portral · 8 months
Hey guys!
Ik that I’ve been dead but I rise from the dead and bring you a Buggy Fanfiction!! (Finished)
(posted on my Ao3 account, sorry for that. Yet TRUST in the quality)
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portral · 2 years
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portral · 2 years
Sundrop x reader
A request from @ver-d-ant
“Hello Hello? Is this Y/N? Ah yes well you have been promoted to the superstar daycare pick-up department!”, with those words your entire work routine was changed. You were exhausted and one of your colleagues noticed.
“Wanna have a sleepover?”, he smiled with the starrays sticking out of his metallic head. “I don’t see why not!”, you said but little did you know that the plans of a simple sleepover would have a dirty turn, planned by the one and only, Sundrop!
The day started early, 05:30AM to be exact. You were not a morning person, but the Mega Pizzaplex employees didn’t care. With no rooms to protest you would be moved into the Superstar Daycare Pick-Up area. You know… where all the kids scream and ramble, get hurt which follows with them crying, useless complains being filed because of a scraped knee here and there-
It’s been about two weeks since your promotion and you are exhausted. More than ever! Waking up at five, getting ready and then driving to the establishment was acceptable. But fixing every single little bug was not. God wouldn’t even know how many things you have fixed in there. With kids running, jumping and hanging all over their area, there were more things to fix than in Monty’s personal room.
Upon entering the daycare you heard the daily strech of the animatronic. You’ve always wondered how he takes care of so many kids at once. Even admired it sometimes. But mostly you chill in a small room made for employees to take their breaks in. The times for breaks were:
‘Now —until— somthing breaks — back to the break — repeat’
Looking over you saw the sun-representing robot waving at you. You waved back and saw him do his daily dive into the pit. You had about 5 minutes left until these doors would open at 6AM and the children will enter like a tsunami! Once the robot had disappeared into the ballpit you looked around for any obvious damage. Apparently the owners of this place are VERY strict when it comes ro fixing stuff.
Talking about fixing stuff; you were also allowed to fix Sundrop due to the other worker, that used to do it, quitting. You sometimes felt bad for waiting for him to break, but you were just so interested in his AI that you cannot help yourself!
But after finding everything to be in place you slowly walked up to the red fence next to the slide. “Sunny?”, you called him by his nickname. Immediately you saw his head spring up and stick out of the colorful balls that surrounded him. He looked you with his head turned. You pointed your finger at the few balls that have escaped the pit from his sudden movement. The animatronic immediately jumped out to place them back inside, yet he kicked out more with set jump. You quietly laughed at his freak-out over some balls.
The Daycare was somehow the most populated, but also the most cleanest at the same time. You found it kind of freakish. Yet the most freakish thing in this room was the animatronic. On the rare occasion that the Daycare would be empty, he’d walk around to seek your attention. Last time you were just reading something on your phone and after looking up your phone cracked a bit as it fell to the floor. The Sun-robot was starring at you through the small window that the employee lounge had. For once he wasn’t slumped and was standing straight, not moving a muscle… wheel? Springlock? You didn’t know…
That day was the creepiest of all up until now, yet not the only one. Once all of the balls were back in their place, the door behind you slammed open. “Y/N!! Get ready for your personal hell! You got one minute!”, a voice yelled. You immediately remembered the voice to be of the night guard, Vanessa. She was always kind enough to remember you a minute before opening that the kids will be dropped of shortly. You shouted a quick ’thank you’. Looking down into the pit of fun and kid-germs, the animatronic was already gone. He always went back up onto the high-hanging stage to jump down into the ballpit. He loves the way kids get entertained. Each and every time.
You were sitting in the employee room, as usual, awaiting a complaint. With a sudden and very aggressive, continues knock to the door, you had every reason to believe that another child got hurt. You got up from your chair and went to opening the door.
Behind the door was a very angry mother, a child and most surprising- Sundrop. “Your stupid robot hurt my daughter!” At first you were confused because the animatronics, especially this one, are designed to be friendly all the way through. “May I ask you three to step inside? We can have a more private conversation in here.”, you asked the mother. She entered the room, yet didn’t forget to bump into your shoulder on her way in. The girl followed. Sundrop was staying outside. With a look saying ‘get in here’ he was the last one to enter before the door was closed.
You stood infront of the two customers, while the animatronic stood further behind them. “So mam, would you please explain to me how our animatronic hurt your child?” You were calm about this. Or as calm as you could be- “Well! That stinky robot just grabbed her and threw her in the air! That thing is insane! I deserve some kind of refund!!”, she shouted. You kneeled down a bit, leveling yourself with the child. “Hey! Did our daycare attend hurt you?”, you asked simply. The child nodded. “Would you like to tell me how?” “As I already sai-“, you interrupted the mother with a raise of your finger. Surprisingly it shut her up.
“Well- he grabbed me and- and he held me in the air! It was cool! But when I got back down I felt kind of sick-“ You nodded. Standing back up, you looked at your last witness.
“Sun did you mean to hurt the child?”
The animatronic shook his head with his arms held up innocently. “NONO! I would never! It is against company policy to damage our guests!!!”
“Are there perhaps any errors in your code?”
Sundrop answered honestly. “Why no there isn’t! I run a daily check and there is no error! Even now!”
You sighed and asked one last thing. “Alright- Could you tell me her information, mostly only the causes of our delama? The ones of her Daycare-Entery-Papers.”
“Can do!
Name: Emma. Janny. Watson. Age: 7 Illnesses: Allergy to pollen, a peanut allergy, no further illnesses noted”
You turned back to the mother and after a while of thinking you spoke up again. “Mam is there perhaps any kind of illness you forgot to tell the front desks about?” The woman looked a bit ashamed. “Why- there is a thing with her being afraid of heights… even just a few feet- it can make her sick-“
“Would you wait right here please?”, you asked calmly as you grabbed the phone that started to gather dust on the desk. After dialing a number you held it up to your ear. “Hello? Ah yes Mr. Afton! I am calling for some information”
“So what should one do if a child gets sick, but the reason as to why wasn’t listed on the entrance papers?”
