are acting like a child!” Neytiri yelled, she looked at you and pulled you up to your feet. You looked at her, confused “where are we going?” You questioned as she pulled you along.
Neytiri didn’t answer you, and soon you were standing outside the marui Ronal makes medicine in. “No, ‘Tiri, I’m fine-” before you could finished your sentence you were shoved inside.
Ronal looked up, and motioned you to come in. Neytiri was not far behind, you greeted Ronal with a small nod. “Come, sit” was all she said before taking things off shelves, you did as she said. “Neytiri says you are ill” it was more of a statement than a question, “it’s only a cough” you tried to deflect. You could’ve swore you heard the equivalent of a scoff from her, you decided it might be better to just be quiet and let her treat you.
Rushed footsteps could be heard, the source of them being Tsireya who had just run around the corner. She was panting, and looked like she had been in the water recently as her hair was wet, “you’re late” Ronal seethed. Tsireya’s ears went back, “sorry, mother, I lost track of time”
Ronal handed her daughter a strip of cloth “tie up their hair” she said motioning to you, you would’ve protested but that hadn’t ended well last time. Tsireya kneeled behind you and pulled your hair back, Ronal kneeled beside you and started putting some sort of petroleum-jelly-like substance on your chest. Ronal also handed you a small jar “put this on at night and the cough should be gone in three days” she also lit something that looked like incense. Ronal made me stay while she prayed to Eywa for a fast recovery, after that you sat in silence.
“It’s not uncommon for people to feel ill when they feel disconnected from their mates” Tsireya whispered to you, “quite Tsiereya!” Ronal scolded the young girl. “No!” you yelled, to Ronal, part of you was shocked you had the gull to yell at Ronal “I want to hear what she has to say” you added. Tsireya looked to her mother for approval, Ronal sighed but nodded.
Tsireya got up and kneeled in front of you “it is not uncommon for people to say that their mates… change, over time” the girl explained, your brows knitted together. “Change?” You question, “did you not say yourself that your mate's attitude has changed towards you?” she added. You sighed “you heard me?” “Tonowari did” Ronal spoke up, putting things back in their place on the shelf.
Ronal turned to you “he talked to us about it, because those wanting to leave their mates are often worried they cannot, not without dishonoring Eywa” she looked at you with what could only be described as pity “but, you can” Tsireya put a hand to your shoulder “it is more complicated if you have children, but since you have none-” “-enough from you gir!” Ronal snapped “leave!” Tsireya got up to leave. 
“She’s right” both Ronal and her daughter looked at you as you spoke, you looked up at them, eyes full of tears. “Maybe it is best, maybe…” You turn to Neytiri, hoping she would tell you that you and Tsu’tey still had a chance, but she looked at you and nodded. You sighed “...maybe it’s too late for us to try again” you put your head in your hand and cried, Tsireya hugged.
“I’m sorry” she cried “I’m so sorry” Ronal put a hand on her daughters shoulder and gently guided her out, and covered the entrance with the cloth above it. She turned back to you, kneeling in front of you she put a hand to your shoulder. “Take your time, and come see me with Tsu’tey when you’re ready”, Neytiri helped you up and out the door.
The walk home was silent, she guided you to your bed. Making sure you had the gel on your chest still, then she left, you laid there unable to sleep despite the fact it was dark. You cried and closed your eyes, desperate for a reason to stay with the man you had loved since you had come to pandora.
*and past memories came flooding back to you*
After the war you remember running through the hordes of injured na'vi, desperately looking for one in particular. You had tears in your eyes, turning some Na’vi over and finding them dead. You dropped to your knees letting go of your bow “Tsu’tey!” You called out, desperately wanting to hear his voice. You heard a yell, and ran over to that source of the sound. Finding your love with bullet holes littering his body and blood all around him, “no!” You screamed, you pressed the communicator on your neck “Jake, ‘Tiri, someone please help!” You cried. 
“(Y/n), what’s wrong?” Jake had thought you were gone after seeing your ikran go down, you cried “it’s Tsu’tey, he needs help!” You screamed. Jake immediately got on his ikran with Neytiri “we’re on our way, just hold on!”, you nodded and gently placed Tsu’tey’s head in your lap. You pressed on the bullet wounds, trying to stop the bleeding. He coughed up some blood and tried to reach up to you, you took his hand in yours. “Hold on, tiyawn, Jake and ‘Tiri are on their way” you let go of his hand to brush some hair out of his face. 
