pyro-yoshi · 1 month
That wasn't meth!
I wouldn't dare post this in the actual Breaking Bad, Better Call Saul or character tags, but I really like how it turned out. Click for a better quality view.
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Tuco Salamanca puking his guts out all over his desk while Walter White gloats about mercury fulminate. It's the "This...is not meth." scene with a different type of explosion.
I love Breaking Bad, and Better Call Saul was decent too. Raymond Cruz, the actor who plays Tuco in both shows, is seriously hot in my opinion. Breaking Bad is one of my all time favorite shows, but not having a Tuco puke scene is a huge missed opportunity to me, especially because he's an addict. Plus, this is what would actually happen if he ate that ricin laced burrito. If you consume ricin you'll throw up violently and repeatedly.
(Also, no Jesse Pinkman puke scene either? You're killing me, Vince Gilligan.)
If you look closely, you'll see the scale displays a reading because Tuco threw up on it.
I'll watch anything Raymond Cruz does, and if you know of a movie or show where his character pukes I'd love to know.
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pyro-yoshi · 5 months
Pyro's emeto commissions
I've never done commissions before but I'd like to give it a shot. I got laid off last Thursday so I don't have a job anymore. Work in my home local is slow, so unless I travel out of state I'll likely be off for a couple months. I'm going to have a lot of time on my hands, so I figured I'd try doing emeto commissions.
Want to see your favorite character puking their guts out? Hit me up! I'm primarily focusing on fan art, but I'll also draw your OCs!
Since I've never done this before, here's my promise to you: Until I show you the finished product, you won't be charged a penny. Then we can negotiate prices depending on the complexity of the piece.
I won't charge that much since my art skills pale in comparison to a lot of other artists.
Here's an example of my emeto art (old pic, just a character, no background):
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Priority fandoms:
Saw (current hyper fixation)
Silent Hill
Resident Evil
The Walking Dead
Stranger Things
The Simpsons
Will also draw:
Characters from most other fandoms, your OCs (as long as you provide a picture or detailed description) anthro/furry/literal monster/non-human characters.
Male characters are preferred, but I'm willing to do female characters too.
I will NOT draw:
Underage/minor characters. I will NOT draw characters who are under 18. NO EXCEPTIONS.
Real people. Fictional characters/OCs only!
Certain fandoms (see below)
Characters that wear super complex outfits or armor (too hard to draw)
Fandoms I won't draw for:
Genshin Impact, or any other anime (I should probably apologize for this, but I simply don't care for anime. At all. Sorry guys)
Harry Potter
Family Guy (or any other show created by Seth McFarlane)
South Park
If you're interested or just want to chat, send me a message on my non-emeto account, @creepereyes. (That's the account I access via Tumblr app, I access this one via laptop and don't check it very often)
@creepereyes is me. You're more than welcome to message me on here too, but it'll take longer to get a response.
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pyro-yoshi · 11 months
People puking at work or in public is one of my absolute favorite emeto scenarios.
I'm on a hospital remodel job and I keep thinking about this one guy getting sick and puking. Specifically, he's the guy who installs the drop ceiling grids and puts in the ceiling tiles. Something about men like him--tall slender lanky guys with flat stomachs--really does it for me.
I can't stop thinking about him feeling nauseous but sticking it out because he's the only ceiling guy on the job and the ball busting job supervisors who don't know how to use tools wanted everything done yesterday, which is so unrealistic it stresses him out and makes him feel worse.
So he tries to push through it. He feels worse and worse, and by the time he runs for the nearest functioning bathroom it's too late.
He pukes all over the floor, making a huge disgusting mess. His normally flat stomach, now full and bloated, contracts with each heave. People are staring at him but he can't stop puking until he's totally empty.
Only then would I cautiously approach. I've never said more than a few sentences to him, and the last thing I need is to out myself as an emetophile.
I look at him kneeling there with puke all over his shirt and tell myself not to be a horny autistic weirdo. Be normal.
"Are you alright?"
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pyro-yoshi · 1 year
I had some stomach issues. No emeto but still worth a share.