“Aha… yes I understand… yes she’s totally fine now!… Alright! A wonderful day to you too sir!”
You turned around and repeated the words of your employer. “Due to the cause of illnesses not being listed on the required daycare-entery-papers, the Freddy Fazbear Mega Pizzaplex company does not and cannot give any compensation nor refund of any kind. We apologize that you, as our customer, have had a troublesome experience yet wish you a great day regardless!” The mother looked furious and grabbed her child as she stormed off out of the employees only room. “Glad that’s over with-“
You looked over and saw the robot standing with his head low. He looked so sad- “Is everything alright buddy?”, you asked. The robots head rose and you somehow read the sadness on his face (?). “Do I stink Y/N?” “What? No! You smell even better then me!” (Which isn’t a big accomplishment seeing as you‘re already trough most of your shift) “But that woman said-“ “I do not care what the woman said! You’re beautiful Sun! The most beautiful animatronic to ever exist!”
Somehow the robot looked flustered. You held him by the sides of his head and kissed his temple. “Don’t let anyone tell you you’re worth anything less!”, you said before heading to the door. You just treated him like a child who stubbed his toe- perhaps you’ve been working for too long. But before your hand could get a hold of the doorknob, someone grabbed your wrist. “H-hey Y/N?” “What is it sunshine?” He twitched at the nickname. “Y-you know how the last mechanic in charge of me quit?” You nodded. “Yeah they put me in charge of you now!” “Well- would you lik- can you fix me? Please-“ “Oh gosh- of course! I’d be fired if I wouldn’t, but seeing how you work is way more interesting!!”, you smiled with a glint in your eyes.
“Get comfortable anywhere you want! I’ll go get the toolbox!” “You don’t need to-“, the animatronic said. “I think you can do this without them…”, Sundrop mumbled, now on the floor. “Alriigghht- So where does it hurt?”, you asked while kneeling on the floor infront of him thinking ‘if you can even feel pain-‘ A robot finger pointed down to the spot beneath his legs. “…under… under my pants…” Your face flushed at the thought that rushed through your head. You wanted to slap yourself for having such thoughts about a robot that is- technically also your coworker!
Your hands shivered as they moved to the top of his red and yellow striped pants. Quickly glancing up you saw that the animatronic was looking at your fingers as if he was completely fascinated by you. You swallowed the saliva that build up in your mouth and quickly pulled Sun’s pants down to his tights.
Relief spread through you as you saw that there wasn’t what you had hoped. But you were also just a little disappointed. “Where exactly does it hurt?”, you asked holding a finger a few centimeters above his supposed crotch. His right arm lifted from the floor and gently held yours. He guided your hand to the point your mind has hoped to touch before knowing there was nothing there. After he removed his hand you looked a little closer. There was a tiny imprint of a square. You looked up at Sundrop. His shoulders were tensed and he looked uncomfortable- as if there was something clamped or stuck. Like a wire for example.
Your hands glazed over the imprint. To your surprise the animatronic’s joints jerked. “Can you feel this?”, you asked. The animatronic nodded and let out a strangled yes. “m-mHHhm!” He was still looking down at you. Your head was so close to his crotch- he didn’t know why but it excited him in a strange way. You pressed down on the plate. Suddenly it wheeled back. But nothing else happened… Great. Now you were left with an animatronic that has a hole at his crotch. Looking up you saw that the animatronic had stopped looking at you. His head was laid back with a quiet static noise coming from his voicebox. Even better! A completely broken animatronic! Great job Y/N!
“Sunny? You still with me?”, you asked, moving your head up just a little. “S-stay there! We aren’t done yet…”, he grumbled. “Ahh- oh this feels go00oOdd~”, he practically moaned. You stayed with your head close to his now missing metalic plate. You were glad he was feeling better and was still running properly. Your eyes snapped back to the hole as you saw something move out of it. You did not know what to think- Because now there was a good 6.4 inch cock sticking out of the previous mystery hole.
The vile and dirty thought flooded back into your head again. “MhhH~” One side of your mind was fighting against it, but the other led your finger to slide along the base. The animatronic shivered, his body rising at the foreign touch. “Starlighhtt!”, Sundrop moaned out as you moved your palm around the appendage. You enclosed your fingers around his member. You moved your hand in rhythmic motions and watched him from down below.
Your mouth was drooling at the scene. With his cock mere inches away from your face, and his eyes struggling to keep their focus on you. Adding to that is the fact that there might still be customers and their children outside of this room. It made for the most erotic scene one could get from this establishment. The animatronics eyes were trying their best to focus on you but the pleasure was so undeniably great that his head was practically forcing itself to lay back.
With his dick so close to you, you took the moment his eyes were on you to lick a straight line from the bottom up. You sucked on the tip and tasted his liquid. It tasted sewet like apples yet the aftertaste was more lemon-flavored.
You once read in a manual that all of the animatronics had their own scented and flavored lubricant. Freddy had a flavor similar to brownies. Chica, of course had pizza, but surprisingly also bubblegum flavored cotton candy. The Daycare animatronic Sun had apple and lemon as a taste. The scent was a mixture of the two. You found that the night-time version of him had lemon and oranges as his flavor. You couldn’t find how the flavor changes in the same animatronic, but you did know that it was used for the oiling of hinges from the animatronics. If there happens to be a leak and children would lick the oil of of the animatronics, your boss would be in big trouble. So Afton Robotics made their lubricant edible.
‘Who would lick a robot??’, one might ask. Well it seems like you are. Your tongue tasted him. It’s like you are addicted to his flavoring. You thought ‘Is this how they change their oil?’. And after another glance up you swore to yourself that you’d change his oil anytime he wants.
Suddenly the animatronic twiches his body into a normal sitting position. Yet he still towered over you. You were a tad intimidated, yet more surprised as Sunny lifted you up. His hands were safely jammed into your armpits as he held you above his hips. He momentarily placed you on his knees. His hands moved down to your hips. Tugging on your pants, he slowly removed them together with your undergarment. Once he freed your legs from the tight uniform, he slid you down his thighs. Now you were sitting in his lap, with his cock being so close to entering you, yet keeping itself only rubbing against you from the outside.
