primalspice · 13 hours
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primalspice · 4 days
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computer, show me SQUIRREL
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primalspice · 15 days
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losing the plot more and more every day *tosses this to u*
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primalspice · 20 days
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shinji ikari
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primalspice · 28 days
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looked familiar
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primalspice · 1 month
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some new some old
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primalspice · 1 month
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primalspice · 1 month
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the three genders (butch, mtf, guy that wears hawaiian shirts)
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primalspice · 2 months
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an hour late for trans day but oh well
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primalspice · 2 months
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i filled these out in like 30 seconds dont take my word for anything
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primalspice · 2 months
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in da pit
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primalspice · 2 months
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primalspice · 2 months
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three fools
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primalspice · 2 months
rat👕 9, 12, 18 📦 4, 15, 🍽️ 6, 13, 15 🌤️ 2, 14, 🤝 6, 10, 14, 💓 2, 5, 18 🎲 3, 10, 11
👕9 What does your character smell like?
genuinely looks like she smells like essence of gnat. kinda dusty, kinda like a thrift store. she uses perfume occasionally but its probably one she picked out like 10 years ago and still uses. i think she'd like something kinda masc like a woodsey/amber scent perhaps
👕12 Has your character gone through major stylistic or physical changes?
not really shes always been kinda haggard but she does change up the haircut/glasses every few years. only ever had short hair when she was a teen, never dyed it or styled it a particular way. always a preferrer of practical clothing styles. she knows what she likes.
👕14 Is there a style your character is afraid they can’t pull off?
quite nervous about dressing particularly formal and/or fem. partially for the practicality thing but also bcz she doesnt think it fits her vibe. doesnt like to stand out. looks pretty cute in a skirt tho if u ask me.
📦4 Is there an item your character liked that they can’t get back? 
nuclear launch codes 😖 probably also some stuff from her childhood home since she never really came back, but she dont miss it all that badly, its been long enough. she always enjoys the projects she used to work on for her Career as well in the factory and such, but those were never hers to begin with and also made to be exploded <3
📦15 Would your character prefer something bought or made personally?
enjoyer of homemade things. making them and receiving them. (but in the case of receiving, she WILL critique/comment on the craftsmanship if its related to anything shes dabbled in. beware.)
🍽️6 Would your character eat or drink something they didn't like to appease someone?
Yea shes not really picky to begin with tho so if it was That bad she'd certainly be Showing It unintentionally.
🍽️13 How much does your character care about wasting food?
despite being financially comfortable for A While shes still afflicted with chronic Poverty Brain so she cares p severely. but its not that unusual compared to the overall culture of the region. would eat around moldy bread. free penicillin.
🍽️15 What food or drink does your character consider a treat?
i think she likes old lady snacks. oatmeal cookies and fruitcakes and the like.
🌤️1 What would your character do if they were suddenly caught in the rain?
shes not very bothered by it. even her canonical snow travels werent really severe for her. looking like a sobbing wet beast her her natural state apparently. i think she Should be more concerned due to the Toxins.
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🌤️12 Could your character survive in the wilderness on their own for a week or more?
theoretically yes with some struggle (not particularly athletic or skilled at hunting/foraging) but also i feel like she'd do perfectly well for a while and then randomly die by like rare bear attack or rare poison mushroom consumption. SAD.
🤝7 Who is your character most honest with?
i mean she WAS honest with faust </3 shes a bit of an overshare-er with anyone she becomes close enough with tho, due to not being close with very many people at all ever. needs to let it out Somewhere.
🤝17 How well does your character work with others?
works well with others in cases of being the most specialist woman on the assembly line, works poorly with others in social scenarios. due to her submissive-yet-structure-seeking nature. would love to do any of the grunt work you wanna put her to but PLEASE do not ask her to speak to people or discuss opinions or policy.
🤝18 What is your character's favorite form of affection?
undeserved validation 😌
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💗5 What words could tear your character down?
💗10 Is your character a light, medium or heavy sleeper?
medium... once shes asleep its usually just fine. she does have issues falling asleep though.
💗19 Are there scents your character dislikes?
probably but idk if shes especially averse to any...
🎲7 What is a talent that your character is proud of?
her ability to share her vast knowledge of firearms and machines and nuclear weapons and energy. and fixing things.