Last Friday night I drank quite a bit, more than normal. I didn't intend to drink so much, but it just happened. I thought I'd have a cocktail or two to help inspire me (I'd been struggling with some writing and was frustrated at my lack of progress) and I had way more than I intended.
Around 10pm, I was outside sitting on my bench swing while drunkenly mumbling to myself, then I abruptly laid down on my porch and fell asleep there. The neighbors thought I fell so they came to check on me, I assured them I was fine and thanked them. Later I went inside, passed out again (on my back this time, which would've been reeeeally bad if I'd gotten sick), woke up around 2:30am, brushed my teeth and slept for a few more hours.
I awoke at 6am expecting to feel like death, but strangely I didn't. My head hurt a bit and I was fatigued but I expected worse.
While I didn't drink enough to throw up, I did irritate my stomach lining. Last Saturday and Sunday I felt full, bloated, burpy and had no appetite. I had to force myself to eat, which is extremely unusual for me. My stomach was gurgling a lot and I had to poop a lot too. It wasn't quite diarrhea but it wasn't normal either. Monday my appetite came back but my stomach was still audibly gurgling and I had to poop frequently.
I'm all better now. Even though I didn't throw up, maybe you guys will enjoy my story anyways.
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pyro-yoshi · 2 years
A fantasy of mine
One of my biggest fantasies is witnessing a bunch of people at work all getting sick with bad food poisoning at the same time and needing me to take care of them.
Every once in a while, there will be a catered lunch for everyone on the job site. Usually it's standard fare burgers and fries. But what if the food was tainted? Maybe there's chili that's a little too spicy for me so I only eat one or two bites. Men tend to like spicy things, so a bunch of the guys would wolf down a ton of it, unaware of the havoc it's about to wreck on their digestive systems.
For the next hour things seem fine. Then it just hits them. I'm busy doing my own work when I notice the attractive plumber working nearby doesn't look so good. He's pale, sweaty, and visibly nauseous, which immediately piques my attention. Oh my god, is he going to puke? I think excitedly.
Yes. Yes he is.
He runs over to a garbage can and starts puking in it. Arousal washes over me. I'm useless. All I can do is stand there watching and growing hornier by the second, especially when I realize he's not the only one who's sick. As I look around I see a bunch of others who are nauseated, and many of them start throwing up as well. Some of them make it outside, others don't. One of the carpenters, who's a total DILF, pukes all over my cart. Some of it gets on my tools, but I don't mind.
I pinch myself to make sure this isn't merely an erotic dream. It's not. As aroused as I am, I snap myself out of it. These people are sick, and as one of the only ones not nauseated and puking, I impulsively decide to take care of them. They need water.
I run over to my break area to get a bunch of water, but I stop when I see the hot sprinkler fitter apprentice. He's clutching his stomach with one hand and bracing himself against his lift with the other. He looks absolutely miserable. I've had a crush on him for several months now, and I'm not about to pass on the chance to see him throw up. I walk up to him and he briefly glances at me.
"Hey, are you okay?" I ask.
He responds by retching and projectile vomiting all over me. It nails me in the chest, right between my breasts, and immediately saturates my fluorescent yellow shirt.
We both gasp, him from horror, me from pleasure. He doesn't have time to be embarrassed though, as he doubles over and pukes violently.
"I take that as a no." I say and force a laugh. It sounds strange, but I want him to know I'm not mad.
He's unsteady on his feet, so I slink behind him and put one arm around him. "It's alright, I've got you."
He tries to thank me but can't because he's not done puking. I watch in amazement as wave after wave of puke gushes from his mouth and splashes all over the floor, making a huge disgusting mess. I can feel his stomach contracting with each heave. Once he's finally empty, he's left dry heaving. Astonishingly, he doesn't feel much better.
It's going to be a long miserable day for him and everyone else, but I'll be there to comfort and care for them.
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pyro-yoshi · 2 years
I want to buy a tin of chewing tobacco, chew it, save all my dip spit in a cup and make a hot submissive guy drink it.
He's kneeling in front of me, ready to accept anything I feed him because I am his mistress.