„Mhh… please Sunny…“, you mumbled unconsciously. Without asking, probably because of his voicebox overheating, he moved you a bit and inserted his tip into your wet hole. You bit down on your hand to muffle your sounds. Sundrop on the other hand was letting out partially lagging growling. He sounded like he was in heaven. And like a YouTube video playing while one constantly holds the spacebar-
You wielded in pleasure as you lowered yourself halfway down his warm cock. Your hand rested on the animatronics shoulders. Your head was held low, panting out the hot breaths in your lungs. With your hips finally completely colliding with the others, your juices slowly started to drip down on Sunny. The robots hands held your hips in place. Your head looked back at him with a smile plastered all over your face. His eyes couldn’t choose between your beautiful face or the erotic scene below.
Sun’s hips slowly moved against yours, grinding his appendage into your hole. You mouthed a moan as he thrusted against you. Then again. Soon after your started bouncing on his cock, his hands sticking to your hips still. Your moans were still hitting the palm of your hand, but with the ever more erratic growing movements below, the hold that the other hand had on Sun’s shoulder was continuously getting more unstable.
“Ahh-!”, you moaned/screamed quietly as your hand slipped so that your chest fell onto the animatronic’s. Being as sweet as he is, even in this moment, Sundrop stopped your boths hips and whispered loudly. “Yeez- I’m sorry! A-are you o-ok?!” His voice still lagged to to his voicebox still being hot. He looked at your face, which was drooling onto his warm chestplate. You nodded, getting the drool all over your chin. Sun smiled (?) before continuing nicely thrusting his cock into you.
Now you were quietly moaning against the robots chest. Believe me- if he was capable of it, Sundrop would be drooling too. “Ahh~ mhh- i’m getting close-!”, you softly moaned against him. Sun was in absolute heaven. Your voice, your face, your tits pushing against his chest, the absolute grip you had on his beige colored cock- 10/10 in ratings!
Suddenly you felt another feeling from below. You stopped your thrust for just a moment. “Oh my gooaahd-!”, you moaned out -perhaps a bit to loud. Reason being that you felt Sunny’s pelvis vibrate right against your clit. Tactics changed. Now you were humping his vibrating crotch. The added pleasure almost made you cream his cock.
“Ahh~ I’m about to cum on your cock Sunny- would you want me to? Do you want me to cum on your big cock, Hmm?”, you quickly whispered against where a microphone of his is placed. Sun eagerly nodded in return. Juices were already collecting on the floor, yet there will be more in just a few thrusts. You knew that there would be a meeting about the suspicious puddle that the cleaning personal would need to clean up. But right now you only cared for Sundrop giving you every last drop of his ‘cum’.
You lifted your hips up till only his tip was inside of your wet hole. “Ready?”, you asked. Before you had gotten an answer you quickly dropped yourself onto hig cock. Then again. And by the third time you stayed down as the vibrations threw you overboard. Your hand quickly moved to your mouth to silence your moans. “A-hh!” But suddenly there was a second, louder moan filling the room. Your eyes rolled back as you felt the animatronic’s lemony juices fill up the entirety of your hole.
With the robot removing his cock from your hole, he witnessed all of his fluids dripping out of your hole. His face flushed (?) at the sight as he was so close to overheating.
Luckily your pants weren’t damaged- so after you cleaned yourself up and had gotten dressed you wanted to deal with the “the children-robot has his cock out”-problem. But as you’ve turned around you saw that the robot had disappeared. Running outside of the room, you saw the robot being back like normal. No cock. No no-pants. Playing with the kids. Having fun.
You slimed at the animatronic.
Maybe you do love him.
Now it’s time to disappear againnn <3
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portral · 2 years
Series idea: Reader is “repairing” the animatronics one by one
Part 2: Monty 🐊⭐️🧑‍🎤
You were, once again, called in to repair one of the animatronics. This time it was Monty from the Gator-Golf attraction.
“Hello? Hello Hello? Oh hey! Umm- so there’s this animatronic who has somehow unhinged his jaw- we would like you to come and fix him up. Please be there as soon as you can!”
But during the repairing of the animatronics jaw, you’re attention has been brought to its long and somehow wet tongue. What that mouth do?
The drive to the Mega Pixaplex wasn’t that long. But the traffic did keep the animatronic waiting for a bit. ‘Not that he’d mind’, you thought. Once again parking your car outside and walking in through the main entrance, before squeezing your way through groups of families to get to the backrooms. You often used them. It was way quicker then walking through the seemingly unending thick crowd. 
But getting lost was usually easier in this maze of halls, filled with crates, unused/out of order arcade-machines and god knows what... on the other hand, you mostly remembered the way to your own room that is enclosed in the back. mostly. 
“What took you so long?!”, the alligator’s voice box said annoyed just as you opened the door. While he could still talk, his jaw didn’t move at all. It just kind of hanging there loose. “Hey Monty- I am so sorry- I kind of got lost again!”, you immediately apologized, hoping he wouldn’t treat you like one of the staff robots. “Just ugh- just fix my damn jaw...”, he mumbled the last part. 
“Not with that mouth.”, you joked. Montgomery didn’t find it funny, but still wanted his jaw fixed so he only growled to himself. You turned to get your toolbox, smiling at the animatronics reaction while he couldn’t see your face. 
Your knees cracked as you kneeled on the floor to get the box. While Monty couldn’t see your face, he could see the curve of your legs. He smiled internally, somehow  but he cleared his mind as you straightened yourself. You turned around and pleaded. “Monty, for the sake of you and me- please don’t bite my hands off.” You were quite afraid of Monty, seeing as 80% of your work was caused by him. And 27% of that work needed to be build up from scratch again. Monty always caused you trouble and stress with the huge amount of damage his claws caused during his fits of anger. But Monty just silently nodded, his jaw wobbled even after his head had stopped moving. You slowly got closer and examined his broken jaw. It was still connected, yet only by a few wires. The rights side was barely hanging on, already dangerously dangling a few centimeters below. While the left side looked undamaged, still being connected by all the wires as well as being at its usual spot.
