pumacita Ā· 6 years
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Well, I feel since Iā€™m not posting as much anymore that I would post some sketches and unfinished work Iā€™ve done the past (from old to pretty recent). They either werenā€™t good enough as stand alone submissions, I moved on from them over time, or I just think finishing them will take a whileā€¦ So I decided to just group them all in one post.Ā  Click on the images for a very liberal translation of the Japanese writing and other miscellaneous notes.
Also I have a few more WIPs/dropped work/sketches Iā€™ll like to post but if you arenā€™t interested, just block the tag #pumacita sketches and youā€™ll be set.Ā 
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pumacita Ā· 7 years
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I donā€™t have a problem.
Anyway! I love Pony head, especially this season, but sometimes I wonder how Star can deal with her antics all this time lol.
I also havenā€™t drawn any Star vs characters in a long time so Iā€™ve become rusty oh no
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pumacita Ā· 7 years
Bruh, you make such amazing art! :3
Thank you, my dude!
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pumacita Ā· 7 years
Take your time with the comic! Also pls don't overwork yourself too hard ok c:
Will dooo. I donā€™t like to rush things, especially art related things, so Iā€™m going at a comfortable pace :D. And I wonā€™t overwork myself, donā€™t worry! Iā€™m slowly getting used to it so itā€™s all good~
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pumacita Ā· 7 years
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Itā€™s been a while! Itā€™s also been a while since Iā€™ve seriously drawn anime stuff, so hereā€™s some Starco in animu form. Also, surprisingly enough, this isnā€™t the comic I was talking about in this ask. I... am still working on that particular comic... I put it on hold to draw this lol. Hereā€™s a preview~Ā It probably wonā€™t be as polished as this one though. Oh, and I still have to draw the next part of Friendship Thursday too. Thereā€™s so much I want to do but hardly have the time to doĀ ā€˜em now *sigh* Please bare with me.
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pumacita Ā· 7 years
Hey you still with us? You haven't published anything since April 9
Iā€™m still here but not as often as before. I have a new job where I work closing shifts and usually work 6 times a week. Iā€™m either too tired/lazy or just donā€™t have much time to draw now-a-days. But I am working on a starco comic right now in anime-ish form. Itā€™s a very slow process but Iā€™ll finish it eventually lol.
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pumacita Ā· 7 years
Marco Head Tutorial
I finally got the time to make this tutorial. As Iā€™ve mentioned before, I am terrible at explaining myself but if this helps you guys even a little bit I will be satisfied. So lets get cracking! First I will start by saying it is important to have references if you want to draw something accurately. If you try to draw something by memory with little to no practice/research before hand, chances are the drawing will not come out as good as you wanted it to be. Therefore, I included a reference picture of Marco here with guide lines over it to help us.
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As you can see I drew a circle that roughly fits inside Marcoā€™s head and divided the circle into 1/3ā€²s. This way I can clearly see how his face is laid out and itsā€™ proportions. For instance I can see that Marcoā€™s right cheek (our left) comes out of the 2/3ā€²s of the circle and ending a bit lower than 2/3ā€²s of the opposite side of the circle. So lets start with that.
As a reminder, the fuschia arrows are my line strokes.
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I redrew the guidelines and drew the cheek/chin based what I deducted from the reference picture. It doesnā€™t look exactly the same but it looks close enough. Next, the ear roughly also starts at 2/3ā€²s of the circle and connects to the end of the jaw. The folds of his ear curve down towards face, stop around the middle of his ear then hook away from his face and back inward. Sweet, we got a base now, lets add a face.
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Marcoā€™s eyes arenā€™t exactly circles but more like opposing arches. They sort of have rounded corners. Of course when Marco is expressive his eyes do become circles but lets stick to a relaxed Marco for now. Based off my reference picture, I see that theĀ ā€œcornersā€ of his eyes are at the 2/3 of the circle, so what I do is begin my arch from there.Ā 
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And then finish his eyes by drawing the opposing bottom arch. His irises are just ovals, no biggie there.