Eager to please me, he downs the glass of my dip spit. His stomach rebels almost instantly. The nausea hits him hard and fast, his body wants that stuff OUT.
"Don't fight it," I advise. "Let it out, all over yourself. Make a mess for your mistress."
He does. He retches noisily and erupts, puking all over himself, the floor and my feet. The tobacco juice has severely upset his stomach, and he can't stop puking until he's completely empty.
"Such a good boy. So filthy." I purr.
I stroke his face, then we embrace and kiss passionately. I taste the puke in his mouth, then we both cum.
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pyro-yoshi · 2 years
Agreed 100%. I have some videos like this in my collection, but I need more. Good male puke videos without idiot friends laughing at the sick guy can be tough to find, and the ones I do find instantly go on my favorites list.
There was an incredible video on youtube a few years back where a guy with a stomach bug recorded himself throwing up, and you could see his nausea rising until he erupted. Unfortunately it got removed for 'violent content'.
I wish more people would record themselves throwing up from the stomach flu. Especially boys lol. We really just need more boys puking naturally with no fucking laughter! I don't know about y'all, but I'm really not a fan of people puking from too much alcohol. Idk why really, probably because it's usually recorded by their idiot friends laughing in the background.
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pyro-yoshi · 2 years
So good! He tried to get it all in the bucket but made a mess on the floor anyways. I wish I could have rubbed his back and comforted him.
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pyro-yoshi · 3 years
Drake ate something that didn't agree with him, now he's puking all over himself because he just couldn't keep it down any longer.
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pyro-yoshi · 3 years
Still here
Hey guys, just checking in. I know I haven't posted in ages, but I'm still around. I've been somewhat distancing myself from Tumblr's emeto community.
The older I get, the pickier I get about my emeto content. In order for me to be like, "Oh yeah that's hot!!!" the guy who's puking has to be at least somewhat attractive, the puke has to be visible and there has to be no or minimal (preferably no) laughing from others in the background. So many would be great puke videos are completely ruined by the camera person and their buddies laughing hysterically when the action starts.
That, my friends, is why I thirst, crave and DESIRE for male versions of Phowa House videos. I want it so bad!
I'm becoming very fussy about sickfics and emeto art as well. There are tropes I love, such as a sick character copiously throwing up in public, a sick character cuddling with their S/O afterwards, characters making a huge disgusting mess, characters feeling awful for hours before finally vomiting and getting relief, the caretaker rubbing the sick character's back or kissing their forehead, etc.
But I can't do the 'oh you poor sick bby uwuwu' stuff or adult characters acting childish/crying before they puke. A character's eyes watering from the force of their retching? Good stuff! A character getting weepy and teary just because they feel nauseous? Nope, not for me. And if a character says something like, "My tummy huuuuuurts...." it completely takes me out of the story because nobody over the age of 10 would say that.
Since a lot of the new content here isn't my thing, I've been slowly drifting away.
Unfortunately a lot of the blogs I loved, wether they posted fantastic videos or amazing sickfics, are either inactive or coming here less and less. Those of you who are still here, you know who you are and I absolutely love your content!
I will post more videos in the future, though I've got to be honest, I probably won't be on here much anymore.
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pyro-yoshi · 3 years
Puke scenes in horror books
I posted before about being on a reading kick. I LOVE horror novels, and so many have emeto in them! It's fantastic. Just today I started reading Savage Species by Jonathan Janz, and while the book itself is nothing special so far, it continues the trend of emeto in horror.
"He vomited long and hard on the cave floor and found himself writhing in his own regurgitated lunch"
I'm keeping a list of horror novels with emeto scenes, and while I'm only going to post books with male emeto here, I'm also keeping track of books with female emeto in case anyone wants that list.