“Can I ask what happened? It might speed this up.”, you asked the animatronic after having backed off to get his manual. But Monty stayed silent for quite a bit. “I- I got punched…”, he admitted.
“By who?”, you asked as you flipped through the manual. “By- another animatronic?”, Monty said, hoping he wouldn’t need to tell you who actually did it.
Luckily for him you left it at that. There were only 4 other main animatronics that could have caused this. One more likely than the others, but it didn’t matter. You stepped closer to him again and laid the manual next to him. After quickly scanning over the text you got to work at repairing Monty’s jaw.
You first started with the right side. First moving the jaw back into place, then letting it hang again to see what wires needed to be replaced. With one hand gently holding his jaw, to keep it from falling, and the other in the toolbox to search for a replacement wire, Montgomery was sitting there in awkward silence. You were so focused on his jaw that he didn’t know if you would even hear him if he tried to start a conversation. The quiet cut of a wire was heard just before you fumbled with the individual wires. Being extra careful with not mixing up the Phase, Neutral and Ground wire.
After you reconnected as well as replaced the wires that were broken, to short or somehow to long, you brought his jaw back into position. After a small clicking sound you removed your hand and watched his jaw. Finally it was fixed.
“Alright might try moving it for me? There are a couple of maintenance boxes I need to check off as well…”, you mumbled the last part for yourself, but Monty still heard it.
The animatronic moved its jaw; closed it, opened it, closed it again, opened it really wide.
You looked inside of his mouth while he had it open. ‘He has a tongue?’, you thought. You never really noticed it- mostly because you stayed far away from him- but it was a long pink tongue, it was wide but not wide enough to touch any of his sharp teeth. The tip was rounded off and even had a small cut in the middle. Your mind began to wander about what else he might be able to do with it. I mean what else can you think of, other then letting his tongue slide on your private parts. I mean, sure it was probably just for decorations, but why not put that tongue to a good use iykyk-
The animatronics mouth shutting brought you back to reality. You could feel the heat radiating off of your face. “Y/N? Are you al-“ “WELP- lets move on to the maintenance checks!”, you said loudly, cringing at your voice, hoping Monty didn’t notice you starring at his tongue. 
You grabbed a clipboard and looked at it. You had 4 tasks to do which you could check off a box for. The animatronics reaction needed to be counted as normal, then checked off as; ⃠ no     ⃠ yes     ⃠ unsure.
“Alright lets start with a simple jaw opening and closing.”, you said after having scanned over the paper before you. Montgomery complied and unlatched is jaw and then shut it again, repeating this a bit till you looked satisfied. You looked down, scribbling a X on the yes box, looked up again and asked of another action. Monty still continued, yet started to get impatient. By the third request he was already talking back. “Can’t we just stop here?!” “I’m sorry Monty but these need to be done- The company needs a report and I can’t just let you go half wa-” “What if I just leave?”, Monty interrupted you coldly. You stuttered in a loss of words “I- uhh... I-” Both of you could see that you weren’t prepared for an uncomplying animatronic like him. But suddenly an idea came back to you. “If you stay here till I get this report finished up, I’ll give you a reward~” Monty’s eyebrow raised at your secret gift. Don’t get him wrong, if it was any other animatronic-repairing-Fazzbear worker he would have left a long time ago. But for you? Ohh... he could never leave you.
Monty’s shoulders slumped back down as he opened his jaw wide. You were inspecting his teeth, counting if all 20 teeth were still attached. Simultaneously checking for mould, damage or a loose tooth. “Aaand 20!”, you say as you counted up the last tooth and removed yourself from his mouth. Once again you marked the yes box. “So far so good! You’re so close to that surprise Monty! Just one more thing.” “And that is?”, he asked. “Oh it’s just ano-”, you stopped yourself for a moment. Why not turn it around for yourself? Why not make those fantasies of yours come true? “The final assignment is to check your tongue.” Monty didn’t think too much of it until he saw how your eyes lit up at the sight of the appendage. You leaned in closer and touched it with your finger, letting it slide along the middle. If he could- Monty would be grinning. 
He stuck out his tongue. You were surprised at first, but then looked back up in his eyes. His bottom eyelid was raised, making the animatronic look smug. “Go on~”, his voicebox said, while he tried not to move his jaw. You flushed and continued stroking his tongue.
You were rubbing your thighs together while still being fascinated with the animatronic. You had noticed his tongue getting hotter and even… slimier? It’s like this robot could produce its own saliva!
It all went well until Monty had finally snapped and moved off the table. Believe him he tried to keep your uniform in one piece, but he then gave up after just a few seconds. He ripped off your bottom clothing and let them fall to the ground. He opened his mouth again, really wide this time, and pushed your hips against his tongue. You gasped at the sudden contact, not believing the animatronics quick movements.
Montgomery was literally letting you ride his tongue. Letting you act out every single dirty thought that dared to cross your mind. From time to time he also stuck part of his tongue in your hole, feeling a light clench around it, before pulling it back out and continuing to slob at your privates. His tongue circled your clit so well.
Your thighs were shaking. ‘Did he do this before? There’s no way a robot can be this good at-‘, once more your thoughts were interrupted by the animatronic in front of you.
Your body was lifted into the air. Monty’s sharp claws grabbing you by your sides. You had a semi-hot down-view of Monty. His tongue sticked out on the right side of his face, your juices dripping from its tip right onto his thigh.
He awkwardly removed one hand, leaving you in the air by his other. Your knees kept you more balanced as you placed them onto the edge of the table. You looked down and saw Montgomery pressed the black square on his belt. Suddenly a small latch opened. And what came out made your face burn redder then Monty’s hair. “I- how is that-“, you stuttered as you looked at the robots cock.
It was a good 5 inches long. The color matching his tongue and most surprisingly… there was something leaking out of the tip. It stayed erect in the air right under your hips. His hand returned to you but lowered themselves onto your hips. “You ready?”, Monty asked as he liked his… lips? You nodded, being way to into it to speak. Your head was burning hot, thoughts going in and out of your mind faster than Chica would eat an entire garbage pile.