🎲9 What is a topic your character would be excited to talk about? 
see above <3 hashtag autism
🎲11 Does your character have any injury stories?
yea shes probably had some crazy jobsite injuries but nothing severe. various head trauma is my headcanon for her.
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primalspice · 2 months
blue eyeshadow beauty 👕 3, 10, 11 📦 3, 6, 14 🍽️ 2, 10 🌤️ 1, 12, 19 🤝 5, 12, 15 💓 3, 12, 🎲 2, 5, 15
👕3.) Is there something about your character's appearance that they would change if possible?
not particularly but she Is trans gender so its a wip/anything is possible. she's pretty happy as is tho currently <3
👕10.) If your character could splurge on a particular garment, what would it be?
idk i feel like shes the type of person to own 10 variations on the same outfit so maybe itd be something outside of that. a nice formal dress or pants suit perhaps. serving hillary clinton swag.
👕11.) Is your character's favorite color a color they wear often?
Maybe :3
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📦3.) What type of object is likely to catch your character's attention?
Lab equipment or really any new technology. not particularly a tech nerd or anything, but amazed by the beautiful technological advancements of the 2000s
📦6.) What is something your character is proud to own?
Multiple degrees from University of California Berkeley <3 she's not very materialistic in that way tho idk. a House?
📦14.) Is there an item your character is embarrassed they own or want?
whatever lab equipment her bpd man Also wants because she has to be the voice of reason here. phht no... i dont think that science supplies magazine is cool AT ALL.... im not thinking of buying everything in it with your american express platinum... leave me alone.....
🍽️2.) Would your character prefer baking, cooking or mixing drinks?
Baking maybe? but yknow what i think she could make some crazy mixed drinks.
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🍽️10.) What is a childhood meal your character cherishes?
Idk what was popular with white ppl in the 70s. casserole…..cake…jello….
🌤️1.) What would your character do if they were suddenly caught in the rain?
seems like the type of person to carry a travel umbrella in her purse. BUT if that's not an option then she'd be running to somewhere dry annoyedly.
🌤️12.) Could your character survive in the wilderness on their own for a week or more?
If she was allowed to pack food/water probably, but she wouldnt enjoy it. If she couldnt pack food/water it'd be a lot more questionable but she wouldnt just lay down and die about it. She'd get a kick out of observing flora and fauna and geography for like an hour and say hmm interesting then want to go home immediately. MUCH happier indoors, not a fan of the elements or weather or foraging.
🌤️19.) What animal would your character say best represents them?
Maybe a cat. I think she'd be pretty correct about it too. fursona confirmed.
🤝5.) Who would your character first seek if they needed medical help?
911 and the best hospital in the area (she'd done her RESEARCH on these things she KNOWS where's best)
🤝12.) How would your character react to being put in a position of leadership?
She's kinda an explosive control freak so SHE'D enjoy it for a little while but nobody else would. Would eventually give up after having a IF I WANT IT DONE RIGHT THEN I JUST HAVE TO DO IT MYSELF -__- moment and let someone else be the leader.
🤝15.) Is there a person your character would turn to for backup in a fight?
Not really becuase i think she's overly confident in her own ability but she might throw her labmate in there as a sacrifice.
💓3.) Is your character more prone to fight or flight?
She'd say 'fight' but she backs down pretty easily. just because you flee angrily does not mean you arent fleeing <3
💓12.) Is your character more likely to give advice or seek it?
Give. and in fact she actively avoids the advice of others. she can figure shit out for herself/no one else has a right to tell her what they think she should do with her life GRRRRR
🎲2.) Does your character have a secret hobby?
I don't think she keeps any of it a secret but i could see her being really into some cringe soap operas. i could see her being a crazy cat lady.
🎲5.) Which does your character try to prioritize more, work or hobbies?
Work definitely, and she has kinda few hobbies to really compare the time spent against. Reading and researching kinda counts as a hobby tho because she enjoys it for personal enrichment, but its also important to her field of work.
🎲15.) How good is your character at following through on projects?
If it's urgent or for work and she has others relying on her then she's great and incredibly Efficient. otherwise bad <3 girl where is your whimsy
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primalspice · 2 months
beautiful pokermo (poker emo)👕 6, 13, 19 📦 1, 5, 11 🍽️ 12, 15 🌤️ 5, 13, 18 🤝 2, 9, 20 💓 2, 6, 11, 🎲 1, 9, 14
👕6.) How much interest does your character take in trends?
