phoenix-creates · 7 hours
A fun side effect of being a god of nature is that in times of extreme emotion, Jéan’s hair will spontaneously sprout flowers depending on how he’s feeling.
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phoenix-creates · 2 days
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177 notes · View notes
phoenix-creates · 3 days
Now and then I see someone upset that a post has "lost them followers" on tumblr dot com and it has prompted me to wonder... How do they know? Are people keeping close track of their follower counts and triangulating significant changes by what was posted at that time?
This is multiple questions in one but let's just start with...
Please reblog this because I'm pretty sure I don't have very many followers (not that I've checked recently) and I'm desperate for that sweet sweet data.
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phoenix-creates · 4 days
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mom is very stress to deal all lizards in the house😔
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phoenix-creates · 4 days
Everyone go home this video is my new everything.
have you guys seen this
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phoenix-creates · 4 days
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Reptile 🐊
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phoenix-creates · 4 days
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Red blood is weird
My twitter | ko-fi
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phoenix-creates · 5 days
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So that new Reptile skin…
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phoenix-creates · 5 days
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Noah aka Crow when he has to be in public :]
Noah is my MK OC
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phoenix-creates · 6 days
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Noah aka Crow when he has to be in public :]
Noah is my MK OC
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phoenix-creates · 8 days
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Hey, it's me, ya girl, still sick in her apartment! 🤧
This month's brushes are complete! You can download all nine brushes free of charge; just save it and install 'em to Clip Studio. Instructions are included, too. Thanks again for your support!
Past Freebie Brushes | Subscriber Brushes | And My Brush Tag
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phoenix-creates · 9 days
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phoenix-creates · 10 days
do not forget the patron saint of these weeks that we celebrate ourselves proudly and openly in the streets
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her name was Marsha P Johnson, and we have her to thank for so much.
remember, the first Pride was a riot, and she was one of the brave souls who endured it to help carve the path which so many of us walk today. she helped found several activist groups regarding LGBT safety and wellbeing. and she was absolutely radiant, too.
thank you, Marsha. we remember you.
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phoenix-creates · 11 days
I need people to read this and then read it again and maybe read it a third time for good measure. It’s already bad enough that Webtoons itself advertises a range of LGBTQIA+ and diverse stories, yet has the same cis pale skinned couples on the front page. But it isn’t a stretch to say that readers also have their biases against MCs of color.
Let’s talk about Big Jo for example because that was one of the Webtoons mentioned. Big Jo was not without its problems, especially in Season 2, but some readers were absolutely vile towards Jo regarding her attitudes towards people in Season 1, which doesn’t actually make sense seeing as Joan or “Jo” only had an attitude with people who bullied her first. The idea that Jo was at fault for lashing out that people disrespected her in the first place is entirely backwards. The Webtoon is about self-empowerment and loving yourself in the skin you’re in, but some readers bashed Jo for not learning to love herself as quickly as they wanted her to. It’s called a character arc for a reason.
Turning to Let’s Play, there’s so much to be said about the Webtoon itself but Samara/Sam is a truly frustrating MC, and this is coming from someone who read True Beauty and cannot stand Jugyeong.
Sam’s naïvet�� and sheltered life are treated an endearing character traits for her instead of flaws. In fact, those traits end up being so central to her character that it’s difficult to summarize all of Sam’s qualities because I legitimately forgot she can do more than be ignorant about relationships and lack self confidence. The readers still treat every minor step Sam takes as a powerful “girlboss” moment yet still coddle her when she exposes her lack of knowledge on certain topics. I get it, for sheltered people like Sam, the small moments mean everything to them and it’s a good step out of their comfort zone. But readers still baby Sam in their reviews, and some of them even praised her for leaving her door unlocked for Charles.
Why is Sam praised for creating a potential dangerous situation for herself yet Jo villainized for rightfully clapping back at the people who bullied her? Why is Sam allowed passes with her flaws when Bea is attacked for her flaws in Brimstone and Roses?
Gold is right; readers have a problem with POC leads, especially females. Every main character is unique and has their own character growth, their strength, and their weaknesses. And yet, it’s only the black and brown ones so heavily criticized.