He began closing his eyes and you shook your head “no, no, no, stay with me!” you sobbed, shaking him lightly. You heard Jake and Neytiri land behind you, you had started doing compressions on his chest.
"please, please don’t take him from me!” You cried, Neytiri pulled you off him so Jake could carry him to his ikran. You sobbed loudly as Neytiri cried with you “please Great Mother, don’t take him, I’ll do anything!” Jake threw you over his shoulder and put you on the Ikran, Neytiri held onto Tsu’tey as you flew back to camp.
Neytiri ran to her mother carrying Tsu’tey “please help him!” She begged, they carried him to the tent. You cried, you had seen so many enter that same tent but few left still living, despite Mo'at's best ability. Jake hugged you, apologizing feeling this was all his fault.
Neytiri came out motioning you to come inside, you ran in and saw Tsu’tey coughing up more blood. Most of his chest was covered with blood, it looked like he had already died and come back as a vengeful corpse. Neytiri grabbed your hand and put them on his chest while she and her mother ran trying to collect what they needed to save this life.
Tsu’tey brought his hand up to hold yours again, trying to say your name. You shook your head “don’t talk, you don’t need to talk” you held his hand tight “fight, ‘Tey, fight for me” you brought his hand up to kiss his knuckles. Mo’at began rubbing a salve on his wounds, and you pulled away so Neytiri could wrap them. Tsu’tey chanted your name out “I’m here, baby, I’m right here” Mo’at began praying over him. Neytiri pulled you back over to Tsu'tey when she was done.
He grabbed onto your wrists acting as if he let you go again you would vanish. You looked in this eyes, which didn’t leave yours. Mo’at finished her prayer, “we have done all we can” she stated “it lies in Eywa’s hands”
Neytiri and Mo’at left to give you space, you rested your head on his chest. Half your face had some of his blood on it, but you didn’t care. All that mattered to you was hearing his heartbeat. The thumping of his heart was a relief every time you heard it, more beautiful than any song or poem. You fell asleep like that, never wanting to leave his side again
*you reopen your eyes*
And saw the man you begged Eywa to save standing with his back turned, tending to the fire. There was some kind of meat cooking above it, and he took some. When you noticed him begin to turn and closed your eyes again, there was a brief silence. Then you heard him sigh, you felt him kiss your shoulder, then rest his forehead on yours. 
You wanted to open your eyes and return his affection, but the moment the thought entered your head he pulled away. After a moment he shook you and your eyes snapped open, he said nothing to you, but there was food. 
By the time you sat up he was gone.
Taglist: @arschbohrer
Thank you for reading ʕ •ᴥ•ʔ
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pandor-uhhh · 1 year
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Me when Tonowari and Ronal
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pandor-uhhh · 1 year
Grieving apologies
Tsu’tey x avatar reader
Warnings: Spoilers for Avatar 2, arguing, grief, emotionally distant partner, just general angst 
Description: Tsu’tey attempting to comfort you after the death of Neteyam only reminds you of his absence for the past years
This series is currently being rewritten to improve its quality and overall plot, please keep that in mind as you read.
Notes: Funny story, I didn’t see Way Of Water until yesterday, and I might make a series now that I know more. Also, yes Tsu’tey lived through the war in this, in most of my fics he will have
Part 1 (you’re here) | part 2 | Part 3 | part 4
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The rain hit the roof of the marui you shared with Tsu'tey. You sat wrapped in a thin blanket, that did little to keep you warm, you looked at the fire burning in the middle as silent tears slipped down your face. Your mate, Tsu’Tey returned to your marui, Jake by his side. Jake said his goodbye’s, knowing Tsu’tey would want to be with you alone. 
Tsu’tey sat beside you, wrapping his arms around you “yawne, talk to me” was all he said to you. You could laugh, he hadn’t called you 'yawne' in years. But you showed no emotion, the only hint being the tears dripping down your face. He hated when you were like this, when you went silent.
In your mind there was nothing to say, nothing that would replace the silence left behind. The laughing, the cheering, even the yelling between brothers. What could you say to replace the silence? You choked out sobs. Begging the great mother to bring back the son that was stolen from this world too soon.
“Speak, my love” he said. You licked your cracked lips, and took a deep breath, before letting your words out in a sigh. “The child” you said, beginning to shake. Tsu’tey put your head to his chest “I was meant to protect him!” you cried out. He sighed “we both were…”.
Tsu’tey fell asleep not long after, having wanted to rest with you in his arms. But you could not sleep, you gently removed his arm from around your waist. You snuck out of the marui, making your way to the edge of the pier. You dipped your feet into the water and looked back at the past years with your mate. 