Contagious by Scott Sigler
Doctor Sleep by Stephen King
Dread by Clive Barker (short story)
Heart Shaped Box by Joe Hill
Hex by Thomas Olde Heuvelt
House of Leaves by Mark Z. Daneilewski
Infected by Scott Sigler
John Dies At The End by David Wong
Little Heaven by Nick Cutter
Misery by Stephen King
Pet Semetary by Stephen King
Savage Species by Jonathan Janz
The Cipher by Kathe Koja
The Forgotten Island by David Sodergren
The Handyman by Bentley Little
The Last Ritual by S.A Sidor
The Midnight Meat Train by Clive Barker (short story)
The Night Will Find Us by Matthew Lyons
The Ritual by Adam Neville
The Ruins by Scott Smith
The Shining by Stephen King
The Terror by Dan Simmons
This Book Is Full Of Spiders by David Wong
And then there are books that tease me with characters feeling nauseous but not puking (The Ballad Of Black Tom by Victor Lavelle) or talking about being sick and mentioning throwing up but it's not described (Salem's Lot by Stephen King).
I love how, in any given horror novel, there's at least a 75% chance that someone will puke or at least feel nauseated. It's great.
Any horror buffs amongst you with suggestions? I won't read a book just because a male character vomits, but it's a big plus.
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pyro-yoshi · 3 years
I wouldn’t have jumped out of the way, I’d stand there and let him puke all over me.
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pyro-yoshi · 3 years
Short but good. I wouldn’t actually do this, but I have a fantasy of stealthily watching a guy puke from over the stall divider without him knowing I’m there.
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pyro-yoshi · 3 years
Also, not to get too analytical, but this specific character was very extroverted and comic reliefy, and held the group together. I guess something to do with the extreme vulnerability of throwing up paired w that character type was fascinating to me?? Honestly who knows.
And we agree yet again. I always like to see the more extroverted characters get sick. I’m the same way with fandoms. It seems like every fandom has that one character people love to torture and 75% of the sickfics will be for that character. It’s almost always the quiet, introverted or shy character. In my main fandom, The Walking Dead, that character is Daryl Dixon. Fans love to whump him and make him sick. Sure, I’ll take sick Daryl, but I’d rather see Rick or Negan do the puking.
The entire sick fic community as a whole needs more sick extroverts!
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pyro-yoshi · 3 years
I'm the 'are we the same' anon, and I just have to tell you this story that nobody in my life knows lol. When I was really young, maybe around 7-8 years old, I used to get this cololurful clay stuff that you can shape and then bake and it becomes hard. It was called Fimo. And I made this little figure of a dragon from a show I used to watch, but I made a 'bowl' next to him and filled it w puke-esque clay. And I would play pretend that he was sick. WHY WAS I LIKE THIS?
As a kid I liked to make my toys sick too! (I also made the clay sculptures. I loved that stuff, though I had a different brand.) When I was alone I liked to pretend that my stuffed animals were sick, though I was too young to understand why I was doing it.
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pyro-yoshi · 3 years
Husband puking story part 2 from 4 years ago
Continue from my previous post from 4 years ago about my husband getting sick at Folklife. We are still married! And this is still the most exciting sexual experience I have ever had, anyways here we go. My poor husband looked so sick and so out of it. He looked up to me with sad desperate eyes. His eyes were all watery and his body was weak. He had been vomiting a lot and I was worried about him. It’s funny, because later on when I told him about this he didn’t remember this part, so I guess he was more drunk than he seemed. I knew he needed the pot because he was going to be sick again. I held the pot out below his head and I said in a quiet concerned voice “you’re gonna be sick again sweetie?” I couldn’t see his eyes. He just nodded with his face in the pot and his body jerked and a stream of vomit fell from his lips. He struggled to get a breath as he gagged violently and small streams of vomit came gurgling out. He was very weak and having trouble holding his head up so some vomit was slashing out of the pot. “It’s ok baby, it’s ok honey. I got you, you’re gonna be okay.” I reassured him as I put the pot down on the floor and got next to him, wrapping an arm around his back so I could steady his head over the pot. I felt so bad for him, he was still throwing up and there wasn’t much left in him. I could see down from above his head in my hands. I could see his eyelashes, and his nose, and streaks of pinkish vomit coming from his mouth and landing in the pot. When he finished vomiting, I laid there next to him holding him and making sure he was going to be ok. He was so sweet, and