POC creators are told to main the stories they wanna see with the characters they want. And when we do, those characters and bashed and dragged for daring to exist and have brown skin. If it’s purely about how you relate to a character, let me ask you this:
Is it really that easy to relate to a rich, sheltered cis white girl with a business man papa bear dad and supermodel mom?
If you answer “yes” to the above question and go out of your way to justify why it’s okay to coddle Sam because of her flaws, yet hold Bea and Mai and all the other POC females to a different standard, then you need to reread Gold’s post, and then get back to me.
Webtoon Readers Are Very Harsh on Black and Brown Female Leads.
I've had this thought for a while, and I'm likely not the first to voice it, but I do want to talk about it. It's certainly not a coincidence to me after seeing it happen multiple times. For you to understand my frustrations, I'm going to focus on comparing the female leads from 3 comics: Let's Play, Late Bloomer, and Brimstone and Roses.
(Quick Warning: Let's Play did not originally market itself as an 18+ comic at the start of its publishing, but it very much turns into one after Season 1. Please read at your own discretion.)
(Image description is in the alt text)
Here are the 3 leads of each Webtoon:
Let's Play stars Sam Young, a 22-year-old White woman.
Late Bloomer stars Mai Rose, a 26-year-old Black woman. (Mai is pronounced as "May")
Brimstone and Roses stars Beatrice "Bea" Rosario, a Mexican-American woman. (According to the author, Bea can be pronounced as "Bee" or "Bay-uh")
Let's start with Let's Play.
As a former reader of Let's Play (I read through all 3 seasons), I did observe how this story was perceived by others. The White main character was constantly coddled by readers in the comments section. I would argue that Sam has stunted mental and emotional growth because of her upbringing, and this stays relatively consistent throughout the comic. Her dynamic with Charles wasn't healthy, nor did it actually lead to any significant growth for Sam's character, and it took 3 seasons for people to even realize that. Sam is heavily dependent on Charles, who is way too possessive over someone who isn't even his girlfriend. Sam even acknowledges that he's too pushy for her liking.
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There's also this:
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Which is just a visualized way of saying "I can fix him." It's set up like she thinks that she alone can help unpack all of his problems if she just gives him some of her own love and care.
The author wants her audience to believe that Sam is manipulating Charles during some points of the story, as Charles makes that point twice (Although, one of those moments is honestly just the author speaking through him), but Sam is portrayed similarly to that of a naive child who Charles takes care of at the same time:
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(Context: She drank Irish Coffee sometime before this scene. She did not ask the waitress to elaborate on what it was, and for some reason the waitress herself didn't even tell her that either when she asked for coffee, not alcohol. Charles was left taking care of an intoxicated Sam from that point forward, and the question of whether he'd accept her offer to sleep with her was Season 2's cliffhanger.)
Sam is 22 and Charles is 26-30 (Confirmed in "Questions and Answers II"). They're both adults, obviously, but way they act led me to believe that their mental and emotional maturity gap is significantly large (Meaning that I can more realistically buy Charles being 30 instead of 26). Sam is frustratingly naive, but someone who's been portrayed as having less power and awareness in the dynamic is a person who I have a harder time believing as being manipulative, compared to Charles, who is much more experienced than her and knows better. He admitted earlier in the story that their relationship was unprofessional and questionable, yet continued it anyway when he could have firmly said no.
Sam also is shown to leave her apartment door unlocked twice, despite knowing that a stranger could walk in. The first time Sam did it, she did it because Charles was coming over and she was going to take a shower, so she told him to let himself in once he got there. The second time was also because she expected Charles to show up, and she was relaxing in her bed while she was waiting for him.
Aside from Sam's character consistently being this glorified portrayal of innocence (seen through the lamb symbolism she has and how much Charles fawns over her because of it), she also isn't really relatable, something that the author tried to portray her as (given that she wanted a relatable and realistic story). Sam's dad is the founder and CEO of a software development company called Young Technologies, and her mom is a world-renouned model and actress. Sam herself is supposed to be a struggling game developer, but she also works at her dad's company as Charles's assistant. From a design standpoint, Sam is conventionally attractive just like her two friends, Angela and Vikki, with all three of them (and most of the women in this comic, honestly) having hourglass figures.