Enough to find out what they are and then immediately go be a hater about whatever it is. Somewhat more openminded if it is within the Emo Community.
👕13.) What is something your character would refuse to wear?
idk shes pretty strictly butchy so no dresses or anything like that. also like. tshirt of whatever band/musician she is most a hater of. its THAT serious.
👕19.) If your character had to get a tattoo what would it be?
I think she Also has some but i Also dont know what they are. Probably something generically emo like a star or angel wings or swallows or something. Or god forbid song lyrics.
📦1.) Is there an item your character doesn't like to leave without?
Depends on the situation but I think wallet and like. glasses are the bare minimum. Doesn't really carry anything interesting around. OH and her flip phone and mp3 player :3
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📦5.) Would your character ever try to haggle?
Yes. If it was more socially acceptable she'd do it all the time. NOT afraid.
📦11.) What might an acquaintance think is a good gift for your character?
Anything from Spencers or Hot Topic. Easy.
🍽️12.) Which mealtime is your character's favorite?
Dinner, i know she goes crazy on some latenight post-concert fast food. One of lifes greatest pleasures.
🍽️15.) What food or drink does your character consider a treat?
not sure but i think she deserves to inherit my love for an xxl slurpee. also strikes me as a Hot Chips individual.
🌤️5.) Has your character ever had an animal phase?
Yea probably a cool one like wolves or foxes or warrior cats. probably a furry by association (cant draw and doesnt have an official fursona but definitely has had friends who are furries and have assigned one for her)
🌤️13.) What element best represents your character?
Probably fire; conveniently accurate to her Leo Zodiac
🌤️18.) How willing would your character be to nap outside?
Not particularly willing bcz its hot and sunny as fuck out 90% of the time but i think she'd be fine with it if it came down to it and if it was somewhere she felt safeish. Not unfamiliar with sleeping in strange places as someone known to Couch Surf, but is more likely to do it indoors somewhere like the library or the lounge at the college she's technically enrolled in.
🤝2.) What is your character's favorite kind of social event?
Concerts ofc. Could argue that this doesnt count as a social event but it is for Her. The shittier the venue and the longer the sets the better.
🤝9.) Where is your character's comfort place?
Aforementioned shitty venues primarily. But she also likes hanging out with her friends (that i prommy she has) at their places <3
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🤝20.) What would it take for your character to get into a fight?
Not very much she's kinda loudmouthed and hater-ly. I think it's mostly just Talk tho. More likely to be the one holding a friend back from a fight if it was anything beyond a punch or slap (kinda funny bcz she is tiny)
💓2.) Are there particular sounds your character is fond of?
loud music. sorry if thats an obvious answer its just true.
💓6.) How well does your character act under pressure?
Pretty well. I think in a social situation she's likely to want to take the lead. even if she's not the calmest person around she is usually the most Assertive. In more individual situations such as Poker or Arguing she can go quite some time without being bothered.
💓11.) Does your character have strong willpower?
for the most part Yes. See above + i think she's also just kinda a do-er. if she wants to do something she will find out a way to do it and get it done and smile happily about it. isnt as fun when it comes to shit she doesnt feel like doing tho, such as finishing her degree or finding a longterm place to stay or a steady job. because why should she HAVE to when what shes DOING already works
🎲1.) What kind of games does your character most enjoy playing?
Ones where she can win money mostly. texas hold em poker is the go-to but she also likes other card games and also billiards. Also kinda strikes me as a call of duty mt dew gamer but is probably pretty casual about it, i dont think she owns her own xbox.
🎲9.) What is a topic your character would be excited to talk about?
Her band, music in general, poker, gambling in general, the latest vegas gossip, ancestry dot com, etc etc. She's an extrovert and a talker and a gossiper you could get her going about anything i think. and i RESPECT that.
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🎲14.) What is your character’s opinion on cheating in games?
HATES IT AND UR GOING TO HELL if it happens to her. But would do it as revenge <3 Really depends on the game/how high stakes it is, but shes horribly competitive in general so does not take kindly to it in most cases.