Even though only his tip has entered you, you already felt like being in heaven. When was the last time anyone has made you feel like this? With Monty’s dick entering you it feels like centuries ago.
The liquid that spurred out of Monty into your pussy made it easier to take him. Whoever designed him has at least put some thought into this. He bottomed out in you, groaning at the feeling of him being inside you.
“God- You’re filling me up soo good~”, you moaned. Monty was “nice enough” to let you adjust to him. “Just tell me when you’re comfortable enough to let me move.”, Monty said, being oddly “nice” to you.
(“Nice enough” and “nice” are written like that bc it should be the obvious basic thing to do)
Your thighs rested on his. You moved your hips from time to time, testing the waters. “Mhh~ Please move! PleaSE!”, your voice got louder as the robot started thrusting into you. He moved you up, then down, then up again, before moving you downwards on his cock.
With every hard thrust some of his liquid squirted out of your stuffed hole, landing somewhere on the floor below you. Your walls fluttered around Monty. “Monty- please ah- I’m close!” Monty continued to thrust into you. Unlike Montgomery’s hip-movements, your moans started to lose rhythm. Your head shot up and your eyes shut as an orgasm flew through your body.
Monty didn’t stop though. He continued to move your hips against his, even through your orgasm. “You like that? You like this fat animatronic cock all up in your pussy? My juices just squirting out of you… god you’re such a pretty slut.”
His words went straight to your crotch, squeezing his silicone dick. “And how you tighten around my cock… You want more?”, Monty questioned you. “fuck- Yes! Please! Please Monty!” Monty’s claws tightened around your hips as he changes his motions;
He lifted you up, then down, then up again, then down and grinded your hips on his
You bit your lip at the new sensation crawling through your body. Monty’s tongue left his mouth and licked a strip on your neck. “AAHhh!~ Fuck please- more ahh~”, Monty grinned somehow x2. “God you can’t be satisfied huh? Got your sweet little cunt stuffed and you still want more? How greedy”, he laughed as he handled you rougher.
His voicebox let a growl echo the room. “Yes please! I can’t be satisfied! I’m a greedy slut! Please- please stuff me full of your cum!!”, you screamed as you were bounced up and down his cock. Monty growled again as he sped up his thrust. The sound of clapping skin was heard all around the room. Your sweat sticking your hair to your face.
“You want my cum? Then c’mon and beg for it you pretty cumslut!”, The animatronic laughed. With his juices still squirting out of you, you begged him to finish with you. “PleASe! I beg you Monty- please cum inside me! Paint my walls with your thick cum! AHhh~ Please fill me up with your seed!”
Your sweet begging made Monty loose control. His juice spurted all into you. If you looked closely you could see a slight buldge. The robot forced you to stay on him as your walls clamped down on him, your second orgasm having been with his.
“You ready for this?”, he asked as he looked down to where you both were connected.
He pulled out of you and both of your fluids dripped down onto his cock. It was completely covered in your white-ish cum. Strings of it still hung on your pussy. More and more cum flowed out of you until you were completely empty again. There was cum everywhere; on his tongue, on his cock and from your pussy flowing down onto your thighs. It was the dirtiest thing you had ever seen.
But god was it hot.
Finished ^^
As u can see from my last update I’m pretty busy n shit but hey! Robot porn will cum eventually ;)
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portral · 2 years
Series idea: Reader is “repairing” the animatronics one by one
Part 1: Glamrock Freddy x reader
Part 2: Monty https://portral.tumblr.com/post/676102246320193536/series-idea-reader-is-repairing-the
(I’m publishing this at like 3AM pls have mercy with me being lazy)
The Freddy Fazbears Mega Pizzaplex has called you in after one of the late nights shows. You were supposed to fix up the main star attraction “Glamrock Freddy”, as he got damaged during one of his performances.
But while you fumbled around with his wireing and exterior you stumbled apon a grave detail that everyone has excluded from you… the animatronic had an extra appendage.
You were having a great time relaxing definitely not sleeping at home but of course your boss had called you. He sounded really aggravated over the phone, shouting at you to “get your ass over here as fast as possible”.
So you moved out of bed, put on your uniform, before going into your vehicle and driving over to the Freddy Fazbears Mega Pizzaplex. The moment you had arrived near your working station, someone had aggressively pulled you into the repair room.
You were now face to face with a very angry Vanessa. “Gosh finally you are here! You need to fix him by tomorrow morning! He had a malfunction in the middle of his goddamn performance!”, she yelled/whispered before leaving through the door to do her job of patrolling nearby areas.
As you looked onto your “operation table” (which was really just a medal table so that the animatronic would be the same hight as you-) and saw an unconscious Freddy sitting on the table. Sitting next to him was your handy toolbag.
“Well Freddy… let’s get started.”, you said not even knowing if he can hear you.
The first thing you did was manually open his stomach hatch, which his manual read to be easy seeing as a light press onto it would open it up. And Voilà it worked. Next thing his manual instructed was to press a read button located at his exoskeletons left ribcage. ‘Thank the lord for his manual being available’, you thought to yourself.
As you pressed the button, Freddy lifted his head and his voicebox made a slow beeping sound (yk the one from fnaf 3), indicating his rebooting. You removed your hand from his insides and waited for his eyes to open. Once they did you saw his pupils move to you. His ears and bottom eyelid raised, making him look pleased to see you. And you thought that it was kind of cute.
“Ah, hello Y/N!”
“Hello Freddy, do you know why you’re here?”
“Uh-“, he paused and thought for a moment. “For a general clean up? My chest cavity is a bit dir-“
“No! No Freddy- You fell over and shut doen on stage! It ruined the performance and even scared some kids!”
Freddy looked sad for a moment while he spoke. “I am… truly sorry. I do not remember such incident.”
You sighed and quietly said “Well at least it isn’t anything major then. According to your manual any suddon system errors will be noted, recorded and reported to the nearest electrician.”
“Yes. Such thing is build into my design. But there is no update on any recent system failures!”
“Well hopefully that was a one-time accident. Now please open your chest cavity so I can clean you all up!”, you smiled at him.