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Marco has a sharp nose called a Ski Slope nose. The bridge of Marcoā€™s nose starts at (well, whaā€™dya know) 2/3ā€²s of the circle and curves downward under his eye and hooks back. AND DONā€™T FORGET HIS LITTLE MOLE. It is very important. Itā€™s located under his right eye (our left). He wonā€™t be Marco without it.
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There really isnā€™t a rhyme or reason for Marcoā€™s eyebrows. Just make sure they are thick towards the inside of his face and have corners towards the outside of his face. They arenā€™t boxy or straight most of the time; they are very flexible and are key to creating expressive faces! Not much to say about the mouth either. Just make sure itā€™s close to his nose and if itā€™s open that itā€™s a rounded mouth with no corners. Next stop, the dreaded hair.
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Marcoā€™s hair startā€™s a little above 1/3 of the circle and a little bit outside of the circle (see the fuschia circle). It curves down going slightly under 1/3 of the circle, going up to 1/3 and then curves down again, creating a sort ofĀ ā€œsā€ shape.Ā 
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There isnā€™t a rhyme or reason for his hair bangs either but the bottomĀ ā€œspikeā€ tends to be a bit thicker and aligns with the top of the circle. The topĀ ā€œspikeā€ is longer and stops slightly before the vertical 1/3 of a circle (indicated with the fuschia dotted line).
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The top mostĀ ā€œspikeā€ curves up from where the secondĀ ā€œspikeā€ in step 8 ended then curves slightly downward and suddenly curves down towards the face creating an ā€œsā€ shape. From this point it arches outward suddenly and curves slightly inward again, settling on the outside of the ear at 2/3ā€²s of the circle (see fuschia dotted line). Marco also has his two strands of hair in between the part of his hair (which must also not be forgotten).
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Finally, Marcoā€™s side hairs start at the same point the hair on step 7 started. The inner most strand curves down in anĀ ā€œsā€ shape ending at 2/3ā€²s of the circle and hooks up slightly. The outer most strand curves down then hooks up and goes slightly over Marcoā€™s ear. The tufts of hair under his ear are simple enough to draw. It kinds looks like a curvyĀ ā€œNā€ lol.
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Now erase all your guidelines and tadaaaa~ youā€™ve got yourself a Marco Diaz...Ā ā€˜s head.Ā 
I will do a body tutorial someday but not today! I have so little time as it is. But I hope you enjoyed this tutorial and learned something from it. (I also hope my grammar/explanations werenā€™t completely awful, yikes). If you have any suggestions, comments or questions, donā€™t hesitate to let me know. It may take a while for me to respond but I will try to get back to you as soon as I can.Ā 
Also as a disclaimer, these are the steps *I* take to draw Marco Diaz. The animators/storyboard artists/Daron Nefcy may draw him in a completely different way than I do. This is more of a loose guide to go from rather than concrete rules. Have fun!
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pumacita Ā· 7 years
Are you from latinoamerica? Your name give me that impresion.
Haha I guess my name does look Latin americanish (is it because it looks similar to mamacita?). My parents are from Mexico but I was born and raised in the US and Iā€™m completely white-washed lol. I havenā€™t forgoten my culture or language, thankfully, Iā€™m just very ā€œAmericanizedā€ I guess. My name has a little history to it actually and it means a lot to me.
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pumacita Ā· 7 years
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Oh no... This has been inspired by webcomic nameā€™s comics. They are too funny and relatable so check em out if you havenā€™t already! Also I havenā€™t been feeling very good lately so my drawings/comics will slow down a bit. Sorry about that.
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pumacita Ā· 7 years
While all your followers know your a great starco fan and artist, what is your opinion/stanch on Jarco?
While Jarco isnā€™t my OTP, I still think itā€™s a good couple and, in a story writing stand point, they need each other to grow.Ā 
Marco has a lot of insecurities and low self esteem issues especially towards Jackie as weā€™ve seen in Naysayer. Heā€™s had a crush on her for years and only barely started talking to her. Imagine pouring out all of your secrets to someone youā€™ve been crushing on for years and find out that they still want to hang out with you anyways. Though the Naysayer incident didnā€™t cure Marco of his insecurities, it was a definitely a big step in the right direction. In episodes BBTBC and Just Friends we still see Marco being too worried about being someone Jackie finds cool or attractive, to which Jackie time and time again tried to reassure him that he is doing fine and to be himself. By the time we got to Starcrushed, Marco finally seems to get that Jackie likes him and starts to relax.