I'm not saying that pretty people can't be insecure or have problems, but every trait added together showcases that Sam, in comparison to most of her friends (Especially Dee, for example. Dee is a dark-skinned, plus-sized Black lesbian, and she works at a coffee shop), is insanely privileged. Given that she comes from a rich family that also has a high social status, with a dad who doesn't even take much convincing to do something when asked by his wife or daughter, Sam has no shortage of money to fund her game and can easily find help with marketing it as well (I'm aware that part of the story's conflict is that Sam doesn't want to take over her dad's business and wants to pursue a career in game development instead, but her dad's backbone is so non-existent that I doubt it would be that hard for her or her mom to get him to contribute towards Sam's games).
Next is Late Bloomer.
I read this comic before Let's Play was first published, so seeing the feedback between that comic and this one was like constantly being given whiplash. Mai works at a place called Galivoyage Travel Services. As the comic goes on, readers referred to her as lazy, spoiled, whiny, unsympathetic, desperate, inconsiderate, and horrible at her job (She is actually bad at her job, but I'll get back to that later). She was called shallow in Episode 8 for turning down Zander, a guy who admitted that he got himself arrested for attempted robbery at a pet store because of his fish obsession (she was also accused of hypocrisy for being put off by Zander's habits, since she has a trait that causes a rose bud to grow on her stomach).
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Before this, Mai dated a blind guy in episodes 5 and 6. Because of what happened in Episode 6, Readers later accused her of having a judgemental streak for turning down both Zander and this blind guy, claiming that she rejected the latter just because he was blind.
That was not the reason why Mai declined on taking the relationship further. The date was a bust, as neither parties were being fully honest with one another (Mai didn't even know that the guy was blind because he kept that information from her). The blind guy took her to a candlelit dinner that was pitch black, and he had his friend coaching him the whole time. Mai picked up on how sketchy he was acting, and things started to escalate. Her outfit caught on fire because the blind guy accidentally knocked over a candle, and Mai was drenched in water that was thrown at her via a bucket to put it out. Mai did not blame the guy for anything and even acknowledged that her friend, Flora, lied about things on Mai's dating profile while creating it. Mai simply wanted to forget that the night happened and hoped all parties would put it all behind them, but as she's leaving, the blind dude reveals his true colors: He's an asshole. He gets mad at her for leaving and insults her appearance, then proceeds to victimize himself by blaming her rejection on his blindness.
Readers were asking for Mai's character development by Episode 10. At the time of when I read this story (2017), I remembered readers also threatening to drop the comic if development didn't happen after this point in the story. Those comments may have been removed by now, but there are still others who say that they find it hard to like the comic with such a frustrating main character.
Onto Brimstone and Roses.
I'll admit that I'm a new reader for this comic. I'd heard that it featured a bisexual woman of color as a main lead, and the story deals with her personal struggles alongside a demon that she summoned. Bea is a very flawed character, and I appreciate that about her. She has flaws that revolve around the career she wanted to pursue, her complicated family life, and her romantic relationships - Aside from her having a demon, there was nothing really out of the ordinary all things considered.
What shocked me was that it only took 8 episodes for the readers to completely turn on Bea (though negative reception already had quickly built up to that point) and call her all types of names. The readers deemed her unlikeable, selfish, petty, stupid, childish, and a pathological liar. One person stated that they were now only reading the comic for Lazareth, the demon that Bea summoned. Others stressed that they wanted to see character development from Bea as soon as possible.
We are 8 episodes into the Webtoon. That was all it took.
Are you seeing the problem yet?
I need to stress that I'm not saying that Mai and Bea are above criticism just because the former is Black and the latter is a brown Hispanic woman. Far from it, actually.
Mai's work ethic is, like I mentioned earlier, not great. She prioritizes dating over her job, and consistently gets bad reviews from her clients. She and Flora are called out on this multiple times, and are both implied to be dragging the rest of their team down.