Freddy of course complied and his chest-plate had opened up. Upon a deeper inspection with your flashlight, you actually did see some pieces of cake and icing being stuck on some wires. “Alright Freddy~ As long as you keep this nice and open for me I can get you all cleaned up. If there are any other issues, you can tell me after!”, you said as you grapped a cloth to smear the cake off of.
You bended down a bit and looked around the animatronics interior. You spotted a small clump of icing laying on some colorful wires and cleaned it of with your fingers. You didn’t want to use any harsh metal tools that may break or scratch his wiring. You definitely don’t have the patience to fix that when you were called here for something like this.
During finding and cleaning multiple spots of sweetness, Freddy seemed to be on edge. “Is something wrong?”, you asked him, being almost done with the cleaning. “Well yeah- umm… Y/N could you maybe do another check-up?” “Oh yeah sure!”, you say, not having catched on with where he was going.
Once you had scraped off every tiny pice of cake from the inside of the animatronic, you shortly walked over to a small sink to wash the cloth out with. Then you walked back over to the robot. “Alright then! Is there any specific spot I should check?”, you asked Freddy with a bright smile. But he however looked to the side. The sound of his arm lifting filled the silent air. You looked at where Freddy was pointing and gulped. He was pointing to his crotch. While the animatronics don’t shouldn’t have any genitalia , the thought clouded your mind a bit. With the reasoning of them surely not having any sex related compartments, you agreed. At first you only placed your hand firmly onto his metal crotch. But not long after you’ve got curious. You started to move your hand and feel along the colored metal.
In the meantime, Freddy held his hand up to and infront of his jaw, looking down at your curious face playing with him. The more you felt around the area, the more you noticed a thin line going around it. You felt out the shape of a square. You eventually pressed down on it and looked down in surprise. The plate moved! It moved back into Freddy and was replaced by something else. ‘Is that a dick??’, you thought. Luckily for you it wasn’t made of metal but more of a bendable silicone. “C-Can I touch it?”, you asked hesitantly. “Whatever you want Y/N.”
The first time you had touched it, Freddy had moaned shortly. “Mh-“ “Can you feel that?”, you asked, still not understanding how the animatronic could feel anything like this. You were smart, yet no genius. Freddy nodded, his hand still hovering infront of his snout. Your hand began to move up and down his silicon-like shaft. After just a few strokes, a watery liquid slowly dripped out of his cock.
“T-that’s for a better oiling of our joints. We can… get a bit rusty if we don’t move for a long time.”, he explained. Curiosity and hornynes has gotten the better of you so you lowered your head until your face was right up against his appendage. You looked up at Freddy and he seemed to be even more flustered at your bold action. You stuck out your tongue and licked the liquid. It tasted similar, if not exactly like, Fizzyfast. The taste was slightly addictive. His cock is fucking addictive-
And in no time you had your entire mouth around his silicone penis. Bobbing your head up and down while Freddy’s voicebox was going crazy. Switching through static noises and sometimes even starting a tune.
Eventually his member was just spouting the drink out from the top. Just how much did they have? “Alright- I think- I think that’s enough-“, Freddy said with a tint of worry staining his tone. You however did not stop, knowing he was close. You wanted to… help him get some streff off of his shoulders. It’s not easy being the star attraction of such a big franchise. “Ohh S-Starlet!”, Freddy glitched/moaned out as Fizzyfast began to squirt itself down your throat. You both smiled and panted as you ‘finally’ got off of the animatronics cock.
“I uhh… Thank you! Umm-“, Freddy mumbled. You got back up to your feet, looking him in the eyes. If only he wouldn’t be dodging your eye contact. You grab the sides of jaw with both of your hands and turn him to look at you. “Did… did you just call me Starlet?” Freddy stayed silent. “Fuck that’s- Come here-“, you cut yourself off by trying to kiss the big bear robot. Freddy was shy, but he placed his big hands on your hips and pulled you a bit closer as you kissed him.
Freddy’s cock was still hanging in the air, but not for long. Your hips swayed. His tip moved from your clit down to your entrance. Freddy was… breathing heavily? How realistic did they need to make these??
Once you were wet enough, you slammed your hips down onto Freddy’s metal crotch. The sound of your skin and his metal meeting filled the small room. “Freddy… I want you to use me.”, you whispered. “I- I don’t know Y/N… What if I hurt you?”, Freddy aaid worryingly. “I don’t care. It’s hot.”, you simply replied. What you didn’t expect was that you would spark a fire in him. Because Freddy began to move you up and down his length. He was basically using you like a fleshlight. Freddy moved himself a bit more of the table, so you don’t need to be uncomfortably standing in the middle of the air.
The animatronic left you almost breathless. Your face was right infront of his. The only difference being that yours was moving up and down. “God- please Freddy! Just like thAAht!“, you pleaded. Freddy moved his right rand onto your back and pushed it so that your breast were hugging his chest. His bowtie not even visible. Yet his other hand has moved to your clit and drew circles into the small muscle, all while continuing to thrust into you.
“Starlet- please kiss me again”
You, of course, obliged to his request and gave him a kiss on his cheek. Then his other, before moving on to kiss his nose. “AHHh!-“, the animatronic shortly shouts before his voicebox cut off. You were still councing up and down his cock. But now with even more of the juice being fucked back inside you.
You yourself weren’t far from release either. The continues massage on your clit combined with Freddy having just came inside of you, brought you closer and higher than ever. You moaned as you forced your hips to bounce on his dick till you came. And ohh~ you came hard. Your entire body shivered and stiffened as your walls hugged the robots silicone cock. Your fluids mixing with his inside of you.
“That was amazing Freddy- wow”, you say completely exhausted.
“You’re welcome- I guess”, Freddy said, still sounding a bit shy.
“Is there anything else that needs to be fixed?”, you smirked.
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portral · 2 years
Alright so I’ll be working on a spicy series where the reader is the person responsible for fixing the animatronics. BUTTT… you basically have seggs with all of them bc y not :)
I’ll go through all the robots one by one bc idk my last fnaf fanfic blew up 🙏
Part 1: Gamrock Freddy ⚡️🐻⭐️
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portral · 2 years
Jelous Moondrop x fem!reader My Ao3 account was suspended for 30 days so Tumblr here I am!!