See, if itā€™s Star that tries to reassure Marco that heā€™s great and that he shouldnā€™t feel like he isnā€™t good enough, it wouldnā€™t have the same impact as it would if Jackie does. Even though he would appreciate it, Marco will probably think Star is just being a friend to him and just telling him this to be nice. Itā€™s different when someone you like romantically complements you and accepts you for who you are than when a best friend or family member does.
With Jackie being with Marco, we finally start to see some insight into her personality. Before, her only identity was a chill girl who likes to skateboard. But after her being with Marco we start discovering new traits/quirks and seeing a more fleshed out character. She supports Marco and isnā€™t a superficial girl who wants a perfect 10/10 guy with no flaws. In fact, she likes Marco for havingĀ those flaws and ā€œpick[ing] [himself] back upā€. Although Jackie is still not a very deep character yet, we are starting to get the ball rolling with her. We even got to see an insecure side of her at the end of Starcrushed (what, Jackie not being chill?? Blasphemy!).
In the end, I still think Starco is going to happen (and I am all for it) but Marco nor Jackie would have gotten the development they did if they didnā€™t get together, in my opinion.
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pumacita Ā· 7 years
YAY, YOU'RE CONSIDERING DOING FULL BODIES!!! Their bodies always mess me up and I'm not sure why (wait, I know. I can't draw to save my life lol)
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Yes, bodies are tough. Sometimes they come out too straight and boxy or too round or curvy. Iā€™m still kinda iffy about them but hey thatā€™s why we gotta keep practicing and studying~ Nowhere to go but up. (You should see my drawings when I was 13-14, Anon #1 haha.) We all gotta start somewhere
Anon #2 I am flattered but I have never been to an art school :( I have always wanted to go but due to financial and personal reasons I didnā€™t end up going. So everything I know, I figured out on my own or from online tutorials! Oh, and I did take some art classes in high school, which did help a bit. I would have really loved to have been either a storyboard or concept artist, though.Ā Marco will be the next tutorial I do. But first, I still have some comics I am working on.
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pumacita Ā· 7 years
Thank you so much for the template! You're great at explaining because I actually made Star at least decent and recognizable as Star. If it's not too much trouble, do you have one for Marco's face?
Yay, Iā€™m happy it helped! Iā€™ll probably be doing more tutorials soon and Marcoā€™s lovely face is definitely a must. Maybe Iā€™ll do a whole body tutorial too while Iā€™m at it.
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pumacita Ā· 7 years
I loved your tutorial for drawing Star, it really helps! Have you ever consider doing more?
Iā€™m glad it helped :) And sure I can do more in the future. Maybe I can do Marco next, or whomever people want me to do. Maybe even a background tutorial? I am open to suggestions!
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pumacita Ā· 7 years
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Aaaaggh. Again I apologize for having to repost this. I accidentally deleted the original. It was very stupid of me. Why are you bailing, Marco? ;~; First - Next
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pumacita Ā· 7 years
Well... I accidentally deleted part 2 of the Friendship Thursday comic *facepalm* Thatā€™s what I get for using a finicky stylus to navigate instead of my mouse like a decent person. Iā€™m going to have to repost it because I am not sure how to recover the original. I apologize for the confusion this may have caused.
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pumacita Ā· 7 years
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What are you thinking looking at that magazine, Marco?Ā  Finally part 3 is here! Sorry for taking a while and thank you for your patience.Ā  Oh, and please click the images for best resolution! First Ā - Ā Previous Ā - Ā  Next (coming soon-ish)
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pumacita Ā· 7 years
I'm curious. Where does your icon come from?
I drew it! I didnā€™t feel like posting it on Tumblr because I didnā€™t think many people would like it. I draw anime as well as cartoons so I wanted to draw Star as an anime character. Hereā€™s the picture if you wanna see the whole thing
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