Bea, on the other hand, is desperate, selfish, and jealous of her ex-girlfriend despite pretending that it's the opposite. Lazareth calls her out on her behavior, and she comes to accept very early on that he is right. Now she has to deal with the consequences of summoning a demon for petty reasons.
These two leads being called out for their actions isn't the issue. The problem is that Sam constantly gets passes from readers despite having glaring flaws and little to no actual character growth, yet she is praised for having an "empowering" and "relatable" story. There is nothing relatable about a daughter of a CEO and model who has three conventionally attractive male love interests, and whose initial story about becoming a game developer is sidelined after Season 1 in favor of her pursuing her horny, BDSM-loving boss (No shade to anyone who likes BDSM, it's not inherently a bad thing. Charles is just very unprofessional and his unhealthy sex habits are part of the reason as to why). Sam's "empowerment" comes from her changing herself to please a man. Everything that Charles tells her, from how she should act to how she should dress (Wearing revealing or skintight clothing does not automatically make you a more confident person), is based on what he personally likes. Sam even bases some of her own choices on what she thinks Charles would like as well, rather than what she likes.
Sam does not learn much of value from Charles despite her initially claiming that he is the only one who's helped her improve. Her development is mostly stagnant until Monica and Marshall are around, as they're the only ones in the comic who give Sam actually decent advice (I'd count Olivia as well, but she hasn't been relevant in so long that I forgot she even existed). Sam's flaws are usually glossed over, and when she is called out, it's not for the right reasons (i.e. victim blaming, as she is somehow the real manipulator and not Charles).
Mai and Bea are much more heavily scrutinized in comparison, and in Mai's case, not all of it is for the right reasons either. As stated before, Mai did not leave her blind date because he was blind, and the guy's friend even calls out his behavior. The friend states that, because of him, Mai nearly received burn injuries and had her entire appearance ruined when the fire was put out. All she wanted was to go home, and she was within her right to do so. Again, Mai also acknowledged that she and her date weren't completely honest with one another about their identities. However, even though what happened was an accident, the blind guy's lies and planning caused more harm towards Mai compared to vice versa.
Mai was also within her right to turn down Zander. There's nothing wrong with him dressing up as a fish if that's an interest of his, but robbery and crimes are a dealbreaker for multiple people in the dating scene. It's not her job to help him through what's clearly a deep-rooted problem - as readers had claimed she should - since they'd only been on the second date thus far. None of this makes her shallow or picky, and it baffles me that the author of Late Bloomer was shamed by readers for writing this.
Sam's arc and initial plot can remain mostly static and many readers won't complain, but they turned on Mai and Bea because their character arcs weren't moving fast enough for them. Why is Sam's character allowed to move so slowly for multiple seasons, while Mai and Bea have a time limit of about 8 to 10 episodes to receive character growth before readers get bored or angry? If their arcs had moved that fast or been completed in that amount of time, their stories would be rushed.
It's explained later on in Late Bloomer that the reason why Mai is bad at her job is because she never received proper training, and Joune (Pronounced as "June"), a manager at a different branch in the company, shows her what's she's supposed to be doing. The audience is also shown that Flora is one of the main reasons why Mai continues to be distracted from her work. Flora is the one who came up with most of the dating plans for Mai, and constantly has her running around with her to go places. Mai obviously can say no to her, but Flora is characterized as being pushy and dragging multiple people into her antics. Readers knew that Flora was a bad influence and still put most of the blame on Mai anyway.
Eprille (Pronounced as "April"), Mai's boss, is one of two characters who chew Mai out for her unprofessionalism and bad work ethic, but he's shown to be a hypocrite throughout the story since he's just as unprofessional as Mai is, if not more. Eprille is insanely petty, using work as a means of getting back at his ex, Marche (Pronounced as "March"). Both Joune and Cloud (Joune and Eprille's friend) call Eprille out on this, and he's also playing favorites with Mai at work. It's later revealed that the reason why he was so interested in Mai, and the only reason why she didn't get fired from her job sooner, is because he's been fetishizing her rose bud. That bud is part of a process that Late Bloomer calls "Botanical Development." Mai's family line on her mother's side has a symbiotic relationship with a plant in their body, which grows more when it detects their destined partner. If the person chooses to sleep with that partner, the fully grown plant will fall off. Eprille knew about people with this trait, and he had been pursuing Mai solely so that he could have sex with her to see if her plant would detach (assuming that he's her chosen partner). By this point in time, Mai had also found out that Eprille had hooked back up with Marche, but Eprille didn't tell her as he had been pursuing her. He then proceeds to blame her for flirting with him despite him leading her on the whole time.