(Inspo: https://vm.tiktok.com/ZM8TnFVAB/ )
You were one of the very few secruityguards that were employed in the Mega Pizzaplex. Your area to secure was the daycare center.
While you tried to avoid any confrontations with the customers, it was you that the parents would complain to if something went slightly wrong. Their kid had scraped their knee? Complain. Their kid was hungry? Even then they’d sometimes complain. But the more it happened the more it became funny to joke about with the other securityguards that sometimes came by in their brakes.
Some parents would even drop their children off just before sitting down on the couches that were placed right infront of the daycares playground.
None of that mattered to you though. You enjoyed your jobs, even with some hiccups here or there. But… one thing was off. It’s your ‘coworker’. The animatronic that looked like a sun and had the energy of one as well. You kind of envied his ability to take care of the children as well as he does. When you two were alone he acted… strange.
The day always started slow. You would arrive at the Mega Pizzaplex and walk to the door with the text “SUPERSTAR DAYCARE PICK-UP” hanging over it, greeting some of the earlier arrived night time employees during your way there.
After unlocking the door you’d look around for any signs of a break-ins or damages. As always, there were none. Everything looks just like it did when you left the day before. “Hooo-hoo hoo!”, a voice called out. Your head turned towards the small platform build up high in the air.
The animatronic lifted it’s arms and was about to do his main entrance of jumping down into the ballpit, but he didn’t jump. There weren’t any kids here yet, was your daily explanation. He looked around the room until he spotted you leaning against the red gate next to the slide. His face seemed to brighten with joy, you don’t know how to describe it. How can a robot like him look more happy? There was no explanation to it. It was just something you began to understand after the last few days of his attention.
The robot waved to you. You smiled and waved back. The hand you used to wave was held to your mouth, acting like a megaphone as you told him. “The daycare will open in 20 minutes! You can go back to your room if you’d like!”
The animatronic didn’t respond. He only sunk his one hand and continued to starre at you. You turned around to face the statue. The golden face of Sun and his counterpart Moon was beautiful in the light of the room. It stood high above you.
Talking about standing, your feet were getting tiered from standing, so you grabbed a chair and placed it infront of the slide. You reached for your backpocket, taking out your phone. You entered your password and played some games to pass the time.
But only after a few minutes of playing you noticed something from the corner of your eye. You screamed in shock. “Gosh! Don’t scare me like that!” “I APOLOGIZE!!! I just thought I’d greet you!”, Sun said with his head poking out of the slide’s entrance.
You appreciated the thought, yet it could have been done with less of a scare.
“Well hello Sunny.”, you greeted him with a smile. ‘He did that thing again!’, you thought ‘his face is full of happiness again?!’ “Do you have any ideas on what to do in the remaining 15 minutes?”, you asked calmly. He seemed to think for a moment before speaking. “We have glitter glue! And crayons! Maybe we can paint something?” Before you could even think a single thought his rambling continued. “Oh but- if you don’t like that then we can play a game! Like Tag or Hide and Seek!”
You looked the animatronic in the eyes while you chose what to do. Even though he’s now sitting on the ground with his legs crossed, he was tall enough for his eyes to directly starre into yours, with little difference in hight.
“Let’s play Hide and Seek!”, you proclaimed.
It’s definitely not the best hiding place. Not at all. But it might be enough to entertain both of you.
You were hiding in the right block of slides and stairs. as well as 2000 different deceases children might have spread here- (It’s where the generators are but I don’t know the word for it-) You were hiding in a slide that connected the top and middle floors.
“4… 3… 2… 1! Ready or not here I come!”
You felt giggely as you heard him walk around the daycare. His bells making a sound every time he took a step or moved his hands. Usually it would be almost unbearable due to the sounds of different children chattering. But now? Now it’s just you and that animatronic. And 10 minutes of time left-
“Where are youuu?~”
You held a hand infront of your mouth and nose every time Sun would come near you, hoping to avoid any hints to your position. But even with the adrenaline this game brought, you were having fun!
“GOTCHA!”, Sunny shouted as he gently tackled you. You laughed as he laid ontop of you. “And now you will be the Seeker!”
After both of you want back to the spot infront of the ballpit Sunny added a new rule. “Hey! You know I have these bells right? Welll~ it would be unfair if you could just listen to where I go right?” You took the hint and cupped your ears with your hands. The animatronic nodded and went to go hide in his “Super Secret and Amazing Hiding-Spot!!” after you had closed your eyes as well.
“89… 87… 86…”
Sun knew the perfect spot.
“75… 74…”
He sometimes plays this game with the children so he’s learned a lot from them!
He almost reached his spot. It’s somewhat difficult to get to but it’s alright seeing that you’re an adult.
“43… 42… 4-“
You stopped counting. ‘What happened? Why are the lights off??’ You weren’t cheating, but even with your eyes closed you saw the difference between the normal Daycare lights and pitch black darkness.
Your hands dropped to your sides. You could hear Sunny’s awful cry. But you knew it’s dangerous to even get near him right now. You were not dumb. Well- not that dumb.
You made a burst to the tall wooden door. Quickly unlocking and opening it. And as fast as it was opened, it was closed once more.
‘But- The lights only turn off during the night- wha-‘, you thought before you spotted a clock. ‘4:35 AM?!?’ There was no way- Did you travel back in time? You pulled your phone out to check that this wasn’t some power outage or worse, some silly prank.
And on your phone it stood. ‘6:05 AM’
‘Ugh I knew I needed a new one- Did I break some part that controls the clock?’, you questioned yourself.
After a few more moments you began to move to the Lobby. Maybe you can still get out and go home? Sleep for a bit more? But no. Of course not. Life had to give you an extra kick. And a hard one at that.
“Give up!”, he yelled from behind.
You ran. Fast. You were never good at any sports. Getting exhausted easily was something your teachers would nagg you for. Well now you wish you had the stamina of Hercules.