weak, and vulnerable, and cuddly. My sexy tough man, melting into the comfort of my arm. Even though he felt awful he didn’t even complain. After holding him for awhile I asked if he was ok. He was just trying to relax his weak body. I went to take the pot and dump it out into the toilet and clean it. When I came back into the room he was still resting. I looked at how sweet and helpless he was. Being able to take care of him is my fantasy. I couldn’t believe this was happening. I was concerned, but I was also turned on beyond anything I thought imaginable. My husband is very sexual and an amazing and generous lover. I don’t think he has ever once turned me down. Seeing him so weak and helpless I really couldn’t help myself, I wanted so badly to suck his cock until he woke up. I cuddled up to him and scooted under the sheets where I pulled his soft cock out of his boxers and pants and started sucking on it. He put his hands on my head and let out some soft noises as he woke up to the sensation. “Just relax and enjoy sweetie” I said as I continued to slurp and lick and suck his now fully hard cock. He started pulling my head up so that he could kiss me. That’s so fucking sexy that he kisses me after he vomits, he has done this another time too and it’s so fucking sexy. I could taste the vomit on his tongue. He reached down and began to rub my pussy, which you can guess, was EXTREMELY wet. I’m taking wetter than I think I have ever been in my life. I had never been more turned on. After touching my wet pussy he said “oh fuck…”looking at how wet his fingers were. I started reaching down to put his cock inside me so I could ride it. I slid his cock in and started grinding on it. He couldn’t help but grab my ass and thrust up into me. He never was lazy in bed. It felt so amazing. He couldn’t hold back and he flipped me onto the bed and started thrusting into me. I could tell he was weak, and sweating. He’s so fucking sexy because he literally puts everything he has into making love to me. He kept going until I came, 2 times. He even went down and licked the cum up off my pussy. Like damn my man loves my pussy, I never met a man that ate it like he does. He just touches it and fingers it and stares at it and kisses and licks. Oh my god does he know how to touch me. After we finished making love I asked him if he wanted some water because he had been losing a lot of fluid. He told me he didn’t want to drink any because he was afraid he would start throwing up again. I told him to stay and rest and I could go get him ginger ale. I drove to the store and quickly picked up some supplies to help him feel better. I went in and opened some ginger ale for him. I told him to try taking small sips. He accepted reluctantly. He laid in bed and sipped it and watched tv with me for awhile. I got up to go outside for a second, when I came back in o saw my husband standing over the toilet with one hand on the wall behind it and spitting. “Oh no my poor baby! Are you still sick sweetie? Are you just gagging or throwing up?” I asked concerned. “I’m… throwing up…” he said in a sad sick shaky voice. “Oh no honey!” I said as I walked over and wrapped my arms around his body. He gagged some small amounts of liquid, followed by some spitting, then he was done. He brushed his teeth and we went to bed. We spent the rest of the night cuddling. My sweetie had a hard time getting rest and his stomach was hurting most of the night. Since then he has gotten sick a couple more times I might share if anyone would like to know. He is always so fucking sexy when he vomits, and he always lets me be there to comfort him so I get to see everything. I really do love him with all my heart and he is my souls mate, and also holy shit am I lucky because I love to watch him vomit.
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pyro-yoshi · 3 years
So, I thought I was the only straight woman into this until I discovered your blog like a year or two ago. I don't know if it would be weird to message you to chat, it's such a weird thing to connect over and I've never done it before lol. I don't know if you share this, but when I was younger I was equally fascinated by guys and girls puking, but as puberty hit I just ended up enjoying watching guys puke. Anyway, I appreciate your blog!
Hi there, anon. You’re not me from a parallel universe, are you? Because I’m EXACTLY like you! As a kid, I liked thinking about everyone and everything puking: boys, girls, anthro/non human fictional characters, my toys, everything! Then when I started developing real crushes on boys at school, my interests shifted and I became 100% into male emeto.
I will say this though, it does seem like straight women who solely enjoy male emeto are a rare breed. I’ve noticed that, when it comes to this kink, even women who claim to be 100% straight are often just as into female emeto as male emeto, if not more so. Does anyone have thoughts as to why this is? I’m legitimately curious.
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