When Neteyam came along, and soon the other children, you and Tsu’tey promised Jake and Neytiri to protect them. You watched them when Jake and Neytiri would leave, and Tsu’tey was trying his best to keep them safe from Sky People. 
*several years earlier*
“I told you not to call me that” you snapped, Tsu’tey rolled his eyes “If you don’t want to be called a skxawng, don’t act like one”. This happened because you had let the children out of your sight for one minute and Tuk had crawled off, she didn’t get far, only a few feet before Neteyam picked her up. But Tsu’tey acted like she had just crawled into a minefield. 
“She could have been hurt! What then?” He yelled, you flinched at his words “then I would have taken her to Mo’at” you said calmly. Tsu’tey huffed “that is not good enough!” Your bottom lip trembled “I’m sorry it’s not good enough then Tsu’tey! I’m so fucking sorry! I’m sorry I was looking after Kiri!”
Kiri had gotten sick, nothing serious, just a cough and some sneezing, but she couldn’t keep up with the other kids as easily so you had to help her. You heard cries from the doorway of the tent, it’s was Kiri and Lo’ak, Kiri had tears in her eyes and Lo’ak was hugging his sister.
You pushed past your mate to comfort the children, you hugged Kiri and tried to shush her. You picked her up and held Lo’ak’s hand, you looked at Tsu’tey “we’ll finish this later”
You didn’t finish that later, nor what felt like hundreds of other fights that came before and after. Over the years you and Tsu’tey grew distant, you had given up on the dream of having children of your own with him, but the children you looked after made it all tolerable. Watching the children play when their parents were gone was the light of your life, but you always had to go back to a tent with a mate who didn’t give you a second glance. 
Sometimes you questioned why Tsu’tey and you even stayed mated. You convinced yourself that the war must have changed him, but hang onto hope that the man you love would come back. The one who you used to sit looking at the stars with, dreaming about a small family one day. The man whose eyes locked with yours when Neytiri told him she and Jake were mated, knowing he could now be with the one he loved.
*back to present*
Not much had changed over the years, Neteyams funeral was the first time that Tsu’tey had held you in what felt, and you were honestly convinced had been, years. He ran between you and Neytiri, multiple times you had pushed his affections away and told him to go see if Neytiri was okay.
You sighed, feeling someone sit beside you. It was Kiri, and wrapped your arm around her like a mother would wanting to shield her child from danger. Tears ran down both your faces “he-“ Kiri let out a sob “she says he is happy, that he is at peace” she cried. You nodded, smiling “that’s good, Kiri, I’m so glad” she smiled too, but you could see she was struggling.
“What is it?” You ask, she looks you in the eye “he could have been at peace here” she cried, breaking down into sobs. You pulled her into a tight hug, crying with her as well “I know sweetie, I know” you heard the bridge creek yet again. You didn’t have to look to see who it was.
“Kiri” was all Tsu’tey said, she broke away from the hug and she ran off. He tried to reach out and stop her, but she was already gone. “She blames herself” you stated, Tsu’tey turned to you, you sighed “she thinks that she and the kids are why we are no longer close”. 
 you got up, making your way back to the pod when Tsu’tey grabbed you by the shoulders, not hard, but enough so you would stop. He looked in your eyes, searching for a question he dared not ask.
But you answered anyway “we are no longer close, Tsu’tey”. You could’ve sworn his bottom lip trembled when you said that. He hugged you close, as if he thought the physical act of holding would cure the emotional gap.
“How long… How long have you felt this way?” He asked, and you laughed, not because there was any humor in it, but because the question answered itself. “Ever since you stopped loving me” you laughed, you laughed like you were losing your mind. Your legs gave out from underneath you, and Tsu’tey helped you down, horror written across his face.
At this point, the few na’vi that were out were looking at you, you didn’t care. Tsu’tey was saying something to you, but your laughing and the ringing in your ears made it impossible to hear him. He picked you up and carried you to his ikran. The least he could do was get you away from prying eyes. 
You remember your laughing turning to crying, then back to laughing, then it all went black.
Tsu’tey landed on a random island, he wrapped you in a blanket and placed you next to his ikran. Looking at you he realized, this isn’t the first time he caused you sadness, this was not the first time you’ve felt this way, this was not the life he promised you when he made you his mate, and this was not the first time you had lost someone you would’ve done anything for
After notes: I don’t love how this came out, I might update it later and/or make a part 2
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