You did some random turns, trying to shake the aggressive animatronic off, but all attempts failed. Being blown in the waters of Montys fast steps.
Why was he attacking you? A malfunction? Does he think you’re an intruder? Who knows. But you know that you’ll make a good meal for him.
That is until you turn around another corner.
Dead end.
You turned to face your soon-to-be demise. Your eyes getting watery. Your knees feel weak. You’re exhausted. Yet- Monty stops. He stood at the entrance of your dead-end hallway of death. Was he taunting you?
Looking through his star-shaped glasses you could see him looking… shocked? He wasn’t even looking at you. He didn’t approach you. The opposite actually, he took a step back. And then another. He even turned and ran away after mumbling a “s-sorry.”
You were glad that you haven’t died. But you were also confused.
All until someone touched both of your shoulders. Your shoulders tensed up again. Was there something worse than Monty behind you?! You looked at your right shoulder. The hallway was dark, yet you could see the color of the fingertips that held you down. They were… blue?
‘What animatronic here has blu-‘
“It’s past your bedtime~”, Moon giggled into your ear as he wraps one arm around your waist and moves the other around your chest, lifting you in the air before carrying you on his shoulder. But he didn’t return to the daycare. Instead he went into a different direction. Or at least you presume that, it isn’t easy to know where you’re going when all you are able to look at is the floor. But it seams like he went somewhere backstage?
You were not familiar with any other location beside the main daycare.
You heard Moon move something and then he climbed inside of the walls? After going down a slim hallway you both entered a room. Moon dropped you down onto the floor. All you could take in was that the room was strangely messy. There was a table with a random box on top of it. And under the table was a torn apart security bot?? Next to that was a broken shelf and a toy house. Behind you was a small staircase that led to… Sunny’s stage? Was this their room? How is it this messy? You know that both sides have a strict code for cleanness.
Behind Moon was a red colored wall with the company’s logo painted on it. “FREDDY FAZBEAR’S PIZZAPLEX”. But most of it was blocked by Moon who was directly starring at your face.
Both of you didn’t say anything for a few minutes. The air laying full of awkwardness. Who will talk first? Turns out it was you. “Soo… is this like your guys room?” It was a good conversation starter. Or so you thought. Because Moon continued to starre at you in silence.
Eventually you saw his arm lift. He looked like he was about to touch your arm but he stops himself, still holding eye contact. He looked… confused? Like he was trying to figure out who you are. “Bad children must be punished.”, he said, maybe to himself, and grabbed your arm. He pulls you down so you lay beneath him. Your face flushed as your mind began to wonder about all of the dirty things this robot could do to you.
Moondrop hummed and placed his knee inbetween your thighs. ‘Why is this hot?’, you asked yourself. His fingers danced to your uniform. Undoing the buttons on the top part, revealing your bear chest. “Naughty Naughty…”, Moon whispered as he unclasped all of the buttons of your top, revealing your (color) bra. Next he lowered his fingers to your crotch. Your breath hitched as his hand dived straight into your panties. Your arousel dripping onto his fingertips as the teased your clit.
His fingers rolled against the bundle of muscles. The core of pleasure continuously grew inside of you. You were enjoying this and he knew. His fingers worked like magic on your sensitive parts.
You whined as he removed his hand. But Moon worked on getting your trousers off first. Now you laid there only on your underwear.
All needy.
All seeking pleasure.
All for him to see.
You extended your hands and grabbed his faceplate, smashing your lips onto… his teeth? It was weird yes, but in the moment it felt right. Not long after the kiss ended, Moon pushed your panties aside and slid two fingers back into your wet pussy. You let out a deep breath from the continuance of pleasure. Moondrop’s other hand wandered around your sides. Going from your hips, up to your shoulders and back down once more.
But once your breathing got heavier and your pants became more audible, Moon drifted his fingers to your throat and gently pressed down on your blood vessel, making you feel slightly lightheaded. “Tsk tsk tsk… such a naughty thing… Creaming all over my fingers like that~ What are you going to cum just from my fingers doll~?”, his words went straight to your crotch area, making you quick to release your cum onto his palm. Moon snickers and you hear him move some fabric. You tilt your head to look at him and get flustered as you see his cock.
Why would they give an animatronic a dick?? What horny maniac would do such a thing?
Yet you had no real time to think about it seeing that Moon immediately started to fuck your pussy while it’s still warm and wet. You threw your head back as he rutted inside of you. While you were panting and letting some whined escape your mouth, Moon was actually growling and grunting. “C-can you feel this?”, you looked him in his red eyes and asked. Moon’s voicebox spoke “Yes. I can feel your little wet cunt fluttering around my cock doll~”, he said.
You almost envied his capability to speak flawlessly while simultaneously railing you harder then any human might ever be able to. Yet you just laid there in what you think is his room and took everything he gave you with thankfulness.
His body moved yours every time his hips would make contact with your rear. Your thighs shock. Your voice slowly started to get raspy. At the same time Moon was starting at you. He adored the look on your beautiful face. The way your hair fell onto your face. The way your face was contracted in pleasure. It was getting him closer to his realease. “Fuc- please! Moon please!” You didn’t know what you were asking of him. But Moon knew. His hips made a loud clapping sound, which after your plea lost its rhythm. But where rhythm was lost, speed was gained. Moon removed one of his hands from your hips and placed it back onto your clit, moving his fingertips in a circular motion. Your voice gained volume as you reached you peak. Your walls fluttered around the animatronics cock. You were filled with your own wetness being fucked back into you, but now something was added. ‘Did Moon just cum!?’, you thought.
As you looked down onto the messy scene, you saw a glimpse of what you assumed was the robots cum. It was a dark blue color. But your view was cut short as Moondrop smashed his face against yours again. You messily made out with his faceplate again. The ‘kiss’ didn’t last for long.
After the affectionate kiss you took a deep breath in. Was that… the smell of Blueberries? You didn’t think about it too much. ‘Whoever gave an animatronic a dick must have made the cum edible and safe… hopefully-‘
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portral · 3 years
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portral · 3 years
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Happy Halloween!! 👻🎃
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portral · 3 years
Why- why did I make this-
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