It was also Eprille's responsibility to train his employees, but he never did. The irony of him chastising Mai for not being a good worker is that her being that way is his own fault, because she improves significantly after Joune shows her the ropes.
Eprille is later demoted from his position by his grandmother (the founder of Galivoyage) for his consistently bad management, and Marche is also fired for being irresponsible at work and causing drops in sales.
As for Bea, I've heard plenty about how her character gets better and even more interesting as the story goes on. Although I haven't read much myself, I consider the author to be very talented for being able to get me hooked after 6 episodes while setting up the trajectory of Bea's journey towards healing as a person. That leaves plenty of time to carefully unpack her baggage and tackle her emotional instability instead of rushing through it just to get to an ending.
I focused on just 3 comics for examples, but I could have mentioned more, such as Haxor and Lookism. Some readers of Let's Play have actually referred to Haxor in the comments as a series where you can find "sjws,"-
oh man if you guys wanna find the Tumblr sjws just read big jo or haxor. the comments on the 1st ep of the latter is YIKES
-which I suspect is because of Iso, the comic's Black female lead. The "yikes" comments being referenced were part of a conversation that happened because non-black readers didn't understand why some people were genuinely ecstatic about seeing a Black girl as a main character in a comic. As a result, Black women ended up having to explain to White people why this was personally important to them, and the author himself was glad that Black women were enjoying his comic.
I didn't get very far with Haxor, but from what I did read, the audience would point out that Iso has a huge ego, and that she needed to be humbled. While being too confident is certainly a character flaw that is acknowledged during the story, as I was reading, I couldn't help but wonder if some readers would be this critical if Iso was White, since many White characters who have her traits are praised for being who they are unapologetically. Iso canonically is a young prodigy in the story, and several people depend on her for support. Obviously she isn't perfect, but it's easy to understand where her overconfidence comes from.
Lookism was a completely different case, featuring Park Hyung-Seok - known as "Daniel Park" in English - the comic's light-skinned Korean male lead. Daniel, for all intents and purposes, is a pathetic and unlikeable (though somewhat sympathetic) character when he is introduced to the audience. He disrespected his mom in the very first episode, as well as Episode 2, because he couldn't bring himself to admit to her that he was getting bullied and also prioritized how he was being perceived by his female classmates (who he repeatedly objectifies). Daniel did this while knowing that his mom was working hard at her job to provide for him, and also knowing that she was trying to defend him against his bullies. Despite this, Lookism is one of the most popular Webtoon comics, as many people kept reading and got the chance to see Daniel grow as a person. Daniel is referred to by readers as having a "great personality" (which I agree with, his character development is great).
If these readers have White and light-skinned characters with similar flaws and circumstances to that of some Black and brown characters, but they react more negatively to the Black and brown ones, then they need to ask themselves why.
Why did they dismiss Late Bloomer's Black female lead as just lazy without knowing the full story? Why did they shame the comic's Black female author for not having her character settle for the first two men that she went on dates with?
Why is Brimstone and Roses's author not allowed to let Bea take her time to grow? People with her issues don't change in a day, or even a few. Why are readers less patient with her in comparison to White or lighter-skinned Webtoon leads who are just as flawed?
I am asking Webtoon readers to please give these characters the same grace and patience that you would your favorite White and light-skinned characters. If the story or characters aren't for you, that's ok. I've dropped plenty of media that I wasn't interested in after watching a few episodes of a show, or reading a few chapters of a book. However, when it's the very beginning of someone's story, you very well could be missing out on something great if you're disproportionately judging these women of color far too quickly, especially when many of you will sit through Webtoons that contain hundreds of episodes in them (As for the Let's Play fans, many of you guys sat there seeing nothing wrong with what was going on with Sam and Charles's entire dynamic until the second to last episode in Season 3, when Charles searches through her phone when he thinks Sam is asleep).