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primalspice · 2 months
strange old bpd man (i cant look away like a car wreck)👕 2, 18, 19 📦 7, 13, 17, 🍽️ 11, 14 🌤️ 7, 10, 🤝4, 7, 17, 💓 15, 20, 🎲 6, 13, 18
thank u
👕2.) What would your character wear if they were told they had to gussy up?
I think he owns nice clothes (SHOCKING I KNOW). for special occasions of course. I think he will also really try to stretch what counts as 'formal'. But he can do it I prommy.
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👕18.) Does your character have a favorite outfit?
No but if he had to choose itd probably be the nastiest one in his closet on accounts of Its Comfortable
👕19.) If your character had to get a tattoo what would it be?
I think he has some but i havent decided what/where they are. Strikes me as the type of guy to get like. hyperspecific pinup girls or like a really detailed back tattoo that no one is ever gonna see. Probably.
📦7.) Does your character ever spend more than they have?
Honestly besides college degrees, specialized "lab supplies", and the occasional Treat i dont think hes…..awful with money?? claims to live frugally so he can spend his (non)money on stuff he really cares about, is actually just bordering on being a hoarder and has a lot of confidence in his ability to pay off credit cards that hasnt failed him yet. loves the minimum-monthly-due-in-a-week Grind.
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📦13.) What does your character most enjoy shopping for?
Aforementioned lab supplies. LOVES shiny new equipment that hes only gonna use once.
📦17.) What is most important to your character when shopping?
I think when he Is willing to shop for something he has an eye for the Strange And Unique. As well as quality. Somewhat bougie taste for a guy who is so…slobbish. Guy who owns a set of vintage uranium glass kitchenware but only eats off of paper plates and thrift store forks.
🍽️11.) Is your character food motivated?
🍽️14.) Does your character prefer restaurant food or home cooked food?
Probably restaurant due to his aforementioned taste in unique and bougie but i think hes probably decent a home cooking?? bpd be damned my dad can work a grill.
🌤️7.) Does your character have a good sense of direction?
I think its pretty average. he can figure things out for himself usually but will navigate you in the most fucked up way possible and look at you like Youre the idiot. Kinda unrelated but i think hes a passenger princess he doesnt (cant??) drive all that often. thank god. keep him off the road.
🌤️14.) Does your character prefer hot or cold weather?
Hot but he'll complain about it either way. He's pretty much only lived in hot places besides for travel.
🤝4.) Is your character upfront about their feelings?
smiles yeah i guess (negative)
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🤝7.) Who is your character most honest with?
i guess his Partner In Science since theyre forced to hang out most of the time and shes his bpd wrangler but I think hes kinda got stuff that hes kinda dishonest-by-omission with w different people. but IN GENERAL he's not particularly dishonest he'll tell it how it is even if its fucking mean or annoying. He'll blame the bluntness on being german or something.
🤝17.) How well does your character work with others?
smiles Poorly. thus why he no longer works in a big lab or academia or a side hustle or
💓15.) Does your character have a sleep routine?
Not particularly i think he just sleeps whenever he wants due to being #selfemployed. prone to nightowlism
💓20.) Is there a fear your character wants to learn to overcome?
probably but tbh idk his fears v good yet i need to disect him like a rat. his fear of khs properly tho, probably, is one. not sure why this is a trend with my ocs (warren stop using suicidality as a plot device challenge)
🎲6.) Does your character work better with creative or technical endeavors?
i think more often than not they're intertwined in his line of work but i'd say hes better at ideas (creative) than execution (technical). not bad at either tho. terrible how good this looks on paper and hes still the worst person youve ever met.
🎲13.) Has your character ever made something for themselves or someone else?
kinda vague question but of course. i think he has dabbled in plant and animal breeding/modification in his past (still thinks about it) so if you count those as Things then itd be primarily that along with other misc. projects for himself. Less questionably, i think he's also probably a guy that gives you like. a custom macrame or bracelet or shirt or whatever other gay hobby hes picked up for the week for your birthday.
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🎲18.) What is a topic your character wouldn't want to talk about?
pretty much anything that hes not interested in <3 but specifically i don't think he'd want to talk about his personal life if HE wasnt the one to bring it up first bcz hes defensive and shitty. This includes the ethics of any of his work, his sperm donor babies, his mental illness, so on and so forth.
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