I'm not even saying that these stories are perfect, either! I had plenty of criticisms surrounding Late Bloomer as I was reading it, but I still love it despite its flaws. I'm saying that if you can enjoy flawed stories with heavily flawed White and light-skinned leads, you can do the same for flawed Black and brown female leads as well.
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phoenix-creates · 11 days
Resources for animal artists
As an animal artist I am always trying to find good resources that I can use in aiding my artworks or for studying animals and animal anatomy. Here are a few that I have found that have been really helpful and wanted to share some for any other artists that may need more resources to learn from. I also try to look for resources that do not include AI generated images as it can be difficult to find regular photos in-between all the new AI spam on Google images.
iNaturalist - This is a website in which users can upload pictures of animals and have them identified by other users for identification purposes. There are a large amount of photos for various species of animals and some included videos. I recommend starting with explore and hitting the species tab to get a list of different species that you can start referencing from. Love this site for bug references!
Here is the link to the website: https://www.inaturalist.org/
ArtProf- ArtProf is a website created by Clara Lieu, who was a professor at the Rhode Island School of Design. This website focuses on teaching art online for free and is a great resource for artist who are beginning or for educational materials. Seriously recommend checking them out and they also have thousands of image resources that you can use as well as a YouTube channel. Definitely recommend them! Here is a link to their website: https://artprof.org/
Here is a second link that links directly were you can view reference images. Not only are there animal references but they also include people, building, fish markets and many more: https://www.flickr.com/people/189561381@N07/
National Museum of Wildlife Art- This is the website for the National Museum of Wildlife Art, which is a museum in Teton County, Wyoming. This museum features a collection of thousands of animal artworks created by various artist from around the world. This website is really nice to use when wanting to study other artists animal artwork from past eras and recent ones.
Here is a link to the website: https://www.wildlifeart.org/
and another for the collection area specifically: https://www.wildlifeart.org/collection/explore
Biodiversity Heritage Library- The Biodiversity Heritage Library is a digital library that provides information on biodiversity and resources for old literature and artworks that have been collected from different eras such as from the 17-18 hundreds. They also provide a collection of hundred of thousands of old illustrations of different species and old scientific illustrations of animals.
Here is a link to the website: https://www.biodiversitylibrary.org/
and to specifically the photo collection they have on Flickr: https://www.flickr.com/people/biodivlibrary/
I hope these resources help any artists who are looking for resources to use in learning more about animal art. I also recommend going to museums and zoos, as they can be great resources to learn from, especially zoos as you can do live drawings of the animals, which helps with observation skills. Of course if it is not possible for you to go to these places in person, I hope these resources help you and many more that can be found online.
Here is a few of my favorite pictures from when I visited a museum in California:
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phoenix-creates · 12 days
for all the artists out there, here are my favorite resources i use to learn!
The Complete Famous Artist Course
Art Books and Resources
Art, Anatomy, and Color Books
PDF Files of Art Books
My YouTube Playlist of Tutorials
How to Draw Facial Features
Drawing and Art Advice
Drawing Lessons
Art Fundamentals
Anatomy of the Human Body
2D Animation
Perspective Drawing
Pinterest Board for Poses
Another Pinterest Board for Poses
Reference Angle
Sketch Daily
Human Anatomy
Animal Photo References
Humanae - Angélica Dass
Fine Art - Jimmy Nelson
Character Design References
CDR's Twitter Account
iamagco's Twitter Account
taco1704's Twitter Account
takuya_kakikata's Twitter Account
EtheringtonBro's Twitter Account
Color Wheel
Color Palette Cinema
Free Images and Pictures
Free Stock Photos
Screen Musings
William Nguyen Light Reference Tool
Animation References - sakugabooru
Animation References - Bodies in Motion
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phoenix-creates · 12 days
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